Newspaper Page Text
THE EVENING HERALD, ALBUQUERQUE, N. M., WEDNESDAY. JULY 22. 191 r SEVEN Tliat's the Trouble With Flannel, It Will Shrinh! By "Bud" Fisher. AT COHfY t'LAfC YCtAN IktltN X J FLANNCL OOTlNt SUIT 1 TH CMKkf NJ. 10N"T tsaLt.rM Mtrxj TM U,OUY fS 1 V (MN ONTMtt t)AT 1 y ' Y . V s 1 ' y-yl&7' ' OL6 SUN IS. OUT AfoAlN. Kiovai FOR. T HE rAtSXN OLD W; ACM e Rut tiKiCtR. USTEN- l,TtLL IT TO MK XiG ef OCtxft-i SJ :rA 'NMCtnT,' AU), BftTHIetfe Stit 0. I , ..'-.i.'-Vfe"-' 1.1 ' i The markets ; 2ND SELECTIONS SELL BRISKLY IN LONDON WOOL MARKET Ignition, July 22. Tho umiul rtiil rl- Bli)ltin wn nffiTMl today 11 1 11m ! al a anil mill l.rixkly at full iirlrci. Th Buriionn wrro rn fliulr.l frt-m In tonv with rl' hnw liW nn oilviiiire from & 10 1 pr rent iiit thi hint n rl'. M rltion. line 1 r..lir ilM. told pr tu & nr cant u'l vuiiiT. The Improvpnirnl In fine t-rowIirnlH nirrlnoi wan dun liifKt-ly to ihv ilcniiiiicl from Americana, who uiii IiuimmI 17. i baliMi. Chicago Oraia. "hl''BHtt, July Z2. Wheal quoia IIoiih mail a gimrnl iiturn. The aloap win tlrm. i lo In lc alxive Iiimi nlahl. Corn roan wllh wtu-aL Thr M'. iiKcl in 1 m nn irK"rt tf ail iliinti. raina whrre iu'mIi'(I. M-ti I Itft rli- vnrlfd frm u ahaito ff 1" 4 ailvunif. aiiil wra fulluwid ly icalna a'l iirouiuL Thn flow waa firm, e n Sc ni'l hiKhvr. I I.mIk 1 nic Ira ri-lurilpil ata from rllinhinc with i-orii ami vhrnt, liul ' Iih llinrki t ItMtifxl to Hip hull al'lo. 1'rovlHioiia au(Tirc-il from lark of iliiiiiiiiil. 'lilni( prlrva: 1 WhrHt July. hlUc; Hrpl . 0c, I'orn July. "Ic; Hip!.. 1 'ai July. JTc; H-., I'ork - S. pt., $."0 77. l-:irl -Xi-.l . u In; in t . SUMS. ltit.a fi-i-t., int., lit. 47. UVESTOCK. HUNTERS WANT THE DUCK SEASOFI MADE LONGER 1 MK I Jltl' k. 'hiraa. July IS. Hok Hwi ll :.mioii. imirki't alow; liulk. I tuiof ! IU. IlKlit, IH.i jfl.J0; mlxrd. t "' i tii-iivy. a.5.ii :U; routtli. t X. 70; tH0i .()!. , Cuttlv.-l(i-rlita lJ.tidO; inarki't hrvvr. 17X1 1(1 00; alfcra, : l.4iii M.Si; alockcra nml fifili rn. i S. 1)5; cow a anil In 1 lira, i .41 i inlvca. I7.16 11.25. fin-cp l(cpita 14. "I'll, tii.'irkM alow; Khi-i, t5.15i S. 0- yiarllnK. j 6fl ''I 55; lainba. $ U(M I5. KanMa ll IJtrwIiM'k. Kanaua City, July 22 Hon lle- ilpia 6. Him; mnrkrt hlahcr; liulk "f anli'a. IS.OIMU 15; hray. I5I 9 I7H: n k-ra and liiitclirra, t S I 15; Ilfdit. t8.Ml 10; .IK, Ht 10. ('a! tie C.500; innrkfl Klcmly; prime fril ftoi-ra, $9 4'it .'.; dr-aai-l href atvi'ra. t125i9.!5; at era. 1 7.50 r '; cowa. t( 571i 5.5o; ho If era. t.5iM .bn; atrn ki-ra ami fciilira. 6 00 tt 8 . ' ; calvra. n. 50 10.21. i ltcculi &.000: nmrkut atraily: lamlia. 1 7.50 U .0o; rurlln, tu oi (.75; wit her a, II. 50l i. 75; ewea, II 0 CM 71. Imwr IJvi'wtiak. Iner, t'olo.. July IS. rattlo lc- i'la tHfl; marki-t ateailv. Her! ali'iTK, 7 no tit. 70; rnwa anil he I lira. 6.:.0 t 7 25; dlvea. oiitl 1 1.00. lloKa l((.ct'lita KiO; atvady. Toi, Hon; bulk. l.r, 00. rlhi-- None. Money Market New York. July SS. CI. me: Mrrcan. tile pMirr. 