Newspaper Page Text
TirnEU iueciLai nor u 3 mm Friday amid Saturday THE EVENING nERALD. ALBUQUERQUE, N. M., WEDNESDAY. JULY 22. 1914 n 1 00 of the prettiest and. classiest Dresses displayed this season, in Rattines, Voiles, Crepes, etc. These Dresses must be seen to be appreciated. Values to . $15.00 SEE WINDOW DISPLAY- ISPQR 'M' $ $ J $ J Baseball. Standing of the Clubs (Tli overages do not Include to day's rcnulla. ) NuIIiiikiI league. Won. I'll New Yolk 41 3.' .' hong. 41 7 Kt. ! ... 4 7 40 . r. 4 t :iS 41 .4i'l 'ln innall 3!l 4"i .4t PhihulelphU .17 41 .463 llrooklyn .'tr. 4.1 .4 4 1 Plttxhiirgh IT. 41 .443 AllM-Hi llll L'SglM', Won. Uuot. Pet. Philadelphia r.l S3 I4 lKir..t 4 7 4H R4I .hfet..B .. ' 99 ,f. II, .Moll 44 4"t HI l.oiii 4 4 40 .r.-'l hi. ago 41 4 2 New Voik 3.1 4 .4J l'lf l.iml 2 r, .341 1 Extra Wmi mm 50 Men's and Young Mens I Suits Formerly sold from $15.00 to $22.50 r ') m 1 f m if 1' VJ $ J J J $ J J Idli-rul lit-ague. Won. I."Bt. I'rl I'hiuiB 4! .14 .Mm I inliit mi ImiIIm . ....4a SI .'.To liiiliitnorv 44 .17 .Ti41 Irooklyn 41 S.'i .r.:!J '!i:f1al.i 3: .10 .too Kanna city 1? 47 .4 40 SI Louie 3(1 4 .4-' I 1 1 1 1 1 h 1 . 1 1 1 K h 31 47 .3:17 GAMES TOMORROW Mlllioillll 14NIUIIO. Itontun 111 I'lilnburgh. New York in Cincinnati. Philadelphia nl Chicago. 1 irooklyn at St. I.ui. American 1 4 nunc Cleveland nl Philadelphia. Chicago ill Washington. St. Limit nl II0HI011. In.'troit nt Now York. IVdcrnl Ij-ngllC. Knnaua City nl lluftuln. i Uoiim at K.tlttmore. Chicago t llrooklyn. I ii 01 it.. o .ik ill I'lltvliurKh. YESTERDAY'sllESULTS National lnuiic. New Vork. ; 4. ' I'n iiiiiit 1 i. SI. 1 .011 1, i; Hrooklyn, 4. Ito.lnll. (, PitlNhtll'gh, 0. fhimgo, 4; Philadelphia, 3. merlin 11 Ij-uguc. 1'" li-hli, 2; Clciclini' 1. (Flrnt d;i no'. Philadelphia. 7; Cleveland, . New York, 7; Detroit, "1. Ponton. I; Hi. I.011U 1, (Six In niiti.'.; rjiin.k Wunhluirtun, 4: Chliaio, 0. J -iin Miilrnw "em In lio rtriHnu r-m'y to n l u lu of I umpi y. Mill "lr;uli." hln wny tj .i rcn 1 1.11 'otinlii on l.i ln from ! lc hiT I'.irroM llrown In li i pennant liutllo. lio irii'k-il I !o- Iwlrli r to Xr Yolk. Yule Ilisi'IimII t:ir Rooji lo I'IHii I'liinh. It U pn itv louvh lor n yoiuh o hui h ironiiK.. 10 Hllp mil of i.nii uny mi urly In hln c r rr. Tho l'illliir:i tonm i mofn to ho I II ...1 than (OtiHUrod, tint II nhnllWl 1" l.o 1 h. Purifies Obcd With Telling Effect Give Conscious Evidence of Its Direct Action. R. f. d., thr famoiii pur'A"'1, lini.t Ik II i ll o llmniKll tli rlr iiimtli'ii. In tiw U nu dirw t that vrt f 1 1 a la ioiuo fiinus vt mkm (iHi.uuu tli Bi'arnnr i Iho oruiillon rkmipa our iiiKht, lit lob and r.-.lioM f a. aud nivi'ry Im'uIii litainoiiiau'ly. A a lull. ! at u. t, tu.-re U oa Inurtalt mt In R K. H win. h li. rrn lb actlvr .ur iHHM- t iiiniitiuiiK Mill nllular wrt vt Iho ImnIv u lli kialllir anil JmlMous wIit lion of ll owl manual niiiriunul. Tli.t 1. liy It roicn'niii'a itif biont auilr; mli It Lna aucb a trriu. iiiiiut'iiiw in uvi-r niitf .ma. ra.ii, uuli'S. anil all akin aintiiutu. Ami iu ri;i nrrilu tk tlMtira B. R. . haa rawiii anil M..ltiva auiiiinial viT.i-t ua all llimn) IrrliailiiK lulluruov luut ium ruvuiuaiuun, xiro (Uroat, rt-ak ty, low of aoilit, lliln, '.lv r'... k. and lUt -ariuna ul unuu lo auil urrvo Hull I U' n .rally ciiM-rli'io-rd a. .prli x fori r. 4t. t a boltUi at any Uiuil l..r, ami In a Iww daa t't will nut uuly f" l l.n,:i,i and rnrrictli', bill you ill ! I'io l. I nr.