Newspaper Page Text
J 5farl 1YM Anne Ives on Her Adventurous Journey Acros the Atlantic on Page 5 of the Herald Today our state fair hits tha mark net by the premium book it will break all records. MEMBER ASSOCIATE PRESS TiunnNictTrizKN. vm. i. Ni. . ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXJO, WEDNESDAY, JULY 22, 1011 tub m fmno nmAi.n U I. M. I IT. iRiiimi "'r ,m,m nimri f"r ' 111 I II I Hie ni"tinlliia ! II II 111 ! '"M'algn lia ipally eexeveXexexaxeWWXaWWXXWWXWS itEiii tit i DUELS II WAKE OF PARIS L M. Caillaux, Angered at Charge of Prosecuting Law. yer for Figaro Demands He Take Personal Responsibili ty for Words. T0LITICS DOMINATING NOTE IN DAYS HEARING Government Keenly Concerned as Result of Diplomatic Pa pers Mentioned as in Pos session of Dead Editor. TR A I'aria. July 2J. Pt.i. a uhh the I ri nilatiflg factor today III I ho triul of Mrnr Cuillaux fci the Id u rili r of Uuslunc Cllmcttc, cdl l I of I ho Figaro. The From h government waa under Mnoil i Ii,. greatly coiiicrn.d In re Kurd 10 I ho diplomatic document mentioned ut yesterday a hiurlni aa totting boon in I ho poaai union ( the assassinated id 1 1 or. These ill. u m. nla, It wag tulpit, wore later hand ed over to 1'roaidt nt I'til-.n air. who 'iea., I In in on to the foreign oHlcc. Senator Iticnvctiu Martin, n ting niiuletcr of foreign atTairg, hhk up n out of Urn night Mini nn xihii In terchange of tult grama tm.g lnr he. . Iitii him iiinl Premier Keiie, in i fluaaia. with the-prcaiir, nt Jos. I 'hIIIuiix, IIii. pi lamo I a hus band, and Kir mud I.nholi, her couii H i, made a vehement demand I hut , Ihu dniuini nta ahould lae produced In court. Jl la understood thul the premier, anticipating such u demand, U ft Instructions with hi aubstitutc Hi tli fulcigti nlllce an to what course t hould i pursued w ith Ihr punora whuh are In Ihr foreign nlllce ar- hi vp. The niollicnt ultor tho court hud I reu culled t order I lie pr.tuiutor ai rose i. lid mid "1 mil am hoi i,.. hv tho govern ment In id i In ro Hihi tho document lefcrrtd in in yesterday icalimu-i) are only protomlod nijiii'i of .im u niontg which du not exist." M.iliro laiimrl "We i r Iho l' Idcnt closed " Charles Clicnu, th lawyer repre senting ihr murrain of tho Figirn and those of 'uim.tti'a In tra, then Haul aariasiicilly: "I regard the lm lilt nt .is only an "jo)Mhe iliuitiMi, It h i ploanrc' M. I'ailltiui to liittwforni n itIinIiihI Into pollinal olio lie IiiIoiiiIm " K" rrnin hori with rertinViilo ol hualiy to Kimut. Much j""d will ll tin him." Tha proi uriiloi vein-oil , l.u.ned iht ih,. honor unit pmiluimiii of M. i'hIIIiiik remained iilmU'n .1. Mnitri Idhorl iihjoeted to the luo Hi. mo iiaod hy M.iitrp t'henu. looruoa Pii'iiliit. a lu-idhof In law if tha murdered odllor utid hull man "f Ihr Klanro eoiiiimriy. una then ailed ti h mid rinnhatli ally ili'iilod that the Kluitro h.ul heen In lh py if f.i'ifit h.uikn. The ;,t limta, he aald, had never hold the "--" " -i - i - - 'v - fcrvrirv IIITE1IITI0N IS Waaliinnton. July li. I'lana fur mohilialna at leuat l.uoti marine v-'illun (rlknm dlatanco of llalll und Iho lionunnan repuhllc, will move forward a not her aiep tomorrow wllh Iho arrival uf the naval Iruuaport I'rulrle at (liiaiituiiaino Iro n Vera Crux. Tha 1'rulrla will bring the full rum. pleinent ol idlh era lor tho