THE EVENING HERALD. ALBUQUERQUE, N. M., SATURDAY, JULY 18. 1914. FIVE WV . BY JEAN IIUBBS 1 -T 1 , l Karston-Pickard Wedding in Savannah. A wedding of pnrthnlar Inlcreat I" their fiti tut In thl i'liy la Hi. it t Ml Flireiice Htknrd and Mr. Km I Knrxtim, which will Ink place hi rMvannuh, !.. on July !. Thin w tiding come the rllma. ! a romance whli h wu begun when Mini rirkiiril Mini Mr. Kami on were niudciHa hi 1 ho l'nlvoilty of New Mexico. Mr. Knrnton. wliiwe home I in Clllinmi, wne Mi" lllinilcn 1" ! r from III In ntnte In l!ll nml UiIb nprlng gradual! d from tin- law w hmd ut 1 1 ford, lie will arrive In New Yolk Wcdmndny ami will go nvaiiiiah fur the wedding. The wedding: I lj Inn IbiP t IkI church i.f whliit llm lrt1o"n father, Itev. II. I'lckunl. him been punlor f'r muny c'ir, anil there will h Kirriil hundred talent. Tin- lion rymonn will he npctit at I lie K arntnn atiinmer home in Chnrlevor. Meti. MIkh I'lckard wn iHinlcnl at the 1'iilvcrlty or New Mexico fi.r two yearn nml during Ihal time niailn many friend In Albuiicniuc. Klic. I a counln of Mr fnm Vnnn. O To Direct Concerts in Santa Fe Mr. Oniric J. Andrew of thin rlly ha been appointed illreeloe of the munle for the Aiclmeologlcnl In nlltutc. which will bo In I'l In Hunt" Ke during the month of Augunt Mr. Lawrence I'. Lackey, fnrmer ly Mim Mary Mi Kb", wit lo have hint rhnrm of the concert hut ahe r.-hinn il thi week anil Mr. Andrew hfl Friday fur Kaiilu Kc fi confer with tho I'liminltli c mi l i iitniilflo lilatiM fur the mimical nrt of the progra in There Ik In lo 11 mrri'il concert every Hiimlay evening nnd there will he mrsit iiiimii-nl number before hh li 1 11 r". Mr. Andrew hnn charge of three com crl lor the Mouiilainuir I'haii lamiua anil will have la npend iarl of the IliM week In AiikuiI III Moiin drilling I hi- nintc 1 horn, which I u :i- a grand innccrl the mvcnlli iliiy of tin- I'hautuuuutt. Xrw Mnlui l exceptionally for tunate In havln. a mimical director nf inh uiiumml alilllly n Mr. An- llri-WN IMHMK'MH'K. Illlll I tlllt ItlK '"' I Ih l..(. iiiiiik wlilnly rf"omil-il li nho n hy tin- nmiiprouii rpiiii'M wim h Mr Amlri'wa m rin rlvlim from nil otrr llm ial for liln wr icp In iriintnK .Imriii"'. AhoIp from III" alilhty 11 a ilir.rti.r. Mr. AihItpw li.m a woinli-rfiilly ftnr irnor or. W illi ll In ulw .1.1 n (li'MKht In I hoar who aiMim I tli" In muali'. In Honor of Mrs. Bronson of El Faso Mr. V ti. r.ri.iu.1111 of i:i I'aao. who hna lvrn tin- iturnl nf her aunt, Mr. Km nk At ki-rinnn, fur Hip iiihI lhri-p wwku. ha laH'n wnlply riiipiliilnp'' hv hrr fru-nil. Tin wvk llio lir lip nrrr ilailv iiflalr 11 ml tiK.fl nj.ijiliv Mr. llroi'r..n hv hp iiniml plriilo ri-fric hirn-nl In lnr aaru'ly. A fcnlurp of Hip day will hp nn iiin lion nlf of a rollprllon of hamlkpri lilrf fro.n the novrrnoia of Hip mjrr', iiili. rarh olio carry ing Hie iiuii.r.i'h of lh Knvprnor i'ontriiuiiii lu A roinl'IWp liroarum of n t ll l-1 1 r rvrnla with aintahln prlxt'S ha lpn arrnnRpil, lin linlmil nil of Inn old tunl from thp nnk rnp up and Notes About Albuquerque People Going and Coming