Newspaper Page Text
THE EVENING JIERAID. ALBUQUERQUE. H. It. THURSDAY, JULY 10. 1814. ..............I...............,,,,.,..........,.... 5 T 1 day's Live News 10 VISITORS DAY IP TODAY Many Tropic From Surround ing Towns Make Trip to Doming to Scce National Guard and Regulars Work. NOTHING TOO GOOD FOR THE CITIZEN SOLDIERS Illy V. 1. 1 1 i'ii. k, l iil'i.i'n, I'oinp ni Hint Infantry.) I .1 mp VI. - T'" Itmnkn k Illllli'lg. N M . J K .1- it i n ill' I, i i n ; ul Willi llai' , lull fri'in ' I V 1 1 1 v II M mi wink nml ev i-t 1 him; i,. (i.r llii 'Hi. .hipnha ;i- nine in l onh f i i Kdwr I'iiy iiikI !i Hi pI.iI' ID 1 'i 'li.lli' hi t i"' " r' IiIk i v w H h t he r'i-' ul i ! IllllllH r ul v I i'llln lame Tin lii'tiium lllll till ri Mi it'll K men. The at pr,, mines In be ii m l' li ri I nlimily i :h..m fiiii i emit ul In the l: of .'A M.-l ii. I tin1 regular 1 1 I I l-"i i ili rli k. tin' wi K in nf nml In co-oper- Iin I'll .1 Hi. i I'i' iiiii'. r I, mull r mi .-i v t ntlnll m ii h Hi I I U III. I II I II ' . liil. I , linn In tr.iini'il mi'ti nf the linih i ii f ii m ry niiil nr II Invaluable In i.ur mllii iiinii'ii. nml the iietiofitn nf Iho I i ' in. i in m er nml ennninnl iinl, 1' In retlmled permanently In a ul i -.- ilrilli'il tinlllia, h ml a nmre in lliiiMiiHiir rank nml fllo. Thn men nri' i nl'ivint: the f imi, There In no I'.i.lihk'. Mini pli lit v nf hnril wmk; but Mir H.,rlt i.f the i-m n :n pim-nt In 1 1 1 Ii it 'I pi . Thi- iiiilli .iin n ti. on msi peeking tn Ir.irn Hi.- n-it-ii!. Hi urn out hunl ml h n I' v r "I m te n h. The n-Hiilt In good. There nr el'en com panlnn if !n f t lit i v In tlir n 1 1 1 1 . nml tw.i hniier l.'i ' field iirtllerv. tlu I!.i!.vm l I. I nf tho mn n guard nml n I., it. l.iv 'f riant. nn f i mil Kuri lih-. The i;,, un.ll hniiiry miTliilul, Tmir lar inf.iiitrv ilk lln-ir ii-ulini,'itri tinll III ll'lll W . ami. tn I ii in n'. iilnianii'n nr r- "'i i nm In in in 1 1. hiiIi I. nli, I uhlrh In nihil. ',rl , t; : v i-n a unv ri l I'a h rvMilnt?. Tho .Ml'il'ilnl .i, nia',,. n nl'' lllakinK II I litii" i ii;. inliifiuiy l null it ti,t'r "t ihiiu ru'ht nmii nml t... i i-i ami i,.rn.anv I. with lift v-thric limn ami llui-i, nffl- i-in. Thn i ,iiii r,,iiiimiit In K I mnl tin- "t. i .l'' ,in 1 1.. in aii'l n. nir- il hy flint iliis ' kn, u thai in I'ainii ltriMik tln-lc In mi knkliiK mi the ilailv m. nn. Th wn itlwr hnn hnm iiiii warm iltirlnir tin- il ay. hnl thn nli;hn nn- mnl nml thtin f ir tlii'rf lai n irn nirmuH nulfiTina frmn lnat. GOVERNOR GOES TO DEMING TO ATTEND GOVERNOR'S DAY i-i Inl il-,iil li to Tim lli'inlil.) s.i m a I'., x. M., July Hi i;...r I...I Ml, .mil, I i, nl ..i, li.nluhl l"t I ii niiiilf, Klii'ii lu. i- ill hn K-'i'-ni 1. 1 lixllnr III l'illii lll.tfiks t,,lm I'l'iiW, vililih In "' !,,. irii'it n I'ay," ut Hu ininiiiil niitn ii 1 1 1 it in nm ami' unlit. Thi. i!i, irni.r hi irum ii h.. mli-nini. i ni, fi.r I'm hint I i.l In inarkn- mitifhi nt tin- i-in. ini'iii"i!t ti,r whiili th-. to in kinn imiiit it Inn. MRS. OEIDEL TELLS WOMEN I low Lydia E. Pinkham's V g e table Compound Kept Her in Health for 14 Years. niipnoniiburjr, Ta. "It vu iiovoriil nr mko that 1 (Urti'il taking I.yiiia K. i I ink hum Vi'". tii-.jJ-h- i tla Compound. I Ithon puITitmI tnrri- lly evory tnnnth. My hunliand tiouutit tint i 7 sr j a DuttlH nf it ami it 1 Ui ihrlped m o rifht ' Jaway. Tlmn nil r A ntv aorriml rhilii waa I burn 1 hail a foinaln j trnulile very bailly nml I uatnl I.y.liu il. liiikhain'a Voirot- ; Liu t"imxmntl Bnd in a ahort timo wun t i.roJ ami hav Imh ti in i xi'i ll.-iit Innlth 1 alwaya irnino Ui ('iminiuiul ' li. ii. v.T I h.ivn an oiirtunity an I know it In l"si mo an. I iil In ii nth T. I l.uti iy 1 Iiuvb Kivrn thn CiiiiiHiuni tu j my ilati:litnr ami I wmb all aulT.-rinit ' n wiiiil'l tuko it ami l ruiiviiii'ml I i,l it wiirlh." Mm. Jamks A. i.tinKI., j Jlil is. I'l iin Stric t, Shi'M-iinliu;t; I'" l.yilia V.. I'inkhuni'a Vi Kntalilo (xim- J'' f ruin iiutivoruitnuml h- rlm, i.j.tunin no iinrriitto in liiirmful ilm, hial ImdHy In. I'I tim r.'i-un of Ix-intf tin) tin t,t i-uri 'i-.ssful rnnmily fnrfi male ill) Wi knnw uf, wi'l thounaniia nf Voluntary tnniiiiioiiiala on tilo in Uia I'liikliani Ji.lmrat.'iy ut I yuil, Maaa.. aoviu to j.rnyo tl.ia fact, If uii liav Hi fcllclit'i.t tlmilit Hint l.yiliit I:. I'liil.liMin'a rk' i.iiiIhhiiuI will ln li mi, ti rifi In l..ilU IM'IiiUIih'ii llii im t u. (i in. Iiilr nl ial 1 1. mi, 1 ., I r ml- I 114' r XMll Ih-.