Newspaper Page Text
I THE EVENING HERALD, ALBUQUERQUE, K. M., SATURDAY, JULY 18. 1914. SEVEN The Markets MORE HAMMERING OF MINOR RAILROAD STOCK IN STREET Now York. July 1 4. Pelting f the minor rnilrnnd iupr reamnad nt the oiitpt of today' ehort rlon, with rooapqupnt new low rt "f"ln In thnt quarter nd li regularity Mapwhrre. Covering of the lender ImimrlP'l n bptter tone In the Inte trailing. The cloning wn (IrimK. Cloalng price: A mnlKunuiteil, ti9. Afihlm.n. . Ctilnn Copper, 194. Rending. HIV. Southern l'n. Iflr, 9T, . Vulon I'nPlflc, 1ST1. HleM, . MppI preferred, loft CLEAN UP DAY IN LONDON WOOL MARKET London, July 14. The mlwpltnne oiip uplpi-iion offered nt Ihp mini uue (I. hi union Imlnv n ntPndlly nb niirlipil tiy thp buypre ffim nil H'r tlunn. Thp lone wu firm nnfl acmired pp.p were In euger rpqneat liy the innlinpni. Heal nml medium rmw lir.'iln were taken liy America. The goffering today were 11.4ns lialpi. Chicago Grain. Chicago, July 1. WhPivt declined Itiilny nn nccniint of IIfiiIiiI Ihk ? i:i I. Icn (mm Liverpool n ' lipmuw ' 'if fine weather .1. Ih north weat. After opening e In So lower, jtlica nufTiTPil n material furihpr Kptliiirk. The InilllHh nnturp of the f'nnadinn rrop report helped bring iilioiit a xlirht rally, but not of n hint Inn aort. Thr clone wild rtcady. !jW p under nt nlKht. Corn anuaeil with wlicnl. Th piMiinit. which rnnwed from Uc to n ahadp 'idvuiicn, wn followed by n moderate drop nil nroiind. TIip rlon wrh atemly nt Slj'Hc npt do-i-liiip. Lmk of ilen-iard wenkpnpd ont. Hi.intini'n of hojt rp-pl't nt wp.I trn point hrlil iirnvinlonn ntpmly. Thp U'til nrrivnl wero but liitlp tmirp th:in hnlf ni- niiniprnun nn nt ihp pnrrpjionllni (Inif luxt )rnr. 'Iimlm prli'pn: Whpnt July. Tt'ic: Ppi.. 74V p. t'orn July, 94tp; Sppt., Ip. inl July, SHr; Hppt.. Hr, Pork July, t2.': Hi-pl.. 2 1 SR. Ijird July. llt.L'K; Hppt.. I in SO. im July. 112.20: Hi-pt.. fiz.r.n. LIVESTOCK. 4iilaui Mvpilmk. ChlrnKii. July 1 . lion Ttprploln 1 '.(!; nmrkpt l.wpr: Imlk. IH.ri .:; licht. f s.lnf lo: mlspil, 4 0 i '.i l: hi'nvy. 4Mifllci: rouKh. 4ii s mi; plita. IT.7r.4i .). ttp ltpiplptu inn hp.nt: mnrkPt wp.ik: Iippvph.- f T.i0c.!tn; ' Ktm-rii. $ 4iti 4 nn; flu r.m f.Mil.m. "i kii 4 n; po uti.l hplfpm, $!. 4i 9 10: i-iiIvpm, $7 r.d'.i n ii (i. r'tlPfp HpppIpih 4.0HII; n-irkct rl i ; ithfpp. :. (t III: ypnrlini). :. fi.'. 4 7 (Ml; la li In. f .:r,i u.Hi . Kiinwm rity. ,!ul 14 -..;. pp. i-i 7nn; mnrkPt li.ui r: In x. .'. fi-iHil; hpiivv, $4 r.i 9 mi; pnrkprii nn, I liuli hir, $ s . ! r. i a in; liKlit. n;it pisn. imn j on. i aitlp - Itpi i liln l.niiii; nmrkot li-iul: primp fpil atpprn. t 4'Mi ',; Hi. l.i i f i . no 1i 9 w.'siprn uliprn. 