Newspaper Page Text
THE EVENING HERALD, ALBUQUERQUE. N. M., WEDNESDAY, JULY 22. 1914 Today's Live News SIERRA COUNTY IS All Small Farms Along Pal omas Creek in Ruirs. Hope well Ranch Badly Damaged. Loss will Run into Thous ands. VILLAGE OF CUCHILLO TOTALLY WASHED AWAY Gila and Mimbres Rivers Both Out of Banks and Impassa ble and Heavy Damage Feared on Both Streams. In loiter recited from Mrs 1 1 , w . 1 1 im moiitlng, ii nl out by . m.i or In l.nkc Valley, V. ll,.p."ll received film definite news ..I .i -.. ml ilcvalatltig II'uhI which Imp'. swept iliiniiKh Siena county. tolic duimi'.to tu farms and ranches win.! will run Into ninny thoiiHHiiili" I dollars. Further confirmation of th' mi Mini big flood wng brought by i; l. district nllnrniy 'f Menu county, who was hero I'll" morning on hi way tn Simla Fe, iitnl who has lair unable to Ki t out f ilir dieiricl for several d.ig bo cniim. of I In' flooded streams. Mm. Hopewell's letter dcscrllu In detail th enormous damage dune Fml.iy mill S:i i n i tin y na the result of toir.ntinl d..w whiih contin ued through the two day. Th.' hc.if-It-Mt dninaitn was on I'nlom.oi creek, ou whu h the llocwoll f:irin.H mo o- iiliil nml many small farms ..wind liy luillvn farmers. The find big rush of water nine ihwn Saturday afternoon mid the rH on ..ilnr.lny night. '1 " I - mi'ld nwav no onlv a crop of on "ii lolly urrf r i f li.iltotn liiml which t'.di.iK'l Hopewell Im.l i iil mid stin k- WRECKED BY NIL RAINFALL ON-SALE THURSDAY I I att a. maul I 500 New Sample Waists. Beautiful White Lin gerie and Organdy Waists in a great variety of styles and all sizes. This is the greatest Waist value we have ever offered. All worth from $1.50 to $2.00 each. On Sale Thursday for JQ each only The Golden Rule Dry Goods Co. The cost of Current is a very small matter when one considers the convenience and advantages of electricity. An Electric Fan can be operated for a fraction of a cent per hour, mighty cheap, indeed, for relief on a hot day. Family washing and ironing can be done for less than ten cents. Electric Light for lighting purposes is corres pondingly as cheap, while giving the best of light. So cost of Elec tricity is a small matter when one considers, or contemplates the mat ter of wiling. We will be glad to tell you how inexpensive this will be. No charge for information. I Albuquerque Gas, Electric Light 502 West Central ( - id, but unhid iiwny pmcf lo.llv nil Hii' Inn. I n well. Hundreds of fnrin hi. ii, I if,i: :iinl KimdlnR nnd stfikid lop. h.ivc Ik-mi WMwheJ away k' d r.nd Hie iI.wicil'o to small f inn. wl!l inn over ll"n.'i'ii. No of Jr.. h,,s ln-cn i ported, ft. nee In, lay nrii'Min.iii ull lonil in nnd out of th" 1 1 1 - 1 1 i i h.i l.i n ' iirm d b a on ."M.'iik' r on li.rn'lai k v ho hti i.i'pii foi.i'd ! K,oi Him stream, i I II..)') II. nd'-r d, nesting Die I. lid tll' till llli. I II ill IT, ..ek III imi .1 ihcerful l. w of Ho silitalloii. "We have bl tcrv heavily on nur- linns nn.l rrl'!i." s.ild th" Colonel. I I. nl nil riin ceitilnly ull! make the Mr ir ITn." IVntii till liy Hike. I.. Mr. Tiitnuin Ho r:iln of 1'ii.l.iy nnd Sit'n.l.iv vi.nld huv h" d nwny win. I r ni'ilni of lldli h.'io iifi.'r th.' d i p: i n,iiM f!..od of n in., mil in:... nh, h coinid. ii l Kifi lc d the town nn, iiiuk.'