-im-i ri ail anil MUNMi ri-u ly it vwiiiium. iiitl iu aUUi touUiltucc. cm ATlAUTO TRUCK OPENS MARKET AVENUE EOR SAN JUAN Believed that Advent of the Truck will Solve Problem of Fast Transportation for Valuable Fruit Crop. eerlat f iirreapiiaarara t Ik VvhlmI4 I-':. iiiinvl.'li, N. M., July 14. Win n in I in tmtigti.n i'i'" other il'.v ii t"i) nml nli. Ht iiii'li.r II ii. k wan nu ll. n. I. il HI till' depot; In Ilium, wlni wii hink iiik. in 'li- than mi ,'iul'i Urn h wan in-hited Intn thi' i-'.in Jllllll In lllll II lO- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' win uii naieil nlnn. "I'll l ll in k l I Iii flint i. lie hi I"' riil In tli.' San Jinin. mill wa pnr i haanl hy 1'tin Muiri.-i, who ban tin tn 1 1 . ..ul I'ni'i fm the mute between I- .ti'iiiiiiiMmi um Milpr. k, u tlmiinee i'l thiity-lhi. nitU-s. II han IniiK l.i'i'ii oiintemleil that r wan it .i i.pnHit inn lii iut In nil mil.) lint' In I . I'll KiiniiliiKH.n "i"l l'iiilliii, pr., I.Iiiil: ii III 1 ! wmk Would It il.iii.. nil thi- r m lit. Thin I'll r hai- 'i'i'ii iii'iii work than ever ln' f..ii. nml iim I Iiiii tin- flrt it i t tnn k niiiitt. iih iiiii'nrniirr lli.ii' inirr i.t.'it Mill li.ui' nn I unit y nf i.'i-.. i u li.. tin. ii.iji(l may utk mil In 'i ml ii p. Thin In out. nf fitf. n'Hniliilitii'g I tint Miin ii n li hi ili'il Kith tin. i nr. Aniithi.r In thf. it'"i' tiwiili' l v a In. nl iIi-.iIit in pun hi vi. n t hi in -ti.n trin k nml linnl i mil 1 1 .m tin' nitii-a at I'i iiith. n.l in I'.n hhiii'I" i. thin S'vlnx li ul ii'i'ili li'ii.i r nml. 1'hm nnllnp nut,, i;ni'. If In.nmtii Mill, il l,n llu imiiiil K.ihinii f lli Irn in n.i litinn in ..I. I. in. ,.",i" ill lv nn fur n thr linn i nm l MTiiml. Thin iiii tin. Sin Jinin Iin" nn f-nuriiii'iiH frnii , i,,i an, I t )ii!nl..; ir:iiiHii.rl.' l.i. iliifN II In pltlnir th in, nlllmii nnr priMii'iil nil fruit in I rn nnfi-rrml ' fnr Hm f w"l itt. :it..iln ,,i., - It I Wi'l'. .1 llltl.' lull- ,r t ti .n in. "f I hi fa. I I lint :'l ii f milM I'' ll ill Imt K.niil ' i'i , I hin wit it ,f III in M'X- I III. U' ', . u "i.-r v hi ir flUUL ARE TRE BUSY (Fmin tin- l!ntnn Ham;' I l!at.,,i niiini flw- It iimr.ii. f..r a ..mlnrf til Alllll li'll of lirnlm.i, nt.inilanl mlatii' li,,,,i Inra. I'li'in tin- in. i-i. nl thn Alhu iiiiiiiii' iiiim li liil i ,11 r lily until t lu-y Inlt. it wan lln,rnn,il n'l mi r I'i " I'll' thai AlliiHiii i',iii. Ik In Vi'w .Vnxi.ii, Is ll,,- .i-nl-r miij iri nmrnl i ll. n of Xn M.Xii ii, mnl tlm ..'i.'i k In n. thn niatn Ik li.l.l. 1 1 v I'l'iin mm. hailm n. lit. r .Into nml wmil i.f lininlll tlm iii.n,nl i.f A I ,u, unr -iUi nn.l thn fair wan nprnail, mnl nn iiUM'i'iihlv iii,rnail that wn nil llkiil il. hn Urn I,, Mil Wtmsn .,. Il.'li-r f.irvnt hnl' M:.y In r I st.-r nnml nmin hnrn :i nn I l v in litiinli ,-il-l.,l.r FOUR BILLION FISH DISTRIBUTED BY THE GOVERNMENT LAST YEAR Peorelnry of Commoroe Ttoilfiohl hn Juki boon Infnrini'U hy tho rurn iiiinniinii r nf f lh. rioa that ii.Imiii'O ropnrtH mitivod frmn Iho Ntaihma of the tniloau of finh-i-t Inn in nil I'lim of tho I'uiiniry In illiiito that il irlnir tho fimal year will, h i I.. mil 30. lull, tho iiiini- i In r ni f,,i,il ami t nine linhnn propn- it. ili -1 nml .Imi i ihnti'il 4iy Iho tmioail Wai. ni.n,,l. i a tiy iiinxnonn of that nl I .r,.- 1..,, ...... 11... ...ill. ,l M i a ,, r x , n il niy four inllmn. of w lll' lll 4 '. iiiillmn rnpi.'niii. , iho mlitrni.irv I I I flchnn if lh" A 1 1 li 1 1 1 1 1 rwift .'!,.iiiin. nnr hlllmn I In, i ., imnr, i., I ' f" I,, ? i.f tho ilii ni laki-n, I'm ami u I '.(iLiltir liillinll thn IllM'i.l t, int fnn't j 1 1 1 ti m of Iho North Ail'iim- rnni. j nnr In'l liniii.,11 I lit- nallimli nf t ho ifnrlfii- nnalmaril. ami ilm it inn n.l. r ! II,.- Ilnhia Iho minor int. rmr i. nt orn. Iniii i l.iit i.riH of fWho f, r k t . it k 1 1 1 k laiirt-'i pniilii' wnii-in. nr toi ln..t,Kitiu pill-In' n.ilt-rn whi.h Inn. I." ., nn ih plot, il, worn mini.. In pi i -ti.illv i-'.i-rv i-t .tn i.f iho I'ni.iii ami in .l...'ka. whip' t h, u m.