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riGm THE EVENING HERALD, ALBUQUERQUE, . M., SATURDAY, JULY 18. 1914. I Crescent Hardware Co. I STOVES AND RANGES FRACTICAL PLUMBERS AND TINNERS AGENTS FOR 1 Marsh Simplex and Advance Duplet Steam Pnmji X 318 West Central .Tenuis BOOKBINDERS RULING, SPECIAL FORKS OF ALL KINDS. ALBRIGHT & PRINTERS, BINDERS, STATIONERS. 208 210 West Gold Avenue Phone 440 EAT MATTHEW'S VELVET ICE C REAM Thnne 420 C. T. FRENCH 1 1 M i: l. ini:i:Tit I Mllil.MIII. Ijtily A-alilniil. I Kill ami Central, I'Ikiih IMiy nml Mk'M, f.0. Expert Hair Work. ( Vinlii.,' made Into aw lichee, trm.f.. millions, puffa, curia, el".: e'ithe ityed. AIIIH M. I-I III N Marli llu Miop. Phone 11. IIC n. 4th 81. Special 100 SPUTUM CUP FILL ERS FOR 65c WILLIAMS DRUG CO. 307 West Central Phone 789 GOAL AND WOOD Best Mountain Wood GALLUP COAL in any quantity TROTTER Phone 912 Welldrillinu, Wclldrhinjer ' and Irrigation Plants ! imimii.:k. twks. riHh ami i.i cii;i; Aini fur Ui'lK-r .im I.iiuIim-n j 4. I . o. KIM;. II'J V. "P"r lt.. linn.. rt. oifiiv f ! nil DUKE CITY CLEANERS i ii . Ii mii Inn, mi ll anil ' ni' rpilliiiin, rnita. I'lirlnliiN. i iliapi-rli" ilr, SUt .nlil. I 'I H mi- 41. I Fromptneiis Our Motto 5 BOYS' SCHOOL SUITS We ate selling our dependable Boyi' Suit at 25 PER CENT OIF our regular puces. FIT YOUR BOY UP NOW FOR SCHOOL. NOTE WHAT YOUR DOLLARS WILL DO DURING THIS SALE. $.ri.03 Suits. Now $3.75 $G 00 Suits, Now 4.50 $7.50 Suits, Now 5.G5 $S.00 Suits, No A' 600 $10.0 J Suits. Now .... 7.50 All Ejys' Pant at a Saving to yon of ONE-FOURTH. MAIL ORDERS DELIVERED FREE S. tG. IXUtsljImrtt (En. PHONE 319 i ANDERSON Your Eyeglasses Arc i f viilu.. i.nly In proportion to i In- nlilli (.kill i.( Hi,. refraction- im who riu tiniu. Tiny milHt lm nxmtly the Held klilil nf pI.ihs.h fur jour lyrn. I( I tin. Skill. si fscrthv i.r I lie 1 1 imiiiHi i.iihi r Ih hi the mere mer i Ii.iihIIm rcprccrticd tiy a pair nl k-'.iii. H whli h h valuable tu y. V,. no pnln.i, aid exerdae mir in iikihI tiklll tu ace that ciccy inlr ! Iikhih Me ( H exactly rlKlil. C. H. CARNES OITOMITItlST III West Central. I'lum,. AXi 0lHMll,. Hotel ( tmillH We have a rnmplete llua of Wall Paper anil palate. Can do your wnr on a mlnute'i nntlca. c. k. qcikh. S25 ft tml Rt. Phone. 141, BE AMENDED Albuquerque Sportsman Points Out Necessity for Cutting Out Spring and Early Sum-; mer Shooting. ! Thiit I In' Hlit.. nunc l.iw n Kiil.uinu thi. Mhnul Inu of ilow-i li ml. I .mi. ml. .1 nml mill. ml. i ut . n ' . . In i rip. r in i in i. If . . 1 1 v i-.iIiik ii ml siiiiiiiii'i- ..liniitiiiu, nr until th nint !iik ki'iinhii Irt i-'iliiily iiM-r, Ik thi iiiininM nl rt niiiil...r i.f Alliii.ii villi if in tMini-i who h;ii. lu-.