.i onn dfii'h. m f..r lh" ..ik of llw iiliii,- ..I Hi., town who luin.'d out i .w m i .1 1 . j r . ninit ion and 1iir n new linn ml to turn I In' iii.imriin m nwny from tho town. Tim work, while of :i .iii,..rary ih.'irnrl.r, him lii-fii Mroiuj oio.nvh tn turn the fl I w.-itir nwny iho town, lb rod WllKT lUtU 'iHtl lllltll I Jill. I. Iik, ll,,,eiA.ll In her IrttT r' (Ivtil thin inoiniiiK min th flood in I'liloinitH ri-'k vim th wnril rrr known In Ihnt flood pwept dltii''t Tim wni.-r riot only rovori'd nil Iho l,.,lt, ,ln Kin i.'.o lii'd inln the hiKli I.iihIk ntnl i'n wifiknl n will r i-i inly , oini'li-l.-d hy ( o.,m-l ll.. ll on hlth uMiinil nnd l.i-lievi'd t" l.o rnllndy mil of m-u. Ii of the bill K.ft flood. Mrn. ll...iw.ll. hir miiny Altni- llfillo f I II II ilji will be In i nplilly i ' o . rliiK r' 'i'd rr. i'iilly w hi'il with lur. Bind to know from liiJiii'i'K Imr liorsi' foil ii mi. m wash i i II v Null. N. M . July 'J of C'urhillu, a xm.ill AW Y UK. I I.I i . Tin lll.ixo I oil lh u. htllo Ni'itrn r k. Ju.-l nliovo tho ):ii'ihnnl :nllo dam. hax In on olnioiit toinllr wmkIoiI uwnr by Iho IIooiIh of I Im Mtxt f., lnyii. hoiiri.pi win- lil.'iillv iiirilod nwny mid Ihp rrnl lire rriimldliiK into ruinx. All i ropn nl, uiic tho hII' .iiii lniV( lioi'ii di'siroyod mid tlini' will ln inm-h mitforiiiK mnom tho hiii:.'.! n;itlvo f 1 1 in. Mm. ii m Ii ih loo I. ilo to grow Hi' 'mid iroip. In tirnnt .onty tin. Mnnlirrn riviT Im out of luniks uinl in d'.mri -on.'.id-rrnld)' ibiimii. Tim HII.i livir linn In en Ittip i. .Me f. ihiyM. Trv Su cent i:. rul. ant ail. of the Sunshine State ! mm MURDER MYSTERY E "Doc" Reed, Veteran Goat Man Killed in His Bed Sat urday Night. Had Been Shot Through Heart. ltonwill. X. M July :-2.-to til.. Moiiiii.k ew flotn ii.iyf ; A fpr,'i;,l t'.l I iHand 1 I 'onM.iler::' killillK .il last known I a iiih, A In- Il I. nyiery uri, i'in,h h k" It I. one id tlm at me:! of the inoiin- lUIP d collie I line hut- in (!. i.iulit. Iiuiiim tho niyht Mm. A. I'lowii, wile of il Wood haal. r, M. Hi" I p.-lireU lit tile home of a noiKhbnr. in a hKl.l lollilitioli, and I ."tii! .ii. 'ii nt hi I hollltt ih lo-i 111,! tlrnd a.. ..i i. I 1...1 l ... ....... .... ot Iteed. Inside hel . n xhoi throiiHli I he , bed. He hail br.ul. Mi time. .a. a were Ho u .Mm. Hi nay A wo I'nrlHtuid IHMlri, t and there iim until Iirow:i wiir uloteiil nt Ihe , in I'.irlHliad, m.d thelc in. "neu. ..wit uiiHulutely r.'fusel to il, and wan hrouxiit to i; I and luilH.'d In Jail. lolll.y ,S olt WilH lioldli'd ,vi.i !,e holhlliK dole In Ihe lie ill lle l.lte tills llfler- noon. All of the . to the (.is,, will known 111 ihe iiiadiil..iia h nip n lid ri'it- t'liilnbad. but nil throrn-pi are lei-i nixi'd im eonjei.-tuie li ihe reltmal I In nomnii to nay miyihiiiK. NEW HIGH JULY RECORD FOR STEERS IN K. C. CATTLE MAKKIl K.iiimis fill Hun k Yards, July 20. ' Xailve carl,. ii l c.mi.i iiiiiiraiitine j inhumed 1 t- l'i .'i nln lat week, I but the tnai ki'l rb.Kcd dull on ine lilliil nnd cotiiiiioii kthm Hti irf , wilh liiiyem line I up for a llvht on lint, claw thi week, acri.unt of uiiK.itinl.ictoty kill Inx piTi-eiilnue. Sio. kei and fi ed i' I'M lino rcfpiindcd only feebly tn th lei cut ad va li, en on llnlNheil cattle, nnd I' K.d l.'iMt week II) to 2a cent under & Power Co. Phone 08 GUADALUP MOUNT IS tho i.onln bmt Mondny. rircclptll SoUny nrt II. uinl onlll, m.iikPt tpfidy to nirohK. A new top nt on prim,. hhIIvi-mi tndny, at .n, hid hi ft on iitoiiI horr for July mid binmlcd Hti'rrn hroiinht Thi umIpii wore In tho lionvy rhiju, nnd pnrlimn, both nioir mid hiifrm. old froidy nl in. jr. iii In ',o. Knnnn ar-n ptorrt lit ii in Fold nt $S 0 tndny, . ii:il to thp brvt oiln on U.o.'i I.imi ifk, nnd ' rp'o-'U'd $7 'io. t.'hrdrn SiiU hrr ruliln iinli kly nt firm prli cn, hut (ir isuy rnttln (,f poor ciunU liy nri urnson,,!.!)