Newspaper Page Text
J " FOUR THE EVENING HERALD, ALBUQUERQUE. N. M., SATURDAY. JULY 18. 1914. The Evening Herald. tilill-lir1 by Till. l:KMMi, IIM'K'IK H. VAI.I.IANT. Manager II H. IIKMN'I t 'l'liif l'ui'Mili. piy af n ccpt Sunday, lit l- N' .-mlil hi e. I, All'll'lin t'lUc, X. fatcicd aa armed at I lie i.iia'ofh'c Ml Alliii'l'H tilie. t .f March 3. . m , under the A 7 niie ni'-nth by mad or carrier i n,. we,.g bv nrrlir Hue ei,r iy mull (. carrier 1(1 adv Hfl I r.ii' i:e Telephones: (lire . , r...onia. . Its K.I t Tin: ri: m- in v. ItM km v Mil. IN A Will. Il he lUldr lit II lll.'. llMK nf Volel 111 I lie nlld ward ml I I.11II1I1114 Thurad H night 1 he ltctcimd Chub iif ' i.r I;. . Kin. 111, pnat.r nl the l.i ii.l Avenue Mcthodiat 1 huri It of thia 1 ill. nlute.l ly Inference, iiccnrdlitK In m xitiil r llnl'le M-raotla prcaellt m Unit moot IIIK. Illilt ttle owner ,,r lite K.v MINK llciald, who 1, urn, to MtM.iiei.iie ft. .111 Tcxarkunu. Arkatiaia. I r I Tex Hrkiitin In-. auee Ihey wrro "forced" tu do n, nr worda which left 11 simi lar Impreaalon. We 1I11 nut I eel It neccwuiry In ko lulu tiny extended ileniul if Ml. Met k 11111 11 a atnt'tnciil The kinilly atuteincnt of nur morn ing rnntempnrnry hnn covered the 'Hue iillli thoroughly. We arc per leetly willing m It-live our hualticsa n ml mielul ami mral at nidnm nntl character In the Judgment of the people of this city. whir,. We have come l.i wake our home, or to a ref erendum vole of the ieo.e of Tex utkuna, our former home: feeling rrmioiialily certain thai It will 1 nine through rut h u left In tuttialui tuiv ahapo and ailing UP fairly well 11a rcgurda mnrnllt.v, honesty unit Inlcg Illy with that of the Itev. Mr. lierk man. Ill lefty, w" rnrnr In .Mhiniucr- iiue for the purpoae of making u II v Inn. W 1 linta thin Ity 11 ml made an extonalve Invent men! here hellev I11K In the future of the ,ity an 1 nrwrpaper field. ur heilef Ih iiii- dlxltirlied ami will not be iliMiirhetl nor will we he aeriniitdy nnnoieil ly nttueka of the kind maile ly the Kev. Mr. !' niun lltil connlilir the ase of .Mr. Ilerk man' Thin man aland In 1I1W romtininily aa a teacher of Ihe rcllKion or JeaiiM 'hriKt. lie pone aa a ri imer of I n ' lie morn In Ho la Ihe man lo whom u i'f.iaidral.le nnniher of eoi1e look lor M'illtilai ndlce and KUIdauce. Vel the Keverentl I'harlea liaar fleck ma 11 tloea tml hesitate to violate nlinoat ivi'i'i one o" tli principle of the rel.. ter In a alniile a pi eel . row KUKe mitid hia venomnua tonKUe 111 tdllliil Ihe Man- hia nnr- ' I to I OUT not fl, troy the nun. le f-lle atatc- lleMtate to titletftpl lo hara.'ler of honotalil,. flo.-a not ticHitute to ttiak, mi nta. Kun .idmilltliK tltnl he hta .Mtat. menu to he ir.i. l.l hc c.l or li nl 11 at..ii to talievi. them itue, h,. 