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THE EVENING HERALD. ALBUQUERQUE. V. M., SATURDAY, JULY 18, 1914. The Land of Broken Promises A Stirring Story of tha Mexican Revolution a, DANE COOLIDGE jtim r "rw rif bMi r" "iiwi Hum." IMIuhk" Hk lli.nmii.n, h DON J. LA VIM (Uwynsin, by 1-rank A. MumcyJ (t'niitinuid I nun YrMtiTilHy.) Tet, aa ;u.ry rami down from the mountains, liud and tlrnrla fi ll ftllnt and sIim kom-d their !uiliii. pun;. Tho time, for purtlnc was near, and part ings am always Bad. Hut ten mill across tho plutn lay 'fladstlnn and Phil lliil to whom (Ira cla was promUod. There had been no thniii'lila of him from llin time thry est together under tho horse blankets wnltm. for I hi- ruin to pass until now that the dangers worn virtually over, and but a short limp mors would blare them beyond tho rrarh of either ru rali'a or rebels Hud thought of tho duly ho owrd his pardnrr, even though that pardnrr had played him fatso. Orrut an was hla longlnj for Oracla, h rould not forgpt that duty. Tholr rompiiiiloimhlp hud bmva but thing k furgi't If hn rould, or at bit bu .vmld only ri'mi-inbor tho twpptnrfta rt It, and munt forgi t th dreama hn had (lfi'inni'd na bn watrtfd bivldn Crai-la In thr hllla. Iln waa Uiklng hrr to I'hil. and all i-Iho must, be aacrlflced for duty. Hud looked far out arroiia yaTlry to whnro a train puffed In from tha voutb, and tho alpht of It mado him un- any. Mo wutrhod atlll aa It lay at thn iflallon and, atUT a prolnntrrd t-turr, In tho direction of Agua Ncgra. hn n lm d liarply to thw north. "What la Itr askpd Gracla. con. Inn Krit of hor rwrlo. "Oh, noLhlng," anawrrrd I!ud. alunin Ing down In his aailillo. "I ai-o tin- rail mad la open auln thry mlht be ttinn'body up thrro looking for u." "You mean " l "Well, any a bunch of ruruh a " ' Ho turned ailll further t; lln north ho K ke and rpurri'd IiIh Jail- d Jinrmi on. firm la k pt her roan bv aliln hlin, but ho took no notlco, pi ci lit aa ho acunncd tho lino with hla Ii1k(IhIhiI cyi i llo wua a hurd look ing miui now, with a rough atubblo of board on his faco and a eullon vot to his Jaw. As two horsenion rutin out Jrom distant Agua Nrgra be turned tnd glunt'i-d ut tiraclu. i "Bwiiis liko we Im'oh on tho run ever sinco wo Irtt Fortunu," ho said with a rueful smile. "Ar you good for luitt one morn 7" "What I: it now?" slip Inquired pulling hi rself together with an effort. "Are those two men coming out to meet u" !u you think they'd slop UB?" "Thut's ubout our lurk." returned Hooker. "Hut when n dip out of night lit this sule here we'll turn north aud bit fur the line." "All right." kIm agreed. M homo Its tired, but 111 do whatever you hay, ' JluJ." Hho tried to ratfh his ryes at this. tut ho seemed loat la rouuimplutlou of the boramuen. TUani's ruraJi," be aatd a last, j "and heading straight for us but o've come too fur to get caught now. Coma on!" bo added brunkly, aud went galloping up Urn tiwaJo, i For two miles they rodo up the vault, their beads below the level of tlia plain, but as Hud emerged at fie moulh . of ton gnlt h aud looked warily over the rut bank ho suddenly r'rhed for Ma riflo and oieacured Lb dlstonca to thn linn. "They was too forty for mo," be tnut-ten-d. as liracla looked over at the ftpproaehlng ruralrg. "i:ut 1 can stand j 'em off." be adibl, "so you go ahead , "No!" she cried, coming out la open rebellion. "V:I1. I won't leuvu you I that a all!" the declared, as bo turned I 'o rommund ber. "Oh, cumo alein?, i Hud!" iibs laid an Imptilnive hand on bU arm and bn thrum bis gun bark Into thn tiling wlih a tiiud. I "All rlgfit!" ho said. ran't stop to talk about It. lio aheud and fluy