-i ll, In of or.i-i 1 1 llll. iliil I'.iliil.l nil. I li,k., llin inip.r.l I.r Ihilll lo.'atoil i. n f.irnm, Wnln nil,, k.-.l Willi l.lai k hann, ITnppinn, I riinfii-hi , ral In-lion, ami mhi-r ili nir ' ,,l.;,. s.t. I, n. j i if tin i i. .nm. iin output for Iho ii ir, li s pi r i i'iil it piiKoiiln tho rutn ' in. ii ial f,..., Imlnn ami a vi ry iamo pnr.'i'iilaieo nf ttioni. w ori' hntih'l from rvH whiili wmihl huvo noon i inin ly I'.st hail It in. t ho. ii for tho n. 1 1 v 1 1 ik it? iho hurottii of f IhIh i Ion. Colin nlont with the nintinonti fl mil put Hmro hnB la i n a il. t hit .1 lin ptor:nont In tho of foi i iv i non of val li'tin lira -! Vina of Iho f n-h-t nil in -i! w.'lk, an tin i vaui!.1!. of who ll til . la. inni, lit. nt -t thn roir:iin i.f lh. f'ii i iiiim ii-nl ,omlii,u ni-i. n t.l .nan liii'limiN nf Inli fmmi i lv .1 i 1 1 1. , it . I -,U I." I'1..U ... .I...C ... t 1... ... lu ,:,.,l ,.lrn vr,.u,r num. h. rnnll. r. ii n tii4 ilwitlotl miuii' i" may ho luadv almig thi line. ni niinnrnnii BOYS flLDUgULI BOOSTERS I,..,..,,....,......,. of the Sunshine State ARIZONA State Tax Commission Boosts Valuations and Assessment Basis Show Increase of Six Millions Over Last Year. I'h.ii'iux, Jul 1 4. - A.tilinu nvi-r ii. mill, u mi tn th, iiuhi nni',1 y u nf tin' lllllli'ilil l i.ii l t nf thv Mali', Ilia I 'i x liiiiiiiiiiiii"Ii i K.ri'iiuy nn- li'iiiln tl 111 lil .i I tt''l.ii''i-llii lit al t.n u i'" il nun '' m j.-ti.'jj.i t t.jj u m. ii vS lit i h h (i. i.iilw;i. thu of the U.iy .mil tiliii tailtiKiiJ, I ii t prtnii viilut if i iXt il ;il I I I, m I nul t . in, a iiK'""M I a V;i hi. 1 1 M-ll nt 4 i.-.U'i'l l.i 1.1. 'J he jit jii ilj wa.-i iii'piaihtil a. $''. "UW i .lino h.fti ;.. 'Mil itiih UK-lilt- itflf f , JIU It-iltli v h till' I ' I 1 1 1 1 1 1 -.' H rll'inK iih U 1 ho Kay 1 1 nm Kt hin buuiil i,l ; l-ll"lt inn . j lu i(a, in ; l'llJ,i!.li .I'll. u hu ll 1 1 1 1 i li .ii mil. . t till In.-, I v I, --, hlatit. Tile 111. nil r.utlii' nml nri' n;..t-iMi'.l .ii mil .N'W AU'XIr.i, i li.iiKth, ami il mil' ' . .ii i,ii! iimtlii lu tin ; liuon uf tho Sum hi-i n ! Hi., .-.imi.i l-'t- i.iilt..iil III III. Mlllll' tlKllll' " ' i ,-. . u l tin. Aii.i ii.i ii iil , a n.l III. 1 .11 lm. tl I tn- I .-.-Hi ll i Ml'l II. nil) I, XI" I i Ki l'limi k lit t.'.ti.iniU n l lllilllI'M till' lull lull, till' luMirl tin- ahlc lix. ii. ili s i, iK'i'iK 'I l.'l' I' 4 .1111 111. ' .llll.ltl',11 lllllllll- -'.',vu ir mil'' iliu niniii-nn i ''il .Minin ,i,.nllyi. .a iinnal i'diIiim- li-.uls tlm hit ut iniiiitni with a mill-. ii.- uf ll-.s ami tin inn- HM-il ahiat..,n lii. i.'iO, i !' Vni. iliu in h.-i "liil Iviltl :!.'". 1 lllll ii ml 1 1 ii.i',;', ,. :' I '. ,,) I, i,,ii i hit il, t In- mil i. m . I'l.l.'ll, .-liil in thin in,,,,-I l lalllK -' v. iliu , I nt 1 1 ii, J ...i .-! i ."r, nn. Tho t'.tal iin ii-.ivn nl ir last y I'I, I if' n I I linn. In nil" iimrn In m- I ' rp.mi'il l arillllV." i I thn la lm.nh than tu lii'W iniiM t in t inn. thn laitt-rll it, in havim. ml'l, ,1 i.nly II -tu III" llnni. in the rtaln M nl im-li-tini. wan in Yuvanai uh'-rn th(. i ,ni,.ll m 1 1,, nut llin Tn ii it I ami Si'mlli r tr. imlnn nf thin i.nni.v. in tn i Inikilali. mlili'il ii,in,M v II mil n tn tin. milt'iiKi in ... I iiiilill 'lh" Mil i i"i ii III,' 'lllll' , AI1-I..HI V lixnil " th riiiiiiiiln- iiii'lt. illlii. 111 lit luailn t.l Ili.M . -t.-in i . uni. sr. A I K f. I'' I m a I il inii ) i'i.; 1 1.-: i" .... n.nii.'i.i'.r.n i". i.ri.l A. mnl S. K Al l'ilii Al Xt'W MnXli'il .. I-:. I'. S. V. I main liimj i: r. s. w. it., tun.... ilr.iml I'linynn l!y N'i'w Mi xiio Arln.iiiu. . . M. I. '!. (main liiml , . . 2. mi I .".nn s, Tits. .".nn In.iiii .".ssii l.tilT.:""l 1.4T4 iir.ii .. LTlH.'..!',"" l.lllllll'K. ..I ii.lss.nnii , .. I" . .. V4'U.SVI i!,,''. . . s.rr.i. tmi L'.".H.M",0 .. 1 ii. ii.". ii. T .". , . T.iil'",.Tsii . .. a.r.ts.ifin ,.. e.iss.ii" 7. r.n " .-i i ii Tnlal nln.itniii liy Aluulln ClII'lllM' .. CdiuIihik mi ........ Uila, .. (Irulimn flrntMiIno Mariiiiii.t MnliaMi Xnynjii I'iinn I'lnnl Santa I'rilK V a vii a i V it i na ... 1 :i ... 