Newspaper Page Text
roun THE EVENING HERALD, ALBUQUERQUE, N. H., THURSDAY, JULY 16. 1914. The Evening Herald. piudiphcd by T!!K KKMi IIMtUI. INC VA I.LI A NT. Minnepr ;i nil.-, H. II. HKNIV'l . hdlmr puhllvhed every afternoon cx-t-f IH Kun.l.'iy, nl 1 .' I i.Hh pa oad Wicet, A I ii( i-t u-. N, M Ltitpted n ( "ii d In matter I i tin iiimiiII r 1 A'tiiinm r,in. V M under the A. I - f Match It, fino mi. nth hy mail ur arripr . t.i'c Hi., ti i'k In arra r I Urn. year by tniil or earner In inlviir-Q I j. ill Telepht lepnones: r.ii iiokp umi.h.. Kouma. .1(1 ,i....., I,, nukr the In! il in inn I've within u iiKonic, whatever tlml in- it. iiihv !. In i.l i r word, Hip I 'liivcl Hit V will inn nil il hupin'P uipip. which Ip hp li ahniild he II in 11 p M III 1 11 II n ' UII Ill 1 hr i tli f l, i nil. n .1 Inn it luili;,t" p nlhrr plate ill un li r hi. Ii better re- nbt.. itn il. in i il i.f ihi i hu-f nlii l i'ii li i.f tile tiltp ill n. . and Willi I lu ll.. nil iiMtUiii..n II K 1 1 .die ilt prune t.f Ihi- iiuiim nun ii. il i.niii; wuincn wtin remain in the i r.i il. i Inch, r i i. Minn. II. il . iii:iii. i-w MphIih inunjr i-iiii. COLOC tur Rnrnn.i tld.lln. PW lint WCNTV HU H h n il r have i in . h iI. unil mini nm i mi-iii i.i lliiettnp n KiKii'ili'in li" " In i-n i . . 1 1 1 r ii. I ii i.-.l. Great Trials of History TUIVL l' MUoll I'WiriU'.M. T In hnvlni h rw ky time nf .(. Mr Paca, biaiile bring a lawyer nnil a politician. In I he i-wniT i t n paper and thMt I whpre hi irininle begin. Certain article puliliphel In hid npwpaper Intimate Ihu thn lute Pnlnmon l.nnn. Itcpuhllcan lender "I New Mexico, "who mil dinth a'. one NORTHERN NEW MEXICO FAIR IS A DANDY D' ii. in . in. ..ii. .hi iiwiiv fr HlIK flllllllill V I 'l ll II il I I'M II III 111 lliillil . I low I 'I 1-Xinlwn 111 lllcll null itiI icp :iiiI 1'inK I.IKK liml n-n II v iiiilt. l II 1111. IIIKlk. A Tin: iinu- tni- in i on i i,t ii.iii p il in I 111 1 1 1 t h:it I'llll tin- plufca pl'inal Hlllll. Ill III.. Usually till' lt . r"ulip In UlliHl till' PIK II if nil II' I' Ill a i liHiiituiic ii hi-iiI iini-nl . urr un iler"tatiiling Hint thn people nf thi pihIi urr iliiuiiiili.( Hiuiii-tliliiK ilif-t.r.-n ( in I... Hi li.-iM. ,t..i nnil iiHii lulliin 'hln yi'.n Th rHfupul nf ihi-h-i..Ii. nf ihm il i Hi In Ml it ml fur Ihi' i.ltl-imip iiriifiinu p:ilnrii'M in i utility f tli t" him lrn iii-rfi-rtlv iilnln Inr riiniiilm It tvm l'r'-n tiiiiil fiiilxnt In -ry ii uln r niiwunn Hint hn" hrcn i.litnlnulU in .w Mi-xlio ilur Iiik thi- piiRt your ur mure. N.m n thn !iiuii'iiin urr unilTHtiinilinK thMt ilili- it a Pfntimiiit whlrli will nilt In. trlflrd with, thai a nmn w lm .hm I to H I rlix-lrd n I hi- rinnliiK Ktutv l'RlPlntur muni uprnly pli'ilK'' hlmm-lf In favnr of'lo immty nlMil, and nttnlnut ihi- old i:rMlt my pi lii'ilulr. KiKhi h-l la w li-ri Hif irnilf phuiild -rn iiw mrc. ICirht tii-n- Ip ln-ri" Ihi- 'link nnil fill- phnulil lri In. .Piwlnlly In thi lniPn-rnlili-11 lii' liulilirun countirp. frini whli-h lii'- liulill. ii it iiKiiilivrp nf th- .