- lor. Vi it .ir,. dim. nnd brlnu up to tin oo. Tho I mpply of iiinriiitlnf . iMI" l luu , mm lodny, liirsoly ml. Iiil.- rlnim Okln- ' homn uni onlllp. fl ruko foil j floor, nnd Hood BrntwnTK ri- nollin fir idy tn ft mug today In tho iUnrnn- tmo ilivtfinii. but ulippory ulnff In Imr. rr. Amplo molnliirn I rooorloil fr.nn t'Oiirlv every nnetinn, but nnlew ruin I fallf. wlihln n few tlavn. i'ernl hun-I died lari, of rallla will no for-'eil to U.. to market from tho Kiowa nrm Morn dnnrletn. Sloih ,i,,.r nro nr-ll-lim .it II 2.". tn JT.7J, nnd feeder nt r; I.. $ on. Tho miirket on theno c1iib k spirit anil Iho nil nation ' . - """" " win . .. , J ' j i " ..-.-...-. i.i p.'iunK niKneni t-rierf on rcoril r.. ......... u- 1 i(n , .una for yi'irllrm nnd Aplinrently. mock are now oellinir lit $:iii (.) for calve, i r and feeders I l..,rain rule. ! ll"K ml. Hired ft renin today, fol I Iowiiik a net K iln of .I.', lelil liiHt 1 week. Kei eipiR nro exlre in ly litiht. , L'.liilH lact Week, 5,01)1) toilav. Top to , day I I '1 1 II will l.i ." ci HI of (."hline,, j b p, mid bulk ot Hiile, IS. DO to $9.:.. I I'Uii lire oiar.o, mid rail to pucker1 , at a premium nhop the ueieral mar- ket. Serum inak. m alio pay a pre mium for immune hnuf. and for pix. j Hlieep are Ml irnt.i lower today, ! tallll.N .Ti celllH losi'r. f dloWillK lllod- rate de line !nnt week. ltd eipli ! nre IlKht, but miii kei i .k.i are mm Ii Mower, hi n. e the decline here. Me t il , il in natlvn lamb brought t41 l I liny, noihln prime here; yenrllim worth to 18.73, ewe It :1:, to It.;:.. Idaho lnmb. the tlrM of the Ifinnon here, topped la.-t wr..;" mar ket by r ceni. m-lllnB at tt.H0 iiti lit. (it); medium rl.iM Arizona at IS.'iO to tS 3. ?!PUT ORE 111 BANK FOR SAFE KEEPING SILVER CITY Pinos Altos Strike Runs $100, 000 to Ton and Ordinary Methods of Shipping are Considered Unsafe. Silver Olt. N. M. July SI' H. nk of tire from the Lnm-'ntoii mine in the I'lima Alton diHirici were ilo poHited In the null h of Ihe Ameri can National bank at Mlver t'lty for HiifckecpiiiK rinlurduy. AH who haw .en nnd examined tho ore vi.y that it will uvt niKe nt leant calculation 1 1 (i lie W per ton .ii uold. The Mtrike wan 'liniile by John HKlenby, onn of tho owners nf the provrt. on the I. aiiUHlon mine, which I the lime vein or led Ke from which lall nnd Wrlnht uhlppcd l.d.'.U pound of ore that netted them about fill, mill. The Hell unit WiikIii otrike was tnnde very nenr the north end of tlm ljn! m..n on the Pkihkorn mine. Kleel,y Immediately commenced .Inking H Hhaft neiir the north end of thr laiiiKxtoii and nt a depth of 2UU feet, Willi h vim on n l.