Newspaper Page Text
SEVEN Just to Show What Poor Judgement Jeff Shows at Times. By "Bud" Fisher. TeTlM vpmk ' la'a-cr ioin i b.u stt IV THE I T'-P C"t tSTn. ATS Hte I V i j w evr ot 1 i WROmL TlftCv ) tnv V(i WANT TO " ' GO WuN . LrtI That 61 t l ' XU tNlL(l FLIP'S HO"""t 1 j ;K THE EVENING HEUAtD, AUHWTJEllOUE, H. M., THURSDAY, JULY 10. 1914. 1 10 j s , - ivss j -J f- 4 I I 1 r- LaIi . i . ii Today's Market Reports LONDON WOOL MARKET CONTINUES STRONG Uimlon, July 16. The i.fTcnnmi t (ho imiI niKlmn wiIph i1n Hinounl fil lu U.t.a Imli'it, tMi'luil!rK a l'im--r pm Iim lion of nii rin.. (irnmy nif riniw wire In ulroiiic tlciininil lit 1 4il to In i AmcrkiiMii Imuithl mmir of the Ih'kI crmli'H Mini uIho a iiunnlily i( criHwIircdii. Victorian incilnn roUI hi liKli ' i). Chicago Orain. Clilinit", July It. rnrpRponMlvi' rRlilFn Mini ritvornlilr iroif.K wi'Hlh rr cliirfMH-d when I ut Iho ciit-nlnK Imlny, the prli'p (kIiik bu'if u cvnt liinlir In Hi nluhl. The rloae wan utroitK. HlUc I" l'ilSr uliovt, lnt mitht. I'orii niK'iicil weak. r v tlowii ni wlili'ty ai'Httrrrd nhnwi r. Tin- rloHi iinwIMiil. runRliiK from 4rSiP umlcr Ih1 nlKht tu an Hilviinrq of r in t. mI aiieai'il nympnllii-lli ally. Illtthir ktlir-npl Hip rl- of irn ixionM, Init trmte win hKlit. I'lorinc prlroa: Wh. at-July. 7r: Hrpl . 7 I'orn July, 70ttc. H-it.. uSSiC nla July. 17c, Mril.. US'. I'ork July. 122. r5; S.vt.. I.' I IT. -July. 110 35; Hrpl , fin. IT. ltlM July. 3 1 2.7 ; 8r,il , 1 1 7. UVESTOCK. liatt litrmni, Chicago July J llona ltcrlpf 1 3.iio . inirki-t h ik her i hulk. vii i . nn : iiitht. 17. 0 i .; mlxi il, i.U U 9 U. heavy. 3R r " . roiiich, 1.i(Hie i0, iiKa. T k.'.'i .!,. -ntll ltcrplta B.HO'l; niiiikrl lower; hrpvfa, 17. 7l !.; at.-cra. to. 4"i H. 30; atiH kcra ami finli r li.Min h.iiii; i oi unit heller", t3.l I 1 I . mlvca, IT.&Uti 1 1 mi. hheep- Kei eM'l" IH.I'iii); marki l loer. Iiiri. i i .ini; )carltiiK. j.7Hi 7 i!U; lumlw, .2.r d un. KannaH Ctly I.ltv4'k. Kanaaa City, July 1 MoKa He (rlipin 3. Oiiu, ninrkel hlaher: hulk. f N.7ii .; heuty. ln.Ku t d Hi; IHtckera ami hulchcr, f no W I Hi ; liKht, U.7i4 K.u; uih. I.ii . (utile S.yOli, nuirki't tenily; 1. 1 line fp Mir. It '! 73; drvMteil hepf ati eri. 1 . 00 1r ; eiern ateern. 1 1.0) H t.ll. vouthern rtfvra. t.uu i H.S& ; atoi kera '"' f.eilera. M.2. .:.; hulla. (l.litl 73; caltea, (Hli 10 no. Hhei Itcreliita Z.IMiO; niurkpt aleatly; lamha, I5ni(i0; yrnrlmu". M::ir7 00; wrlhpra, 14.751 3.71; To Save Eyes la ihr Ohjn l ir Tlila (Vko lmiTii' Una Try It If Vwtir !.) (ie Vim Trouble Thouaanda of fx'ople auKer from rye troiitila beaua thry do not know what In do. Thry know aome good home remedy for every other minor ailment, hut nona for their eve trou lilea. They neglect their t'voa. becaua the Iruuhla la hot tiuf hi lent to drive them to an eye pe rUliat, who would, anyway, dinner them a heavy fee. A a laal reaoit they gn to an optician or to the live and ten-i-eat a4r, and oftenlliiiea (el Klaaaea that they do not need, or which, after being uned two or three motiiha. do their eyag more Injury than good. Here la a atmple pre upturn that every one ahoulil use: ft