Watch for the Opening Chapters of the Best Story of the Summer; It Starts in the Herald This Week
offer of a menagerie to
onr city administration
if tort of tendering
coals to Newcastle.
liked the last Herald
continued story. Ths
coming one is a cork
ing yarn.
ii -isi iiiiTrirn-M"! i
M. No. ,
VtU 4. No. I IV
"4k .
Madame Caillaux Makes Dram
atic Entrance into Tribunal
in Falace of Justice to Face
Trial for Murder.
Figaro Editor, Holding Chair
Occupied by Murdered Cal
mettt Makes Bitter At tick
on the Prisoner.
Full. July 2o The thought f
II I'ailaniiia orli' wtuiiiiiI ! I y
loduy by Ihe evening i.f the trial J
r Mine. Ciullnux lr tin- muider on
Munli 1 of tiaston Culmelle, editor:
ul III Figuro. I'riH-eedlnga Marled
ut noun In lh I'uluie u( Justice.
Willi Judge I .'Jin Album! ailing
prenidcni of the com I.
Hie id mini ti' aeiung ut the affair.
Involving pobtitul liitrigura. In which
the in leoncr a husl.und a tnrmer
French premier and minlater i( fi
liate p, wua a prominent figure, wu
Jual to the taste r.f the French pub
lic. Added In I hlii wiie I hi- rumored
threat of myalist hul heads In rrcute
a iliMurluin during the triul and
thy extensile pterauliona taken by
the Kuvt-i mm in lu prevent an "in
break. leading from the Falara uf Ju
tire. crowd ili'f iliK the drirling
rain tltl uawmliled In the V Iclhltv
a iii! ape. tul force ut police were
allctS nut to keep them In order.
Km. in an early hour long line
foimed lu ihe I'la -e Dauphin ami
the Hnulcvard lu 1'nlum, hoping l
lie lu. ky eiiuiiRli In aecurc the tew lift l"r the Kenerul public m
the court mom, which hint been fur
Ihe nii.Ht pall allnlleil to prcaa rep
lesentutlvea ami hurriater.
Mmliiiiie Cailluiix herac.f hud been
conducted (nun ihe prison nf the
rom lerxerle l.i Ihe roiut liy il crct
IMimiiiKe, an that tlmse nulsldc hal
ut opportunity uf cheering 'r hls
niK her. The other bulling figure
In Ihe ruae. however. Were Ihe nb
)e la nf dcmotisttutioiM. Among
lliem mere the procurator general.
Julca Hcrbaux. In charge "f the proa
rciitpn uinl Krrniiml Laborl, the ( advisntc, whore :ure la known
l i'i ri yim owing li liu) connection
with the Drrvfun trlul.
The Figaro Induy rump out with l
violently worded nrtirle on the omn
lli x of Ihe Iriul from the pen it Al
fred Capua, the recently rhoei-n acad
emlaiun ur "Imniort'il.'' who now
nrruple the eOllollul hiilr formerly
h.'hl hy Ciilnielte. In II he ilerlurea:
'The liiri whlrh aaaaaalnaled ful-
meile Iji K"ing lo do lia heal lo ilifil
Ina iiumnry, for whit'h puipow II
huH plopped at nothing im.l hua ri"t
airui.le.l lo l.l.liiea, thua
giving H foreiaate of wliit la In
The arlli-ln pnnelildea:
"Thoa ho have ahiln him from
liehlliil would like lo trunarorm him
Into n man Involved In ahndy finiini'e
a iiiraie. Cnlllaux go on.
"tin tint put youmelf out.
"You huv well ahurpened leeth.
a heavy )w. an appetite exritcil hy
Ihe amell nf hlood. lull the honor
of falimlte la wrought In n.arhle.
You will nol h"r Into It."
Aa aoon aa Ihe Jurorg .who had
been drawn hy pit In a privale room,
and Ihe four Judgaa rompoalng the
rourt hud taken their phiiea I'real
dent Allianel railed nut loudl":
"Hrlng In the areuaed "
llepubllran gunrila then opened
Vanrnuver. II. C, July 10. A
night marked by rraaelena watching
on the part nf the Immigration offi-
nuia in ineir patrol tuga antl luuncn-
ea pnaaed peacefully In the vicinity
of Ihe ai earner Komaguta Muru.
aboard which eeveral humlred Hin-
Una are reacting deportation.
