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The Pick of Products Exhibited at 14 County and Local Fairs Will be Shown at the New Mexico State Fair. -yjsnri ni-yri rmorssir-Miii" . i n-- I Mltclil In Im bjiIm rirfMirt. mrnt omiIiI help lint mayor i-wrry out IOm ri'MiN H,U'-tT. IT reformer ever accomp lished much on a pea nut diet. MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS rnmrNKmzKN, Vt. I. No. . A11TJQTJERQUE, NEW MEXICO, THURSDAY, JULY 16, 1914. THE EVE VINO IITOAI.D VOU 1. NO. Ilfc 4.V trto r I fit NO . i - C0II5TITUTI0IUST GIF 1 IT REACH UTT Refusal to Arrive at Understanding with Carbajal Govern ment by Diplomatic Means will Result in Witholding of recognition by This Government Until a Legal Election is Held.' Other Powers Gently Advised to Follow Suit. UNCERTAINTY AS TO VILLA'S COURSE IS AN UGLY CLOUD OH THE MEXICAN HORIZON Bandit Leader is Massing Forces in Chihuahua with Avowed Intent! of Making Extensive Demands Upon Carranza or Moving on Mexico City to Secure the Placing of An other Provisional President. Troops Remain at Vera Cruz. STRICT CENSORSHIP RESTORED ON ALL , KEVVS DISPATCHES FROM MEXICO CITY W asrilngloil. July It. Tin- I mini Ntatra liMlay Instructed Joint It. Mlhnian. Anicrheq consul al altiHo. li lnfoim tH-wral far. ranaa llial If h" arrive al a waicful agri-cmeni with llie? t'hr Ja yrrnmriil for llu IrnrWit of uMT al Mcxlm C'll. rrs-iigiil-lin Mill itts i-xti-mli-il to tlx1 rrsiillam administration. Mimilil ariiu n(ur to imiilie Um Mitlrnuiii of tin- Inicr. imI conflat liy riiltmaili- HMan anil InM m a limHIilr miry In to Mnhn 1'lly. rcs-iatiililon will lie ik-frrrl until tla-iv In a rental rlesllon. AtWaan force. aiiia-dlng to i-M-nt plans, will not la? with drawn ftotii Vrra trua unlit a goirn;mtil In m ntnilsrd. ThlH drtrimiiiatliin a ri-ai hrd ly President Wilson mil herniary Htysn after Ihe vtr point of thr &i,jth American mediator urn laid beforr them. I'mtrr Ihe term of a protocol signed h( Niagara Kail, the I'nllvd Plates. Arii .ittlne, llr.iml anil Chile went on tcmrd promising rec ognition In Ihr government wl Ui j any agreement In! Horn Ihr two l)excrt factions. To vll.illite Unit l'rnticol. I hp Washington guv crnnictit Hint ihr :nrillalor now arc bending their riforti. Thr firm move Inward el fr ling a transfer of government to Ihr con stitutloiialist alrrady lias len inkcn ly Provisional president I'arb.ijal. The lhrij ira vifinniaMlonrrH, on I hi-lr uy to ronfir with ('urritniui i.r Ilia illvlnlnn rotniM.inlir. Hitiful oi'mon. lira thoroiiithly rnnl M ill nm.ll -mti ii thrlr tioiitltnl iK'lit'f mill Krtr'iM'li mi'inlx'l n of thr Mh ilriiMt i iarty. Thry iirr hImi clour I' fi limit of Cirli.i Jul. He b rnl llirm In cnnlrr with thr I'oimllluli.niHllHt rhlrf hraiim hr hrhrvrn Ihry nn o'ltHln mitliilartory Irimii I"r Ihr I ru nail Ion of thr anvrrli.nint WiiHlilngtnn dll'loniMla lirirr.illv rrcrlvril iinniinrii from thrlr IrKailoni at Mrjlrn City toiluy lonflrmlng Ihr rmliiiiHt ion of tirnrrul llurrta. Mm iHirr Muarri of Chllr mill It W4N hi, hrlirl lhl I'HrmJ.u nirnl. w.uitr'l gnarantrra thnt ihr ll ri and I'roi'rriy of thr 'i-"Mr in I In- fnli tri rl toty rtould he ronnrrvrd Ihrouxh a grnrtnl Hinwily r Uiniilmii. Whni thai wna arrnnurd