- i f nrw lifi'. si. H h. Ii iri.ard only Ij i'ik ll-.riil..rT uf 111 will h... llli- r , r :t tilt liiilii , 111a. (.., !.. 1 ui. imam a rory Hlii i-iil l lMnrtui. nl, mut ml l liar, any IonhI diwiril.-r of a niuiitmin a.twr tun y writ, fnt-ly for advl.-. aiol a m-- ll U-'h of hiKiru !. H iv ibrf f ilriitf si'r-, d-t .rluoiil aud II aubaUluUJ. TODAY'S GAMES .M.1Y. Jl I.V 31. AMERICAN LEAGUE iH-imlt. I'iml nniiH-: lioiroil Now York .. t; Now Yiwk, n. 11. H. .ntn nun mm 1 r. .ion (ml lux 1 7 I :iit lei ion : 1 oviiloHoi). 11 nl KlnnnKi'i t ulilvvi'll iiml Niiiiiiinnki.r. Kt. I.oiiIm. II; lUmtun. S. Fnl 111110: It. II. Kt 1.. 1 III, l Out 111)0 1 K Hut., n .'ul (in J mix & 11 1 i.itirin. Il.iniilion unil I.oiiry: 1'imnr, lioilli'iit uikI fmly. 41i voliinil. ; riiiluk-li!iia. . It. II. K. rtiMl.inil ....iiimi (Hill nun u 5 I l'hiliiili.hlii ..lii mil (tlx 3 6 1 Until ri-M. Null 1 111. I'ollonioro ami CnriHi-h; I'i iiium k itml linnn. NATIONAL LEAGUE llontim, I; Flrnt Ki'ini': I'oHti.n .... iiimi Tit t flmrKli. bflii rillwliuruli, 41. n. AIIO UllO 01 1 UIKI IMIU Oil 0 llallorii': nion ninl t' Jnino ntiil ilfiiimi. (iim.l), Nil Vrk, t ( Iniiiintill. I. It II. R lin (,nn non 4 t 1 (Mill 1 Oil IMIU I 2 0 Now York '110 iiinail r.iiltiTli'f: MiPiiKird nid Mo) era; lioiiKlitmi, l iar und Krwln. FEDERAL LEAGUE kmivnn City, 3; llnlTnlii. . It. II. F. KnnriiK flly 0110 (111 1 1 I'.urtulo 013 01111 Olx U - Itiiitorlon: I'.-irkiird. Ilarrm nnd Kiixii-rly: AmlorBoii, Kurd nnd Iji- vluno, I'.lnil. IliillnniltoM, ; rilliuvli, It. 2. II. V.. ImlliinniioliH .."l 0110 oho 1 I'll) Hliri;h .. .ctnl 000 L'lix 2 a 2 0 Ittirl- Kit 1 ( rto: Kiilkoiiliorii niul lll'll , l.i-Htor. i iiniiiux and Ilorry, K01 r. L GENTLEMEN SAYS I. TEIIER Neither Hod Carriers nor Ditch Diggers but Profes sional Men and Therefore do not Strike. W-lln (Itove, Ph., July 22. "Paiwlinll player, are neither hod carrier nor dllch ilium m. They are profoHMioiiul men, and imfcMonal men iln not mike." declared John K. Tenor, K"Verii or of Pennxy Ivuniu and I'I'cbI denr' (if the N iliollal leaK'le of baxebull player, In un Interview today nil hi arrival here In re view Peiiiiylviiula nallonul KuardHineii In Iheir camp ATHLETES Holding of Far Eastern Olym pic Games in Shanghai Next October Causing First Stir ing of Interest in Orient Khaimlial. July 10. F.vldenoe if a uwakeniiiK of Inlerexl in nih letn t lout China have been rraehiiiH MiiliKliii. whnh la In he PLAYERS CO GHEAT AWAKENING AMONG CHINESE MANY MORE INSIDE Iho Hare of holtllnit tho Fnr Knxtorn ( 1 1 111 1 il- k mica noxt (ii lohor. Knlhuhiuum la nt h a pltih In aomo iiinrlom that II In .uld to ho only 11 mutter of yoain pcrluiii onlv 11 low 1 H mpliiilf whi 11 1'i'kliiK nhall ho tho a' 0110 of the Wot ld'a t l niph'. II aa a .11 Ik m limla of tho ni order of thliiKn when, li nn May 14 In 22, laM, tho lilnl'Tir Tomplu of lloarn gmuiolH, lor ii-nttiliea pact ilodUulod lu the oxolimno nao of tho iniperor, iti thrown open for B nailonal nthlotlo moot at I'okltiK. Thin was prellinlfim y to thn nr nnnixatlon of 11 nirniiK le-im for tho Knr l-jmlern moot In SrmiiKhiil noxt fall. To l.irllitato tho orKanlxatlon, Iho emplro wua divided Into four acc tlotia, north, onnt, nouih nnd wont, llh oni'h noelion ropr fentcd