-n hi.ut.nK iluiinit tin' p.iHt li'W iI.i) m ii:h h'i h.iu. . .iiii.l a fiiiililir.i lil.. iiiiniliiT nl tli. liinU rtil liiyinu, "I w.lil nut I.. I nili. iluy,, lim" nild l.olii A ICir. Pi.ipi iiii.r nf I hi- IIikIiIii-iiI ihr- imii y . thi nml niiiK, "aiul hi oiiKht li.ii k nix hlrilK. In ilrrfiiiii: ihi-in I fmiiiil iliri'i- lltiriilly with i-kiih Th. iirrtuiM H.'afiiiti Ih tint'r :nii until it Ik Uh' hIiuhi in .if il.iwn ilmiilil In- ii.l.lly prnlnlilli'il. 1 I X' lt. .. :i in. it. .illy nl ini-n tin IhM iti.iiitlnu 'I iiutic wlih in.. 1 1) thin.' M.iny Ht'iirlmnrii hnvo rxpii'KkfHl ill in fur in.iri. Mink r-rul limn ol . i',' il Hi k Khiii.llni; .114 will ii r iliAr t li... t . t. iiihI It la inn iinliki'lv urn. iiilin.'i.m .i thm i nil will ,ir pic ni iii.'.l In I lir ii'Xl li KiMlatur.-, GAME LI ON DOVE SHOOTING SHOULD CRYSTAL TODAY 221 South Second Street Licensed Motion Pictures "Till; MOOTO-. OF IT.." A Ituurupli T -H.t l I Vnmrr with .Mnuiii-e Omtellu. IMTIIT. Wlil KI.V TOIUV. "WHV lll A TOOTH t III." I (IlKllt. ( inning ct Tlmrla itiM i: or Tin: l-l I KM'' A l'lirpli iHk.ii In lit r.nllmv nl iJMiiiim. V l. Mirny 1 -) t Well Known III 1 III II 'M-nr In SPRINGER FOR SAND AND GRAVEL The Weather FollKCAHT- Tonight nml Hin il:iy Ki' lie rul I y cloudy I 'rnli.i !" lm nl ihiimli'r hIihwith. Ai.irwrr:i:wii: wkathkk - Fur ih.. il In. in ended at i vim k thi morning: Maximum, XI. Minimum, f.T. ItaiiKc, it'. At H ii'rlui k, '2. '.:t lulls. I'll. inly. lt.iinf.ill. .'in" lm h. TIIIN.S TO UtlllKY AIIOI'T ll la rutliiuilril ihiil rnB In t:. mm, tluu. OtiO Inn Iii-cp In luiililltiK nml iniiilpplim lixlrn- lirlrlr i.IhiiIh In iIih ' n !- Stali-a. whlrh niiioiint may li" IiiuIiIpiI liy I'll 7. A (Villi ortiln ai li'nilKl i liilnw I" hum itrculy lnrr-ii-tl Ihi- l.r"il t II U icipnrlty ill lilii'ip HM well n Ihi-lr yli-lil of wiinl liy pnntnrln tlwm unili-r hliih vnliiiKe U'l-trlo I n-a. CollnpHililo (nwora, mlnpU'il !' the ilrrmnn nrmy fur aciirihliKhla ntul wlrrlPiw uri IlKht and riimpin t I hut tw.i men run carry a lowrr lluii -xl nil I" IDH (..ft. ABOUT PEOPLE YOU KNOW TO HUlWi nillKHS II you tail to rut yuur renins paper, rail POSTAL TKMOORAPII COM Pi NT, I'HONR l. Fc.-'ij I'amlv nliiri- itmpln ami r.iBp lu rry li e ri"nin. pim-iippln .r r ln-i-Mm. Fi-tlx IIih-ii him B'inr In l.'i" Via.m fur n In IrirmlB. Tlmm.-i IhIutwhimI li-ft Iml.iy f"r j Annili'n. win-re ho will npi'tnJ wHrral woika. J. A. riinliy. m.iHler :nihaiii' lh Hatila nl ISatnli, Ih in thr i'ii i. n ii liualna trip Mi.nto l'oi.l i.f ih.. I'liwt-li lirm n.ii.pany haa ri lurnml frmn a lui'it nm trip li. Ihn 1'i-rna. J.n k I-aiilio. k, prnprU'l. I.i.iiliy ri. f, nml ti-i r ii Vi'K.ih nml i'll known hi ri ,r nf the I'.IHI I..I-1 . in In in rliy fur h lHlt. riiptnin Fri'il Fiirnnff wan in Ihr flty I ! Ik mnrtitiiK l"r n ehnrl linn', rttuiiilny In Ii Ih In. mi' In Hanta frmn iv.uilurii X-w Mnli'n. ! Htate Hi-nalnr William It. W iltmi if HiKer I'ity a In Ih,. illy list nlithl. rrturn'.iiK frmn Santa F-. h.T hi' hail Im-.. nn liilHlnrwi. Id' Ii ft hln nun, William It. Jr.. In Altiiniinrii for a Mail In frirml. iMpllly I'llitnil StntlH M.UHhlll I'. Kit. Nrwioimr. hu r.