Newspaper Page Text
four THE EVENING HERALD, ALBUQUERQUE, V. M., WEDNESDAY. JULY 22. 1911 The Evening Herald. I'tmllshiil l y THE K KSIM. IIMIII, ir. 'IK' IUIK. H V ALU A NT, Mnhnger II n. HtMNU r.illtnr I'uhliahei evity lirrn.'.n ri- i KuikIh)', II 12t Nt.nh Ptrri'l, Aluuqilrrtiue. N. M. I'.nrrreu iruniO'i in inn i. at thn m"toiri. e nt Ainuqiii i que. , N. M., under tho Art i.f Much :!, 179 On month liy mail it carrier , i'r tin,, wii't iv rarri'-r lino year l.y mill or carrier In advanc l i.JH Telephones: Pulne otfli o . . . F.iliti.rlHl Idiom. , .! III.IIM. IOM.IIII WANT. PI'HKI.V prof. MOit.nul iciis.ili have iiuiM-d iin in will h with liiliri't the pioirrr ovir the elate of i.ur filrntl, Flunk Si iplm. il ulllnlcr i.f till- il oposi .1 Slanilpal Id pulilp an dully new i hi i . . r nl H.i n I -I Ki. This pr..Ji i t Ii ik In .7" ',...ii nir fur niiiiii tiini., ,iivl line lii.i'n ii : i -tii.iini'i'il fr--iiii tiini to t iiiii iih ready Inr Ilium lung. IimIi.iI thi.n im ninini eim-nis have bci-n in frequent iinil have 'exfendctl iimt mih h n IriiKth nf llini' that the general pub lic him begun to imli'r whether "f In. I ti aniimilireuii lit have Im i n proceeding from nn nut hot ilui i e niirii'. Tho put pone i.f tin. in. dmly m n-r in tin capital wa t.i he h reliable nl nun fur tin Itcpuhlii nn nirty In New Mi lieu. Im i hlcf nil Jet will supply mn h tin organ ugtiltist tin' nimiuilKn nut hi hiiii'l. iiml which may properly In mi id In well under way. Tin miil the Iti'imlilli'iin imrly has for surh n nrwnniiiir U apparent Tin' im.rn ing paper in thl illy In i'cpulilicun ill principle niul mi pin. Hi the party when It la right. Hut o I ho party ia never light, thut ilmi nut count fur iniif h f. r practical ri 1 1 1 1 : I ( 1 1 purpose. The I.n Vegna optic, iiiiinlniilly Hi .ulili Hn. Ik in a ninth tlun nf editorial iiittin an fur tin po litical ninltera are concerned. The local wn kls iti'imlilii ,n vicr. am h hi remain In iXlatrnn, nri liiririlv iMi' with Ihi-lr Imnl nffulra So thut thr tli'lil fur tlm Sti.lti inlir ptlMi m tilf iipoti. Kiry i.i miiiht hi'h riitnia Intn tin- dnily Mi-ill naturally fin hihIii'I1 nine i iiini'i'l :i i..n. even fir I In H:ih II.' hfil afli-riuii.n Iu'Whihiiht. nnd It I threfuro tint am rrinlnn that ahuuld Iiiim' ni.ti'il with I n t if si Krank'a rapid n.-. msu m (it i n nf mill HKi' Ha hi lilla I In- trail In.m Ihi. San Juan tu lln 1'oi-iin and finni tln l a nndlnn In tlii 'lil.i VH taki It fur Ktfinii-il thin anli'i a..r h.ivn't auf flrit'iit Influipie i-l in ml liini Iri'i. lr.'iiu.mi tallmi. alilii.nh in HiIh wn Iiiu, i.f t'liursi', Li' Jniiiiiliit' In a wn.MK cnni lualiin. 1'p In i laytnn n will i.r an nsn. Frank ili"..i.. in In (all nn the liiiyn who miaht ) i x pcti'd to rnnii it"ii with nn in viMlniinl In a w.riliv ml, In- inti-r-prlw, and ni-KlPcti-d t" lull nti i lie Imiil nfwnpapir. Thi rinnlt wiih a liiini-ti nf irliul i aliliai-'i and nld ahiwa that muft havr mini Frank fiil like a flml niKhtir ainrrlnit In n flll. V. hi. I: ! th.'l Hlnrr llim il- oi1e h Iim-iiI piipi-iK iiIwiivm r r.l ". wi re favnrrd w II h n Vint" Hhi-m-vrr Frunk hit tnw-i. )dk tn thi Atnrni'Kirdii N'w. F'tank lini'd up thi faithful in lluil ,rin-pi-riiiiN I'iwii laal work fur n Mink nf Mvi- liiiiiilri.. ir.m mi ii. Thia If Ih. iirly Hpi-'irii iiifntii.ii i.f nutiltv f tttivi ni en lint If hi iln h iin . In nnh t.iwn Frr.k Hhnuld l" llmkin headway. U i dn nut kimw Hhi tlii r Frank Ii" I'lfHeiitin I lie .r. nn till vriiund nf an invi Nltnent 1,1 a duly nl Imrty feultv. i.r in a i ham r at u niii" lliirt liiM-linini. Fi'hi- wnv lii'" up ..k ilnvi a pr. cv i-ii'f i,,.iiHlin.n mid dinrvi'M nil llir link he iiipHn fur pnrly Inynpv Im at a pn-iiy ..w i l'l In the Claud i LI rarty in New Mem I, June iiiiw; nnd the rei nrd "' !liVe.ltiiHuta In Inriner alahilpal lie piildp an party i.rd.ina Ii, New Mexit n len'l