Having reoulaed the nollce parly
piuniliiy morning, the llinilua nave
enelit the lima alnca In ereclina for-
tillittllotia nn board the ahlp. carrying
up rhunka nf coal for Immediate uae
aa mlaallea and generally inuklnl ( able w llh Ihe rruiaer. which will af for another attack. i loril an edli b nt fmblin baae, and
II la now propoaed. In i rder to In-! to pour lulu Ihe Hindu ahlp an many
aula Ihut the neat alep axulnal Ilia, men that rnaiatance cunmit Uat m ire
Hindu may b tertalu of auccraa, tuhau a few mlnutea.
amnll door In Hip wall of the rourt
room beiienlh Ihe hu"t of the god
deaa of liberty and Mine. ,l'iillluu
ali pped Itilo the lilliumil.
Ihe alrong light from ihe wlmlowa
oppoalte aeemed to alurlle Ihe '
ciiMed woman; or perhiipa II una the
abaolule rib'in'e In Ihe. rourt room
and the minea of fucea turned to
ward her that mmle her hinunte on
Ihe ihirahold ami remh mil un
rleuillly n inti'h Ihe nrm of Ihe re
pui. I, i an guard aluniliiiK ut her right.
Me apoke a word lo her lie en
tered the prlaonera enrloaurn tll
rertly in front nf her.
Mmtnme I'liilbiux there atooil with
her ejea downrnal and her ah"Ublera
benl. u timid looking figure. In b' 'i k
Kbi' Wore a lolh Jai ket milt, a amall
I. lurk hat with a blark bird wing
corked on one aiiie, n white linen
rollar eduril wllh bop nnd held to
gether by an uiiobtrualve pin.
The prlaoner then ant down, but
aa all In Ihu rourt room exrepl the
Judg a were atnmling, i.he bu.nilv
roae iignin nnd ilul not reaeut heraell
until Ihe other hud done ao,
A moment biter JuiImc A I hit ml
"What la your nnme?"
Madume f'nllluux atood up and her
bpa moved. 1 be wonla "tleiiriette
I'uillnux'' roLliI WHlrely be heard.
Aa the primmer remained atiiiidlng
Ihe prealding Judge auld: "Vou muy
ail down."
The threw Judgea naalatlng I'reai
dent Albamd are Arhille Kutx, LouI.h
tngoiiry and Henri Ttoiy.
The Jury la compoaed of men of
muny trmlea and profiKalona, In
'. i
(lulling an engraver, a hull. ling "ii
traitor, a dlallller, an arrhlteri, n
tf ai her, a furrier and a L'uiiimlHMinn
agent, u well lia aeverul rmull rupi
tubata. When tin He had been aworn Ihe
ilerk read Ihe lung Indbt nieiil. ii'ter
w hlih Mine. I'ullluux ri" overed her
4.111 Imaure.
The only women In rourt were to
biirrmtern ami aevernl witneaaea. The
real of Ihe ypurp wna onupli'd by
111 reportera, in art lata, w ilneaaea.
uml poaaihly na many mure republi
run giuirda, Uelpitivra and piltv
rourt oftb'tra.
tin the lubln In front of Ihe JudKi'a
waa a brown paper pii' kage rontuln
Ing the plat.d with whbh laliii.tte
uajt ahot nnd vurloua mhrr artuba
ron net led with the raae.
Madame I'nllbiux wept when Ihe
court clerk, while rruding the Indict
ment, reai lied the worUa "wilful
fha ahuok with aolat ami looked
around aa though atarvhlna lor
Irieutlly face.
The clerk I hen culled Ihu llat !
witnearea, em 11 of whom anawered
rrem-nt" mi.l lelt the coin l.
J. m pll I uillaiix. the pi ieoner'a
himliami, nnin .l in 11 firm vol'
and ahe wulched bun na he went out.
1 vamllilllhill of lrainer Ihlnx.
Juilge Aihunel then begun to .Ui a
lloii the prlaoner.
