Newspaper Page Text
HC1 THE EVENING HERALD. ALBllUERQUE, N. M., WEDNESDAY. JULY 22. 1914 R CBDWD 111 GO BEIEICIEHT POLICY GOES TD SUHDAY SCHOOL CELEORAT ON Bclicvrd Now that Thousand Children and Their Parents Will Join in Picnic Tomorrow. Ainu-iu. ruur Smnl.iy w'll liniie tmimrrnn In hii nll-ilay oiiiiuif ml reli iiriitnm, I he minual pi mi- ' Ihn union IStimliiv a. honl.. r tin- riti A thnuanml i lilMri-u uml tin ir I ar- nta urv expprlpil to Kit In I he M'"ir ftrovr on i hp t : i Hi, ml, iminit i timrnina; .n Ihp ently a.,ni h-1. utul mm. ami atay nil tin v. 11 J uiic )" Iip! Itim-hpr. firhl apnrl. ntnl a arti--rul tiimd tniK' In iIki npin inr. Th" ftroiimla will It oprn lit x ti lm k. to morrow iiinriiliiH uml th pii hp k-r lire i ii i arrive early M ih c r ( 'huiHioiiitip haa iirtain;eil t hum extra eara rutiniiiK n.i I hi Hotith Third ettrrt llnr iliuiiiK Ho arly tin. ruin hour, mi I nil may lip nrrmiimoiluti'il. f'liililri'ii nniltT a yeara nf nitr inav rliln .'ree If with ii iii hur nr parent Thp plllilli' In ft.l ll;illv Invited In thr li nli'. A line program of fiehl MitirtM fir Ui' hova ami mi tt him br'n nrrntiKi il. with plenty f uiinn iir ipriaea. Tim proKnim for iho il.iy follows: Morning. 00 7S-ynnl rare for liny. IB anil ii i. 9 K "R-y-liril rtnc fur glrla, H lu t. It 3i - Hliitiilin liroad Jump fur lnya, 1(1 l Hi. S.l.'i- KtK riit'c fur RlrlH, It! mnl Up. in on lifinv rm'K fur hoya. 1 team from enrh Humhiy Ri honl. 10: IS Fill tnrn'ii rari, :0:it - Haarliull. boya, 10 4f.- Kill liiillm' r:iro. 1 1 nn I'rem lii-rn' ran-, 7 yuriln- 1 1 : 1 .i Tout lii k potato r.u fur ttlrla. 10 In M. 1 1 .30 In 1 no Pinner. ft-riifMin. 1 Oil - 7".-ari1 rnrp fur hova. 10 I" 1. I la F.ig rnrp fur airla. 10 in 11 1:311 fark rinp Inr laiy. Mi nnil tip. 1:4.1 Tim of war fur tilrla. 1(1 nml up. il:(HI ClrlH- nml boy" bum bill ftnme, In pluy lift -humbil. 2:15- Toothpick potnio rare for Hll In. 1(1 ami up. I ail- Tltrm -li-Kinit rai'p fur li'im Hi ! 2:45 - Ui lay rai r fnr Klrln. ntlP Iphiii Inmi pai Ii Siiinliiy m Iii"'I. 3 tin Tim of ur fnr Imya, ltl utpl up- II. K- HnrirHlimi pitching i-nitli'Hl fnr nun. T:i krr i:ititm i-niitt. fr irf, fr-i- tnr nil 3 4;. ,j-iin rare fin- snln, lfi ami up. Ill TI CITY DEPARTMENTS I'll isi il lltt till' fill Hilly IlitiTlnl ."iriM.i . 1 1 1 . 1 1 vi 111" 1 lil.itn. I.) Ilia nil m hii lit I "iii-iil Inn i.f trying tn aavo t iy tin, una a y,nr In txii-mll- I'M'!-. Miwir l:i. Ill tnilny tHlki il u llllll' lll'ill- (Mils 1. 1 hln plUIIH. ' r iii 1 k lit , a 11 tmilw-r of f.n t," 4nl I Iip mat nr, 'HI nut tn a. up iJ'i. Ii'mi a i-ni, lint r Will tun H'tuiilly It., in ii-iii-tn h n ili llnii.. Mini. o w II nnp 11 a mill Ii iik tup run In npir at ii 1 hi 1 it v ili-pfiri ini'titm nnil 111 l 1 11 Ihp ll'a nrpiirtil tniairii'Ka. Tin n- ru nni i 1 1 ilin tlnna In talil.ti .1 n.ititii; r.