ejili'tiluti'ii tn cat.Nr a Ntamiieile iiniiintf eatilinu In . i-nlnri- im thini: i itrtuin will hn t,i hurry. The nominal inn cnit' Mli.iin lire rid hi tlpi.n ua The cainpaiiili is Kel linit intn fall twinii und I lie i nation Flunk la trvlnif to irenle will nl lalnly fill n I. .re felt wunt. OM (.imiii i:i:sd. Ol'lt Irietn! the La I'lmn ri'i a u Lev alia ti e tar t that ' Ihero fire w hi pi red "Inliinc of ill omen" i;nin Hie r.. inula in the oiiiitv of lloliai Aim. Iieini; to the nVi- tlm! oihi ii than "n KUliir Ite liuhln una" lire likely tu iioioiniili d a fundi. late, on the HeiiuMl an Hi kel fur the . till .v. 'AVhy Hot rxulnr Id iui.ii. .ma . ' waila Ihe I'ltlrm The Citlxeg baa lull ixiremely huay In Ita t onaiaient, iKnroua und iraikw.'i thy aduaai'V ot Ihe fallen of i:ifenu IUii'i en ml id m y for ron (re, and It may not have had time I., indite thut there la a marked triolein y to fit a far tiwuy fnuu reul,.lil ua ...e.ililr amonR lit poli- ll' II PI M lM' I till f il lltl hilVIl c;ll Tin- It' gulat !! ti a U kintal iv e l undid. ilr I'lll. '. rk' 1 1 mely unpopular. mii IcglMnMIr fur pnl lime lTit m'i" u 1 In I u t i-s. 'Mi- for nliy ii'i 1 u .it t ti i t a, We lliose tunny ent ' ItiKiilnr ltcpulill- The people dn not re i.f Hint kiml nl hiiM. h I enough I.-.- pi irnni, other than Ih-iihh rata, ill.. ipNire l.i it lulu I in- PaiNla i iii. i.r who hae piiwirfnl filend1 di n,iif In pill tin-m there, are la lnit ei v i art tu Una p'ui, N).ri i.'ilh in il.i'il.llul riniiiliia like Vna, t'i lay iib Inr aw iv f i m Hie liraridinit ii..ii i.f tin lii aular lceiiil.. nn ' m.lihitie ua tl la IiiimmIiIi tn dn. That ih one leaa.iii. prnlialily, wha h i an i lie given in repl ne In II. r l'lten'a III ml i vi. iiii' And while ixerv in nle I v the mai him Ii i nil tllia i nr. I lie iiN'ialty u iile awake. i ff.irl will la tn ri.yer up it" pei'lde lire tin II will lake a Ih. k r or n lan lul i'Ihv ii i. hide the in. ii k iiii'b. The ieiipli to of New .Mix!, ii a in w ileal n aaai vv ill lire ii lernilried tn lr 1 i l.-fi-liil..r 1 he lie I ii murrain'. llX III ll lls TU II 1 1 I'ltl V. n i:ntimi:ntai. pPntv why a h Ihe Knod i-ii iiai of Iiin aire. n iini. us i xiNt in nu Mhoiild profit folium or the There lite i-ape- rially c I limloeit n na well na rill-' i. til reiiamia why tin Hhould he ho i I there In rlnnaer thai Ihe Hon doe; not hav e hef.ire hint Ihe i ppol luiiHy Dial mulled upon hla father. I'ui ihe llniliNchililM l.'d.iy. for ln atame, nie exailln heavy lull If. in n liiirdi'iieil w., rid lieiaune n i-etiluiy iiltn Miner An.ielm, fnuutler uf the tanilly, made 'million.. In.rnin. lit1 and pliniKed heavily on the niil. ollir of n alnitle luit I If of the Nn n . I . . ' ti I ' war. For itineration u ii.nie our rhililn n i hildn n iiuisl i out Inue In pav Iriluite In an Ver-lnereuainK l!i. I liN. hild fiimily forttine. ThoiniiM II. White, aewin ; niiu lilne ' millionaire hu died rereiitly, aeema ' In have leeoKuied the lllJllNlire of fonndinK money earldoma In n re- ' mill kalde will uffi rid for piolnile In' 'levehiiul. The Inroiiie of the entire t atttte Kin a to the live diiei t heira tin r I ti K their lifetime. I Irnn.l. hililreii . are limited tu une-hiilf the a mount ' lluir paretita lei the anil have tin'' uae of their Mia r(. for Iwenly-oiie 1 year after the death of the last nf tin live itireil heir. AHer till per iod the tut In. i. me of Hie entire for-' luiie ,i (t, ,N. peri iiially ill vol r.l i ilin ami i huMtal e .iiiiiih In t'h velaiul. I It would take a prodiKloua auioiint ' of llk'urini; tn detirmltu. ull the t'""d that will i nine In nil Ihe thlldlell of i 'lev eland through m tn ei'ine lie iiiuai. of tin. wife lie'ini'Ml made In the Ii tin I i lallee of Hie VV.II Tile late Jailie I'lltnpliell of SI. I.i'iii. whu rerenilv 1. 