"You ate callld (lelievievu Joar
I'hlne Henrietta ICaynoiird, are yoii
not. nnd were born in iolu r . 1'it '"
The pliaoner - "Yea, Judge."
At the aame lime ahe aloud up.
The Judge "Puring y.on ex.iml
nution by the inugtatrute you guo
e.nne inlormution aboiii your punt
liic. lio ou wieh to recall for Ihu
Jury Mhut you auld then?"
Ihe priaoner then maile a long
atiiiemeiit referring fre.iuently to
liolea. Her mil e w na atead.v. She
turned her heud "ccaap.tiully from
aide tu aide aa though making H
public apcech und ahi' ahowed mui h
acir-poaa aabm. fbe auld:
"I waa married at it to l.eo Clar
et !c. We had two ilaughli'ra. une
of them died when ahe wua only aix
inonlha old. The other, ilermaine,
la now 1 A divorce w ia granted
In April, man, in my fuvor and t,if
guiildlaliHhtp nf uur daughter waa
given In tup."
Mudumr I'nlllnux apokc nf tier
mnrrlage In M. i'uillnux with pt'ldu.
Phu auld:
"M. l allliiiix wua premier anil In
marrying him I found rumplele liup
plneax. I thought nl Would be hip
py, but alua my life begun to
poiaoni'd hy rulumniea. The cam
paign of the Kigiiro ugalnat my hua-
..and begun. All the people In Ihe
aulona that I frequented reielved me
with am I lea Unit were Inteniled lo
Wuund me. tine aui-l b. bind
me thul my hu.-ound hud taken
money from (lerinuny to rede the
i'ongo. Tlipae ali.nderotia rumora
peiielrnted every part of aoclely. I
wua no longer able In go to tttlnK
of the chamber r.f deputiea beciuie
(fMUliiiiiHl on Tag live.)
bring the
' bow from
government rrulaer lluin
Vlctorla and with regular
i iroopa f rum
Rpiiniult und oilier
permanent I Tree, aa-
men of Ihe
,w,,d probably by Ihe local police
j to provide auch an nverwhelinlng
I force thiit the Hlnriua will be over-!
powered. Tart nf a new crew for
n" Kuminw. roiiaiaitng nf nrittan
I lure aent from Kevonport. Knglnnd.
i anu
! Mohe
rontingent from Ihe rrulaer
are due In arrive here l-
. night.
I The general plnn la tn go nlong-
Federal Board of Mediators
Begins Formal Hearing To-,
day of Controversy Be
tween Enginemen and Rail
Program in Chicago Calls for
Alternate Meetings of Medi
ators with Managers and
Chicago, July ;. II. .pea for u
aetl lenient oT the wuKt itlMptlte be
tween Ihe engini-iiien of the weal.rn
rullriiuila and Ihcir emplovea look
di-f nile abiipe I'.ibiy Willi the uh of the ft.liiul boaril of mi'
dlntloti, whom goo.l orilcea huvp
been n r .l.-. by both abh'a. William
I.. I'hambera. rhulrmun of Ihe ineill
aiion boaril; M.iittu A. Knapp, fed
eral Juilge, nml !. W. W. Hunger.
naaiMant commiaaloner of labor, ar
rived here yeatprday to repreaenl the
government In the conlerencea In
which the locomotive englnecrx will
be represented by their hief, War
ren 8. Stone, and Ihe firemen nnd
hoattera by W. S. drier, prealdenl
of their brotherhood.
i Tha mnnnger' rnmmlllep of the
ninety -eight ro.-ida Involved la he.'ub-il
by A. W. Trenclmliii of Ihe I'hji -ago.
HI. I '.ill I, Minneapolis K iimiihu lall
rond. The medinli.ra heinl fnl the aide
of Ihe rallroada. which w-ia pre.'eiit
ed by Mr. Trent holm, nnd luier
werp to take up the employers' cuac.
The pni:rum cuIIm f.-r nlli-rniile
meetinga of Ihe iiiciliutiii-t wllh the
repreaentativi'a "f the romla ant) of
Ihe men.
Proposed L. & N. Excursion
From New Orleans Cancell
ed. Girl Victim Now Dan
gerously 111.