hr lirlirvrd a Iriiimiion would tr promplly rlfi-rlid. H.if.irl Kuharxn and I.nula I'ahrrrn, two of i furrmixu a rrpniu n trtllvra hrrr. aald Ihry virrr iinxwiire what wotild hr the nrit mine in ihr all nation, hut thoiighl Ihr arnding of Ihr Cur tin Jul 10111:11 llin to colli) T with f'Hrrnnia aiiuld piohiilily hr inngihlv rriulla. VII.I.A H .TTITMK OM.V ( lilll ll ll TliK IIMItl.ON Thr only cloud on (he horlxon ol peace In Mexico wua Ihr un ertainly atioiii the attilunr of !enim Villa tnloriniilion from relia'de aouicea wna that he l con enir.iling hie torcrs In Chihunhua mil notihern I Mexico, ao hi Hi imnkt vigiiroui lie- limnda on l.'arraniu. . It w.a rri.orie.1 that .hen th.. con- ferenc. ..I ni.M il. I- .all...l a. Ic. Cliv after Uennal Catr-nxa rn- ..... .1.... -.i.. ..11, . .'to the A met li nn linen al era crux -m 1. .-. . i.ii niiiiririii iohj i - . , ... , !. iv-.oi.i I. puiinuiuin niioiiii-i 1 11 M 1 . ki 1 . .- ....... 1 I -.. C,.rr..r.rt aymim.hle make . . , a.....v - I" IIM lllll Till U ill IHC INtUIIS wily . no at" ret of the fact thai Ihry arr " ' , t,. , . , . ... other feileral on the tioldcr. The app,rhrn.lva of ilU altitude ror Anrlt.Mn rm. wmill , lllrn lllHm hut rraaon thry ar. working hard executed hy con.lllutlon- to obtain recognition of i arr.inx.i a m umiB government ... that the rmhargu on w(h U(.lU., lml,.r,L. turf)r a. ma inn y be .hnrply enforced vXiilkn ,,,., M, , ,.,, ,.re.i. the bordar anil any lout.lrr revolu- Wtlm,n .,, (lwiK!r. ,0ily lion nipped In tho incipient Wl4pj ,M ,,., f ,hl. llllMion The rxiuM'tatloii of the Hdmlnlnlri- f the thre fedeial rnvoyg who lion la arrangement will be amrtrd from Mexico City lor Crhiyu made for thr peaceful entry of ihr 10 arrange with thr cotuitit uIIoiimIikIb ronatitutlnnullala Into Mexico City In for peuieful entry Into tnr capital. cb an t'urranxa and hia grnrrala fin- Tha tominittee conaialrd of Ihree ally rrfunr In accept Prriildetil far- former mcmlila of Ihr chamber if I'hJmI. pending the hoMliag ot an elrc. ilriiillr. Hit what tniaia thry h .pen Hon. Prraidrnl Wllaon believe olh- to negoii.iie fur the lianaltion ot rr nationa will nul lerogniar gny new power wu not Indicated. Mnuy government until tha I'niteit Ht.ilea ' d.plonyit In W nahlnglon, however, haa indicated It attitude. for th it thought fr raiicUco i'arbajiil. who wtt rrnaon he think that th rnnaiilit-1 rn In a auccraaor to iiuerla. tlomillata will lw very careful In thai might he dlapoaed to accept the procedure. The priMdent I under-jlerma of the plan of OuHdulupe. I.i..d In hu 1 a no ohletlon In I'uT. .which prov bird lor the naming l ir-, e- 11 bajal rxcept on the a ore that he dr rived hla power from llurrta, and willing to accept him. If thr eonail- luUoimliale will agree, ag rovlaioliul presldrnt until election. While houar official were ronfl- drnt today that th. ronalitutlonallata will e lenirrate In thrlr they e-iter Mexico City. Iieve there Is nn danger a ta when TU i ha of whole- gala killing or bulling. Kenor Itlano, the Hpanish a-nmis-sador, called on Secretary tlryan to day to maks reprearntatluns lor the safely of ripanlah cllisrns In Mexico t'ity. lis was unable lo any whether th epaniah nitMy would, toinlr. J A to rrprimhl Mrxhn In Ihr I'lillrd .Sl.ilm umler rruViHlonul !rridrnt L'arlwjMl. Ol I'll I Al. AIMiTti I'l.KAM l AT I'lUKil'H' oflhial" early today threw 110 lUhl on the deatinatioii of tlrnrral lluerta uml rrlugrea of hi party, ulthough It atill wu generally heltird their a pen lu train and iro" r ori were heail.