-K'iitly r-tiirni"l Iro n a ti ninniha Mtny In ICuroli''. !( t hiHt nlKht fur folton. ral . for an I'Xirmli'il atay. II.' 1" nn i Kti niled hi. k Iniive frnm iluty In lh- mar Khal'a nft Ire. The Kiml.i Fo l putting tn'l lm Inn i-;ira lnt a-rvlfe ua lunl u rn.n-pli-letl The Califnrniii l.lml'i'il lint n Mri I illnnr w h. n (I arrie.l laai iiIkM. Al Ihn tM'ftil Wfi'ik nf the l.niillei .at Hiiirilnl nnly piiHwriKira In tin wimilen iIImit were Injureil. Iilvlrion Fra'ik I.. Mp'ti of the Simla K-' New M-. ilnlli.n . In the rliy Ihla iiinrii i..v In hiM i.rlyaie cur. returning In I..ih Vi aa Irmn a irlp In eiiatrrn New J j aicxnm. A Inter nf Ihnnka for the nwliii ' am-e In inn k Inn July 3t n till laV , h. re waa received Imlay Viy the I'nm iiicrcinl cliih tr.iin Tnl. It. K. Twil. h ell, prcaiilent nl Ihe New Mixicn , liiiml 1!iiiiiI aiK'linln. The New kltlli n nam.. iKMon nffcra In help I lie ' rluli III any wny pnwillile In make a lug HhnwiiiB for Allmiiuerniie while Ihn vlaillnn aumiHta are here nn their DILL'S SHOP CTKANFUH A.M l'i:i:SKKH SKMI Ytll'll I UVTIII S Tt I H Al UK KTIKI1KI tit H. 9ml. tit. IIMM K4. iffl Airdome 1 onight 300 North Second Street Licensed Motion Pictures llrM simw nt n n'CI.Mk I-at sliw Itculii Ml fhl.l. MIOWH KMX OK KIIIM-', All llm lH.h Air TlHTfi I. Coming Tui-Hilny nml WcdiH-wlnv, Jul JIM nml J2n.l. a Wnrt.l 111m ''n SMfinl feature In I'lvr Hei-la, "I'ltt 'll.." SIhiwh ill 11:1.1 nnil m-Mt. Nil llnl-rf' HI I'rKT. Golf Goods! We carry a complete line of right and left hand brassies, drivers, mid irons, cleeks, mashies. Caddie Bags from $1.50 to $10.00. Golf balls and other re quisites nece3.ary for playing this favorite game 0. 1. MHISON & CO. In Our N-w ouartpra. 200 C'ltlral. way In the etnle H'mhI rnmla rnnven tlon at Salilri l''. Mine K.unlce .-i'lellnn lefl Imlay for ii vaiiitlnn In I'alifornla. Coiinly Surveyor rltt linaa went Helen toil.iy nn privalv huaineaa. M Manilcll. miinty trenHiirer nnd rlnthimt men haul. Icavea tnnlKht lr i'iiwIih, N. Al.. for an nuliim. Train Nn. I" wan five hniira lle tnilay. A at uli Nn. 10 waa made up here nnd aeut nut at the umial time, X II"., thla mornliiK Nn. lu waa due ut 7 35. ii. f!. Nli'nl nml wife leave lonlkhl for Halt Ijikr and the Vellnwatune iiatlonnl park tn he away fur l" weeka. Mr. Nlf-nl la Uiller lliapeclnr fur Hie Salitn Fe. The W. f. T. t". will meet Tueiil ly iittcinnon at S ii'ilink at Ihe V. W. I'. A home. Klertiiri nf nffliera w'll he held and reporta from the differ ent nfriiera anil auperinti'luleiiia will In- heard. ?hi re will nlwi lie n re ...rt in the MXih i.inte innvention rercnlly held In Ijih Venn. E ENGAMPMENT IS BIG Executive Back from Celebra tion at Camp Brooks in His Honor, Pleased with the Work Being Accomplished. REGULARS PROVE FINE TEACHERS FOR MILITIA "lloth In iiiimher nf mllltl imen in uniform nml in Ihe character "f unik heiiiK dune. Ihe preaent atate em niiipmenl i.f the niilloniil giuird at ruinp Hi.. oka near Iteming ia Ihe liuiMt ui'i c".