7 ill' i f.o. noiithrrn (iim. H "i.7'i 4i 4 ; 'w, 7 r.ll. hl'lllTM, $lt r.H, q (III; $4 HI4f t..( ki rr. nml f.-pilir. 10.2241 .::,; tit iiiiu MIipi'P I'pipli'ln ii. mi'; I'lllVP. mnrket rlpmly: In in I, , 4.S.'.i NH0; itiiKH, $! ::.! 7.0:: wpthi m, It ?r, 4i fl.2M 5uu. Cotton Market. Sm York. July 14 -iiiipI; iniilillinK, 111 No an I pa. -Cotton, P"t ( u If. $ 1 3 f.O Money Market Npw York. July IS Mptvanlll pniipr, 4 4r44 per rent. I tnr allvrr. &4S. tlollara, 42 U. nil inonpy noininul. Tiiiip loan piixli r; So iliiyn, 3 V ppr i put; yu Uuya, 3 pir runt; ait month, 4 ppr rpnt. The Metal Markets. Npw York, July I. Thp niPtal innrkpla pri ililll nml nominal. I.akp popper nnmlnHl; plpi-lroly Hi'. IJSci timiina, UH4ltc-. Iron uni hniiKPil. RAILR0AD MANAGERS WILL ATTEND THE ROAD MEETING, R'intii Kp., N. M., July ! 7. That 11 nuinliir of thu hlitlior offUlnla of Ihv rnllromla In New McK'i.i will alien. I the I'oinlnK Rood ron le innyeni .m her la nuurrd by the repllea being rei rl veil daily nt the himiiI mail a aoi'iatlon h Hl.Uartera hi re. Thene rrpliea aro In anawer to ln" tun I out a few Uuva li So o the. rail road uiCnala and (luluuto the broad er view lnki'ii by thn rullroadi of the m'tivltlea of thp inainiuiililea ihrouxh Hhbh they Muts. Tim were nt out with thn Idea that the roaila would be hem-filed by tin ream d proaperlty In thp ii.iumuiilly which aa naHorlnllon am ria ran he brouvht about by hef ter roudH. In fail, evldnneea of Ihla are ample in lona Ann rounly where n la ihp amount of road work h lipen done, The tact thai Iheae railroad mn wl'l attend ill be a ronaiilerable for the eunventlon In the eye of the public. l.oeai c nlttere are hard at work arrui-Kliig for deioratlnK the town during tba ineellng, aupplyl-ig ample Mutt's Memory MUTT 1 vwA& "THINK IN fa THg OLD DVYS ftACk fcCMtkABfeK. TH0i5 GOOD 0-t DrYf I ( ' I CArAC AND 9rl0 YCV BACK THE FINjp lti'lMirt of IIm' niiilliloii Of the American Trust and Savings Bank Of IImiiUi1Ui Npm- Mriliii, at IIm' 1lMW Of lllfllH-MH J II IIP .lOlll. 11 I. ltKMl'lltKH. lmnn unit lMa- rour.lH. (ill H-piirpl liy I'.piiI llup $4'J,7.i7 21 (III ri'iuri-'l l.y ... (p All (Uhpr Imiia S9.113I0 Sfi.Ult 91 tlli;..r.2.r..22 Kurnliurp a n il I Kixttir.' .... Due f r o rrj j,mH.4: lluiiku riiriki ami othpr t'lnh lli'iiia Aiiuii Cnnh on IIiiiiiI. n i ;..l.l full 2,UL,r..o (I.) !..l'l (it- I2,x 7 .:.. :ix ir. ttflratp 70 ml (Uri.kU I (p I till Hilv.r Hilvpr ('In ( r- tlfiiiiti-a .... Iaal Tpii- iIit Notpa . . (f ) N a t I u n nl Itnnk Xi.Ipii . (a) Cash Nut I'l.'imlf ipl ... (n mi 10.110 1.720 on 21,43 R.7n2 3 $l7.R2"i.27 I.IAItll.lTI KS. Capital fftui'k fn.lli l.lnl rrofila Iiup tu Knnka IM iilpmla I n 'ii 1.1 :, ii. nun i0 1 . 3 S . 7. 