-d for Puerto Mex rh""ld Hueila racolt lake him ... ... . tho Mrxiran aoldler" iirolutlily would . ... . . not tie to pa 101 through un l- "' rvndrred and conrented w C 1'l iiiraiixii. ronatltulloitallBt chief, a 1 provisional pieaidenl, pending eleu- i lion throughout the republic. All doubt In Waahingion over the ro-jrae Iiuerla might pursue anrr hla rralgnation wa diapelird today 1 hu lh. .liort Ihul he ii'llh htii ImiiIi. I . u, ... ,nMr, ,,., nlMnilllel. 'hud left Mexico City !.ord a train. I preauinahly for Puerto Mexico. There II wa presumed he would follow the Heps of Porfulo Ihag and hoard a ship for Kurope. lluerta a departure look place after li had figured a th cenier of an iniproniptu reception 1 1 - . . .. r . . ill a proooiieiii rate I While Preaidtnt Wilson and Seer I Ury Uiyga wi sllvnl aUur th an- nounrrmrnl of lliirrta'a rraignnllon, thrv wrrr juhllan. orr i rol'ri ta fur rarly niljuatmrut of thr prohlrni thiit hiia vrxnl Iwn ndlmltiairulion uml thrriilrtird In lilungr thr t'nltrd Slii'ra Into n forrign wur. Thr rtoiiih Ann rli mi mrdliitor who hrouHhl ahout thr iraautlon of hoallllllra hrtwrrn thr I nllrd Hliilr and thr llurria Koxrrninrtit would (i.nllnur thrlr rfforta. It wna lir llrvnl. In ilrur thr way for ronfri rnrm hrtwrrn thr two Minliull fur tctia h I lord at nvrrilua Ilia iiomIIuI lly of furthrr liloodNhrd. t'lirruniui, thry Ihouxhl, would gnln hy intrr Ina Into m h ronfrirnrra, lirrniiar hr might hy that mean a gun run tee for hlmarlf Immediate rn Munition of Ihr WaKhlngton and the fouth Amrrliun overnmrutH. llitrrta'N envoy, who took pari in thr Ninaiirn iiriierrdlnaa. atill renin In In New York at the cull of thr Hi t- I'll City government f Ciirlmjnl rhoiild de'-lde to attempt m gr.! union" wilh thr riiiiaillulotiullrla through another channel than Crlayu. Meanwhile thr Amerlrnn wurrhllia will (tund hy in the linrhor of Vera t'rui and llrigiidler .i nernl Funa ton a trooii. will continue thrlr ud- ministration of the port Mini pence la restored In the war-torn rrputilic. Nl'IX IXI. r.IIIIYIi lll l IIT I.Ss:n Tllltoll.M OMtlMHIA Veru 'rug, July 1. The aprrlal tr.iln anld to he ronvrlng tirnrnilH llurrtii Htid lliiniirt from Mexieo city panned through Corilolm early today on Km wrv to Puerto Mexico. according to I.leiitenant Colonel z luniH, romniHiider of the Mexican Irdrrnl nutpovta. The train. It wax linderalnod. to reach OrixahH he. tween fi and ucha k In the morn ing. The work of repairing the hrrak In the railway in to he rAmplrtrd I'V Suturduy, according to Colonel Izvin aa. lie added that hr hud not rr- cetved any Inntrui llotu. to wlthdraw thr Mexican uutpoal. (AIUI.WKA Will, PIKHIIII Tt '1-n r; ( ITV Monterey. Meg., July I i. via l,n- rrdo. Tex.. July It. When Informed of llurrta rmlgtiMllon tonight Cn-11-eral t'Hrranxn. the rnntllii!loniillt leader, mxde no comment for putill rnllon, hut a Carranza official uld he hi'llrvrd I here w ould hr nn change in hla uttiludr or