New flrlenna. July S". A. propoaed
axciiralon from New Orlenna lo t'en
parola, Auguat S, wna ranrelled hy the
l.oulllie und NualivU'.p ruilroad to
day bprnuae I'enanroln authorltb-a
feared buboiil" plague might hp Hum
dutrtl from New nrlpana.
Ir. W, Rucker. federal aaalat
ant aurgeon general In charge of Ihe
plague eradication work here, naaur-
the renaarola aulhorlllea there
waa no danger, but without avail.
Helen Knell, the 10-year child, who
developed plague Katurd iy. ta danger
onaly ill. he rexpomlcd fuvorubly to
tleiilinenl jeaterday but her raae look
n turn for the worae today.
The educnl lonal caiipulgn wna fea
tured loduy by a meeting at the cot
ton exchange to take place nfler the
market cloaca thin ufternoon.
A total f 15,0'" piece of rat pot
on were being placed lodny.
Terra Itaille. Ind . July Jii While
everv train todav ronllnucd lo unload
fir K nlalila and laltora In the blei
nul encampment of the fnlformed
ISank Knlahta of Tylhiaa nnd Ihe
gulden Jubilee of Ihe order here thin
week, not a I lib. Int. reat centered In
the meeting of the aupreme aaacmhlv
Wedneadav nt which n eureeaaor to (lenernl Arthur J. rlloddnrd nf
h1!. I'nul, Minn., will be rhoaen.
Hear Admiral llumany lN-ail.
Wnahlnglou. July I'll. Hear Ad
mlral Franda Monroe Itnruaay, retir
ed. who with Adiilral liewey and
Kear Admiral Ibinham, coiHtituted
Ihe Mi'bleyi court imiuiry. died at bia
home here yeatprday. U yeara ol
Hurir,; will be In Arlington national
it ntelery Wpdneaday,
Formally Consents to Treat
With Messengers from Car-
bajal to Arrange Transfer
of Government.
Constitutionalit Force cf
Three Hundred Men Hur
rying Toward Puerto Mexi
co and Preparations Made
for Defenss.
WaHhIlilMoll, July J". 1'i.llHlll I ten
et. 'l I II.iii iu at Monterey reporleil to
day lieticral t'uiiiiii bid ilcll
llllely iiKl. eil to meet lln- (bl.-e i "111
ihNm .10 i., being w nt to ihe front by
I'rot ii. 1. 1 n .1 1 I'lealdrnt i'h.'ijiiI lo ur
rnnge lor the traiialcr oi c."vci niin nl
ut Mexico City.
The bitt.-r broUBhl otlblil word of
;he iiHtor.ition of cotiai ilut ionnl
iintees nnd the evm u.ilu.ii of San l.uin
1'i.t.inl by the fetteruln.
Sir Cnf I.'llnl w.ih lin lim ii to ult. i' b
little Importance to the Inut note lr"in
the rnnat It lit lonuliHia' :iu.iuy here t"
the Hotith Anieruan, ex
preanliig nn unit illingni - to diaciiaa
ti-rma of pence md only with rcpre
Kenlnliv.a nf CL-nct .il ttiiertu hut
thoae of any government derived from
the inetliiitor'a n kkiic.
ftcr Mr. t'aalcllot left the alale
oepaitment Mmmt'-r Siiuen of fhilc
tint. -used Mexico with Mr. He prl-narily. hom ier, lo bring n
in ft of U peace tre-ily belwcell I he
l'n!id Hiatea and Chile.
lit IHT I, AM. IIS r
thiiim or rn in
T iicrtn Mexico. July 20.- P'-lerai
lluert i lod. iy hiiiII. rt mxly
nl the Idea that the :! of the con-
Ftitiitli.nalisla known to be n abort
dialanrp from here, would dare t'
nltack thin cltv
The milltury roinpanlonw "f
fugitive former d:.-lal..r. however, did
not diaplay Ihe aame degree of confl
denoe nnd nn extended line of oin
popi waa mainlaiii.'.t.
('ellernl Hlierlil colllillUed to p.lsa
moat of hla lime In the rnllrond cur
In which he arrived from Mxi
Cltv. .Hince bia urrhnl he haa mil
l iken nn hoiir'a excrciae.