4 1 4,imi no 2.iiiiil.ini 37.194 43 K7 II1J S 1 ."..3 i.2 I Imlivpliiiii lipiMMiita Xuh- JT to Clm k iCaNlnKii Inpopita I Ci rtifi. iiIpii of iippoail ... CiiKhipr'a Cherka tuit- liinilln 44 n Ilki.K, lounty of Ktnte of Npw Itpr- nalllln, a. U It. tloehrln. CiiFhler; J. I ll. rndoi, I'reslili'irt : i. N. Marron, jlMreetor; J. It. Ilerndon, lilre-ior; J. Korbpr, lilrprtor; of the A-nerli'im Truat and Kiivinaa r.ank or Aioioiuer iue, N. M , n bank orRnnlaed under the lua of the potato of New Me Iro, upon tinth duly awn,, P''b for hlinw-lf di.poiiplh and aaya that thp !..... itn.l forpKoina atalPiienta ol i h. up mri-ea niil Liabllii iea .-.f the above named bank nt the rloao 01 bualtiPRa June Soih, mil, arp eorn : I and true. I.. II. OOKll l.lNil, CiiHhl.r. J. 11. I!F.I'NI)iiN'. rrpalilpul. (). N. M A It HON, IHrei lor. J. It HKHNIioN, Dire-or. J. KO It UK II. nirei Rubarrlbed and awurn to Itpfore mo thla 2nd day of July. A. P. 1914. W. A. M MII.I.IN. Notary l'uill". My Cornmlaalnn explrea April T, aer.immodilloli for the v.aliora, get tinR eatra atornae apni'e for the nu merou automolillpa whb h ara peeled l ho and for whli-h room ennnot be found In th reu lar Riiraan, arraiiRliiR the Immi'iM and rerepllon and ntlPidlnif lo other delalla of the mrelliiR. ianta Fa aa a city la taklnn a lively Intpreat In the fonvpiiilon and the local people nre mnkiiiR every poani- . ,u effori In have auch a ahowing made that rompelltion for the next cunvcntlun 1) be oulcluaaed. 1 iTjji Was Altogether VIVIDLY 1 J HOwl we LL I J, . r- S 6ol Piece -- v rf r' i ii - INSURANCE Fire, Auto, Plate Glass, Liability, Burglary, Accident, Health, Life, Livestock. MONEY TO LOAN All kinds of Real Estate and Investments on Easy Terms John M. Moore Realty Co. l II. 4XXKIL M. I.. l. o. t tatfopalhlr SmwIbI1. I trPot all curable iilears. f)ltlra Stern HM(. "'4ior tii and 12a nut It I '.NT 4 KurnlNhi'il, oiip J-room npnrt- nii'iit, iiioilprn, llu. 4 ihp 3-riniiu ai'iirtmpnt, mod- 4 rrn. 112. lino 3 r.Mni trnt hoiiup, $12. 4 a. ii. i-i:k Ml V. (ililral. Clump 3WN. 4) Chicago Mill & Lumber Co General Planing Mill 3rd and Marquette Phone 8 4 J. L. GOBER General Auctioneer lliiuacliolil (;o,Ma HlMHially. I'liomt V. 41. IKH 114. 44 SANTA IX TIME . TABLI RrTertlva Uwember nn. VpmImiIUII Claaa. Cal. Limited .. Cal. Kipree .. Cal. Kip'eaa .. Cal. TA. Mall.. No. I 1 1 9 Arrlvea. Popart ,.11:10 lk:oa 7 00p 10:l0p U:tup 7:30b ll:Hp !: (T.ra.lajr only: (Pa I. ilia wt bound Over!n4 Eipreaa. K-aalern F.ipreaa. ChleaRO Limited., K. C. It Chi. K.. (Wertneaday only: (Pa L.uxa iS It 3 I II MO 1:00, II Hp 40p Ola lop oep l.lOp l:0p ll:la l.nta !: Koutlibound It FI Paao A Max Rs III F.I raao I'aaaoncer 111 I'afoa Valley