Newspaper Page Text
THE EVENINO HERALD. ALBUQUERQUE, N. II., SATURDAY. JULY 18. 1014. (9 ft i. MONDAY ONLY JULY 20 th MONDAY ONLY JULY 20lh Two ress Specials for TWO T 1 V r Monday Only we offer garments having sold . . if r ft i r r o .J! originally Jrom plz.DV to $ 1 7.50 each, made of Fancy Crepes, Embroidered Voiles, Linens, Imported Ratines, made in the newest effects. Just the thing for party or street wear at an Extremely Low Price GARMENT SECTION SECOND FLOOR 1 (5T (C f wc ffcr dresses selling regularly Qt RoO)at from $4.00 to $7.50, made of Gingham, Pique, Lawns or Organdies, neatly made and trimmed, an excellent garment for morning wear, home or street use. BE SURE AND SEE THEM. A Genuine Special GARMENT SECTION SECOND FLOOR I rj I tt Waste Paper Bakets 16 Button Gloves Muslin Gowns Muslin Drawers Palm Leaf Fans A large assortment for yjur selec- Ladies' Cliamoisette Gloves, woith Ladies' Gowns, nicely trimmed in Trimmed in embroidery or plain Just the thing for the porch. tion. Special Monday, July 20th 75c pair. Special Monday, July 20 embroidery, regular price 75c. tucked, our regular 35c sellers. i l i , , i i t. r. i r , t i Special Monday, July 20, only each only, each only, pair Special Monday, July 20. only, each Special Monday, July 20, only, each 39c I 39c 1 33c 1 19c 1c Doors Open al9a.m: Set ThcSC Spedals Ul OUT WtndoWS I Doors Open at 9 a. m. "I MARCU3 F. "S A WTELLE General Contractor 9 Office & Carpenter Shop S 211 West Gold Native) ltrlck fr Suits. BEaaranaMBi Tin: om:n imkmi of one of our ovena emit n frag rance Hint If) appetising tn the hungry. II in the awcet odor of roikI litc-id, pomtlwly pute. iiii.I decidedly whi,Ici.ine. Our Urcud. Holla ami HiK ult me u,u h oulit iirtcr by tin, wiin tie ii i. in, I ki'ihI tn,:i. l,,r thcinaelvea mill fainille. Ii ih mule of lli Very beat aele.'tcd flour full if llir imtiriMiini? purts of I he r iln. MI feuuU. tint M. Refrigerators Sold practically at COST, as long as they last. Now is a good time to buy. Prices from S11.96 TO S23.40 Call and lo k them over. This is your last chance. Strong Bros. 2ND AND COPPER lire nficr you. Mr enrcful what you il yaiM iiccliiiir tuiiinhl. Till-; I'KoI'LU." SKINNER GIVES HIS ANSWER TO THE COMMITTEE! Doesn't Intend to Give up Seat to Please Republicans and Office Seekers. Letter-Writing Sneak Active. COMMITTEeTto" REPORT AT ANOTHER MEETING Kotmcr ' 'i. mi, ill;,. 'n f'hinNn rn fv mi, I IVii. Tllinb.-y kmiw IimI. iv olflci.illy what Tli- )'.r..ld Inf,, lined th in I. tt n,i; I '..uiicllni in J A. skinner, i,f th. iicund ward, lilt Mi i ii i ii 1 i. , ri n! c liitr lip Ii ih Heat af I ni il ni l i,l i,f I : ! iilili, niiR n, I iIim- .iP,,,iit d ml i i k, is. Sir. C, II- r,v uti'l Air. T, irU-v, ,,i n committee Iruf.i Iln- Un it rinlii mi-, i ii. in I'l'' append u:,t, ThiirMl.iy mkIU. civ Mr. Skin. i.-r Iiki iiiilil mill h lul, lh,'in ' hn h. is In i.f'i, i- I,, i . ii U l lii Irrtn. Mr. Tiniliy ti,)iii tl,,l 1,1 Mr. Skin ni r ti nt I h' it'M'lut i,i .':i!inu t,,r Ii ' m Tt i lit it li., wiiii ,ri i.i ri , In f.iri- I In rni'i'lirii? i-pi-Tii'il, tint wlm flip r,rr innniii;i-r w m w-i n,. ilin, I'.ki ,!. Mr Skliun r w i.xn'1 iilili. l,i linrn who ri.i- thr riHiiliii ion. Mr Skinmr mmiI tha! In- ili,ln't fs-i I ftiMii i,n In hn'il ,linri fi,,in a iiii'.