gralna optima ( t ouniea water. I'ae three or four limea a day I" bal he the eyna. Thia prccripton and Ihe alinple Oplona ayatem keep" the eyea clean, aharpena the vlelon and iiulckly overcomea Inflnniniution nd Irritation; weak, watery, over worked, tired eyea and other almllnr tri.uhlea are greatly tteneflted and uftriilimee cured hy Ita uae. Many reporla ahow that wearera of glaaeaa hMVe dlaiarded thetn tfier a few weuka' uae. It la good for Ihe eye and contnlna no Ingredient whk h would Injure the nmat an.itlve eyea nf an Infant or Ihe aged. Huppe'a drug at ore or any druaauit run fill thin preacrlplinn promiitly. Try II and know for one whut real ey rom furl la. ' '- Na .-. . . I II V ',UMV a Vv, niivi rwi-a. HISrtio; nlmkcrn uml fii-. era. 1 3. GO or .7S. Lead and Spelter NfW York, July I .rail ilull. $3 n;.i j 5; m. in r fluli, M ai. ti t.05. ft. I -oil In, July IS. ln.i atrotlK. 13.77 Si flM-lirr otroiiK. M kj't. The Metal Markets. Nt'K York. July t fopiur ilull; npot nml Srpt . 13 :Hr Hj. Tin firm: mint. $.11 S.'iH 31. SS. Iron quli t. uin htintinl. LAW GETS VERDICT HGHINST THE Former General Manager Re ceives $3,000 by Supreme Court Which Reverses De cision of Lower Court. (-M-4a IMxjMti ll Krnn llrmld.) Kaiitu Ke. N. M.. July 16 The a'nte aupreme court today gue u de ciHion leveralnic the lower court In the -e of Ihe eMnte nf Holicrt Ijiw UKulliHt the NewMexno llelitral tail roan una n.illin i. Alurr iy. re elv er. The eHtiile of the lute Mr. Im. Who for eolue tune waa Keliernl mull- aiTer of Ihe i, micd for IJ3m allei(d to he ilue ua auiary. I'he lower court found for the ili li mlunt railroad. The Mipretne court re Verne thla dm lxloii, and Inrlrmtn the loer court In gixe n ver-.Int nf la.niMi ouiinlum meruit. In fat or of the Imk eatuie. BUYERS WILLING-STATE WANTS TO SELL BUT BONDS ARE UNSOLD (Sm-ia IMapaicli to The Ilcrnld.) Mania Ke. N. M, Jub 1. Al- Ihuugh the uuyera are annoua to hu the atate hlKhHay hoiul ihhuch of hall million dollura, and although the alule la very anxioua to bh II thu tcue, the hotxla today leinaln uiiuold. It la Interpreted thai the declnlon of the auprema court Monday makea all penning blda of to effect. Whither Kelly Kelly, the Kunaaa City hoiul hrokera, wh i have hern copulate ntly bidding on the bo nil a. will reframe their hid la not known. The alatv Ireaaurera ufllcu other than to mi) the bond aale waa under further con. aiderution, waa not reudy to make any definite elaleiiktmt thta after noon. It la expected now that Catron tk i;i iron tomorrow will file another friendly a u it In the di.diict coutt 111 which will be teated two pollita hot made entirely clear In the doralofl of the auprerne court thla week, and that pending determination of thla eecond aull no further u pa will taken. WHITE SAYS ST. PAUL CONVENTION WAS A MONUMENTAL FIZZLE aerial Dlapaleb Kvealaa neraM) Santa Fc, N. !., July Alvtn N. White. atate auperlnlendctit of education, back today after the Hi I'uul convention of the National Kducatlonal awtoiiutlon, docUna the ft. I'uul convention waa a iiionu mental flasle. Ht. I'aul, he atiya made no effort lo car fur Ihe con MTlon