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THREE t rwyiT" t 'ryrj' ft fft ft ft 'i'nTfy' ft n 11 Fwo Big Specials for Monday, July 20 THE EVENING HERALD, ALBUQUERQUE, N. M., SATURDAY. JULY 18. 1914. i 1 I i i) (i (000 Yards Dress Silks, on Sale at 9 a. m. The Greatest Silk value ever offered. This assortment consists of Plain Silk Crepes and Silk Filled Pongee, yard wide, in all the leading shades. New Fancy Figured 27-inch Silk Poplins, ihc quality excellent, stylish patterns; also new Figured 27-inch Tussah Silks. These goods are worth 65c and 75c a yard. All go on sale 4JL(l! Monday 9 a. m. at yard Qj) j?C SEE SPECIAL DISPLAY ""I r M "T'iW t'T VI J VT.I It' 'T High Grade Summer Goods, on Sale 2:30 p.m. Beautiful 36-inch Dresden Voiles, dainty patterns and fine quality. New plain Marquisettes, 44 inches wide, in all the leading shades. Plain and Fancy Silk Ratines, 36 inches wide, sheer and dainty; for summer wear. 75 pieces to pick from in this lot and worth to $1.00 a yard. On sale Monday, 2:30 p. m., (7) Your choice, per yard SCsC SEE SPECIAL DISPLAY ' The Golden Ru ie Jury Goods c ompany .a a. a. .a : : : : : ISPO RT Baseball. Standing of the Clubs (The average do out Include iluy'e rcaulte to- National l-cninio. Wiiii, l.oat. li. .w Y-rk 4:. 31 !' 'hir.i 44 37 .r.4 II I.011I 41 40 .6 1 H in.itinnti 3'. 41 .4" s ' Iphin .1 S! .41 Brooklyn .IS 3!l .4 7:1 riiislmrwh 34 4' . 4) ' a IWiuii 34 43 .44:' Aiiu rfc tt I ttiKUc Won. Ti l rhiludclphla 4I 3J fi'J" Mill. .11 4 ZS i; Extral , . H Special I I'.oMoii 4T 39 .r.3(i S i.HhliiKton 41 3t .Ml 'lil'i.K .. 43 2H ,r.3l HI. 1..hiIh i ' 119 New v.. ik 31 47 .'.' i I. Mia tul tS 13 .3 44 IVd.-ral 14'iiifiH'. Wain. Loat. 1 ft . Chicago 44 33 ..W I ml lu n;i M.liH 43 34 .5.'.t ItuMltnoru ii 37 .r.32 lirnoklyn 3'i 35 .T.-7 HufTi. 1 311 37 .513 KuiiHim t'Hy ..37 45 .4M St l.otn 3f. 4 7 -4 -'7 liltaburiih 31 45 .4 US TODAY'S GAMES Kn iiiiw. ji i.v ih. NATIONAL LEAGUE (III lit. Flrl tiiiiiie: New York . . .(inn lion I'iiiHt.uruh . . . lint I'lrata-a, 3. I!. iiim H mix 3 lluttcrtc: I.cmanc, Fromine Moil. Harmon and (ihnn. und 'nxiklyn, 3; (1i, Score: llrookiyn (mo 00.1 Chlcna. imi: oo 4. It. 11. (Milt 4 S GAMES TOMORROW AiiH-rk'an k:iiich. 14'MtUO. Niiiiiitnil iniieiK. ut Clin iiiiihii. :r..'klvn lit t'lil.-iiis... I hllu.l. I.hlu nt Ht. I..iut. l"r.lrml 1 4-inttip. f'hl.ano ni K.iiikiii City. I n. In. imp.. il nt Kt. I.IIIM. YESTERDAY'S KESULTS I) 50 Men's and Young Men's Suits III Formerly sold from $15.00 to $22.50 I I M. j Ulandell 1 NuiIoiihI I lav hi'. N.'W Y.-ik, 3; I'ltNlmrKh. 1. ( 'liliiiit... 3; l:riklyn, J. IWtuii. 1; ('in., 0. SI. l.i ni 1, M , li'lu i. 4 ni rk'MU l'imnr. tt'.Miiin. K; I'llr.ill, 1. I i lanrt. S; WaslnitKton. I. ( 'hi. lit,-"-1 'hi III. If l.hia. ruin. - ft. l.i.iili-.Nr V..rk. wit Kr.Min.U IViltal l4-auut. Kniiwm City, 3; Cliirax.., 2. l'lllxliurtth, ; ltp.kl'!i, 4. lii.liana...iH, St. l.uiM, 'J. Mm It nil. .re. 4; iliKlalo. 