NnrtiliHr lit rmm Mes El P III From Kl 1'aao.... Ill Frrai Paooa Val ee it ley and Cut-off itiip P. J. JOHSSON. Ant If a hurricane ahould como along and blow Ihe club atandinRa upaidn down Ihe Yanka and Napa would t" einbrolled In a conflict aecond only In the third Tunic war. The only detail lucking la the huriicttu. T. Too Good. P0 fOO t" Ttp,e uic copped TMS VJlrtiHCR TM4c , & "tT DAf YOU VuCf.C 'O pAH AND j ' L'Pt, 4. I " J- a i-: ,1 ti ' HELP WANTED Wll.l. I'AV rtlml'l" wiiiuun 2.M."' tor iltHtriliutlim iiiiiu (t.p a k.iiK'H J'iifuim.1 Huiip I'liwihr in your town. .No inmipy rpiiuirfil. W.inl '.. 2111 liii'litulp I'l., Chiiaiio. VATKI Man to laki Inirrpnt In Kooil pliylliK lilldllli'Mi Hlih :i(MI.U'i i-aHh. Aililrma 1. o. lux 209. City. KMI'I.OVMK.NT nillp, 210 W. Hilcr, I". . H"K 73. I' ::.'.4. (.rpn lira, $4 day; Inliori-ia, 11 ,5 tu 12.1'). ."TATK MamiKiT wiiiite.l by lllinoi corporul ion. Kutal.h h oftlep- - niaiuiii,. aulimneti. l-.v.iy niereii.nn ii i iihtomer. I'eriiunieiH connpi'tion. Moiitbly milary an. I i uminiiwioii. Itnnk referenr Riven. Invenlineiit of 1400 In II.'ihi re.iiii'il to inn.' atiH'k. Should eanily make I7."'l iiiiniially. KukI Ihiiiip. "Id Colony ItlilK.. ChlenKo. V A NTKI I tali' h help: a foreman. ninrrleil roupl.-, repair man. nnd hoUHekeeper. Cull tit .'ii.'Rea hotel, on M. W, MMIh, Kuinla. or nd-lre' Mlli'a ItatHli t '. , i 1 1 ... n , Kprlnuir, N M. WANTED Salesmen. MlilI.IN'K Haleamen miklnR amall t.iwna. JnM i Iw preiii am prn. 'Ki ll.. n you nr.. lonkinit !..r. KuMK TIIIMJ a little IHI-ri.KKNT than olbi.r houiip lire Mitin..i out. We kUarnntee our Rooda I.. e'l or t.ik.' buck uiiHi.lil ko.xIk. I'., i lull partti ii bir write toilay. May Mil!. Co., 2 12 Weal HUKel Hlreit. In, 140, III. SITUATION WANTED. WANTI-.P A er. Write The Fvenlnir pofilion a "lloUHlkl Herald. houai'kccp iper," cure WANTED. W ANTr:i Ford car. for raxh. hee l'i Auto Co, M,i"t bo i heal' t.i-.ll, guii'kel W ANTi:i lluaeburner be Rood nnd rheup. ter, cart, Herald. i.iove; tnuat Addreaa Win- ARCANO Plasterer and Contractor LUMBER & BUILDER? V P P Ii I F. II Whokwato anil IU tall Albuquerque Lurrber Co. 4171 North lira Html AI.L WOIIK (.CltVTI"i:i I ; tall 177 V. lUat lilliio Av I foH Tf i' Mom wtll." 1 -t rABBR THM Thi happv Twv. 1 VOO f"r ifO pM) you ONL-f HAU "j AHT YW 6AN6 TO HOUI ' VI "'HAT TA Evening Three Lines FOR RENT-fiousei. Kult ItK.NT d-rooin nn..iirri houap, on airi'Pt ar linp; iii.nJ I. am, vlui-a. It. A. Kimlir, at KiHtk-r, Col I ml it i Co. FOR RZSl Roomi. I'"lt It KNT Five lame rooma !or llyht hoUHekocpIng to one perion or In unite. 617 H. Itromlway. Knit KI7NT l-irn rooir. with board. 