4 1-4 4ft cr rent allvrr. 63 4c Mi'irn dollars, 41 I'hII money easier, l'l.M-( ef renl. Time loana venter: to duya, S 1-1 per rent; 90 daya, litl-4 par cifit; all m on ilia, 4 pr irnt The Metal Markets. New Turk, July IS. Topper quiet aim) and Pepteinlier. 1 1 1 .It l I S.tO. Tin firm; allot. 111 tI4j 31.ST. lead and Spelter ft. Loula, July II Lead firmer. IS.7S; apeller alrong and lilnhcr. 14 to. New Mexico Conditions Such as to Warrant Same Exten sion Granted Missouri, Kan sas and Olahoma. AIIiihiui r.iio hiintera are tu I. a. I in a atiitewiilu cffnrl to h;ivo the Knleml tiov.rnmi'iit mu.lify Ita ion rc rariliiMt durk ahootina. The liuntira he re arc not oppoai-il o the. proti'itive a.nn,. luw, fee 1 1 ok that It la an excel lent thing and will Imrenao thn num of hlrda ami other itmne, l.ut they naree with huntera uenerallv Ihrouah fiil the atute that New Mrxlni la un fairly Irelited by the federal resillit I'on which permlta rim k ahnotins anly three mnniha In the year. Oklahoma. Miaaoiirl and Kanaaa have l.een given a four and n halt montha' aeaaon, beram-e, of local ron dltlnnt, and the New Mexlcn huntera want the aumn exteiiHlon Krafiled them. The. al.He la an ll and rll-mmU- eondltiona vnry an that the abort aeaaon la not fair to huntera In different parta "f the commo'iwenll h. There are parta nf the alate where under the" preaenl regulation thi huntera have only about a month of actual ahontlnK, the atrenma and lakea he Inn frnaen. nnd not a duck In a nht. ilurina two montha of the aei aon. Ky addlmt flfteei ilava on each end of the aeaaon. making; a ae.non from rVptetnher IS to Keliruury 1, huntera all over the atute will have n chance to act ni ahontlng for a couple of montha. That wna one of the thine dlacuaa ed nt a mceilne of hunter at the foinrncri'lal club laat nluht. At that meet log a branch of Ihe New Mex ten 4la;ne I'roteiilve nHHnclatlon waa formed with a memherhlp of SX. In ronnecllon with other P.cnia In ratlHhnd. Itonwell. Hntita Ke, Lull VcRit and Union and tinorKnniied huntera In other center Ihe local will get tip a atatewlde petition In the government to Rive New Mexico duck huntera tlm anme privilege aa lhat enloyed by Kanaana, Mimnuriiina and okliihomnna. At l.iat nlaht'a meetln a reanlutlon waa adopted In favor of a change In the atute law, makina the acaa.m for dovea open Auguat It, Inateail of Julv I. runcera elected laat ninht are 0 follow: Henry Weaterfeld, prealdent; Chiirlea guler, lca prealdent; Ken- neth tuildrldKe, aecrelary; Dr. II. Fred I'ettlt, Irraaurer. All huntera of lternallllo rotinty are Invited In Join Ihe loral. Keea will not exceed II 00 a year. In be ex pen led In furthering the ohjecta of the orKttnixatlon. Pal aaaoclatlon hna announced a meeting lor thai lime. Thn atate aa aoi latluii of phiirmuclKt and the New Mexico Stale Federation of Iibor uaiiully meet ere In fulr week. If aulllcien. 