the ' hide off of that roun!" Thiy wi re less than a mllo from tho ,m.i. uui un luiuiea ii uu inriwrn tueir i mm in nri;i.ii.K n. lo mo guirn ana had turned at tl.p samo time to Inter j crpt them They were pio-lilng their fresh hi'ibcs to the iitmoot now across Ibo opru prairie, ai.d an the roan1 laggid and faltered lu bis stridn Hud could se that the race was lout "Heud for that iiiouuiui nt! " he railed to Ururlu, ixiiuting lovturd one of the Internal lonal nwrkiTS as be tared their pursuers. "You II make it ' th y won't ulioot a woman!" j Ho reui hi d tor his gun an he upoke. ' No. no'" hw cried. ' iH.u t you stop! 'if you do I will! Come oo!" tie t litrefti. ,1, clucking her horsH to wait for him "You ride bthlnd I they won't clare fhoot at u then!" l ud laugbi-d shortly and m tm led In l b- liliid ber, ruiurnliig bis gua to Its I sling. I "All right." be srld, "we ll ride it out together then!" I He laid the quirt to the roan. In the wiilrl of raring bushea a white monu ment fiabxi tp suddenly before them. , Tho rural. s were withlu Utol shot nd wtiippiiig Kk Clad to bead them, tOtborflfuret'iui fljiiU aluitl U lino, n hor; ''miii. walTnV r7lii""fiaiils till motinnlns:. Thrn, ridlnit sldo by sldo. (In )- hrokn si ross Hi boundary with Hi" JmlTl' d niralos yelling Mif ly nt tlu-lr heels. I "Keep it piling!" prnmr'el Hooker, j as (irin lii li'.nii'il b k In rhorlt her ; horse; "down itito Ihe Kii'rh there- I them rmiilin are liiilil" to shoot yet!" I Tlio final dash linni.'ht them lo roTir, but us I'.ud 1iiitl down Itnd 1'nik Crai ia In hi linns the roan f pri-ml bin fri t. trembled, and dropped heavily to tin' r nm il l. i "He'll b till r in hi," toothed Mini. firai-hi mill i limn to hi arm. linn, I an hi' Haw her r flm d In-y mid lilin. I t turned nud behold I'hlllp tH Ln ry. It wns thn snmn I'hll, the same mnn Hud lind tailed pnrdiiir, and yet v l.i ii Hooker saw hi in there ho fUf-Ic-ti'd f nd his fare prrv linrd. 'Will'" tin imld. slowly dotarhlna (Irnrlu H finger'' aud piiltlng her hit Di) way. As I'hll ran forward to pr"et thrm hn stopped pnlli'iily o(T to mm aide. What they mid ho did not know, for Gracla Watchtd Tham tytt. With Jakus Ms mind wai i-iulilenly a blank; but when I'hll rut-l,. l over and wrung bis band he came L.u k to earth w ith a start "liutl!" ctlt'l i!e !.: rrpy emtatlcal ly. "how en 1 ever thuuk you enoUKh! You t rou kIiI hi r bin k to met didn't you, olt! man? ri nm.U Cod you'ro suTe ' I've be' n watchlnK for you wit!i , ghiH-tes ivi r t.Uicu I In. aril you bad! started! 1 knuw you woulj iiu It, purdner; you ru tho best friend a man t ver hud! Hut suy, conio over huro u minute I want to rpeak to you." Hn led I looker off to one side, whlln Oracla watched them with jealous eyes, and lowered his volcu as h spoke. "It was awfel good of you. Hud." ho whlnpered, "but I'm afiald you've got in bud! The wholo town Is rraiy about it. Old Arugori ramo up on the first train, and now they've wired that you killed Del Hey. Hy Jove. Hud, wasn't that pulling it a little Mrnng? Captain of the rurains, you know tho whole Mexican government Is behind Mm aud Aragou wants you for kidnaping!" "What's that?" demanded Oracla, aa she heard her nm tiauio spoken. Hud looked at I'hll, who for once was at a lors for Wonls, an 1 tl.un bo answered slowly. "Y'our futher Is dow n at the station," be said, "looking for you." "Well, he cun t huve me!" cried Ora rla deliuntly. "I'm across tho lino now! Im free! 1 can do whul I please!" "Hut there's the Immigration oftlcc," Interposed I'hil pocillcully. "You will l ave to go then and your father baa claimed you were kidnaped!" "Hal Kidnaped!" laughed