mai inea already at 4iua-itanain and will re main their lu Irunaporl htf fori e In j am anouiu an uneiaimy ariae. vhiln the llancuik la ay fur nunc lino pa. With tlloaa preparailona riraldetil WIon't derlMoii aa to what action Iho t'lillrd Ma lea ahull take it quell ho revolution, m Ihu taland repuhllc and aalialy tha reur of Kumpeaii crcditura will t awaltad. War and navy nffli'lala, unildent Mial praca tan bo featured on tha Uland effect IT I THE DilU REPUBLIC majority of tho Hluiro o.' tho KiK'iro a a hud heen allotted. Ho then read linathy ontrai-ta from nn inoritudu. Will lo win le-liflim Cull lain eniiio from hln aent from niiuinii Iho wltlioanoa n ml nlood eloaer In Ihu Imi' In order lo hour holler. M.iitre rhonu, loinmeniiiiK nn ,M I 'i out nt a todllnioiiy, laid: "I will ndd that It does nut hecoine M. C.illlaux to ( o:iie here and t'l deavor lo lhi gmvo whhh hi Wife lliinle." Then followed nit exrltlnit arrno. Many of thoHo In court roxo rom I heir acuta and ulinuk d "irnv," while ollieta hiaiMd and murmured until Jinliio l.nula Alhano wan ohllKed to cull the court to order, with it e vrro rptirlmniid. M. ('nllUiiiit, In a alnlo of eilenienl and aKlliitlnn, emlalined: "Hlnro I niuat l.iltn liolice of what Ihln lawyer haa aald, 1 will UHk htm If ho will liikx poraonal roipoiiNlhllity for hla word." Another cnutlnn wait canned among tho apo laloi iy thiB ex i tnailon, und loud "linium" for M. C.iiIJhiix were luiird nil over tha loiirl. When Iho ndao had aomewliat mihaldod. Ma lire CIumiu ropliod: "I take tho rnlirn realioiiNlhillly. You cannot Inn hero. You ilouhlleau do not know the loiiiper oi Iho man whom y'ui uddrrva." Tho dlanrder In court ua nn ri al that J nil so Alhaiift llirratened lo clear tho court. Whop Ulot had heen rcMoreil, (Toorcoa Kromeiilln. a aaleii clerk In Iho mm atore where Mine I'lilllniix i nn hiineil tho weapon wlih w lili h all,, killed Calmelto waa called. Ho liMik an aiitomiillr pinl'id Iron tha arkaK In front of tho Judaea i. -id explained itx action. Mi lire ( hi nu auid: "Mine. Culllaux did hot aay when he loaded Iho ltol." Mine, ('allium "Aa anon an I fot Into tho motor car In (ore I could foravt Kroinonlln'a i xidanaiioim." Yvra 1hIIm., editor In chief of lc Cad Kill, related thai ho had met Mine. t'alllaUK nil the day if the fhoollnn. llo aald: "Klip aooim-d drpreaaed und aKed I nd waa like a heal en. hunliil lliliu.' Mine. I.oihmh I radi'ic, formerly aia-lety edilor f the KiKarn, amid profound allnnee, teatilled alii1 had dined In company wHh Mine. Calllaux ahotil two nmntha he fore the ihiHitlnK. Hhe continued: "Mm. CailUui aald Mine, liuiy dan, Iho former wife of M ('ailniiix waa roIiik from one tipwapapi r oith a lo nimtlier paokina lolloia analnal her. 1 triad to rcaMaiirc her hy aay IliS ,lly Informal ion wua that Mine. (Itlc)dan had tefiiaed to aell the Id ler lo I'almetto for 10. nun. I know imlh'ng of tho 'Thy Joe' loiter." "iVitl ou nn le more pre'-mo tillmony ahoiit Mmo. liuiydan'a let ter?" Iiilerrupted Mmv. I'.iill.tux. Tho wli:ioaa did mil reply and a moment later left the aland. Mine. Caillaux adl'd: "I had never tired a pialol hut ' had hiinled wllh my huohand. I lnnmtil a nun ut tho aallie placp." Another miniimith'a e:iiploe aald Mmo. t'allhiux had prailleed In the lance under the atnre. Three of In r nn