1 ttturly without 1'Ii.iiiin. which the .Mater In-liI In Ii,. "The urea led of 1 a man n hi tea, In r of the riliKion of .) aua t'hriKi ' Ih he a anfe moral een-i'-r for any romioiinity ? urilMii; ii. MAIII.MAS I.01UM A M I ol I Hia 1 1, iiio, 1 tin- locnlir coin- mittve of I'.crnalill.i county has tuiole mn ;i -riimi win' Ii mlithi he udopt. with profit h.itti In ihii iiml In eer oiht r niumy in the Kale Mr M. Ii te pr.ip M'H to u tii.ttil u cfitotiiitl. e tin icH"l'itionn. or heller. 1.11 a ihuiiI) salary ici.olul ion, win h ihall Hi". 11 to ih,. c.iiinly nta 1 tit loll u at ii, incut aiiirirf aa nearly a .nMllil ihe wl.)i,i. of the taXpaerH US to the l.aMK 1, pun win. h coiiiilv halailij. hhi illd he f x. 'I. 'I 111" ommillee will In Id pulilic hiaritmn and Will ini'tln takpaycia lo up at l.i tore it u n I give th.-ir inw; from which tha eomnikllre tun flame u ren'lut.on which will iM urn at Inai l as pomjlile Ihe wirlon ,,f thi ieope (iovernor M, I ioiul.1, wlnl, In Al l'ujiier.u tin morning. ttjiieKiuil rcudlni-Ni ly meet Willi thin salary liM.lulioti comiiiiliee. tu t;ive It hi" vn-wa lind tu a hi 1 any way pof.Ml.1, in Ihe Wolk. IJouhllea.1 llle ifovcrimr wiild lie Juat aa willing to meet with miliar t . ill. tnllti e In other lountu-a. and In Una way It will hu i.oaKiuIr to a'Tt.l tu tha Ii Kilnf-r men w ho have del utile, fixed liiMrU' tl.xia Iroin thitr cnnatituaiila aa tu what ta (lo ured In county aalury lcji!a!lni, If I hi, plan la tint followed out the (to tul.em of tlir hoti,- w ill (o to f-anta Ke aa tia'ial, wph li'i'liing niori Iclmite 1, a to the U.nire of 'he pe"l'l than tee familiar eprelol( "We favor low 1- eounty aalariea," or rounty aulirlea." .r Home 'iuuly general ami Indefinite at.itetnnt. H U now liL'uinlii r?aaunably tr- lain lit,. fi t hollac of r lf -. Ilit wili In I Ultn i, t, it ! mi. I tile I ML. 1 .1 ' ! p. (II Will Pi. nine re PI'Mtlxi' ;.-t an- h enmity li.ll I. It lalat "II li l ll.H led would lie r I Imimikm. if tin rink tin. I llle of I ivp.iyi in i i-uld in. ike t tit-1 r wpdiea aa r,i; thia dully Important leg inliiii..i known In it delimit way. 1'he j.l.i r Is Knuiiil ii ml (.In. til. l.e It I M II II t.l I. Till: III MMi.M. r is ih. Ti x. 1 1 1.- iiml nhoi k lo rad in III WK...IC of I tl I it! It 1 1' in d h thai the old-time he pf t in mot a I : tin mid eninhinK t. in f..r nuts oIIh in in Mill 111 I 1. e III Hi In for' I , nt.itc. and III 1 ly lo remain Sati, the lloi'Mon I'okI: "Ii tr not I'XauKer.itinit t the InfailloUN Ice (.MtilH. and we 1 en- tcttaltl tho lio,e that oll? dav Ihe l.l Ih I Will 11 ny I'l'Oldc in honMtiK county iifli. will t.ii'li ). point wlni.. they overwhelm any man iiinnliiK (or oftti e who ii-motely favi n, it. al- thoui'h It Ih III,. J . I ,,f the lixlJ-lat irc lo Mamp out i'nry veaitKe of It. " j far in It relatej. In Ihe c .tnpi nwilloll of iiiiv man In the I 1 1 . Mi.e "It Ik 11 rotien HHtcm. aii iititwoiu. ayalelit. 11 iihliom m iyii ui and i.nej iT Wll.l. TAKK amne flnan-!al that Ik an Im ulnitor of uraft lit ita acumen to pay thai I H'lS.IKiii.inin If imiNt oftinniM. form. jih.,. mlnoiitv Xew II. mn hIoiaIio.