-tiM. th;it w . n i,u r fii-'''it i tua i,f Ih.' I m ,, i v i.f tin- Mi i iiml :ir1. I't.i-n.lj i.f Mr Sklntu-r frre nt Ihi- mri ii iir. ini lln-y r ,i,i ii ,l In lidii ih.,t lunfii! Hirutinv if lli , r,,uit i'iu't.,, ,l i h 1 1 ilirn- Krf f, w I iinn',T , Ii .i .HTit u hi, wi ri rili hi' i,n, nr'l r, -il, 1,1- .ml . ilalm ,i b, it ,! i i, t tt , in T' lvi' l)n,i. k. wi i. ri','i.i; nii'il i,a i,l, I in- n., i,f fnrnu r M.i:..,r hi I Al'li.tinm Kklnnir, un I .w Mr .-'klnnir t litmiil, ' I li- ,,if.n, Thfy h;nl ',,.1,' Hiri milt mil TliurH,n AnnihiT Wnril "Miiiliiu, Tho i .mi'iiitli.p that wuiii'il nn Mr. SklnniT will ri-lmrl. Mr. Tlnaliy n.iHl tnl:iy. at an tliir tiiii.ilntt nl thi Si'i' mill wiinl 1 : n t rl u tit nu-n. Mr TltiaS-y lilul Mr. fniifiy r- , . r I thai A l.liT nui ii Skinmr ninli-il In tin-in h, m.-i,lo tin iiruMilfC nr Muii'iiH'iit in anyuiie ,rrvi,,UH tu hit cli'i't ii : Unit hp I'l'iisiiitiii to run with tin- iliMitin un, Iitkihii, 1 1 n ix that hn wan 1,i tip aliHiiliiti'ly itii1siitlirit In In I'liur!', mill thnt hi- rinmlilpmt hp imihIp an lniji'icii,lpiit ianiniiKn. Mr. SKInniT will! Iiln intpiitlntia witp In iln riltl. ntnl hp was iroinir lo runt nun. thp Htinip mump, an oril Iiik I,, Ih.- ri'imrl uf Mi"rn. TIiikIi.'V ami 'i,iiruy. CON VEFJTIQN OF T GS T 13 Will Name Delegates to State Convention. Second Conven tion for Local Nominations to be Held. ( lllf1lM11IPIIt.) A Card l, till, Sp'Ii i-thi tlK-lr nlvht. M ii,m-r iirsiinlMv rppi i pl an Hnu-ri ".I li 'ti r, ailv't;!,! h.m to rr nun. Th.. w rit m ih t-.-il.t lo ! Hiiiiil ir ,i ili ii ii ih ri-i'l itit.ii In-Iri-ilii' n ii. Mi, an ' 'ti 'ii.'i'i inn. JviiM'p M I'lilhin rl o an an fiivnuo).- Ii-'i.- t , . whi fruin nni if ttn Itm.i r'l. V I1iw i-uintuiiffn- pm. II mi in I '(..!,. thp ii,p 't,'i, of Ih' ' . i i,'. , -vi,iri,l lion in it i pr l t,. ''in ii- h ,irf',r, noit tp.i.l: 'Ipi 'Tv '' ' uinl W i'l. Wn WILL SOUND SENTIMENT ON COUNTY SALARIES I "ii in k t lip ,ri H, nl wri'k thern hai- .i',,ar,, In holh iI.iiIipm of llnx illy, Hip "Moiniim Juiir- Hal" uinl thp "I'.vinini; II, nil, I," loililli iitiuiiH In tint i fli i t that rilatiiiiiH liptw-ppn thp I'hairinan uf th. irpuii.i,'an t' t'uiii- mittpp uf I ti : ii.. I I lo 1 1 1 1 1 v ami Hip I'liairinan of thp Kxpiuiup 9 i uimntitpi. of thi naitii' miiy ami I'liuiity nro i-utif HrtitiK anil iiih.'iriiiuiiluiiH, tlirpat' niiiyr a V iTinH in tli- mriv. VV'p iIpmi-p In Mat., tnuiit ion- ' liliiit I, allv , lor Hip lii'in ti' of our 1 1 1, 'nil,, :i ml 1'iirlv In Hip ntali who inl lil l. iiukIpiI dy BUi-h ai lii I, v I'MIM i rnlliK Hip ,,'llt i, :iI V iml oat inn In tho I'uunty. that wo 1,1'lii'Vp I hiou liiHlori-il to ri'pntp. a I.i.Ihp liii,rpHnn,ii, m.l h p, to- ill. ,i'lha,.i, n-puiii4p thp hoIhI- it v ami iiiiiuii of Hip Iti'iiuliliian party h lp I wpII iiiiiIitiIuoiI, loll on i hp outsail, for i (Tpi t. Tm rp Ii;in nut oi'i urri il the Ipi, ul iliriiniup of i.piiiiull, i-pn, Iii'Iwppu thp ri,fot,nw i Ii iiiuii ll uinl our ti laliutiH h.ip Iippii utul ir ii, ,w thor- uglily Ii it'in,,ni,,ii an, I uiiiIpJ to Hill- tiiil, that if. Hip wilfart anil u H' .ml., i n v .,1 lliu I :.'lu 1,11- I'atl f .11 r I ' lllllllllHt itH tll'HUll' K.tpi lioity jiul pin h chair- man iinili-rj l:i tiitw tin ,lai'p uinl iithn.lly uml ai ts ui rui'lninly, Mithoiit olijprtioit. oliHtrui tion or Jpaliitmy of any k iil.l. Ji:.