7. nr. .nr. .I'.'O REFUSES TO PRES3 COMPLAINT AGAINST COUNCILMAN'S WIFE .Itiniio J Y. Hnnoho, of Unmlan. yonlnrilay illninlnnml tli.. (uno hi'i.nnht nuainnt Mm. IVloitrlnii I'h.ivrx il" ISill'ort, wlfo nf t'uiinilinnn S. S. illlh.rt. hy Mra. ItofUKia Jaraiiilll". of Wont Santa Ko avintio. who n1' rimoil .Mm. t'lil'iiort of mi annniilt with Wnl'ln. Mm. Juriiniltlii Inl.l iho Jun 11, e that Mra. lillliort iinoil nhiito Woriln In nlti-mptiiiR tn c,,li-t a hill. Vho ri fnnnil to pr'.no. iito fnr Iho w ittatit axulnnt Mm. ilillirrt h"l In m, li tl od. Lost nnythlng? It ail fl nt) it for ymi. a Herald want Greatest Ey All litnuan ixiivrlenro limka bank to hmiii.-i ii".,.l a tlm wmi'i.t uf won.l.-ra. 'I'lui iniln ih o. ihu furlituUo, the aubluna fnita iluilii: the n-r)o.l of -MM-.:tuiiry aru aotiinl only tn 1hi itioltn-r lo.e In'Hi.iw.'it mn.n tho mont h"lil'M tiut inuat uuirvcl oua ori-ttiitni-- a haiy. U'oiii.mi are nul, It tu Imrn front earh olh.r llinK., holpful anniiii" ttml al.l li ruinf.iil. that lutiBine thoir tn-rviKi eti'-ricy and t ai-i pvif't'tly aafo tu Ij-u ami nuiuiiK th.-stn tiny ruvuimnuiid Muttn-r a Kilnid."' Il la viiiiivly an raternnl appllratinn dl.lHn.'d tu luhrlnaln Ilia hr.nit Put lmi.'l.- ami akin that proli.t tno ahiloiin-n. It haa bea In um for n.i.ily half a rmitury and I knnwn to nmlhi-ra In almit ovnry avttl'd mm. niunlly In tba I i.Uod fltalra who highly rtx-unumsnd It. aeu wilt llnd It nn aalj In iir.ii atorea. ' M .lh.ra Frion,!" la utti-rly harmlona, rontulua lio doa Jmilna druaa ami yi-t Ita Influonce In tlm akin ami nitiai U-a liomitli aa also upon th.i l.lwuik nf n,rvi lnonlh thn akin Ii vt-ry Irf-ni-fl.-ial, vry ainithln and a T !md."f'.l h.-pi. Tint lniin.1,- i uio, Dalurillr aint nro not enl.lo.-i. J t.l uuuot:- "I'Va'uml ''IltVH...'., ibiy nt any nru i,,r mnl writs tn u fnr our li.iiiru' luo linlt. t..,,k to inotlii-r n.i.imM oi,iii,i.i tliriiiaLur lu,. til, i.autr liiiU'i AUmll, In. RAILROAD APPLE CROP WILL ASSESSMENT OVER S90.nnu.orin till in VVcnnn's ilk .,,,,,..,.,. EXCEED THE GREAT 1912 RECORD Every Apple Producing State in West will Beat Record Froduction According to. Fruit Growers Report. Si'imalif, Wnnli., In'y IS. Tll )i.h'h npi'lu flrup In tlif I'lillrJ hlnti-a will i xici il l hi. n-i nril ,,1 I'ill, i -ii'iilliiK in aurvt-y uf tin- Xurih I'.i' I'.jii I iibi ril, I tin vu-nl-i-r- ittit' Hi-lliiiK aki'Tii-y whii'h tiiiinllt.k ttj l'i-r i hi i f the I'm tfir m,r i lnM-m i iiiiiiiii-i i '.' I flili'ini'iiin. It in u i-'.i I iMit lluin ri'l'i'ltn lm...i"l iy th nri'li hi. ul uffl'i'X in M'l.kiu.u t'. ' hIi..:iuiiU irulii SViinhinmmi. iiiii'K"ti. lanhu nml M'liiiiin.i win jinin, nut in MUinil li.oiM, mm, u fniall I it t"lnl than auilim lin n i ji.iilur In tin' n iimiii. Iliiwvvpr, tin ! iiiinr n imt fliiiil. Thi) Inn wllitiH auiMi,y in now making n rnrcful ur ii) i.f thi. rinp III hII I'l'iilnli'n. Kn' h i I in thi' four iliiun will fiii nn-h a iliiliil'c- rtitniii. n In" til', ii ted at a miftiiiH in Si'okHiio .inly i'i. I nalli' hum ri'imrtii f 'n 1 1 1 1 r n in lai.iili' in, i, Imyp lii'rn i.'ulvnl. Thi- i ...,.. .ii,. iiisiii.t nml tin- I'liJ.irn ! lli-v la' h iiri'inlm. 2,""'i mm. fun- iliiL'tin vary wnli-ly In that nl iti". nthi'l' 1'iirtn nl j fnl.iiinlii, 11 in r I'ntli'il, will linvo ; the lani' M i rn. In Un hinlnry. tutnl i Iiih Imt i m il il.lintl nml S..MHI fan. i I'tah ii ml Noin Mnxli'ii will nhiiw In ' rl'n.lHi'-l. I "I'lai tli nlly all nlrftrn w ill huvi' ni- ,.'H." I 111.- niiinin.iry i ntit iiiiinn. Now Vnrk n i mp will In- thn I.uki'H! mmf i '.in It in ilni lari' J. 1 iinn- may , '-"'u "ff in """. vximnnn... ...... iilnnnniitn, hnl iiicm- ni.unn mo nm -; Niinnnni'tii. hnl ihrNi- nt.itnn nto uni in, it. Hit in i,iilit ul ,ii,.lii-'tluii IIIH" I lln niill nm 1 1 tain. Thirt' will hn larui I t.,um lii nil nihiT N- KiiBlaii'i. I ymnhnrn nml Mnlillo W't-nti-r i nial.n. rlliularly In the well knt'Wn npi'in ,r,,ilti iiiu illHtrlitn. "".iniula'n ni .