OCR Interpretation

The evening herald. [volume] (Albuquerque, New Mexico) 1914-1922, July 21, 1914, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of New Mexico

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92070582/1914-07-21/ed-1/seq-3/

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On Sale Tomorrov
at 9 a. m.
100 pieces Apron Check Ging
hams, good quality and fast colors,
in assorted Blue Checks.
A Big Value for yard Q
On Sale 2:30 p. m.
Extra Special
VERY BEST QUALITY, select patterns,
extra weight, worth 2c yard.
Dont miss this event.
On sale for, yard sC
On Sale Tomorrow
at 2:30 p. m.
Big Clearance Sale of Women's
Long Kimonos, in Figured Lawns,
Cotton Challies and Figured Crepes.
Values to $1.50. (Q)
On Sale for 0 $ C
in-r --iiii"
J j J J j J t
id m
Standing of the Clubs
(Th averanoa do aut Include to-
ly a remitta-l
NmIIimioI Ia-hkm
rw Y.wk 4 7
Til'lIX" .
I. I. 111. , .
tin iiimiti .
.ton .
iltahurch ..
, .4
. .S7
. .37
, .jr.
I. not.
3 '
.4 til
AiiHrkan la-aunt
i.Ht. ivt.
j hil.idrlphU
'Unit .
owloll . . , ,
II. I.UII1H . .
! h atto . .
Vurk .
. . tul . .
. . .49
'. . . 4 J
. . .44
... J 2
... 2 9
hloailo . . .
.illlnmro . .
:ro..klyn . .
. i rr. i . .
vuriwm city
I. I.ollia '. .
'itixhiimh ..
IVlllt-nl I.MIIIIM'.
4 I
.1 17
.3 nr.
LlfllflG 'EM OUT
National I .en sue.
11. .(.Ion ut i'iltMhurKh.
Nc York m Cincinnati.
Philadelphia at ChUaao.
Iirooklyn at Hi. lunula.
Kt. I.ouia f.ma n ni In lu IU hi lua
I hill l he Cnrdlunla aland ;i hotter
allow- In lluiah In lh- III ( dhialnii
than the llmwna.
Charley Ihrmx thinka ih.it Iur
will auon li(. ripe for it n-Kiil ir turn
In I lit. I.fur in ii f unm r I'rin.i"
Ion llrltT.
I Ml yuu evir tii'.ir i.f ll.inn Wiicncr
m:ikitia it ii.if.luk.' In Jul: tn-iit ? II"
Iiiik .n.i.l,. MTi.r. Ii.ii faun iiikI rxpi-rlx
who h.i wiidlwil him In mil. in fur
yours nicrip ihul hi Ii.m ttovrr I'pfii
di'li'i IcJ jiullInK n "bltl.."
ThiTP iHtt't ii clunrp fur Jim
Thuri In lir.nk Inin llii (il.uiin' llni'
ui. n- th.it liiiv. 7ilTtin him re
Mni'rcl J .u k Murray In rtKht fli ll.
Muri.iy hid. lhi wriik oi'i.t. Hnlifrt
n m plioiim Ihc k hiih up to the hill.
If Mam. i tin hail not Jumped li llif
Ktxli-rnln ho t imid hnv hi-urnl n
(ond tiffer fnm elthi-r llriMiklyu r
hliaiu. NVh't tho I'libun mail nl
Jiimii. Hrrxuic hail a trmli tinilrr rm-iili-rHiliii.
If tho Pulw ln ihi tta
ntnl w hi-. I Into pilii.iii f.ir n World
S.tIik (pin, tho I'u inn will kl. k hmi-lf.
Ami'Hiatt linaiio.
Clrvi'liuirt hi riillmlilihia.
i ' i 'i. . . ut Wi.wtiinuliin.
rtl. i.iiui ill IloHtnll.
1 t roil at Nrw York.
tVih-ml l-iiiiir.
Kan.i rity ut liurtul'i.
HI. UmU ut Hillinwrp.
I'hlinKo at llruoklyn.
Iiiilinnnixilla ut rittalmrKh.
'niinl l4'iutu.
New York. f; 'liu'imi.iil.
4'hii'iiKo. M; 1'hiliidi Iphiii.
I torn on. 1; l'liihl'iirKh, 0.
HI. Uiula. 7: HriH.klyti, (.
Anvrtfan I-flgnr, t
ItliHlotl. 3: lii-lrnll, 1.
rhlli.l.'tplil i. t; rhlruKn. 0.