Hull. Mr. AVrrw llnnaard. Mra. W W. Hlrotil. Mr. Dark llulhprford. Mr. Frank rtlorla. Mr. M. K. Wyl ili-r nml Mr. K. A. Mann. nn ilnpday Mr. It. M Merrill pnti-rlnlned Iwn lalilea of 1111rll.u1, and on Thurmliiy Mr. Fred Cunllpld had Ihri-n luble of niKllon. Ilulh afTalr were In Mrs. liron'n-a honor and were entirely enjoyable. Entertained in Los Lunas Wedneadiiv Mr. I.oul llunlna of III l elly. who la apendmu nevilnl inunth In her nuinmer home In I." I.iiiih. elit.rliillie.l elKht ladiea from AliKiiieriiup. The nuela went In l" I.iiiih In Ihe mornlim. A aumptiioun lunrheon wna aerted nml a ilellKhlful after noon ppnt playlnx Bin Hun. I.lKht rifri Hhiiirnl were aervi-d at 5 o'rliH'k and the ladle rrlnrned to Hit elly on tho eveiilmt Irnln. Thunp who etijoved thin pleHKiinl dny were Mr. Fred Kent, Mr. M'ir Itnret Meiller. Mm. Jniw-ph Hrown. Mr. J. K. Halnl, Mr. J. T. li UiiirIi lln, Mr. II. M. Itodey and Mr. I'. t'm nihil. St. John's Teachers' Picnic Wediii'Hday the ineinla r of HI. Jiilin' Tem her' ni'latlon nnd a few (tin ot upenl the day In lllxh Imid park, t'lijnyliia: a pallli ulurly ilrlli lull pll lllr llllirh. Thow who were there are Mlw Anna New hull, MIih Mnrthi Valllant. Mm Kern Forrel. Mix Margaret Jenk. Mia Mnyhellp William. Mr. K. L. Ilradford. Mr. K. K. Harden, Mra. Koy Hlrome. Arehdeim.n W. K. Warrpn. Mr. K. U lirndford, Mr. Hoy rlruinp and Mr. T. Muiime. The Miercoles Club The Mlereole cluli met thl week Willi Mr. Clarence Itluke and (inn pletpd Ihe aludy of "Tho I'awilon I'lay" at OlierammerBnu. Iiy Hlod drd. after which a delectable lunch Wax aervrd. Thoap who were there were: Mr. H. U Ituiwett, Mikm K. lactt. Mr. Fred Kuk. Mr. T. I'miii-rank. Mr. It. Moultnii, Mipm1 Moullun, Mr. Frank Hcliull, Mr. 1. iuxt ivhoii. Mm l.illlun r.iitn mm, Mr. M '' rwione, Mr. K rhlHirick, Mimh Ada I'hillirick and Mr. J. 11. (ieiitiy. Valley Sewing Club. The Valley Sewing rluli hna llla handed until Heptrmlier. Bear Canyon Picnic Today a Jolly crowd nf Indlea left for Hear fan yon. where they will tump nn! II Monday. A m-herou nupply of apeptlitliiK fund promine In add greatly In Ihe vlijoyment of the trip. Thl ladle are Mra. William Me Anf. fr. M"i"Jl,MiK'Mr. J. fl. Icnlry, Mr. T. llunlaVHon, Mr. K IVarl. Mm. K. Hunt. Mi. K. Cnl kin and MIkm Cundacv I'lilllirli k 1 down, nnd mmr alum 111 it are iiulie the new. The Rrounil will lie oeiird nl N o'clock on (he morula; of the 23d. The around nre at Ihe ex. rente end of Hanta Ke avenue and nn lie hint rpiictipd iiy the Boiilh Hecnud nlreet car line. They are p. e, inanity l.iralnl on the hank of Ihe vllvery Kin (Iratide and the Hund iy chmin nf the elly extend a cordinl Invllallon lo the peoide of A lliiiitieniiip lo hrlnK their lunchp nnd lake purl In the holiday fentlvltle. Mr. Jack Hlnchun nml little ilaiiKh ter, llelty. are at Ihe Valley rani ll oil Pec on for a few week. Golden Hair and the Bears Itehearnal nre proiccdinn refill ir ly on the opirella, "tluldetilinlr nnd Ihe Three Hear." which l o he pre Hented Ihe latter part of Aimi'rt ny a rant of evi-nt v-f le little people nl Hip pnMIc mhonl under