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THE EVENING HERALD. ALBUQUERQUE, N. IU WEDNESDAY, ITJLT 22, 1914 v r If i ' I'. - - ?r xmmm V'TvLu Kin I ives: mascot iiN. EGBERT ILLUSTRATIONS BY O.IRWIN MYERS wo chapman) CHAPTER I. Introducing Pair of Scoundrels. I In which I Mil In aes tha Coronation and, In.'ldrntally, discover that I am a Uiuch-adrerllerd-for xraun.) "Hut, goodness grsrlous. Anno, jrou won't going to Kualund, art you 7 Walt till achool close lu Juno, aud wall Bjaha up party." My room-mate, Marr Jenner, la meek enough when she la alone with Die, but company lend her a flrtltluua persuasiveness. Uesldes, all the rest of the girls curled up among our cush ions agreed will lier 1 could see 11 In thtilr faces. "If hla sacred majesty, Kim George tha Filth, will consent to put off bla coronation until July, I ahull ba clad to wait (or you," I answered, with to ma asperity, -yut I don't tbluk lt'a IlkHy, do youT" "W ell, but, Anno" Mary waa begln Dlng, when Agne rotniroy broke In. Agne la a plump girl with a vein ot summon tens emouutlug a) moat to Biulua. "Look here," ah said, "what' tha Diet You wont see thing except the trat-t processions. You might juat a nil atay in Winnipeg and read all bout It In the Illustrated London pa pers. Nobody can get Into the Abbey without carrying pew." I put my nose In the air. "Well, even at that" I suggested bratenly. Tha glrla laughed, and Agnes ahled a chocolate cream at ni, missing me by about three feet. "1 don't believe even having red balr and being a mascot would accomplish a peer by coronation time, my dear," abe aald. "Uut by all rut-ana go ahead If you've art your heart on it. After cbool la out we'll oln you." "You let my red hair alone, Pome roy He." I retorted wrathlully. "I'm twenty-two years old, and I guess I know how to take eare ot myself. And If you've got a dutermlnod tempera ment, and want aomethiiig badly and all your frieuda put stupid obstacle In your way why, lt'a enough to make a pluater angel feel annoyed." Ague only laughed, and at Mother chocolate, though abe know they make her fatter, and my decision waa accepted as an established fact, which I thought waa another proof of my de termined temperament. It aeema strange to look back on that kimono party now. I frit o old and capable and assured that nothing could possibly happen to mo. If I had dreamed of the mad adventures that were so noon to begin ah, well, per haps I would have gone forward Just the lime, It la hardly twelve month since we aat by that crackling fire, but 1 feel aa if It had bwn a thousand years. After all, twenty-two U very young. Hat, at any rate. I bad a perfectly good reaeon for leaving school two months before the end of the term. Th doctor, wbo la an old friend of mine I used to pull bis mustaches whuu I wore pinafores told me I bad been working too hard, and waa on the venrn of a complete breakdown If I didn't at on co have complete rest and change of scene. So I asked blm if the air of any particular place would benefit me especially, and he pulled a curl for me and aald ho felt sure Eng lish air wa the one thing for my ail ment. "Are you going to visit your ances tral castle T" asked Mary as 1 waa pack ing. "It doesn't really seem polite to go so near and never aay 'lion Jour. " "Of course," I answered, though really I hadn't thought about It before. "I'm golug to see the Chateau Cllchy, and also I'm going to try to recover my ancestral property. I've a bundle of bond stacked up In a romnntlo old vault In IWts. Maybe I'll come back an helre, or something extra nice about this adventure. I haven't mentioned anything about my castle In Itance, have IT On doesn't talk about one' family, of course, but roelly. mine wa very In teresting. Mr grandfather I the Comte d'Yvea, and owns a large feudal property In Cllchy, which 1 In Nor mandy. My father wa his eon by his first marriage, and