-vel with the Hell nnd Wr.Kht, be Kan driflloK 1.011th on Iho vein of ore. and hi ruck th.. rich ore when the drift been iIiIm ii 80 feet. Th'H rich ore I. vl.i bln linn ronilri'i. u In Ihe top und bottom of the li ill. and the hith Kr.'nle ore In Ii.ihk xirueted nnd fa. ked riKht al"i,. Armed vnariM are' placed In tlie mln tiluhl nnd day nnd every preianiion U taken to we ihnt no ore In hi"!, n. n. whh Iho tune In the I'.i II unit WriKht r'rlke . Tcllrrinin ore, like the fanioim ore of I'ripide t'ruk. which lle ulonx- .lile of the rich tree gold ore. la ul hcluic extruite.l troin tho vein, und one uverniiv l'1,' Kiiv aniuiy tl ih of kVl on ihc Hllver, two and one. fourth onn. cm Hold, and two and one-half per cent . .per ir ton. About Oillly din. i. ul oKecH are Imw woiklnii oil prop, itlea In Pimm Al io diMttlii. "Ii u no lule dream," remarked i'., J. W. KleminK, "aa I bi'lnrc, I'lium Alloa la com ini( tn the trout iik u gold prodili iMK i iiuip of nlnioM unrivalled rb hn. sB." BIQ DEAL MADE IN SHEEP IN SOUTHERN COLORADO FIELD Trinidad, Colo., July SS. The pur i haae hy lien II iiucreoUll, the local merchant, of ;:i,iiini head of cheep and In inli. from the Meaa de Wiyo Kind nnd l.h flock company faat nt Tiin. h.rti. the ronaiim:nntlon of the blugear d.-al in aheep III tha biytory of Boutin in Colorndii for ninny yeara. Th. deal waa tloartl thi no Tiling between Mr. li.immeraloiigh and J K. Hhoiar. managi r nnd aim k holder of the o.mpuny. Mr. Ilanier kb.uuh'f pun bane include. It, 000 load of .help nnd .r,i lamb, and Ihe tranaiicilon Involve a coiihlil.-r j ti,,n of finrn I in. nun lo lUu.onu. The Mean d M.yi property wn reckoned aa one of Ihe large"! aheyp ralaing rani he. In the Weal an, I thug the niinnuicemcnt today I. one of un Uhiihi lliterial. Mameralouuh Ilia been '.eiiliiig cxieiiaUt ly III aheep foi in any aii. . I For theatrical purpose aa extreme ly light motor has been pal en led to oiiveit an ordinary bicycle Into a muioi'. Ie. 110 OPPOSITION TO EERGUSSOIi CHAVES CO. His Name Only One Which will Appear on Ballot in Ferferential Primary on Augnst 4th. Tbmwell, N. M , July 21. Tlmn for fllinir tiameii to be plnced on the bnl lota for the noinlnaMnn iiriinury for local olllicri nnd the .rrfetenl in I inlmnry for coimre.Kinnn, In i.'liave eminly, expired bint iiljjht. The name of II. It. reiKiiKiion ) the only one filed with the committee Tor the ronyreiidnrinl nomination nnd thia menu that the deleuatea to Die Albiiiieriie convent Ion Ironi I hi, ly will xo iiiHiriicted for Mr. KeriiiHon. The name of Judite ilr.invllle A. l:u hnrdxoh for 111., d," trlct JinlKiKhlp vaiiiiuy waa the only one tiled nnd It la now eon. eded that J ml ; i' liichnrilKon will be iioiuinntcd nnd elected. i it her name will Include enndi datea for the leEiabitive lioiilniit Ion. tor the eountv l'etnocrntie eommlt to nnd f.r deleuateii to the county convention. The followimi eandi dntea for ihe leuiNlailve nomination filed their namoa: ' J. K. fndy, l.nke Arth'T. t'. f. Tanni'hill. Itoawell. '. I., ltiillnril. Iloawell. lr. n. T. Vcnl. Itoawell. tl. T. Itlnck. Itoawell. Jilinen V. Mulllni, Itoxwell. .1. I. Herron. Itoawell. Threo repreaeiitallvea are lo elected. lie FORT! SIX PUPILS AT STATE SCHOOL FOR THE BLIND Albuquerque Leads in Attend ance at Alamogordo Institu tion with Thirteen Pupils. Paula Fe, X. 11.. July 22 The re tort of the Neu- Mexico Hi hoo for the lllind, at AlamoKordo, which hna been received hy the department of public iiiel ruction, showa 46 puplla. AlhuiUerU hna 13 puplla In he mduml; ttenta re haa none. It Ii in tereatlng to not,, that there were 47 pupils. Abui.icriiie