'rHanlx.itlona ure gath ering In the town nt tho lime It I the Intention In act axiilc a big day In honor of the fraternities. Them will he a parade, 11 lid hurrah doing Een erally. It wna announced today that the 3 .1(1 trot of tho fair race program having railed tu PI), tho event hi. a been changed tn a 1:14 trot, and will clone the anme a other late event on Peptember 15. The purac. hu tieen reduced tn Ir.flo. f'oiidltlona ure thfl am na govern Ihe other late events, all In t iller nnd four l aiart. RETAIL MERCHAHTS ARE ADVISED TO CO-OPERATE Frank II. Connolly, preMd lit of the Itetail ilmcera' uMaocinlion of the t lilted ialea mid editor of the Iteluil Crocera' Ad v. .1 ate, w the gue ol the Krtall Merehatita' Haaoclatloii laat 11 1 Kilt between train on hi way In Trinidad. Colo. He w na met nt I lie Sunt a Ke atntlon by a committee con poavd of II. . Jarr.i. W. U ll.iwkina. J C. ltoy I .,,d H. B. I.lthKow. and dined and given a ride about the city. He addreaaed a gathering of retail era, numbering 30. at the Coinm. rclal club. They key note of hla apecch waa "Co-nix-ratlon." He advn'nted cn-operallon in aeekln'- leglHlalion, In credit rntltiKa, In ariv tinlng 1 apee. tally regarding tineleaa nnd fake ad vertlaing and told of Ihe hem octal law, ami plana perfected hy the Cal ifornia aaxoriui Inn. Thn local retailer are alllliated with the National Itetail (irocera' im-a.M-latmn. The convention meet next year In Hun Kranclacn, In May. WOULD E CITY MECCA FOR ALL FRATERNITIES Fair Association Trying to Ar range 1 Lodge Day. Fail injf to Till. 2:30 Trot Be ccmei 2:14 Event. FACES REVOLT III PROGRESSIVE PARTY Mr Hay. N. V.. July S2. For the Aral time in Ihe hlntory of the I'ro graaaive parly, Ci.lonel Knoaevell to day laced the oaaibilily of ioat tion w ithin tho t inka over Ihe choice of camlidulea. lie learned that nt the meeting of the I'rogrcaalve com mittee of New York county laat r. In lit. Chairman Krnncia W. Itlrd declureil I for a atrnlcht I'roareaalvo ticket and I after the meeting learned that Har ' Vey D. lllnman of Kinabainton had , announced hla Candida, y for the Ite nomination for governor on a platform oppnaed tn William llurnea and Chnrlea K. Xlurphy. Colonel Ttooxevell. It waa aald here, wna fully owiire of the realMtaiice he would meet if ne aoitgiu to bring ' about I'rogreaalve endorrement of y.r. Illnninn or uf any other can. II ; dale, nutalde the I'rogreaaive parly. Tn all Imiulrle lod.iy he merely re- piled that be had nothing to any at 1 prevent a,nd that his forthcoming intemenl would explain his position J fully. let th Herald want ad da foot work. If preaent plana are carried nut, there will he a lodge day duting the lute fair. on which fraternities will take part In a big parade.. Secretary Tom Illnkert, of the Fair aaaoclatlon. today wrote In alt rr gnnlratlonx repreaenied In the city to aap If there were any polblllty of aute meeting being held here during fair week. vera I nrganlxations have already planned to hop alate conventions het at that time, and the Fair aaaoclatlon would like tn aee every convention ll la