-K In u i may lip pKiii-i toil lo hr i h-rli-il. A Ihi- rnnvi-ritlnn lime ilrnwu nenr n hi-nd Im hnhhliip; up hiTr und thfrp bp a i-Riplatli p cnmlid.ilp. w hii h hn" a Kirannpy (imiititir Innk. Wp p.i iii In rrrall liiivinic irrn pomp nf tli-- lirrpnlip III tin- IikIkIhIIvp hallp In- forp. Now ap In lirrvlmia anlp-plix'- tion iiprlmla, thi-pp iprpoip iirp trim in I UK lo the liuhlir mMillnn'iit of tin' limp; ili.ilKln thi-nnilvip tn thp nni or Iw-n poliripp nn win. li I ii 1 1 ' pi-titi" nii'M ha liiH-nnir tun ptronu tn In-mipimdi-ratood or ili-nipd. Thi-i'p turn nrp ot iii hy iIi-hikmihK icntli" nipn np 1pilpntlvp riuuli.liiti-p. llii'lr hai'krr knowlnir Hint whrn ph-otpil thpy will takr orji-rn no niattrr whnl the rirdi-ra ntnjr hp. Thpw ppraona i.rp m.ii. iiI roiikp: (line oj thi-ni hnvi- u Hi'iiiMani'p of rpip'tulillity. Hump of them pvi-n huvp piiwil umliT Ihi- tliMi.illvi iminllp of "Mood Kiivprnnii-nt" in timpp imnt: i.n.l popliia Yno hi-i-n -Ipi-IpiI to hnlHlnliP iH.KiliniiM whirr th.y Iiuvp Jnyfiilly mill fu' to thi' lilKh.Ht hlildi r Wiiti-h thi'K.- iin-n 'I'Hpn nri- fiuinil In nil i;irti-n; hut In Nr Mixlui ih' y nrp tiinft ii p iil.-n' iinu im l!iiiil'li an. Thi. ln-nnM-rut -h- nink mid fill' doi'p Ho- niiinliiiiiitiK In t ii in hI.iIp In tin- lpiiildi'iin l.iirtv it in Umip l.y Hip l."H.'i."' mid liirnl. Tl... it in.piirnnrp or ii nunilii'r .,1.1 lrin,,U ,.f thi' rnmki-il i.i.lir. a lirohahlp lti.i.iihlu;in l.-uli hit ivp in diilnli'H In ttrotmiy lU'iml'll' fin ill" trli'lp. phnulil ptii'iiiiriiKi- Hip Ikiiui- rntH In r'ni'.i'il Hurt n tlmse ili lint!: in lhP iinnuniil ion I ir th lr-ihIiiiiih- of thr M-r- p' iin-n nvailiililp. .in. I to ihi- i-nihiisiuMtir hnrkiiiK of tliopp iin-n Knr Hip t ! nf N w .Mpilro an- w i.Ip-iiwh ko hip pr Tl-py nrp Innkliut for i l,.u,l ,,f .tmil.tful i liiirnri r. M.'h In ! nt tn hit il mill i vmi iii Hip pimnB- p in iniiiitii-p ii iiiroiK Iipiiio. -ml i.' i mnliiliitp. i.ppopliiir " llppuMi' iui kiu'IpI. '! I '"I "f " araftpr u pri-uy rtum !' ln J -1 vu, ! up ami Inirir I her, In tikinv lu ll m f-p I., iiiKtltiilinnp whuh ilu nut in.i-iri- up In Hi Mi.'inl'ii'il uf I hr I niMrsitv nf N'i-w- Mi iii ii, niul h"W In l.rt nw hninp In New Milrn pur. t llli I c- Uil 1 1 V L'nnil pll Hi lit lulill I I n il lipp nrp tn hp hint In IP nt hnlliP. nnil nt xpry mil. Il pinnllir pipiipp Ihnn ip npi'pppitnipd hy ai i.'nilani'P ni Hip hir.. p.iMtprn unlvi rPltli'P. ib Hip mini pinlilpin hi-furp tin- I nlvptpitv inn n:iKi-lnpit llnW tn IllllkP thp ll'.IIIP pllltPP !! 1 1 1 ii 1 1. nn I Hint il i.i iimp iiHrni-tlvp; tn Innpirp Hlnlp prnlp, Ih Hip pmhli'iii. Vi hnp ronfili-ni'p Hint Hip pM'Pi-nt huiiril i-f rppitp and Hii ori-ppiil hpiid of lhi I invprpliy will hp iiIiIp In ill il with lhl prnlipin nnil Hint within n fi-w vpiirp nf iinintirrnptpd innniU'utniMit, Hipv will hnvp polvpd u ! i A niinifiinnt fail hrojRht out In thp I iiivi-rpiiv'p nnniinl PtiitPiiipnt Hint of thp inn pupllp pnrollpd. i ihi rn wup hut otip Inpl pnr of Kpnn- . iph-AnK-rli-an pnrpnlnKi. Thp Spnn- ph-Aniprlrnn nipiihitlnn of N'pw Mi-hIi ii p forty pi-r rpnt of thp total. Thprp are prnhPtn to I"" aolved In Hip l)iiiMln of thin lnt intlnn into a nrpnl rollPKP. Thpy ir dlffli nil prohlpnip. lint thp I'nlvprpiy of Xf Mpxlro hnp Hip hnrkinn of a Bn-nf ptntp. Hp rPHiniripp arr trpiin'iulniip Hp pnrly ur iwth hup l.ppn plow; hut Ihnt urowth Ip hpronilim morp rnpid nnil morp PMtmtanlinl with pvpry ypnr and It dopp not rpoulrn nnv Rrpnt Ini.'irinnllv,. inprlln,, i.i prlnrp th limp whpn thp rnnipuP -n thp pdip of thp nippa will hp n roliPBP ity hpnutlful hullilinop hniiMlmc a rpnt and loyal itmlpnt populntlon. The Ptntp rnlvrrpllv la onp of Alhuiiipr oup'b ihlpf npppta. Vi IWii wmitp to winh Hip ! HiiIp ra pit .