1 1 a folium of Ijii.ii'i'i.iiiiii. iiioviileii in hla will that hi wile und daughter ilioill.l enjoy ihe Im ome ilurlua their live mid t'uit i a. h i hilil of Hie duiiKhter ahotild reteive a million dollar out right; the remniiider of !ll eatatt upon the ileal ll of wife ainl ilaunlit.r to itu to I'duralli rial liui it in iona in hi lion it y . CITmia ale liiInK iiunle In l.reak I If I'll rnilu 1 1 will; lint however thev may realm. Ihe ul ieti the iliii-iimi'iit M.i'ina to have aoiiKht In it 1 1 ii In appear" luoad mid JiiHt. not only lo the dlreii lu ira, Imt to Ihe future i hildten of the i iiv vvhii h made Ihi pariu tuar fiiiiuiu TIII.Y ii:m -n i: Til WIN. T UK little hiitith id who tor aeietnl "lumen ra" eur and nnili r l ontlii inn win h wniild have a p..t Iini iiiiait lutrii, have muiu taiinil nti ann'ial hiiuliiiuiiui iiailu ul M'.illil i in i ir ili Ni ive Ihe f'll'eal UieilNllte of Ml. i eh. And It llppeal' iliil from Hi in linn' on their wmk i. N to l'ti loin ll t-ttNlrr and ante of nun Ii In i Kir reiuiiiM than heretof ore The ( haut.iU'iua plan W'a.M lnatii(ur aled in II lil". , I piiation ut M'.un laiuair when I It:. I hill lop Village wiin t tip-vliiK aomt thitiK of n liimin. With MM'tiil yenra of rnntiuued drouth the I'llloin dropped out of iiioki of the drv-farm eniintry and Mouutainair did not ere'.ipe. Hut Ihe iiiinlaii'iua went l i-lit nlnnx, year alter year. yroMltm evriy Nunimi-r ami piuvinK more mul more valua I. It. Now the whole of the dry-farm-ItiK rountry la rominK into ita own iiX.iill and thi time upon n perma nent aolid hnt-u of iiroven aluea nu1 1 1 ii tl methotla. Mounlalnalr la i inn la ,(. Im. k etroiiK, a the llthl Imv aay; and the t haulainnia thia yenr will la Ihe tied of them ull. Alliiniueriue ran well allord lo yet Into i h iae nnd Intliiiale tourh with the i.'i..l on the other ide of the niininl nn I'err iKliin e like Iheira 1 I. nun, I In win. Indeed ll haa already won. Thla rlty la the trade renter nf thi.t entire aeiiioti. Iluai- ii. aa there U geltlna to he a vr i oiiNhP rulile Iti-iii. Thiil the hulk of it la ol'i In Santa Fe la purely Ihe riault of lurk of effort on the part of AlliuiUeriUe In It Ming the people of M'.uiiiulniilr and the town mid vllliKi i round It know Hfcl we are in bllHIIii-e " : ltlll Mt.HTs I K.I HI S. A V.W ilayn hkh a Mil J red I hut It w. ii Italn nl r tatmlK Ian uld re'iuite J.iii'C nillea P nn to nmvp Ih" trrtniinloua wlieal i I'np i.f ISM. An ninateiir (Ikure ahaip l"iik lame with Ihla rnleula lion. I latiinalliiK thn run nl alxt fei t in' h and i . n t n 1 11 1 11 aj !.'") luiall- la tn the uir, he rein lied the ruin Pl an. n lhat Ih" (Top Would have In he inure than i x Inllinn ImihelM In or der to verily the fiiMirea ulven. whiih he (Miiioil will) inure or lea ar iikiii. Fxiept In the little nilatake i.t lli .killK the i r ' ' p ten time Klellter than the i .r i H ill I expert had fiiiiiied the trui fiKure nl I. tinil liunhi I tu Hie aixty-fnot mr heliiK f. I O.IMiU.'Hlu liuahela iiiNteud of ten llniea that iiinril.i r. the i ritii lam waa well foil tided. Now. however, loinea the fcuvern-llil-lit i rn' ltllllate nnd pi .'e the wheat il"i a Id at ! 'tn.nno onn tiunh. In I mil. I of trade inen extimnle I,'.'"" l.tlahela to the i ar ami railroad men leet ok the nver cralii inr. With Ntiiuate. thlrly-Nlx 'lime M'liKlh of ti till ae rev laed ottli l.'il fiemea nl a Iiiinii. a liltle t ali ulatlon will reatill ill Ihe fiillnWiliK fcitUpenilollN apei'tllll- liniiN unit peihapa the word apri'il- i lilt ion I iia.-tl Willi linwlltinx at' j rural y : I FiKUIilli .If. feet t,, Hie inr, there Would he 111 a mile. i,r r..";ll feet, not roullllm. the ppare liri:tiiied hy till i-tiultie uml t-iiliiiirfte, 117 t-iir. omll HiiK ii tieKlikllde f i m lion. F.ui'h car holillni I, HUH liiiahel. It would re unite a aolld train of II? frelvht iinti, hol.llim nn BKKren.'ile of I71. : luo IminIu N. to make up eneh :nlle of ihi ftmiful Haiti atiirtlnu out to ! lake the wheat i top n market. A I very pimple prin t'" nf Ioiik iIIvIhIoii I w ill nIiiiW that If e.