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the evening nniAiD. AtsuaumaTTE. v. m., TmntsDAY. july iq. iei4. five N ew Mexico's Unique Building At the San Diego Exposition " iii i i n , ,, a I S ! H Hi ' -' -..'-, ilft I?- ,- ..w.-.TSuSi - w i.. rrrrft-r - jn j-r-mirre. . r ! - ' Ml ,lf -i ' i - -- - I I . , . ,k r ;-v, L; . s J t J H I J ; 1 tnonlii unit the liiin1in( IiikIhIIki Ion, HI fin r IiIoihIk IiIii rniil ronl i limn with Im mirriMinillni. Ttimlith lh othrt iiiitliliiim r they ni lonrhrd hrr nnil IhiTf lth niliM tlonn nnd rrl inrmvntu Hhiih lioprmK lh Mtorinh Influrnre. " Ihnl Mrl n't mriii liirr iin l purely t I ho ml lmnndi-il. Ai Hpmuah-i-onlnl li lilrml In. pir Kpunliin rnlnnlitl, It lonirnnm with thi nthrr. hnxlni n ni.inialVK lifHitty, rrt Pni of riiy vvhII. lrlnnnt ol hcHvy Mm k of imh ami hml" thin lintiniiinh It nl oii'f. A an ripoalt inn ulrm turo II la lilral. It l Ix'iiiitiful with th hmuty of aim pllrlly anil thp hfailtv nf u 1 1 1 1 1 . Thrrp In no "8lnrbrll' nbotit It No ai-riillnaw frvt-work niiirk l aKyllnr. nu nt-vi-a or anhna mr lhi rhmi,. tipvcrlty of lt !. Iia vpry miliftiitiu.iliif ac-rnia lyplfv I ha atiiliillty of ihf alati whlrh unlpil It. Anil liin rxhihlt w-nlth Inalilo W"ll tviiinon tlir Wf.ihh nf rfwuin thi: tln tl ponriwi.. Text of Amendments to the State Constitution to Be Voted on Next November A MILLION DOLLAR CATTLE DEAL Id EL SO George D. Holmes Buy 35.000 Head from Famous Santa Clara Ranch Near Chihua hua City ami will Sell in United States. fcl I'oao. T-aa. July IS. A million cliilltir rut ti- ilenl wa'il III Kl l'na y'ileriliiy by lleiirrr M. lliilinit, unr of the liiritrnt mitlp luiyim In northi-rn Mrxicu, wh-n in luirrhaRcd SS.t'UO hi-aI of liloodfil rnltlo from the ilramrroa famlb'i oncra of tha San In Clara rimrh neni I'hlhuahiin City. It la tha lnrgat ruttlw deal whlrh hna liren mail a In Ihia iiprt Inn In yrara. All of I ha at irk ra bloudad Lituhiima nnd ramie from una to foiira. Thay ara ataara, cowa li ml culvaa, ahoiit avanly divided. Mr. Iloltnaa Intcnila to plura lha nttl on the Amerirun market an noun aa ha run trnnaport them to the border. Il hna olnaliud parmlaMon from the t'onMliutlniniliat nftlilla to aiiiort them to the I'nllad Htntaa. The movement of the cuttle will neiln on July 31. ltallwuy iUlp mont whlrh will ha uaed to orlna out the flint ahlptnenl waa aent aouih from Juorrx ycatarduy atir- noon. It !. eatlmatad hy the buyer Ihnt 3. (Kin hand will ha brought nut Views and Vistas of the Stale's Distinctive Structure Already Attracting Wide Attention and Certain to Prove One of the Features of the San Diego Fair, m iitiJ ixico lunzts lilt SPOTLIGHT AT SI DIEGO (I'y Inn id tt. t.iiiH-.) ! Snhara on a,tlwr or t.'ia Amrrl i hii i oiiIIiii-iiim Ik there it i ooibiiiatliin o eimilimtalK which ! id" Itaelt an loi'tunHlcly to the hvmkciI olijact of the I'liniiiiiu-l'ullfornlii i xoatttn, to ahow the devi'lopinant ol man un the waatarn hern Imp hero n In Nw Mexico. There are iii.