-il on MliiniiiprniiP. Np hnul.l nnkp up. tlml bluff IiiikH I I n worth HimhltiK kiiii p Hip iIhn wlipn nr Il l Hip i lup full whiTP ' i hi- iuii . -O- I HnM'KH If thp lli'riiallllii I'nllllty i Iti pul. hi nn i-iiiiiiiiliti-p iiii'inlK'rp ur lin.ili 'l tn Hip iiui linn of Ihi' llrini- Mil. i in ill, H Hi piiblii ii ! pxiutP i iiiuiiiiI li i' .' U K Ai'KMiW I.IMi'il.; Wiih thnnkp n "rl in I iiiv Million tn bp pii'wiil. : - o - MKKTINH . ml. lH In nitify Ihp ' I'l-.irp o I "I.I .Mliililn iilp ! U'liMiKIt If thp Miilliilnrp Kill "II ' hp t hi-rc 7 O - IT 1.1 IN thp pnppilillitlpp I lint Al iliiiiimi skiuiipr Hi" n t Inn-lid In K t Kkiiiiii'd. o I ANVWAV thnip nlwnyp Ihup to lip two pIiIpn to a pklunniK- .MAJ'Hl I.I.KWKI.1.VX, It Ip uii nouni pd, will not Iip ii i-undldiitp f'r Hip h'Kiiliiluip; thirpli Hpi IiikikK nni.lhir iiiiuixiiiK I'uup. nit lhP w ilhuiit lmth- wp want hlnhwav THK III SV (IIUIXKU WK WILL WAIT until all liotiil n.Hii'iip urp opr In forp ollh lnlly i unfit iiiing tin- ii port. A I.K'l IS1.ATI UK with Mujnr wuulil In- liki lliiinlit thp lihupt. -O- lllt A IIOO.M 4 without rnoiii. - o I TIM-: I'.I YKHH want m. to ppII ni, hut Hip ptntp IiuiiiIm nrp hi ill with up. O AN- KMiHSIUMiMAN hup ! t.iiiipd n t'niipil Stnipp patPiit for a hunk for phipp. Knr iim on Innd KimllHhwuiniTi havp n huiiK dipiinrt Iv thplr own. O ItAlJll'.M Ip numl pffprtlv in pro mot Inn plant nr. -win whin applx-d in iiuutitltipp of 1-7iith or a uriini a ton of poll. At thip rati- thp iiem nipni only opta imi.iHMi.imu an m rp O IHHtiiTIIY I 'IX pa VP wuimin 1' thp i h.i nai'li'PM hp. WmiiK imam. ri-'.LI.INil haa rppulipd In many I iia. trnoilii. and In not i Ipw iintan.i-p th iiirili-p pn- miBpil "on tha field of honor" hv bu n ppHouply dcnlt w ith. Tho innpt J ilppliirnblr dupl In thp Tnltpd PibIpp! iih that in whli'h Aaron ilutr iIp ptlvi-d thlp i-iiii ii I ry i. up otip of Hp niupt diPlliiRulpht-d nipn. Aluxanilpr I I.i in lit on. and a dnp wnlrh wnp pum m ii 1 1 1 v dpalt wllh ,iy thp Klmllxh nV. iinnipiii, mat fuinht IipIwppo Viijur lli-nry Alpxiunlir ramtihill a id I'n pin, n Alpxandi r lluyl. i : in lliiyd. Ilkp llanilltoii, hup klllpil, nnd np a ri'PUlt of hla dniih Major t amp bpll wna Irlpd, ronili iiiiiiU and rxp i utpil. Tlip trial Km bra ii n on AuguPt In, IKIIH, at thp Armaah mhpIxpp. At thp Hull, of thp traiPdy ('amplill war btpM-t major In thp Knittlah army niul n raptaln of thp Twpnly-fiftli rpl nn nl. In June of Hip prpvlnup ypiir Imih ofHi'ptp were ipiarlprpd In Ihp l.nrriu ka Ii th county of ArmnKh. On ihp 2 Id of that month a unrrpl luok plm-a nptwppn thp tii olfh'prp aM to Hip way Caiii.ln ll had Rlvpn an 1. 1 ip. r. I Hiiip.irll hail brrn i-orrpi'tPd by h it: pupprlor nffiipr. llanpral Kt, ii ml lluyd Pldpil wllh him and plnnr 'niily rilprrPd to t'liinphplla in.rlli- Ki'in'P hp an nlfli'pr, u mucn an that thp ma Inr rould nut rnnippntly wifh hip fii'lluKP paaa It over. Thp ilui-l wna fouiiht In a room nt the biirrmkp, and wna not wltnppRpd hy any oiip. The firt tha nthi-r of f . i-rp ktiPW that a trniPtly had hnp lii ni'il waa whan thpy lipnrdi thp Phut and rtiPhPd to Ihp room. wIipip thpy found lluyd l.vlna on thp floor. Whpn thp offliprp nrrlvad 'iimphp mild to thp injurpil offirpr: "lloyd. hpforp thppp offirprp. waa pvprythln fair?" 'Tn thlp lloyd rpplli'd: "Hh. nn. Caiiiphpll, nil knuw I w.mtpd you lo wait and have fripiulp." fnmplipll thpn anld: flood find. did you not aay you wprp rpaily?" To thlp lloyd nnpw-i nil -)pp." aftar v. hli-h thp dyintj man waa hclppd in to thp next room wlnre ho dlnl. Camphill rontinupil with hla nipnl fur poit ti:np whPn Iip fl'd in ilipiiutpp. but finally lavr hlmpplf up Im- trial. Many WIHippppr told of what had tranaplrpil nftPr thp phoot Itift and up to thp lima of KnyU'a ilpiith, Tlip di'fcnpp ppt tin wap tnpra ly and pxrlupively np to Iha rhiiractpr of Hip pilponpr for tiumanlty, ipai' ii. iip