I li v land. 2; WnHhliiKlun, 1.
til. l-iiiila, 2; N-w Yuik. I. Kit"'
ii l.o.iM t: V. York. i. K. lid
I'l'iltval l'nitiii'.
ft. I.tiiH. 4: fh.a.s I. Kiml
('Iim'uvm. 4; Hi. l.mila, S. tMind
Y a li'Nii liuta. mi-n'a ami
nutt'a thrilling, rutca, rurtatna,
lraM rlii. m: t'itt WnH Gottl.
liMHMi 414k I
Fromptne&s Oar Motto
Owner of Brooklyn National
League Club Arranges for
Purchase of Kraft by Ne
wark Internationals.
for thi- rt f thp lifo of hi run
Irail. "I ci'ttliil thin ruai niywlf l"inii"
I did not wuiit to m-i llonlrli' l.i lrcn
ot'Xiiiixi-il hnwlmll and lt i I :iy-r,"
Mr. Kliliitli Mild.
' It ni'i iiii'd to m that Hi mi'
tho aliiiiiliHl ami pimlont nay nut of
ll d.flliultv for Ni-wark In Imy
NiikIi villt-'H Inlorcal In tho pliiviT
if roll in.- I I I'M 1 1 p Hint thii nrllli-
mi'iit w ill li r on -lr '.li d r H ilrully
im ii Wi-li.ry for lh f rali i n.l y lium
niinh na Ihoy ot cvprylhlnn thfy
krd fur."
l'rmtil.'ht Fnlta of tln I'lnvcri"'
f r 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 ( y (.tin wd gratifU at Ion nt
thi oul'-oini- (.f I ho rnao.
"If Iho ui'''hfiftp la a hona flilo
ont. and thi- Nrwark rlnh Inl.rnl.i t"
no Kraft, o iiro aatlHlloil." ho unld
"S,, far iiji wo nro cutn'ortu d tho In
( iili'DI l rndod."
n ro In ii iff front luiinrhofi of tho lumi-
IH'Kf, tho lino FU I' J' ll'MK'll 1 1 II till'
l our IImi i" at ( li-tiainl.
"lovolnrd. t ., July 21. Tho m' otid
lav of I lir icrand -ir ult rm n on tho
North linndall roiir,, oprnrd t .
wlih four r.HiR mi iho program.
Tho 2:i: trol. iniran II.Iumi; tho
K.mlif tako lor a-yoar olda, 2:12
ilaiH trot, J 1, mill a, l.lr. I; I ho Ohio
Nlako, valiio 13,11(10, 2: 1H i'Ihhh trot
and tho 2.0a pa. lnii. pin-no $l.(Mii.
f it il.lv Wol- h him i hooiod up Jim
('..II .Ii. i. i'ii W hlio Sox If ono hii'oMi
n't r mi itot a i'ha:npionih,p, why
no. ,ii ollior?
'harloy Sumora, tho Iirown n-ne-
natr. una ono of Iho omansiora of tho,
Amirlran l-iiiio, loll It wann't until
I It I yiur (hut h. Rot In on Iho uronnd
Hour, aava Iho Now York un. That
nay hp into na lo inouoymaklnir, hut
not aa to loam ( aniline. Jim M -Aloor
had Iho Krowna Huhtlng for tho
ponnant onrly In thr li'BjtitH'a hla.oiy.
Hut It waa a mnrmhnn alump whrn
It aUrtcd.
Clark r.rimth nay a ho la not woirv-
Ina about tho Aihloilm, hut fount i.-
ir. ii. furo Tlmt'a a o..d tlutm for
iho Waahlnutnn pilot lo do n'"P
worrying about ciiirhltif thH Alh-
h lira.
Mnk'i plli hora am aolns ao had no
nuty liavo In wall Utilil Si ploiiilu r ho-
fori, aowlnii up Iho Una.
If it riimii In l.iddliif for Walti-r
JiihiiHon nnd Kddin Collin utraliml
thp Kid offora of "ihr nlKKoat aalary
ovor ild a playor?" It la llkoly lo ho
a loaKUo uffalr ralhor than ft chili
nmttor. The Amorhnn loamto would
not want to aor two aurh,lara inp
tuiod ny any rl orcanlaatlon.