pnaslble to hilng here during the fair take purt In Ihe gathering of f rnternltle. Vha odd Fellows will meet during fail week, and there la ehanc that the Knights nf Colombo wll alo hold stats e salon. The Plate Med- DR. CHAS. A. FRANK lluutus) l and SO. Ilantctt IUI. E-vening Oerald Want Ads Three Lines e e Three Times e e Three Dimes PROFESSIONAL CARDS INSURANCE Fire, Auto, Plate Glass, Liability, Burglary, Accident, Health, Life, Livestock. MONEY TO L0AN All kinds of Real Estate and Investments on Easy Terms John M. Moore Realty Co. Dunbar Bargains FOR RENT M'J Nuiilli Hroaduay. line brick ami H'lblinti lino'. Mnc l-iHiliia iiiiatem, Willi ranue In kit. lien con im-i nil In water; piano In (he mrnr; Him Pimm, IMn of hlmle ir aim hlilne; water .fiarab.,-.! . -fctiaa ci we.'l ami private pninpliix plant ; 1 ho MTtiietl apx pinu IhikIh'h. Willi dlop l-illiullln. kel pluce In l'.- city for a ranliary laatiilliig In. i-a. 1 am not afralil of lunger mi itiiiii" "n ami I will wv thai 1111 one Lot hen. ) so I'nm ax you keei onr liiHieio( within the rule, ut Hie board of liinllll. All for ;in.iMi M-r mmilli In ail-lance-, AIm 107 I ji 4'onl avi-iui tHM. ft-riMini frame cottage. of Mm shliH- ami plenty nf alutili-. TIk- -miiiio good water an la-fiiri iii-iiiIoiic (in klU-lw-ii); turn- liii irh- wlreil anil slee log M)rih. nlif lionie for ei'k hii-, I7..MI. A. D. JOIIIiSOl oli'j South HroadMay. BpeeUI attention given to dlaease nf the Koee. Throat and I.unga. In r.iaes of Woni.-il, Venrreal lllaenae, and Nervous Plaorfiers. Klectrlclty, Fpond lo-therapy snd olhor modern methods employed. Orflce Hours) I In II . n t I to 4 and f U t . m. 1'hnne 107t. 44i J. L. GOBER General Auctioneer T llnatftinU riOArfa a Rnartilla T I riue at. Is. o. nog nt. 1 1 HOTELS OF SOUTHWEST. DIRECTORY. KT. J. HINS. AKI.ii.NA The Ameri can Hotel. IKiiihiuurtera Hctan-to-lncHll llighwny tnun. Modem throughout. I lining room aervlce tiiiu-iuulli'd. Fine chudo and luwii. IIUTKI. lllir.NiVCK HolhrooK, Ariio.ia. 30 gueat room, modern; tourlKta' head.Uartera: dally road bul- li.llna- Ant, tea furnlMhefl In tlotnta at f Intvrcat; dining room In connvctiop. SANTA FI5 The Mon'csuma Hotel, American plan; sor ice firat clvss, electric lights, ste-itn heat, telephone In every room. Special attention, to aulo purt lea. FOIt ItKXT. 4 3-room hnuae, gnud In- , cation; price, inn. $ .00. I 4 Htnre mom. Central Ave., bo- ' tneen Third and Fourth Ma. 1 4 t-room mndi-rn brick hnuae, 1519 N. Y. avo., tiS 59; water paid. 4 t-rnom house. III No. Fifth . St.; modern, t Jl On. 4-room boue, Ilighli.nda, 110. 4-room houae; ii.nt Iluxeldine 4 avenue; modern, I2'i 00. 