(. ni'l' will vi-r miliHf.ii'tnry. in nrillnn tn Hn il' uirt iiiiiil nf iicrlrullurr. Kimlntul will hato nnly a .".'I Pit nt T"l'. H" "I'" Plnn hnvltiK hi-fil iliiiniiKi-'l hy H May f mnl." Man with Fractured Skull Must Face Grave Charge if He Recovers. Girl Passen ger the Complainant. (From tho Wlnsluw. Aria.. Mail) William Him k. , oluroil a Pullnmn pintiT mi No !i, ih lyiiiK nl tlm l'""' of iloath nt tlm ri-aioon.o of .Mm iinrLhnit i'.,l"ii'il. In thla i'i')' i:i,.nk' kuli in tun turoil. anil hmf rh .nu n for to, nvrry nro allicht. Shnulil ho anrxlvo ho will have In Imi. a roniln of nnnuult. Kaitn whl.h h'1 tu thi nlato of af falm nro vmy marie; rutimrn. an uro nuinormm. An InvratMa tnin of furln lo.itla one tu holiove that tlrath l tf.-iim t" ihnat the law frmn taking lln proper rmirne. A lT-yoai-ol.l white alrl. namo un known, hut wln.-o dentlnntlnn wan lliikornllolil. t'ul. waa the one ot fomloil. She ii'1'..rted lu. tlm n.n ihKtnr on X". J loavlng Wlnnlow Tuinilay murium; thut he hail hnon imnmilti'U hy Hh.'-k holoen AU'U ipinr iuo a tnl Wm-low. It la aalil lilii. k, foarinK In viaa jniapei ted. h fl Inn train nt Klm.'-.taff With the Itil'-n-tlon or flooiiin from thore. Aft-r Hp.'ii'linK tho ihiv there ho bnariloil train No. lu, t um 'muiiil. with the in t. nn, ni of itiuii. tho train hiforo It rn.irlli'.l Wlnnlnn. Ho Waa noon hy nnlno of the tl.i li orrw to drop off thn train at u I" hhi'iin at tho p.". 1 1 ii i ii waa amim tn land Willi -if and ho reroiwl dollht Will i.nlih I 'i'ptity Shi nil Mnrnhal Hup foiillil Hill' k w In nl opponite the i'r , rmiiiiilioiino. Tho ton fi-nt for Hhu k iv In the darkiiisa injurlo whioh no in ilon lh. Iloiii-k and NiKht re iiotifiO'l und t he hail loft the nam of Mi i-iillod found Ilo wan . ikon to Iho renidome a. Huikh.iii und J'r. I.axill A 1 1 i ... n opornllon wa to ho in -.nary, with the ro null thai no. nli three I mho of lilui ll n nkull hn. I tn lie ri'ini'lrd. Juntii f I'.iiiih. n hnlil a warrant for him I, ai ii-nl on the l haruo nf a kault. but from the itian prowt'l r.imlnl'in It in voiy dmihtlul If It Will oior ho airvi',1, I Han k Iin II h um K annua f'lty, wlmre roaidn a inolhor and Thiy hava Intn nollfiotl of hia toii ilitmn ami are expertfd tu arrive In Iho In in ii I n k FEDERAL BUILDING SITE AT RATON IS FINALLY SELECTED Calin. N. M . July IB.- Toll Km ma from S'anhiiii:i..i tu lliikn Sl-.ilii-IH llll- Mo I Ullllollll. 1 final li t inn i f v i n.- file at Thml atroot ami 'i -"'- r tho l.'.oral hull tu nk he i ''inlt hole in a . ,,nt of ITi.ut'H. I t.l il,. li. ....i.i .i m .1 .1,, v.air wot k. PULLMAN PORTER GRARGED WITH ASSAULT lATOIiAL IS Sending Programs for State Convention in Santa Fe by Express. Prospects for At tendance Growing. Rnnta Fo. N. M., July 1 V Thn of. fil ial iimrtrania fur nnr at lh "i.iim tiniil r ., n iin tunvintlnn. whlrh urn I'lln pri-piiri-il hy tho Nutlnnal ll'gh. wayn iianiH'liiliiiit, will he lll'i',l l i'Xpri-nn In nnlnr tn hny thnm he'v In tlnm fur ilmtrlinitiiin. niicrilliiu t" n Inili-r thin innrnliiK Irmn tslaniny li. Il.ilnn, of tho null. mnl hnily. Tho Xntlnnnl llivhwnyn nnnn- 'litlinn la nl"" ITi-piirinK nn nftl. In) liiillittn mi mail wmk in Xiw .Mix leu whli'h will ho ilmti Ihutoil tu nil ili Innalnn nt tno i imvoiit Imi u nil will ho fm iilnliml nil who ilt-aire It fur uo nn ii rt'forom o w i.rk. Thin hull-tin In i'i.niill,-,l frnm thr loiiintji nf tlio wnrk il.iin. In Imnn Ann iininly Mini la pxhmintiyo m i harni'tor. It Itlvon nn oxi'olli'iit lilnn i,f what work inn ho ilmiu will) ii'tn pnrntivoly llmiin.l nifnin nml will wnrk In Impronn tho ,o.,plo with Hn' fniilltli' nl hiniil fur tho linpinie nimit nf Now .Mnxinn roniln. Thnnt. hiilli'tliin. tho prnKriitii n nl tho rmiil monmriul. arn vmy haml in.ino unit will ho n, a rest iroillt tn tho 111 I loll. Tin, 1,1 .III' l.nlly l'i'ltl'1 not ll fln, I tn til mil nm h fnlilorn nml tho In lp oxti-mh-il hy thi- milinnal hmly In fnrtiinhinii Ihnno miiiihntn froo la tn in h nppri'i'liilnil hy thn K'"hI rtmiln nnnii'-liitimi i.ffh in In. foverul iithnr hnllotinn nro hnlnk Hnnt hy tho llilltminl lnnly fnr tint lit tho rimy i nli.,11, n,i that pi'iii tli'iillv a i . tn I. li t t.. r,,in 1 1. irn i-v w ill ho tlin-trliniti-il tu tho il"l.