-ls itiiMClid, . I' i piiirul I'ulllllilttPP. r:i.ri:J llVf'A. ' h ilrman Kvp, utHp I uiiiinltlpp. Id lii l u.'itti'. now nntiiiiKpr of Mii rutslini fh l:,'l,.'U, v,a that he Jiiiiiii-,l to the Kioliral Ipuuup lant w inter i,iii tn th' I ii t that thi t-t l.ouln dun- In iilto of I hp la, t that hp iluyp, hi in I hall t.i.-t pnr. mill hail n uooil off. T Iron thp 1'pI lal Ipiwiio ollprrit him i.uliy th k.iiiip Hillary a, h a imnl III 11 Hp uiIiIm: 1 miiitui JIuki.iii woul'l l,kp tu rniv Kium ami inytpf uiouiiil Uiul i uj i u in i riiiht now." Tim iipinalilio loiinty UriniH-ratl': riiiivpntlnn, tor thp mitnitiif uf 1pU. Kaipn to thp t;itp Ui'tnoiratlo rnn-piilio-i, tu hp h. 1,1 ill thin illy Auk uiit IT. will op li.l.l In tho ii.itiiiy loiirl hoUH.1 AuiiuM 13, foliuuini; I'le i liii i i,r iiiuiriiu Hhi. h will taki' on Aukuni l'J. Thti. ttio ilf Ixlnn uf thu lounly I'uiiiin.llw. at a ninfliiiV hi 111 I 'M IIIU'll III I'll' lllll'tl of JllK- Hri. nf tlj. I'M',' V. W. M.l'lpllan at Thiril ami t 'ui'i r, ami whii h .m aitiioiiil not otil:. I,y tha tni iiiliprg ol 111.. oiniiiilipp out i,y iiunili. r ot 1 ipmiH r un lnviti',1 t,, attuiii In an nil 1 iHtil y ( a parity. Tho inipllii :il o ilplprtiiincil tu holil a wrutiil pi, an',' co nv rut lull, fi.l lowinit ih. niatp 1 1 nipTillon. at which p,in,llilati f..r th" Iioiihp of rppr Hi'nt.iliwn ulil f"l probate I'lilUc l'l lip i Ihihpii. t'hiiii n m Mcltat uinl u niitnlipr of Ihi . ..iiimliicpiiipn fav urp.l iiiaklim the iii.iiill.u'liini lit tho ttjiitip i-onvi'iiliii'i ;ii whlih the ilijp Kiitp-I o Hip ht lie i.ttvplitlnn Will l hoxi'ii; hut Hip tnajurlly f.ivurnl n ncparalp convpiu i,,ii for thr local tioiiiliiaitoii. Tli- ihiiirtnan ami iwer taty. Jii'lui M -i 'lo.lun, will nn noiitvp the )il.i, fur thp primarirn, n ml thp oltliinlii lo l,p In chut hp, un ilcr auihniity (.'t.iii,, I hint nlKht' hy till POtllHlltH c. win i. u aium.ioii t tn xn l(tll lliilill. IHMllliCII I C'hairainii M I: n. callrd altrntlori to u rumur whi.-h hn current for "iiip limp Hi, i local Kcpu'illcan li'.ul.iii propuiMi to ;ry to ulioUnh thu ti,univ r"i"l Imaril khImi la the tiptt 1 IcKUIalure. In Mm of llio fa't thil thp only coiniy mid work vrr i nniplinhi il lniM la cti umlcr th roaij linurU rymrni, tin- uin-nlttr" rli tcrm IiipiI to wuko an ijctive rampulitn im iiiihI Hip lti puMi. an pr.ipo.iul. wtn i.u ii t i. im r. ' I'UH'l.i: U' HALAIlirs Mr. Mcliii" ulna pr"P-l I''11" fur olitalnitiK thu KP'o of th runk ami fi f n. iiui r.,tlc taipavim on Dip iiurxtloii of inn -it y uluripn. Mr. M' It it pri.i-nxi'il a f oniinlltpii to framu a revolution on county wilarln to to prp'iipil to Hip county conven tion. Thin cnmmllipp. he Iropuh.-. wouhl hold,' hi-urlncii tu hicK iHinoi rullo la,ayura would b In- vltpil lo ooTtio ami utiite their view In thin way, he hoped, n ileflnlii. Iiasifl may bp reached hy whii h a definite ruiniy halary ex prpKNlun (in lip hail fruin the cutitity convent Ion which would ill ml our members uf ihe lcKin l.ilure. Mr. Mcliae wn tmpoMpr.