-iny reuminn why ihia la an. Ni w Maxim waa th arena of a i ulllmunii., in i rvhiHiuro' tlmia. aa roniplate and n cultured aa any on the Mexirmi or IVrmlin Idaleaua. nnd irobbly of on earlier birth. New Mexico waa the arena o. the firxt aett lenient of human dellix"., on Ihia half of lha nloix'. In later yaora New Mexico Waa the acrna of a auc-cadin chillxailon ua well roiimlad nnd aa autiafMim nf the tlemnnda nf the period ulul the people aa any other In any locality. New Mellio waa the alalia of citiea and lovtna before Jainextown hud tiaen thought of anil before the coming l fultimbua even, for the uboriKinea ol tha U:no had built inajealic cahtlea ot atone, aonie of which alnnd in thia day aa ailent remindera of ' h gone mm ha in the development nf ina i. Nor wr.a New Mexico lardy when the North American continent begun to It net lint by adventurer from over lha aeiia. Hiumiah ruiuiutaliidorea mintjk lima anil l.rrlht itinri hi-i from i polnla iii Mexico and on the Mexican a'llf In what hna alnra ro:ne to be known aa Texaa to lutrartuln wint tha cminlrt offered tha artilcr. Ml aiona war built that ante-dale the fumoiia atructurea nf Cahfortiia more than a century nod a half. I'oloniea of Kpanixh and Mexican people were founded. lnda Were tilled, antra wua Inlroduccd and grown and even aoma nilnea were worked. Tlien am inlercourxe with the Aiiiarpun republic th:tt had aprung up In the north and anal and the hardy pioneer braved the perila of the plul-ia lo 'fniaaeaa the gaina of t'ominarce. lit time (he rountiy her a tie mora or lean "Amerlcanlxed." If the word be uaed In the venae of Anglo-Huxon Ameri cana, for truly the firal Americana had lived there aeoita before, and r.jw It la much thp aame In culture, In educational fucllitica aid In Ita genaral moderiinaaa aa any other aec liun of lha great alolarhood of alalea. A, II Ihraa. tbloga filled ll With the plan of lha expoMtmii mi' horlt l to ilixjii.iy the pruitiena of mankind. oh 'It had taken yearn to a II. f la, ron ilenaed ind cuiiipaclrd Into a aitiKla coinpar.itn ely amall expi..ll Ion. New Mexico had a iilmr to fill at the San lin go axpoHilion. it field nnil h ope all her on. Tln-ae tatried with them diiliea n well aa own tunltlc. nnd when the laiflatuia of Ihe wiute had ni'air and graupcd the opportun ity, it remained for the ex poult ion board i ranted by the lealpluture lo aee and fulfil the duly. Hampered by lack of fiimla from the firm, tha tain of how that dtilv waa fulfilled would make a book nnd n mighty in tercut Inn book al thin. Tliere would be romance In auch a volume, but It would not ha the romance of bulled rltlea, pre-hialoric hiilldiiiKil and lha like, except Indirectly. ll would be the romance of achievement than whlrh there la none finer. When, Bering the grant opportunity to plnco New Mexico before tha eye of tha world in proper and legitimate manner, the lenlnlaturc pawned Ita net approp riming Uft.fWt! for a dixplav nt Hie I'MnniiiH-l'alifornln expoatiloii, It nlao created a "board of pxpoaitlon manugira" whoae petmllliel It left t the governor of the Mate. Tha execu tive named five men on Ihia board nnd the board promptly elected Itnlph K. Twltchetl aa It h ihilrnian. Hlnce that time Chairman Twltihell hua done the major portion of lha Woik of the nrgiinirniion, haa aup plied the Imagination for the project It haa placed afoot and haa hud act ive management of ita aff.nrx. The board caat about for a plan hy which lha alate Could be repreaenteit with due dltiilly nnd yet In a euffl clent'y i:npreiHiva manner, at the ex ponitinn and at the aatne time main tain wide ecnpe one that would cover the whole atate without pref erence or favorliiant or a two narrow election of exhibition material. It hit upon the motion picture na thla inennn. In motion plcturea New Mexico I lo be carried Intset next year to a mnealve gray building on the brink t Cahrillo canyon and there diilayad, In all her eplendor, her romance, and her wealth of re aoitrcea, develo.l and undeveloped to repreaeritalivea of every race, creed