- "It hart liid not ho mia h hecaUKc leait-latori. have favored It an l,eciiutc the county ofllieta who profit liv It tune nn effeciivt, orKiinlitalioii lhal can'y ill feat eery effort to n form It " In Xew Mi xl ,1 we have Ihe fee iiyalciii pretty well wiped out; or In a fair way tn he wiped out In nil luit few hranchea of the iioVerntnent. It ahotthl he entirely llminaleil, ivi n to the. avalem of fi-eillnK priaottern In our county Jalln. I.y which the aher li, jt a ier ilicm for fic,lini( each priaotter. and with it an Inilu emenl lo keep the Jatla aa full 11a poatdldc. Hut nllhiMih we have the fie a a lem fairly will out of Ihe way, we have ft ill Ihe ortcanuutioii to con tend with who h will work vlKoroux ly and powerfully for hliih lounty nal;iil,f: anlarlea which the counliea cannot nlloril to pay 11ml which the aervlcea renderiil in Ihe aeveral of fhea do not warrant TIiim otijii nlita Hon will he hard at work when It cornea to the ta lc, turn of leiiialalive nomlneea They aIII be i t work In both par Ilea ami their work will hear careful walchiiiK. A sikm:v 3IAKixj itn. KNKR.M, KrelKhl AKent skin ner of th- Santa O'e at I'tie I'lo i-iv. k out the liifuriiiatlmi that f1" HlfuMa Xif of h Mlrr min valley ,,f Colorado ihia ear will total Iiih.iiiiii Ioiim. Thia will exceed laal year a t rop n that Millcy 1 an. Hull The t.ilitura will re ceive not haa 1 linn J7.t.O per I"" avetaite pi p e w hit-It mi l the Ar kanaaM alc liay crop Ihb' year a vuluulion of about .'. .'M,iniii. In order to handle I lux linne crop four new nlfall.i mllla tire helm: erected In ihe valley A 2',-ton mill is beinu built at Aondiile and im practically completed. A roiilrii'l haa been b-l for Ihe 1 otialr iietioit of u 311-ton mill at llobcriti and work will Hart at once. A an ton mill haa In, tt coriti.i'ti-d for at W it.-r and 11 an. I, .11 mill, ihe I.HKiM in Ihe At kanaan valley, at May alley Malum There will be l.iiUI'oi tons of allalla urouiul Into meal thia year, aa thai amount haa alreud.v hi-eit contra. ted for by Ihe old nulla and Ihe new nulla belnu I. Hilt When tli. aeaaoii 11, in full awin' be alfalfa mllla will ftiiml I.'.:, tuna a d i The meat this year will Lriiiu .iboni J 1 :. a ton, which will Krcai'v ,.!.. 1,. the Klons revenue from tin b.iv ii..i of the valley Ijial .ar Ibe II. . I deli lllllk l.eolil.. l.aed 2.'ioi'l t"tia of Atkanaua ulley i.ll.i'ila mial Kid Una ), Ihe valley cMalfii milla baye a wider market Hi tit In pre y lotta e ,ra. ua i'Vrienei- haa pro.i the yalue of the tneiil ua -1 aubatttiite l..r olli.r foil and the I'm cimIciii lianas aiid milk f.u a are f, 1 iK mote allal'a no al i-.t, h year. The four new nitllH In ihe Arkatl vtia valley Una year will lepreaent an inyi Mm, nl ,,f pr.iinil'ly I .'ini.tiiin and will yive cini I..-, nn nl to a lime number of men. In m.I.