aholM Ml in k a taruei Iho aire ol a human flxuro. Mmo. Caillaux "I tried the plutol aolelv at the renUeat n' tho emplnya. llo tod mo In ho euro I knew how It W"iaed " MlniTa Talk IHUIe TrniiMi'. Penver, Jnlv II. The Coloradn eonl minora' elriko and Iho atilil I" tho lliitlp haul union wore diacuaacd today hy Jatma lard. of tho mining depiirtment of the American Kulcr of laihor. In an adtdeha hefoie I he Wi Hiirn T'ederailon of Minora' convention. Tno remainder of the moliiiiia aeaalon Wua devilled lo rou tine liujineaa. Knott In Ctdorailo. Colorado fprliiKa. July 12. Uo mrla from Altinan, I'oio., lhirl niilei. aoulhwext of hero nnlcd aa the high, at iueiirporalod towl: m the world, indicate a, heavy fall of anuw t ) la iin.rtilii. - iruxajM - it. . BELIEVED HAITI ID ively hy thn ait iv a Iniervpiition nf tho I'rilted fliutvg are perl. ting their I luna. Hnlnn Molina, Iho ll.iHIcti mllilaler. rofiferiej with Keeretary . ryan lo. lay and urged that Intervention would reaull m a numher of counter lovolu I'.ona, nei eaaltaln tho dlaKolution of the prraetil government and even the ahdhaimn of tho ireidr:it. "( Count tin Iho apli it of Juki lie i lh American p-"plo, ''aald .Minlaii Mi no, relerrliia tu iniorventlun, lo reatraiii tin in Ironi taking Iho alci which would iMt ao harmful In Haiti liewiit mohlliaatloii ol niarlnea In thr viinity of tha latanda, tha min lalcf alaled. haa heen oltn l.illv n plained hy the alate department, Waa a lautmnury, alep taken tu avert po a'hle trniilde. and Waa not, lie fcl aura, an Imtlcalli.n Iha nlana urliml ly aktaiad for tha landing uf l ulled Bialeg t run pa iu llalll. RDOSEVELTTIIVIE W I L L WANTS TO REPEAT STORY Colonel Asks Permission to Ap pear Before Senate Commit tee when Colombian Treaty is Taken Up. SAYS RESPONSIBILITY WAS ALL HIS OWN I'm not in Favor of Turning Foreign Relations Commit tee into a Town Meeting" Says Chairman Stone. Wuhhinuton, July 12. A roiUoHt front i 'oloiicl KooHovell fir an "P- portiiinly In nppear hefore the hi nate foreign relaiioiiM eoinrutttee in op- irllloii to the Cidoinhiiiti treaty wua nnaulerod today hy Iho i oniinlttce. wllhont ii' t ion, however, iia Chair man Stone waa uniildo In marah tl a iliiorum. ( oloiiel ll'iiiwvi It wrmo Mono ho wanted to tell Why ho npponea paving 1 2 3.111111,00" to Coioinlua for tho partition of I'aliaiua. "I repliid to Colonel I!ooMevelt'a letter perHnnnlly, aa iug 'hat I would nuliniit the matter of healllicn nn the Cnliiuihinii treaty und liia appi-arance It to the committee," r.d Hcnalnr Stone. "I dmi'l know what he will du ulout It." Tho Mtapntirt aoimtor aald ho had not a. t a dale for iinolher rneetnitt of tho coiiiiniiiee. laitcr Senator Sinne nmilo puhlli Colonel KnosovoH'a letter In whhh the former preMldriit wrnie: "If there In any i'ltcnt'imi uf jimr eriinmltti'O In hi t favnrahlv on th I'loiioneil treaty with Coloinliiu, .i which we are In pav Colomhia $:.', lino. mill, and to oviuchs rewnt for the action taken ill tho .aM, I respectful ly nak In ho heard llnreon. "I wua prehidiiit IhrouKhoiit the lime of the iieKollutlona, llrHt wllh ftilnmhlu and then Willi Panama hy whhh vvp iiiiiiirid tho rluht to huild tha I'a nil ina canal, livery m I nf thir Sov i rniiie'il In i onne. aIHi tin tieuol nil ioiia and W illi oilier proi eed inea fur lakinir ioha'uon