the 11 Mo dlrei'lion of Mr. K. U Hrndfnrd, hii clpvpr reentat Ion of chn- dreV piece In Ihe pant have clvon n much pli'iimirp In Alhlliiieriiie. The nroceeilH of thin entertainment will lie applied In delit on n recently pun h mod Iiy the flrHl ward iool. ir. nnd Mr. I.. H. Itlce motored to Kama Fe loday and will return Monday. Iir. It. Is. Hunt will leave next week for Milwaukee, where he K'H" a ileleRiile from the loi al nrdcr ol imiw In their ronvenilon. Honor of Miss Stahl Mr. J. I,. Ooher of 712 Kmith Wal ter nlrcei rnierialned a nimilier of ladien 011 Monday afternoon In honor of Mini hilnhl of Cleveland. Illilo, who linn licrn In AlliuiUerUo for the p. ml few week. Ice were nerved ;md 11 rtellaht'ul aflcrnnon wn enjoyed. Endeuvorers Entertain The K.-ide.ivoret of the l.ulherun hiin h nnd their friend njuyed nn other one of ihclr ilellxht f 11 1 hoc! il eveiitnK Thursday at the lleriier home. Sly North Fourth iieei. Ja a nine laliteina Iiiiiik ihhiiiI out niors made a pretty picture, and ni. of the cvpnlng wa ent outniile piny knit am in. Ijilcr Ihe iiiichIh enJoed ple.minK itiitnleal program eonalnt- inv. of vocal and IiimIi nan 11 1 .1 1 nolc. Kefrcshmeiit were acrved. Tlnne k.ii lain alway prove moid elijnviilile nnd are welcmni'd an Kind new l' thoac who utlend. Rector's Aid Meeting The Itector'a Aid of rlt John' F.pim opal i liurch will inei t next were a" weiiiiewiay, inicn or inurmni). ti.ft t mrm' uraiiiorii . for her h'Hiie In Kl 1 Filday eveliini; I'aiai M'mdny artcinoon Mr. It I.. Hunt eoleltnllieil two I a I'l. -x of nilcllnn H Mr ItrniiMiir hoimr ami nerved a dcllcliiii luinii Titexday Mr. Nancy llenwtek wa hoctcKH hi 1111 it il 1 1, .il iarly. A feat ure i.f the alii-l iiin'ii were Hie elnh orate ri I reidi ini'iitn w liLh were nerved at live n'clock. The uenl were Mrx. A. M. Iirminon, Mr. Frank A' keriiian, Mm, Ailhur Allen. Mr Fred 'an field. Ml. 1 1. II. Cam. Mm Waller Council. Mi. Frank WAS MISERABLE If ' Mr. and Mrs. Henderson En tertained. Mr. and Mr. Cnlph Henderson npctit TuiBil.iv in liuUeriiie and were the,, of Mr. Frertern k Winn at luiichenn. Mr. Mabel Hiev- en ilimoe entertained them at dm tier. Mr. and Mra. Ilendernon left Tuen- dny eveninn for F. I'ni-o, where they will ninke their home. Ill o'clock C. A. Fore- Sherer-Oill Nuptials Thiirndny morning at nl Ihe renldeiice of Itev, man, Mim Amelia Hill and Mr Al- la-rt flier;.r were milled 111 innrrl m In the prenenee nf a few reliillic and frlelidn. After the ceremony the weddiiiK party enjoyed nn claim! ate dinner at the Alwirndo hotel Minn Hill In Ihe daughter of Mr and Mr. I. F. Hill of Itanchu di Atrlnco nnd aradunted from tho Al- huiiieiiie hlKh i hio In 1VI3, Mr. nnd Mr. Hherer have a hunt of friend here wlnh them much hap plnea and pronperity In their wedded life. They will he at home after the llrnt nf Auauat on Houth Heveiilh at reel. Mr. A. 8 ltroiion returned Fri day evcnlna o her houie In Kl I'ano. after a vIhM of arvi wee In Al Inniueriiue Willi her aunt, Mr. Frank Ackprmun. ' Work on lite attractive two.nlniv IuiiikiiIoW. which W. Ilenneldnii