Newspaper Page Text
TWO THE EVENING HERALD. ALBUQUERQUE, W. H., THURSDAY, JULY 16, 1914. The Economist wishes to announce A Delightful Surprise for the ladies of Albuquerque iwieT nnnnnc niciCYcnimur i 1 UU I UUIIIIUJ UILLALUUIIIL bed oil CROSSING? on Monday, July 20lh IValch the newspapers for complete details Santa Fc Claim Department Says So, But Santiago Gar- cia Purposes to Find Out Whether 'Tis So. in ihe till ppl'lldl JMlhtH. l'"n tlltl ll.lH iiit) t for around llmt en n pit. die the accident tmaaing, the railroad claim depart refused id consider pny the klllltiK of h liurrn lit- I mTHE ECONOMISTS I I 1 ' a I ' . J 'I ! '. ' , !. ' . .. . 4 . Ml .MMMBHHMMinBnMBXHMMIk. I I r".r-niaeBa niflntin s nLULiiiiinn ummiLi. MARCUS P. SAWTELLE General Contractor Office & Carpenter Shop 211 West Gold Kama lirliit for Hula. Mannh. In Peace i K.i lli, (int., July Id. .Jt-4rnltoil. FUv thoiiKii :n) nic nbrrs tif th,. Masonic craft today hud a celebration In com memoration rf the one hundred yean of 'i.,i-e Ik-Ui-cd Ureal liri.atn and Ihe lulled Hlaira. Th.s In the tnsl organised clrl. ration of tin- rcti-trinity. tm rr t-umi $ jht roams Dr. T. FELIX G3URAUDS ' ORIENTAL CREAM OR MAGICAL BEAUTIflCR lptor Tun. Pirn- tie. I' re k let. nth li ne Na.ti ntt'1 h-tiit iiwn.r. " r h4iii-tnii-ir4rj -ljL jrJxi V . r aX.V! 1 " ,, "r f T ft ,T pmirtly tw,. Ar- (f Milium n n m e. ff L ft. ftllVTe Mid tA Ih.Woi the h..ull..n In ,a'tf til t " At i. In.ttr- will iif Ihrm 1 I--miitit-n '6mra-t data' n the kAi ft the ftkm tif-MMliau." Al dritfifMit mi ( Un-r rinti ttt Slurr. - IK Ul 1 fcui Jm mux. ill . ZZ?ijkJk3 m lntiKitiK Id HmiiIWikh tlurrlu. Thn rlni.n ilrp.irinifnt nv Ihrm U a law whlrli imivk tnllnmilH ili. n't hnvo to I'.iy fur kllliti liitri.a nn it puMic rufHltiK. I Tin- liiirni im loxfril Inlu llio rrl linl Hlf.illu piilrh lit AliininU rrv- r tl Kri kit nan. Omiilp Hull", i hlrf ilrrk 111 thr nffirr lf VlKll & .l iiiitunti, irrwnl'il a rliilm t hr rullrimil im i.irlu'ii nttcunry. Hiir ria a;iv the 1'iirri. vn iiulrt, hnrrt- wnrkltiti iiinl rrii(iintilr, nml worth i-rrv rriif ut I. 'ii. Mr lluil'i will I'll"!- t! urn ll ! II IlllH n"t lir.-ll rllllllilnil Hint thi I'liirn win klllnl nn u pulilln i tiihhiih!, nml lir unrun t uiri in rnllri.ini wimlil hr rxrinpt from urn If l wa. WILL IT GO TO MEETING Republican Inquisition Will Have to Get Along Without It Intended Victim. May or and Gibson to Attend. M GIVE UP IDEA OF 1EPEIIQEI1T POULTRY SHOW TMK I'KN MHtt Of one of .nir ovcnn rmlu a fraj; rain that la nmitt iii'I'i tminu to tin hiinury. It iH tliu HMvvt o.lor of kikk! I'rrad, (iNilivt ly pmo hi, a i... ,, ,n hilrKoiiui. our llrruil. It'illH a:id liih.uit are in u ill ioiikIiI nf'.ir ty llioie lm ilrmuml KixhI lii rail fur tin nmrhta imd fainllira. It la nmilc ut lh very l'c . Ivi (rd II. .or full l thi. iiiiurlBti'nK purl, of the Ki.nn PIONEER BAKERY -1 ttuutL tint B4. K.itu'.ir rnirl ilnritiK thr mayoralty rn:npalKli him lirrn rrvlvril hy thr ailililun Hlilft of ntiji'Ct lirhlncl thr iu-i'oiiil ward inrrtinii tonliiht. whlrh ularlnl nut tn lr u lit in ill t k Bathrr ins for thr pin l'"r of orK.ml7.uiK a nrlKhlioi hiioil linproi einriit iiKMorl.i tioli tin nmr ovrrntKht u pro- roiiiriKhl ami niili-lirmoir.ilir rally. llh Ihi. nlil rnlHuht Ismio un thr milt inn i ry. Alilrriiian J. A. Pklnnrr- frlrml" itc laHl rvrnliiK hy Ihr rlr. iliI.iIIi.ii of nn uriKliiiiril notli r ; throUKhniii thr waril t" thi rffrri that i Mr. Hklnrirr would hr iirrlum-d nt ' ihr nirrtinu