ha II puplla thin number more thun huf 27 were -non. The minie number attend ed training, hut In the elemen tary grade, there were 21 men nnd 2" women. In commercial eoiiraea. (men and women. There were 1 em Iplojc of the ai 'html, which la direct ed by It. It. I'rult, aiiperlntcidcnt. l!a May Woodbury, who h had tlve year' triluing na a teacher In n ronton iK'hool for the blind, nnd 14 yenra' experience In tenchinK the blind, conducted the nuicic depart ment during the paat year. Thou, who have heard her pupil alng de clare that they have been well trained. PROGRESSIVES TO J SAflTA FE Sandoval County Bull Moose Leader Saya His County is Still Rampant. Regular Party Conventions Set. OlxtHnl ltHint1i in Ttifl Iliralil.) Kinm Fe, N. M . July 2J ThB atate j rutnmlttee of Ihe l'roureiie parly 'will meet here tomorrow for the pur- pnae. of iiianiiig a call for a atate con vention and miih other buaiiieMi aa may .iron-rly ime before the body of which former lioverin.r Miguel A. tJteru la chairman. Marco. ('. do llnia of Sandovnl on in , who U beer today tu attend the meeting, any Sandoval county Hill la riotoiiHly proa r. and that the Hull Mooae eohorta will aw rip the county nualn In the fall election. The n old purlieu have fixed tlnte for their ronventlona In thia eoiinty. Tha Iiemiicratio convention will be held Auituat 1 .Ih and the Itcpuldlcan convention Ai'cuat 14th. WILL MANUFACTURE FRUIT B0XE IN THE STATE CAPITAL (aortal Dlaaatek to r.oata lleraWH Pallia r'e. N. M., July ii. A. lie.' h, owner of a lumber mill here an nounce, today that ha will manufac ture fruit bnxca to au.ply the large demand nf K.nla K county fruit X row era. The local aupply and that of northern New Mexico haf been iippllfd by lb" America;! I.timtie coiiiiuiiy of AlbuqiiercjUe heretoforo. I HAND SELLS APARTMENT j HOUSE IN CHICAGO J I). Hand, who recently look larva apartment house ill i'hl. ur.i a pint payment In ihe million Hollar Ii 1 1 by which he sold his land In, Id it. Ia W.m Mistici sml Mora coun ties to the Hhcllabiirxer Interests f )e KaT'. II, lias in turn sold the npi.rimenl bull, ling. The Itiicao . 'i t' ' ( lay aiis' Kur the sc.ond tin,. Jkilhin three MEET TOMORROW weekn tha T'nttlnKton npartment billldlnii. una of the Inrteat In tha city, hna flitiired In a trnnanctlon. Jiunea I). Hand of t.oa Alninoa, .V. M.. who neimlred the bnlldln Trom l i.wnrd V. Hhellnbnrer of lieKnlh. III., In exchnnge for ronaldernbla acreoue In New Mexico, at a reported vnlnation of tl.fiiin.liiio, hna aold the premlwea to Allan I', llowt-on of llamb Iph, Ala., for a nominal con alderntion, aubjert to an lnciimbran of riB.jn. The I'liitliiBlnn. which la located at tint. Tin) Irving I'nrk, boulevard, coiilnlna t npnrtmenta of from .ev en to nine rooma each. The building la ..aid tn Meld annual rental of t'M. ti'i'i. fonnected with the biilldinga nre two large unrane. with n enpne Itv ,,f ln niitomobilea. The prop, eily hna a front.ixe of 43! feef on Irving I'nrk boulevard, of which H'-n feel Ih occupied by the building nnd 1 feet by n private pnrk. E HI M It Jemes Mountain People Take Ideal Summer Outing. For est Service Man Studying Soil Washing Problem. arlal r.rrnt.4fn ! fteraldj t'uba, N. M., July IS. Meaara ( h.iuilK i m of K.u inlnilnn and Hatch er of 1'aKo.a 'pringa. dniu1 through in u Ilulck car Imm 1'ngoi.a In one day