-in In- pfTi'. ti (1. "Wi" will tint t'lr up ulip t Ii I ti at Hint till. Illy liii'iln, hut c Willi 1 1 : 1 V II IIiiiik f -r vihli It iimiI ia lint pl'iliil.v iil-i-Hfi-nl- 11 w(. Un:i'l Iii-iil 11 t ll 111 K wc II tint haw II." A iiiciilicr nf Ihp illy Kiiw-mmi-iil uil tnilny Hint wllih' llli re uag lm l..u til navini; iimiil lie (Ti iil in III. Illl till '! lni. it w.l I lill' lllnUH tn t ilk nf n.iWim tin. Him a .war wlilmiit na 1 1 III-mi! iii-i cr nry tlnim-. "S. vi '.llnllKMlnl-.'' lt:i:i lli-ali'r thr Itlir lie 11. lin-il at, In' iliniiuht. TIhtp ati IWn ili'inirt tin inn tn Iip trip k hy Ihi" pi'tli y nf ti-lii' H litiu-nt. II la aalil. Tin- pnln p ili-pn 1 1 mi'iit la tint i.tip of i Ik-ui. Tin' niayiir, who 1 'inn' I f 1 1 nilli i' liltti-rly 1 n mi-il to ( lilif Mi.Miilln nml tilnl in i-wrv way nt'i-tl In lulu lu fillet this fli-ail (il Hip pulp I', N n.iiil In huvp mlniltlpil Hltir rivii-ilii4 Hip niimttiia that tlii-t'p hud tm way iii Willi h In ami In Unit ili-i'iit I tin nt r IimiI lini.ilritm Hi 1 lllrli t -y. Tin' flipf pnta up wltll a ililapnl iti'il 1I1 nk ntnl ntlipr furnl lutf. ahiimia thn 1 ity by I'a -h ii'liliii-vR, mnl r I k lil pi nt. ntny mirk I lift aitn.liiii 11 illmi nf hla nlll'P. Hp 1'iiin In nn Inlla p.mi fnr mn h 1h!nr an mptnuraniliiin impcr, Ink, nl IpIp hi uma. 1 hi. fnr' P In the ily PtinliiprrlnR fill t l anlil In hp I'm Intai" fnr Ila rpiiilri ini iiia. It h naiil Hint nt Ip.iat tw-n i.uiirlu-n rmilil hp ilivm i'piI I mm Ihp payrnll wltlmiit IniiialriiiB the of (ii'iPtn y if thr ill pnHiiiPiit 11 Int. Sii' h t tri'in hiiu-nt aa may I'P In Iriiilin 11I Into thi- tiro 1I1 l':ii tiiu iil. II 1m a.nil. will l-i tin wiiv nff.-i I tb i'iiii'itii'tit r ila prppiiri'ilripa n rupp with flip. Thp miiynr ami niln-r 1 i 1 V 11MI1 lain ri nllrp fully thai llii-m w tibl I, i-nn In 1 rippliim lirpfltthl Inir 1 tlli-ii ii' y. I'lii'i- !.i:. rt. hmvi -ver, will Ii,. Hn- ru'p. "nl 11 1 - -1 that Itmni'y run In- nn il h ' 1 nl "ih'-r mcthniln nf 1 an fill tu 1 mm 1:1 tni-iil Ii)' thp w .it'll ilmta of tnu trcanury. PflEMIUM DQQKFQR COUNTY CAMPAIGN STATE Pi IS ft HUM llir.ilil waul, dlmpa. I Iiiipo X tlinaa I Tin: i'i: imkhi Of cino nf our ovens pmila a frnx-ruiii-a Ihut In amiit MpppliaiuK In Hip liuimry. II I Hip awet't nilnr of rhoH luijil, pnailiwly puro llllll (lt'i'iilPilly w hull a 0. tiur 1 1 r ii J. Id. 11m ami Kim till are iiiui h ami g lit afur t.y (Imao who iIpiii.iihI itonil lirpail fnf tlii inai hi a mnl faiullli a. Ji in mailp nf Ihp Very luat aik-'U-il flnur full vf lliu until ii-IiIiik parta of I hp sraili. nmuci I IUI1LLII umi 9V1 aaxiU. lint M. Clearance Sale Thursday's Specials From 1 5 to 25 per cent ff on Go Carts, Hiyh Chairs and Cribs. Call and look thern over. Strong Bros. 2ND AND COPPEB Tin- 1'Jll i'l 1. ilium lunik nl Hip Ni Mii' 11 siiiii.. I. ill, u 1 11 h ii" a "Ii' iililuiii 111. ni lii iitn.ii u, lliu lii-.iij ili .u.i ml li-r t lie Imnk liniii ull pal in nt tin rl.ilc, (.aiuu liniii Hip pii&a