for lii nllUudi. on thr' iiiavnr'H rr.lliKht onlliiniK r. .im- I iIiiimii Hkm.HT and t otun ll'iia n t- . run. thn i lhrr arrnnil waril iil'lrrmrn, I hnr Im i n Invlli d to nttrml thr inrrt- I U.K. So hna Mayor lloalrlnht, ho' llva in Ihr ward, filhson hna volrd wlih thr mayor on nil oi'i'tmlona it ' roiiiirll, no hr hna nnthliiK to rxpla'n on ih.. rrdllcht Ihiii or Hnyihlim r'xr that l Imthrrinn tljr "ifonn rm " Ainonx Ihr latlrr nrr nnm l.rrr.l Ihr I n nini ral who hollrd lit Ihr In nt rlrrtlon nft.T thrlr prolrxt arniiiHl thr nominal Ion of l. K. H. ( S.'llrra mih lirnori'd. C'oiim llinnn Skliinrr hai plrnly of fiiniilH In Ihr ward, find It n 'aid ' loilay thHl thrv would makr II i point I lo hr on hand and alvr n mHiillrMln tton of ihr ward arntlmrit on llirir on nrroiinl. Other frlriulu of Mr. Skinner havr ururd him to Unorr thr mr.tln. Aldrrrran Hklnnrr anid today Ihnt hr would nm nttrml thr mrrilna. It n nid that ihr movinu milrim hr hind thr mnliiiK arr nil Itrpulili'iin. and thai thr w nolo Ihlna Ih a Itrpu'i lnun guiir of ihr prarnit Mirtriy. H ih hoprd lo nflr' l Ihr I rino. ralp' j m.Ii , thr aim In Iiik not only to d! up Ihr old (iimpalan Ihhiu-k hut lo ki rp op. n Ih.. orrinh l.rtwrrn hr "riniiiai V nml Ihr niHI-Hrllrra li'il-ik-i.Hk. Thr hnnd thai wlotr That Ihr l'r..plr May Know" in m rn 111 I ho ,i.ti i!!-rni. ntii nml doditi in put out to ihr rrnwd Hi the arroml wuid Hi'lioollli.lll..' t'Ciiuhi. hs i.ioi uit i i iti: Albuquerque Association to Consider Plans for Co-Opcr-ation with the State Fair at Meeting Tonight. Co-oprratioti with thr Slutr Fair iifeiiorlaiion and a whoppiiiK Inn t-x-hlhll nt thr lituurNt Hlalr rxponilion rvrr In ld. lliHtrml of an liidrpmdrnt (.how. That In i.xprrlrd to hr the nilt ( omn of a nicotinic lo hr hidd loliiuht lit Ihr I'olllllirri'lal rlllli hy tho AlhU liuriiio Poultry iiHH.iilalion. Komr" tlmr MKo the poultry BMn- 1 1 1. ill. in vol. I lo hold a hIiow (lnrlnR ifnlr rrk, lut no nrrnnur-in nl!t wrr ' tniiilo I" ro-oprralr with thr poultry ' ilrpiirlmrlit of the atulr fair. The i plan wan lo hirn a Ida nhow room I down town .ad romlip't thr exhihlt 1 (liirliiir fair wr.k. Iriilti ily tnrmlirra of Ihr nmorallon hmv hi ami lo iloiilil thr wisdom ol Ihnt roursr. It la Mid, nml nt to niuht'a njrrtina thr aiihjci-i of run relllim pinna for Ihr lndr)iendrnt nliow la to hr hroiiitht ill' It la arn rrally frit that. thr poultrvnir-i run do tiiorr I for thr hnlniaa nnd for thr lomniiinlty nml ala'r In urn rral hy iiiakimr n nlrlkiiiK Hholu nt ihr InU ntate fair than hy roiiilui'tiliff an prndmt rxliihU. WILL PROSECUTE ICE TRUST IN ST. LOUIS ft. IxiiiIh. July IB. The rrrrnt afl vanrr ill thr prlcr of In' will rrault In rrlmlnnl ir.H rmlona If rvldrire of ronaplrii" y niiionK Ihr n:npnnr la linrovrrril. II waa alaled today tiy W. T. Ituthrrford. naaiHtiint allornry Krnrrnl of thr Htulr. OF REPUBLICANS WILL MEET Chairman Elf ego Baca Issues Call for Executive Session July 20th to Which News papers are Invited. INDICATES OPENINO OF FALL CAMPAIGN A formal mil for an rxerullve ' Minn of (he rxei utlve i onimlltre of the Ilirnalillo county mural Urpub llian cominltien Kul lanurd etrr liny hy l.lfrKo lima, I'haiiniKn of thr rxerullve committee, mid John W Wllaoii, iia rcirt.iry. Thr iall attain that while the meelina; la executive in I'harnctor, tho naWHpnpcf rrpre- HPntutlvra will tie ma. In wrliuiur. Tliu i all la Ink in tn the oprii ItiK of io live hoHillul. a in the full run hi ik n In llernalillo county Itr pul. In an clr Ira, In Whli'h Mr. Hura, HiKtirr of the rail, la an aimrrHHlvr i niiili.lair for tho Iteuulilluan v nonil nation for coiiareaa. 