-l' h mile take tip I 17l!. lull I.iinIii la It would reipnre II I train ..,,;.' mile lonit, nitaln ou.ittlncr inn In. onalderiilile finetion. In haul ' '.i3il,iiuii, iiiiu hiishel. Thi train I would he "aolld." no a pa e helnii al low id for I'liKllie ami ratiimaea. In Iraftlt the train would, of I'oiirae, alreli h out over n illHlani t not fur from nn even II. nun tnlle. prai tli nlly one-fourth flu illHtnm . around the Klohe. If Hi la train ahoiilil alnrt from K a liaa t'ily for the AlliintU' aeti hoard, any the atall.tliial ahtirk of Ihe K.ina.ia I'lly Journal, only one (oilrlli of It would have moved l the lime the fra enra reni Itetl New link. In order In net nil the nr tn -1he i-nnjt lit the aaine line he train n.itilil have to run in four "!' lion, ainl the nat rnra "f en'h aer tion would n'IIi he In the Kiinana t'HV yard when the flrat t'li.a reiirhed New Yotk, for when th'V Rot then th rear ear Wonhl atlll ho 1.51)" mllea away lhat I to aay, rluht In Kalian City. In order really In k. i nil the ram there aimulintie the train would have to run In 2. ae.-tlotiii of Jim rnra erh. ainie 1here are 14" nr of thlrty-alx fret In lenuih In r.n h of the I.f. an mile, or "J ll. Mm in till, nnd n I 'Pl ea r Iniin nuiy he eatimnted to rem h u riven point ut a k'iven time. Sut h apei illation are ot etmrae fnnriliil. hut thev give an me lilt t of the Pnroni flval'lo mtutnlluile of n Wheal imp of 930. mill. Ipill huahel. When one hi'Min to erimptite a eorn ir'p eatimnted ill 2.S8.niili.liiili huh el, he throwa down the pent il In tl'pair. TP. la I n lil( i-ountry nnd ll thlniia oti n huge arnle. sinv hust is v vtions. "B Y Al.l. menna tnke u vurn- liolt. Tin more you lire llilaat'd at the o. e thi w a rinrr will he your well nine on your return. Thn mllh ll ft II. ,w w-n, m ilie n living at liirl.irv wmk. mid he' nil iit-'hl about vai'alii'iiit, too, up to u terluiii point. The sort of well-nine a fellow get upon his return from hi vin ntlon defend, very laritily, on one "f three thing. Ha he rnltly been imased? H ive thing gone on Just a e without him" Ha he been manager of oilier and tlrmoiistialt d by hi al'Hince and the mireosaful cniillniinnt tif the nfllee work mean while that he i an ul.le i tganlter of a si a IT of aubordliinte? The lii, kli Ki f. iinw la he who has n ari.inmil mailer thai he eon lake the teal und lei rcHllon thai are Knod fur fveryhody, anil still con vince Ihe boa ihal there haa been no injury to the husliie M"t boHsea iiowuiliiy have tlisruvernl that a reasonable vacation Inr itn I'toye I profiialile to ihe itnplovir, when Ihe rmployea are coIim lent lous and skl.lful worker. The fill.iw who i not making gitid lak a vacation at Ihe ruk of mik ing the a.imn pi t nullu m The fel low who making good. who i inisaetl every offlto hour of hla va cation, ought to try to got two vaca tion. Ihe Irllow who ha hi work ao well In hand that he run lay off ami allli have hla work proceed ut'- ,.., , . ,ee.ful-well. II .e day be Ihe bo, very likely. "I'-y all nit an lent safe u.lvi. taka a fur wH...a VHi-tl J hiiv been dtllveiiiiK QOLOC ht thm kl goroml inddlv. M AN' want lint llltlo her below. Ami yet he often (reta 111 I'll Ua.. flitlii.ll.- a.....t In klllllll lie warn more than he iet. IF Till MAY" HI llnda way to nave thai llu.Ullii a year out of u lily iii.imiI) Hial'a Mat hrokii, It'll he tie. -eaaaty In levlne llir rivuril n rhaliK- IliK l'i In WiU. WHAT KVEIt linn t y to get Trutlli- a'H'ad. Vi i? alnllf M) Mayor, wlihuut Ihe M'lYKIt evltlenlly hclievea there la Mr. null! n union and the mote iiiiuiiia he ui'i net in Ilia union the atroiiKi-r he'll be. O- IT'H IIAIIlt In aee why Muyir uli eti Nn HtronKly to the IniliiHirliil WotKer of the wild. They Invor the a. line rkiml of liimili, -O- THK iil'H TIIIMI aln nit ii la why tile.,' I III. III. I ker'i Ir-lllldillK 1'allnollt. III K ItTA Kid all the family out of .Vixen i xt-ept hi K".tt. lie left 'that ii oil t in liajal. - O I'll MiKA of Ihe limit la the wheee wautiiiK to know who put the t.ilrt in I'linutiiiniua. It's our opinion iliat the mul la wlae enounh lu mention Who illploinatlt ally put The ton lliio O liitUHliii lux "Hull" llmrle, l'iMt Ijitiicnle of 1 1 if lailMr. tAd. In The tlurdiier, ill., I'tironii'le.) 