when father waa hardly more than a boy, he quarreled with grandfather, who turned bint out. Father came to Canada to make hie fortune, drifted to the coast, and final ly married an American girl In Ban Francisco. I wa born there, my moth er dying when I wa ouly a baby, and my father when ! wa seventeen. Aft' er that I came to Winnipeg and taught for a living. Of course, things wore hard eometlinea, but father had worse time than I, and for hi sake I never could forgive grandfather for turning him out of doors. "Borne day. Anno," my father used to aay laughingly, "you'll go back to France and be adopted and become nelrea of Cllchy." "I guess the "est of them wont leave much for me to be belrea of," I answered usually, and the subject dropped. Cave fur a fluent knowledge of French 1 had nothing about m to betray the fact ot my foreign extrac tion, and I never wished to meet any - Of Bsy father's relatives never! Koran- times my father would apeek about the property In the strung boa. It waa all In boude worthless' one, too which bad been left mr 'father by hi Bioihor, whoae dowry bad been Invest 4 ft tli old, ('anew caaaL Uat glort eat wiierprfite fili"t Vienl"dt'n"lo"rifla twenty odd year ago, carrying with It thousnnda of prosperous families In a general wreck. My grandmother had always hud a pathetic belief that some day the bonds would be worth some thing. Bho left tbem to my father, placing them In the strong box which ahe held In the vault of Magniff A Co., bunker, of Paris and London. When abe was dying abe sent blm the hey. "Well. Anne, they won't do any barm where they are." my fn'her would aay. "Some day, when we're all rich, we'll go to rurls and take them out and sell them for old paper." Bo now I think I have explained how I cams to aall for Hug-laud on the thirty first ot May, with five $100 and one f&O bill In my purse and the key to the ancestral strong box. Mary wanted me to aew by bills Into the lining of my drees. Hut I felt safer with the money In my purse, for. aa I sold her, I'd either have to wear the same dress all the time or keep run ning Into my room to see whether It bad been ripped open or Dot If I bad taken her advice 1 ahould never have bad my adventure with the Man In the Duff Ilool hut that cornea luter. Mary, of course, waa at the train In tears, waiting to bid me adieu. And wbo else ahould be there but that Odious Mr. Spratt, wbo had once been enamored of me, half hidden b hind an enormous bouquet. I've heard that hi boy call blm "The Sprat." which lant a nice name to give a professor of clvlo and International law. He pressed the bouquet Into one of my band and then put something else In to the other In a mysterious and por tentous manner. "My volume of the Code Napoleon. Miss Ives," be said. whispering cau tiously. "Tho only complete English commentary on modern French law. I've written your name on the fly-leaf. I Hint lose It; you'll need It when you get to Paris!" I could not but feci affected by the little man's kindness In presenting me with a copy ot hi epoch-making work. I Introduced him to Mary, and we three chatted fur a tew moments until the conductor called "All aboard!" I stayed a dy or two In Montreal, sight seeing, and finally, owing to a last min ute excursion to Mount Ho, al. nearly missed the steamer. Hut jimt as the whistles blew, I plunged hastily up the gangway, colliding at the top with a couple of foreign-looking men who stared at me for several minutes, ap parently deeply Interested. I am usually quick to form my Judgments of people. 