'I h Invitation arnt to thr KyrnlliK 11. raid followa: Alliiiurriu, N. M., July li Ktriilnii 1 1 - r a 1 1 1 . City: You are herehy notified that there Will he a inrrllnK of the rxerullve commiitee, of the Itrpudluan rounty crnirnl roinmittre of llernalillo county, New Mexico, on the Kth day of July. UU, ut 2 o'clock in the aft rrnooii In thn of lice of Attorney John W. Wllaon, I'romwrll bullillna. In Ihi city. You are urged to he prrarnt. No proxies will b- ulloWrd I'reaH reporters will be admitted al though wu will meet in executive ava ion. ELKKOO ItACA, C'hnirmmi of the t'onunltlee. Jul IN W. W'll.HiN, rkHTrtary. It la not known whether or not inrmhrij of Ihr itrnrrnl county com llillle, of which Sheriff JraUa lio mcro in ehiilrman nine hern invited to Ihr IllertllllC. I'ndrr Ihr "I't'Uce of Hot nnlillo," ilrcliired iihout a year n, Mr. Mai a, then clialrinan of the county Ui piililli an committee, re. HiKiird that poHltion when the atand- piit ortiai ballon merrd with the "rroarraalve" ornantzallon. dotiil nnlrd hy Sheriff Hoinero and In con tro nf the rounty. Sheriff llomrro waa mnde ihnirioan of the ncnrral county rommiiter, while Mr. Hnra waa mnde chairman of thr executive roinmittre. It waa underMood that In return for his ahdicaiion (.f the county lutirmannhip, Mr. Hum re- crlvnl, In addition to the rhnirmnn ahlp of the executive commiitee, i promlne of llernalllo county's ilelr sntra 111 the alate contention for his nomination for coiiBrras. Tho up pen ra nrr or w. II. i,dri nn an aitiirrHHlve enndidata for the Hepnh. Ii.-Hii nomination hna conipliral. il the altuation In Itrpiildicnn rlrcles In Hrrnalllln county, eapwlilly Kince I la hii Id that Mr. Andrew la praeticnl Iv Hxaured of having the ileleitalm from the two rlty preelncla in the county contention. 1'oaalliillty of a conflict of author Ity Pi t w ren KhrnrT llomrro aa conn ty chairman and Mr. Hura aa execii life committee i hairinnn waa freely iliwiiaaed at the lime the " Pence of Hrrnnlillo" waa declared. Whrthr i.ny Biirh ronflPt of authority haa nceiirrril or la l.kely Is n'd known ml thr aituaiion la being walehrd with lively Inlerivt. There waa a Well defined riimnr on IEKT CAUSE OF KIDNEY TROUBLE' Take Salla lo Ho-li kldneya If llaik IliirU tar Illnililil- IlotlKTs, If you null have your meat etery day, eat it, but flimh your kidneys with salts ocraalonnlly. says a tinted aulhorlly who tells us that meal forms uilc in Id which nlimmt par-. iilyiea the kidneys In thrlr ettoria tol ex pel t from the blood. Th.-y hr- uma sIuskIhIi mid weaken, then you suffer with a dull misery in the kid ney realon, sharp pains In Uiu l n or sirk headache, illxxlneaa, your stomarh sours, toiiaire is ronted nml when tha wrulhrr Is had you ha.c rheuinnlic twiniira. The urine lie In loudy, lull of sediment, thu ilia line la often Rrt sore and Irritated, oMlniitk )oii to seek relief two or three times during the niaht. To neutralise these Irritating at Ida. tn vlennae the kidneys and fluah ol: the body's urinous waale net four on nrr a of Jail Halts from any pharm acy here; take a tiihleapoonful In n Klaus of Water before lireaklHat for n few days and your kidneys will act fine. This famous suits la made from the acid of sripea and lemon Juice, combined with ll'hla, and hna been used for sjenerallona to fluah and stimulate aliiftKtah kidneys, also