Ihr movementa ol tho eonHtiiuilonnliat army hut It would proceed lo capture Mexico City. He iilalif id 1 hi aliitcnv .it h.v Haying thin plan :niKlit he chained in I tie event of iinconillliotial nurYen- drr of the Mixnan force under the new preaident. ttlNTl:ll ItlAtH I I TIOV is I'l.AWHI IIV ll7. Pan Antonio. Tex.. July IK K.' pnria thai a Juitt wu heiiig formeil In Kl Pami in thr InirrmtK of Kehx Dial were hcing iliwliened utiul fil ial ly by army off terra here lod.iy. The lillll. it wu aaid, huh to atari .1 con li ter revolution againat Cnlrai,..i and Villa and arcure Mid of Hueil.i Irrrg u1 11a. IIKAVV .l ltl HHt IIIKItTX: MitUT I i;soll.MIIP III MtHtl.ll Mexico City. July in. When lieu- crHl Vlcturiiiini lluerta and a lingo pari of hla lunula coinlioaed of for mer ninilmeie of at.ue und pr"inl- nrnt official of hi udiiiiiilatruiloii, tepprd on the apeclul train on their fllghl lait night I- Puerto Mexico, a atlong eorl of Hie Tenly-nl:ith Mexican federal infantry Hvcumpanicd them. Till I thr regiment which Iwh hu been renowned for lla loyalty to th former dictator and whuh ha alwiiy formed hu poclul guard ul the national palace. . Only a few prraoa were al tha Blallon to wuneaa th,. departure, which evidently had been carefully planned. A atriot crnaomhlp waa lnipuaed to day cm Incoming 111 avrll aa outgoing , a.apauhea. llK. TK UHUI. 1 Tltl TO I I I Hill MI XICO IH l.l.t. IIM purrto Mexico, .l ily 1J.-P. I cur Tho (leaignallon of r ranclwo rrntly tepotUd lod.iy Hun liriieral bajal for the pruvlaloiiiil prmidrncy JU( (., ( i n ti, ol)t () ,hri.t t lirouiho 11 ... - rechlna here this morning. The fuel that the new president Is a culllan contributed lo win for him Ihe sym pathise of the Mtxnun eople who apl'iar to have become llred of a mil itary dictatorship Although almost all the troops ol -rrUuin of Mexico City left with (lenerul lluerta and ihe meiiHxr cu his lamily, compute iUiel hna IT- vailed In re luday. A number of re.olulloiiHiy troops occupy a pomuon at 1 uiy .nmi. . - Ullage not far from tne capiiai, am no ltenilit hu luell made by 10 enter Mexico fltv u tliry have I been oidcred hy the northern load ers lO BUiMWnil ail opeiaiions. Uenural Joae llrfuglo claa.o rr lelvrd ihe appol-ytment of minister of war early Hit morning and was sworn In al II o clock. It waa ex pected that the other ministerial of flieg will be filed later In the day. vn V1. IOlM.Y WUTIMi MH IIIHITV Vera Crux. July l.l'i nil a quar ter I'ust 1 o'clock this morning n apeclul train from Mexico City hid passed tlrisnha, according to reliable Information from that place. It had been expected that llenera! Huer'.a and big lleelnc companlona would go hna len well reieived iiirou.non ir( U ttillUH ,,, , ,, ,.,, ,lt kw the republic, according to repor(a1(l , (( , ri. Thp .,hli VICTORY FOR PRESIDENT'S POLICY III European View is that Elimi' nation of Kuerta Justifies Wilson's Persistence and Patience. LONG STEP TOWARD A SETTLEMENT IN MEXICO Serious Difficulties Yet to be Expected but Thought Solu tion of the American Puz zle is Possible. London, July la. llurrta leaiK'iiitlon of tiir provl-donul prm Ideniy of Mexico la r' uanled un vic tory for prealdent WiIhoii policy and I welcomed Ky the !rltlh pun lb and in official