Ih liuildina on Ihe comer of llmna and iTvielfth alreet for K. A. VaiiKheV, I procreating rapidly nnd the Vuiiehey !exiect lo move Into ihelr new home a.inut Ihe flrl of Heptemlier. Mr. Will. Ilryce. Mr. Carl lln pina, Mr. Harry I.IHikow and Mr. Harry Anplnwall left Wedneiluy for l.n Vena, where ihcy nre the BUel of Mr. J. H. McCoy. Thev will re turn t'i AlhuiUeriiin thin rvenltiK. Mr. Ada IN-nrce Winn will nina, "I Heard the Vop h of Jenii Hay. hy llarrla, tomorrow morninK al Hie CnnrenaUonii church. Mm Adela llnliiniulitt wi relurnnd from a aeveral week trip, duriim which aha spent ome lime In Alaxka Mr. Thoma M' Millin and diiURh ter, Mae nnd Alice, have returned from a atay of neveral weik In ficeun I'ark. vetHliy inxl year, hnn arrived In tin riv. Mix ilc, ix. hi will he matron el llokoni Hall, nlno. Mr. Frank Kriinke, lurmerlv of Al lnniii rune. Inn now reHidinn in I'n j no. Cnl, in In (hi for a nlmrt vinll. lr nnd Mr. F. K. to I'ark View, where It. J. It. llaylic lor Tull have lotie I lit y will viMi veverul dny. CHURCH WILL HOLD SEdlES Mr. Henry V. nti Marpletle avenue, left nlnn for 1ong Iteiicli, t will he the Ruet of Luna. Mr. Jack iicenn Turk, Septcmher. Flnher Pill., lo ro. 721 Went Sunday eve nl., where hhe Mr. Holnmon haa (iitni lo Mr Joniah darker, in ompanled hy Ihelr ilaiiKliler, F.lxle, arrived here .Monday from Ihelr home In Halifax. Vmknhire, Kimlanil, and will mane nn cxietidi'd clay with their daiiithlci, Mi. J. din I,. Iluti hltiMon. of Mid Al 1 . 1 1 1 1 n r 1 u . Mr. nnd Mm Hand Weloinni lilt Tuexday to ntieml iwo moiiihn in New York City. In Murphcv ha Knnnan City nnd Hi. week' trip. none lo Che IlKo, lniln for a three -he inn w II pend Ihe rt nl of Ihe num- Mlx llufiix in xt week l -r iim-Icr, oodni'll Ix tlinil nl i) It u I'll! In I. Mr. Il II I lie I ixl or nioiit hn' vixit I Mlllliar eii tx In leave the lllolilll lor 11 ln in Maine. Mr. W. H. I'lltermn and children have aolie lo l..i Alulcltn, I'll, where they will rem. 1111 lor Iwo moitihx. Mr. nnd Mr. Il I I'l rt ,1 lite "'J' W. II. Ilooth and .iirninu on Hie l'e o Minn Indite California, maimlcr of Iriend at m M. I'l. II id left today for -lie will xpenl Iho re tin nuui'iicr vimiitm ver il poliiiH there. Mr .1. Andrew nf I'oltoii, Cat . I lllr Ullevl ill her daughter. M rn Ch 1 WnlliliKloti, for two wcekn 2 THOUSAND FEET OF FILM TAKEfl AT ll A. E. Koehlcr Gets Lengthy Record of Maneuvers for Exhibition at San Piego. Members of the Board Here. Mr. nnd Mr. Ilalnh HendiTnon. formerly nf tin cll, "pent Wedina d ly here en rmil" Iro.n JohiiHtow ti, Pu.. to i:i 1110, Tex. Mrn. W. T. Slialn. 8M North Kdith ntreet, ha gone , l.on Aiiki lc lo lie Ihe ititcnt of her dauchUr. Mm l Fa I ley. Mix Mildred llukhe returned Wednesday lo her home In Kl l"ao, after a week' vlnlt with her uunt. Mm. I lave Winder. Mr. a'.. d Mr. V M WalllllK and chllilren, MIS youth Fifth ntreet. have !ne ! California for two week. Mr. nnd Mr. V. II. Hchwenlker have returned from the l'pper I'lvon. where they went on a flailing trip. Mm. K. Mahar.