Now- that meant of getting away
from Mexican territory have been ar
rinsed there la n nn irked ehunpe I"
Ihe bearing of nil the fugltlvea. The
women ami rnnnren iepi imp io.uu
In an effort to kill the drearv period
f walllni: for the arrival nf Ihe 1IMIP
pnam-nger vesael p'U-ngen 10 carry
them nway. The alun wua exiw-cicil
to reach here late to.luy hut It wna
thought unlikely nnv of the burly
would go aboard tomorrow.
The pinna for the d.fenae of fuerti
ngnliiHi n poaaible uli iilc by rnnatiiu
I loo fl llala fr.on ih.. Interior h.ivi- been
pln.ed III the hnmli or cipneral Itm
(in, eo-nmnnder ( I ha local fi ller 1
nrr inn uti.t deln- 'ini- nta nf Ihe '."ilh
federal Infantry haw- been placid
hla rilepietul.
The ronatltutloiiiilbia re reporte.
lo number Ser, men.
On Tonrd t'. P. ft. i ' i llfornla. Iji"i-
Mexlro. July 1 9. Ill- Wlreleaa to Sun
Diego, Cal, Jul v M.l Newa Ihi
ii. ...ri. h i. I ri,..i ennimiinicaled
In Ihe federnl gnrri-"i here todav I
F. fl. Moore, the ll-itiah eonanl. Ill
the hone that the Information mluht
I'rinc nhoiit n rea.n:..n r hoatlllllea
Aa aoon a the "netitutlon ilia'
Iroopa under llen.i ': Alvnrndo enter
erf rinnvtriaa Pund tv l ennal II lit li.l'.al
:i gov ernment iindt i Uovertor May
I., ren t i InnmiUK I Ti ll fedi r i 1
artiKitiw were lmtirl."ieil and It l T
n..rie.l ihut their M"periy will he
eoilflacatei. Atlotit:
I hem Ih Seio
Marilnex. one of ",.
Navlern llnp. nn four
the federal garrifii
aoiithward. The llo'i ''
ownera of Ihe
aaela of w hit
ia at en in,
I la prol'ecdltll!
alowlv nnd probably vvi'l renrti Maioil
Inn on Monday.
At Mugdalena nn
rnlion rompany,
launched an ambit
American coloni
ih n few yr-ira
.in plan lo put
r..0iiO f.imillea on the aol each ear,
haa met with a vncnoua reverae. Tta
deeda ami pnpi ra h .te lieen d.alroye.l
ni IJiTng, duri'ig the proreaa nf rpe
oriling Ihe'n. nnd It now will become
nereaanry for Ihe i puny to lieg.ill-
ule iifreah with the conatllulioimllala
Author and Insurance Man
Declares Name is Warfield
and that He is Walking 35
Miles a Day on Wager.
Clothes Missing from Home
Gave Polics Clue Which
Let to Locating of Unfortu
naU Man.
Chief MtMillin tele
phoned at 3:45 that he
found Spanieling up to his
waist in the swamps
near Isleta. The unfortu
nate man, the Chief says,
is suffering a complete
mental collapse. He de
clares his name is War
field and that he is walk
ing 35 miles a day on a
wager. Spaulding had
hidden his rifle, blankets
and other impedimenta in
the swamp. Chief McMil
lin is biinging him back
to Albuquerque in an au
tomobile. l ent. in .1. Siiiublliiu. iiui-nl nf
the Now yiU I -He lii-mume
I'oilipniiy here, wlMe4 clolliea nml
H-i-H.iial Jewell v. found on llu
bunks nf the Kin l.runilc bite
lat nlkbt. hi I to the lallcf Hull
lio hud Mvii ilrottiuil or liml
inniiiilleil aiibidi-. nln lum Ii al
I J: l.i ocl.H k today with hunlu
IV stiilbm Olllci-r A. .1. Mi-ki-w
lit I -lei a.
KHIiibllllff loft the liolio juat
la-for.. ih,. Hrrluil of tlin-f of I'n-lli-e
McMilllii. lenviiig bl emit
behind III-!,. Il I- lallcteil bo
paw tin lliiipicriiic nlllci-r i-om-luir
ami l.aik In liu' MiaaU ulomc
Hip river.