-K.iti. All III"' ln I lii nm nrr iiutlmritiii Ivo nml will ho vnlnalih" fnr roforotiro. Tin- oxoi ntiio r.iiiiniltii'o In i ham,' i.f tho iirrniiKi'inniitH fi.r thn nimvi n tinn horo In prnp n lnB n i mnprnhnn- nivn a' hrnio fnr iho hnmlliiiK nf tho iiin out Inn. tlii ilnii.i nt, nr. i.iii iniiilatiiinn, f.. ., u thai an k"iI a hi.Mliin an pnnnlhlo may ho ininlo hv tho illy in tho nn, linn pl.t nr.. IUiii xhi h w ill ho taknn nf th. ruin nil- tlnn f'T uno nn part if Iho ataio n Knml ri.mln , in , In y nt Han lMomi m xt your, r.nn-1'iiininitinon hnyi In "ii ap- p.ilnloil ami Iho ilnllrn nf oai-h mit linoil, rarh aoi tinn tif tho wmk ho fnK n- at rmiKi'il nn tu fit In with thi: ntlmr aiM'tmnis. niiniiinni han noon rminnil in n hiKh plti h horo anil thorn In mi liko- lilmii'l mnl Ko will iin any linn nut mnko a alrmiK i-h.iwim: tin 11 i unvolitiiiii oily, tho i lly In ltiir nlrmiKly In tho fn hi fnr Iho nim tinn nnvt yrar. f'hrnpont Thi.;iiaK' K' niililotit in'i run oo Dr In trio Oil. KuV hiirnn. ni, i-iita anil ilriiKKlntn m II il. run rum, Inn. 2.ii' mnl r,u,'. All WORK ON CANAL SYSTEM TO START IN MESILLA VALLEY I. an I 'nn on, N. M.. July 1 ., Al lant It l-'ukn an Ihuiik'h tlm lona dn layoil wolk on tho i-oiinii ui Imti of Iho iltht i iliiitiiiu canal nnloiu for tlm allnyn would Malt at nil f itly' rrojnit MaiuiKt-r l.awn,,n han hid ;,uii.uiiii or tiiini.liiin on hand for n.'ino t imi. to nponil iliiruiK thin ji-ui on thin work, hut fur oho loanon ami ii Imi llnr Iho wmk han h nil ilnlnyod. Mr. l.awHi.n mid Mr. I n i l pr. n nt ed tu tho Wator fntTa' liniut-iatl"ll. I ut th.. mnnliiiif lanl Tui'Milav. a ni-w anil Miii.plo loiurait Hhi'h In tu ho cm noil ImllMilually hy tin- land u fl ora and whli h Ir an anti-i mi-tit thut thoy will uno wnlor fmin iho (1 am It in a niy niinplo conliiiit nml only Ml por i out of Iho aik'niiliii of tho land nwner are uot'tanaiy for tho Work to Ko ahonil. Mr. I-iwn'.n haa wirod In W inh lnKtmi for the rm.irai ta and Ih.y uio ixpni'tt'il within a few dnv ami tho work of ohtalnlnx ainnatuio will ho ntarl.,1 lininoilliitoly, ni'.il It would noo i i that auftti h nl fclanut art n ahiuild ho ohtamod within a few m-i kn. Tho ixpouililure of I'.iiii.iiini m IDiiii. nnu in thla imoiiirtlnte ao'lion within tho next the mm. thn will Kii'iilly at Mini, no huniuonn und will h,io a very honofn ial effort upon thn tii'Wi'oniorn w ho imt our vnllnyn w ith a view of u. ii 1 1 me horo. The ilam In Itthty mlloa from lata Omron an.' la not to imam no ;.il what the Kork up thoro in like, no that tho aitnny in llio vnll". thai tho I'Uti.'il ronatruotion wmk will rrente will Impronn the nowooinor ami lull' aroatly tn inf liinino him tu remain hole. "TIZ" FOR TIRED SORE, ACHHJG FEET Alii what relief. Nn mure tircl fnrt. no iiiiao l.urnirm foot, awullon. hail aiuoll in, nwoaiy (.-.-I. Su more ntia in curaa rallouno or liuuiuaa. Kn nuttur wbat aila yiMir fi or wlmt iiiiil.r the aim you'v tried iMtln.ut n. tt.nk" relief. JUnt lino "T1Z.H "Tl" .Irawa out all tiie poi aoiiou exti'la tioll whii li puff up I'm feet; "TIZ" in linm loal: "TIZ" in jrran.l: "HZ" mil on 1 1 y.,ur f,. t I roul, 1. ,t no jog'll n. ver limp r ilraw up your f i. in ain. Your alum won't aoem ti('l,t an I your In t will never, in ter lutt or get aore, awullon or timL lot a -j eii.t Um at anv iliuj ur di pai timet toro, aud yet rlaf. SSOCITON GO-OPERATING The Land of Broken Promises A Stirring ' Story of th Mexican Revolution t, DANE COOLIDOE r ' -rat rvi"t-t ti" hmw Wraan." Ifea Twaaa." taa UlmaminitjVOX J. LA VIM ICourmttt. mi, by rtauk A. MuaaafJ (Cnntlmiml from YeatiTilajt.) ""W'y. nolr" Tl(,l "ookrt henrtlly. "I know oil you waa finding! Ialdn't I InuRh nt you? Hay. what kind of a fnllnr do you think I am. anywayt lYyt think I'd (tot an Indiaa to do my killing:" "Oh. then didn't you?" aha cried, suddenly brightening up. "You know, you talk so rouuli aometlmea and 1 never do know what you moan! You raid you iruoaaiid you'd have to kill htm for me, you know, and oh, It ai too awful! I niunt be sotting foollnh. I'm fo tired out, but what did you tell that Indium V Ihid (tlanoed at her aharply for momont aud then dorldiil to humor her. Perhaiia, If ha could Rot her quieted, aha would atop talking and bog In t'i eat "Ho anknd mo who waa after u."ha aaid. "and I told him It waa Del Hoy." "Yea, and what did hn aay thou?" "He didn't aay nothing Jot lined out for tho !." "And