properly; the heat waa ao Intenae that work waa next to luipoa ailile; there waa little Intereal In the leaalona and the oelegutea were charged plenty for eveiy thing they got. The dale auperlnlcudent aay many deli galea like hlmaelf were illHitualed both with the reception j given them and the reaulta accom pnanea uy ine meeiing. Want maid? A IIrtld want ad will find tier (or you. CE Tut V VSI II. State News. T lllil SILVER CITY Elaborate Procram Marks Conferring of Diplomas on Many Students at Close of Successful Session. SMlal IilHjinich lu Te llt-rahl.) Hlher City, X. M.. July Com- no in run nt cxerciieH of the aommet -iliin of Ihe New. Mexico Normal ai limit Inn In here tomorrow and w ill occupy u week, i inning n limnl mn ceanful acraion maiked by large at tetidani'e. The final comment emenl proKium with conferring ,,r diidomaK will lake place July 2 'Id, when It I ii lil llo wi lloyd. prealdeut of the rttalc riilerally, will make. Iho ad- dreaa. The dearee of miialer of ied.igoiry will be conferred on nix atiuletitx. hat hclor of pedagogy on Iwcnty-alx Htiidenta, didintlc profi'nalonal dlplo- maa on thirteen atuilerita, elementary profc eKioiml diplomaa oil cikIH. and gcii-en iliplnmita on aevrn a total of t;lxty Kraduutea. L TELL STORY OF WRONGS TO Christian Brothers who Take lletuge in santa it bay Villa is Bloodthirsty Brute. Driven from Zacetacas. (aerial lleatrh ta aveealaaj Herald ii nt i Vf. X. M.. juiy 16 Kmir-(-II Churl ian Itrothera. menibera of a collcite tut Zaciitccua. Mexico, w hi h recently haa I n wrecked and pll- biUed b conHtltUllonilllM aohlleia. hae uirived her ciilul hern li I veil refuite In Mt. Mm I'.ai'l'ji colU-He, wtili h ia ciiiulicti-il by the Chriatian llrolhera. The refigeea tell a aloty of lerrlhle h,n i hiia and w ronaa In- llicled on them In Mexico. Thetr Kchool hna been wrecked. limit money taken anil two of their num ber mm. lend. Tiny will recite Uicir lauffeiinKB In a petition ad dl'iaHed to I'ICMilellt V'lUon. Villa, they uancit, la h bloodl hlraly murd'Tcr nilerly without conacieiice or principle of any kind. Funeral aervuea over Ihe remaina of the late Mra Sarah Cmitrcrars will be held tomorrow morning at a o'cliM-k In (he Crollott chapel. In terment will be in Hanla llarharii cenntcry. ILLEGAL THE COURT Agreement Between Husband and Wife that Latter Re ceive Weekly Wage for Housekeeping is Turned Down. Jeraey City, N. J., July la An agreement between h unhand and wife that the latter receive a weekly wage for performing hoiiachnld dm lei waa held eterilay by an advlaory mau ler In Ihe chancery court In ilila city to be Illegal. Work performed In the home hy the wife, (ha opinion de clared, waa rendered m di. bulge, til concEH 01 PRESIDENT HOUSEHOLD DEAL IS S '( i'i - .,tfi-. - -"TTV l a duly Bile owea her liuxliand, and could not he ronatrueil an her aula acpurate nclmint. The opinion waa handed down In a nine havina for ita lHi a am! Ik.iki ihiim for tr.3V2 by 41 r llcimni t. Wendt, imaliiHl property owned hy her hualmnd. tl.lioil of nhhh ieire m nteil hum and Ihe remnmiler -n -ic pay for hmiHehold work peiformeil by the wife at the rate