hy tin nthletlo uBMin'iailon. Th ('oinpeil tora wore for the inoxl part Iroin unxHioti colleKcfi, KoVi riuMi nt a holK nml Iho YouiiK Mon't i liilfllmi ukbo- In I Ion. Tho honora nhowerod upon Iho attiileiila who led tho (J I l In tho inllo ruiiM or did the loo-yunla duoh in ten Bel iiinU r. i ull the f.u't that it w.ia only n few year mio that tho aiholaatic Ideal In china wn ulln Kether that of lh Iohk-kuwiioiI youth with lunula In xleoven und phlloaoph lr couiitctiiinro bout to tho Kround. (lovornment offlrlnla. from Pronl- dent Yuan Shi Kul down, haxe ex preiuied Iholr hearty Int.ri'Bt In tho 1'aniea. An npproprlaiion of tr,0l haii hoon nuthorlxod for thoni, nnd tho prenlilnru will of ror n trophy for Iho winner of the iloeiitulon . Tho flrnt Fnr I'laHlern iMyinpl'' moot una that hold at Manila In Koh. ruury, IV I J. when tho I'hlllpiilno nthlelen undor Ainerhnn tutclaxe won iho xrenloat iiumher of poiiiia. Ilul Iho CI11110K0 deloautlon wa moi' 0111I. und there la aoomlnKly a Kood 1 Inlin e for t!n lr wlnnlna flint pin1' thin yonr. Tho 1'hlllppinoii, how ever, ure In noml n forre of 6 5 nlh lelea to SlntiiKhiil, nnd the .InpauoMo. ilh Ihi lr chaiai ti rlHtio eneiKV. uro liuny developlnit nu 11 worthy of Iho iHl.ind empire. ' Thu plrtiil .ii,. Ma lay Hlale of Silllll uixo la o he repro aonted with awliniiiera, tennlH dny ei nnd track men. While thn International Olympic R.'imea wna Inclined at firm t,, view the Kimiern iilyin plc iiameii I1I111 a. iliat of a lonllirl Inif oriianixatlon. the Far Fnidern ii"- aoC'iitlon hiia Miti"e hocorno nftl.iateil with tho internuti.nal KiiineH cuni inllleo nnd ha. nvkt'd China to nend n reprewiilHllve lo the next noetimS of the committee at llorlln. A fur ther hoiid tin a hei 11 ealiiiillhhed hy Iho pioiciitntlon on hohalf of Iho (dynipic yainoa cotnniiltoe of a per petual trophy to hi. held by thn na tion wlnnliiK the K'ealoai nuiulier of point In the For l ualorn chnmplon- BlllpH. STRUGGLE TO GOME IN Steam up in Komagata Maru and Persistent Dark Men Expected to Sail Away this Afternoon. Vancouver, I! C. July il Smoke poured from the Ii tncl ( the J.ip anean hli Komn '.itn Maru nt Jn- chor in Ihe harlo liierdit Hlngh, lb. Lahore, promiBi'd Mail before riht 1 early today, and rich contractor of 1 hat the hii will with IjO of her Sikh piiBM-nger. wliu chine to Van couver to deman I entrunco to Can ada n ltritih Bii iiect, threatening. If refuged, to return to India und agi tate HguiiiMl Ilriii.h domination. The Canadian 1 1 iler Italnhow Ilea a cuble'g length n un Ihe KonwiRiita nnd it la expected that ahe will con voy ihn JupancKc at' ainer 4o iiea. I' for the return voyage were placed on tin' KomagdtA today. Seven Vancouver Hindu have taken piiBHii.a on Iho Kuniagnla. They are hound for Hindu ' m, they vay, to preui h revolution llmg (he atory ol the luiliglnille iilexed to have been heaped upon the lorn who cuine i.n the Komngala. Frank Chance It id I'lrd o Creo, aold him for 12, too and then bouithl hlin link for l.'i.uin). it ix niroke of gen ic like that win h win rant Ft ink K.irroll paling Ch.nce I2j,o0 a yeir salary. ' HINDUS GIVE UP THE Special o) I 'EM OUT Mordoenl llrnwn wiy he wan auekor when he worked for tho t'ubn "When I wax on! there worklno nlmoKt every other day and wnrminit up iho rest of tin lime, pitrhin my arm off." onya Urown, "Murphy umd (o