Gracla, who bad suddenly recovered ber eplrlta. -Arid by' whomT" Tell by Hud beru," answered Do La nee y hesitatingly. Gracla turned as be spoke and sur veyed Honker with a mwklng suiilo. Theu she laughod again. "Never mind ," she sidd. "I'll fix that Ml tell tin in that I kidnaped him!" "No, but seriously!" protested Pe .tuieey, an Hud thu"klei hoarsely. "Von can't rroHa tho Hue without bring I'.i'-ried by tlm innpertors, and wll. i;.r father Is Cere to get you bark" "1 ul I will not go!" flung buck lira da ' t !i, my dear girl!" cried IH !. cey, fruKiihiK In his perplexity, ".fju don't underr.taud, and you make It aw lul hard lor uio. Y'ou know they'r very Btrtct now so many low womei. cnuiing arrotss the line, for well, tho fal jj, unli t.a you are married you can't couih In at all!" "Hut Im In!" protested Oracla flufhing botly "I'm " "They'll deport you," said Do Lun cey, stepping for aid to give ber sup port. "I know it's hard, dear," be went ou, as Hud moved hastily away, "but I've gut It all arranged. Why should we wait? You came to marry me, didn't you? Well, you must do It bow right away! I'e got tho licvnse and thu priest all waiting come ou before the rurules gel buck to town aud re port (hat you've crossed the line. We run ride around to thu north and come In at tlm oilier aide of town. Tbeu we " "Oh, no. no'" cried Orarl. pushing bliii Impulsively si-ldu. "1 ant not leudy tow. And " Hlie paused and glanced at Hud "Mr. lluokir," ehe begun, walking gently toward blut, "what will you do cow ?" "I don't know," answered Hooter bus.!ly. ".tfia rojj rvinf-l'J.55.-iiU.7VM " "No," raid Hud. shaking his bead slow ly. "Then I must say good byT Phn waited, but hn did not answer. "You have h'en so good to me," shn went on. "ro brnve, and have I been brave, toor' Mi- broke In pleadingly. Hooker nodded hla bead, but ba did not meet her ryes. "Ah. yes." she sighed. "Yon have heard what I'll 1 1 has said. I wish now that my mother were here, but would you mind? Ilefore I go I want to give you a kiss!" Phe reached nut ber bands Impul sively and Hooker started back. Ills eyes, whlrh had been downcast, biased suddenly ne be gnxed nt tier, aud then they flitted to I'hll. "No," he sold, and bis voice waa llfo- ' lens and ' lioki d You will butr" she asked, after a pause. "No!" be said again, and she shrank away before his glutire. "Then good by," shn murmured, turn ing away like one In a dream, and Hud beard the crunch of her steps as she went toward the horses with I'hll Then, aa tho tears welled to his eyes, ho heard a resounding alap aud a rutth of approaching feet "No!" ramn tho voice of Oracla. vibrant with Indignation. "I say no!" The spat of ber hnnd ranR out again und then, with a piteous sobbing, she came running bark to Hud. baiting with the hi I IT n ess of tier loug ride. "I hate you!" shn screamed, as I'hll come lifter "Oh, I hato you! No. jou rhall never have the kiss! What! If Hud here Iiiih refused It, will I give a kiss to i.ii? Ah, you poor, miserable creature!" i,lie rrled, wheeling upon him In a suilden fit of pastilon. "Where were you when I waa In danger? Where were you when there was no ono to savo me? And did you think then, to steal a KIks, when my heart was sore for Hud? Ah, coward! You nro no fit pardner! No, I will never marry you never! Well, go then! And hurry! Oh, how I hate you to try to steal mo from Hud!" Klin turm-d and threw her arms I, tout Hooker's nerk and drew bis touch fare down to ber. "You do lovo me, do::'l you. Hud she sobbed. Oh. you are so good m bravr! And now will you take tho klrs?" "Try me!" auld Hud. THE END. The Churches Coimrcmilluiinl. I'orner of Coal avenue i.nd llroiiil .it liev. An hie Tnoilmkc r, mill ft r. t : i i n io limn Hervire nt II clock; sermon hy Hev. It. K Wha .