of 6 a week for 16 year a. E OP II WEEK IS SHOT F Bloodhouds on Trail of Dis carded Admirer who is Be lieved to have Committed Crime. Iniiniipic, I i., July II ;ura. John Allen, 17-yeara-nld and seven d.iya n bride, wag murdeird last night. The po'p e and relmivia ol Iho young Wo. nan are ecu n hum for tleorge lie lulu, her couhin, who ta i-uid to have p.ud her attention httVrn her mur riuge. Hlouohoiiiid have beou geut to the act-lie if tint uriie. Allen and hut wife had been o llopKlnmni, lu.. Wcilni i-'l.iy afternoon to buy furniture for their new home. I'll their way niuk almui a mile out of ll pKiiiMnn they wen uciiiated hy a man who atepped fruiii the Mile ol the road. "Ih thla you, Kvu?" raid a voice. "Yea," replied Mi. Alhn. who thniiitht ahu rt-i oKinxeil (he von e. A hot wiih fired by the man on the ground. The team wlmh Alhn tt.i.i driving ta-i and four more ahola were fired without takuiit i I felt. The firat allot mm. k Mra Allen, Ihe bullet pcnel I iituiK her ahiloinen Half a :nlle the melle of the hIiooiiiii; Allen mil rolled thu li..i w and Mm. Allen waa l.iketi to u faun hoiine. Khe died ill hall an hour. I'.efore ehc becami' u iconacloua hIic la reported ti have aaut I hat ahe re' oKiiUed the voice aa that of her coiu In, lieorge llelaln, v ho for a I line worked on her fathcr'a farm ami had paid htr aome iitteulioi'. The HERALD Want Ads get the best results. NOTICE. TO TIIK KI .MIK II Ml ItHM V 61MHTTI : AMI VtrTI KK ol Till-: IIM'XTV OK IIKKKAIJI.IO. A nteellng of the Ih tnocratlc Conn, ty Co:ninltice of Hip i .uhty of Iter nallllo la heri'hy called lo nieel oh Friday evening, July -!7th, lH, at 8 oil. nk, ut the tiffin- of Win. W SlcCltllan. No. Ill North liir.l Ht . Ahuiueriie, for the purpoao nf call Ing primaries In Ic. i delega'.ea (- Ihe county . otiveiition. to bo held on a dale, to ho m-lccu-.l i.y thla Coin in It too, for the purpoi-i of nominal lug candldalea for the -late I.euial i lur and a Probate Judge, and ii.h" for Ihe purpoae of tinning dclc-nlcu to the Ktute Convention to he held !il thla city on AtiKUat 1? next, for die nomlhaiion of n c.i nlolatc for eon- greaa and a Htalo Cot l-.iratlon Coin nisKluner, and lo train- e l m h other bimlncua aa may be la might before the committee,. All liemoerata are cordially Invlt cd and eii-ccl.-d In olleml, udvlae and participate In the dcliberati-ina of the rommlllee. Hated July 13, 1311. Vy order of l.od.-t A Melt A K. VM. W. MiCl.KI.I.AX, I'halriimi. Becrelary. J. L. GOBER General Auctioneer llotterbold Gooda Bpex-ialtj. rboajs ttt. V. O. Bog S14. r. ii. cxixnkr. m. n n. o. thUoaipatlilc Hie-lallat. I treat all curabia diseases. Olli.-a Ktera illdg. ,"kuu US tat 11 i AMBUSH TTT. 1 J 1 Li I ' . - 9 E-vening Herald Want Ads Three Lines : : Three Times : : Three Dimes INSURANCE Fire, Auto, Plate Glass, Liability, Burglary, Accident, Health, Life, Livestock. MONEY TO LOAN All kinds of Real Estate and Investments on Easy Terms John M. Moore Realty Co. HELP WANTM) WANTKK-Man f!i take Intercut m! good paving buplneHa with S.'IOO.tlU caah. Address p. n. lb x JS. Cit). KM I'l.i I Y M KXT Olllrc. 210 V. SilvHr, P. . Hog 73. Phone 3.'