- furimhintt j ai'l.Ti.lul mirket r,.r alfalfa ntbt at the I 'rum .Ml. ill. 1 Ki"Wiu ia a iiiubtv prof it. Id,- lluluaiiy Ni w Mcico part in the prodi'clioii of alfalfa la Juat beKiiiiiliia- tu olio, into promineii.e It haa a lonx null to and tirow. Tb ia ih pa 1 1 i j In rl y Hue in our own lliittu diale valley. the aooner Wi Kive etn out'44, melit lo exleliaion of altalfa croinnir. the a"oc.r will we haie the all-around uariculiural de velopment whbh it 11 ir Kreateat need. PREPARE TO SUBMIT DEMANDS TO FEDERAL ARBITRATORS MONDAY 1'tii' uK'i. July IV.- The oinioltlce of the Mi neral loaiiatfera of the weat- ern iai r.m.1 ana the chief- or ine( u 75 years ol splendid success, In the Urotlu i hooila or Hallway l.iiKineer . 1 . . . and Kt.emen today prep.ra-1 l'tment Of JtlSt UCh trouble!, prove ii. ,n io aobmii iheir wiiac diapuie to , flit real merit of Theuloid'a hlack the fedeiai hoard of im il lai ion open- J Draught. Sale, pIciMnl, crnllc in action, ms here Monday. (nd wllliout bid aiier-ellects, it is sure t .1" i . a benelit both young and old. For sale QOLOC (WMWIMi 1 l,l,ll. H MI'TY liI'MI'TV hat nn tlie U lice, I..W inn Ih it (In in y Hid in.l.y k I m-IIM. Winn the a, 1 mi hid H' t'l-m nti ... .1 lloili under, llumi'ht w.ih i:' 1 I Thiil he had. I!) tliiiinlcr' - O- Till: ItiiVS 1 1 . . ii I . I . .ireful al.oiil Itakl.iK Charlii' I 'Innl w 11 k 11 prnffered j tu t of a hat The aue liarllr re - 'iulrt H 1 otuc hiuh. all It o i-i 1 1 1:11 Wl-I : the het looka all rlulit. O Vlll:X A ri;i; rill;H X lonene runs aw Willi h-tn (hi re la iteiuial I v It KI'CI t i ill. 1 r w in k O 1 tiii: ri.A.v Hi- o aiiu.i i-i: inn into a1' oiinl mi iof,Hiliility nf failuri. - - i 1 : v 1 : i ; a I. in t irrx i herein re- I'Uiliatcd," said the pact. And that wiih w.i Lack in M..r. h, I!i3. O - ra ha ppi n lo win t hr anil. -O K MI'illT I'.vtijt ,111 ordi.iance to .ibollall the cotioiiwood worm. o IH i ViiYAUi:. I'ohmel: llere'a llopiliK. -o - ClIliWCil la itttllt.u aim. at cKll It haa ill v, loped Kun mniKa. -O- Itl'T THK "Morala S.iuad" neeila a little l 1 1 1 1 in at In Immorality. WIIV X'T PASS an ordlnancr lo .ihollnh Alilel .'II. ill HMIimer? IX TIIK n,i li.Wrl votir 1 road lux we'll to a road boaa whom you never miw. Xovv II k ea Into a road who h ou may ace aome lltio', if oil happen lo have u Iriciid who r.w na an autotooliile. - O WHICH I'lt'iVi:.- thai we are pro ariaailiR. o - FltuM HIS AllTICl.l'. In Ihe Sat urdoy Kvi nlim I'oat. on,, may fairly com lude lhal President Klpley of the Simla I'e iloean'l ro'iaiiler i'X-c,over-110," Stuhba of Katiaaa a deairalile pcr- I'lti to man. ite 11, no mailer who r.wna It. -e- ftuMK WIKXTIST 1111 confer an Ineatimabl,. coon upon mankind by , iiiki'overlti( a apruy which will ex-i (.rnilnnip ihe common or Harden Variety of ilelinmoKUe. 