to ututrallxe the acids in urine, so It no longer Irritate, thus ending bladdri Weakneaa. Jad Halts Is Inexpensive; cannot In jure, and makes a drllahtful effervea- vmt illhln-wntrr drink. HEAT RECORD IN KANSAS BROKEN AGAIN Knnaita City, July If.. The heat record for ihr siaaon Waa pnarrd at Toprk.i lhn nlierrioon when the mrri'iirt reached I no drurera. Pills, burg, K'u, reported in,",. Hut. li'i', Ki. Josrph ami Katims i'1'y. inn. INVENTOR OF PLAYER PIANO IS DEAD ' New York, July 1 Colonel Wil liam M. Il.nnett, S.". yenrs old. who was said to have I n the fust In ventor of a player-piano, died yca tcr''ay nt his home In this city. if SPECIAL Pay Day Sale Dressers in Circassion, Wal nut, Bird'seye Maple, Golden and Finished Oak. 20 Off I baiiauc: cf this week. Don't to look at our show window on your way to the show tonight. See our Porch Swing- a rer.l bargain $5. CO complete. Strong Bros. 2ND AND COPPER lit l VlH'Mi MV.S i Mayor Hoot rlstit said loduy thai' h.- la .let. ra.llied to aerp II. nmr out of thr Iioiim. f, in thr redlight illstrict, if llo r,. waa any ponHlblr way to do II. Lienor In i o n nrr t mil with rnor a win. Ih. woiut feiiure of the teiuler liln problem eterytlirre. the iua..r aaid. Tile know leilur thai Hoy could h 1 1. ( k. .t In lh. placea ,rtied t.i in tra, t toium turn to such tdinea and tUf ll'l'lor silPldv 1" Ipcd IO ki rp thrill i heir nftrr they Pud iiuiied. Raid the mayor .'u h to. tea would hate a haul time rn-iiiing Willi. u'l liiu.r, the mat or auid. The mayor anil his attention a en I fd lo the fart that the North Thlid nt net hollars whirr Inpiol' II" iniu. had lien taken nw.v were KtiU tains supplied by n case I'ml illuali iti d how young :nrn went " rum. A In. aht young tratrllrr '"I an eaalrrn liour has been in Alba- iiieigur tor t v erka. lie whs to Lata oft Tin uiu :. b'iiI ;i f i lend ' h wmilrd lo make sure that he w ouiu Mrdicinel patchetl me Up lor liit the train. Will looking lor n in. hu then I would Kel worse i;nin ll mi I. nin. I drunk In one i in Third aii.rt houra. iinlitlcreiit to ttain i.HMii. -h obligal ions or im ih.iK .Ur l.ul a "good lillir." The mn lo aid ol that case a 'id barn f..r thr firi tune that In.-uor nil l-'nt r..ld In the hoiiHi a. It was r- ('aidui. and they all uy t birr brought t -1 house 1 1 : been bontlili'J by II Ut-e, lhcr never HEAR DEATH BY S?.!QTHERI!!G But HiubanJ, With Aid of Culvi, ! Effects Her Deliverance. Dnt rrr. N C Mrs. Helen P.illoii, ol tins place, My: "I Bulkted for ytats . wnn pain in my led side, auu , oitcn almo&t gnioftier lo dcaih. the street today Hint at the exerutivr ronimittee iiierliiig It was proposeil to laaue the call for the rounty prl tnnries, instead of waling for a meet Ing of the central commiitee to do so. ami that by this procedure Hnca men would he placed lo chnrge the primaries, citing Mr. Ilaca strong leverage in the matter of sending dcleualcs to the county con teniion lavoraiiie in his nomination for congrrsH. Infinite statement as to the ptirpoae of the executive, com miltro meeting were lacking. UNITED STATES (CoiiUnHiMl from fkn.) vtoulii while hinal- ly, my hiihUaiid tlct iJca hr wanted me 10 : Iry Cirdul, the wc man's tonic, so ho , txiiiuhl me a borne ana i wi'un uiuit; it. i it U d me mote eikxI Uian all the rncdi o ci net I had Liken. '" j have Induced mntif of my friends lo fry Catdui. and tiny all aay they latve aid t. H hi.: le Th,- : . I eepei a aate i ' 'I ri'o! It ' o 1 l uae. 