of Iho anal lone and IkkIiuhiik I lie huildinu of tho ana waa taken '"V my cx- Preaa illrei-tio'i nr c!m- In larryinit out thr cnurin uf eoudu't( I, aa preKident. hud laid down. "f had, fully, I'linwledno nf every thing of any Importance that wan done In ri uard thereto hy any uiient f tho Euvern:neii i;nd I waa aolelv trapnin-ihle for what was rlono The then aecrelary of Mate, John Hay. who la now dead, had a I moat n coin pleie n llrit liaiid knowledk-o of what occurred: hut no man now livina, ex cept niyaelf, haa thia Ural hand know lidne and tin man, living or dead. inured with mo the reaponaiMIUy. for tho action took, nave In a wholly minor dearer. "I reticat In appear liefnro you In mnko a full atatenu nt or what I uui and of what w.ia dmie hy my nrdora, to Mate tho rraaonn I he re for. and to aiiawtr any 'tuoMlona that yniir l"dy or tho momlr nf vmir hndy thuuM In put In me." Hinalor Stone ll. diluted that he per- aurally waa not In favor nf h.-urina". Tho iiioailou tn lit- cn-iaiucrcii e Ihia ci'inmlliee," raid senator Hloiio, i not an milch what happened In Colombia ten or eleven yeara ngu. The auhjeoi for tin In eimaiiler la ho to adjuat our relation. Colonel liooaevelt hug aald time and uealn what ho hid to any admit Colonihln. If ho haa nnythlng further tn nay, an far h I inn i imcei rieil let Ii l m w rite it nut and aend II ! tho cunriiitt'O. 1 am not much in lav or nr turning ino foreign rclalloua commitleo of the aeliale Into a town meeting." WOMEN THROW THEIR SKIRTS AT MINERS Na. o. Arm . July Mexhuti w imeii iok off then aklrla and threw them ul mon reaumiiig work yeaterday ut ininea nf the Canulieit Cmiatilidated Copper company. ac cording In advice recelvrd here to day. The men went hai to work alter a airlko rather than Join the ciinatltutlniiiillMl army. 'Vim can wear the aklrta; wc can look after mnaclvca," the women leered. Forty of tho women were arrealoil hy Major I. Kllaa Call, a m nt tu Can- anea i,y Cmiral tuurtian (utraiia tu gettle the irike. C'hlcagu. July !;.Tha Ihermuii tier hero registered 113 degretg ahuri ly after 1 oilui'lt thla altermain, II hlghevt fur July, but then were i dealha reported. SHOIfl; IS CRYFTIC REPLY Premier Asquit Hedges when Asked if Ojoriunity will be Given fc Discussion of King's Speeh in House. MINISTER ASUMES FULL RESPONSIBILITY His Majesty, Je Declares, has Followed tie Letter of Con stitutional! Proceedure in Irish Acti li. Premier A'iilih London, July today iisHiimod the hotiH,. or cinn MHlv fnr the apeei h molla lull reap! made hy thn k vest rilay tn tho po lltical loudera Invhiim Milan ll. id imi I nt lUiek- 'i confer nn Iho Irlah em. He thila "'t al porta In clreuliitloii cuntrov eray Imu lc- home rule pr rial varloiia aim o tho CUi come ix'iito, roiiiu eineiil premier aald: "The Hpoe ordinal y mi) il n.ioe tho Drat nti- tho ennfeiem-o. The wa gent I" mo In the iy t-in inajeaty, the d.iy hvi red, and I fake the iiitr lor it " ft it t'l the lliMcr'ltnn ren e to determine leroie it waa entire rcapoi. "The king of the ei whether or puhllnhoil ui l hta apee. h Hlimilil " iho cnnferenie decld ' lfvi.viT uf ilu puhll. v throughout thla mat ed the atrt'test iiiliati- d unuiiimn .It loll. "Ilia mnj ler haa fid tllliulial pr i,.e. lie ha not taken an the heulnning until a conaiiltalion with and of liia minister. '' .'lili.h, on heing riuea ih.. i.illlnir of tin- inn- any ate to w except ill the llllv rremier timied na with omtdiasiM ".hat all I an llliiolldltiolially. 