-J 1 1 1 1 I . i.rli.M'l nt !i:o o. in. t tit i.l in ii I lele.n ,,r M-rvit'c ut 7 ! Ill : jol'')eet. "Kuiihful In l.lttli Thinus." lit f. reiife. I.uke 1 : 1 0-1 3 I .culler. John Couli. A eol llal Invitation Is exteinleil to all tn attend these services. Munie or the niornniK si-rvlee I'leln.le, "Anilnnte In i" lliailttle) iifleitoiv. "1 Heard the Voice of Je sus Hay" (ll.irrn.), Mrs. Ailu I'iM'i U Inn; p o a t I u d e, "I't orcuM"!"" Murth" tllatlxte). 'lrt HaplM. I'.roailway uml U i I avenue. , I'r. 1'. W. lnmfi l!n, piiHtor; N..r,h Waller street. l: .ll. Ill IV M llool 111 'J t.l a . M. Jirnke, sui'erinleritl l'i i nt. t 'l.ihi l"r all iikch. l ie i' lii 'K' ut II u. In. by Id v. Hor u e Ml "inn; ' ,,ilea meeting at 7 p. m Vo i tciiing nreaehlng m-rvlee. A or. i u II. ill, hi Is rxlelllleil In all I' iilieml Hie siTvlcea. i i-nlral Aeiiue MelleNllM. 'im r of Auto anil Central uvoniic ( ' Samuel I-:. Allison, pastor. Ites' tlenee, 7i K..111I1 K'llt h; ;ihone, U'.u. M!r Mary llaimcoin. deatouehs. Ktiiulay st hool at a. :u. T. M. IiorriH, hu per I tilt inleiit. 1'ieai hmi( M'M l e at II a. m. anl ' lo the .- ioUh llllll-HS A lit ....-on itll! li"! le nine to fill Ills pulpit. H'-V. J. I. 8tiler u ill toniluct the morning sar ii u anil It. H. iiAitis will coiulii-' the evening service. Vies Miry II.iiihi oiti. ileHioiii i,h, nlll t,-liO the li'l ilrtka. Musical .rowrnin for the iihoiiiii Bel t ee: Myinn No. t;. Boy or Giri? Crcat Hi' Th trlwl pllratl.i, -U.r nlly Knew tnnny nilmM sn old and irdy sn riurn sp as "Mothers Friend." 1 of esixy-tsnry It Is lurli. " I aiti la l t. h i looilnnl muw li's and ta I...' III,. Intricate mtwork el. In Una niaiinrr It J 1 1 lnftniiea as to Justify lanes of cutnlng motUer I ttt-n g.-n.-raily rtiMwii firs and ytars and ihi-e , It si ak In hiKhiuit praise r. li-f It affur.H. lwrtii?- Oi-slstit-d t rf ii.-rtt-s t has i. h a st lis um lii a l.Mi. It I nirnd.-d for i Willi tlMVIi ui Of ttt llllltltl uutrly do tl knowlng niithra simak of th aliMiicn of moritlng sl kle-sa. slist-iKe of struln on ths liaamms sail fre-.lem from thus many .!h-r tti-l-fiM which am uuliy lookt' forward lu v Hh so much conein. Tlir la na question but what "ViuiS.-r'i Friend" ha a nmrkMl tendency to relti va th nilml ani ISin of Uaelf In'lloTi tu tt, phvslcHl r. !cf lias given ll a oi) wt'lr ity a.,oi.g wiun-n. It U at-soluu-ly sulu tr usv. rt-iai.-ia tl.e skin piattilf. Is tiir.ilh-g la Its i-.atuit, ami Is t'omiKisril of i;i,im, anihro eslior.s I,, st ftulu-d tu thoroughly lul.rt mts th nerve. niuseU-s, tci.uUMis and !lKintent4 Invited. ' Vuu run olioiln "Mutner'S ri taiel". St Si'i"st any tlruit slors. It la uu.rJ unit . UraAfleM It--' uisuir tu-, V. 4a ail aUUgT t Al'UIjta, 1 , t Reviews of New I at - . . 1'lie VI. llin. Tlioma iHxim In the lilKiorlenl loiiiunre nhleh Mr iioii haH woven of the lira- iiialii- events or ini' Ute or J'rrerson I in vis he has drawn hla real ilinrae-1,-r iinohxi ureil by passion or prel'.i e. I'oleeil lit his people to leu' i loli- muse. Jefferson Hiivls" gen'us i renieil an enuine or wnr so tcrrinie in us power that th run nil It five nil;- lion Boutin mom without nioiie,. wilhoiit a market, without ereiiil. withstood for four years the shock of twenty million men of their own Moo') a nil of ,.iiial daring. Ii.u keil 1 1 y houiiilli-KS remiiirceB. I'he story Is told In the Maine man ner us "Tni- oiitnorn-r. .Mr nu oil's successful novel of Lincoln ami the t'tvtl war. A l.i n Im IM n( SlreliKth, out the itory riiiis h silvi-r romaiiee of womlerful