'If Hie In hu r r. soi t i ' itiarrit I'd vol a i idi r o the saloon- i ihr du.iil'1. f ..riiliblmg the . .i.r to the keepers Ihr Uowcd Ihr die- ! 'nr ' I thin f.l'o. iike'-prrs itai.t in Way i th. v ll. nnt oot Hi II to Ihr ii .1 i he i'i i or. ' H Miry the K lilt "f the older I have si' en I w i hem i ul "I to: ;'.l find ft nuv ne s a'nl iippb lo pill ll." I If era Id dime wnnt I lines I timet S hag been, and nevrr til be, a medians lo compare t ilti C'ardui. I believe it is i kckmJ medicine fur all womanly tou Oles." over 50 vesrs. Cardul has been re ! licv ii; woiiian't suflt riritg and liuildinj weak women up to health and sciikiIi. It yog are a woman, pivc it a lair trial. It should anrely beip you. aait has I unli.on other. (Jet a bottle of Cardul to-day. si Chslnnta Co , La4.f Aif y , C.iaii'.r;..esft l--r., I.,r m -, fOt ua Sit-I 4 ttf vll(' Hvn s lissl mil It aaao" mA ise1. Jt.Ck ihi as did setetal other nf his close friends. Itrfwre Icurliik', lloneral lluertt wei t to the n.iiionnl palace, where he roiiKnitulalcd Cnrhnjal, who re plied that he would tin all tn his power for the country's benefit, loiter Carhajul ronfeirrd wllh the aub-srrrrtarifa of the different dr pnrtmi nls. nil the members of thn llucri.t lahlint having resigned. A new i uhinet, it lK said, w ill be named today. The ilu.l. iiuillc corps has nr. ranged to make a formed call on the new preki.lent Inaiorruw. A slgnillcaiit Inrldrnt In connti.tion wnh the ilianue of government was the Hii'iounrriiu nt that a special commute hnd loft the capital la Hi night for I'elaya to arrange with the coiiHili iitlonnUki leudurs for a peace ful entry into tho capital. The euniinlit. c ronaiata of Jeaui Viela, Jose lio Novels and Rnrlipie I'ordes Mangel, former liirinner of the chamber of deputies. Take psniog Nml a4 K rienrrnl llueria's reHigtmilon was sent lo congress bite yesterday after noon and whs incepted by the sen atora and thr deputies after a hrtc! dchfttr, hy a vote of Ut II IT. In the mesange coin eying his resiina. Hon (Jrnrral lln. ria look ocrnalnn In make a bitirr rrierenie to the L'nlt- e.t HIhIi s goM riunriil. follow Ing tho acceptance nf the reslKiinllon. Kriimlsco l arbajnl win appointed protislonal president and he took the onlh of (rflre at the Joint session of senators and the deputies two hours Inter. A feature of th discussion In the chamhsr waa the speech made by Deputy Mustjul. illaltco, who made a hitler attnrk on Americana and American politics. Hit was hissed by the public In the galleries. All the newspapers larued extras on the day's etents. Kl Pais, which was suppressed hi the government two months ugu, .e ll P pea red lt night. AMKItK AXS WMOls TO Itim itN TO "PITI. 'rra Crux. July IK. With the res ignation of tielirral llurrta from the provisional preeidrncy Here Is etery evidence among American and other foreign refugees here of an Imme diate movement lo return to the cap ital and points In the Interior whrie abandoned Intercuts are awaiting attention. Many Amrricans who came to Vera t'rui during the general exodus and refused topriK'ccd lurlher pend ing some adjustment of the aa"aira of Mexico, have expressed their Inten tion of reluming and many are mak ing actual preparations lo leave ut otue for thrlr former hemes. That tho removal of Cenerul llurrta means permanent pence to Mexico Is doubted In some, quarters but It la generally believed there will be a atiitsldrnre of aril-American sentiment and al least a period ol relief from tho menace of actual rev olution. There hna been