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TintEE 1p wo Big Specials for Friday, Junly lto TITE EVENINO HERALD, ALBUQUERQUE. W. M.. THURSDAY. JULY 1G. 1914 Ready-to -Wear On Sale Friday, July 17 AT 9:00 A. M. Great Wash Goods Special The best offer of the season. 50 pieces New Summer Material consist ing of New Dresden Figured Voils, 38 inches wide in neat rose pat terns; 3G-inch new stripe Crepes; 28-incU Fancy White Crepes and 25 pieces new Crepe Ratine in all leading shades, worth 35c yard, 28 inches wide. This entire lot on sale Friday, 0 a. m., g J at the low priceof per yard H jLatf C SEE ADVANCE SPECIAL DISPLAY Wonderful Rcady-to-Wear Bargains. Positively the great est Garment values ever offered. The greater majority of our mammoth slock of Ready-lo-Wear on sale at LESS THAN HALF-PRICE On Sale Friday, July 17 AT 2:30 P. M. 100 New Silk Petticoats Made of an excellent quality pure dye. All Silk Jersey top trimmed with a perfectly matched satin Messaline flounce of unusual clever and new design, worth $3.50 each and can be had in newest shades of Emerald Green, Nell Rose, King Blue, Navy Light Blue, Wisteria and Black. An excellent skirt at a low price. For Friday afternoon only. Choice $1.95 THE GOLDEN RULE DRY GOODS COMPANY t fSPQRTSf Baseball Standing of the Clubs (The Hvrriun do out Include al ly a riiul!.) to- Nutiomil Won f.od. New Y..rk M lii. an 4 St I .oil I - ( lllllall 3!t rililadclpllilt 3'i riiixiMii -ii n HrMkl 1 33 liohton 33 AiimtIi mi I'hil.idclphu lelr..l .. . league iin. . . .4 .'i ,..45 .11 :U ;m 4 2 4.1 31 J7 l'i 1 .!iK7 .:,;ti .:. i:t .414 .4 .4 ; .4:. .4 14 1VI. r. 1 ..4!t Wuxliinglon 41 ('Mingo 4 3 Ihwton 44 Si. liitiH . 42 New Voik 3U lew!, in, 1 20 IVtlcrai 1-CUglM', oil. ''hlmgo 4H IndiMh.'lpnll 42 Hurrah Hr....klvn dl Halllmore 411 kantm 'it y . .1.' til Lotiix . . . . 3 I'lltxl.uigh .. 3U as 3s 47 I.OHl. 3!2 S3 3j 34 Jl 4'. ' 46 43 Formerly sold from $15.00 ' to $22.50 .:44 ,.3S .7.3 J ,t2i ,3'MI .82 Pet .r,o .Mil) .42 J .r..M ,:.i .43 .1.1 'J .411 GAMES TOMORROW S Extra i) 50 Men's and (I ) Young Men's l ii OUltS IJI National U-arue. New York sil I'lllHluiigh. ISimliiii hI t 1 1 In nu 1 1. lirooklyn ill I'lilcugo, I'lnliulcliliut HI . l.t.ili. AiHork Hii l4iuu. I'lcvcliin.t ul Wstinml"ii. llU'Mllii lit rilliixl.lil:. St. lj.cii ,it Niw Yelk. I Mir. ut nt liimtiiii. TODAY'S GAMES Till Hsu Y. Jl I V Id. NATIONAL LEAGUE llriHiklyii, Ftrnt H'lini-: llriHiklyti . . . . I'lttKliumh . . . Ilutipili": I; rilltiuric. 3. ' it. ii. i: .oiiii nu I ti.ln 4 ' 7 .(in I "i I'O'i 3 s ' anil Milii-r GUNBOAT SMITH IS DISQUALIFIED Hi SIXTH ROUND FEDERAL LEAGUE ltr kly.l. lyn . . . ritlHl.urtli I in Hi-run: II fl: I'ltl-I.ntuli. 9. 4 ii 1 iiiiu kmi - 6 11 mm uuu 1 lu - 2 7 ink Hml I jin. I: Dirk- mi, l.i.rliurf. W'ulkor anil Nnrrin. W. Inil-1ilnit ('Htlitl: Itnlii. SI. I.iiiiln, 3, I'lilniKn 2; rulliil. rain lluttrrirn: linvi "imrt ami "lm !- man; Y.iimin, Prnnli'i itiM uml Wil- mii. Ht. l.i.plH-i'hli'iin ni'i'iinil HiniK' 'UvIm.iii iI; ral.:. Carpenticr Given Decisioa Amid Cheers and Jeers of Great Crowd When Hit by Smith While Down. I'lHll-rill 14-MHIM'. Hru..kln nt I'IUhImhh. Itiiltiiimrp ut HulT.ilit. OitriiKo ut KiitiNiiii t'lty. liiiliaiiuiiullH ut St. . YESTERDAY'S RESULTS Nutlniuil ltivui'. t "hliiiKu, fi; v York. 4. I'HIhIiiiikIi, 4; Clonk lyn, 3. t'liii'iniiutl. 