luil.i uiin 111 Pt) ll mt I 111 11 1 1 u iillil V, UK- 11 iniillnw and Hip nnl ul III i-l n I'.' M'lliliiiy 'lulu liiiiki-tt I'l tin- lull 1 iiimiunMiiu. Tina i-uta 1-iiiiiIu:ii Iu i.k i :m, mil) 11 nun Ii l.nm r and mni-c eiitniili'lu ii.iniui; 111. ill cn-r hu ti'io. Inn li.ia lin-il ptt-purpil with n iipiioiial i-.irt" and la iiy uuiuiuw It; iipiuaiaiiip. Tliu lutt't la ull ul li Ki ln ul ill-mull ili.iwn lu ill. mil. ,u lliu vailii iiiuartlrii-H of .Ni .l Jlui 'ii, un ol'Jci't wlli'li lliu UltlHl his tit laliipil M iy t Iii-i -lively. The Pooh i.pi'iia with un 1 11 1 1 nil Ion Py Hit 1.1. nr Imr 1 i.liliiilnln'i 111 whli It H i" 1 n nil. in 111. nip to Hit. uml ini P rt i.f lint 1 11 . 1 1 ill in n ill uml Ihn litKh iiiai K 11 liaa nt Inr lliu Uiir. the i n- 11 nl aiuiH hi'iiitf aumimii ueil In lliu fnllnWUlK veima: ThiiiKa i: iinfl enniuiiiHP, ThiiiKa that wo altoulil Rrow, TliuiKa wp li-ivu to liuilil upon, TIiiiikh we ull aliotilil know. To point naa to hitur Ihttma; Ami lii lli r iiii lhnilH almw. All iIii'kp thn Stall- Fair hrinva To uiil .Npw Mi-xli'o. ( lutliiium Hie ilHIU ultli'a It h ia tn OVl-rinmu III tlllliMtnrttlillK l". .il intn H nlale liintiluilnn, Ihp ri.iiiltiinfiiili n!inws thi" 1.111-1 i-MM ui'htevpil thna far ami Hn' i i i i.iliily for i nnii lrii- am 1 i-""M nrt-nliallnwcil 111 I lie ntati-Vi I'll' 11.11 whli'h the lomiiiiniiiiii In ni'W ri'ri'iv iin frntn all Hi-i'tliitiH (il Ni ii Mi x u n. Willi ili'hty-flvp pa ma of prpininma, pi Ipa utnl tinplilpa tinil i iirryiiiht nmri' than 14,011(1 worth of ranh purnpH the Imnk la ri'prpKPtilatlvp of u r 1 ntaie ixpomtinii wnilhv of thp ri ra oi New Mrxlro. Appliratlnmi fnr Hie pri'inltim hook havu In-rn poiintm 111 mi llii ai" ii'tary'M olllrp ti.r vinkv Pant nml fhnne who tlralrp thr I k nlmtilil mail 11 riqui'at to hr. ri tary lli.'ikirt lit oiipp. BEGINS TO GET UNDER Republican Sore Because of Arbitrary Exclusion of Proxies in Committee Meet ing Call for Monday. BACA AND ROMERO TO TOUR THE MOUNTAINS 11 L ASK mm CORPUS SALAZAR 111. Will Upply .Mn Ilia) ! if. 'I'l I1.I11.1I JmUr i. 11. 1'., la lor u win In. .11 is viitpus ti irlrane tiini'lui Ji t,- Yin a ll mil 1 otitiiii nii'lil ul Knit V innate, w . t lie ui.iti inetii tKlrt ulii'Mimill of l..liMn Ha a, Mala lui m pi-lr.iilial al'.i-l In . Not imly Ik H luli iul ki in Iniil Willi tin 01 In ( Mi-ki-'un ii.niiii ia at the nlil tint, hut hp la ri.ii!liii-.l in vitiilurt liul witli in Hie nnl buanl liuiin-: LiieiiUMe, il la ullraiii, ul a cnniun linn Wllh OI 111,. ,IH III l 11 pniM-il 1. ..ii.lil It 0I111 inn in niulliirii Mu1.11 uauinat Hio i.iinli 1 ul lull il nut 1 -i liiin til oi I'ar ra ni.l. li..lh Mi I. mar uml hia altuiupy liuu dniii'.i hia 1 iiiitu-i tmii wiHi any euuii tor rev olulintiary pint, 11 nil tile olll i'pr nl roll Wltu-ite a.iy nimita 0 fctuUiuir a iittt-ttipta In mi i'U have I ipii ,-x.iiiKrrulPil. t-i hia t-niitinupil inltititmi nt In Hie K'tai'il liuua. Inill mli't Hut tn, ip 1 (mint! (It liiiltp Irani-11 .