iliclca In 10 aa 1 poainble aoluiion of the Mexican problem. A peaceful ,-tid to the com plex altuatlon la great)) dealrrd l.rre on account of II. e largo Ilriilrh fin uncial Interval In the country. MiihI of Ihr Ijondon nrwapuper. however, oprea doubt a lu whether condi l on will he hett3- under Carranxu thru when rieiur.ii itJiitd waa 'n power l-i Mexico Cly. The Pall Mull diKi lle polni otil that if Krunciavo Carlinjiil. the new prov iaioniil prealdetil, HUr reiuli TH 10 Ciirranxa in he I expe led '.o ilu "it nmy oon be porrlbli. to exn 'I rei.urallon from . ieneral Villa for the murder at Juarez of William S, llen ti.n. Ihr hVottlfo rancher." Tiir Kveni:ig Simulant ua: "The Wuahington udmiiilMrHtliin ha i n diilomalic victory. Prealdriil Wllaon "i..b been peiKmirnt and pntirnt In hla polity of linn-l 1 og'iil ion of lien eral Hiicrtn but i' la likely enough he will lie met now hy other oiial 1 1 Ich .iut aa hard to iilrniount a wnti lien, nil Iluerla'a oimt Inacy." Thr lllidir liiken much the aaine vlrw, auyinu: "Tiir elimination of ileiii ral II 111 ri .i in a triumph of hihIh of pri'Mulent Wilson, hut It may be UMKUincd Hint hi Oil fereic 1 n und 1, ixlrtie uie by no mean ovt. There la no renhon to uipoe that the ren opinion of the Mexican peo plr will have mole opportunity lo aa aerl Ihemaelve under timer il Car ra iixii thin Ibev had under (ietierul Iluertn. The Pulled Htatea, however haa hern warned by experience not 10 liuiulre loo 1. .n. I y. not to expe 'I 11 o inurh." through nrlabii r n'y today on Iheli way o Puello Mcxnu. Alt MY l IK i:il W ltM li TO Kl I P II Wits ni l W iiHiiinuloii. July 1H. riecretacy tlaiTlion toiluy telegraphed lllll. inller lieueial ltli-. commiiiider ol the American troopa on t he horde! , ordering Amerb fficer to tefnin from pai t iciput 11m 111 any inn t in or coiifrii n. wiili Mexican officer: c t any (at (1011. 111 1 iir Mitiuiii 1 tlo ,, ,(,,, cruiser ltritol un at the pier in fro-ti or the at iiioti today and (ierinan irun-er Inesden al prouchlifg ihe h.'it.or. the t lAsottl li IIM III lnitT ri Ws) ,i: III I I l I It I M.MI Y Mexico City, J'i: In government. '' ' toriano limit. 1 luii. VUlOlial plrHlllele ' baj. I. has been 1 . Ihe puplllice. l.v stru(io'i made in b Citrhaiii w lieu he H Tile change eby ( Icliel al VI ' id over the pio o frail' im o (nr. inly re clved by ..pi tin di'moii ilmr of Ptreldrllt was Ion tug I he - hulbliims ufti-r 0111 bursts of liu- rbiimocr of ilipu'i. taking the until. m poilniica have ' There were a streets of "Iiown 'ia Cai rn nun.' . 111 red. I. vv shout n the w Hi lluerta,'' ami but Ihe poll e promptly slopped nil am It demon, sir.itlons. (lelierel llurrta who rrinained In Hie caiulal some h" irs afler his res- lunation, is In flight, pmhuiily on Ins way to Puerto Mexico to Join till' family and friends h.i left for thst port a day earlier (ietieral A ur.