in ii il u i uid proppr bphavlnr, mid many officpra imtlfivd bp to thia. Thi JiiiUp rhamnl t:ia Jury in a moat a hla muniipr, rprapllulutluR tha xijxniLruii-wM-'ii pvldpni-p and rxplnlnpd Iha law on lha atihjprt. Tha Jury rptlrpd nnd map only i.ul half an hour whi-n thiy bruuahl in a vvrdh-t of anUty of tnun dpr with ii rpi'iiiniiipnd atlon ! ttiprty on Ihp at'oia of thp major'a imd CharnPtpr. IIp wiip ppnlPiu pd to Up PXPIIItPlI OH inP lOIIOWIIlB OTOininp, but waa n-PpllPil until Wpiliippdny. , After lha trial thp mi'Jor wrolp hla y Ifa a lnn Iptipr ahkh bpmin iip fol low'. "My trial la ill lunath nvpr. TwpIvp :npnriliil aim, and my own i mm 1 1 y iiipii, Tiiivp mi thplr oathp dp-, rlarpil mi auilty of murdiT. Thia world haa now no chiirmB for ma. Wlii-n Hip hnimr of a Buhlh-r la t ir iiIkIuiI. thp nuinilp of dpnth cannot pnvplopp him too iiuirkly, hut lha ppparnllun from you and my rhlldrpn inilnitir tha laat monipnta of ixihI-pm-p lipalh, but for I hi, would la a plpimiiiK riniitii Ipatlnn from wop." The faithful wifp pint a ttnpt p ppiillnir li-ttpr I" hla tnajppty. lponp III, In aparo hla Uf", In whlih php dpfpitilpd tha nrtlona of hi r h:'l'mi'l In Hip fiillnwlng pnniKrni'h: "I(p flprl. moat uUKiiPt klna. nn lha riiiikpp whlih proiliiPPil ihla niPlan- i-holy piilalroihp. Mw unhappy hua liniid, mi thp pypntful 21i of Junp, whp pvhlli ly ri'primnndi d In tha pr-K-pnie of tha whola rp(ilmpnt oy hia i-ominiindlnK nffltar. for pronouni-l-i ', a military ordpr whlvh wnp anin'-1 tlonad aa corrprt hv tha hlahpat bii iliotity. ll'iw poind thp pui'lir ri' buka fall uf Irritating hla fpillna.T And In Ihlp atatp of irritation did hi ilppartad friptid, ("nptaln lioyd, pi ma hi hpart anaw with la muaKP whlrh nn pntlpmnn could auhmlt l uaat with Imptinliy." Major rnmplipll waa riTUl'-"' ' noon on Wcdni'pdny. Auauat 41. I". amid! a vapt multlfuilp rrf apprin tora. Hp mp hla dpnth wllh ploii and hpcompia fortltinlp. havln appnt hi laat mompnta with Pr. HowIp. the fnthpr of hla aminhlP and dlatrppppu widow. Hp wna hurl.-d at Ayr n .'Votland In the family vault. Thn pri'mliini hunk of Hip fnuilH mil NoithPin Nw MpxI. h fair Ik . l... ... u. .... mi I,. Iii Of hl Ph.-..,. campp in p r, . onn. "I" " V"' i';: M ,V, o.,;,. nV , lunpr ip . l ti. ri: hpr unit aimw ' tio- WlilP lv. wnp miir.lprpil toplpnil ol nil'illllV .i... k - i ..i, ,,ni Hpi'tplary .... ti,,... iiiiiMtkn.ilp llpt of -aph prippp. . ... . , . ... .. ... .. .... I T.!i.. mid iirpiniiinip rovrrlnn a Turin ini hbpip inr .Mr. iui-ii a in..,,-. . . hitlonp. TIip pntir, Pinff of ih- iup- ran.r of . xhlhll. tn t.P cu nppl.d f-r i ..u .,. 'durum the fair whb h hap no h.- " .... now ii ip p.. u - i.rti.prn pprilon of tnp m hp. nf i rlniinnl llhpl, and now It Ip "a t;tul ppvptnl i n il Hin t mile for l.irep ilainr-Ki-p arp iibmit m bo ii-'ltun"l nan I nut hlnu Thlp prm'pp. vIhuhib. ly purPiiPil. will ppiinratp Mr. Il-n-'t from hla iiirrpiy of thp t-ilm mil aiiiuituitlriilly pKiniiiatp him ii n Ha I'libllrun i oiiRrpp"lnniil rnmil.1 at . TIip hool itutiiilpp flfiy papp of I'loppiv prliiid miiHi-r and l-iiliraup thai I'n.ti.n lui'kir of thp fair ihp ih tit mii'i'il lo makp aoiiii'thiuM mora than tl.p inrpp of Ihi nllliunl Mhnw Una ypar. Until Further Notice the Following Banks will Close Saturday Evenings: r CITIZENS BANK AMERICA!! TRUST & SAVIIiGS BANK ii All of the above Banks will remain open Railroad Pay Day 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. .. . . .,K l'niulliy. Wp know a pprf.M-lly .ud T,,K ""'r ""'--'"- " , , m,p ,.K w,.h whlih ihanxp- ilr.iwnl na i nut r 1 bu I Iiik pditor of ,.KHnpP ip ihiouii-. Hip luilluii't. pulillKhi-il in lint! O iirri nl iiumbpr of that piiIIkIHi nnm Jniirnnl. I'oluin-I HuiiHPVi'l: indli'uli'a that In Hpilo of Hip phakinH "T of InM uin roup i-iiii. 