11'' ferem-n a. attending dci lined I llsciis- why It waa heln held In rtilsini-'ham iialaie instead ul n the In When of coinmona Lu .1 ulolher there WoUlil bo an m iiiinliy for tllacUHsion n in tin houae Premier Aa . d: I Show." the Hlll'Ji iiuilh ret "Time KOENIE SURRENDERS 15MITS HE SHOT attaita v nrrTriAL ii,,s. July It. I.dw.ird K nlK. wli lor foul duva hud In i ll aouuhl r Ihe lo. al polite in eunnei - tloli w fti the shoolitig ol renx r-Alnler-ic usalflaiil t freatiletu W S. Mcii' -ney nf Hie Teriiiinul "Uil road ijV-,1 union. Mirremieied t tin police li ,i lawi r a ofllce today. To t'a f of Ix lectivca AlU lider, Mlmltleii llo hail allot All- leia.iiTniid rani ho did in hecaus" "they B id eiKispiKd tu ruin ami kill me." (Asked to ih fmi "they' hu an aweri i incuhen ni ly. All. iider ex-preaa-l Iho hcllel thul koeing eillicr ia In ino or leliiniiiK inaalnly. "I ttt the ruiiioad voluularily aev- ..eui 1. ,ra no,,." aaid Ko. iiis-. 'mil vv licift In y iravo mo 'clealaiice pupils. they t' ad that I had been disuiwacil This In ovemcd me from gelling work miy fa re else. 1 nigged und hogged In lm that the company reinstall' me fr give l"e ' "ircet cleurunec pa iter J' Kiiulg denied lie waa eniine' t"d wil l the Indiiati i .l Workira of thv W. Id rODAY IN CONGRESS. il TK. Met Ul llouli. 'I ho coiifeiem e report on tho dian nppi opi i.itlun hill w.ia .iini'li ted. A lieiiiuci.ill.' ciiufUa tu expe lo the trust "ilia und diarum dluiiriiiiient waa culletl lor lo- Mght. Iieluito wua r, aunioil on th" Inver and huhor mil. The torem laliong coiiimit- II. colisiili li-'l vviiionil acieni m te'iuest from 1 oluiiel ISuuaevelt lor nn opporii'i ity to dlaiusa thu Ciilomhimi tre.uv. Invesiia il.on of ihurgea of dl- rlinliiutinn hy a foul trust against chaili.ton and other aouthei'ii porta wua continued hy a loiiiiiiiltii;. Iinl hll. Met at noon. A hill In exl' ml from 10 In JO jenra the lime within which aelilera nn liiiiail.ui projecta may repuy the guv ei ntiit iil wag dehuti d. Intemlale ii.intitfh cuiiimla aicm repnrtt d leao'utlnii fur In Vrallgatinu of alleged drpieaainn of wheat pna pnul lu Kansaa pruductra. VILLA HAS ALL IIITHE AIR nstead of Proceeding South fro'i Chihuahua He Leaves for Old Bandit Haunts Around Guerrero. MEDIATORS URGE THAT U. S. DEMAND AMNESTY Forceful Representations Made to President and Sec retary Bryan for Protection of Huerta Followers. lilliiialillil. Mexico, .Inly 2'J. t.cmiiil Hla. Ill, wile ami muiic Mr-oiml rihiliN left I'slay lor t.iirrrviii, ttlwre tin- uill visit llsv lioini' of Mix ilia. 1 lu pin IV will not hUnii hero lor a vvia k. It tvut iiiiiiouiKttl. IJI'n-ai. lex., July ii. An liouiKX'liiciil of t.em-rul llhi'a llclay In iriMflliiK aoulli from t lilliiiiilnia ( it) uecatly piiiulcil ol lit lals litre ttsluv. had lai'll t-tNa led that liia would lenve liMla) for Agiiiia 1 ulli-iitca Willi three of Ina lirlgmli-n Ut NHll'1 Hile III Hh- jiiiH llon of rHiH iiortll nf llw lia llolial cnpllul. Moxienii nllli InU mi tlw hni-ili-r B'lmltleit tlH-lr htiMirata l Ilea Idiiua of tin- ill vision nf llii iiortli. I waa mt even known ilellliilcly f Ilia lujil lat'ii In tiled lo lukc part in the a-tiiry lulo Mi-lii t itv. t.iicrtt-m Is In the liloiliiliiiiuais district of wt-l-a-rii ( hlliiinliua. where lllu i eiali'il n ll luillillt lit film I lie .Muih-ro retnliilliiii. th:s i iii.i: oi Mwn Kill I.I.M ItAI. MMTV Washinnlon, July .'