-llu no llaniuel, hi minlalrr of war and atriii. g adherent, went with Hueila hrn he left the 1 i'y lat ll nulu. (Continued c I'M Two.) ELKDOM JOINS IN JOVIAL CELEBRATION IN DENVER TODAY funver. July I. Jovial Klkdom exemplified In ill ill tcalim from Itochl'Hter Itoiroll, Han KlanrlM'-o. (lakl.llnl. llotl'der, Colo; lowboi Irotn Cheyidine, Wyo.; iniilatlon In dian fro:n Ijr-idvlllr, t'olu.; a ino'i iroU4 huuiiiii "babi elk" firm New llampHhire, jianHed in review hrrr to day In the tiuiHird parade of t hr 2Mb iiallonal Iriinlon of the Itciirvoleitt 11 ml Proln tiv r Hiler ol I'.k. The ill III te.ima preaetited 11 inn n uh 1 11a I In y inari lied, the cow boy from Cheye-ine drowned theit own batid null round up cli, Ihr In dian I111111U inlroilii' ed their mux! with .an cnlibi r revohi i. nnd atuik danced to their own hiiihIc while oth er marcher tangoed. The Indiana delegation I nmnl ainglug "(in ihr Hunk of Ihe W.i linsli,'' the lllrmltiuhiim, Ala., tl b Ra tion mill in i iluieliio-de ulaleil au tomobile, und Ptah Hulled heliitul 11 pcilcMtallcd idk. each member ct tin end of a purple and while rltihon . Pony 1 h -ii with eblldlen of Klk' In luirpln and white filled gap in diviHion. The grand ImUe golden Jubilee aen alon Hri for thin moihing win nhiin donrd lilllll Hie ohm lUhlnii of the parade. Hiving voted Ho. return of the co "goal" to tiilli.ilh.ii ritual ntvl ilri'.ilnl a pi opoMii niti to uppoinl a commifcMoti to atiindardlxr the ritunl. the grand Inline waa cxpei'lcd lo complrle I l.i work I. He today. ROCKEFELLER WILL STAf WITH THE HEW Hi Denial Today of Rumor that Standard Oil Man and John L. Billard Would Desert the Ship. New York. July 11.-- Prior lo the meeting of director of the New York. New Haven Ai lliii'tluld. which wu et lor tin h rtcrtin'ih, leporlM 11 h to the anticipated rcaiKniitinri of Ulllii.m Kockcfeiler from Ihr hoard were dippelh d by nnuouticciiirtil liuin Mr. Uockefelli r Unit he intend, rd not mil lo lake putt in lod.iy'r meeting hut would 1 otitiiiue to arrvc aa director. Thr cfTect of the an nouncement wua to diNcredit u kim 1 In l- repot t that John 1.. ililli.ii d wui ulao on Ihe p"lnt ol li-iuleliti In reaigniiiion. ItiH'ki'fcll) Y Sidl I i limine rwat. New York. July IH W'lMlaiil Kill kefelb I'm aeal oil I hi; New York ntiH'k exchange huh ponied today for transfer lo bin aon, Pen y A llocke fi lief. OF EMPRESS A WHITE SLAVE Woman Thought Drowned in St. Lawrence Appears in California with Two Men Arrested Under Mann Act. (nlailo. C lie Wiibtts. have been I Ireland do-...' ul.. July : - Mm llat- v ll'l Was allppoi" i to et In tile K.lll'lc-. el ter 111 the .-:t I. aw irir r ll.11. baling a I1U.-I1.111.I .in, I f..ui cliil'li'rii in Toro-tto, Can., van aiioi eil here liiil. ly in iiillll'aiiv of ll. Maiiriui and 1.. I: lt'l , alxi of T"i' onto. I'lii two men I ll.11 Ki' of lil lliuiti Ml" Iroio Can. ul. 1 and will u the polW,. un'il 11 u Ki II Ke ot M'tat .lig I h nlale licl .1 III lie pi i 'l by llii. fedei il .1.11 twin "it I t on a W.llclH bill delafird !'V ii a 11 w to 1 her Mann While iitja.ti'i (lie 11; The Ill- formation is licit II Ihe money Htid II. n bring Mi Widens h' t children arr reported t onto. till luiubbei. nil a. ul il to Two of hef . be ill in Tor Atlanta I -a mix I iiltcrily. All. 