and rlaaa under the aun. When the board mud thla derinlon however there ) reiuuined the nuea lion of n liiiildini;. T" Ktiow motion piitillex take firt of ai a d.ii e in h!rh to make the Uuplav. The i x poKltioii n hi In. ril H a hml nmrniU'r, Met a fixed type of a ri hn n t urc fni u 1 1 biilliliiiiH on tha iMoiiinls I 'hn aildcd to the factor In the ail nil i""i. In a w.iv, it k I ii, i I i-l tlo. iMiia'.ion tor New Mexico for the on ah.i Iioiim weia of a type which he alone could display In Ita pntlly nrnl at ity beat, "Spallih-i oliuiial," b.iI'I the aiithoritii , "thall bv the atyli- of an hitei tore fur all haililinuis at the i x pomtlon.'' "" raid the board, 'in c huva that no one elm, has." A competition of ait hilcci wnh held, a:uphaMiK helm! laid upon lite fart that the atate. had alt'c nf mulerl I at hand from which to ilaw lite nci emuiry data on what coiiKtltutad ''punihii-colonliil." The wililiiiiK plan wa Iroin a New Mexi can architect, a mailer of credit to the atato In itxeir. It culled for a re ploilio lion, no re nr I 'M accurate, ol the ttiunh built upon tha Hock of Aconm, one of the oIiIchi Indian pu- tli,x, by the gooil father who fol li.v. eil and aiiiiict ituea led the coti iinlailore ol latlv d.iya into New Mexico. AdilillonM were .iimle In the liiihter fityle ol the fmhili church. " liKhier lll'i' of :ni, I, line whli h per mitted einplnvinant of t: lut tr.idca, i lolatarii ninl the Ilka, which mrcil In the plun in give reliuf fr n i lie miivxlve aoliilny which la lha chief charat let Nlic of lha church at Ai oina. A l.ipiria aa nililcil n ml tha MlrUifure wan cn'iliilele. The biilldinir. now comiiletad ex cept for lha electric ligmlng urrutiae- f Ford Car for Hire i 1 ni.lii . Inn.p-..,T y-y, y.ff.. , , , , . , " ' 1 " i- U N n On Trips to (he Mountains On Trips around Town lean saCe you money. Tonv Michelbach Stands Opposite Sturges Hotel Stand Phone 176 Residence Phone 1302-J GENERAL ADVANCE IN CATTLE PRICES IN KANSAS CITY YARDS Kanaaa City Rtnckyarda, July It. A general advance of !I5 to bO cent in rattle price wua the feature luat week. In cotmevtloii with a light aupply, 17.UIMI hm.d. which waa " anu leaa than name week laxi year. ilood to prime killing gradea gained 'i't ceiila, and the lower grade got greater gaina, rominon entile getting the full advance, mocker and feed era old Ml to 7 5 aent higher. The aupply today la ll.ttuu toied. which im Iinlc fi.tiao head from below lha tick Una. I'rlme Miaaonri wltltefncaa Bold nt 19.7a today. hiKhent price thia year, and eiiial to record July pi li e. po lil In Medium fill natlveH aril Around '. and bulk of native alaer ut $ all to Is.r.ti. N'-itlvo eteer are atroiig to in renta higher today, other gradea ateudy. I'rirea here are practically on a parity with Chicago, the oiilv difference In the market being thai huyeiH fight harder ut I'hicugo and delay weighing, while anlea are made early nt Kauaa IVV. mid cattle weighed with ull their till I'riiue town bring li.r.ll. ami heifer ore iioluble up to la T.u. bulla H. vanla flu, with rather a amall apreud from theaa pricea downwunl in each cIuh. Sulexmen any that inline aievra ahoiild be brlngliu a dollar nmrv per hundred, accorditig to the way Infi l l,, r cuttle me Bailing. I Ml thl theory heavy feeder huve luken on a mild boom, numeroua aalea re cently around x, uml una lot today lU IN 3 j fi.r a U-duy feed. Heal tnocker bring , medium grade "! to 1 1. SO, bet alrong today, other aleiidy. Ilood rake-fed Bleera from north Tela add up to