-t il In Ihe reennl of Ihe New Mexl,, inllltla." Thla ui 'lie cnmprehenalve alale inent nf li.nernnr Willtiim Mi 1 1. .mi Id who waa In the city for nn hour th' m..rnlna returning fmm I'lniliiK to F after u day al I'linip l!o..k. where a apeclal pro Itrntn in In.- honor waa given. ( if the i. litirallun of "(liivernnr'a liny" In IiIh l.ehalf the guvenmr had liltle In any l.eynnd the fai-t thin II waa vi ry eiuoyalde. Hut he Ih hi-ihiiHiiiHin- tha remiHa being ii'" coiiiplinhed l.v the guard under the aiiiH-rviaiun of the regular Iruopa. 'The In.yn are having a S'Mid time." aaid Ihe gneiiinr. "nnil I think are t.iying e'.eiy minute nf Ihe time. Itut they are working hard and they are nccompln hlng mnre in the way nf military Work than al any former encampment. The large lii.dy nf regular Irn.ipa, not only ol fliera hul enlited men. are luklng a keen Inl.reai in whipping Ihe guard Intn regular army form, and the re Mil It hey hme dbtalned In Ihe few rtaya iiime Ihe ramp ripened are re markable imr guurilHini n are get ting into fliHt-cliiaa form and the benefit nf the ten day" of rnnatant nmniciution with and inalructinn from the regular will b hivaluahle" fheapeat accident Inauranre Vr, Tlmmaa' rMcctrio Oil. For burna. ai-nlda, ruta nnd e-mergencleg. All drugxlNti II it. 25c and tor. GOVERNOR SAYS TH E fjntim lieiikrn eii Vann. If ynu want pure rrrnm r aherbel fnr ymir Sunday dinner, phone l.oil don a, 607. and you will get Ih beat. !-) trouble Sea Vo. FORMALGTftTEMEflT BY REPUBLICAN Sheriff Romero and Attorney Elfego Baca Unite in Signed Denial of Rumored Friction in Committee. DETERMINED EFFORT TO BLOCK THE SPLIT In a ill termini d effort tu atop the p. TMMi'lit rumnra nf nn linpcliillni.' expli fion nf the "I'caie nf i 'I.I Allot- nm t.Ui'.'' liiklnx the form nf a i i.n flnl of autlii.rity tielwcen Hheilll .leniia l!o:nero, i nf the It- r- nalilln iniinly Itcpuliln an rnminlttee, a-nl IMti'Mn It. n a. i .null. lute for the Keputillitin In ill i ni I ii m fur innureiui. and ihatrmnn nr the exerutle tnm mltt. r nf the i i.uniy nrminix it.oii. Shenf Itoniini and lr. Hum In a muted alaleinent. appcarliiK In ihe inlii Mining i loiimna nf The Herald t.xl :i . make a H it nnd ran uorli nl denial nf nav ain-h pindlnB explnalnn or I'nnflnt of authority. The chair man if the Ml inmmlttce Ihe chairman nf executive cnmmltlee ll la milled over the nlun.niircK nf Mr. Ilaru nnd Mr ltn:neru, lire work ing i perfect hiirnony. The ru mora. the at.iicmeiu ileil.irra. h-;ve been cir.uliitcd y enc-nha nf the pmly nml Inaplreil hy a ileaire in cre ate a frlilliin which linen nut eXlMl. The Iwii leader. Ihe (aiiilldale for the cntn:rerional nn'nlnatlon nnd ihe cmnty chairman, the atnlement aaya. are wnrking in perfect neenrd fur nn other piirpnae than the welf are and ailcccaa nf the Itcputillran party. There have been peralalenl rumnr that Mr. It.ica In Ini-ulnK a call Tnr Ihe execniiie cniiimlttee to meet next Monday, had In mind n plan tn iKmie a call for ihe cmitty prlmarlca which would ennlde him tu rnnirnl thuHe prl narlea and name delecnt.