1 did not tike either ot these fellow-passengers st all In a very short time 1 hud discovered that they were master and servant, or stood In some such relation. The one bore the hull-marks ot wealth without refinement; the other was a coarse and villainous looking Greek or Arme nian, as I Judged. I was relieved when I aaw him betake himself to the steer age. Put Judgo my disgust when I discovered that I bad been seated next to hla master at the dinner table! He did not lose any tlrao striking up an acquaintance with me. "May 1 pas you the mustard, Miss Howard?" were hia first words. He had evident ly been looking me up and made a mis take In the name. I was about to dis illusion him when his next word checked the word on my Up. "Allow nte to Introduce myself, since we are to see so much of each other during our voyage," he continued, with an odious smirk. "My name Is Mag niff Leopold Magniff a name toler ably well known In Paris and elsewhere "The the banker T I managed to (asp. The son of the banker," he correct ed, much gratified st my ready recog nition. "I be old boy's my father. Wo now control the second largest ccmbl nation of capital In France, and the fourth largest In Europe," be added T.Hvn, by' chance, I obtained a few minutes' rieplte from bis odious pres ence, as sure a fat I would e blm upon the lower deck In lengthy and stealthy conference with the villainous Greek for auch 1 had discovered bla nationality to be. There was a cross eyed woman, apparently the snrvaut's wire, whom I bad observed with blm, and after the first dey, when Mr. Mag niff would bring bis servant up on our deck and keep blm near while hs en gaged me In conversation, I began to notice that the woman would post her self below and watch my face with somber, never-winking eyes. My curiosity became so great that I questioned Mr. Magniff about this atrange pair ot dependants. He burst Into loud laughter. 'Toor Zeuxla la unhappily married." he chuckled when be could speak. "I took the fellow over to America with me, and bla wife, who la Insanely Jealous of the scamp, followed on the next boat. Ever alnco that abe has stuck to him closer than a leech. I fancy she imagine that be' trying to leave bor." "Uut why doe she stare at mT" I demanded. He hemmed and hawed a little. "You're a good sport. Miss Howard." be confided at length. "I ll let you In. Hho's Jealous of you. 8 he thinks he's planning to elope with you. Ho, bo. ho!" The cur collapsed Into my chair and laughed. 1 started away Indignantly, but he sprang to bis feet and grasped me by the sleeve sou' by' an earlier marring, but" lie J Mss"l7o ird? aVd' I I II Yell'you'a secret. went to America and died tliere. I ttaeed him to California and lost him there. The burning ot Han Francisco had destroyed all the records. 1 ad vertised In all the Tactile coast papers ithout result. There had been a mar- ft i wmr "8f Me, 8af Me, Miss!" th Orssk Babbled Frantically. Hag's and I believe there waa one daughter. Uut sbo has vanished com pletely." Tho uneven glow of bis worda, and a audden suspicious odor on the night air, convinced me that the scoundrel had ben drinking not enough to ron- Don't go," be begged. "I'll stop der him tipsy, but Jurt sufficient to un- the fellow's Insolence if you say the I lock the doors of his secrets. word. Hut Zeuxls has boon useful to I "Ho I told the old donkey" by that me In my ways, and Just now we phrase I Interpreted him to mean Mag are planning to pull off a Utile coup In nlff, Br. "'you'd better hurry up with There' millions In It It ws can lo cate the party." "Weiir said coldly, my curiosity getting the lienor of my Judgment. "It a a girl." he babbled. "And she's got some 1'h nam a bonds snd don't know the value of thorn. If we can trace her" "Yes, Mr. Magniff?" 