3. ELKS TEIS WILL COLLIDE AT 3 TOMORROW li Santa Fe Challengers Coming With 30 Rooters. Manager Graham Prepares for Their Reception. Due at 10.30. I'ronaratloiia l.av. hon f iitn.l.'l'"l III loral Klk (r tho ntcrUIn merit tt tliolr funtu Fe brcthrvn lll om luro ti.morruw for a nail Kama anil lullifiontlnn. The train will ha ii'toiw.uniuil by alioiit thirty roidrrs. The party will travel from Santa F by nutomi.bllp, ami ara exix-itfa t arrlv. at 111:30 In tho freiin.,n (l.i.iiro (Irnham. iiiunneir tif tho Al tiiiiiiii'riii li'iluc tram, lin dm ili-ll arrniiiipiiicnla tht reici'tmn. 1 ho t.ama will inift on Hiowcll II. I, I at 3 n'rliK'lt. The lo.ul F.Ik nine urn In K.....1 nh.i.f. anil have playen saiiu-a eii.'imh lo hp nn filite wllhoiit ai'i'ilul i.rnrlicit. Tiny have '"! turi-rt ail threp of llii-lr rntilrata. Thry la kctl Hit' Hunt K l-IK nn their own illunu.nd rc.MUly. Iinturiin: A li i li Ih.'Ii unit M.Ciir.), Luviiiilor an.l ilrrxnahun. FEDERAL LEAGUE lUilllnmiv, h; lltilT.tlo Flrxt Kami': . . . .r.on 002 1 '.II n i. lo HOI) (MID ii. it. 00 1 R (IUU II II. i llnltiTicn Suuiia and Jncklilath; Kra, ami lUair, Allen. llrookiyn. T; ritl-bitriili, f. Kirxt Kami. : It. II. K Hr.Miklyn f . . . .202 Hill 0J0 7 13 t ilVHl.iirKh ...una 000 010 1 4 Hull. ri.-: Si-uton and lind; W'ulk. r, l i hiin- un I ic.ibcrta. 06 Hi AMERICAN LEAGUE f 'lih nK'. Final kaint' hkiiKu .... Chilu. I. Iphu liatt. t I. : li riillu.hlplua. I. it. ii i: . loo 11110 1 3 . nol no,) (Mix 4 u 4 Walhll and S.lialk: I'laiik unit l.a.i. I l ('lanl I. v. land Wur-liiimt.Mi !Mttrl.M. Ayvra, LnKil 3: u-hlimon, V It. II K- .030 000 0011 3 b 3 . l"l 'JCMI IlL'x 5 3 U..H ..,,1 I'.nkuli r: I ami Henry. HI. I.011K t: N-M Viirk, .V It. II. 1:. St. Lntiin 001 iiim not 2 7 1 New York .. .0112 (101 Olx 5 K 0 llattel'lei.: Ilainllton, Mltrhell ;in.l AxneM i Caldwell and .Vuiiainaki r. llil.nBn, I; I'lillnibidila. 'hi''ai?i. null (10 I 01111 1 riiiliidillhlu ..3o (ml oox 5 liaiierlen. Cii.nie, Luihrop Wuyer; Hinder und fehaiiK. 11. 10. 5 E. S 3 and AMERICAN ASSOCIATION St. I'HIll, 0 Heore: HI. I'ulll ., (Invelalid llaltvrlea (Vvi-lunU. 7. U II. K. lion tin; 1101 11 A y 11 mill 021 201 1; 3 3 Karner and lileiin. .In nie, IUelilc.:!. I.eM.Kt. I nill.. iter, .In men und ii PUnTflDPVPI I Trlnted fr th benefit of the f..r etun . i.ti In t i. , n : Imdun la first In the Canadian leamie; Turin U lul In Ihe nhi.i Scita leanue; Hume la third In the C.ei.i itia-Aluliaina leaxua. Yen be la lirMt In the 1'a.lliu C.ihi l.neue: lilrmliiKhuin la third In the Southern ha mie; Tniedu la fourth In the South Allrhlu..ll lean lie; Yolk la borf In the Tll'lute IruKue; Wuterl.xi la third In the Centrul aiwiH'latlon. and Cairo la third In the Kitty l..rt it ue. It la lo be regretted trnit Mf rl In. l'ekiu and Cant. .n Here ol.liged to their tvaiua. r" ilUIUIIUIULL 016 siooy on HEW MEXICO Mrs. Anna Wilds Strumquiit Tells Interestingly of Mo torcycle Trip from Albu querque to Bottomless Lakes The July number of "Motor cycle IIIUHtruted," .ubllMhed In New York und the irlnclpul mualne detnled to the liiol"! .Ie and IIn de. vole", rurrlea a haii.lM.ioely ill'M I ruled urtlrle by Mia. Anna Wild Strum. iiu( of Aliuiuer.iie, dea.rllf lug Inl. ri s.1 hikIv u 575-inlU lrli by 1. 111, b in tn i-en. by h reelf and ilr su uiii'iulHt fioin thia city to the I'll 11 vulHy and the idn'iia counliy alonx the Ti bolder. The rt'.ly I" written In Mr. Struimi'itM'e uual aiiriiihtly IMe and will prove a val uable advert Influent tor I lie atate und Ita ofTcrlnra In eiiery and other at traction fr the motor. 