'lit. 1. (lu. July IH --AthiMla, W'li. selei led as the loiiti"ti for ti e tni veislly to be established rasl ef the MisHssipid river hi (he Method:)-! P.plscopul Churi h South 111 n meet ing here today of Ihe education eouiinisi.loii appointed by lue tat grnerul -onfereiica to 1 hooe a site The university lo he established hv the church west or thr Mississippi iilrrady hag licrn awarded to Pallas. Texas. . .. SUPPOSED VICTIM 10 LET UP FIGHT TO GOlFIifl JONES Opponents of Chicago Man De clare They Have Majority in the Senate Against his Confirmation. ADMINISTRATION STILL CONFIDENT OF VICTORY Bill to Extend Payment for Land Under Irrigation Pro- jects to-Twenty Years Be fore House Today. Wellington, July 16. There wu no let-up today ill President Wilson fight for the confirmation of Thomas i. Jones of Chicago for Ihr reserve hoard. Intimations that the in. inflation might be withdrawn Irom the senate were vigorously denied l' Ihe While lloiiso oftlcliils who thought thr ndiiiliilHtrution upport ern had Increased in numlier over night. (ipponentn of tho confirma tion wire confident they could bint It. The ndmiiiixtrutioti still was hopeful ,,f victory. thmiKh by a Blen der majority. A letter endorsing Mr. Jones, sign ed by Iwelity.lwo lurge business con cerns in ChhuKo. wu iiiiiiId public today ut the While House. TIMi: I'MMIAT KXTIAM(I in 1 oki; not mi; run y Washington. Julv 1 - Kxtenslon of the petiod lioin ten to twenty vecis III whldi settlers on Irrigation project in tlie west may pay buck i t.i the government the eonsti mlioii Cohl against t ll.lli is provided lo In 11 lull Willi h was before the house i for discussion ludnv. president Wil son, .ierrclury lauie. ulticiuls of the r. 1 lain. illun M-rv''r mid olhrrs have nppi'ovid thr proposi d 1 xti nslon of tune. Thousand of settbis ale af fected by the pmposed leglslittion. 1'liey nli- s.nd I" have found il plai- tliillly Illlpiosllile to meet Ihell oy IlielttH to the K... .liuin lit M 1 1 ll 1 11 Ho' ten-ear period. A iikiiuber of repn--H'lilalivc.-. i:i 1 1 1 iiiai h ftom iniga tloi stali-H, bad ai-ked tunc for spit-chcs oh I to- lull (ml. iv. Picblciii lliis linligestlon. Wnshiimion, July I'l - President Wilson had a I flu iitta. k ol Iniliues tlou loil iv and .ail' elb .I Ins eug.igi -mint1.. II. had ut 1 .' luii-d to have two 1 on!. Ten. rs with New Yolk liusinei.4 lli.-u anil W ai lo lllive met lllll II ' colli;l'i .--hlliell oil putrotiuge etn'tls. Tin- i n anient ntti'iulcil s. irei uv 1,11 in i.ii;iuia ibiinrr I il lUilt GERMAN BIPLANE WENT FIVE MILES HIGH ). 1 1 m , i i I in.iii , .1 illy M. -TH '- fit III tr.l tutltv m( )i 1 til l itKIiti h '.iir.i'.l t 1 1 111 1 p h ) t It 1 it'h, w iu I 1 "ai Dip alMluil' l-titil iti Iiim -('..tut' k' v il tli.ii ho tiN'fftiii'ii .'ti.. "I,i iti ir: IfHH lhn ( i u I111 U (. INDICTMENT EXPECTED IN CARMAN CASE AT MINEOLA TONIGHT Mm. .'l i X. V . Jaly Kraiui Jiiv weighing tin ugainst Mrs. r'loiiti.e III' ki ll u ,. on 1 lie . b.u t ii l b. I 1 llll'IC u I '111 llinli. i.f staying .is shot M I : 1 .0 use t l.l I !ei . who down 111 I'r 'inn. in'e olitce on the llitlhl of June 'J'l lust. WHS expelled lo toil ("i or iiWu.iiM an iinllilmei.t lale i"da I'l.-nut All. .liny Mnllll. In 1. .iiii, it ,u s i I .il.ii. slid that Hie ii-idii t pi oy would not be Hindu piildii until tomorrow. Kill three WlllieeKCH were tl I. ice the gialld jury with Ihe poi-siulc 1X1 epltoii i'l Mil. ('.UIILlll hl'1-.elf. Whelller (hr )nr..s Would lece!ir her mid p.! 11. 11 her to mike a sae- ineiit was 1 p. hi. 1 w in. h had not lieell (I. t.