rnme to me and toll me not to worry, that he roallxed what I had done for him. how nun h money I had made for him and that ho in tended In take care of mo for life. Two month after t hurt my knee, with three-year emit tart ahead, ho noli) mo to l.ouinvillo with (he under, ntiindinn that I wna never lo ho hoiiI li:u k to tho major and wa never t lie! over $1"0 a month. Yet there are Homo people wonderlnK why there won any need uf a Federal leaiiuo." Ttuth, the "I2ri,000 hennty" bouuht by the Ited Hox from llaltlmore. ha a rcKulnr Rumdrop of a nlcknamu. They call him "llb" Huih. ltuth in a lartto lefthander, hut he hium't Hhiiwn nikii of beltiK a hour. There ure rejrrottable Indliiitloin that ho tuny take Iho name route na Marty u'Toolo. Slowly, hut aurely. It la becomlni? dib-t 'r.inlcd lliiKeball. Cohh In Tiouble." Hondllno. Keep It otandlliK, old lop. You'll neoil it nitain. flrlffith ha iiunouncod that here after boiieehml play by hi men will entail moru or lexa heavy f'ln They'll hao to Ro Homo t 1 lieat (Irlf- flth bone when ho forleited 11 K.iine lo tho Athletic recently. And he wa fined only :io (or that. " Johllnn sa ho haxn't received a definite olfer froin the lds. And add that he ll tk. ecn if he ilmn HI. I.oul rxpertM rcuiu.l Jack " I lor, Iho Cardinal' firnl hawman, a" the linit valuable player thu M. I.oul NatloiiaU have ulicil In year The CardinnU are talking pennant. No uho denying it, Ihl I a uiont up Bet year In baseball! Cobh'a hairtriKMer tempi r l t i II working. Imriug 11 giuiio 011 l'e' a( vinit to Philndelphltt he hurled n tuit at Kddlo Murphy, who had made cjuimMc reply lo a cUzlmi? remark by Tyru. finplre Chill dliln't mo the Incident, but Connie Mack und the plucr did. Connie, however, refund! to enter lairi the Idea uf filing a complaint agaliiHl C0I1I1. He think Cobb ha been piiiiiBlied enough lately, and doe not want lo be lnti uiio-ntal m ki . ping hi 111 out of the game any longer. At Irani thai I whit Con nie Bay. PoBBibly tho Idea that more trouble for i nlili may lause un idea that u Jump to ihe I eiU would relieve lacerated feeling had omo tliuiK to do with Connie' determina tion. Connie i (oxy. The Fed have been biKKlug Into Ty' ear. ami no Am. hnync manager want lo ace a drawing card i'''e C0I1I1 ob to the 01 uan 1.111. In ci'iiimeritlnj on the Incident Connie Banl: "1 annot e why un ililellucnt man like Cnhli would d" a thing I ke that Ho made a delib erate attempt lo Injure Murphy. Cohh in a due 1 hap to meet nnd talk to, but he ban ho balance wheel." The IVnilic CoMt league ha hud a loan, Blinder acinon II nan. la 1 1 . The piiKxiiii; of the "golden gale," a It Were. Ccnrge 1'iivl. oj time muii.iger f the Ilia 11 In. 11 lid lor many yeara a alar Inllelder of Iho Chn ugo White Sox, haa been added In Ihe nlcuthtni: force f th New York American (loorge 1 now out among ihn tin in. trying doHpernlely lo locale a few hitter. It la reported (bat Cnrol llrown former Mack pll her. w ho one Sat urday afternoon hint year gao I"" troit alxteon hune on hall 111 eiKht 111 II I II KM and llll heal Ihelli. i Civ en lu the New Yolk Aiuericiin. uv gift i:erybody waned on Uroun ami Mack wmlod hlin on I'ball o lo for. nlall a polliility of Ihe Fedn gelling him. The llrookfed nre oiildra w ing th Iiodger lilnu i-t two to one, which LINING I another knock nl ome celebrated xoothuyera. Jack