'Mill liiilii-K. und thn ii mi mo ii ilx of hiii nhyxlrlanp, hp in" ipihIh to runtliiup. fur n linn' al IpuhI, to In- a ypiy bupy man. I hi-rp wa a tlnip whpti u mpip ili'tall likp pillt liipC wniibl IniM' hppn hiiiulli'd In Hip iinirpp of Hip ilay'P work by ('nl'. m l It. in. -.i vclt. wiHuiiii inu rfi r Iiik at nil with hii mure itiipurtaut in 1 1 itipp. Hut tin- t mil' pppiiip In havi' n.iiip in Inn lifp wlipn Hip l ull, II. -I lllnlp it 111 r.f il ry In I lilli'Pll- nn m-vpii or i-IkIiI thiiiK ln- Ml. ll.l nf II ib.Zl'll nr timii' ill.Ill IIIHlK If tmt a . -nn tliuu nf I II p. T lU fur wurli. ii pipililp itppln t .i .In more I ImmuKhly pump nl the nm h hp tin-ilprtnki-N. Tliuiujt'lini mm hup ni'Vi-r li.-i n n llnuNi'M'lt I'hiirarti'i iptii-. It api'i-iitiiiu p ul thia int.' daii in nn in tPi.ptiiiK In.lii nl nm that thp i '"I. .ni-1 nl, II Im iti'Vi'lnpniK. "WhiiH-vi-r I nu do, fur Inxiani p." Willi' I'oloni'l I iniiMI ill, 'to uul In tin f-liintnatiufi of in. -ii Ilk. Mr. IVn-ru-i'. Mr. Murphy und Mr. Iturm-.i iii.iii tuntri'l uf our puliiii-al lif., I must do." It would pppiii that thi work of -1 1 in i ii wuulil bp pti.'UKh nf an nn. I, 1 1. 1 k iiik ut oiip I. nu- pvi-ii fur iiuiu of Hip ' l'p i hi ni lly f"r Intuitu f.. Hut hp Inki'R ill M't '- i tln I In. ul In nilililinn. hp aya. I ii . iil thai I uin in Imnoi,, I tn htatul in Niroim o,piniti'in In Hip iiiliiiiiiixiratliin lip I nt ii n-i-.-ilH to htnic why hi' niupt Pt.ind IK llt'KKTA ri'ully wa-it to clpiin Up PtrollK. hp II KPt III iili k tnin-h w ith thp ninli-yilli' plniliu pip. O- Wiirnliut. "A bpp pan. in to A I a pi .- fur Iiooxp!" Look out n bpp l.OPMIl't Ilk III on yollHP I.PWlp III IlnllMti II I'llHt. p.n.llt SiTmiill. I hi-rpwith .iipi-ii'irHp on TIip puiijpit uf Borrow: TIip in. ul. I. that kill nrp TIip truiibli'.i but mw ' JuiIkp. Major Cnmpln-ll wa a flrpt coiipln of tha Karl nf Hrpinlnlbniul, and at bia dpnth pft four annll rhildrpn. I'll In Hip pvpnlna of thp dupl hp had hp.'n on lha moat frl.'ndly ti-rm with' ('Hptahi Hoyd. and hip unfni'tunntp nd wa hrotiaht aimut by an linnv prnatdp tpmppr and dita lo tha hiah pnpp nf honor nf Ihp fnmpbillp of Scotland, whan thpy arp acruppd nl lying. It w an unfortunatp Incl dent for both man concprncd. aid w-pnt far tnwardp curlilim tha dupllina; arlrit prpvalant al tha tlntr In Ira-tand. WIND SHIELD GLAvSS PLASTER. CEMENT, SASH. DOORS, LUMBER J. C. BALDRIDQE LBR. CO. 423 S. 1st St. Phone 402 W. li. IIAIIII CO. Pi th fWM In frnH ol i II Kind PHONE II. CKRRIIXOH MTMP OALLUP VV'iP GALLUP . ANTHRACITE. ALL flIZK.l KINfLIN AND MJIJ. WOOD tIRICK AND PUAflTKRINi LIMB II ANT A. rB BIUC It WWWWBWPAlipBpt.A Making Muddy Water More of that Good Old "Get Together' Dope The Major Makes a Hit in Las Cruces (Itiu lirnmlp Mnjur Ll.wi'llyii ttnll WP hl-llt'VP Iip mailp In pul. Ii- mid w hii h la an uualii'iabh' ri-polvi'. THI. IMM ll-ITV. FINANi lAl.l.V in.' t li v-rt'iy "I ,. w M'-iiui it. on a b. hit l.uPIM 1 1, nu HIT t Mil' in il" liitli.ry Tho aiinual laiinnut llhd Una wi'i-k Willi thp MiiIp a uil.l i"K i, in l tin nt that in pun p of Hip annual di fi.-lt whuh imil tn bp i"" nimbi-, iriluili with .