-iiTi and children have Rone to California lo remain remain until never. il week. I Itev. and Mm. Ar-hUmld Tool linker White nnd daughter I nnd fiimllv are npemliiiK a few week Cleveland. , for a In Hanta Fe. Ilev. Tnothnkcr I pa While a parent. I lor of tin. oiiuroBallotuil church Mra. Joaeph have gone to vinit with Mr. Mm Ma ran ret lileanon of Iowa I Mi Knlelle Val'k. Ihe popular 1 lo- City, la., who In In have chnrap of , lnHle, will leave next week for I.0 11... hoiiKcliold etoiiomlcn at the mil- AliMcle nnd Coronado lieai'll, where IRK Oil TUERAS ROAD TO START Y From Jones' to Trimble's it Will be Bun in a Straight Line. Officials Lay Out Job. Work on Ihe new road lo TDcrn canyon which Hi" county In lo build will be flailed Monday. Arrnime incnta for Ihe ntart were completed today, mid briKhl ami early Monday moiniiiK men and lenm will Ho al the tank, ('halt man Heaven, of the county road hoard, nald today. The count) will do the wolk, wl'h forent nervlce olllcialu In direct chiirue In ace that 11 maximum of ef ficiency lor every dollar npeiit on road laying la nxxurcd. Hy Hint ar rangement Ihe cnuuly la navcil Ihe cupenxo of a fnrrmnn. Work will atari at ihia end. The road In lo he run In a perfectly nlialKlit line from Join' lo Triiiililc'K pla.e. The 11. K. traiiHfi-r company will lie employed by the county on the Job. I'tmuty ftond Chairman Heaven, .la men K. Mullen, nupervlxor of the Mana no Znnl forent. nnd 11 retire ncnlalixe of the l. K. eoinpativ went over the nurvey of the mad lotlay. Two IhoiiMiinl feel of film wera taken l.v Ihe movliia picture man of Hie nlair t. A I: Koetibr, Jr., pub liciiy illli'i lul of the New Mexico In. aid n lualiaKi l of Ihe -nil Inego fair, al Hit. lieunnit malteiivera yea It iday. Ttmxt. p. tun will ha part of Ihe exbilcl of the plain Kl the fair. The In. ud of inniiHKcr met In liciniint. w hcer liny were entertained by the t.r 1 'ommeri'e. At the meeting hi raiiueiuetilH were mndw for taking molt, ptctnrt in the nlale tloxernor Mi I , . 11.1 1,1. Col. R. K. T ill loll, 1 In. 1 1 until nf the board, and liny A. Heed nf CiiiIxImhI ami Major J. J. Miulcr of Itaton. mem ber of Iho board, were .11 the city lor 11 nhort lime today nn their way home. Mr. Koeliler, w hoan hend liiniler arc here, came back with I bcm. Major Shuler In mnyor nf Itaton. II,. ha been mc ninmcd a a ponnibla Hemocratle candidalc for governor. STRUMQUIST WALTZ BY 13 YEAR OLD ALBUQUERQUE GIRL "The Strum. iilxt Walt," a clever ly wrillen and cap hy henllalion, ded icated to the i)ir Hi-out of America, nnd written by Mi Marguerite fctru.nniulat, 1.1 year old, of Ml Houih Arno atroct, matte lln appearance In local munlc nton toduy. The waltv nhow h imiturlty In eompoaltlon which I iiulie remarkable and llm niualc In clever enough to have re ceived high pialx,. iroiii a number of local iiiumIi Ian who have tried It. Ideal Cleaners, 415 Copper. Phone 504. West I'hona I. Hid Harr.. Ill W, Popper for flrnl-cliin hack and arriagea W. L. Trlinbls Co. OPEFI AIR Pastor of St. Paul's Lutheran Has Novel Plan for Comfort of His Congregation. HI. I'aul 1 ,11 1 In ran chun h. Silver li nil Sixth