Tlio ill-inicrv tbU iiioriiing
llial a auli ihT i IoiIhw. a rihV ami
. l lankiH-i were mining from
Uiiililiiu:'a nainia. IcI Hip imiIIh'
tu H'llcve Hum tlirouuli nMtilnl
ih-rnngiiiiiiit or for wine iMlh-r
rifHiii, lu ant attcmiHIiu In gi't
bwiiv from .lliuiiuariiii' ai-rpll-.
IW-Mitipilona were will III all ill
rii'tioii. ami chief Mi'Millln. act
ing mi a riHairt waiili of town.
Miarietl for l-b-ta In a motor car
at imniii. Hi uriiM-il just ,m
spaubllnir ale lunch here
Willi M.Kcw." alibi lb"
liiU-f In (be 1:1111111? Herald
mi'r tin" trloplioiii. short I v la-fon'
3 o'clock. "M,.!,,,, MMt t. man
aciiil ipiiiT. ami In ladlevi-M
Nuiuhlliiic pmlatldy Is la-n-ri of
li4 Hi'iisi-s: tint Ih- diil tint think
I e would ll v In ui'l awav. HNilil
dim; b'lt tin ll'lls,. while tin of-IL'i-r
as out of tlx room. Ii'nvlnir
Ills oal la-lilml lillil. Hi nul not
bate cmii' far ami un- iiill
ciliiiib-til wi will meituki lillrt
luring Hie iiftcriiiHiii."
S.iiiiblluu'a frloiiiU art i-oiifl-ileiil
lie Is suni-rloi: fmin li'lnair
niy tlciaiiciiH-nl uml ln fuel
that he ic-colli aiifTi-riil n severe
icr tons nillapsi Mipiairla II1I1
Ml)-.. I III III l.l I
mi 11 1: Tin: t i l l'.
With il M il.-. 10 ol, ih's :ii"iii-
Init Ihe poll, c -ifi.illv a il i.b.neit the
bleu Ihlll S..illldlll4 bail I II llli'Wtl-
id. rip.iul.lui'.: s 10.11, h i'.
Hllll-I. collar a-l'l lie ele I. .'III. I on
Ihe river near the apoi where
he camped .Nt.i.lit, but In uti'ler
ilolhea und oek weic uiissiiii;. When
early today tin- police le llllll U
kh'ikl ami, u wnlc brimmed bit, 11
pair of ahoea, two bbilikcts .m.l 11
rule were mtaing from In1 home nt
5II' K.iat Crnlial avenue, and Hint
u 1 beckbook he w ia known lu luva
carried, ycalerd.iy coul.l 11 be found,
tiny mule up IbeT llilllila lb. it
Hpiul'ltiiK hal allpped
Spaubling la local agent of the New
Vulk l.i I e lln-urall. e romp any. uad
former editor of the Santa l-V Trill
ruin-taking gean Ii of tin river
bank today iHn-hotcd no line of the
11 . 1 mu I ri k man. rollce C.ipl.iin n'llruly.
illter Wclliiiin, wllh whom spnuM-
Ing pi knleed on the Titer cter.liv,
Wcllin in'a f ilbrr and urn le and 1. 1'.
I.. M. I.iuric. field ngetu tif the N-
rk Life liisiirnn.e -ouiiaiiv.
ae.ircheil along lite r'-' r bp. vei n 2 !l
ol 4 o'i be k 1 Ii in morning. Their
scan h waa barren of lines. 1-.. plum
Iriilib aa apart h wna made by Mr
laiurle nnd oftlcrr I'ablo be-
tein 7:10 thtg morning nnd 1
o'clock, only three prlnta of uiiahod
leet were found leading directly
the r'M-r edite. and they were pnnta
r at.e kingb sa feet. There were
leniy of other prlnta along Ihe bui.k
bill lli.'v did nol lead to the water.
In. f McMilin telephoned a de-
Miii'lon of Sp. milling tn nil aur-
iiiiidiug 1 0 m lis loilay. Mr. Mc
IjiiiiIcm lobl the chief that it waa III
nvlciion thai Kpanblliig had wan-
iletcd SpaiiblltiK, Mr. M. Ijilllle
I. re. enilv aMlTei. il a m rvoiia
bri akiloiMi, and w ia under the ib.c
lor'a 'are for aeteral data.