0; l'lnlaili..iin, 4. st. I. nun, 7, , l:,.i-li,ll, i. 2. FlrMt AiiK-rdnn Invito. Iii-lri'lt, 3; WunhliiKtmi. l:ii,,n, 4; t'li'Ml.inil. 0. ChlriiKi'. i. Nimv ork. 1 ku'ik-. Xv Ynrk, S: t'hlingn, 1. Svrnnit liimi'. I hiladi IlihinSL I.ihiIm hii iiiii'(1, ruin. t'lsiltfnl l'ntrui'. ItufTaln, ; lliillinnirc, 0. SI. I.iiiiln, J; Chi. an... 0. l:riuklu, 4; rniHUurnh, !. linlian.i.i!lH, !; KanniiH 'lty, S. l'IUiiHrf . K: Itiirrulo, I. tiililiniri ....2lfl ii'J'.'l o:i s ll o iiurr.iin (ion oimi iuo i 1 a HalUTli'H: Sllillh. Quill II Hml Jin U lilM'h; Si hullz, Wnuilinan mid Itlalr, AMERICAN LEAGUE (VtHitml, ("lexi lalKl . .. WanhlnKlin Haitirlin: 2; Uiiililnutim. O. .mil mill l iin 2 4 .iiiiu mill (Km (i 2 (i lavi'ruiin ami n'Xrill; :ha. ilia'lilliiK 'i nil Willlanm, iHtnill, Iii'tmlt i..i..n HuUitIi-h: Cmh. Jnhrifii-1, ft: lUolnii, 9. . (ml I'iih mid Ti (I I . mill oi"i ?'i0 2 7 -iiiup ami Stanafi-: Onimlip ii ml t'nrru in CROWD GREATEST ON RECORD IN LONDON i l.i.nilnn, July 1. Hn'rn t'"'--I .I'll i if r, tho Kretu hiniiii. ui l n I he ilri IkImii In Ihn fir.ih funnel to iiiKht, lnii lun In nit Smiltt miih iliic inalifii'il h n ho lilt Car.niin-r Mhllf Hip lutKT. Willi i.aj slliil-l, wim rlMinit. Tli- NkM w.h li.f'ni. the largi nt iiiHlKMiie In ttiK hlrti-iv of the irmi linn In Kimluiiil ami tncluil.U many wimii'ii ul all 'lnwK' llliiulrt'ilH uf Kt-pnrh iirtxni'ti. ninny of Oxvm ni-c ..inninli-(l liy thi-ir uKi'H, hud i Ti'Miil 1 1 . KiixIIhIi i hun ml to ni'ourimi. the nnly fluhliT ' In ti riui t i.Miii 1 i lawn Hint rrHni'o hn nwr rilu'i-(l. Th y witp "'n""" nirk. Bimii t"nrH'nllfT gave Smith n hard (.hurt hand iltHo un thi- rhrrk with li-ft. Hoth d.Miuid iiKlil-liiiii(1rri. Smith Kavi the Krrnrlitnaii n hard iilii' In lhr fart. Kith thn lluht. A liiiht ami H-fl limly hlnw In In fluhtltiK Hero Smith nrfiTinK. SinithH hlnW'M will' hardrr than hp Ki'iMi' hmairi', whnn font work IukI not yel licrn In ex lilnnrn, ItlHIIIll Tmii. riirpi-ntirr took the BKltrpniiivo but niaili- no Iniiirrwilnn on Smith. Kai h iimilii ilnrki'il a hard rlKlithaml'T from the other. Smith landed on the kidnryn with hht in a ilimh. I in pi'iil irr latidi it a left on the Jaw. ('ariienli.T rent u f mt rivlit to tho face. iiririitler waa plavinK for the hody nt tdiort rnnue when the round j ended. Iin lUhtninai iiulikneKM hhh lieKlnniim to count. Itoiind T!ire The referee wurned Smith for foul. iiiK. ( 'iirieiil ier landed left on the fin e. Smith Rot In tuo I inly Mow!' ut elim rai'Ke. t'ariientler barely inlKKid a left wtilrh nliil off hln cheek. Thinroiiml wnnmoiitly cllnch InK. HoiMid INmr. Smith mirnnil u left ing to the fnee. l'iil"ieiiller leached Smith' fate with h left end lepeuled a liin 1 In r operation h moment later. Smith iiKiiln iniKKed a body blow with In" rixht. Smith wan knocked down with n ruin on the kidney. Smith look nix oecomlH and wan Union when the bell num. ('nriicnlicr'ii fwlftiiii" N-enied to be R Is I iik ll i ill the hcxt of It. lliHlml i". Cnriientier led with hl left und exi'haiiKed Khmt nrm blown on the MEMBER OF PANAMA LAND COMMISSION FATALLY STRICKEN ran.iinn, July !. I'uvld Mark. American member of the Panama Joint land rommlwlon. In not expect ed to recover from nn iitl.u k of cere bral hemurrhiiKe and nrnlxl of thn rlKht Hide from which ho xuffcrcd during yesterday' xixnion. He he enmn unconpcloi. and wax removed to A hoKpltiil, where I he