'Hit mile IbirlM-r Mhii IHilT" llorrk Who Im! In all who l liler hi, Ami im he Henlly noollie the t hin. Hunt raae and romftirt lo the aklu. THIS IS 1 II K IMJii'K Tt.1 Ultl.NU Yol It FAt-'K. All.-Ur ll.ilti'UltniK. uml XilNMHIIIIK, TIIF. INl'l.NI.II.l.K Mr. Itnetia (i iinly rommltlee rail flholiatli-a Ihe pinny, ii Ioiik iNi.ilillh''tl Itepuhllran iiiai it ut ion, llui what lire party tu Hon I'l'twot-ii Inr ml? lllKti- IF IT MAY IIKl.l lo iirme up the iliv ulnel jlulily ul the man of deatiliy '." rtiMK ItFI'L HI.ICANH aei tn to I hln thia purtirulur Man of iKaliny' tur in a lode atar. i iNK THIXt'l Sl ItK: The atar I i II m lu ti it up the liori'oii. i.hnr-a own atuff l groTiNii nn him la not l-Or ve in n . t.nrl of law. ' . . . .. ... . i. in .it. Hire union aietnotiM were ui- -)! orlKina). O .MA DA M i: CAIU-AIW la InklnlC notea on ihe trial. Sh really inlKht pare 'u rsi If that i-riort und leave it In tli. 1 1 i reporter. O - IN" VIF.W of tin fact that his fiirl.tls t lion u lit he iihould quit mid Pia iiie:tniH proposril to llri him out. M In i tn.'tt ki tiini tu liuve la ken the a 1st ttiur" in reslitiiliiK, KIN' lil.i 'KOK rlearly atanda for) Ihe "Kifi tv lirt" pritit iplt). Me torn- j .minttn! Hie iiova to come In und con- ' ti-r, und the i left the mom. O- Tlie man with u, Kluui h 1 111. lined to he) lev e That the wlmle world' Roine lo pot, I. nt the lelli w too buxy to fret or tu kip ve Feels ... i u i i ly aure thui it's not. hiriulnghani Age-Herald. -O- ; l.lrl ItM.k oul Inr tin laiy with a I put kt-t lull of InxrlMtl wire, lie' tlift kimmIm. IMoiitoya Itepuhllran.) I The yoiitnr men whom, pocket nre I tilled wilh i taretle wrapper, -nua- lat h I'littiii". finger nail cleaner, nilti - , intuie i u' Lu.; iron, looking gliiaa, etc and have their mother creaae their inula Men day. ore not Ihe unea who will ii.'i a promising huNonnda. The pm ki t- of Ihnai. who are help.n to make tl'i- rountry bloom ami euua ing two 'l.nlr of gras tn grow where (i'lil planted but one will -lie found tilled Ailh barbed Wire, staple, :nd dtrtii'i.t alaea of nulla and a rem liny are the boy the girl hmi beiti r look after. O Stift Knap. I'.t-v I r , nlNlelter tilled hi al poliiimeiit at Cone Sunday morning. He will pie oh again in three week. Nil. i Vim New. Till': Mi I ; I", acquainted with wo men tint lie a nan become Ihe , mure tie w.i-ulera what It la that make her Irnnk Inks rxrea bag- Kagc. MMH N'P'K' I)NilW'nitTII Insult d Kir Kdwanl t'armn by asking him when he waa going to marry a guy and festive widow. The Hooaevelt Liiie for vjilorlng river of tluuht run throuk'ii ih whole family. O IT'H TIIICPK WKKKd tlnce Ihe re rent rleiiii.ii in Kunaaa City and Ihe Hiur la will veiling rotten." Th lieutlng nmyt hive been a bail one. T F.VAHI.Rflremen lt work In i-moke and K.t a Colorado man ha invented n device to ne attached lu hoe lu.xlis in which water roluira a fan and pu:npa freah air Ihroitah tube Into face niaska. We ought V j nave pome i,l mine lor me ti n" I Hush Ihe wi re. 0 I I THIH FHITOlt acarrely know' The Fremh imvy haa built an arll- -(w , wr)( m ,,,.., ,llurlal. Th.,lvlal Island of .oncrele at Tuln f..r I 1 Atiiit.lU-jj in H..At ri.A kitl ni1vli' nntl Ihi iM-murnlf won't lk ll. Oul, . .i i . i.... ...... UB.A lit iiM-d uf cutvu'e. ...fiiisUiy, ....1 ... J It t..a aK- Mu.B Im The Grand Old "Blue B ack' (llirunlnn I1hI.) The i.pntani leiilalalure ha a already