titn-elM, wil lane their eve ning rervlce out Into the open oir lomorrow. weather permitting. A platform ha Ixi i n ere ted Hut east nlde of tin. rhurt h near the nnle walk. A ehorun of young people will lead Ihe iiikI,ii( of familiar hni'i. The e.und.iy evening Ken Ice al thin hurch during the f jiuii r are a combination "f tho Chrinlinn Kn ileaw.r meeting nnd the pica hum wrvb e. The public I ink lied and to eticourage people lo come the nervne la w.irraiiled to be not more than nlxty niinutPH long. It In gin at i S' u'l'llH'k. it THIS BOTTLE FOR WELCOME HOME EANCE FOR COMPANY "L" A number of e'patilnh-A merlcan yniina bnlle nf AlbiiiiiPrUp and I lid Albuiiieriip have iirransed a "wtd cnmi htime" diincp for Ihe member of company l New Mexico nntioiial riiiiiiI. now In iMtnp al I'einliiK. In lie held In the armory Wednemlnv night. Hefrenhmeiil will lie nerved and Ihe public In Invited lo iilleiid There will be no charge. Testifie She W Restored to Health by Lydia E. Hnkham't VegeUble Compound. IjKncawanna, N. Y. - "After my flint thlld u born I felt very miorlle and could not land n I my feet My inter- in-law wlnh.nj ma to try I.ytlia K. 1'ink hnm'a VkT table Ompnund and my nerve bvcame firm, aptit Kooil, aiep I i I f I s. , v. iruuiuc, IHI 1 IUl that Weak, I Ire a feeling-. That wag nix year ro and I have had three Una healthy children ainc a. For (emalu trou tileg I alwaya Uke l ydia E. I'lnkhnm'g VeRcUblo Comiiourul and it work Ilka a charm. I do all my own work. "-Mra, A. V., 1574 tlcclric Avenue, 1-aekgwanna, N. Y. Tha tucresa o( LyIia E. rinkham'g VcB-etnlilo Cotniiound, maile from ronta and hcrba, U uniiarallelcd. It may ba i union picnic In which ail uf lliu Kun- bd with perfect confidence by women who aulfcr from rlixilaccmcnt, inflam mation.ulceration.tuinora.lrreirularitleti, perimlic pain, backache, bearinK-dowti feelincflatuleiicy.lrvllBeition.diMlni, or m rvou proatration. Lydia E. I'lnk liam'f Vrfretalile Compound U tha atatv dard remedy fur female ilia. Women who ulTer from thoae dia tninjr ilia peculiar to their aex ahoulj be convinrcil of the ability of Lydia E. I'inkham't VefreUlile Compound tore tore their health by the many genuine and truthful tualimoniaUi we are coo atantly publinliln: in tho nuwapapera. If want aperlal airlm write to 1 jdti i:.riakhHi Medicine ( .(roi.fl aealiali I jaa, Mai, lear letter will beaH-are, read aad aawerr4 by a tieiuea a4 kld la lUUl CvaJ14vac Dance at Woman's Club. Kl lilay enlu there w.i a jolly riauee at tho Woman club. Tin boy were the honlu. 1'uni h wan nerved during Ihe evening nnd a de lleloU UpplT W.I cll)o)cd ut mid night. Tho,. who were there nre Cleora. t.lghjtiiournc, Laiuiw Hell, lira Molts, llorlehRa Uwltxer, Itnl'er'a llawlhornu. lahlle Cobb, KlorctHe Welller, Annelle Wclnin.ill, Holier! 