doctor found hi eondlllon ilnnnerou. Tho xlttlnc of tho commlHion were meanwhile vuxpcndiMl and the xecrelary of date Informed of Mr. MarkH' lllnexx. Smith hooked a rmhl hunder the enr:iexl to arrive on inc mene. ,, ,.n,.ni.j. farpentier nave lilm Amerl.iiiiH were mimeron in Ui!,w Bnrlt vl, ,,)UM ,,. n ,m. ,.n,.rk hall and tho iinilormn of bluejnckein Tiy then mix,, dit f urloimly. playing from tho batllexhif.x Mlxxourl and f(ir ,,, ,,.,, wh rl(!MIH smith got lllilioix were een li. ru nnd there In ,rlfi ,h .. ,. w,nh Inn AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. St. poind Pim-hmiimiI l'uln. Paul-1'levelnnU R ime rnln. pot- llluaiikci. if. ttiliinilHiM, M. Milwaukee ...nun mo " 4 C.lninbii ....SiMI U'rt ')X I llulleriex: Shiickelford and lluiihe; li!gcriil and Smith. the Upper thru of :ilx. At other recent boxing nuit hea tnoxt of the women prexeht beliniKcd to the faxhinnalile Hit and ikcii.Ii-iI place near the ringside, hut tunltrhl many women from the middle la put 111 their appearance. Curpenticr wax kept waiting In his coiner while Abeam, Mull Well nail m her fighter urn introduced. Iloin- li.inller Well wax given great re ception when he announced would challenge the winner. Willi a right to the face which Jarred the Frenchman. Ilunora were even. I tun ml six. f'nrpontler xllpp.xl when trlng to land a hard right-hander. Iiefme the Frenchman nroxe Smith xlruck Mm on the face. Smith wua d.x,Ual ifled In the aixth round. Otrpenllor held hi head, appar ently In great pain, though it xccmi-.l hrr!mith' blow hardly grazed htm. hTe Krenchmun'x xe.'omi took lino Smith uiipeared lu Ihu ring ut :!1. I'heering tor Smith hardly e.iilled (hut given to the Ki uchmnn. Smiih we rirexxed in agredi gown. Arm- to hi corner, while the crowd hooted loudly. The referee del bled Oirpciillcr had won. Smith remained in the ring airoug'ft Mack in hi corner. The men xhook 10 o'clock. I 'M. I fadeil I FEDERAL LEAGUE HIS FIRST DIG VICTORY Illinois Appelate Court Holds Ten Days Clause in Flayers Contract Null and Void in Johnson Case. Chicago. July The Federal league kcorcd It firm big legal vic tory In it war m ol gaumed buxeluill today when the nplM-lluto court held the ten-day clmixe n th.liall player' contract null and vol. I, The ruling wax given In a rouit action which resereed a auperior lonrl decixioii enjoining I'ltcher tieoign M. John- ii. the Wlnnchugo Indian, from playing wllh the Knnnaa t'Hy l'"ed erula. Tim ln.'incilon lxued by Judge Knell In the xuperior court und xerved on Johnxon while be wua lir tlclpuling in a g"N hero wax grant ed at the reipiext of the t'lnchiiiHtl National, whoxe lank Johnxon left lu Join tho outlaw Federal. The dtM'lloii from the appellate couit wu aigned by Juxllcea Kdward (. Iirown and Frank linker, Jio-U H illlniu llcSnrely diMHeiiliiig. lltU'HNllM, Mlnneatioli ndiannioliH Itnlteriex- I. ft: liillaniiMill. I. . imt i tu ii 2 ii r, i I- .III old nun 4 1 1 2 ike. Feine and Smith: Mera und liigxlon. face L.oked him jut He mid his xeooiulx pn.ti xn d againxi I the decixlon. bind ut exactly When Smith lilt the ring nfter ' ! onie M'comlx the crowd peered and i hooted nln und cheered Ihtinder- niptly when the Fietichman came o Ithe rpc,i ami recl-ed a gri'.'it ora tion an h.. polnlid to hlx eye and m i oe , forehead, iudlcuting Smith hud hit him there. i u.ii r ItV lOI NDS. ISiiiiiiiI due. Smith got two i i lit kiuhx Frenchiiiun'x body. In the first dim ll which lot! wed HerrntMiiu AnnoiitiiMM Airl. t'lncliinail, July U.