areuinpliHheil riiinmli tu aave 11 from the wrath of the t'rm kera. no inaitet what it may do In the ri nialnlna dayf of the iimii'ti. and ao far na we are coiKirneil the (ieorgla leKialature may Indulii every form of tnnitoul ety It wlahea from now until udjourn- ment nlllioiit t-vokliiK one r"iia I fr" '" ;"' The i Kialatlt.n we ullitde to wna the paaKe ti f hill reatnrliia Ihe old 'lllue Hark Speller" lo the pul'llt' lei. at hool HVatem uf HeorKln. The hill na otlailially Itilroduird waa rnoimh tu maae I pie nappy, nut nt niuinil- r.etit whlrh wua iiilni(iil niut have I maT (leuri n I eiln of Im- IiiiIiIiImi over. Till provision Htlpulated that tlln Imok rtiliat alao t'tialiiln the pl turea, (torle. plilloaophy and wlatlom v. hu h adorned the Pin k pui of the ller, Im ludiliK the Imy In tile apple tree. In other word. It mum hr In all reaperl Ihe "lllue Hark Speller" of old. We ilu not rare whit Ihe edurntnr any iiooiit It, mi apelllliH honk h" ever heen pu! Iiikethrr that riiialled Ihp oltl "lllue lliok." It Inriied out thn heat KiKlih apellera the world ever aaw, and tlurlnu II time it w.l thi moat Impurtant texthonk thai waa ured In the primary aehoola. We aay thla heeauae In the movemenl of the people arrnaa Ihe Alleaheiile, when Iok mi in, n Inititi. wire Ihe luliil inn r ka the trail, the "lllue Hark'' I n parted Ihoiiaartda of rhildren nil the hook ItariilliK they ever uhtalned The i hllilrrn of Ihe pioneer learned to ap;ll, rend nnd write thla hook, nnd In addition In lhat II impartoil uirfii) Iraaona nnd Hood moral. We have often wondered why It waa lhat the "Hlue Hark Speller" nnd the Mt'UurTey rendera ever fel Into diaiiae, unit throitich Ihe enterprise "f nmhltloiia author nnd puldlaher At one lime, Ihey had to rlvul. there I afanely a mlddle-niietl man or woman In the I'nlled State who think even now that any hook have appeared In later year that hav,. ei telled theae o. hooka nf hair a ren lurn . If we ore to Juduo hook hy reiilta. aurely the ' Hlue Hark speller" haa n reeord lhat no uiher "i.ook of II tin ran equal. Nearly all the alalranun, thinker, edu -ntor nnd philosopher nf our rountry tint j their Ural mental nnuriah'nent from 1 Ita pane. It haa enrlehed Ihe mltnl! ot million where Ita tiiiupetllora hnp served thousand. For nlmiwl n trtitury It had no rival nt all In It phere. JuhI what Influrnre thla ret-all of Ihe old apellrr hy a ureal ainte nuiy have toward reurre tine II for an other tiallnnal t nroer ia to he en. There are an many lender nnd hallowed memories o tin l,,k that 11 would not require a creat efTorl lo ;n route n arntl-neut In favop "f retor. In It to ll ntr? platNp. It friend as Uk," J"" nn "npyrltfhta. nnd .' ,., ' . ' ". "V'Wn arcoiint. nnd it t'ouhl he nrndiit-ed for ; - ... .: . -o .. nil'., ani'ip lini'r It cull In j rent. ! We ahall wan h with Intere! to see lJual fvhat fietirmn ha te, In re- - tailing the "llluaa Huek Hpeller." An event of sin h eonaeiiuriii-e will oer '.ulnly mu he iunoreil hy the country. Tidintjs of 111 Omen From Dona Ana County IIji Cruce I'ltixrn ) Two ( Hinliilatra for the levlliture will he named at Ihe coining conven tion. Already the prophet lire whi.-pt-rlng llilinu of III nun n und spec 11 Hi t in t I rife n to whether real, regular H,uMrina or ollu rs of tluh lull fall h will he the fortunate nom inee. It I time tu Panlsh all thought of compromise. The Repub lican party, recovered from the re buff of 1912, haa come to renllre thai In union there ia trength; that In ternal disorder, etitnlly. Jealousy can bring naught but defeat. Had I Inline veil not wn ufht havnr wph the fle puhllcan force at the laat ,rea,,.i- li:il eleclii.n IK hl.l...u XV i iwi. . ..i.. . . ' llon triumph Woiihl never have .been written, anil William II. Tafl. Insleail of being retired o ihe net lad ed portal of nn auditorium at Yale would be fulfilling the hlgheat func tion of nn Amerlran