-r 111 mil. 1111111K i. u 1 lal aupi-ivia- Jltn n.i!' 11111V1-1111-:ita. Mr. I ...1 ami loiiay that an far aa he ki in HaliiAai a atattia u Hip foil Imil 1 "t 1 h.i in' i-il nlnic hp viaitiil hint 11 wi . a .un iii ...l l. ii Hi.. 1 liu hml rairiviil 11 ti I. i; r.u 11 fimii the i n- ul i. iril.j m ii.iul tluil lu- vi Will. Tin Hint liny will link that I lit) llllll. .11 Im-i (Hi- ll I'li-na lnl J tip In A 1 1 ' J 1 1 1 -r 1 . 1 1-. I n Ii I toiatt-a At.iitmy liijil.hnrt la In Kiiih 1 r Imluy nml tt la ti'il k'luWu .htllii-r Hi,: l.'nll-l'l,lll-llt llai hail Inl inul l.i.a. i- of iIip : --i.'l'.n t..r hahpua olpua or what l: uM.Iii.Ip wi.I I.e. Wlih tho tlppnrttiro tmnorrow inornlnH" of fntinty lipptilillrun I'liniriiian Murlff Jrnug Hmm rii; KI Ii Kn Hiiril. tamliilalp fnr the Ki pilh llii n liniiilnation fnr cmittrtMB, uml Atli.rtny MoilpHtii Omit for Ihn .an I in 111 1 1 11 11 1 11 1 tin, pri'Miiii.iuly In the I11I1 ipH nf the Hani raiiill'lary 11 nil hia mnti-ni of the I'.ii 11.. I.ll.i enmity 1I1 nt 11.11. Hn i i.unly ruin pii n; n may l.p wiliI to have pollen pretty will timli-r way. Mr. Ha. 11 aiinniinrpil the pmpiiHt'il vl"lt to thp itmiiiitii'ii pre- i-ltn ra Hi n nlkllmoii. Matiim Hial hr w 1 1 11 lit he iirt'ompmili'il by t-hirlff Kotiipro mill n In. That Hmitrro hiia Bi'lii" Into U'r a 1,1 111 i, luijf ami hiiKi'iii.'p, anil la now liniii up anlnlly fnr the inilillnhi-r nf l.a ii.iu l"li fnr thp ri.lim r-n.n:il pominulloii la cviiliiit, n liiiiiilant pro. f of hlH fi ii iiib-hip hiiMni? Iii-vn k i oi. It I" nanl t.y thnnp In 1 l,wp tnui h with Hip nitnatinn that Hara'a linn: 111 I li' I11II11 piii p liaa liiki tl iivrr i nlitinl nf thr futility ri commit Irr iitul nrLtiiti Uatlnii o far iih nil pr.-n lirul pur pnnra urp I'l'lirrrni ll. nnil that lip ll i lipin:np in ful if not In name the linn nf 1 :rl fllililln. Ili puliln una In thp two Alliii'im r- iiip pri'rim la hnvp hi-rn i xpn initiK varylnit il. ttrrrn of i n. I. .iih linliKmi tlnll ul Ihp t'lnninu tliil'ib i.f till" fall for the llfpuiilii an rouiiiv einiiiiiil-li-p no pIiiik, fnr Mi. inlay in t flt thr riiiirthonnp. Thp rail rum liulra with the nUiiiflriint wiir.ln: "("oiiip lu prrnmi. ' I'ri'Xira will no' lip. rrrrlvril." 111 thin, ilnlarp thp h.iy In la rtihHiin; thn rail, thp hiiml i.r Mr Hii. it la n. . n nkillfiilly uniiliti thi" murhliirry l.mui.l a Hrrnalill.i ilrlr t'lillnri in Dip Simla l-V ...iivriiln.n plnlKPil to liln nmnlnailnn. It I inilntril out Hml tin. n fnaal i, ;-roir. nlp (iroxlra will giyp Hani a malrrlal Ipvi raup (n the rnmmltlpp mi rlnin nml In itiakltiK Ibp t-nll Inr the prl mailrn, whirh It la now rrriimii!