1 answered art lessly. "Why, w ran hold a club over the asinine party and extract a cool half million. You see. It she wero to meet tho old comte and he adopted her and took the bonds what am I saying about the comte? . I mean a certain elderly party" ho explained craftily "why, he could pay off the mortgage that tho ajtlulne pnrty holda over him. That would mean an end to the asinine party' schemes of revengo. Now, Miss Mary, It we can locate this girl and get the bonds from her al a trifling cost, pretending that they are worth ies, we can threaten the asinine party that we'll deliver them to tho other old party unless he i.tys us what wo de mand. Bee the point? Two bird In the band; a fortuno for you and me, and a club for the asinine person." "And why do you make this propo sition to me?" I asked. "Uecause I love you, Mary." he cried, selling my hand. "That's nothing to the next trick Zeuxls and 1 have up our sleeves. There's millions for all of us. I think you're an angel. What do you think ot me?" "I think you are a miserable acoun drel," I answered furiously, rising out of my chair. To my astonishment he received my ! outburst with a peal of laughter. "That's what I like," he cried, try lug to selte my band again. "Give me a c o v o o o o u England which Is golug to not us a that revenge of yours,' 1 said, 'or a girl with acaio spirit In her. Mise few thousands. Our last one failed.! they'll all bo dead.' He'd cut my al-j Mury! You can't Imagine how much unfortunately." 1 lowance to a beggarly ten thousand a What was Itf tasked, my curlosltyl year. He told me 1 was a bad egg. stimulated. I s he elegantly phrased it, and had dls He looked at meleerlngly. I believe npiioliited all his hopes of having mo that, for some occult reason, the rascal succeed him In tho bunking business, considered that be bad mado a con- All right, old boy,' 1 thought, 'I'll aho quest of me. At any rate, he began I you something original In the financial blabbing bla story quite proudly Into held.' You see. Miss Howard, he con- my eager ears. "It's a long tale," ho snld. "To tell It I've got to go back to my father, and be ain't a pleasant subject." tlnued, lurching toward mo. the secret of the bonds." "Yes, what wa It?" I cried, Ho sobered Immediately, "1 kuew "Now I've been thinking of you aluco we met aboard this old boat, i-ct'a make a date In London. Want to sue tho con nation? Maybe I ran get you a seat and show you round. Lft'a go" I turned on him, my eyes flashing, my anger so furious that tor a few moment I could hardly find my tongue. I think I i.iURt have overawed blm, for he seemed to w ilt away under the blast of my rage, and waited dumbly O, please go on." 1 said, a entlc I you'd like to know, wouldn't you?" be i "Listen to me, Mr. Magniff," I cried. Ingly as I could. Somehow the Idea I drawled. "You. tantalising little shaking my finger at hlin. "Borne of bad entered my head that this rogue devil" my friend have been good enough to tu some w ay waa bound up with the I i ro. ith rreat dlcnitv and walked ' ,l" me tnBt I m a mascot and bring awnv. Innvln him ralllns "Miss How., people good luck. I've brought good urd! Misa Howard!" In desperate lu,' to you. better than you deserve, apology. 61 y rte' bout u so 1 am the womsu T...r' a,n.. m t n.rloaltv 1 nom J nd J""" """ant have been was burning. I avoided him sedulous-! J00'""'- ,for; ' name la not Mis. !y. cutting him directly when we met '"""d. '"" " -...1 l.nrl.. hi. ailv.m.. ml the din- falher Jul . DOm at Cll- ner table. Hut he waa so persistent t ,n Noruiidy. that I wns driven to alt sort ot ex- uccess or failure of my enterprise Try as I might, I could not rid myself ot the thought "Well," he began, drawing up a chair close to me, "you wouldn't think, to look at me, that my father started life as a humble horse-meat vendor In the Rue Strasbourg, would you?" "I could believe it by a wild stretch of tha imagination," I answered. "Quite m," he answered, flattered "Well, to do him Justice, the old don key haa one of the ahrewdest brains I saw him stagger at that; the blow pedlont to avoid him. and. when my I homo; need of a walk became urgent. I re-1 " cried snatching It from sorted to tho long deck ot the steer- P" Riding It up to blm, ..Mou ..,., iii- rf.-.n.uL ! Tb'a 1 the key to the box which con- In France. 