1 liet. LITTLE LEAGUES ARE TIGHT Remarkably Close Contests With End of the Baseball Season Less Than Two Mouths Off. Pennant Possi bilities. New York. July IB. With the rlone of tho prnfcKaionul lno-coail eeiiHon leaa than two month nwav, the pennant race In both nnin.r .tod minor h-naiif are tlKhtcnlnv up In a remarkable manner when the lenre of aoao'bitlon are r..ntdf red Ha a whole. With a few exception here nnd there the atruarle for flrt plueea lire far cocr than ha been Ihe rule for aeveral yi:i. If the l lallll that Ihl I a pi'l r flnani' M'aon In I mi e In. II la cone t It I cer tain that the rhursre cannot be Inld to one-Hided "an race. In the major leauuea nt lenet Hit club huve pen nant chani i. rtiihiilclph ,11. IX Irolt anil Wnhinuton are nil In the Amer nan leiiKiie rn.'e nnd the hrt four club In the National 01 Ranlxatb.n rill (Inure ii poHelble winner. The .'line situation fxtft In t tie. Federal und Internal!. .mil leimues The race In the "la A nr.nnln tioii I nlo cb..e. Tl, Soiilhern liH.iniat ion pennnul trni.u!e I one of the ni"t Intert tlnir In year, leea than otie hundred point Hcpnnit inn the flrt lx club. In the Wealern leamie lii'iiver, St. .Ineeph. Lincln uml Sior City nti all bunched nnd a the eaon iloi tw.t c..e until Seplember 27 uny one of 1 heee I'lnb may prove the flan winin r. Alii'iliK Ihe Claa It leneii.' Ihe uveraite I" not ao cb.e. New I. on, Ion hn a p. ...ft lead In the Katein noc lattoii; tiavton In the Ce11i1.1l Iruiruc; Wllkea-llnrre in the New York Stale lenmie, und Pa ven port In the Threi-1 leiixue. In the Texa 1, iio. llea'l- niont, nnd Wac. nre nil In the race, while W'or.est.t, 1'ortlan.l. Ijiwrence and I.vnn have 11 pennant chance In the New Kimlind leiiKue The ( l.i a C race nre mImo provpiK of much IntercHt to the L.ixehall I.iiik of the re.ectlve bacne terrltornx Charleton lend Ihe Si.n'h Allantic race. with Albnnv Inn nil a fair chance If the leader k1.. up for any reimon. The YiiKinia cinlt't I far cloer, for Norfulk, N-.. imrt New nnd lilchniond are 1 lo. aroul" 'I Further north In Ihe W onln-llll not league five club nr.- in the fluo rine, there hclllR hardlv polni between Ihe Ilr -1 ten mi l!uy city appear-. nfe lead In the sS'ilb IrtiKUe while Winnipeg, 1; nnd Vlrprlnlti all have :i win out before the aen,,. l abor day. The aaine . .n Fall Hlver. New lleilf,,r.l II 11 m ri wl I, Itrooklyn, .Ml', Meyer. New York. .817; (I. Hum. New York, .3Hi; liyriie. I'hlladclphiu. .3ok; Hiiubert, lirooklyn, .30. Iironklyn with 2'1H and New York with 2 7 lend hi club battiiiH. .HerzoK with 34 leinU In atolen baea, Aiuonif the pitcher M 11 1 hc !. Willi 15 win and 4 defeal; Al.hl on, l'iookln, with li an, I 2, und Viiuuhn, Ctil.MK.i, with and 4. rank hlKhet. Cobb. I ei roll, head the Ameri cana with .342. Then conic Maker. I'lul.'tili Iphhii .340; J.i. kon, Cleve land. .332; c. Walker. St. I.ouim. .3:10; Ciawford. Iiclr.ilt. .31: 10. Collin, rhilu.lelphia, .311.; A. Willnnui-. Wui-liniKloli. .31.'