1 O I 11XK (iiiiili .loll under rarranut, would be of iMinle in the n.i lloiial I'enii'lery. I.IflllT TIIAVKlJ''i.OI"V miles u M'l'iiml; whu h la so faat that aome men -lever euu see l. -O - ik ci n.i ixi:i. IP 'Pi:wi:i i, luin is biwU thai railroad Im tt I'tirli we i.m forcive f a 'l'lilb r f. r winiiitig on a fluke. . - O- I Till-: CiJ,iim:i, his .mil the ((ut-i look ml Im n"v ae, king a lona-in. I - O ! ri'1,1. TIMI-: wanes without work n the only a' hcih'l,. will enHrc'v lid the bid Una tune of year. r IIM'A, "Till; TI'iKII." gol hu. the . lhi-r day; but P.o a, Ihe I atldldali . I ia at ,11 on a hot trail. - - WK HA VI- Willi V l"d ay ProKi'eai'lvi j l;ii:ular prouresalvea , ProKI. -aaivea. l! publican Proun aelv ea. i Itooacvclt f'rogresalvea. Near I'roKreaalvea I W '.ii.l be I'ri'tn lv'la p.tal Pi i 'Kreaatv ea. Perklna. Pin. hot. Ainoa. Pin. hoi, iiitf. And tl.lie utrro Till: WK ATHFIt MVS Ibei,. ,a nn' o; nn Im h her.- laat inirhl. We can awe. if at. le lal an itn h leaked throiiah Ihe root ol our -b,'i'iriK porch into our ce. -e ni i: w:tiii:u man ah,.uid in. v,. to p.wii where we have ri rain. STOMACH TROUBLES tlr. Rj!and Writes !nlereUio Letter on TLI Subject. Mrt;on HelKlm, Va.-Mr. Cha. A. l3Riand, ol ttnj place, wniet: "I havf been taking Iriedlurd't U'.ack-Driiut'M for indigestion, and olhrr tlomach troub le, also colds, and find it to be tlie very bct medicine I have ever used. Alter taking Dlack-Draunht tor a lew days, I always feel like a new man." Nervousness, nausea, heartburn, pain In pit of tlomach, and a feeling ot lull ecss alter ealing, ere aure symptoirolji"""' iii-,- paiwr. for iii.uoo dain Homach trouble, and ahould be fdyen the I f"r "''aed libel, in eoane. tio'i proper treatment, as your slrendh andiIw,"h, ",u "';'"""" ut nut9 l ' . . , MfciliiK on tbc manner of deaih ul health depend very largely uj-an youflltu. ,.,, Lulll4. Th. uriWW.t lood and its digestion. (were made Ihe baala of criminal T1 pet quick and permanent reliel'Hona anamat i:i and hia thr.e rd- liom tliese ailmenti, you should take a medicine of known curative merit. Great Trials of History Titii, or tiii: -mi or ki:t." w HKX III my VIII. found an ex r divot inu hia f t rait ( ItMf Wile, ! t'llheriiie ol Aragon, he did liol find that h. had I' Ik ki 11 lie that tra 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 of mind l, for VlHloiia ol pientl lormenled hi mitid, and he M' ht lillttlM 11 wa b ni iied wph ail (Tevalilil al that I e- 11. I. Clamtict and Cromwell tried Ih. i beat to eaae hi: peai. hia mind, an. I while they hiiicii.IciI lo a certain exinti. they were not aide niliuly to' expel hia Iriglit. At the 1 1 1 1 1 . of the divorce there lived id ArliiiKlon, in Kent. 11 pi aa ail all I ol th,. name Par Ion, who waa aitbje. I to tin uflec,,u of the tiervia. wh. h her nelahbora .ittriiiiilcd to torn,, aupcrttututiil In fliience. Thia oun; woman waa fa Mind 1.1 her allai n- with v laiona, mid durltiK theae ecal.iclea, which lieicd (or hmira, aha had Ihe Kill ol I'lopht cv. , r pn 'In liona, whb h w te cuiefiilly reeoided ua ah,, gave uiler. 