8omehow he got In on thr gllC'e rew steerage pa avengers ween re- 'aln" niy bonds, snd I am golug to grouud floor of the Do Lesseps Tana turng to Europe at that season of ,Bri' t0 r""J,,m "y property. It Is the year. ma concession and made millions out of It before It went to piece.. Then nothing would content hlin but that he become a country gentleman. Wltb this end In view he bought a magni ficent estate near Cllchy, In Nor msndy, remodeled the castle In It must have been on the third night after when, while pacing the stoerago 1 dock after successfully eluding my pur tv' ,i; !ini V51m V-Vl "Safe me. i ( fY jreiV' V'i tireek babbled mine, and I shall dlxpose of It to suit my Inclinations." He started toward me Incredulously. Ho mado a desperate clutch at the It... .,tlh h..-. 1 t. t ,ucr. 1 became of a stir In tho - hrt h' i and fled along the deck, dwn the stairs and locked myBclf in my stateroom. I did not leave It until we dortd at Plymouth. Hut once, lying upon my bunk, 1 saw a shadow full upon the wall, and looking out, aaw hlin pacing tho lower deek besldo his hawk-eyed, eagle-beaked servitor, and an Involuu tary shudder came over me. Uiv inn; i Fhudows of the sailor' fore-cabin, un-1 iler the stern. Then a black shape ' ramo flying toward me, clasped me by the arm, and fell on Its knees behind , me, whirling me round to shield It' OKutnst Its pursuer, who came, cat-like, out of the darkness. Ilefore I had time to be afraid I recognized that It wa clutching me, Zeuxls In de- ( fear, while, like a panther, his ' followed him. a knife In her band. hlng for a spring. anfn me, Mlna!" tho frantically. I to whom 1 wrote the In-; rltlent, said I woe brave, but I haven't taught In the immigrant class for nothing. I simply stepped forward and 1 took tho knlfn nut ot her hand. Bho gave It up like a lamb and burst Into i tears. What I this about?" I demanded i of Zeuxls, In my most scholastic tones. I He was waiting to accoet me at Ply mouth, but I eluded blm In the crowd. I ran the length of the stutlon plat form, dasheu Into tho train and out the opposite side, and had the pleasure of seeing blm start tor Londou with out me, under tho Urm couvictloo tbut 1 waa in the train. r (Continued Tomorrow AflrriKNMt.) J I IM.K HMl YOI ItSIJ.F "She's Jealous of yon. Mis How ard.' be explained, rlaing sheepishly x 4 , U4.r ry nit I .xH-rlment I to his feet. "She's got It Into her head I r i-nu lit AlliuiiiirtU- t Hltn' I Put My Noes In th A'r. "Well, Even t That" ghastly manner, and laid out a deer purk. Uut It didn't get him anywhere. Cllchy 1 still a feudal province, and the old bouader' manners are such that the nobles of ths locality had no use for him. Our presence there was completely Ignored. For several years father and mother struggled to cbtalu social recognition, until. at Inst they gave up the attempt, sold the estate and went back to Paris to live. Hut complacently. "Not that I'll etep Into J 0 ng' (tand up against the old man the old donkey' shoes, though. H hate me like poison. I grieve to say that my father haa a mind purely com mercial and utterly Incapable of ap preciating any of th refinements ot life." It Isn't often that I wish I were a man, but that' what I did Just then, so that I might have had the pleasure of kicking blm. Iiut I smothered my rage aud struggled with my surprise. It seemed like the opening of some wonderful melodrama, my chance en counter, with this man while on my way to Europe, to take my securities out of his father's safety deposit box. I murmured something and fled up to th dock. Later, Mr. Magniff appeared and engaged me In conversation for about an hour, until 1 found some ex cuse to dlemis blm and go to bed. tiurlng the next few days he made himself my constant companion. He seemed to time his appearaocea at the (able so that we ahould sit down to gether. When 1 paced the deck I waa aure to enoounUr hlin, whereupon, al