Walior JohnKon may not ho wln
nin wiih hla ol.l-ll no rinnlarliy, hut
ho h:i iihoiidy liorfortnod a frill thin
aritaott that fow nmjnr l acuo
plirhi ra or nthora. aro Hkrly to dupli
mlo. Johnson roalinod tho amliillon
of evory ball la)or a homo run with
Iho buaoa full.
lTolnla Wagnor ait ill la unablo to
throw a haM aorona tho ilianioii.l, and
Iho lloaton playora now admit that ho
will ni'vor wi-ur a It"! Sox uniform
na a rt-xiihir. In la 1l.xo, ymin
Hroit la pl iylim a dofi'tialvo itaino that
piiuala that of Uio boat ahortalop in
I ha jirofoaaio-i.
When Deal Was Closed Heads
of Big Leagues Were in Sea
sion Preparing to Meet Gen
eral Players' Strike.
Now York. July 21 - Thorc will bo
no ftriko of ba-oluill plr.Mra In ihf
two major loami.a. Tan Kraft -
biiHia for a atriko ordor l.-Miod Jox
trday by tho Ititorltall IVnyora' fru
tortiity, waa aotilod tmViy by Iho
Nowai k ltitri nalioiiula aitrooliiK I"
buy NaahMllo'a liitorp.-t In Kraft.
Annoiin.-imont to thla offiit waa
mudo Ibla iittotnooii by I'harlia H.
I.bliitia, ownor of tho Urookhn Na
llotiala and it I.hko atorkholdvr in
Iho Xownlk IntftnallonHl Io.ikuo
At the timo of Mr. I'.bbflla' uu
noiin. omoni Iho Anu rlran loiimif
inaanaloa woro in aooaion. Ii.ivlnic
boon talloJ t.iBithor by 1'roaliU-nl
Johimon lo ilolfi initio on t i'oUis- ol
u Hon . In cum. iho idayora In Iho
two major loumioa almiild uboy tho
a( nkoordor.
Mr. Kbbotta iinnoumod that Nnwh-
villo hnd alKiiiliod lU an rpl.inr,. of
Nrwnrki prop..)...! iin.l that Kraft
would reiKirt to Iho Nowork toani lit
I'rovidoiii'r tomorrow. Kralt ha"
boon undor aiirtpom.oit for more than
llvo WH'ka. ovtr almo hta rofimal o
riiort to tho N.ixhwllw club.
In afii li no in of nil rlaliiia on
Kraft tho Nnahvillo fluh Ih to rr-
rflvo tl.SOii, Mr. Kbliotta nnnotincod.
"I inndo thla urr.ntiKomont without
ollhor ioiiiot or limn uri.onn Irom
cllhi-r tho Atnornan or tho Nation. il
loiiauo," Mr. Kbbotta ald. ,-l a' tod
oniinly mi my own roaoinalbllliy. I
httvo not boon In roinniunli al.on with
li.ie Kull. tiHiir. Duuiitloaa, how-
ovor. h na will aa ovrrylmdy tdao
(till b lf.ini il with thla hi Mli ini nt
of iho ailuiitlon."
Mr. Klilnlli waa nokid If Iho Na-
lionnl Ioukuo had "l.ui kod down."
"No," ho ropliod; "If anybirily hna
bai'kod down, I havo. I an opt tho
roMpoiiMlbility for tho wholo thluK.
"Kraft will not anffor In any wv
nnn.noln.lly,'' Mr. Khhoita rimtmuod.
will bo paid Ii Ih N'ownrk rlil'i
anbiry of ll.'.tf a month (ll'.u moro
than tbn Nahhyillo club waa pormit
tod to pay him) tor tho oiilno timo
that ho waa undor auapotialon and
IbiHton, J ill v 21. II Van unoin. -tally
alatoil ut Ijiiiigwood ti day I hut tho
Mm i ir. in tiMi.n to dofoiiu iho 1 i Ih
lawn lotinls oiip would bo mado ii(i
of Mniniro K. Mi Ij'iiiihl.n of Pan
Fr.ini iaro; T. C. Ilii iil,- of ,n
Boloa; Carl llohr of Now Vork, nnd
Xortl Wllllama, aoiond of 1'hila
di Iphla.
Xono .T tho pliyom monilotipd
would dlaciiKH tho niatior.
TI IIY. Jl I.Y 21.
lbMtiii, St I i It -.Inn Kit. 0.
II. If. K
MoHton (till iiioi It'i e 'J :
MiiMbtirtth ...imiii iiini turn o 3 1
! lui in !: ltudoiph ami (iowdy
ii'Toolo and Cnloman.
State, in Action Filed Today.
Seeks to Forfeit Trust'a
Property and Collect $4.