..--Aiiihnaaudiir I'a llama of lira. I anil MiniilerH Simrex nf Chile and Nami uf Argen- titia, Ihe tim e 1 1 1 1 ilin t " l a in tin Mexican alfair, lippiahd I'l I'reai- delll Wilsnli today In have the I'llil- ed Slates use Us in! Incline Willi 1'H erul Ciilran.a tn olitalli ll general ainmaly for who auiiportcil nu lluertu Ko-.i-rniiu-itt . It una the hist formal call nf the three inediulora sim e the cohlt rem ' al Niagara Fulls adjoin m d. The wete u cntupaiiii l tiv .-ci elal y lii nn and for m arly an liner ilist ussed the Mi XI. all situ. it, on .11 all Its phaaea. Thev i xpicsed the vli w that Franilacu Carhajal waa ready In turn uver Ihe government , totieiai i ar- raiix.i. hut Wanted tn git arm Ice that there Would he Ho vvl' desalo exei li tlnn". urii'sls or con! isiuti'in of prm eriy. Thev lold pi evldi lit W ilaon that Caiinijiil'l noi surrender um ditlonalli . an. linn iiiilesn t lies' KUitiinli.-a for Ihe proio. turn of Ih Uvea ami properly nf llmae who a'lp nolle, I llairla were kivoii. he would -oiiceiilrate nil I he iniliiarv f,.rcca mul resist to ,ln utmost liny If'Tt to IllVllile Mexico Cliy. The president mid Mr. list oiled attentively to the Mews of th Solllh Ann I I' an diploma's, especially u. they Indicate. I that Ilu ir govern InelilM prnhaldy xvouhl ho ul..ill l' I-, nature any adiuiiiiaiituion in M' x leu which relnaiil tn nive nu arti r I' Ha enemy or ostaumh liaelf hy pein e ful nn ins in ini i'i'liiiici- w .1 ll ci III ed i-r.o lu es uiiioiu; tiattona. (:,r their l., Ik Willi thn i, .vcltlniv ill van mid Hie three i toils wini lo Ihe stile lit uai Um ul foe ll colifel en, o. l-loil ft.., ilitllli lli'e .. f tho 1'nted Slat, " was la ills- relied on hy lTi visional I'l tit In ' lain sail-fin i n v It i ins from the on . in ul loiiiillsls was evilained uls.i I'V Jos.. Casl.'ll"!. personal l.prcscll!u tlvo of t al'iijil The liiediafora eon f..r.. .1 ...a .inlv wi'h Mr Cast. Hot lull nls.i with ll " Kan.. a. i it ,1. t... on which I. I I. senteil lloolla at the M.'g.ira Full confer en. t a. Mr. Caslelli't win eon 'idt lit Ih A ..I.'.... ..,. ..rnineni m-ct-r w'ould permit an arlniraiy eiiHV in'" Mox Ico City. He aaid Ihe Cillmjal gov iiiiiieiil wanti.l nn share III the fu lor., .i.l.. ...Ml ei.t i, ,n. nn validation "f tho a. ta of lluiria. hul simply guer anleea for liv.-a usi.t properlv. Word that the .on. mission wht will reproM-nt Cumui-il In negul II. .ha with Carraiia had 1 f i Mi'" Cnv l a me lr Ciistellot today. The commission departed without ohliiin- Ing cre.leiiliula. tun s.n.e Cariiin'" indicated to the Aniorhnii gm-i rn Im nt that ho would receive Ihe i oin-lui-.loliers, -'ill liiHtruetl.ina and au thoriition II he aont tliem. tit lit I ul Currunaa hug gugt ated that Iho coiifi leu, i g take plni'O nl Sallilln. citi:w. W V 1t TMII'ltil; Mil HI Ml l,ll:l) I In ll. aril C.elte'.il .irr "i..l a f pe el. ll Train, t n r.uite In T.itnplcn, Vie Imi. i, Mexico I Via lairedn, T.