Martin, now with Iho Phil He, ha been on three bin; leimuo team wlili. n two year. Ho emno from IIocheler in the New York American, returned to Km hoter lift year, nnd Ihl year wa with tho I'.ravo before becumlnu a I'iully. t'mplro Johtifitono nnd Irwin (In ured In a uiieir Kiliiatifti recently when they foreflted the St. I'aul Inillnnapoll anno I,, the letter, 9 t" 0. Catcher Tony Jauie of 1 no Halnl waa ch.11.iMl diirlnir un nmumont over the of a declnion by the um pire, hit. Paul did not have another catcher In put in hia place nnd the Karno wa ordered forfeited. Alva William of WiiKhi-iitton, la a handy pinch hitter. In 1 trip to tile plain he hit Kevi n time, walked three (.tin cti" a. 11 ritp'id once. It 1 u went Job (Inuring, but It can ;e toon 111 ,1 Kiance that Alva hnx a pencil. K'. of nvc-hundred-and-aopii t iing. It in n't stirpriaitiv, with tnaviMtc un ! player riiHhina ! law la .ndu- trloii-ly a they play that Iho player ahoiild develop tho ultra-technical iiceilbiitleM mai.Hci.ted bv flip. Ira Thotna in a recent xaine between thu Athletic and Detroit. A Philadelphia paper dem rlbe Cap Thoitui' flnoxpttri laywerllke nttnrk Ihu: "When t'r.iufnrd la:nmod out hi homo run In the xoventh Inning of tho Bornnd game, (ieorgo Moriarty, tho con. her nt third bane, ahuok Sam hand in coin. iiImmoii. Cup- tain Thom.'ia Imtnodiately claimed that Craw lord wa out under the new rule that prohibit a coachei from toui hlng n ba runn. but I'mpire Chill ilei line," in call ('mu fnrd out. bocaiiao the hall had been butted out of Iho field, and, therefore, wa not in Iho play. Thl I the flrnt tn:o audi a point ha been rained under the condition prevailing ycMerduy." Wl'h OiitneMor Davy lto)ierlon of I ho a iinnt proml.lng lo div clop Into a alar, the foxy MiCra'.v ha tied 111" r" ruli to a three-: ar contract, thereby preventing on olur from the Federal league. Just befoio going west, Robert. in alfin d an '.ron-c.ol document with th,. illinta for lult 1 .-!. HALF POLICE FORCE Officers Have Been Carrying on Systematic Campaign of Pillage in Homes of Rock ville. N. Y. Kockiille Center. X. X., July 22. itne-ba.i ,f ko. kMlle Center police force of nix men nre iiccum-d of buulary by annul Imuied lu re to day. Two of the three men I'lrol meii A in.. Veril.un und Henry V li ken were .11 rested while on poM; the third, ltulei.f peleron, on h vai'alion. Is believed to be III llolyoke. Man. The Holyoko police have he.n reiiiebttd by wi... to np prehend him. Three trunk cont nniiu urllclea of every de. ription valued at approxi mately I' were found In Iho chicken coop of Veritxn and Wicke. Tho village truBloe nre trying to imlu'e the prlaoiiei lo ex plulii how the trunk came tu be there. Many rnbberle have been report ed in Ihn vllulge alniv lunl fall, when iiinmer roBldenta coae Iheir hnuae for tli xMon. The depredation culminated recently In the robbery of Arnold H'mner'a general store, Juni ii'-ron Main ntreel from poliie head- luarti-r. Mr. recenily ulen nfied Boino of In. Btnloii properly worn on thi ilreo, y nearo ri Mldent of the village und nblalni d informa tion lil li renulled In the nrieal. Mod lloyNtllcM In Wed. Munich. Kaarla, July 12 Off! Inl niiiiounce'.iiont w made today of ibe letrolhal of Prince William of Hull enxollern. falher-liila w of former King Manual of Portiuvil. In Prince AdelKiinde, eble-t duuhter uf King l.udw Ig of Havarl.i. ARRESTED ROBBERY 1 tilted llno Worker MVt. Cheyenne. Wyo , July 22.