-,! hi. will dlrtnip. It la furthrr pmtitnl inn by Iho Imya that Ihp rn-nit nit Ion of n .r..xy la u Hepul.llran i-ualmn whirh liaa ln-i nine nn Inniiiiitinii: thai thp pmxv rppn arntuilon la a iiialtrr of rluhl whirr pirnnnal nt t. 11.I..I1. ,. In InipnMillilp, ntnl that Ii" power haa thp rlcht In r"vnp It ix-ri-pt iii Hon .f the rank nml Mo of Hip party In n irnlur rnnwnllon or mri'tina; nna-ml.ri. TliPr.fnrp thp l.oya nn. anrp nnil aomp of Ihrin hove pxi rmjiril ill in fnm out "If nil pnrtv iin-iKi-ii can hp vlnlutnl by Ihp poiinle (man nnil bin bnaa with Impunity." Tlila Imirr wm ihp rx-iri-nlnn nf a v. tpr.m lipp.iMlrun Ihla mornlnir. who dnrlari'd thai while he bail tipver vol null the rontity riall- i ir in ji i n i n p. orannlant'i.n even in It ilnikpnl ilnya. he bail hml nil Hip "ronuli muff" be, nlanil. The prnapi-rla nn- fnr a wnrm hp alnn of Ibe liPt'iiiilli un rommlttie iipxi .Mniut.iy nml ihp n-.iumpl Ion la hip ntipriff nml Mr. Ha-a lire aoitia- In Hip niuiintaln prpi liu In In Imn out annip of Hip kink known t" exlnl thirp. WilW u u u u vi cr AT Milk Tr3 C. 3 P IV If feillS MN0UlJMIiaW THE TIME YOU WANT THEM a AT TT 1 O' jMiy Clearance Dme races Our entie line of Wool Dress Goods on sale at extraordinary low prices. Now is the time to nhke up your children's dresses and your own dresses and suits. This is your one great choice or the season to secure dress goods at these prices. fir Tanniia. I he eye, par. none on Ihmai aperliilUt of Kunta Kp wll rr turn ' A llntiiiii-riiue Aukuhi int L' mil 3il, ami will nn- patlrlil at II. .ti t'otiiba. II. una in a. m In 4 p. tu. The HERALD Want Adi gti tne l ::' -tivlts. That bmli-a.rluil ibll, nf f .rl nrip. Turn Kin I on of Hie Hrni klvn I'.-iIk. I lllit III. nit llinl iplilie nfti-r i ll. He was ri rally llueil I'.U .m l atiapi !i.!i it l.n I. i) a for unu.'inr an uiiiplir. MARCUS P. SAWIELLE General Contractor Office & Carpenter Shop Zll West Gold Kallv llrli-k fur Kale. Lot No. 1, Clearance Sale Price 31c yard 3S-inch Talcy Tweed Suitings, in iiiedium ail dark grays, suitable for inexpeijive school suits and dresses. 5Qinches to 50 inches, I.Iain and incy Mohair, in frood and black, regularly 85c. Materials worth up to $1.50 yard staple color sold at 05c t Special 31c 45-inch Grer Suiting, a well made and closely loven fabric, especially made for had wear, regu lar $1.25 vahe. Special 31c 38-inch French Serge with self col- ored stripe, an excellent fabric for house dresses, in Navy Blue, Copen hngen Blue, Gray, Green and Old Rose. Special.. 31c 44-inch All Wool Voiles. We have this in Browns, Blue, Tans. Gray and White. These Voils regularly sold at $1.00 to $1.25 Special D 31c CG-inch Fancy Storm Serge, o heavy quality for school suits and di esses, in Green only, reg- g nlar 75c quality. Special . . J j 36-inch Striped Wool Taffeta in Gray and White only, for good scr vicable dresses, regular 85c 4 value. Special 3 S V And many other patterns end materials. Special . . 