000,000 Fine
Atoku, tikbi., July 21 I'roceod
lnn aaklUK that Ihu Ti'tas onipulij ,
all oil pipo lino nnd pm. h .Mlng ior
poiailoii, and Ihu 1'roil... .1 a' tul
coinpatiy and (out nil I'otrolouin
loinpiiny, produrora o( oiu lo potro
loum, bo oUHtod from nkluhomit wtio
Inatltutod In tho ill-ill I ourt yoa
torday. Tho p.lition rli.iKoa tllo
Toxaa I'ompany aa tho pan nt cot po
ratioit ami Iho pioiIuiihk .ompjiuloa
hn aubaldinrioa vlohito thr. l olo untl
Iriiat lawa In Iho ullrn. ,1 ooiubuiu
llon. Amoa I lioattlo. of N.wr York,
Kotioiul roiiii.i.'l for tho 'I vua com
pany, roplylnu tu Iho pt noli, roii
toatt'd Iho JuriHilli lion ol i..o itiHtrn t
oouri. Ton day a woro a.lowrd lor
filing brlofa.
The atato'a potltion uxk that tho
lii-oiiHO tit do litibinooa in okluhoinit
llif ttltt UCOIIKPlI lllllll,lllll. bo cun-
ii-llod, Ihoir priporly In lha atato
forfrlt.-d and linoa u. n Kaliiig
.u.linO ho I in pom d.
Clitolanil. I; I'lilluililplilii. 2.
Vi rot uamo: It. M- )v
I'l.'M'land .imii (HO imiii mi 1 it I
rinla mm mm mil n! 2 2
Itniti ri' H: Mil. In I) im I ran, h
I limb unil S lianx.
iilb',1 Itnln.
Kirn Kaino: I:. H. K
HI. I.oiiIh Ola i I 1 1
lUialon JiMMl Ii lx 2 1 it
I'.'illril: ram
lialtorioa: l.ovi ronx and l.oary
Colllna and Otrrbrati.
tlilonuo, U; H-liint!ton. 4.
It. II. K
ChlraRi nun nail otto o 7 2
Waxhiiiitlon ..mm ln;l mm -4 13 1
I'litioiloa: I'.orx, ljilhr..i and
S. hulk, Kuhn; Johnxoli and Ain
oimi rt.
Justice Herbert P. Bissell Ter-
minates Injunction Prohib
iting Hal Chase fiom Play
ing with Buffalo F-r's.
Courta h.ivo Kiv'n tirnanlxod H.ii
I ..!i a notion that oontrarla h i '
liwa aa will ua rtauat'.
Court Denies Organized Base
ball is Violation of Sherman
Law But Holds it Monopoly
Under Common Law.
Huffalo, X. Y.. July 2 I . ( uu inlzod
bamball auflorod n b-val dofi-at to
day whon Jualloo Horliort I. Ulaaoll
urantoil tho motion to vuoato tho In
lumtlon ohtaiiioil by tho i hiiMKo
Amornan loaauo ilub roatiitlnlnic Hal
i I111.0 front playlnit with the lluffalo
Ko. loral Ioukuo olub.
Tho lark of mutual nbllmitlnn In
tho ao-oiilloi ton-day olatiKo of tho
lontiarl unib-r w hi' h I'bai-o wh
pbiyliiK with Iho I'hl'nKo toain.
whorol y Iho 1 lull mi I.I t. riiiin.il''
tho oi.titrart (.n ton daK' notiro,
while Iho pl.iM-r m bound undor
Kovoral proiiMoini of iho "nntlonal"
aitri'oinont. formod tho I'.ihih of tho
doi IhIoii vaoailiii! tho injuti. t ion.
That ora-mliiod baaobttll la a vl"l;t
Hon of tho sin 1 m. in anil liiwi l..w
Waa ilolliod by JllHli.o lliayoll. on Iho
around that ho could not auroo that
I "tho hitta-Nn of l.a'ii'l.i.tl for prolii
, ij iiiii-rflato ir.ido or ronton r.-o ami
I thoroforo aubiooi to ll.r proylon
of tho Shoi itiati ari "
Tho rourl hold. In'wotor, that H
waa iii',!in...h of h.'iMi'iia II bui'itii'iia
In niiiirit '.mi of tlir i .mimon law
citiiao waa nrv.il with Injunrtioii
papirii Julio y. ubilo ho wna pluv
IliK viliti tho lluflulo toain nt Kod-
oral park. Ifr hna boon on that
iMinh anno, In hla nffldnvlt on
whb'h iho motlnn to vnoatw "waa
barod. ( I1111.0 alloKoil that ho mtvaj
tho t'hlrait'i r!uh ton (boh notiCA of
hlx intonili.n to lonvo, at th oxplrd
tion or whloh timo he alRnod thi
Muffnlo contract.