didn't you aay you wntited bib. killid?" "No!" burnt out Hud. Iinlf atiftHly. "Haven't I told you one? I did not! That Indian had rooxona of Ida own, believe mi. ho'a got a arar along hla riba whom Ivl Hoy allot blm with a rlx-ahootor! Ard. furthermore," ho added, aa hor face cleared ut thla pt plntiution of tho myntory, "you'd bettor try to take me at my word for the rent nf thia trip! to me like you've been nBHoelntlng with thene Mexlcant too much!" "Why. what do you mean?" the de manded curtly. "I mtan thla." anaweted Hooker, "be ing aa we're on the aubjoct Brain. Ever lure I've knowed you you've been talking about brave men and aU that; and moro n once you've hinted that I wasn't brave becauae I wouldn't fight "I'd Juat like to tell you, to put sour tnlr.d at raat. that my father waa a aergeant In tha Teiaa ranger and no hundred Moxleana waa ever able to make him crawl, lie aerved tor ten year on the Tnaa border and never turned hla back to no man lot alnno a Met. I waa brought up by him to be peareablo and quiet, but don't you never tltliik. becasiKo I run away from Manuel del Hoy, that I waa afraid to face tlm." Ilo panned and rerardod her Intent ly, and her eyes fell before hla. "You mtmt eruo mo," the raid, looking wiatfuliy away. "1 did Dot I did not uadnmund And bo tha poor Yaqul waa only avenging an injury?" he wet on, reaching our one alendor hand toward the food. "Ah. I can un doratand It now hn looked no aavnee and fierce, liuf Htin puun.d again, ret bark by aun.ien thought "didn't you know ho would kill him?" "Yea. ma'am," aim mo rod Hooker QUii;tiy. "I did." "Then then why didn't you" "That was between them two," he replied doggedly "Ia l Hey ahot lilm once wln n he wan wounded and left him for dead. Ho mtmt have k'lled ome of his people, too; hia wife mob be, for all I know. Il never would talk about It, but hn come back to got hla revenge. I don't about no man lrora cover mjaolf. but that ain't li lt was between thorn two." "And you?" she suggested. "If you bad fought Del Hey?" "I would have met him In the open," aid Hook.T "And yet" "I didn't want to," he ended bluntly. "Didn't want to fight him and didn t want to kill him. Had no call to. And than well, there waa you." "Ah!" aha bmuthod, and a flunh mourti-d her pale cheeks. Site smiled as al e reached out om e more for the food and Hooker resolved to do his best at gallantry, It aoonwd to maka her so happy. "So yon were thinking of ni," she challenged awcetly, "all tho while? I thought perhaps I waa a nutnance and In the way. I thought perhaps you did not Ilka me beiause well, because I'm a Meg. aa you aay." "No, ma'am," denied Hooker gailng upon her admiringly. "Nothing like that! When I aay ilex I mean these low, pelado Meilrana I km Juan telle ma you're pure Fpaiileh." "With perhaps a little Yaaul," aba suggested shy!)-. "Well, mi bbe he did aay that, too," confessed llud. "Hut it's Jeat aa good ns Bpaulah they aay all the big men In 8onora have got aorne Yaqul blood Murral, that was vlco-prealdunt; the Tornna brothers, governors" "And Arugon!" alia added playfully, but at a look In hla eyea aho atoppod. liud eon Id not look pleasant and think of Arugon. "Ah. y." aha rattled on. "I know. You Ilka the Yaniila bettor than the UliaiiUh I saw you ahuklng hands Vll.l.i. t!l '..J7'iun. A,"1,,liel waa ll yoil cajied mm Aiii'Kor Thnl a rlahL" smiled TToacr; nun and me have been Monde for month now out at the mine. I'd rio anylbltut for that feller" "Oh. now you make me Joaloim. h! pouted. "If I wero only a Yaqul mtm big and black" Nerer mind." defended rind. "IH waa a trim rrteml an rigm. amj um frlenda, believe mo, are scarce." There waa a shadn of bltternoaa la Me voice that did not esrapo hi, and aho waa careful not to allude to Phil. Ills name, like the name !t her father, always drove thla shy man to alienee, and aha wanted to make him talk. "Then you ought to be friends with me," aho chldod, after allenco. "I have always wanted to be your friend why will you never allow It? No, but really! Haven't 1 alwaye ahown It? I remember now the first time thai I saw you-1 waa looking through my hole among the passion-flowers and yon aaw me with ymtr keen eyoa. Phil did