fx. US today, higheat price ever paid bare for (lunraiiline cattle, nnd bulk of the good iiiaruniina aleer Bell at $ 7 7 fi lo fH.S.i, good gniM atarr f7.2" lo fa. medium and cheap atcer I5.TR to t.7; thee price ronMidered ateady tu a rhade lower l hua lute lul W'eek. Hngy are very aenrce. la than S.imil here today. The market la ID to 1.1 cent higher, avveral loada of not extra choice hoga Bailing al the lop, and bulk of aalea ai fx Jn lo f X SO. Trade acotita report a good many mnl drove of hog in the country, but are at a loaa w han Baked the reaaoii fur light rum, and at what time owner expect to market thane hog. There la a aentiment cir culating that fill hoga are coining, hut muiketahle hoga would aeem rlPe for a i up on the car. Sheep uml lumba are Irregulur. al though iiiiull receipt are a alrong feutute. Spring lamba of aecond glade have been bringing f recently but atopped al fx nil today, yearling ti. heavy wether tVSn. light weth er $. ewe lamely at I 7J, feeding lumliN t to f.7S. l'riMai t fa vor light auppllea here for another month. J. A. HICKAUT. Following I the text of amend menta proponeil lo the c minium Ion ol New Mexico, which are to he vntcd n at tha roming general elcviion in November: Joint It'-wilntlon .o. J. Joint Keaoluiion iroMiimg for the Amenduietil ot Arliil,. V. nf the CoiiBtitutlon of tha Htate of New Mexico, Knlitled "Taxation and Iteveiiue.-' H. fuh. M. J. It. No. 12; Filed March II. 1911 He It l(eoled by the l.cKllatore ol tha Stale of New Mrll n That Article VI ll. of lha Conatltu- tin n of the Stale of New Mexico, entl- lied "Tax'Hton nnd Hevanue,-' lie and the aame hereby la amelnled mi a to read na follow ; Aril, le VIII. Taxation ami Id-venue, Section I. Taxe levied upon tang ible property ahull be In proportion to the value thereof, and luxe ahall be eiiual nnd uniform upon MUtiJeit of taxation of the aamp claaa. Sac. 2. Tnxrx levied upon ran) ir peraoiinl property for atate revenue ahall be dliiiiil!fled lo hold pnli "II each dollar of the aaeacd valua tion llieieof except for tha aitpporl of lha educational, penal and chnrl'n- hla ItiMllliltlii-i of the ntdle, payment of the alate debt and Interexi there on; and the total annua, lax levy up on cm h property for all alate imr poan en (naive of neepxanry levle fol the atate dent ahnll not exceed ten mill. Her. S. The property nf the 1'iilled Plate, the atate nnd nil counties, towna and rltle and echon illtrlct, and nther municipal rorporntlotia, public llbrnrle. community dltnheg and all lateral thereof, all churco property, nl property lined for edit rational nr charitable purpoaea, .ill remeteriea nnl ued or held for pri vate nr corporate profit, nnd all tumid nf the atnle of New Mexico, and 'l the count leu, munlclpnlll lea nnd dta tilct thereof hiil be exempt from (..xntlnn. Pec. i. Any public officer making any profit nut of public mnnlea nr Ualng the aame for any purprme not authorized by law, ahall be deemed guilty of a felonv. and Hint 1 1 be pun lahed aa provided by law and hnl be riiUallf led to hold pub lic office. All public monle not Invented In IHereat bearing ae rtirltiea ahall he dapoaited In natinnnt hank in thla alate nr In bun a nr lrut rnmpanlea Incorporoted undet the law nf the elate and the Inlereat derived therefrom ahall be applied in the manner prescribed by law. Sec. 5. The legislature may exempt from taxation property nf each hand of a family to the amount of rVn hundred dollar. Her. 6. Land held In Inrge tract ahull not be uesed for taxation nt