tering the direction cf bia walk, he would keep etep with me. At evening, ao sooner had I drawn up my chair In a comfortable and secluded place than he would discover m and Itnmedlai ly seat hlaisolf at my side. I mado few acquaintance on the boat, so that my nam was never mentioned In his presence, and It wa charaeterUUo ot his complacency that be did not Ala with Impunity. He resolved to be re venged, and the man he most blamed for his trouble waa th Comt d'Yvea, a poverty-stricken old noble of Cllchy Just a haggardly proud rat. Miss Howard wbo thought blmaelf too good to breath the air that father did." I wa glad that It bad grown too dark for Magniff to see my face. "My father singled cut the comte to feel th full weight of hi hatred, be wont on blandly. "The comte bad been badly bit In the Panama bubble. He'd had soma shsres, but they dis appeared In a mysterious manner. From that time onward my father bent all bis endeavors toward bankrupting tne comte and taking over his prop erty. He' heavily mortgaged, and It seems only a matter of a few mouths now before father gets even with the old fool. He'd hsve done It long ago, only bo was bringing off a coup of hla own which meant millions to hlin. My heart ws hammering so hard It scarcely seemed possible that I could control my emotion. The plot was thickening and I waa In the very heart of It! "Yes,' he continued, putting up bis feet on tha ship's rail, "there's only three of tbem ailv In the direct line today: the comte, a very old man now. a daughter by a second marriage, and ber sou. the comte' grandson, a young folk) of twcuU-lve. 1bre'M a i lint you're a rival of hers," be con tinued, caresttlng bis long mustache proudly, as though he were a hero. "P-ahl" I exclaimed. In unutterable dlsguM. Quit to, quite o," said the Greek hurriedly. "If yon would pretend to hate me mlea. If you'd show your pre tended contempt a little more openly, miss, you might convince her." "ITetended?" 1 cried In fury. "Yon you" "Hay It, rolls, say It," he whispered eagerly. I cant find word vile enough to a ' ''" l"' characterize you," I turned upon my heel. t:ieileiic. omelhliiK new In an experiment. Mul be proved lu In: aa r'pr '' J. rj he of .v ni.innf.e iUi e-' is n n cunt lin ing proof i f ineill. Put the rmluracliivlt of Irlffil:. . Now HUppoaiiiK you hiil a ti -i o'-l-k. l.iine, weak, or a hlng oiu-. Would )iu t x i'i i mi. nt on it? You will rcitd ot iminy a i i'.il!. ;i cures. Kndoi-neil by strangers trom rr- I ... .... . ...... .1... . .t-di. m.-ti I answered, and ' " '" ' ' . (nines trom home. I I..-.. ... ....Itt I, .-.. I f f-Ml llllllllV. Later that evening he came creeping I ' lh(. Aibu,.,,..,,., .uae: Up to me. I , M. vickre. Plumber, ! N. "You've done it, miss," he whis-; u i.Miuh Kt., Alluiiu-riH'. aa: "I pervd. "And If you ever want a friend, Uoii't lu-sitnto tu ricoiiiinenU iimm call upon me and I'll protect you." Milne) Pilla. 1 am sure llmt they die "Done what?" I ejaculated. n g""ii mdl ine f..r imh ; ne n.i "Convinced her, mlas. You sea, m!,' kidney trouble. In my cui-e th. v Mr. Magniff. he's a Joker, and he pre-; bn-umn imm.di.ue r. li. f from tended that you was In love with me. '. I an., n"',''rr ",.-.r! Juat to torment her. But I'v. mada, '';- 1 k ber think I've lUled van. end 1 in I""" "' '"" "' 'UUIM J by. . grateful, miss, Indued-" flfiallv. I -.iulfl lis intn no Innrnr. filming bjsterieal peal of laughter,, . '.,Vr,.., lA niv ,, f ninny I ran up to my deck and flung myself A,lU,lU,.riU ,,,,pi,. win. have r.n breathlessly Into my chair. fully endurm-d hnan'a Kidney Plllx 1 bad escaped from tha frying pan j if yotir tm, k in h- if your kldm-vs Into th fire, however. For out of the bmher you, don't simply aa tor kid dark another shadow arose an Un-1 in-y remedy ;ik dMUM'lly for Itoan'a steady shadow thol quickly merged In- kldix'y I'lIK me same thai Mr. . - . ............. i ..... ...i. , r..v hni hi, reilll-ilV Ki-o w a bhii aiuiaui ii wut ami uuiivtui 1 - - form. Magniff sut down desldu mo. 