alatrsman, i Thia la no time for malodormi ora tory, for the ventlnc (1f personal grievance or the exploitation of In dividual whim. It I the time In gel together, lo bury Ihe hatchet, .u tn. Keihrr and mnd to the leglslnltire , dyed-in-the-wool I'epiililli'an, men of Ihe Ijpe of Lincoln, C.rmu nnd Mi' ! Kllilry. Frank is a Grand Little Separator f APimogordn New Frank Maplln, the well known New Mexico newsinpir man and ioi- "'''an, waa In Aliimognrdo Kuturday in th In'erest of the r-w elate l",""r wh,,'h '" ' Ihe fat nnd , - , "" "r tne grant! in iuj nuu unnn aspire in suc ceed the palmy day of ihe New Mexican aa an exponent of what la beat for Ihe polllli inna. He wna busy aa a fly trnp visiting the office holder of the Itepuhllran persuasion and aurreetled n lining them up fur aomething like a live hundred stack of "buck" in Ihe new enlerprlae. Frank naturally talk irom i lie uiai, ami when he told oil all ihe nice thing thai could le done with ihe naiier In Hie wnv ..I ' j "uklng cure of Ita frlenila" und the, i big dividend It waa bound to pay. toe uo) Jvlsl nail lo I'Oloe nitimt and1 i deliver. ' 14'lll.nir lfrllfiltMH Miwl u m wx Mititttia.!. n ninituiiiHt. I 1 I PhnHA 1 1: v. 1 1 tu a--w. W niM(r IM llMatika ami aarrlagea, .iW. K TrlmLle Co. Great Trials Tlllll. OF M V - N ii tiini ill ill father nnd n refrm-a lory Kim led tn Ihe moat inn r- atlnu trial In Spaniah hu-mry, when Kit'H 1'hillp II of h-1 .1 1 ii i o.i- il,. , ,0,1 lo i It .1 1 tl hi ami. lion t'niina. (or In noiii in l ,r,H. lion t'nrlna' r,.,.l,IH i., mr nlieiaied hi father hy hi illyaapoltil Inn him of h r I'll miaetl iimii Ii with Hie 'rln'e. Fliaa.ieth, n d.iuithter of Henry II of Flume it i. tl Catluriiie de Metln l. Tina nrinei a lei! Km mo w-lih ihe Imen tp,., f h,.a w.lilrd lo linn liuloa 'hut ulio ii til veil the Hoi retiiaed to ed her. the fiihrr sli pped in nnd hri hi own iiiei n. Malurally, sin h n termination W t'Uld leatl to nn unhappy in irrliiur. tut l wa prolmiily tin o ily Wily that poor old 1'htlip t'ouhl rouiiivp in or tier tn pi t. ale the Insult nnd muter tn hla noltthlioiitia; si.iir. To further ariiter hi father Hun I'arlo tried to InveiKle lion Juan, a son of i'haiie Y, lulu n ki hrtiie airalift hi fnihir. hut I '"ii Juan timidly riiiisrd. ami In old, r to Inurat lulv hiinaelf more tlrnily with I'hilip he revealed thi ai hime In the klmt. Then tn further aiKravale mailer, lion 1'irln wrote n I k eitille'd, "The Ureal anil Mar- vrloil l;xi .illtl..til of KitiK I 'on I'hlCp," In whlrh he In Id hi father up to rldirule and finally enuaaed in H i oltaiir.i.'v with tin reliel in the NeHieiiamlH and was to have put himself at Iheir head. When a deleealion arrived from riander on tl secret mlsalon to run ler with I 'on Carlo. Count Kuan, lit a lid Count Horn w ere plaeed In prison, nnd l:i aean hlnis the former a letter via iIim. ovrrt',1 from lion Carlo. Till led lo nn entire ea-tranie-netit heUvren father nnd son. "tdjiind I'hilip delermlned unori th" Im - Irr'a nrresl. He wa ele, while In hetl l.y hi father, who nlao oHnetl hi eiiakel nnd rurrleil nwiiy nil hi pnptra. IMilllii railed a loiintil nnd rom munliBliil to them what rotiran had heen teken with Hon Carlo, content ion him'if with tcllinc them i t lien era! thut he wa determined tn that tep iy motive of the utmost Imp rt anre. In the s-i-ne etvle he inlilri.d I himself lo all ihe itniha-iador nnd ' promulitated the new of hi extra I ordinary proceed I a n over all hi do minion. Kin I'hilip wrote letter to all the prlncra of Furupo Informiim them nl the treaannahle nctliin of hi anil. Philip did not Jtlilxo Hon Carina of any rapiinl crime, a would he infer- I frtl from hi letter, hut Ihe unfriend. line of hi ami woUhed so heavily upon him thai he would not enter the Kate of Madrid during the whole time of Don Carlo' rontliw nent fhlllp innfi-rei1 tin nirthe viileie that he