not but he waa there. And you Just looked at me once and looked way. Why did you never respond when I came there to look for yout You would just rldn by and look at mo once, and even Phil never knew." "No," agreed Hud. amlllng quietly. "Ho waa craiy to aee you. but he roda right by, looking at the windows and auch." "Tho first time 1 met him." mused Gratia. "1 asked about you. Did on ver tell you?" Hud hung hla bead and grinned sheepishly. It waa not difficult to make tmt caae against him. And so Hracla had not wanted Tail Hoy killed aa he thought she did; She was not the vliloua woman ha hed thought her for a time. Khe was) Just the gentle, noble girl bo bad sworn to protect and conduct acmea the border to her flnnoe. Again camm the doalre to claim hor, but thore waat not only Phil to be thought of but tho fit mm of hlium'lf to be, the mato of thla woman. "Is It something I have done?" aha asked at last, "la that why you never liked me? Now, Mr. Hooker, ploaea peak to me! And why do you always) alt so far away arn yon afraid of tno? Hut look." she tiioved rlnacr to him "hero we aru alone, and I am not afraid of you!" "Of riMirao not." answered Hud, look. Ing across at her boldly. "Why nhoulil you bo you ain't afraid of notn lug!" "Is that compliment?" ahe demand ed eagerly. "Oh, then I'm bo happy Ifa the first you ever paid me' Hut hove I been brave." she beamed, "an far? Have I been bravo. like a man?" "Sure have!" remarked Hooker Ira personally, "but we ain't there yet Only thing I don't like about you la you don't eat enough. Bay. don't pick, up them r ruin ha let me pare off aomei anora of thla Jerked beef for you. Ca' nobody be brava when they're hun gry, you know, aud 1 want to bring you, In anfe." "Why?" aha Inquired, aa aha accept, ed the handful of meat "la la oaj Phil'a account?" ahe ventured, aa h sat gaxlng stoically at the noraeej "You were such friends, weren't you?" aho went on Innocently. "Oh, that Ial why 1 admire the Americana so much,' they are so true to earh other!" "Yea," observed Hooker, ro.llng hla rye on her, "we're fine that way!" "Well, I mean It!" she insiatod, M be read the irony In his glance. "Sure! Bo do I!" answered Hooker, and Qracla continued her meal In al ienee. "My!" she aaid at lout; "this meat Is) good! Tell me, how did you happen to have it on your saddle? We li ft sxl uddenly, you know!" She gated up at him demurely, curl oua to see how he would evade this vh deuce that he had prepared In advance) for their ride. Put once more, aa hi had always done. Hooker eluded that cunningly laid snare. "I waa figuring on pulling out my elf." he replied lugenuously. "What? And not take me?" ahfl cried. "Oh, I thought but dear me, what Is the use?" She slgped and dropped her head wearily. "1 am ao tired!" ahe murmured de apondoutly; "shall we bo going onj soon?" "Not unless somebody Jump n,m returned Hud. "Hare, let me maka you bed In the shade. There now as ha spread out the aaddle-blanketa temptingly "you lay down and get ome sleep sod 1 11 kindor keep watch." "Ah, you are so kind." aba breathed, as aha sank down on toe bed. "Don't you' know," aba added, looking tip at him with alepy eyes that half roc coaled a amllr. "1 behave you Ilk ma. Hit r :.H." "Sure." Cftifeaaed Tlnd. returntnai her am lie aa honoatly; "don't you wor ry none about urn 1 like you fine." Ha slipped away at this, grlnnlng to himself, and sat down to waUh tha idaln. All about him lay the waving grass land, tracked ap by the hoora at rattle that had vanished In tbe track of war. In tbe dlatauce ho could a no the line of fence and the ruins. of af house. Tho trail which ho had, fol. lowed led on and on to tte north. Hul all the landscape waa vacant, vicept for his grazing horses. Above tha mountains the midday thunder-capa were beginning to form; the air waa very soft and warm, and IU woks p suddenly to find hla head on hla; knees. 4 "Ump-um-m," he muttered, rising ntf and shaking himself rnsolirteiy, "thi) won't do that sun la making ma "TP-: .. (( iiii'inui -.I Toiimrroiv AflrriiiMm. j Phone I. Hod ll in,. fur llrat-rlana hai k W. I. Trim hie ". II I W. Copper, and carriage). It. li. Moore, Attorney, Cromwell Blag.. tad M. Pboae Ifl.J