-l nulled tills f'H' liooti. Alter ilu. gland jury luid i-k.un-tin .1 three witiinsis. It Itnm ic. Mis I'orby and Phinc ra'aiiiafi, a il.-le. Ine. liu-irn t AKoirn y Smith re. ailed Kr-uik J I'nin ll. who claims thai he Was Si the back door of th. 1 11 111 hi 11 home when the shot w find and uw a wi.n.jn dull mound the house und Into the door near which h was nUhduig. ryiANAGERS OPEfJ WW TO DEAL WITH MB Committee Representing Rail roads Today Makes Formal Request on Enginemen for Definite Statement of De mands. REPLY TO NOTICE OF THE VOTE TO STRIKE Negotiations ' Expected to ba Resumed as Result of Ad vance Made by the Western Railroad Managers. Chlcngo, July I. A ateu Inward Iho resumption of negotiation look ing toward a settlement of thr wag differences hrtwrrn the 55, 000 rail road rnginemen and firemen and tha wenlern r.illronilH wu taken today hy the conference committer of the railroads In a Inter asking for a def Inilr statement of tho proioaHton Kupimrtrr) by ihe union. The Inter waa addressed to W. H. Stone, grand chief of the Mrothrr of Locomotive Knginrer. and W. ft. fartrr, thr head of thr Hroth rihood of lirotnollve Kiremen and Knginemen and waa In response lo the formal notification of th reutt of thr voir In which nrarly all tha employe favored Btrlkr. The rntuest of Ihr miiinigrra' eotn mldee waa In the following word' "Pleiise advlsr the commutes tha definite proposition you are now supporting under the authority given you by th! trlkr vote, and which we mnv understand to hr thr basis of settlement by which a strike may be averted," The letter wa signed by A. Vf. Trenholm. thuiimai of thr man ager's conference committee. EIGHTY TO STOCKHOLDERS OF THE 0. P. Court Decision Today Supports Distribution of Enormous Sum to Owners of Common Stock. .New Voik. July K. Juste e Pag of the stair supreme court loday reii ib ii-il n decision in favor of the l'n Ion I'a'ilc. lailro.ol compimv in n villi brought by the so-called M I nil de 11 preferred slockholdel i'. who Bought lo enjoin Ihe railtoa.l nun pany from paying 0 Ul'" as nil eslra dividend only lo 1 onuio.n shareholders. A similar dei isiuii In 1111 in tion bl'oiishl ugallist Ihr lomp.iip f .r Ibn same pillpoM. by Ihe I, t 'lit 1 die I. It" Assuriime smic'v was rec nlly irii- lli I h- the stale "lilt i f aplieal-i. The I nioii l .i'a'n xn u.ive coin- llliMci toiluy nl-diled pajmellt of H" extra dn t. lend on the . .111.111011 sl.s k on July .'I The dividend consists of IK" par Value Itallilliole "hm pleferird slo. k, $.';' Mi Halt niiore clii'i ciin 111011. nnd I I ca-b i.r Ihn extra dividend was 1. rib-led in Jaeinirc hut wus held up by the I. ligation. i. A It. I.. Hits lMton. Xew v.. rk. July ). Ru. iiainlr lollapsed after midday to lowest figrues the c.iminon falling 1 and the pielei i. il .1 ' . while th" rclui.'tihg bonds lost 1 per cent Meslilime th'' gelinal tli'trkel held ti rni. I i.i'.ii Pa. (c gnlning a point on announcement ef lh company sr. "ml 1. mil yplviy In connection with the pai 10. nt of th rxlrn dlvl deml to common shareholder. In . i.l. lil.iliy il was il' lite I 10 dlsliuise this do idem! nn July SO. ' ttrs Kaln Kliwr May .H I.oul. July l Tlie f 11 i'l raing since May 2 fell In tin city and viilnlty today. 1 1