422 YV. tie. Foi S;;le Misceuaneoui i'liU hm.i: iipwi, i.j S'n. Aruo at. Horse, l.uuKy nml a: It. 1-eawim city. bar- K 1 1 SAI.K At n harualn, liar - ticHX a i. I lmht ai'liiiK l'amumiip .!.. n. 711 . mi Slal.. K"ll pt.M.K IIIrIi Riuiln pbiiiu. .ililll Ilinh. .ho v 1719. 20 I'l ill KAI.K old papera for pulling ilonn rupcta. etc. Cull nt lleral'l (illl.-e. " BUSINESS CHANCES WANT to trailP my hull"' for ainiill houm- or will Hill Call til Su. l:r..a.iay. MONEY TO LOAlf M'NI'.Y TO LOAN on aalariea, hnu.ieholil gomla mi l llvctn 'k with nut renioxal. Nc'ea liouvlit and aobl. I'nlon lmn Co., mom II, uver'Flrat National bank, fhone 1311. PERSONAL M A 1 ; 1 1 Y If you are lonely. CU It'" 1 1 .1 11.. I ',.i Ii . I. 'li I in I Hili .'rul elill lias I.. i no niiinl. i l of weulthy, liu mi iiiliern. both i i. n. winliliig i irly in .ri i.iit. . 1 ip I -iplloiia free Mil Willi" I. I'.ox 2ti, Oakland .M. nl. Al.iu.iicr.iiu Kvciilng ii t , 1 u In it wruiiig. Cril. Ilel- KO R CASO'K't eaniiia. furniture and (tova rtpalrlruj. W. A. Ooff phona ICI. CltoWN FI'ltNlTCRK Ilepnlrlng nnd p.iiklna. cabliiPt mnklng, up holKterlnK, n Unit-hum. niattreaa muk Ini?, run aiiung. Ail work guurnn t.'e.l. A. It. llarciu nd It F.. Olivia, 117 Houlh Third. I'hoiie 624. IIOOC I'AINT. WANTKP K.vcry home owner to uaa Krla Carbon roof piilnt. Hlopa leaka, lat I yum. Iiume nidy liaint, 1 gal. rover 109 a. feet, TliM. K. Keleher. 401 Weat Central. DR. CllAS. A. FRANK IliMinia I and 30. Rumclt IU.Uf. H.i" lal attention given In illne.i. of the Noae, Tbrout and l.unua. Pla e.iaea of Worn n. Venereal Pieeawa. 4 n nd Nrrvoua Plaordera. EIctrlcltT. Hpond lo-lhampy snd otlu r modern method employed. ril e Hour: II l a in I ' Ui a p. lu. II a. ni 'hone : 9 lo I 7 . J. .ytj By 0 THt p?T VA W4SNT 6k.ots AAV CAfA4s T V6U pVHU &AI0-.- -MOTT, I'M CLCAN! LtHUrAt S VOVJ L.0ANt;V I f C CM T Rue icS i ;- r k 1 i" 'w' r't'-v. JIT - Herald Want Ads Three Times (HOTELS OF SOUTHWEST. DIRECTORY. HT. JiHINrS. Alil.o.NA I'hii Ameri can lloVl. Ileiii.iinrt'ia "eeun-to-i L i-nil lllRbwuy t.uiriHlfc. Modern throiiKlioiit. I iinliiK rnoiil ai-rvli e unciuiilli'il. l ine iliailp nml lawn. il"Ti:i. Ultl'NSWIi K -- llollirooa. Arizona. 30 Riii-Ht room, modi rn; t.. mints' hi nil iiiarli m: il.i'ly r.'inl but litlllS. R Hides fllrnihe,l to VointH lit Inti rent, iluinit rmm In ronii. i'lion. it A NT A KK I'hu Moiiipniiina Motel. Anierl. m plan; aer nil f.rt pi.'a, electric llchla, alPiin 7. eat, telephone In every room, tpiciul attnil'.." to auto pun lea. HilTKI. Cii.MUS The new i.iiiiiner- I rial hol"l of Alliuiiueioue. F.urn- pean plan: firm rliixn rat., and buffet. I I'nUer new In inaui ilient. Ill a..iiar- I tela " i. in llivhwuy. Boarding Houses. T1IK 470TTAC.K INN, 1120 Norm Secoinl atriit, liellip lioi'ley, I'roP Hi. in. i rookliiK -i aperialiy. I'b iHint roouiK wiih le. pint: pur. lo, Kvrry. tlntiic iioilerit und P'ta of fthaife. TYPEWRrfERS. ALL KIN 1S. bold n hand, bought, aold, paired. A Itni'iui r.ii , change. I'hnne 14 4. -w and epp.ind rented and re Typewriter Kg S;i W. Hold. Foil HA LK Oliver typewriter, good aa new, 2S 00. 