t tlelli alely liiiinlleil. in the ln;roliie has done the f which the uiilhor lust work of tils life. It Is one ,,f ttie un ntest ilrainas of the Cltil war riml. I ii-.mii ami CtinstriK-tHin In WtMlll. (William Noyes.) Tlir purpoHe of thin hook Is til lo give t,i heginnera In woo.l-work-ing an oi'l'i.ltiitiity fur the aeitulsi lii.ti (,f skill In Hie handling of i.ioIh, ami l-t some praetice In ile-U-nltig simple projects In wood. Two ihnp- ters on wood und one on eituiprneiit are f"II.iu.iil l,y direction for noik- lug scrap liaskets. Inttrvil pictnrt' frames, ramllestlt ks. tuliorels, trays. el' The whole volume In generously supi'licil Willi Illustrations fnmi plio- toitrapltB und working clruwings. Idle Wive. (Jaines I ppt nhelm. ) Mr. Opi'onlioim has iit;ii.ei the plot ,,f "The Ih.ll'a House." I. .it Willi the slammliiK of the door his story has only fairly hesun. He ihI'Ih Hook Nu. 2 to tell wha'. came after Anne Wall Is mi lille wile, whose hiiHhantl Is utterly iilisorhed In business; whose servants are too tltlcleiit: slii'ro nursery governess is too near Anthem. "D, Happy Hny." Kt.lo, "No Night There," Miss Itose Harsh. Hymn No. 631. livening service: Hymn No. 4 7. A n tin in, "I'llurlms of the Night. ' folo, 11. 10. Cuilalino. IImn No. U.'i. Iievotlonal meeting of the Senior Kpworth league at 7 p. m. Wednesday eveliiliK prayer servp e at II . in. Teacher tr.iliunt t'laas at 7:31) p. m. Ilrt lrelileiiiin. Corner Silver avenue uml Kilili street Until A. Cooper, pailor; lesl'lence. IKi South Waltt r street. l.'lialln e A. Foreman, um-ociaie panlor; resi lience, IntH Kust Central avinue. Sunday school, !t;4.'. o'clock. Morning worship. H:uo o'tlot-k. Sermon ih. rne, "The Itelievt-r'a Se-i-urll)." Kvenlng worship. S:"ft o'l'l't k. Theme, "The Ksscnre nf Chris tianity." Miikiral program, morning: I'relUlle, Alnlatlte ('"tilloto," ('-n-kin). iirrerlng. "Itomaiice," (Tolhurst). Alltlli'lll, "Seek Ye the l.oril," III"'- ti -i. l-ottiliiite (Volckmar). I'reluile, Karg-Klert.'' 4 (ifteriiiK. "Hereeuse," (Hohm)' Vitli. m. "Turn Thy Fata irom Ul Sin-.," ( Atlwond). 'it I'oslludn (Hesse). " fc i J. Antlrvws. dlreetorj Miss Keii ori hy, organist The ' K. society ineela ut 7 P. t. Tin, puhlie cordially invited to all srrt Inn. SI. John's. lUith incline Corner Ki und Weal Silver. Archde icon W. F. Warren, rector res ilel't-e. I .ton West T.icras avenue Suiiilay after Ttinity. IToly coinmunlon, 7 a. 'hi. Morning service ami sermon, n'i lock. Suniliiy school, !':l" a m. Teachers' training class, 7:4.1 p. Music: o ocesKonil. Our Wuy Iteioh iiik," ( K. II It. HatarKiil). offertory iitiihem. "To the Name of I nr Salvation,' (II. J. laiinllell I. ilc. essioual. "Wuness. Ye an. I AnKels Clark I. lilorla, (T. Morleyi. T Ileum. ( It. Co I . i. Venue. (W. Itilssellt. 'til rmt. "M MU-hty (lod. Creator." Harnhy). (J (J llr MctlKHllit I pM-OIHll. Comer Lead umiiuc and Soulli Third street. Charles Ostar Hei k man, paiior; riMiitiee. 411 Houth Third street. Mi- l.'ilnli tlorhy, dea coness. Li. A. I'ortcr f a hi, auperln-It-nilt ni of the Suniluy s liool. Harry Krink, resileitt Kpworlli league. John I). Falki-nliurg, nlreclur ol choir. Sumluy'a services are as follows; Communion at 11 a. lu, Thu eteiilng worsh i at I o'ciocrf, with pre-iihini; by the pastor; sub ject, "The etormlng I'arty." Sjnl.,y achool meets st t:4S a. m. Kl'Wtirih league devotional service at 7. Miss Ix-na X' u l h, leader. Speelal music, nioiiunv: . Hrelude, Anthem, ";wet the Moments, lllth the Hlt'ssing. ' ( f. louifity). I met, "Ft-revvr With the Lord," liiiiumiill, Miss ('Intrlolle 1'ratt, M J"hn L. FalkeliLunt. I'ostluile. Ftenliis worship. I'relutie. Anthem, "The Night lug," (li.iiiptinann!. Liuvt, "The luiiitilili Fuil- !