.4. Carpen ters, tl day; l.ihorera, 11.73 lu i!.3') WANTED. WANTKIi Itiisehiirnet stove, must be good and cheap. 'AddrcaM Witt ier, care Herald. WA NTF.l A amall rane-i. either for (aretaktng or lease. Call 13IIV V. Tijeraa. DR. CHAS. A. FRANK loom Id ami 2n. Ilarm-tt lild. Hpeclnl nttentloii given to digrams nf ihe Xnae, Throat and l.nnu. Iia- asca of XS'.ilil II, Vcr.ereal I iIsimnoi. ml Xervoua Misordeta. Kleclrlclty. S(m.ii.I Id-I li. r.i y und other niuili tn methods employed. Officii Hours: to 1 1 a. m -. 3 lo I ml 1 lo H p. in. Plion,. to;tl. KXt III-'. NT Furnished, one ;t room apart ment, modem. 113. i inn 3-room apartment, mod- ern. 112. iie 3-room tent house. 111. J. II. PI'tk 511 V. Central. Pt-.,n. R. ARCANO Plasterer and Contractor AM, woitK .t'iiTi:i:i full 377 XV. Haw lillne Ayr. LUMBER & BUIUJKa t 8 V V V L I K 8 I WlMilewfllo anil llclall Albuquerque Lumber Co. t 433 Nor lit tlrat htreo4 Z SANTA FE TIME TABLI 1MB. FrTectlve iieiemlier 7, Hit. Wri.tliouu.l- No. Claaa. Arrive. I part . 113'ia llim I Cal. Limited . l 1 it ii a 4 I II Pal. Kxpresa . Cal. F.xprcaa . Cal. Fast M a II. (Thursday only , . 7:f)p , .IO;IOp ,.ll:0p 7:101. ll:0(i l:4a I 00, (I'e Lug. T;I0 Vmju bound- Overland Elprraa Kaatera Kipreaa. . Chicago Limited.. K. C. Chl. Ex.. T.Jla l.lip I lup 7: lip 0a 4Gc OOp 4ll (Wednesday only: (Ua Lux I.IPp lOCf 11 101 I.Ua t:aat 7:00a .top Houtllbouod III 1.1 Paso Mag Es 111 111 l: I Paso Passenger Peroa Valley Ex.. N orthboand 111 From Meg El P 111 From Kl Pao.... Ill fr-wi !'( Val ley and rut-off. l:4p P. 7. JOHISiQB, Att J . w V (0,, lAj,"'-J,!' HOTELS OF bOJTHWEST. DIRECTORY. M'. JnllNS, AI.IZnNA --Thi) A melt ran Hotel. Hi ai.iiai ti-ia lireun-to-i iicali Highway tiiurlsla. Modern Ibioiiiiliout. liinitiK room aervlce uiic-iuallei I-ine shade und lawn. ikiti-:i. piirxswicK HoihtooK, Arixo.ia. 30 guest ronma, modern; tonrlHta' head planers; daily i ad bul let ma; guidea luinl' hed lo pointa ol Inli rest, dimng I com in conimction. SANTA h i; -The ,14oDttrxumi4 . Hclel, plan; a-r no first cli-aa, electric llghU. gttvim heat, telephone In every room. Special attention to auto purl lea. HuTKL. Com US Tha new commer cial hotel of A!hiiiueriiia. Kuro Veali plan; first ciusa eaf and buffet 1 nder new management. Hvadiuar ten Oceiin-to-Oceaa HiKhwi'y. 5i!lT?t ilTAiTrT'' T N.l JU i N.-rtli Hecoiid street; lnlllo 1 looby. Prop Home cooHim a apic aliy. l'leaa-iiit rooms with le. pinn pori hi a. Kvery Hung moderti and loia of shado. FOR RENT-Rouses. I'Ull KI.NI v-loiilll I lelli h'OiM- on sl reel iar line; good burn, Mio-s A-iy U. A. KiHtlcr. at Kistler, Col liKicr & Co. lnl; HI. NT live lame rooma lot IlKht housekeeping to oie pcr"ii or In aullu. & 1 7 H. proadvvay. Full HUNT Large room ivHh board 4 23 W. Muniuetio. For Sale- Misceiiawequi I oil .