'You cruel little girl." he began In anely, "why have you fled from me all this time? Was it because you read my secret In my eyes? Mia Mary" He tried to siio my hand. The re- neys. Hue h pimiiite iit-iiein thut it proves thi lr worth U-yoiiu me testimony. : all siorcs. r oi".--Mllburn Co., Props., MufUlo, N. V. "When Your lb k is Umie Itemem lier lli Name," A Frenchman has sin -reeded It ex . ...... .. mi....- tiffin in ieKlili-M and ception which I gave blm seemed W rrom ,h. ,,,, hyamui, ..f ou"' h'U- llndo-fhlna. "Don't go. Miss Howard." be begged, ., , In maudlin tonus. "Forgive ma. I guess I'm a bad egg after all, aa tha old asluiue party characterised me. I'v kuecked about the world and never I-oM anything?, Let a Herein want fount! a rrUMH nul voev. Mrav Witt, Ul. ad find it tor JoU. . ' H. U Moore, Attorney, Cromwell Did.. II H tod Pause Hi. 0 Q o 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 SUMMER TOURS Atlantic City New York Boston and Resortt of Atlantic Coast and New England Dirert or via Washington to Seathor Retorts and New York. Diverse Rotates to New York and Rorton including one way through Canada if drtiiwdi All-Kail and Kail and Steamer) Go One Route Return Another. Liberal Stopovers Long Retnrn limit. 7 I'fl It 1 ,4H: Ar'A A' TH AA 1 V in f,n ... lb, mr !'! rfhr fifmtttug In 1. 1 I lid 1. hit r ettl S(. ijitnti Pennsylvania Lines Sold Daily Until SepUmbr 30th, Lncluuv W y a.vMf -n.. r..f..f f fist i ) giffrM Cit f-,H,rt t l, r. te . t- mt. , tk .M , , ,.,,.. A,i a, ..r I. .',, f tU i.t,, if,.,,,rt Ajnt, I'hWtH. t i,thAiHf O O U V Q O D V C O O O Q O O O 0 O O CHEAP SUMMER RATES TO EASTERN POINTS linily and Ineluillng Seili-mlMr 3lli elieap rate ll. kel- Mill lx oil snle In en-'ti-ni mIiiI4, Tlne tli kets are limited In return IK--loiter :tl-4 ami H-rmlt IUhtiiI HlH-oera al vnrioiiH imiIiiIh. I'elou Ih a H-.I of rnle to aonie of the linMirtaul hiIiiI. VI 1? t oialo SpriiiKM S'JO.7. lN-uer, olo .i:t 70 Pll.hlo. (nl flH.M Wtt'-liuiKlon, II. (' S7 1.7. AKitnla. tin i.-.H 20 tliliatiii. Ill- sr.7.1 ItMlllnioie. Mil 7 1.7.1 IfMliiii. Mn :. 1.1 lliH-limnll, I lid K 1.0.1 Toliilo. Olilu Sim II PIllslMiruli, N -.'20 Knli lake. I la It tPJ.MI m troll. VII. Ii SAH.I5 Mliiili-aiaillH. Minn f.17.IS M. Pmil. Minn '.7 II Kan-n tiiv. Mo final SI. Iiula. M S.1I.H.1 Alluiillo llv BNi.X.1 imniiio. . Y 7sei New ork HI.I1 Mnunrn l all t'S.SI Plillml) Iplila. pa i . 7S..'VS lUili-n, I l "li SPi.nil Pur furllier InrorniiiUoiipli-o-o enll al I'm ll ke ultUf or aiblrcM-: P. J. JiUIVsoV. Aaenl. ( AUi aeeni for Kleam hhlp IIimm lo all foreign MdiilM.) - J ool alifornia beach Era 'TlIf . A) Phone 209 eacnes Daily Excursions via SantaFe t uoulil aiiKU! Noil Uleio. I'or oiniiio. Itiilooilo lli-oi li. Ih-I Mar, Oi-iiiiimIiIi', I Jollit, CmIhIIiim. 1 ou i nn follou the simple l ife In a lent oil I lie HHI' or you Hill Mop ill mo li r "tIh hh lloii-l ili-l l oionuilo Mllli ctery liivury nml i-omtort. P. J. JOHNSON, Agent. Gold Medal Flour Eocnlually-W hy Not Now? THE JAFFA GROCERY CO. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS V. II. IIAilll GO. Fur ! Ilea In rH of All Hindu. PHONE 91. CEHKI1.I.OH tX'MP OALI.l'P LUMP OAl.l.UP . lO ASTHHACITE. ALL HIZB.1 KINI'LINU AND MILL Wtxin DKK'K AND PLAMTKItlNII LIMB SANTA rK BKICsJ I'Mll H M MtWt.l MIAT white"elephant bar iivi,v m i h o hum i. hp Mew-re. W. A. i;alm-a I'.i.'a Old f Vow WliUkey and llerntllago live reuuliirly wri4l. All oile-r losiliug bmnila on iH. K'l '" oo sll liluli i'Iimi ilrlnkM. 4. Ci TYlilt, Msaagtr PiROID ROOFING BUILDERS' SUPPLIES J. C. BALDRIDGE LBR. CO. 423 3. lit St. Phone 402 aswasatasstisgshjgstji, asyaassasaaaaasssssasssasv 0,0 WNAAirAea Figure with us on Sash Doors, Mouldings and Everything in MILL WORK Superior Lumber & Mill Company