and u half. The trip could f.iHtly have been made, they report. In one day had It not been for the hea r.aida cituxcd by the recent riln. Two curs with AlbiiiUer,Ue Vlallora hi,, raid to ie alallcil in the heavy n.uil nboul three mile below hero mid team, have Kolie out to bring them In. Koie.t Hanger F.. It. Young, ai com- . n lfl l,y hia wife and baby have re turned from a vacation apent with Mr. Yoting'a parent at tied limr, New Mexico, Manager J. K. Young of the Ht.iplln Mercan.ile coinpniiy. with Mr. Young and dnughler llairiel, relunied Fri day from a 4iio-mile driving trip through New Mexico and t'olnrndo. Mr. liny t'oorea of Altec waa in i barge of the store during their ab- a nee. Mr. A. J. Jaenirke of the foreat ar- Vice ha. been hire for the paat week from the Albii'iuerUe dlatrbt olllee to attidy the prnlilem of aol waahlng nnd nrroya formntlnn In thia region, particularly tho.e arena on the na tional foreat. Thig severe anil eros ion nffei'ta grnlng, agricul ture, nnd even out tn. asportation problem. It la hnped that practicable remedies will he found which will at least partially heck erosion on ooth th" national foreat nnd adjacent areaa. FAIL TO GET TOGETHER VArv Ann . am D nf I- 1." ..MM on Any Basis. Morgan for Governor. Hubbell for the Senate. I'hoenlx, Arlx., July 22. !t ha. been found Impossible for the Itet.uh 10 an. nnd frogresalves of this or any other counly to agree upon n stat' ticket that would be sal iefactory tn iliher. The (list I'roposlilon advanc ed by the 1'rogret.Hlves wag Aiat they could not ronaider any ticket that Would have the word "Republican" upon It. They would concede tho Platform, the candid ilea and In fact everything lae, out demanded the disorganization of the Itcpuhlican party in the atate. The Republicans refused to ent.rinln any such pro posal nnd negotiations were broken off and the Itepubilciii.. determined lo put a full .tale ticket In the Held. H,,n. J. U. Hubbell. Republican slate chairman and one of the most popular men In the party, has bled hia petition for Filled Hate senator. It Is now agreed that II. A. Morgan, the Willcox merchant, will be the iiiiidid.iia for governor and he I said tn be considering the general demand that is coming trom the party ! aderg nil over the s'ule that ho make tha race. RECORD CAT-FISH IS CAUGHT NEAR CARLSBAD Carlsbad. X. M, July 1 1. Carlsbad bellvvea it hold Ihe belt for the largest specimen of any finny tribe landed thi season in New Mexico, even larger than aome of 1he Immense sinkers landed by Republican poli ticians since the caaipalun opi ned. The families of J. T. Htanford and J. A. Pond picnicked iibout l)e In lies up tho river Haiurday and enjoyed n fine lulling. They took a fine lunch along and finhed to their heart's con- , lent. Mr. Stanford landed a thirty t live pound caillwh, which made a tume fight, but was llnally roiniuered. A number of their friends helped sample the big fellow and all pro n'.unea the fish fine. SIERRA COUNTY DEMOCRAT? RET CONVENTION DATE I Tha Hierra I'-uniy llemm'ratln committee has set the dale for the county coiiNeiitioit In be held at illlle'ioro. :..r Auituid klh. The lie pnl. Ii, an county contention will be held AugUKt IM. ""J FOuRHUfOREDiLE 0 T FlEw MEXICO REPUBLICANS ARIZOfi SANTA FE WILL HAVE E DAY OF Good Roads Day Declared by Chamber oc I imerce When it is