liruarillnir tho ton-day clnuao Jul
tiro llinaoll anld:
"Tho plaintiff pan torml a th
roiitrnot at any timo (n ton tlaya tio
tlco. Thn dofondiint la bound to
mnny obliKaliona undor tho remark
alilo pro'lalon of thn nallonal airroo
nunt. Tho playor'a pontrni't bind
him not only for Iho playinat aonaon
of fix montha from April 14 ta Co
lolior 14. hut nlao for nnothor aoa
Hoit, If tho plaintiff chitoaoa to oxor
I'iao Ita option, anil tf It Inauua on
tho ri'iitirompnt if an option olauao
in oin h aui'ooodlnK contrail tho do
fondant can bo hold for a tonn of
yonra. Ilia only nltoniutlvo Ih to
abandon hla yocntlon.
"Can It fairly bp rl.ilmrif" t'i'f
thoro la rtitit no 1 it v In a. . a oontrn.
Tho nbanliito Im k of nt " nlity. ir't
of olilluallon and of ro;ri ly, w
provont n court of onuity fi'otn tn.ik
I11K It tho uaata of o.nntat'lo relief
by Injunction of ulhorwido. Tho tie-,
alive coven-lilt undor au-h rurtim
atanroa la without a oonNldoratlon to
aupport It and In utiotiforcpablo by
Jiiatlio r.lxio'll iloclnrod o-7nnlxocl
baacball aa i-ompb lo a monopoly of
Iho bualnony f.,r profit as any mo
nopoly ran ho mado.
"It la In contravention of tho rom
niuu law." ho aaid, In that It ln
vadoa tho right to contra, t na a prop
prty rlttht; and In that It la a combi
nation to roatritln nnd Pontrol th
oxori-lao of n profoaalon r calllnir."
Tho injiinotlon waa vacated with
ll) roicia to tho defendant.
Milwaukee, : 41ovelanil, S.
First mime: II. If
MHwnuk oin ton 200 6
Cleveland ....4m) fluU lot) S
Ilattorioa: llovlik and llnnhoJi
lliontoti. K.thli r nnd lovoKt.
9 1
yiranch KUkey may hava b -an
l,ti UKhl ui In 11 . M. C. A. atm.tJ
r iioro, but ho loiaoea u ball loam aa 'f
In woro the guy that whipped every
aoi'y ai Iho annual titilllr of th'
I "'.it 11 Mi . era' t'nlon.
Lot iho IKruld wunt ad do your
Our Coming 8arlall
a $tcry that's
cut of the ordinary
Be sure to read it!
('llllwil) loiiia Coinblnc.
Now York, July II. Tin- bital lo
parlmonl of Iho 'IVxaa 1 .mpany la
aui d Ihia alatomoiit r. 4 . . ' 1 li the
nntl-trual auit filed at At Vi. nkli.:
"Thoro ban boi-n 110 1 ' ..tlal i"ii j
of t'ompotltiii c-otopai.ii'H " rotiiliina
lion in root 1. mil of Ir.-ulo I ho Toxaa
company it.i f la not In I' hualncw 1
of proililrlim oil hui in a ! im-haxi 1,
Iranaporti r. rofinor and murkoior. ;
Tho I'riiiliiioiii' nil ronii'.ny tnkoa. '
loaned, rblll and proilii'.i- It -woiil.l
not violate any anli-ltuo -latulo for
Iho Toxaa roinpiny to .01 '. Iha I'ro
durora' otililxhl. Tho 1 . aro nut
1 01111 pi ilona and 11. tt r v. o. Thoir
HI o tuns e Wired?
The cost of Current is a very small matter when one considers the
convenience and advantages of electricity. An Electric iau can be
operated for a fraction of a cent per hour, mighty cheap, indeed, for
relief on a hot day. Family washing and ironing can be done for
less than ten cents. Electric Light for lighting purposes is corres
pondingly as cheap, while giving the best of light. So cost of Elec
tricity is a small nntter when one considers, or contemplates the mat
trr ol wiring. We will b: glad ta tell you how inexpensive this will
No charge for information.
Albuquerque Gas, Electric Light & Power Co.
502 West Central
Thone 93

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