-- Inter national Vice l'ieidiiit Frank J. Have nnd .lohu 1-nwinll, exocutivA board member of lUftrlrt 1 " today nddrood the convention nT liiHtrb't 22, I'nltod Mine Worker uf Amor. I a, in o.lon hero. The dlHtrb t eompriae the atate of Wymnlim'. It I expected tho convention will ad journ tomorrow and (hnt the m-nlo) committee will meet reprimetitntive; of the operator to arrunrfo 11 work Ing agreement to take the place. t the proaent one, that expire In Hop temlier. Ixinil K. I. Major Cieiwral. Term Haute. Ind., July 2i. llrlB- niller (leneral William II. I.ooml nt (Srainl Uapld. Mich , w.i unanlmoii. ly elected major general of, the uni formed rank Knight of Pythian, at the mooting of Iho mipremn council of Ihe order today In connection with) thu blonnlal encampment. Not nil Iho glory of the old-Hum brigade belong to Wagner, ltjole. Mat lo w on and Plank. Fnr Tommy Leach 11 lo belong and well Ul around Ihe top. Tommy atartcd Pro. baae boll Jiod 18 year ago wltrt Peierahiiig, Va. He 1 playing hi alxleorth eaoti It th ! lg Hhow. And JiiHt nt present Ton.mjr la not only (id. ling finely, tut la outbnttlna; both Wugnet und fjijuie nnd about 200 others In tho main corral. Tennessee Man Declares Pur chase of Branch a,;d Com peting Lines Compares uitli the New England Case. Wanhlngton. July '22 Chnritog that purchajn ri of bitip-h line by tho Southern niilwiiy mi; ci.nip.irul.lo lu tho New Haven tr iinucti.m wcro made today by II. L. Iiubiney nt ItriBtol, Tenn., before the nato com. mittee Inventignting chargea that tho railroad dlMcrimlnutca oi;nnnt Charleeton and other aouthnrn port at the belli. nt of a ioul truut. "Thee deal ahow how million aire 1110 made." dei ia red Hulaiiey. chiefly, hlH charite rented ,,n what he Bald wa the .le of tho Virginia, Aii SoiithwcHtein to the Southern rail way by II. K. M 'llarg, a director It the latter. Alabama profit of It, (iint.Ouii, I ml., 11. y h.u,i he, a mem ber of a company owning Ihe Vlr Kinla it Suuthwoxtcrn. olToied tontro of the mock to iho Southern for $-,(iil.iMiti, wiih $ 1. (mil. (MM) bond nut landing. later, ho mild, Ml tar ld It to (be Southern for approxi mately HMin. Tho KnoxvlllO IHiHtol. Hiilmiey aald, ell. red tu him f..r 14(1000, wa. lat-r ol, to the Souihern f about t.'un.OOO, Vry (.raudiiioiliei Hid layorltd IUi in' Huge Tea ami nuliiiir. Almo ivcryonc. know that Hig Ti and sulphur, properly c, in to iid'd, bimga back 'b" natural 1 iil'.r and lu'tie to H'tt hair when, f olei.'. .iienkvd or gray; ulio emit .1 iioli ..rr. il. hi ig ncalp und Rtopa lull ing hair Yen ugo the on. way to he: tlnn mixture w i t m.iko It at home, which la nmcy un 1 troiililn. aome. Nowaday w nlniplv ink at niiy drug mure for "Wvith S.i? and sulphur II ilr It' ' You ill t a lame boltle ( r u iout ..11 cut. 1 e') Holly 11, . (bt lid, f. Iiniu leclpe, bei aue 110 oin can o.-mLIv tell I'uil you d n nod or h ur, 11 It do,. It 11.1 ur 1 1 1 y and evenly. You d. unpen n apongo or .ift br 'ri with it and draw tin. through ymf hair, taking one am. ill atrnnl al il liiiie, by iii.irniiig the gray hair ill, nnd after another i.ppli "i lioii or lun oiir hair b, .'oun beau tifully dtitk, tbnk und rl""y and )ott look year younger. BAD AS flE'i'l HAVEN GRAY HAIR BECOMES DARKJHICK.GLOSSY 1