- slurry llerr niiiim n id the declnlon Would be nu i s!.y .- QOSr lOcents Quality iVof Prtmiamt DON'T look for premiums or coupons, as the cost of choice Turkuh and domestic tobaccos blended in Camels prohibits their use. All the value goes into the cigarettes you'll spot the difference soon as you've whiffed just one smooth, fragrant Camel. No cigarctlij aftertaste. Get that? Give Camela a tryout. 20 for 1 9 cents. If rmmt aWr caa'i mnetr xxt, taaat 10 for mmm acaa a $1.00 for a ara Imm itltO ciaarxf.). mm. praam. Aft.r omm gMca mt: it frmthm'l fimJ CAMLLS a law aaa4, rwlarx Ik. mthtr raa mmd Nt mmm ffmmm pmMf ateaaji. R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO. WiiuUxm-SaUm, N. C. 111 ;f Itl'M MI Mill M:Tj. T I'Wf'Y lltl( I s London. July Id.-There wa a great Influx of xportHmcn Imm France ami other continental e..iin trlea today to iitieml the twenn roiiiid fight tietueen "(" Smiih. the American heavy weiKht. uml i.eorg.K Cn .. tiller, the Fi ro pian heayweiKht chumploii. down for decixion tonight In the iirin.i at ( ilympia. Many who ciime today and who had failed to book their xeitu in ad vance Were doomed to dioappnint mi i.t. ux x.-.itx were xelling at a pre mium, l-.ii n the poorexi i,n. h y.inU away from the rlnaxide ere ipmied nt from 111 to t:, wh.le thoxe In the vicinity of the ropeg er md oti tuiiialde at .iiiy price. smith iii to rwnitm: IV Till; ItFTTIVfJ m. Sun Friin. i ,,. juv Id. Tti iiik on the Smith-t'tirpentier fight wax lively here tod.IV. with Sllillh lo )o favorite. Several large x'ltnx were rallied to London, where thev were placed on Smith Mt nddx of Id to X, with f'nrpenlicr the favorite. Ibllln.f Ml to i i,n Smiili. Lindoii. .Inl l'i At the rlnrxlde the Ametlcil,! i fi ely nt .',o to i nt mgent n lu on i.imlii 1... ii. 110 ' t Smiih. Ill I 'o , lbHietcl i Kx-uk St l.ouix, July ;i; velt w III Mpeak here th llctober. Ilccordlllg to nn .' uiiiioiincemeut mad today St. I .Mill. j oni-l i:. .,. , mi. I. II.- of 1 It hot lcd The I'roihei hoi il of Ami; if. ti will in, el ton I K Ii I In I Ii I v..... F. Tt) rnoSMXTIVi: At l'MH II ti iti IfcaVt fall I" n-ad tho III It'lv doubh-mCf lull anusniiHVnH'iit III lliU wii'k h Imhh- of the Suttirilu I Ce lling 1'iiet. Tlirw lurloadx of thi-w ! iwr ww bIiIimniI i ll'la xiK-k. r will miiMH.iHv their arrival, ami will I. b-aNl in luttf )oii call anil MM' tlicni. tun a i.nt-I'-nru-K xi'To ut, KOItllKIl miLI'INti. Men Who Discriminate in Their Selection of Footwear V J Will certainly find an exceptionally choice display among the Selz IVauIt enphast Oxfords we arc now showing for the summer, 1914. x Every man knows how the feet feel in hot sh oes and those who arc Wearing Selz Oxfords appreciate' the comfort they derive in the light, airy low cuts purchased here. Wewish you could hear half the complimentary remarks heard on Selz footwear. All Men's Oxfords Slashed $5.00 Oxfords, Slashed to $3.05 $4.50 Ox. -ids, Slashed to $355 $4.00 Oxfords, Slashed to. . . . $ 3.10 $3.5Q Oxfords, Slashed to. . ... $205 $3.00 Oxfords, Slashed to. . .,. $2.35 $2.50 Oxfoids, Slashed to. ... $ 1.90 These are all this year's stock nothing old. Everthing new to select from. STATESON'S "Selz Royal Blue' Store taken lu the aupleoiv court of Unix.