-A 1 .1 . - 1 1 u u Kl ii le p. alio. .. hoi. Ill lliuh, pho e I Tlx FOIt KAI.K Old papers for plltHlig down rap' is, etc. Call a' Het ai l (.Hire. PERSONAL" A' 'I I S N m n i it t litvpart'tt liikc tinuH. Kr iMiUit-r iIu m 'w n i. J M I .1 .i M 4 IS linV i.t ill'i'H llf ( Ut lnf"t inntiitn mI it hi nuiar Mtiit h vntt 1 oi h ut i t 1 1, t;iw). ( lititrial 4' im. Cal. FOR CAltPU'r leaning. furnltura and rtova t;t.!rlng. W. A. Uoff phone III. riltiVVN FI"ltNIT'.'ltl P.cpulrlnl and packlnir, cublnct mnking, up holstering, rehnlshliiK, muttrc-sa milk ing, rug nixing. Aii wmk guaran teed. A. It ilarcla and It K. Olivia, 117 Houth Third. Phone 621. HOOF PAINT. WAMTF.I F.vcry home owner to uao Krla Cr. bon roof pi lot Hp. pa Iraka, last I yraie. Ievnr ready pmnl. 1 gal. rovera 0fl a-. feet. Thos F. Kelther, 4.14 West Central. Blacksmiths. i.illo lll'TCIIINH' i.M. 211 West lA-atl Four Hhoca. 00. MOlf EYT0 idXiL IliiNKf TiJ LOAN in aalarhs. household (ooda and llvettm-k with out removal. Ni 'es bought aud aold Prion Unn Co., room 11, over First National bank. Phone 13. T YP EWRITXRS. AI4. K1NUS. both nu'H and ae'-ou hand, bought, aold, rented and re paired. Albuiiuerqu Tv pcwriter Kg t-hanga. Phon 14 4. Ill W. Hold. Ft )K BA X.K Oliver typewriter, good as ntw, Ili.OU. Ill S est Uuld. PUuns HI, . , . . . njvr Dunbar Bargains 0 fXWt ItK N'T. Slorr room, Central Ave., be- (ween Third and Fourth Ma. b-roolil imiderti brick house, LIS N. i". uve.. 122. 00; water paid. lo-room houao. Filth and Mar- ipiette Ave; inoilurn, 127. i0. room house, 331 No. Fifth 4 rl.; mo.lcrn, 121.00. 4 4 -room house. Ilinhlanils, III. 4-room house; llaxcldine avenue; modern, lI'i.HO. M)lt hm.i:. I-room house on u fine corner mar In ut a bargain; modern with fine shade trees, flno lawn, etc. 12 room house, perfectly mod. ern, fine ahado u:.d lawn; near In. At bargain. Fi le cor. lots, West Coal Ave. 4 room house, West Iron Ave., Price, $ I. ..tilt. All kinds of terma. IT III-'. INSt'M N('K PNI-:Y TO lilltN. DP N UAH'S Itl'.Ali FATATK 4 OPIICtl 4 S3 1 Cold Ave, Tlilr.l Kl. PROFESSIONAL CARDS Physidanj W. M. SHERIDAN, X. D. Piactua Limited to GENITO-I ItlNAUY UlhluVSta And DISKASFS OF THK SKIV. Iho U arwernotn anil NogiK lur Teajtaa Hulvaraan ") Admlolaierad. Cltlrens' Hank U'llhilnf Alhuuuergue lew Mglc A. J. SIIOI'.TLt, M. II. Prai-tlon Miulied lu Tur OtOee Hours, 10 to II a. to. Phone 1171. 114 'a West Central. AlliuquerQUe Sanitarium Phon I4t. i)RS. TULL & BAKES Kliea'lallala Kyo, Kr, Nia Ttiftaxli bUII Nat tonal Italia luuf. PlMine 6. T. I'. TANNP. M. O. Hiucnillkt in i:n, 1-iir,' Noe nil Tliroal. Chi. Hal City Lank P.ulldlng. Phon fl-J bantu Fe, N. laalO I ajb KuroM, Dentists Hit. J. kKAIT, Ix-iilal Korgrry. It .onn 2 and :l. Harnett Hldg. Ovr I I'ltielly's lrug Store. (Appointments tnadu by mall.) IHioue 711. Attorneys KIM MS KIMMS lawyer. I7-H4 IUriH'11 Ithlg. AlhuipHTii'ie. Architects. l lOV II. NOIlIll Ar'liltrt. Pi-miSIcuI ami I p to Hate Work. Hoouig 71 and 21. lilting lluHdliig. Telephone IIIICI. Fenton J. Spauldinjj A gen. New York Life. Ilootii 17. V T. mil)o lUdg. Phone 7o.l. AMU ot I llit I'. PHOTOGRAPHERS Pll.'T CAKIIH 11(10 per doavli. Kuat class Work guarauleeil. Kodak: fliiiahing beveiitli and Cunlral. WK WILL devel.'P any KnpAK FILM lor 10c P.. at Card Bludlu. Ill tjo. Second. Vukanizin7 Vulcaiiixiiig and Tiro Lepairlng. A IN work A lb miner qua Huh her Co.. it Weat CanlraL The HERALD Want Ads get the lest results. , j