-xaa. July 'tit. lenelal I'.ili net w.ik giv en nn ent hnsinstlr wide.. me lit the town along the lino I rum Miuitorey lo Victoria I...I iy. l will remain Iwn days In Tampa n. im h pmnt ht. will leiu h tnii'oi rovv . iiml 'hen re turn I.. Sultillu via Moiitorey. where he expect.s I,, rc.iv.. the delegates fniii, ami also Kui.mi'i .i pnla, brother of Ciet'elal Clllll. Ill" ipata. who will confer with him eon. eriilui; the disposition uf the Za pata Irooi'B iiml ii. tails of the entry into M. Xa o Cly. John I:. Siiiiinmi, who is ni'oard the ll nitl, had aevernl long Intel Views vvnh Cetieral Cm ru u i ami aeveral of his I al.inel uflirera. lieliertll Na era ami li.'m inl Truiua mi oinpan led C.irranr.a In Victoria. WIT tnwr I.IM I!MH AWIot s i mi ii: I m Hoard C S. S. Cuiiforniit, Ma xatliui, Mexico, July 2 i t Ity Wire leaa l.i San lil.g.i. Call 1 m the ar rival of the llaaship California here tniiay, ai'prunchea were recelvfil from both Ihe federal und f nnatltiitiuniilist cumpH iiull' at lug thai tile general on Imlh Hd.'s would ho Mlatl tu lll.ol nn hoard Iho flagship nr aninc other foreign 1 1 ins. .r tu nrrungo an I'rmls- tlec during ii pnssihle evacuation uf ilu' illy by tho f.dirala. Such u meiinm- would he (hor- ouahly In accord with Ih" policy of Admiral II. .ward, who. sine,, the fall llu. rla, has heen doing everything ho t mild tu luing the muring lac- t u aa ti.iiether. Six hundred truupg nf thnse w ht vactiaied c.uavimia reeenllv are novvii In have landed at V "'nilln. which would imlicito a fmsslhlo rtur ana. k, lu I'onjum tlou with the troops at Maxatlnn, on Ihe fonts of lienerul )hl egun. T'S ft HARD GAME I. OIL TO BEAT Pitiful Note Left by Man on Trial for Murder Before He Takes His Life in Cell. Huston, July 1".' Lawremo Kuh- itisoll. chal'Ueil Willi the liullil.r "I 'olu'e lns t.-r Tlmiuas J. Nnitoti. uiuillltleil Mlii lile last lllL'ht hy cllt- ling his throat Willi a s'ecl shins which tie had lelliovtil ftoln nlie n( l is siloes. Min e III.- ., a lung nf hla trial y.-sn i diy In- had h. n t oiiiiiied ut night In u i ii iin . f the cmn Hiiiiiso IEoI.iiiai.ii was a-', used ltf hIiuoIiuk Xortuii while resi'iing In I hi llovlstoll cute on June I'l. foinitl in Itol.inson'i ef- i ts and flat) I Inlv Is i n . 1 1, .t t . thai ho colli. Illplat. d snh i'le lielole the trial lot. 'ii. In a palhell. and r penlaiil tod,. I,, Ins iimthei unu Wife he en id: "To my dim a'.'lher and my vvifn. I hint Alice; the luting sweetheart of my bi.v'hooil davs, ihe only woman have Hi r love. I und who stuck t" mo lhr.mi:li nil IIk- -Ii i ii i.. into w lin n .l, um.-. I her, I 1. 1, 1 a a-i fund 11 1- .. mul if th. i. is a Cod Almighty ami am-tlier ttoiM. I piav that I may llll'il V oil tll.'le. tSlUUClll "I. A Wi: FXCK." To Sheriff John ijiiinn, Ina k. t per. and lo his . i. mis. I. John II urn! Iluh ' 1:1. nu hard, he wrote: "Vou tire up iik'.itnst ii h.n. I game When V"i v. got to ill" to heat It It seems l.i I. i the t usl. si solution for Hu- vvh,,h- ditlli ullv. I WoUhlll I wait lo i.. to the i hair for the aai i-'faet Ion it would give icrtaiii peonle. und hfe or a long term In prison lm male-l.r.istii. r are worse than death ml I know what Km talking nhout-" Make the Evening Herald of Every-Day Help to You in Your Management of Your Home The Evening Herald is a daily "trade journal" for the home-makers of this city. It brings to tho home, every evening, the last-minute