-i tn the i. inlv ciiiivent Inn fnvnraiile to liln nomination: mi l that the call foi a meeting nf the general enm-illce, for Julv i", a week from Moinliv, ii-nl piildlnhed In The Herald venter day, w.ta hurried hy Hheriff Ho meru'a having nciillred knowledHe nl the Itaeri plan. Thla ia met with a iltnlal In the Joint algned atatement Iraued today. FRIEND SEEKING IN THIS CITY Ready to Send Him Money, but Don't Know His Address. Police Get no Trace of Him. FrlcndH tn California of Frnnk Kiitlknlklc, who In HtlppnHctl tn be n patient in a here, nr.. unx ioiia to learn bin w -hereuhmila. In nrder In aeiid blm money. A tele Kram, reading na follows, waa re ceived by rincf of I'olli e Thotniix McMillin trnm '. M Itnnth of :-Vn-t in . Cnl.: 'Wauled. nililr.nn nf Prank Kn koNkic, now a patient of aotne hofpt lal of AlhuiUcriiic. Mall forwiirdcd from here haa been returned. lie haa conHiimpiiun nnd iiHniaimice will hi forwnrdeu nl om upon receipt of hia nddreaa. A return annwer ran be f.ilMardcd at my ixpvnae. ThuiikliiK ynu In mil nin e. V. M. HOiiTH." Chief McMillin culled up all Ihe hnKpitalu III ihe i-lty but waa unable In Incnte Kunkoskle or any lime ol him. WILL BE ON JOB AJjiST Organization to Represent Spirit of Hospitality iti Al buquerque Whenever a Con vention Conies to Town. I'rcHlilent CUHlimnu nf th Cum mercpil (lull haa culled m meeting of the club directora for thia evening, at which lime u ciunmillee will lie appolnl'-il to aee that Ihe dftcgatca to thf. In-mncratlc atnle rnnvcntioti lire properly Hired for during their atay here. The committee will (ice to II that Ihe lumocrata have lm lime hanging heavily nn their hamla. I'n anient Cimbmnn annnuncea thai It la In he Ihe policy of the club to aee In It that all convention "re properly rnierlaim I In Albuquerque. It will be the club'a concern to aee Hint the mnvenllniia are ndeiimlely hnuaed without exiene, and that the delegalea are given a good time when not engaged in lha biiaineM that bring tliein here. The club will rep. reecM the aplrit if huapiiallty In Al buiucriue. Feel languid. Weak, run dnwnT Headache? Htomach "off?" A guid remedy ll llurdnck lllnod lliturm. Aak your drugglat. Trice $1.00. Ideal Cleaners, Presseri, Re pairing. Phone 501, 415 West Copper. LiMMa broken Hem Vaaa. CHE, FRANK KONKOSKIE cone a c All White and Ecru $10.00 Dresses, now $3.75 The Greatest Values Ever Offered NO TWO ALIKE A NICE LINE OF KIMONOS 75c to $2,50 House Dresses $1 to $3 THINK OF IT, you could not have them made