-u-Il iiiiiriinK Jiar l Iip I'lliM-rpitV lint OIllV ll.lP in pp.'d l' In nine of ITI.unO. Inn hup livi-il wi'.lun il. lunii.g ppput but $2.'ioiJ. Tin- vu I up of linvplPilv pmppity ip pla. rd at I.'o.' ihiii. whu h la a all ...till. I lal U.llll. mid wlib h Mhuwp Hint Hip Miili'p i-hli-f pilii'-a- I plant al Allui nn-r.;up ip MPt'"k to ba piy inurh of an InPlitulum Thp rnlvarplty. whilp it n.-i-d morp .uii.i.ii.pnt U n..w wpII tuiill'lti-d do ihumuKh ci.ll.-B wurk. ua annd in J pfTpi'llv work op i nn b ob- iuIiipiI by i-ollpga aludpiilp in any Hi unirn unlvirpltu. Il ipuiIi nip. fi.ri'.. tripintalllpd Ml u P.ilarv roPt i.f 2K,uua laat par, i ooinpnipd nf tpl pipilpppd mitt n'.d woini-n, and nn youiui mun nr jnjng Woman In NpW Mcxlrii could HK or bptlpr pducatioiial fai'illtipa Ihun arp ofTrrpd hara. Tha prpppnt boaM nf l!K', la loMipowd of buaiupka tnan h In Klrunit ,,ppus,tiuii with Hip aania I. tin ti n. it, ilnwn In hip rittburh ppp. h. Thp foloiipl. thi-rpfur.'. f.-i-la lilm- i-ll in hiiiiui I. ..niul in t.1. i ml iiKiiinii luartiiully ii pi 5 1 hum tin.v foiiplul l pffpi ihp in our l lifp. Tha nttituilp la npi.-nllv I'.noHi-vplliun. Th.. , uuiitnin nuw Int.-r.'Ptlna: thp Aiin-ri-an p.-uplp Ip how far foluitid r.uohiM'lt will net In In univi-rpal uppowition. l-'rom thp nrilt-r uf hip .tatcint'iit oiip ppuiiiia Hint hp pr.t pnNP tn (In I bp plillllllllllnu jnb fur Ipiiiipp. Mmphy niul llnriipp. and ihi-n proi i-pit with the rllminat in of Hip If Iip piu'i i-nl In the tritilp pliininHtli.n liml mi n tlnlll'll. it Will hp tllllP I llnlll ll fur tha ailiiiinistrutluii. whlih ia a very huy to alt up and tuka nolli p. Itppublii an. I inakiH n ih 'In ra il nr npypr bptorp hp nfllitiiH Up ha t.-pulvpd t In. t hit will not In a nimli ilalp for Hip oIIiip or n-pri-ppntativp In Ihp IpKiHlulurp ut the milium pUh--iiulk. Mi.Jur l.lPWPllyn ha.. prvpd Imna Ana county In oiip publu- cn pai it i,r miothi-r lor iiumy ypiir and fi'i'H that he hua doiip pnoiiKh. und nn murp phuiild bp pxppcli-d ol bun Hp hap none tu Sunta K Hm' ii Iter tuiip at arpt pxpi iin- uf moiipy und tiuip, and ut kiiii t Ioph to hi law vrailiip, and hp Im ilpi'lili'd hp will yipld to no pri-ppurp hrouaht In hpnr upon htm thia ihup. Thp major hap alwiiv PPivi'd tin- public willmK ly mid now thp lima hu urrln'U w In n hn w iplu-a In rcinain Inui -live and tnkp u rpnt from Ih lu tlvlil.-p of piiliin-nl IiIp. There will bp plenty of i miiiIiiI.iIp-. nu doubt, and it Hip major d.'Hlrp tu n-iirp ha phuiild b allow iil to do ph. I Wishing the State Capital on Us Do They Want to Appeal to Conscience! tTaita NVw I Rnntu Kp I Lap r. ppollpd child Hip inor. thul la jtiM-n her lha hioi-p ahP ixiipi't. r'.uila i'p hat had'" inui h doiip for her by tha ptatp un' tprruory thai php f.-pla that aha I" n privilptfi-d rhirartpr and dnca not hnvp In ilu amihinil fur hcrpi-lf but npk fur what h want Thp plate uM-rnuipnt ha helbed Puve rii-r pin-it, built ppwpr ptcm. umip iiinni-y u pun hi-r mud than any I'ouiity hn iPi-Plvpd In thp pIuip I'.iiita Kp Ip alwnva upon di'ik when It lump to tiPking for good ruailp convpiitlon hut n"l a cent mupt bp put up to help build a lirulKP hitopp the Kmbuili. river a. hit h w ill brrn I mora moiipy to Haul Kp Hum any tnwn iiliuia thn mutp No. hi Tim do It, unit the Tan ppople f.-.