-.l to appoint mi, h n cntTinillicp mi') inrty out hi plan; atul at a confer-1 n,'e With ilow-rnor Mi'lloaalil thin mornlnx. the itovirmr not only cem niPiule.l Hip plan us iiuli,.i bit pro:iiied Sir Mdlne to mtetul the mi-dim of thi coinniittpp ntnl she Mll'-ll IIHHiNt.ltICO I1H lip Ciilllil in the pul, lie hciirinii. T AltllWt.K nut Tin: nn. sTvrr ( iimimiun Arlinit on n toi-iHliun fmnt l'rrs ,, it I'. . t'liHhmau nf the Commer- I'iill clllh, the CutlllllitleP I 11 TI i K tit ii,pi,lntil J illicit M' 'lellan. J. K linuilell anil A. I",cl' lier iim n com :niit.,, to end r and net with the i in ii io r- in 1 i lab n mnkliiK uituble nrr.iiinnieiit fur the entertainment of the Keiiuicr.itlc n!ate euuvpntloti In thla city on AiikuhI IT, IDEPUTY SHERIFF 15 OUT AFTER THE recovery of the hortra. ' Iiepiifv i-licrlff Itmiiern la auti t,n.., to lie hot on the trail of the thieve. He wa inHtrileted hy I ii ilirf ln'riff l.pwin tn go to t'hlllll to Ret a Kood trailer, and fhutild have I'peti there mid aone on Willi the hit ter by thiH lime. I'hillll ! nut far I rum Stout. ihiuir. 1 'en lab Karr and William lliipche of AlbuiiipriUe took mil u marrl.ine lieenHi Inil.iy nt the ofllce of futility fh tk A. Walker. Ku did Sulitii'iti MiMlmt and Nimul tlalleKoa i ( Al-bi.,iier,ue. Try a 10-vent Herald want ad. With Han Wusner and Ijirry l.a Jolp below .3110 the old order reein t he imxHinR at lat. IIoiiiih barely "mplled ..inn lunt jteahoti, (.ml he will have nn even harder fish! nhead thia year to flip Into the maul.' circle. The finttlnit in lighter In both leaKUe. due to belter pit, hlll. but the I utf hiiiun ha already Ratheie.l in hi Khttre of Iiiiko linn. Winne r. In the lat year or h,,, hia be in hattinir In Hlrpak -mnrderltn the ball one furtniKht and lntllnn 2-11 fur th. llpVt Week or o. Hp inn I 1,11 h.t loll th. day of the uld-lime i..iiMit etu y in over. R T il efrigerators Pair with Trimble Tonies seen Yesterday in Mountamair. American not Now Believed to be Escaped Convict. Viiiprherlff I i k I-wl haa aenl 1 ie(, nty Hheriff HreKorlo llolnero af ter the horni thief who ,le, a n,c,l thi week wi,i Itui or Tumble Com pany' poiiiiK. llomero w.m ili patched on the trill an noun aa I'a dershtrlff I'wls learned that the thief ntnl the mill who nfierw.irU Joined hi in were m"n lo i.ihh Ihroimh T.Jcrag canyon and head east. To day a report wh received that Ihe men wan led pa;wd throiiKh Moun- talnalr ypHterdny. Mr. Trimble hnn bei-n pr.iacciit l.-ic Ren nit on bl o n account, working tn conjunction with the county mid city nuihorltlca. He aaid today that ho had learned that the Ainerlcun HCCompHiivltiK the horwlhief Ih IlKht halnd. The ,.ilr wi-re e'icoiiiiter.'d In the cfinyon the day the ore were atolivi hy a man who reporied the meetliiB yelerday to Mr. Trimble. It la not believed now Ihut there la much chame of the American hav ing Ihe convict, llmlmin, who eacnpcil from the atule rmid camp near hire paiiiday. Hp made hi ei'ape on u good hire, and la believed I" lu-ve ot well out of the country before the Tllinblt) ponlea were taken Mon day. Mr. Trimble haa authorUed (he herlffa ofllce to offer a reward of li) for tha laplure of th men and V CIBSON REFRIGERATORS ll 9 - a WE HAVE QUITE A FEW REFRIGERATORS ON HAND WHICH WE OFFER ALL AT A RE DUCTION OF 20 PER CENT FOR THE NEXT 10 DAYS. ALL UP TO DATE IN CONSTRUCTION. SEE OUR DISPLAY. WE SURELY CAN SAVE YOU MONEY. ALBERT FABER 213-215 WEST COLD , Furniture, Carpets, Stoves and Draperies