121 Weat (lol.l. I'hona 144. Vulcanizing YulcuniKlnK nnd Tire Itepitirlng All work guaranl.eil. Albu.Uerqua Itul.ber Co.. It Weal Central. Blacksmiths. Si:n MI'TCNS"N. Four I'hoea. Il.uu. 11 Went lnd. Fenton J. Spaulding New Yo8rkLife. ItiKJIll 17, N. 1. 4i-iiilo llldg. Itione 7n:l. AI.IH (yl KKOIT.. Architects. F.LWN II. VOHItl4 ' An'Mirct. Ihractlcal and I p In Pate Work. Hooiujt SI ami 2.1. Wlilllug lluHdlim 1ci 'plinite lows. PHOTOGRAPHERS I'os T CARPS l on per dozen. Ural claaa work guuiuiiteed. Kodak flnlaluiig. evelh and Central. WH 1V1IJ. develop any KODAK FILM t..r loe. Tout Card riiudio. 213 Ho. He. ond. Why worry ad will do IL alien a Iteiald want "Bud" Fisher. i r - - I Three Dimes Dunbar Bargains 4 IXI IlKXT. 4 3-ri.oin uilobe bottae. Rood u- 4 ciiii.n; pl'i. p, mo. t rt no. 4 Ktoro room, Cuntral Ave., be- 4 teen Third a ml Fourth Ma. 4 R-rnoin Inoderu brick hnuae, 519 N. Y. uvc.. 122 1,0; water paid. d-room hiiune. 331 No. Fifth St.; modern, 123.00. 4-1. ..mi lioune, lliuhhmda, 114). lii.uM1; pi. st llaxeliline aciiiie; in. ..tern. 120.00. Mill 8AI.K, S r. Ii.iiimp on ii fine corner j m ar In nt a bargain; modern ! with film yh.'iilp treea, fine lawn. etr. 12 room hnuae, perfectly ern, fine ihailo and luwn: near In. A bargain. Kl-ie cor. lots. Went Coal Ave. 4 room hoime, Weal Iron Ave., Price, 1 1. .'.no. All of terma. mti: isi it wt K MdXHV TO lOW. IH'NIlAICM It I'M, KsTATB oi l it 321 ioil Ave.. t'iirur Tlilril gt. PROFESSIONAL CARDS Physicians W. M. SHERIDAN, M. D. l'rnilun Limited to .i:mto-i kin ikv msKAftka Aud PII'7ASF.H OF TUK SKIN, the WaMuriiwn and Nogmlu Teatak ttnlvaraaa U4I" Adiniiuatered. (Jliiiia' Hunk lt'jlliling. Albuquerque - - New Megle A. 41. SI tot IT1.I-, M. P. Prayllon IJiiilu-l to Tun-rx?utujila. oittca Houia, 10 tu 12 a, m. I'lmne 1171. S24 V4j Went I'rotra) Albuquerque iuinltarium 1'h.ioa 14a. jTRS. TULL & BAE.XS Kpwlnlthla Fye, l"jr. Noa, lliruol. btatc National lutnk lUils. I'lmne SIW. V. I'. TWf. M. II. Hperlaliat tu I'ye, I'Jir, '! ami Ttiroal. Capitul City l'.ark lluilding. Fhone M-J Ha nla Ko. N. at, Utto I tarn KuroiKi. Dentists PR. J. KRAFT, pcntal Kurifpry. Room 2 and 3, ll irin ll Rldg, over O'Ule'.ly'a Prug Klora. (Appoinlliienla ninitw by nittll.) I'lione III. Attorneys HIM MS A HIMMH jlerH. IM llnoii'll D.lrf. AlbniUPrqn, the I lei a Id want ad du your ork.