for that amount Laces of all Kinds at GREAT REDUCTION. See them and save money Duchess Underwear r Watch for Our Shoe Ad. Soon THE MdDEL Co. A. D. CAMPBELL, Sales Manager. DAINTY CHAMBER SUITS SPECIALLY PRICED We have on display in our windows two dainty Bed Chamber Suits of Bird'seye Maple, consisting of Dresser, Brass Bed and Two Chairs. Bird'seye Maple makes a room bright, cozy and cheerful. We are offering one of the Suits at the specially low $45 00 The other is offered to you at the specially CHC Art low price of J)UJUU (Easy Terms) Come in and see ns. You will receive every courtesy. Sollie-Pcters Furniture Company FRO Ll LUCCA, ITALY When purchasing Olive Oil why not buy the purest ana best. The LUCCA ITALY trade mark, Gradi and Dom enici is positively the brand you will always want if once tried. Ask your dealer for Gradi and Domenici brand. OF RETAIL IS F. B. Connolly, President of National Retail Grocers As sociation to Visit Albuquer que Tuesday. WILL BE GUEST OF THE RETAILERS ASSOCIATION F. 11. Connolly, prealilent of Ihe Nalionul ltelatl (lr"era" HOclntlon. I and one of the moat widely known I mere hanta In lha Culled Miatea, will ' eHit AlbuiUeriUa next Tnc lav eve I nlng for aeveral hour when he will be Ihe gncHi of lha liclull Mer 'lian x flHHiK'Inlloii of Albuiiieriiie. Mr. ('onnolly la nn hla way tu Trinidad to deliver an nd.lreH befnr the Cnlo- radu Iteliill Merihnnl' convenloil I Me hua advlacd Ihe relailera of hi" I inmlng and haa expreaaed a aiM-eial deaire lo meet Ihe retail grocer of AlliiiiUeriue. i The rciullera have arrniiKed to j lake Ihe vlaitor for an automobile i ride uiounil the rliy and then w'H take hint to Ihe Commercial t'lub. GROCERS o nee where nn lnformul amnkcr will 1 given him and at which In- will be Invited tn (.peak. All retail met chantH are urged to nrrnnuvd In al li ml He meeting in the cluii. ECONOMIST'S PLAN TO SERVE ICE CREAM MEETS POPULAR FAVOR Moat favorable comment haa been heard toil i ua In Ihe Kcnnoiiilit'H Plan tn acrve ice cream flee In all caller at Ha li.r, ilurniM rnmuiiiK and 11 ft el noon lioura Moiuluv. Ti lde are being arranged, nnd chine, an thai all limy be comf ..rialilii while tbry are leing M-rved with rri-iim. The i nam la tn be made by Ih (IrlniHhaw 1'lioioliie ((hop a-ul la In be ihe Ih-hI they can turn out. There have In en warm d iya Ih fmnt week, nml Ihe Indlciillnng are that there Will he mnre warm (me next week. Hhnppere will therefore all Ihe mnre appreciate Ihe liberality nf the management of the Rcnnoinl! l ore In providing free Ice c renin fur all who rnl Monday. Fnr anv llrhlneag of the akin, for akin raHhea. (imp, pimplea, etc, try lioan'a iilnlnieiit. f.Oa nt all drug alore. A Hunday dinner la nut romplele withnul Ice ereain nr eherliet. I'hone Uiudon'a, Hi 7, and (el the best. K. T.. Moore, Attorney, Cm m wall Bid.. It H Ind Bt. l-bnoe S4I. Kje trouJile - heq 'ann.