Found '?ity and County Have no Funds Handy. (RprHaJ niapaU'li to T1p Herald). utitu. l'"e, N. M . -nl .'2. AI iv niectliig of Ihe chiui.' i oiniii' r. e In- 4 nii'.bt it waa d I III it the Ul tl.i-ul I-' v,l .ill. ol i i.lll alol . hn counly road board also short of fund. The r.iada near rianta Ke urn In very l ad ('oiuliti'.n and In order to make a good showing for Die coming slnto road convention the ImsuieMa men de termined to declare a good roads day nnd call out the hdn town us Volun teer, tn fix th riiBtls. Kridny ia lh day. t'hnrb's Thiamin will handle tlm sleiim roller, being an expert at tlio game, wlnln Frank nwen wile-run tha grader. Kvery nble bodied clllen I exii" ted to turn out with a pick anil ahovt-l and do his part. DIES OF HIS Innocent Bystander Struck by. Bullet Fired at Antonio Vargas Adds Another Life to Archuleta Charge (HHi'in lH-pnicli to Tlio lli'ral.l. Hulita Fe, N. M , July S3. Wonl fioin iJo t'nllciilc today reports Iho death of Mar.ellno Klber.i, the inno cent bystander Ii m court room nt t'Ju Cullentv w' struck in tha Jaw by one of '. bullets fired by Archuleta broth .it Antonio l. Var gas when tin. xilbd him vitur.l.iy. lilooil poison het in and ltllx-rag death folb i. I lust night. LAI OPENING FOR ELEPHANT BUTTE PROJECT SOON Thousands of Acres With drawn from Entry When Project was Proposed to be Restored to Entry Next Month. 1 ji. Truces, N. M , July ;j. For mal notice has been issued by th general land ottbe of the reel. .rut ion to entry of thousands of acres of government land, withdrawn from entry under the Kh'phnnt lluttej project when the project first wm determined in by the reclamation service In 1 io I, nnd covering many township, both In Hi. rra nnd Honit Ana counties. The land will be re stored formally on August 17th ut 1 a. in, when it will be open fur settlement, and will be opened to en try on Ki pieinber Itith at !- I'ruces. SUNDAY SCHOOL WORKER MAKES A REMARKABLE RECORD Kama Fe, N. M, July 2 2 A. Im Kales of Riwell, smie iiilasioii.iry ot the American Sunday K' hiol t'nii.n. In splto of tha ruin eua.lay held two s. rvl, es nt the liberty m hool district in the Katanrla valley and orieanlxed a Sunday school. Klnce ha waa aaalgned to Ihe work In New Mexico in October, 11, Mr. rale. ha. been Instrumental In tha organisation of 7 Hundny ai hool. having 2 !7t leuchcr and s In, Lira, making lox li.'U to these uud other r.ici.v ttuml iy school.. FINDS BRASS BED USED BY THE LAST SPANISH GOVERNOR (Kpcrtal JsKH-ti to Kvmtlnc Herald.! Kalita Fe, N. M , July fi. Former Hovel n. .r L. Itrudford I'rlnca, tho iu deratlgable leader lu the New Mexico II mini icnl .in let y today announces that he has found the bras bedstead Used by Manuel Armijo, Ihe laat M.uiiIrIi goM-riior of New Mexico. Th bed, it la slated, bus lai n luily identi fied and ti.ncriior I'rltue will prewiit It to the slate historical aiaiety and; It will be set up In Ihe stale museum. BUILDING AND LOAN COMPANIES REPORT fSiMelal rl.serk (veealaaj neraUl Hamu Fe, N. M, July li. Tha traveling auditor today completed coiiipilniiuii of u report on the build ing a id loan coaipAnlee of tha slat for the piisl six months, showing total resource of f l.f.ou.iino. Thia Ig ej slight decrease from Ihe showinK ot total rcsourtea made stg nioulha ago. The HERALD Want Ads zt the best results, i 111 BURGEUHO RISER