any lower value per acre then (than I land of the aame character or Dual ity and vlmllarly aliunted. held In amnller tract. Tha plowing nf land hal not be (otiMldered aa add im Value thereto fur 'ha purpose of tax ation. Sec. 7. No axacutlon ahall issue upon any Judgment rendered aaninst the board nT coll'Hy riunioisfllollel a of any county, or against anv Incur pnrnled city, town or viltng", a' tlool district or board of education, or against any officer of any lounty. In corporated city, town or Plage, aehnol district or ininrd of education, upon any jiidvmeni recovered ngnlnat him In hi offiiinl rapidly and for Whirl; the eointy, Im nrpornteil cl.r. town or village. t hoot district or board of adm al inn. la liable, but the same ahall be paid tail of the pro it ils of a tax levy na other llnliil Itie of counties, Incorporated title. towna or village, school dlstrlif or htiadr of education, and whan an col lected ahall be paid hv Ihe iminiy treasurer to the Judgment creditor. Proposing an amendment of (ac tion two of Mol article ten of the r, antiunion nf the alate of New Mexico. (S. Sub X. J. It. Nu. 10. filed March IS. 191.11: lie It Itoaohed by Ihe Legislature ot the Stale of New Mexico: That Section Two of Article Ten or the Cunxtitutlon of tha stale o New Mexico be amended I'l aa to read aa follow: AM Me X. Serf Inn i. Ail county officer shall be elected for a term nf tau year, nnd after having aerved two consecutive term, ahall he Ineligible to hold any county office for two year thereafter. Proposing an amendment of (to) section one, of article five, of the ronatltullon nf Ihe atate nf New Mex ico. fS. J It. No. 19; filed March 17, 1111: lie II Resolved hy the legislature nt the Slate of New Mexico: Thnt Section fine nf Article Five ol the Const it nl Ion nf the Slate of New Mexico, be amended an aa In read aa follow: Article V. Section 1. The executive depart ment shall consist nf a governor, lieutenant governor. aerrelury nt atate, stale auditor, atate treasurer, attorney general, superintendent nt public Instruction nnd commissioner or lof) public lands, who ahull e elected for the term nf two yeara be ginning nn the first day of January next after their electlnn. Such officer ahall. after having served two conaecutlvp terma. be in eligible to hold nny state office for two yenr thereafter. The off leer nf the executive de partment, except the lieutenant gov. amor, ahall during their term of or flee, reside and keep the public rec ord:, hooka, pnpi'r uml aeals of of fice at Ihe seat of government. Feel languid, weak, run down? HeiiducheT Stomach "off?" A goad remedy la llurdoclt Mood littler. Aak your druggist. Prim fl.uu. Chicago Hill A Lumber Co General Planing Mill 3rd and Marquette Phont) 8 In Directing Your Attention To Our Splendid Growth We desire that you keep in mind the fact thnt this rapid expansion of our business and ca pacity and facilities for serving you has been attained only by the most careful and comer vative methods. We offer to our customers every accommoda tion possible to sound banking. We have for your use every modern banking facility and convenience. These and our most courteous attention are at your service, no matter what the size of your account. Come In and See Us STATE NATIONAL BANK ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO. United States Depository. Santa Fe Ry. Depository. Figure with us on Sash Doors, j m m wxb at Mouldings and hvery thing in i Ala lf jl-ahv at MILL WUKK Superior Lumber & Mill Company Xf ajp 1