-l thai whi-n A!buiipriip dpmiiudp the plale .iipitul. whuh php will, that we are In favor of having ihp i-apimi (Carrixoxn New.) It i hnrilir tu pee Ihi- .mlloin nl it pond Hmuith :nuddy wnicr than i I pa r, and the itppublicana nf the atatp n r Hili ntly engaai'd In an 'l tort lo atir up the mm) in the polit ical pond un. ft the vntprp . an not spp thplr achcnip nt lha bottom. The ItPpubllrun Ipudpr havp Ihp:' ippuduiU'd by ihi'lr party voter on. e. and will Iip ri pudlatPd uaain thia full. There urp no ival party ippiup in the i-Ipi .inn of a .nata It-Kialut urp. aa Hip part la In the plate piuke ihp tpaucp. In New M -xi' u lha iiiohI iiiilmi tan' ipnip I "hoiioi and liitcllmiiit gov crntiiPlil." There I no other Ippuc ul I tmportaiiip In the ppople of HiIh but that l-ia uf Hip greatp! i J pi. rin rice. Wh.n Hip inlplllgpnt volir of thp , new ptntp of Ni-W MpxIi.-o hud an op- purtuiiity t i.iM their vote tor aiatP officer iln-y tuoi, the r.aonlp or tnp Kppubi.i hii li-Hilpr and utter line inn-tiil.-ii.tliui in., thplr voip lo reiui dmtp the i-ntir- gang aid It :nelhoda, iiwilig In Hie fact that pump luial ele linn lint. a ere alill undpr Hip loiitrol uf iha m.inlpuliiiora the lieaii-up wan not a full na Hie vol era had rep..n tu expetl, but It waP of aufflrli n. force to hw the cn timcnt In Un- Plate. The men a nl the method then re pudlMtpd nre .ialn iiefore the ppuple of thp Ptiiu- Falling to take warn ing, a niunv political leader before thpm havp ladpd tu apprerlnte Hip p.anlfli-pnce ..f auch warninaa. the pame ulil Iciuli-ra huve crowd.-d then ppIvp to th.- front and inaial uiuui uring their ul method. They may be excupeil Inr Hint becaue they hap iipi-n Haned to thoae method and know nu othera. but It la .iiilre y optional with the voler of the atatp up tu hothi-r or nm they " baikwnrdp i. I again adopt Ihe men and miihuiU revpouaible f"r the po Itiical diPKt i of the iat. In older take the attention of the voter i. way from the real Ibpupp nf the cuiii-aign tthelr record and their Intent i' i:l the Hi'fiubliian lead era are irj, j lo make notae over thing nf nn real Importance. They arp hei louil ug Ihe water of Ihe po litical pond If the I., publican aecure Iwo thlrda of t be Inwer hpuar of the leg udaiure Ih.v will pa the high aat ary bill. Inn in probal.lluy wl'h in. reaed v il irlea, ut Ihla ia mt all they will il. Of couri they delr that ciiiint..'- -py high aalarla be cauP wtlh :iiraJ Income the county . I nubile. an .m roiHrlhuie more i l rally, anil fir liberal hut they a bill to Iml In the nnd ll.i una vatern of their cau , pontrlhuliun. Pimply ulng lhP aalary , p county polltlclana I Kiirmlnglnn Timep-lliiptlpr. I If the Itepublicana nf thi 't Want lo put up a l atiUidule that a ill appeal to Ihe cunacieitca nf Ihe ml. ra tin lull, they will n Inme Hernard H. Itodey Hut who paid that they did tu n Ul th'm in aei uring a wo-inirn control I i Hip lower houae of the leaifluture II la the price they r willing to pa for majority with which lh.v .n work their nlhrr pc heme through. They nre ufiald of Public diacu aion nf Hip ulry olll lue. how ever, and nr. trying In every way In a live town of pu.creppive penple , pnrplule to nvold puunmy. i "-, i--r -i,.. ... .hi.... ... i,.i.. uhpnlfpr a riiiiinalgn along "gomahoe Ihe aine help will help Ibenuvlve twice over. (Sant Ke New Mexican.) "Jupt come Itack in Ihe part) and oll inn have anything we've guf I Ihe pathetic apl-l uf the Undpa:- era from Maine lo New MexP o. to the rank and file aid lenderp of th IToitrppKlvi'. "If you want to rpfoim u. ppup enme In and we ll be mil) too glad to have you do It. The nun way o reform Ihe pnriy i fro n Hip Inpule," etc., etc., ad nauaeain. ad In finitum, ud humbuiigum. Wp arp plenppd with the almile pub hulled in a Koawell paper to the el Ipit that fur thp Itepublliuti pariy to nbporb the I'mgreaalve party ut Ihla ti:ne Would lie like thp ppccla. Ic of a garter anakp allowing a lu.a (onpirlctur. Wp might pven go fin