rnuld draw tneether of this slate crime, nnd M-relvetl from nil quarter a variety of dcpnalt Ions which at citaed th.. prim of f ivorm the rehel of I'laliili r He then held wlmt he enlletl hi "court of mil aiienre." He culled to hi amis! in it several cminirit dnctnr of divinity aid qui vLloiie.l them na to what pnn- 'ill Ll" .1 r' - flWWjWa-uwi II i ll Checking' Accounts Those persons who receive and disburse money in large or small sums should have a checking ac count: for the check is as good as a receipt as an evidence of payment and many firms would rather receive checks than currency in payment of bills. Deposits subject to check are accepted by this bank in any amount and every courtesy is ex tended to our patrons without regard to the size of their accounts. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY A NORTH I0LE ALL METAL FREEZER, COLD, REFP.ESHiyq AND HEALTHFUL. DESSERTS FROZEN IN ONLY FOUR MINUTES. V.'fk ALBERT FABER 213 to 215 W. Gold Ave. Furniture, Carpets, of History ltt.OM ! HI' US .- lahinent Hon Carlos nVw rved for I tin time that w.i piovetl tipott him. Their sentiment were divided 8o-nt. were of the opinion that hi trail- vrealon oiitiht to he pnrdom-d, en- tnrtliiK their dtiisloit with numml armiinent; hut nihora allotted wOKhty motive na to why he should lie aeverelv punished. Finally I'hilip aetil for Ihe father of he Inquixltl. n it ml iihnndoiieil hi son to the JinllMiirnt of thai tronien trihiinnl. with nn order that they should tioi show tiny more regard for him than In the meant at of hi uli Jects, nor In-,- nliy sire upon the llviilly of his l'lrth, the spleudnr ol hi rank, or the nut horny w lilt h he hole In lite monart'hv. In a few day nn Indlt tmenl wa diiiwn up in o .id nine to the kine. Who constituted hliieeir hi aon' nr fiiaer. Hy the n nli He they prn ru iini ed. Hmi CnrP wa del larod ti hi-ioll.'. k'I!Iv of a conspiracy nrtilnat Ihe life of hi father, nnd I hi y eon deinnrd hi:n to rt lil.i In In prioii. Car dinal Si'liioaa re i resriiled to tho klnxT lhat no r.iite was a! ion if enouish I" routine thin Inr, I, uml Hint he must either ilirpntch him anon or act him at liherlv. Then the populate hi gun to mur mur nnd the king hern me altrmed Inr fear there would he nn uprising. The only thill', he roiiltl see In avoid imulde would he to put hi son lo death. When the Inquisitor wer.- ap proached i n Ihe Mlhjet't thev ntlvn mted capital pnnlahment. In spit of many foreliotlini; of wrotigdolnit Ihe king dually algaed the death Hen- leni-e, and Uiapalrhed one or Ihe In quisitors to read It to Hon Carina. In repon to n reqiien frmn the latter I'hilip vlaileil lion Carlo an'l whin the son entreated hlin lo re memher that he wa of hi own lilnoil Hie mttinrili la aaid lo h ive replied : "When I have had hlonil, I make mv alllgeon let It out." Aa to Ihe detl'll of the prin uthorltii differ, fine nfltrma that he opened hi Velna anil I.!,, I to death In hi hath, while Mal Ihieii. th,. Fren, h hlsttitian, ntlegea lhat he wa strant'leil hy four slave. Hon Carina tlied lu I'.HS at Ihe nte of iJ r. ir and ll day. Through the whole i f hi ilonlnloii Ihe king order ed file in oat mimnifli rril funeral oh nequle to he paid lo the memory of hi won, which order wa punctually olieyed. The Jjys of Living IN a Live Cammunity I Silver Cty i:iit.rprlKv ) What with mud lax, poll Inr. county lax. doi; fix. illy tat. miio lax, sprinkling tax, llrenae lax and hand tax. to say nolhlux of t hurt h t.i. hiiMelinlt iliiee nnd i-t.inta Itiln lrli sul. a. ripl Ion. Hie uverace Silver City liiiNlnr man I hi Binning lo think wlih Jnh Unit life u. just on tin i it thing alter nnother. iMfclfWftiai sr,- , ,Jr"- - .- ' J -' " ' Pa 4 I Thoroughly Well Made Practical and Serviceable Low Priced. Easily Operated. GUARANTEED TO GIVE SATISFACTION One Quart Size. . ... SI.50 Two Quart Size . . . ..SI.7G and Draperies, Stoves. V