4 ItHl KAIJC 4 t-room bouse on a fine corner near In at a burgnln: mmlorn with fine shade trees, fine lawn, etc. 12-room houae, perfectly mod- em, fine ahndo and luwn; near In. Ai bargiiln. Fmo enr Ima, We Coal Ave. 4 room hnuae, Weat Iron Ave.. Price, f 1.500. All klnda of terms. J-IHF. INKI'IIANCR 4 M'IM V TO MM. 4 IrMU:t'8 HrTAI. ESTATE Ofntli 234 U4d Ae t'nmer TtOril Kl. I IIOTKL. COMH8 The new cummer I clu hotel of Albuiitiergue. Euro 1 Venn plan; firat clan cafu and l uffet. I'ndcr new management, leis Ocean-to-ocean Highway. BUSIIiESS . OPPORTUNITY Stock of Dry Goods. Shoes ani Groceries in good agricultural town of 3,500 in Colorado. Merchandise invoice $9,000. Fixtures $3,000. Sales $7,000. a month, all cash. An excep tional opportunity. Good reasons for selling;. Address "Opportunity" care Herald. Boarding Hotxses. srsrN,sNa asaa1sBsN4g TIIK CoTTAfiK INN, 1120 .North Hecoiol at reel; felllo liooley, -roi. Ii'oinn cooking n apcc'-alty. rieiiaunt rooms with sleeping . orchis. Kvity thing modern and lots of shnda. FOR RENT Rouses. Foil KKNT S-ioom modern houae, mi atreet cur line; good burn, vine. Apply It. A. Kiatler, at Kiatlor, Ol dster 4k Co. FOR R?n Itoomi, roll It KM Nicely fumo-hed room for houM'kecping, with or without Hlccplng porch; all modern conven iences. One block of. car line; clone III. Cull 3 It North Allio. , FOIt ItKNT Five large rooms for light housekeeping tu one person or In suite, 617 K. Uro.nUay. Foil ItKNT Ijirge room with board 422 W. Mamuette. Blacksmiths. WANTED. V A N T K I To rent by Aukuhi 3rd "X five or nix room modern houae in uoo.l condition and g I neighbor hood. (1. K., care Herald. TIELP WANTKD WANTKIi Man to take interest In good p. Ming buelnuaa with $:M'0.0') cuah. Addrea 1. O. II-X 201). Ct. K.Ml'l.o I'M KNT oin. c. 110 W. Silver, I'. O. Ilox 73. rh.ilio 3 f, 4 . Carpen ters, tl day; laborers, 11.75 lu t2.5'l. Foi Sale Miscellaneous Full SAI.K At u bargain, h- rxe, bar lieaa ulld light apring rusMinore Wagon. Apply 711 Went Slato. Foil HAIvK High grade ptano. 520 Mouth High, phn e 17 ID. Foil BA1..K old papers for putting down caputs, etc. Call at Herald ufllc-s. Foil HAU: -t'innl. for cai-h. M i h.igany uprigbl piaao. Auk for Mr. Frank, l.yric theater. BUSINESS CHANCES GK.o Hl'TCIIlNSON, III West Lead. Four t-hnea, 1.00. fl'lts difference of opinion, said Mark Twain'that makes a horse race.' J Its difference of opin ion and tasteand condition that makes the classified page a most effective solution of most hu man perplexities. CJ Try a want ad for your trouble. R. ARCANO Plasterer and Contractor AM. WOliK I.I' Alt WTI I'll Call 377 W. Hittelillii Ave. LUMBER & BUILDKItS lUIM'LIKI Wlmliwars and Itetail Albuquerque Lumber Co, 424 Norm First btreet I'Olt lilAT 4 Furnished, one 3-inom apart- ment, modern, I5. 4 One I room apartment, mod- ern. 113. One I-room lent house, fit. J. II. I' Si I W. ('C'lilral. I hone SH. tJO SII.I, l l'V well eKinbllKhed btla ineaa, paying 17.".. mi tn 1 125. on monthly; e.iay work, both ..ill.-,, and open air. Inve'llgato fully before buying. Ad'lreaa "A merieus,' levell ing llcruld. MONEY TO LOAN. Mi iNKY TO LOAN on salaries, household goods aud livestock with, out removal. N'-es bought and sold, ('nion loan Co., room 11, over First National bank, f'hone Hit Physicians W. M. SHERIDAN, 2L D. , I'ractii-e I.tmlled to GliNITO-llUNAIlY UUsEASiai And HIKF.SKJJ OF THE UK IN. The W ax Titian and Nogmtu Tea4a Salvarsan "Hit" Adminlsterad. Cltlaens" Hsnk IPjIldlng. Albuquerque ."lew Meiloo A. U. MlOltilJi. M. I. ITaclh'O Umiw-rt to Tunerentoale. Uince Hours, It to IS a. in. Miono 1171. 