1'ulnvy, Ueorge lioollltle, Herbert rirunnfidil, llurold lillckeinlorfi r. HcoiKn Trail, l.ymun I'uliiey, licoino White und Harold I'trry. Union Sunday School Picnic. It la now expected that mole than 1 .11(10 people will attend the urn nil day i honl of AlnuiUcriUa are tu Join at the Monro Itealty cn.npuiiy rotv on Tbumdiy, July S3. The union Hunday at boul picnic h.i become an annual event which la looked forward tu with keen Intrrenl hy Ihe children, whoaa Plvukure 1 Ihe chief object of tha mannier nl tha affair. The Moore company tiu given Ihe picnic manager rxclulve right lo the grove for the day and a competent committee will be In charge of all arrangement for the eumfort and aafi'ty uf Ihe children, an lhal no mother need fear tu per. mil her younf people In attend. No vendor of refrenhmeiila will he allowed on the ground, the ronte Inn having been taken over by the Chrlntian Kndeavor anclety of the Viral CongreBaiiopeJ church who will PROTECT YOUR COMPLEXION Every woman who penl the Kuininer Ht ttltt eiahMt, In llm mountain "r at fHliliiiiulil watering Pine lioui.l I nit a with bar a few Iwllle ul GOURAUD'S ORIENTAL $ CREAM f .1 I r 11 gaW m a to Improve and beautify hr eoitipl.-xion and protect bvr akin from tint burning tui, blerilii wiuu. anJ damp Higtit air. The uret guaranten of It erf" Una I til (m l uf It bavin Pen In a- luul uk for nearly IhrM quart an of a cn tury. ll cannot lie iitpnio.l for llm i ' In f of tan. pinip . in - H- nd n I li r t-lt-lll 11 of tii compkx. loll. At ln-iiceful (ml i.'rl Bicnt fcljrv. fP.S. T. ROreilS I SSI. Pti.. 17 Craat Jaee Street NCW TONK Ansco Cameras and Pholo Supplies Camera v f . an from lOOj We lx-tcoi and 1'iiiii rtlnt-w-a l-hour Himhf. EXTRA SPECIAL 25c & 35c Tooth Brushes 15c, 2 for 25c Candy Specials 28c Kti KV nn mi on in; l;er IMy t'aiuly Hie immiikI MM' III. Moumi lilies with reaiiul J iltiller, Hi uUC WH Cliaidale Volnenc 'l. a m a IHtikuue, II OUC jZ&QtsXsuldU tVr HMjm 60c to $1.00 (utile (Ihm'iiI.iIc. Hi.... 60c to $1.00 Jolmnon' iniiiiiiI 75c to $1.25 bile Java luce I'owder. . . . . a.v 1 1 no Caldwell Hi r. I'ep. aln Tit tl nil sputum Cup, inn In package 7 It' I J (HI iiur (luaruiiieed Clinl at .Tliermomi tcr Hue .1.".c II 1 1! ley g Cice Cre nil . . tt bile I'tbci o Toclh r.iilc. . .nile :'ic Wool run -,c ir,c Wool I'ufla tte J.'ic Jitkcu' Vbdel lilycerlnu Xt.ap, Till 11' ix ' Jii Ciaddoi k'a Hlue i'm.ip, J in box . Pr. liray'n Kellailinn a I'niinu ri.inter. le e.u h. .1 (nr 'i:n: y,oUtDui( V,wy' iobt llultv Tab iiiti I-, ib'tlgiie! In beoelil Ihe nklu, ci help relic in ( from Irrllatloii and finn- nlvr leiuleriiia, irillier llc-li or Hlille, i nn . . 25c Illuminated Crest Initial Stationery The writing; imN-r In of el- ct-tnioiialll li I g li grade Mtni.. 'It,,. Initial In one, of Mirpannliig li e u I y, iM-allv tUe nlaiuiMil In up- M-r b-lt liaiul iiirm-r. I'or lto 50c An thiinv of ri-rfiiiiie, 4 nip, ftilc o. f aN1l, o IUC BUTT'S, inc. The foxaMSt ore MathiliM. , I'tiuihr. I nbnib. linMn, ((v .o,,.r 2,-H, Wind Tuir rv Willi . -r Inn. M-r ln Mi,. Cigar Specials I If IP la I Seal, lonie-.Ui lu-i iil. Hut nr. tiny ami Suntl.i) )C I j llnn, iMMNtd leaf liii HaiaiiM. Saturday tin ami Sum lu . . tiur famoiiH iilaii. ami While, lmt ilil fcrt ut nliaH'n, Mi.-ilglil 5e 5c Our Pricci arc Lowest, Whether Advertise d or Not. All Goods Charged will be Chafed at Per ular Trie-,