.; Milan, WahHiK I'.n, .2I; Speaker, 11, .Moll, ,2!.1; .Mclnni, I'lilla.l. Iplila, ,2!3. riiiladelphiH bail In club baltinK wilh .21 and lotrolt und WuhlnK toii nre next with .2,'.A each. ' MuIki I, New York, IciiiIm In alolcn biiKea with 31. I.e.. na nl, lloton, with 13 victorie and 3 defeal; llcn.!er, I'hlladelphiii. with 7 nnd 2, nnd IMank. rhlladcl phia. with 9 and ?. lire tnp-lioP b r In the pitching .1. pat tmcntH Kaufl, Iniliauapoli. uia reRiilned the ballitiK lead in the Federal lenBiie with .34, and lead In at'deii buaea with ?.". luiliaiiapoli. . 2K9, nnd ltalltmore Wit lead Ihe dub. I'll' hlnit honor belong to KaiM. r llnir. Iii.liaiiapoll. with X win und 2 loee; Fold. Iiuflalo, wilh 12 and and Cramlall. St. l.oiil. 10 and 4. a hundred nnd fifth lo have Mi.'huaii rand Fork ihnnce t. 1 rloea on 1 be mild of and I'a. tuiket In the Colonial L igue, while I.omlnn and Olinwu ar leader in the Canadian bonne AMERIGAFJ SYSTEM ATHLETICS 'E IS Secretary Sullivan of A. A. U, Arriving with Olympic Trophy Cup Says Our Train ing Methods are Taking Hold. lean deleirate have taken part In the Pari conference nnd inc. -Iiim of the International Federation at I.) nil. France, ut which Ihe r"lc irovernlnK ull future Olympic meet were dl cuM'd and tillered In inany import ant point, nnd In nearly every In altince In accord. nice with the aiin- HcHtlona .of the American ilclottut Ion. I'racll.-ally ull the American rule were adopted and nfier Ihe lirt of January uniform rule will be in op eration nil over the world," aald Mr. Sullivan. "The Implement tied In uthletlc. .on h a the ilicu. hammer. Javelin nnd weiKht will be the eoine a In line In America today. The cr.. bar and pin In JnmpliiK and other context will be alike, p.-naltl. will be Inflleteil for fain atari In Olym pic race. In the wcluM event com petitor mut remain within the Tin frm which they throw und there will be no inue for amumcnl on theae matter" Itoxlnar and ttolf were added to the list of Olympic aporla through the ef fort of the American delenutea. Thepp a well na ewlmmlng, wret I i nar. viiinatlc and other branehe of aport will he governed by aepar- nto federation nnd 11 apeelnl cbam-J alonhlp cup will he awarded in each branch. SHAMROCK FOURTH SETS SAIL FOB 1 Cup Challenger Leaves on Dif ficult Journey Across Broad Atlantic Under Her Own Sails. 10. Ni. hoi. .11. the ricilKner; William I. Ilurton, who la to be the la. ii.K Bklppcr, nnd Cupt.iin Turner, who will act a eklpp'T during the voy 11 Ke. will he on l ard the yacht. T'o- remainder of tho crew will be on Sir Thomna' eteam yacht F.rtn. which will n. t 11 convoy. The problem of aeltinic the Sham rock ncro the Atlantic under her own al la ulnioat aa icrent na that of rutin her. The achl will atop for auppllea at the Ax. .re. The yacht poaaed throunh tho llnea of the fleet lyinii here nnd waa Riven a hearty eud-off by the wrirhip. Amoiiu Sir Thomna f.lplou'a a u cut a on the F.rln were 4'obmel Nelll nnd Ihe Karl of llardwlcke. Tho loiter will trnnifcr to the ShnmriK k at tho Axon- and work hla pammne ua an able uman for the r't of the voy aae. He Mild hp hoped to make Rood, and to be Riven a perinnnrnt Job a a member of the Hhumrock'g racltn crew. The Karl of llardwlcke tin led an iidventiiroii life aa a cowboy In Texna and aa a miner tn Montana. He coinca from a eenrfarina; fumlly