-a)'d,' (U- Booths the Public Library - perfeelli.n. Neither her liushiind, her house nor her children need per The break cornea when she expresses her Intention nf recognizing her brother's socially umlrsirnhlc wife Her husliaiul Imlilils Iter, end she leaves lilln, to go hack to thn work which hail nhsorhrd her time nnd talents before her -xjiiiiri iage. The strangle Is long and tiltler. for the htieliatiil Is bnrd heinleil anil the wife ill ternilneil. hut In the end lie gains a new eoueeptlon of her a ml of her value, and they are ahle tn stint over on n new Imsls (lark's llelil. (Itohert Derrick.) "All property," said I'rontlhon, "Is theft." If now. fifty tear- niter his li'nth. liln si'irlt lea. Is Hotels, j "ClnrK'a Fleltl" should prove n de light to him. For the vlll.,ln of lioh ert Herrlck'a latest and most sn talneil work Is the "law of property Inheritance." Clark's Field tines more than give the title to one of i the best novels of the year. Clark's! Field and the girl It makrs unex pectedly rich after pauperising hi r nneestors nrp the two most Import ant chara.leis In the striking story of modern life mid . lit I romlltloiis i which Mr. Derrick puts before And throughout this l.t'o the field lies like n sinister j-ri:o!'t- ner..Mj, th, ilestliili-M nf the little group of people, with whom the story Is chiefly con cerned, heslile coming to hi- the scene of many blighted lives. Tile SdTi't IWMtlt. The iinonymou hero of this hook takes his place in the small nailery of geniuinely humorous thurticters of fiction. Mr. l'earson mis n keen In sight Into the foil. lis of human na ture as attested hy the nlaoi't illy ri diculous hut mightily appealing nil ventures of the hook clithiisiaH who la the central figure of the story. The fascination wlil-h the tale undoiiht etlly possesses comes. In Ihti inaiti, from the twists given hy the author to tho.e everyday occurrences which to ordinary eyes are commonplace, hut to him Instinct with the dramatic um: amusing. ollul. Miss Charli erl Sevvell. I'ostluile. tie l'rutt. Mr. Ilo.i SI. I'niirN l.vuiua-llcnl l.iitlicran. Corner Silver und Sulh. Kdward I. Schueler, I). !., pastor. 1'arsoii age, Stiff Kouth Sixth; 1' lfi'.i.I. We do not have a big Sunday school, out It is really remarkable, and most encouraging to orfliers a ml te. tellers, to note the steaily attend ance during the hot neitiher. Th is fur our slimmer average has neen up lo the regular winter figures. our services for Sunday follow lh UHiial schedule i ) far us hours ire concerned: Sunday school, 4T. a m; morning worship, 11 o'clock: r v ii In k worship, 7:31). On this Sunday evening we worship ill the open uir. The meeting will last one hour. 7:30 to X::to. ami Include the ills, nsnlo-i of the ( topic ami a short sermon hy the tor on "Serving Two Masters." W.ll '. !:. pas- The hy a sti ping of familiar livmns. led voting people's chorus, will be a fea ture. Come and he comfortable. At S p. m. the monthly Sunday S hool Workers' business meeting. Next Thursday u the h:no ol Mri. John Welilingcr, lli'll North Se nnd ireet, our liollca give tloir monthly coffee social. ' ftirlatlaii faience Kru-iny. Christian Science services are held In the Woman'! Club building, at the corner of Seventh stivef and (Jold avenue, every tjunduy- morning vt 11 o'clock. ' ' JVcdncadcy vniug orvl -cs aro at H o'clock. Tile puhllr la cordially Invittd to tttend these services. Sunday school at s:45 o' lock. rte.