When the khaki anil, tin ahoea nnd
the hat were taken from the house
the police could not learn, but Munil
diiig carried the two blaiiActn In hi"
when he went to the camp on
Ihe liver CMtetilay. They were Pol
Ihe car when It enmn time for the
homeward trip, and he aniil lie aup
poKcd two young frienda of hla had
me nnd gotten them for thdr en tup
nt another apol on tile river.
Three people raw him Willi the
title last tiiulit on hla way iiaca in 1 ne
l!io t!i. mile. To neighbor aaw It In
bis band when he b ft the n.mae in
I.. .ill 7 o'clock, natenelblv In look for
b,i I.. nnt. lin pen along the riter. A
reported to the poll, e I utiv inai
be him walking weal on Central
venue al Hlxth gt reet nt or ahortlv
afnr 7 last nlahl. and that he cnrrieil
rule It waa his announced inleti-
.n when he left the house lo ride
,1 town In a aireet ear: when
1 1 saw hl n he waa nlmoat luilf u
mile from Ihe nimjr wnere ortiinur
lly h" would have taken a cur.
.puiililing la described 11a 2S yenra
old. feet 10 nr 11 In1'1"" tun, aiiin.
H.mewhat atoop-ahoiildeipd. brown
I. air, bluish prnv py". Hmooth-r.n eii,
and tanned. If, n Ihe police Jre lil
. lined to beliete. the river did pot re-
eie him. he Is probably wearing a
link! Mill and a light Ian, broad
brimmcil Stetson hut.
VI. .. n.l tr Si.alding. wlih Mr.
nnd Mia. Oliver Wellmun.
U.o.lh Auto at reel, wenl lo
Ml 3
i csirr.lav morning In cami
They intended lo atav all
night, but
the raiiiMnrm yeHiernay
.biiiled them lo return
home. The
en mp alte wna nlmoat
directly weit
of Hold nvellile.
The river runa awiflry nl that
point, and yesterday the water waa
high'lroin the rnlna Wellmun dur
ing the course of the day reni n "
.t,.,i 1... tAoiibl like to go In 1. wim -
nnng. and Spalding- Jumped
lit the
kin.'iiestion. He urged
We'.lman lo "
'.r. with him, but
he laller vetoed
the lib a.
The pnrtv returned home ill Spal
illnK'a automobile. Leaving Mr
Spalding Hi hla hoiife, Spalding- dr.,' 1
,1... VV ..lio. nil tome. Al the Well-
1. ... .,,1.1 b.. h.'d lost Ilia
, 1 0 ami would return I
the river to look for II. He "rued
Wellmun In return With him for
".in." but Wellninn declined. re
minding Spalding thul more 'ban one
oiiling had ended 111 11 drowning
Sonblint! bfl hi car at a garug
1 -....I I., lll.l AUill'lilerillle ill
si reel cur. That
11 bout 7
. ... 1 1 ... 1, 11 was his announced
Hon to walk along the river
1 1 it.! Alliii.iii'i'iue to th
Several h'.ura pa and and hia fail
ure I- return alarmed Mrs. Spalding
s. asked Mr. Wellmnu in sen
her husband, nnd Wcllmin
the Hid of the police. With
pat tiiitady und Officer
I'vrnes lie Went to tile riVcT
In Fire
i b.ef Klein' aiitomolule.
Near the camp Kite Spiilding'a bat.
shoes, coat. abut, collar and tie were
found piled, with the hit "ii t"l'
His iinili r l"th. a were missing A
g.,. watch nnd alb'kpni w . r. In tb
cb.ilna nnd tellers, together with of hla Insurance bual-
1'ruitles aenrch for 'nrih. r rbi"
1. 1 Spalding' late made. The
t. r baiiill.-lll.M-.l bv d irk-
iiess. and aave up Ihe hunt
111. .1 hills' raine to Ihla d'y 11b.aH
.....r e. lit. 11 of the Hint 1
Trail Mii'u nit . He too 1 ha ore " ,
Ih..;. Wll.'ll II t'l-t nppelire.l
l in., . He rellien us e"i-
of the pul. II' atioll aeteral
ai:o lo enter the Insurant-
bus. lit as-
In.liistrlal tw.i'r mt l'r.