during Ihe last few days a noticeable growth in the num. hrr of Knglish, ilrrmans and better class of MrXii'itiis lent ing over thr gup toward the Interior. Many of lliejte are owners or managers of hiicleiidaa and mining property, who are going bark hoping to hr able to resume biiaineas or to repair dani.'ise to properly occuslotird . by abandon ment weeks ago. They douhtl". will find themaelvra handl. npped ! the crippled atnte nf roiiiinrrce through Mexican gulf ports, although there Is still one tirrman line of steamers plying regularly and bring ing iiunlilltlrs of supplies for thr in terior where entering through Puerto Mexico There is also one American line whoae steamers make the porta Irregularly. line great Impediment to Ihe hual nrsa activity of portions of thr In terior more or less untouched by the ravages of the revolution will be re moved by Ihe probable resumption of oil ghipmrnta from the Tamplco dlHtrict and lha consentient re-eatab-lishment of freight service whl'h has been practically abandoned for lack of furl oil. As long ego as March the rall rosda refused to haul tiy but prriah alde or actually necessary freight shipments so that those portions "f the republic w'hlch otherwise might have continued their normal business ncti.lty have been forced Into a con dition of atugnation. Minre the American nrrupatioii very little freight has arrived here and most of that rntisigned to inter- . lor point la still In the customs wan houses. The interruption of rnll trattlo hy the federala in open ing a gap in the Mexican railroad haa prevented the delivery nf any but the lighter shipments and ns a result virtually no cargoes from Kurope or elswher have been con signed In Vria Crua. Mexican railroad official nre now making every possible effort to get Ihe road restored and urn confident a heavy freight Ira flic would Imme diately result. The roini.nnv has kept 400 laborers and a trainload of rails and Ilea at the gap for a week i and la ready to push Ihe work at aj moment a notice, I CURED HIS RUPTURE If I wag badly ruptured while lifting trunk several years ago. Doctor aaid my only hope of cure wag an op eration. Trusses did inn no good, finally I gut hold of goiuo'.hing that quickly and completely cured me. Yeara have pissed and the r upturn has never returned, although I am doing hard work aa a cstpehler. There was no operation, no lost time, I no trouble. 1 have nothing to sell, but will give full Information about how you may find a comnlete cute without operation, if you writ to me, Kugene M, Pullrn. Curpmirr, III Marcellua Avenua, Manasuuatn, N. J. Hetter rut out this nolle and show It to any other who are ruptured you may av a life or at least atop the misery of rupture and the worry aud daoier of an optrallun. ATURDAY JULY CENT DAY ON SATURDAY, JULY 18TH, WE WILL PLACE ON SALE, VALUES WORTH UP TO $3.00 AT INCLUDED IN THIS SALE YOU WILL FIND BED SPREADS, TABLE LINEN HAMMOCKS, SILKS, WAISTS, TOWELS, PARASOLS, SUIT CASSE3, HAIR SWITCHES, MATTING, COMBINETTES, SAUCE PANS, ETC. ALL NEW SEA SONABLE MERCHANDISE AT Embroidery Specials Included in Our July Clearance Sale ODDS AND ENDS IN EMBROIDERY, EDGINGS AND INSERTIONS, WORTH TO 25c YARD SPECIAL 4c 45-INCH FLOUNCING, WORTH $2.00 A YARD SPECIAL S9c 18-INCH FLOUNCING, PRICE 50c A YARD SPECIAL REGULAR 21c Cluny Laces IN WHITE, CREAM AND ECRU EDG- IN0 AND INSERTION IN ALL WIDTHS UP TO 7 INCHES, WORTH FROM 25c TO 50c SPECIAL 9c CENTER ISLE MAIN FLOOR : Rosen mm White Qnaify Mtcts Price 9