31c Lot No. 2, Clearance Sale Special 61c yd. Materials worth up to $2.00 yard 12-inch Flaii Mohair, regular . . r.:,fnn v;i n .v.nt;.m , , . . T. , .j 45-incli tniiion Vou, an exception. &1.25 value, i. Light Plaids, a . . ...1:t .;. Hood quality md servicable ma- "' I,ne rrcncu 1UrtUiy wun 1,1 tcrial for schod dresses. visible check, in Brown and Res eda Green only, regular P 4 C4-inch Fancy "Vool Taffeta, a very pttractive mataial in Gray and Tan with small pin stripe, tegular $1.25 viue, at. . i 45-inch Stripe lool Taffeta, Navy and Browitmly, i ltgular $.25 at ...... 61c in 61c $2.00 value. Special, yard. 45-inch Fancy Wash Crepes, for siiits cr dresses in Brown, Copcn- hngan Blue, Red and Black, regu lar $1.25 quality. Special 61c C-inch Chiffon Panama, in Brown, Navy, Peacock and Red, C i g regular $1.00 value, at. . . . U K v DO-INCH CHIFFON BROADCLOTH 45 TO 50-INCH FANCY BLACH 6UITING3 52-INCH FANCY CHEVIOT SUIIINGS 4G-INCH BLACK ZIBETINES 44-INCH FRENCH SERGE Lot No. 3, Clearance Sale Special $1.01 yd. Materials worth up to $2.50 yard 44-inch Wool Corhnoy, in Navy and Mahosrany, for suits and dresses , regular $1.50 value. Special, yaid . . $1.01 48-inch heavy WoolCi cpc, in Black and Gray only, regular $1.50 value. Medium weight. Special, yard $1.01 50-inch English Wtipcord, an ex tra fine wearing quality, in Taupe Copenhagen Blue $1.50. Special, yard only, worth $1.01 54-inch heavy Chiffon Panama, a particularly good value for Skirts and Suits in Black, Blue and Red, worth $1.50. Special, yard ie ana iveu, $1.01 54-inch Black Cheviot Serge, will not wear smooth, worth $1.50 Special yard $1.01 50-inch Wool Epongc, all good shades, for smart street dresses, reg ular $1.75 value. Special til ea.-it.o, i $1.01 44-INCH BROCADED EF0NGE. 50-INCH WOOL CORDUROY. 54-INCH BLACK SUITINGS 56-INCH FANCY COATING 50-INCH PLAIN CHIFFON PANAMA. All materialworth up to ydrd. Special yard $2.50 $1.01 Lot No. 4, Clearance Sale Special $1.71 yd. Materials worth up to $3.50 yard SG-inch Imported Wool Eponge, an unusually good material for at tractive Suits and Skirts, in Mahog. any, Brown and Grty, regular $1.00 value. Special , Jjj JJ 45-inch Matlasse, in htndsome de signs and combinations in Purple and Black, Brown and Black, Blue and Black, regular ?3.00 value, at. .$1.71 4G-inch Silk or Wool VI Jornix, a pietty French Fabric of a soft na- ture in Brown, Tan and Gray, worth $2.50 1 71 Special J)lili 54-inch Mixed Suiting, in Dark and Light Mixtures, with pencil stripe, regular $2.50 value Special $1.71 5G-inch Zebitine, a light weight silky finish for suits, in Navy Blue eiily, worth $2.50 7 56-inch English Whipcord, in smart two tone effects, Blue only, regular $2.50 value J Jj 54-inch Imported Wool Corduroy, in Blue only, regular tfjl 71 $3.50 value, at ?' 48-inch Wool Brocades, in Crepe, Wool Charmuese, for Suits and dresses, in Brown and Blue, worth $2.50. Special J J SEE THESE VALUES III FBOIIT VIHDOV A!i OPPOHTlinllY HOT OFTEN PICKED UP P A5 Lsd3 ii 1 V V . WHERE QUALITY MEETS PRICE" -"I """""I Tf ' I1., . .I. . i , ' : '