Si. I.oiiI. July in Seven member
of the lndiiiriat Woiaci of the
World, wh.i were arrested in connec
tion it lib the attempted uasassinaiioii
of Felix F. Anders.. 11, assistant to
Pienlileiit William S. Md'hcs-uy or
the Terminal llalir.ctd assoclitl 'n l-ist
K.ilurilaV. were releaaed loday when
Anderson faded to Identify ny of
Ihe n. J
Atitleraon wa shot by a 111 111 who
Mitcrcd hia otllce nml Insisted oil ant
ing Ihe president. The poll, e lire
looking f.,r a If -cully .list barged em
ploy,, of Ihe rumpaiiy.
FROill KlfJG
John Redmond Says it Came to
Him in Form of Command
from His Majesty and was
of Course Obeyed.
British Ruler Feels Conference
of Warring Factions Neces
sary "in View of Grave Po
litical Situation."
London. July Premier A-
l 11 1 1 It nt the opening of the house
of 1 .millions today announced Ihut
King Cieorae, "n view of the grave
political altiialioii haa consul. -led It
rlntit In solium. n a conference of Iho
i ive of the political par-
lbs, both llrtllatt arid Irish, to tll
1 uss Ihe outstanding point of the
problem of Irish government."
The premier a. bled that Ihe Itlu-ht
Hon. J.i una Lowther, apeuker of the
house of rommona, would, at hi
majesty' re.iicK!, prealdn over thn
In' ew of thla develnpment t'rP-
nler As.pilth aunt he woultl not na
the bouve to diacra today the bill
to ninenn the Irish home rule bill.
The Imitations to the conference
hnve been accepted by two repre
nentnMves Phcn of thp regular npin
anion, of the I later I nloiiisla, of tn
Irish niitlonnllsl. nnd of Hip gov
t'remler Aiiiith an Id he hoped
Ihe nice! lugs nf the conference would
begin tomorrow.
Andrew llonar Iaw, leader of th
opposition, in It behalf remarked
that It hud loyally aii-eplpd Ih
command of hla mnjealy."
John Iteilmond. lender of the Irish
Nationalists, appeared to regard lh
propoecd conference a ecnrcely at
Irnetlvp. He aald:
"My cnlb.agiie nnd myself Ink
no responsibility for the policy of
culling this conference, nnd I don't
think I am culled on tn ei press nil
opinion ua to whether Ihe result will
piovo useful or the contrary. Th
lnv!i iton came to John Plllon nnd
myself In the form of a roinmnnd
from the king and a auch we at
once obeyed 11."
Lawrence Hlnnell. a Nationalist
member. Intcrlccted a wnrring not"
Into the otherwise peaceful Interlude)
by unking: "If there wua any prece
dent for the premier advising the
king to place himaeir nt Ihe heud of
a conspirucy In defeat the wlshea of
the hniiac "
The ipieatiun wna Ignored and the
hoiiae then proceeded Willi elhe
Militant Miss Bell Says Blow
ing up a Church is Mere
Child's Tlay to What She is
Going to Bo.
1 ... ml -. 11 . July
bomb 1 xpb.'lt
:u "The next
will he 111 Ihe
police court nnd
I hope U will
4 be thla 011c"
Tin w is the pitting ahot from
Annie l'.c!l, mint Hit auITi ac-ile
to the 111 ut Wtstiniii-
aicr. is be coin.tillled her for
trial toil iv 0:1 lilt double cbart;.
.1- I
( i of Bllelllpllng lo llealr.
v on MaV
la. tb.. Metropolitan Ta' rn i' le
In South ljoi.l',11 and 1,11 Julv I '.
Die obi church of St. J..I11I
Mis lull enlivened Ihe sittiig
of the court by alnglnif the
' M iraelllniM'" a'ol airuggpntt:
wuti the court aiiendant. rlha
cbiirTed the miuiairal,. on the
finllliy of aen.lihg tier lo prison,
any lug-
"I have been there ten time.
I loir tieier yet aerved my gi n-
4 She ad. Id: Th Mowing Up
4 of Ihe church doe not count
not eve-t If II I blown out of