111.0 to them, wer, written In a poillc allaiti. nnd aomellmea in .rhyme, whbh enu-ed them In i.r 111 11 Ii e ciliated aiiionit the pouaan try. Finally copies ,,f theae prediction real lied ihe lunula of the klltii. and , In. ahowed (hem lo Sir Tbomaa More. j Hie I utter .t lulled at Ihe Incoherent phran a. and Richard Maalera, r" tot of Al'lineloii. waa aele. led to i xaiin'ie I into her a'alc. and adviaed her to enter ihe convent or HI. Sepulchre, al Camln Mia., Kllrabelh o.ieyeil, and , here ahe be'tinn, known ua the "Nun of Kent." J Kir Thotnaa More vlalted her here. . nnd after 11 leiiKthy interview he pre aented her with two iliuala, reeom me 1. In, 11 h .uaelf lo her pray cm. ami Hot endeav orimt to 1 onceal from Ihe byalatideiH hia admiration for the , Wonderful thine he hud heard. I Atnonit other thlutia l-:ila.ibeh atild that n n' inht Cioii apiH.ared tu her In n dream, IioIiIIiik three aworda In Ilia hand, which he k'.ne lo hia Ser va it, Wolaev ; Ihe fiiat aa to Ihe lo cale alul aoiiltual mlnlaler oT Ktu:- , I and after the pope, the acond, na ' to the lord hull chancellor. Ihe ti 111 polal inaaler if Ihe kinildoin aftel . the k.tiK. the third, ua to Ihe aov ereifcn Judite of Ihe trial between Henry and Catherine. Another prophecy waa yet more a parent, which waa lo Ihe effect that SMITH IDE LIFE UNBEARABLE SAYS RIS SPOUSE Latter File Cross Suit for Di vorce and Wants Division )f Property Set Aside by the Court. Mrs perl ha Smith haa filed a croa.i suit for ilivotc,. ag.iliiat her hualiaud. J. C. Smith, in Ihe diani'l court. She denies Ihe allegations of deser tion und in c.l, -it of her home made by Smith, ami ihurgia hn-i with hiv ing l.ealen ami alma. d her, lllakiux life with It I it ie. She aua Ihe divu ioti of (lie property n li rred lo In Smith i bill waa Muni d unw it tingly by her. and ahe aaka the court to ael It uM'le and order Mull dlvl alon na la J't-l ul lair. She aak-i for eouiiael fee, alimony, aull money and money for Ihe maintenance of lu r children, and her attorney. II. II. t .inell. II. ! a unit ion lo that cried. Tin rt ii-1 1 ( t court today waa aervcil vvlih a niiiii'l.iie from the auireine courl nrderini: Ihe cuee ,,l charlca S' null. i nnd John Nir.I aitalnal the AI'ii.iiiT'.ie Water Supply coiupnny rteelirea reinatai. il on the ib kel und u (! .f rainfiin miaaal of ihe ttltiriiatlve writ of loaooa in ua. i no oriinm veroui nan iiualnal the Water company, which waa appealed OTERD FOLLOWS UP CI1IL SUIT WITH CIVIL Brings Action Against Elfego Baca and Editors of La Opin ion Publica in Socorro Conn ty for $25,000 Damage. Hint haa l.. , n filed In Ihe Socorro county diatri' I rourt by Kd M. Ulerti I l.oa I. anai. through hia attorney, V.. A. Maun of Albuquerque, anainat Klfi tio I41 Opinion I'ulillca, und Ihu th ice i .Mora anil leeaeea nf the e.k. under which .hti four met wcrk held under heavy uotiil tu await the ai lion of the Valcm U coun ty fraud Juty at lo Lunaa, Another blow nt orianlxed hall. Kull bein h of Mdachuaetta upii ine tourt Im ruled pcola lllnKal. Want Ad will 44444444 444 44 4 4 4 4 4 444 If II. nry iH'oCcd Cullteri'ie he Would die nt the end of one inonih ami 1 that Alary would necctid Hie throne. The month had elapsed ami Henry