Hur and puggpet thut It would te- penible Hie fell of un angle worm awallow ing Ihe ea aerpent. Thp moat aiKniricant phaae of nrpkein nuiitiiMl Plliiuil.ill. platp natiuiinl. Ih ihe coiitinuoup uul in pump caw almoHt heart rp'iding np ppal of the reaitionariPB lo th I'ro grepplve to coma hacK In thp party. In one breuih they acoff ut ihe Pro-grepi-iw-p a a negligible factor not to u taken perlou-ly and In anoihi r luy thPtr Utile nil at the feet uf the I r grpppiyp If thpy will "come In." If there I any coniinK In lo be done It muni bp the other way about. The Progreiulva party, whirh at oiip bound and to the tune of million ol Vide, at the lut election entered Ihe national political arena a full f'edged and powerful parly and admlnlterpd to the Itepublicana Ihe mot atlnglnJ inglorinua and humllluting dereai the hlptorv of the parly la here ...v Another election today In country would ee million mure vote added to II following. Without the alienated vote the Itepubllian party Ip helplep and futile. Il will rcvpr gpt them back. They are going t' ie l iogrppalvf Vote from thi tlmp hnt. Inrth; and th aooner the out i r-nn'p dpfented, hoiieleaa band nl atandpatler renlipa the fact the bel ter. " The ProgreaiMve party, which hold the baUme of pnwer In American pnl Itlia, Invitee the Itepublicana to come in. No Republican, who believe In the public welfare. In prngre In U broad aene. In hnnety In public of fice, in democracy and decency, I going forwurd rather than backward and upward rather than downward: Nu American need hPaltul lo tpnder hia allegiance tu he new par.y: a party which la blfger ano oronoer nnd greater than any man or colerte or men. and a parly In which cry talllxe nil the beat aim an J ahJi tlona of Ih people uf Ibi rnumry. Thia country la faat ranching tha alage where there are only two part lea tho reactionary element and the progrrtaive element. It la not hard to auy which ia going to grow and ahlch la going to deteriorate. t'MlHI 1'-.W MVtl.KMKT WHITE ELEPHANT BAR (iM Y (INK IlKI It H llUM IiliT Mppr). V. . fiaioca At '.' ttlil I'row U lil-kpy ami llermllago lly rcgalarly-acrvml. M utlprr feartliig Ipramla n i all. Smi Uil -acrtlce nn all Illicit Haw drink's J. C. TV M.TS, .lanagee I - 1 i a i ar !!SI 1 in to thi Hi iti! '! jIf n pw p pp w ww w a Those persons who receive and disburse money in large or small sums should have a checking ac count: for the check is as good as a leceipt as nn evidence of payment and many firms would rather receive checks than currency in payment of bills. Deposits subject to check aie accepted by this bank in any amount and every courtesy is ex tended to our patrons without regard to the size of their accounts. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY A NORTH TOLE ALL METAL FREEZER, COLD. REFRESHING AND HEALTHFUL. DESSERTS FROZEN IN ONLY FOUR MINUTES. For any Itihine nf the kln, for ek In raphe, chap, pimple-, etc., try liuan's I uiilmeiil. Mb' al all drug alorea. linp. but if forced to ulcua iue 111 bring up lhne nutlonal nutlon which menu nothing In Ihe tte elec. thin. They hope to keen the water nt Ihe political pund rv Iddy until they get wliut they want. Effective if Persued Vigorously ' (From tha Reporter ) Klfego Haca of Albuuueniuc. can didate for Ihe Itepubllcan nomina tion for repreaentatlve u lo'grea. Thoroughly Well Made Practical and Serviceable Lew Priced. Easily Operated. GUARANTEED TO GIVE SATISFACTION One Quart Size. . ....$1.60 Two Quart Size . ...$1.75 ALBERT FABER 213 to 215 W. Gold Ave. Furniture, Carpets, and Draperies, Stoves.