nnd I very keen on yachting. The people of Ooiipot't im'Sciitcd the thai len kit with a model of a. parrot aa u mnacot nnd thla will bo perched on the bowprlt while, the yacht la crolna: the ocean. Tho Mlilfnrock IiImi carrlea -b-TtmT of toy monkeys and other object nuiHcnta. DEALS BECKER, KING HITTER III THE HftTIOflftL Cobb Leads Americans, and Kaiiff, of Indiaripolis, is Fed Premier. Leonard Leading Twirlers vi Fas. S:t New York, July Jx The ellxer trophy ml.. ,ic if victor in the I 1 1 1 1 . Kanicr, won III ih.- 1 '.1 1 2 ua me by America, wa brought hen tmluy by . 1. itne ;, .-ulimin. e. r. i.ny ot Ihe A. A. C, who urriM.I today Iroin I'm 1 Ih It ha thu- been held by France, lOllKlaud, lelilllUlk. tiermaiiy, Sweden and the liiit.d State. SpcakiliK of the iticreiiei'd Int. 'rent taken In at 111. tli I bt'i'U,;ll"'JI l.u lop., Secrelnry Sullnan a-i 1. 1 liiat Amerlcuu tianiltiK mcthode were be Inn rapidly ml. .pled nnd Ill-it he had Ihe pn.mle of at lciixt loo I'.reiKii uthlelen at the I'nnamii name In S.n I i-i. o next year. Imrina thu laid two month Secre tary SulliMin 1. lid twelie other Amcr- (Hiiio'lth. lOnuland. Julv IS I Khaitii in k, IV., Sir Thomna l.iplon' I Ini'leuK'-r for the America' cup, j railed Ihl ufteriioon for Falmouth. I when. 'it kIic will iart for the fulled State. Sliatuiock IV. ha been 1 .Kited an n kel. h tor In r Voyaite a, ro the At lantic uml win carry only half of her riuiint 1 lew of Hum 111.11 Churl' " SHOT OFFICE MAN WHO REFUSED TO LET HIM SEE THE PRESIDENT St. Koula. July IH. Felix B. A iletHi.n, uMOMtunt o tho prealdent of the Si. 1... ul Terminal Hallway a oclalion, waa ot while In hla of fice today hy a. man who entered tho office utid demanded to ace I'real dent llri heanev. Mr. Anderaon wM nil,, I in the left hhoulil.T. The wound I not d ink. rou. Mr. Anderaon uxked the vlltor 111" btiKlne and rt fiiMed to let him the pr "ident. The man then drew a. revolver und fired, after whbh ho run out of the nfll.e nnd illaoppeiired. lOx.tmlniiiion ilicloed that Mr. An.!, r h, ni had been xbot In the In toe nnd that the bullet had IoiIkciI near the lower aplnal column. Tim wound l.s not aeriou. Hern I.I d linea. want. I llnea S tlmea 3 Gold Medal Flour EocnluallyW' hy Not Now? THE JAFFA GROCERY CO. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS 1 1 ounse wired? The house wired for Electricity has many advantages over the un wired house. For instance there is the Electric Fan, it can be quickly and easily attached anywhere about the house, and the simple turn of the switch insures a cool and refreshing breeze, most enjoyable during the hot days and nights of summer. House-Wiring is neither difficult or costly takes but little time and repiy one many tirrcs in the way of convenience. We will be pleased to furaiih a free ;stiniate on any wiving you may rrquire. Call us up today atout it. Chlc. July li. I. la lk-ck riilludelphl.t, with un crane )4u, I lead na the bait. 1 i.f the tioiiul league, according to fmure publlhed here today Next are: (irant. New York, wuh .! n 7 ; 1' Karn. riilla.lelpbla, '' lievore. Ilonloh, .;'; Iiultcm. Mi klyn, .11; 2! I Albuquerque Gas, Electric Light & Power Co. 502 West Central Phone OS 4m. at