-idlng room In the N. T. Arm'io liull'ling, room No. 1.1, open h week iluy from 2 to & p. m. (."hi anil llronilway (liurt'li of flii-WI. Hlh'e m hool, SC. a. in. l.esioii: ;en. 2S-2H; tnt mory text. C.ei. 2:Hi. "I am with thee and will keep thee withsoever thou guest. " Sermon st tin in: "The Seventh CoMiniiiliilineiit. or the t'unctlty of Marriage." Chilstlan i:tideVor meeting at 7 p. m. H-nnoii ut K p. m.; "The Shepherd's Sling." Hioie alit'lv wild prayer Wednead '. p. m ; lesson: tieti 3U-31. All are welcome to these services. PINK EYE REPORTED IN BUCHANAN HERD Iir. (J. M. Jones, slate veterinarian, was here yesterday on his way to Huchanan, whe-e be wll inspect cut tle shipped from Tfaas reported to be suffering from pl.ik-cye. The dia ease la not highly dangerous, hut II the ruses to bo Inspected are pink eye, they are the first to appear In New Mexico for several years. There is more Catarrh In this sec tlan of the country than all other diseases put together, and until the last few years wua auppoaed to be in curable. For a greut muny yeara doctor pronounced It a local disease and prescribed local remedies, and ly constantly fulling to cure with lo cal treatment, pronounced It Incur able. Science has proven Calurrll to te a constitutional disease, and there fore require constli utloiial treat ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manu factured by F. J. Cheney Co.. Tol edo, Ohio, la the only constitutional cure on the market. It Is taken In ternally. It ai ls dlre'lly nil the blood und mucous surfaces of the system. They of:tr one hundred UcHars for any case It fails to cure, tend for circulars and testimonials. Address; F. 3. PHKXtT CO., Toledo, O t'ohl l.f rnii'!ts, TT.P. Tuitti ...:. j i ..milj I'llla l-r con-gtlpailun. A limy liver le.ids tn chronic ds .e.i,la ami comtiipation weakees the whole system. I loan a Iteguleta ll. per bos) act mil My in the liver niul howrls. At all drug stores. Lost anything? I.ct a Herald want ad find It for you. Age Has No Terrors for the Man who has Saved During- your producing years you should form the habit of savin? a portion of your wages or income, then when time has rendered you feeble and unfit for active duties you will have no fear of the poor house or of being a charge on your relatives. Begin today to save. Guard against old age and sickneas. This Bank Tays 4 per cent Compounded Quarterly on Savings Accounts The American Bank and Trust Company 5c Pastime (Under New Management) TODAY From 1 P. M. to 10:30 P. M. (Continuous) "THE GANGSTERS OF NEW YORK" (In 4 Reels) A powerful sociological drama, founded upon facts iemonst rating why the gangster exists and the remedy FOR SUNDAY--".HE DISHONORED MEDAL" (IN 4 Reels) Admission only 5c 5c In Directing Your Attention To Our Splendid Growth We desire that you keep in rnind the fact that this rapid expansion of our business and ca pacity and facilities for serving you has been attained only by the most careful and conser vative methods. We offer to our customers every accommoda tion possible to sound banking. We have for your use every modern banking facility and convenience. These and our most courteous attention are at your service, no matter what the size of your account. Come In and See Us STATE NATIONAL BANK ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO. United States Depository. Santa Fe By. Depository. V. II. IIAIill CO, For l'e I lent In F'aef of I II Hindu. PHONE II. Albuquerque foundary and Machine Works. aCagtaecs IMnouVrw Mactilnl sta Caatlngg ID Iron, Hraaa. ftrnnse. Aluminum, Htrurtursl Pteel for Itrldgea and bulldlnga Torts avo tfn. Aiaaaaereiwe, M. M 5c Theater CKHfllLLOS LUMP GALLUP LUMP GALLUP'I ANTHRACITE. ALL Blfc.H riNUl.lMl AND MILL WOOD DIUCtt AND PLAXTEKINQ LIM B ANT A lB BH1CJC 5c