news of the stores. These ' ads'' aie, ulmost always, full of "opjurtunity news" for th': buyer jf the household things. The search for these buying opportunities fitting them to present needs -deciding whether cr not to buy IMMEDIATELY some thingthat must be bought later, for the sake of a material saving these "business matters" occupy an evening hour pleasantly and protitally. The store "ads" brought to you every day in the Herald oatdin "economy data." They inform you as to special sales. They tell you about unusual buying chances tor. in every store, these occur and recur, and you may nev?r hear of them unless jou watch the store "ads." Hake this ' trade journal of the home" of daily value to you. Get from its "ads," all -if the advantages they of fer you. Use, in this way, as much wisdom in spending a dollar as it requires to earn it. , RUSSIAN GRAVE TODAY Passenger Train Held Up by Mob Just Outside St. Peters burg and Passengers Forced to Walk. SOLDIERS NOW GUARD ALL RAILWAY STATIONS Thousands of Men Walk Out in Practically Every Im portant City in the Empire. Armed Clashes Frequent. SI. Petersburg, July 22. The airik s.lualioii In liui-siu, took on a mora seimila iisM-i'i today when armed con. Hit I,, oi'iirrtd lu Ihu al recta and ra mi i le 1 1 in the wounding uf mutiy po lice. ctiHsat ka an I at risers. Juat iiUt.Hiilu tin. capital, a passell- gcr tliiin on Ihe coast Hue tu Finland was held up by atrlkera, thn engineer iv as ton t d to unit the locomotive un it r threat of being shot und Iho pnsHcngcia were driven out uf tha lu is. Tho alrlketa Who numbered 200, then rut ilnwii the tclcgruph pt.lea nut niist il oostruciiong ui thu tr.n ka. A lletat llllletlt of cuaaileka and lii ndai ines arrived und drove off tna wietkera. Tralllc wins then leaumrd hut every train waa runvuyed by a luv.uiunltv with nu a I til. d taVcurl. Al Itlgit the airlko niuvemiiiil wag reported tu be spreading und It wag aaid t.uoii men In tint city had atruck work, while many other cltlea In all :irt of the empire thoiiaaiida of men are reported to have left their em ploy nient. DUDLEY TAYLOR TELLS COMMISSION EVILS OF PICKETING Chliimo. July it-Alleged irre- apt.nnliiliiy nf labor tiiiinna wua de- scrihetl hy luulley Tuypir. counaol for the l-.nipl.iveia' uaa.alullnn ,,r t liaai:.! In l.rlnmiuy whhh ho gav" hilnre li e I'mie.l Mat.'H eomiiilaaion mi industrial relations here today "A Chlcag.ian who owna aivoral rehl.liirunta Hie.) the experiment of a i lii. il shop, l.ut ll wouldn't work." related Mr. Tabr. "So hu rejected it, hut kept precisely Iho ci.llilltlulU in vvagea iiml bouts demanded by thu Illinois. Tim unlolia agreed tu the employim in "f outsuUt help. but Hi..) to it".iiiic ill audi outsider to Join the unions. This waa found lm prii' tt' aide. The rcstuurunta hnva lieeti siil.Ji ct. il tn I'l' kvling ailu e hul in. utleinpt In ina.le by the uniniia t remniis'iate with iho employer; the picketing Is to il.etruy putrunage." MCCOMBS WILL TAKE LOOK AT POLITICS IN WESTERN STATES Washington, July 23 After a i .illlelellee w II ll President Wilaon to day Willium F. MeCmha. cliulrmait of the I iciii"' rutlf nail. mill l oliilliit tcc. ni'lioiinci d llo Would leuve tn i.ighl for the Pa. ifti' co. ii to ntis. rva pulitiial conditions, stopping In len Ml among oilier cltlea.