Waa atlll IIvIiik. Henry wiahed to prove thai I: I lin net n w aa 11 dcmnniiic. t luiuncr nntl ' ultcrwarda Cromwill were ordered to tuiitni i,. the holy maid of Kent Hhe ! waa taken from her convent, hrounht ! before Judilea ami there, aaya liurliell ! ahe willingly rcnouiii'. d the i huiae- ter of nn Inaplred p. rami whbh ahe, had been comi idled to uilopt, k nowleda,, herself aa gtnlly of fraud., and ntli Hulled her ecataciea tn a tie-, sire of worldly pralae. The examination took place with out wll.'ieaaea, H few monks, tie- noiitu i d na lo her uccomplii ei. were a ileal ei nnd appeared before Ihe stir; on .11 ilia examined with the lorlur,. 1 hefotr her (Yea, tiny 1 ,.n- feaseti their Hinlt, and threw Hum aelvra on Ihe royal clemency . II la prchahlr I hey w ere more ruli- ahlf. In the iya of Henry in lhal of Hod, a id they were taken o ie Siindny. In the month of Xovemhcr. I.'.14. with hiliera around then neeka, na fur its St. Paula iron, mid there heard n aermon from one of fhe royal chaplalna, and were nller- ,, r,-, ..11,1 11, 1 1 ,1 10 iripiui. 1 wan aincraiiy oiiiev,.u inav Henry, after havpiii exposed the monks to the ridicule of the poptltfi'e, would Imvc Btnuted them their Uvea and Ihila vaunted his 1 leniency. Cratnner had. however, dlaco. ered high I reason, and a hill of attainder waa accordingly broin-ht into tin house ef peera nCalnat Clnt.ibcth Htir lon, nnd alx of her m'l'n nplit ea. Xo further trial waa tieeeasary for the peers had before them aa evbleiT Ihelr rotifeaalot'S wreiichftl from lb, 111 by threat of torture. "n the aecond reading of the hill. evera of the peera, urged ov re morse of eoiiKelenee. had aufflcl, nt eotirnae to pray ihe king to allow Ihe acctiaiil to b,. ix.iitiincd peraomtllv The atale archives have not pre- aetved Hetirv'a reil ; hut almrtly al terwarda I:llxabelh unit her iiccoiii-l pllcea Pllffered deith at Tv bllri. I'e- ' fore her execution. Ihe rellgleiis,. ii 'k- ' nowledged the Justice of her sentence, hut lhal ahe had only Peon an In- , strnmont In the hands of Ihe clervv. I who would follow her Into elernitv , BAND CONCERT FDR THE PEOPLE IN IY Program for First of Summer Series in Robinson Park To morrow Night by Clark's Imperial Band. The flrat of the aerpa ot Hutulav cm limit band lonci ita provided l the Kenerotia cotitrihufioiH of Al.itt- lili r.Ue merchaiila will lake I la. c lo- j morrow niKlu in Kobinaott park be- j 1 I i ii i Ii 4 at K o'lb'i k. I''a I' mil. the direction l J lwinl t'l.irk. will file Ihe ion , rl and Ibe enure aiiiumer mrin, The ba id Ilia I played al lb,, alu'e f ur and l pop-j ulir with the public. h'ollow 11114 lal the concert program for tomorrow eittiinc: I. March. "The 7 1 ' h llouiiiient Haiid'' K. II Ja.v I. Medley nvi tturi. '. . t Popular I I nl roila. nm "Oh, Vou Kllvery llella." "That I Mil Clil of Mine," "Ma lliolii,'' "You Know You Won't." "I II (let You," "down In I tear ld Ntw (rle.ina," "M.v I. idle I'eraian Koae,' "You're u Ureal Mm I :ue . veil llaby." "I! My l.lllle H.l.y llu-iible 1'ie." " NlKht. Xuiac;" finale, "That Old (ilrl of Mine." 3. S.xtelle from .i.,ii" iMinixelii I. Novelty, "I. Inner l'iiuer" . . . la alie 5. luiernieaao, "Cupld'a I'leadlnaa". Voclker . Iliy. "Kveryhialy Twoatcp" Il-rai 7. iivcrlure. 