114 H Weat Central. Albuquerque Sanitarium 1'hoaa I4. jJRS. TULL & BAKES tiiNMiallala -F.yn, lir. Ke 'llurowt. a la us National Hank Uldc. 1-Immhj sea. V. I'. TAN NTS. M. IK Special. H la ty 'mt, Not-c and TlimaC City Hank Hullillng. riiona tl-J. Ponta Fa. N. U. IMtO I l aw K'uroiaa, Dentists lilt. J). KK AFT, IM'iital hiirgrry. Ituoms I nnd 3. Harnett Hldg. Orat O'ltlelly's lirug Htnre. (Appointments made by mall.) i l1lMS til. Attorneys KIMMH St KIMMS Istwjrera. IT-IH Itarnclt lildic. AlhiMTMt. TYPEWRITERS.' All. KIM in. both new and second hand, bought. Bold, rented and re paired. Albuquerque Typewriter E change. Fhone 114. Ill W. Qold. Foil BA I. K Oliver typewriter, good as new, 125.00. 1S1 Weat Gold, rhone 144. Vulcanizing Vulcanltliitf and Tire Ucpalrlng. AH work guaranteed. Atbuquerqua Itubber Co.. CK West Central. Fenton J. Spaulding A gen. New York Life. IliNMil 17. V T. A roil Jo lUdg. I'lmn- 7. amu gn itgi'E. Architects. FI.SON It. NOltllia Arc-lilicct. fraitleal and I p to Date Work. Him.iiu tl ami !tS, Wbltlm HulldluC. T P ilione HISS. PH0T0ORAPHERS I'O.-'T CAIM'rt tl 00 per doxun. Flral c la an work guaranteed. Kodatt flnlahing. SLventh and Central. PERSONAL Full CAHFttT aieaning. furniture and rlova repairing. W. A. Ooff phona tit. WB WJ1.I, develop any KOfiAK FILM for 10c. I-ost Card Hludlo. 113 So. Kecond. J want Why ad will worry do it. when a Herald SANTA FE TIME TABLB CROWN FIllNITlltK Repairing and packing, cabinet making, up holstering, retliiialiing. mnltres mak. Ing, rug sizing. At. work guaran teed. A. It. Garcia, and It. K. Olives, 117 Bouth Third. Phone t24. ItlKlF I'AINT. WANTEIl Kvery home owner to use F.rle Carbon roof paint. pt"p leaks, last t years. Iievoe ready paint. 1 gal. lovers COO a. feet Tbos. F. Keleher, 4'lt Weat I'-nlral We have a eompleta ling of Wall Paper and Paints. Caa do your work on a mlnuts't noilca, C. E. QTJIFn. I1S & trtd St. rtuaaa 147. Chicago Mill ft Lumber Co General Planing Mill 3rd and Marquette Phone 8 1. II. t oNNLIl, M. It.. II. O. thle4Hill.l eipoetalbal. I treat all curable dlaeaa.a. OlHr. Itcrn Hldf. .kuww lit aad lis. RfTectlve Ue'jtnber 7. ItlS. ' W i-aloouuO No. Claw. Arrives. Departs t Cal. Limited ...,11:30a lk:t 1 Cal. KaprtH .... 7 I'Op 1:30; T Cal. Fa pre ....It 10b II St- Cal. Kaat Mail. .. .U tOp l:4t (Thursday only: It (He I-uxe T:IOa S t0 FnatlNiuml It Overland Express. 7 I Fsstrrn Fxpress.. I Up I 10 i 4 Chicago Limited.. I 40p 7 Vp K. C. 4k Chi. Fx.. 7::tp t 41 (Wsdnesdsy onlj'i It (De Luxe t ltB t:ttp aVulhbound- tOt F.l Peso Max Cg 1110a lit :i Paso Psssenger l.1ta 111 Pecos Vsllty Ex.. T;t Nortii bound lit From Mex A El P T lOa lit From El Psso I lls til Fr-ui P-oa Val- ley sad Cut-off. I:4ta T. J. JOHSiON, &st J