'Superan" laipav S. A KoUlher'i Tone I'oem, 'ieorln H'lliael" A. W. Ilrown OF COB UP Preparations Complete for Con vention cf Western Federa tion of Miners in Denver on Monday. Iienver, July H Preparation wele be I u mude today for the an nual convention of the Wealern Fed- i ration or Minora which opeita here; next Monday. Thia week Ihe execu-, tivn committee of the nriiamxutlon h ia been In reaaion preparing a re-1 port t be auhinilled lo Ihu r-onvni- , lion dealing with the affuiri and pol- : Idea i.r the Federation. Kor more than a year Ihe iiueatloni of the ainalK iiniUlotl ot tha Weatern j Kederutloii of Minora and tin: l ulled Mine Wurkera of America haa been, under conaiilinitlon Thia ta expect-! ed to be tonal, let ed aaalu at ncrt week'a eonventlon. It la expected ; alao that ta recent trouble In the Hull local and the alnke of copper miiicra In Michigan, whbh win end- mA k.. V ... 1 Ktel,. w.. Mill 1 1 1 1 V SU AMALGAMATION mm Ford Car I iV''' " ( r-.-r-rr- - 1 11. , 1 ai 11- nip 11 in i'i " " ' r- , J L. I 1 .... . 1 . - .... .J On Trips to the Mountains On Trips around Town lean save you money. Tony Michelbach I Stands Opposite I Stand Phone 176 LUMBER BUILDING J. C. BALDRIDCE LBR. CO. imii it m vv WHITE ELEPHANT BAR OXI.Y OVr. HKI It ON HHAK.HT Milani, . A. Cubic tk t'o.'a HI. I t row W lilakey ami Heniillacn tj resiilnrly acrvisl. All otla r leading nn tall. Saclul "'rHf on all IiIkIi I'Ihm ilrinka. J. 1'. TWMfK. Mnnncor t t Figure with us Mouldings and MILL Superior Lumber & Mill Company 44444444444444444444444444444444444444444 44 11 1 3 ChccKinc' Accounts Tluse persons who receive and diibune money in large or binall &ums should have a checking ac count: for the check is as good as a receipt as an evidence of payment and many firms would rather receive checks than currency in payment of bills. Deposits bubject to check are accepted by this bank in any amount and every courtesy is ex tended to our patrons without regard to the size of their accounts. KOW IS THE TIME TO BUY A NORTH POLE ALL METAL FREEZER. COLD, ItEFHESIIINO AND HEALTHFUL. DESSERTS FROZEN IN ONLY FOUR MINUTES. ALBERT FABER 213 to 215 W. Gold Ave. Furniture, Carpets, and Draperies, Stoves. for Hire St urges Hotel i 1302 J I Residence Phone 1302-J CEMENT MATERIAL 423 S. 1st St. Thone 402 m i.i:mi:t on Sash Doors, Everything in WORK i 4 ' 'u .T ' ' ' I,' F i ' I i Thoroughly Well Made Practical and Serviceable Low Priced. Easily Operated. GUARANTEED TO GIVE SATISFACTION One Quart Size Si. 50 Two Quart Size . .... $1.75 Tt fWi if" fi 1 sI'jwimv ntftr' i"i A ! rent Herald tct what you wauL vcfywtierc. liice Z. The HERALD Want Ads get the best results. KCia iouaiderable timet