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EIGHT TIIE EVENING HERALD. ALBUQUERQUE, N. M., WEDNESDAY, JULY 22, 1014 a. Crescent Hardware Co. STOVES AND RANGES PRACTICAL PLUMBERS AND TINNERS AGENTS FOR Marsh Simplex and Advance Duplex Steam Pamyi 1 318 West Central .venue 4 OOK5INDERS RULINO, SPECIAL F0F.MS OF ALL XIKDS. ALBRIGHT & ANDERSON PRINTERS, BINDERS, STATIONERS. 203-210 West Gold Avenue ThonaitO EAT MATTHEW'S VELVET ICE CREAM Thone 420 C. T. FRENCH I TM II Al. lUltMTOIl I.MH M.MI It. lMty A-wtatant. N rill ami tvnlral. Phone. Miy ami Mjl'U 60. Expert Hair Work. Cumhliig made Into wluhea., tianafiiruiHtloiiu, pufa, curl. I:.; 1 1 1 h en dyed. Mlts. M. PI IH:V MarliN'lln Mioi. Phone til. II t. 4lta 81. Special 100 SPUTUM CUP FILL ERS FOR C5c WILLIAMS DRUG CO. 307 We.t Central Thone 7S9 COAL AtlD WOOD Best Mountain Wood GALLUP COAL in pny quantity TROTTER Phone 912 DUKE CITY CLEANERS We i Iran hats., Biena I'lutlllllK, iliM-rti-. ft . Phone 4 I A. UM'K't ami rutin. riirtnliia. S2U West t.oltl. Promptncbs Our Motto Wel!dril!ii!, Welldminjr and Irrigation Plants UIMIMII.I.S. Tk M MI'S Itl.PUKIM. Agent fur Wi-Ur I. iir I.iiiiliiin J I . MH HIM., Iir. tliiiiti- l.iHW 113 . ".-r ". I II fill' IUH- I III OUR JULY DISCOUNT SALE CONTINUES 20 to 50 per cent reduc tion on Diamonds, Jewel ry, Watches, Silverware, etc. See our windows for prices Out of town Customers Write ,C3TD f F f)7 W CF N T W A L AVf J 1 PHONE 315 PASTIME THEAT RE Admission Sc TODAY In .in I l l::ilt p. in. (OmiIIiiimiiih) "Till: IIHKS OK AMIUTIOX- 3-ltci IVaiure 'THK HI DIVMt" " I'.XK.TI AN I MIMA Mi;" Kolt Till HMlAY THK lTII OK I'IKKItir 3-IPVI rVaturt "HI M Mi ll Al. I.IIIU'Xu. 21" Tin: ii i iii: cm : Your Eyeglasses Are if value only In irnirlli.n lu Hi.' alllilt mill aklll nl the r"fractlni- Ik Mill. fit a llK'IM. They iiiiiKt he uxuctly Iho right kind J il gl.ia.ia for imr yen. I It Ih Hi" skilled Service- of the He- f radii. mat rather thin the mi-re iner- li.m.liMj n rriH niril hy u uir ul I' J..MI Wlll'll IH VUlUaMe HI yi i apirc no uiiih, and i-xarcieu . Ul iiiiniiM nkill tn n1 tli. a every ialr ol Kl.lKKIH Ul) (It U CVMlll) tltlt. C H.CARNES OPTOMI THIST III Wee Central. I'lMMif Vti liiMMlte Hotel (onilie F. Crollott FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER. Ill MT I i:li I'lioiiv lluy ur iiIkIU, 6JJ. nut :::at IHi'irnr r4mii-- In IwrlHil lllk.. t'oimr Kirnt ami Tiji'ian, is by It 1 1 it, With 'IIHu " ItlUllll lia inn-it. Imiuirt at A. (J. llui lirt hl ft Co. u TO ID OUT THE SALARY WISHES Democratic Voters Will be Asked to Express Their Opinion as to County Fay Plank. Ki.ll" Inn m l llif I'Uii uutlini'il ly ' h ni ainl M'l'ruwrt ly lh roiiuiiitif I m Hi- imi iiiiu Lull wi'i k, l hMir mull ' I.ouin A. Mi I;. it. of die iH-mm ruin lummy riiiiuiiitii'e ImH t...i,iineil a i . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 c i'iiiihiniihk of lli-iiry I."" to ll. nt, (luiiriiiuii: iii-oiy I.'. K i-hfer i n.l A Klfiwlu r to Imlil uilir In jr ' lliKr, t-llalli ua lu uliy u iohIiIi Ihf ill Inillv Hli-lii-. nt I n iiiim rulli' 1 oiir u tu Kilary l.-umlullmi lur ( i iuiii ullli iii mill fioin thia irt ihi u il..nW fur MUluiilHNion to thi ioiiiIiiM l ounty i in. iiiioii muklni a ilifiinti- rxH i-aMtmi on Ihr oiilury iwliuh lu.nlil bi- uiil in tMi h oltli'v It i hni'i'l In tlu u liiino- 1 iih'ii for the li 'Kknlaturv will :,. ul'li- In tun a Ui lilnlr iUl liirm on III lounty ulnl) Inun. Thi' hi-ui lnuii Mil- to lit-Kili Ml Kill Mini II i la H.ii nil tliMt iluUn will In- ur ra until Hi-Hi ni-rk fur Mwaloita of lh i oiiiiiniiif hi whh h uwrtior U' Ih.ii..M will if .rinl. pnnyrnTr mum ummn ill iittuiLu A tfnt Htr1d gt-t what you want. Want Ad will CRYSTAL TODAY 221 South Second Street Licensed Motion Pictures A TWO-ltl:i I, VITAt.ltAPII Will, Ina-taliy Kclljr and Jami-a Morrtaoii. I'ir T"tn"r"rw , HnMt.MK. OK THK PI K.IIMI" (Taken nl liguna) Malliiiin al :0 and gUil Ort lemira. VNaVaHa The Weather K 1 1 IS KI'AHT: Tonmht and TUfmlny RVia-rally rlnudy. I'lnli Hlily Iim-iiI t It ii ml t-r ahiiwiTa. ( oiili r iat port Hut tuiiltiht. AUH'gt'KKlvrK WKATIIKH for Urn HI huura rmli-il nl t h i lin k ihla niornlim; Miiximum N&. Minhnuin 61. ItrtllKP II. At ti'iliH'k "I. Hniiihwrnt wnula. Tartly tluuily. TIIINt.H TO WtUtllV AIHK'T Trimly ihunh rorinirntiiin. fr YnrU, now ha amti-ta valui-d at IIS '."14... 11 I N-iiiiM-ratK huvn n.innil l.'..1IS in w tiiurih fl.iHfl poHlin.i.tti-ri alni'e lumliiR lulu (inwor. 'All of tht Aunlralliin aliilra nrc will iiiihiI wlih Iron rf. N South Wulra havlnic Iho ruht-at rii'piinita. ABOUT PEOPLE YOU KNOW TO HUMHI BIHKH8 If jou fall to ft four treairi papar, call POSTAL TEI.KIIRAPH COHPf NT, PHONIC la. Kt-f'a Cuntly Store That 8ihI rold root Iicit, ic. "'john llrtunwalil of Hm-iirro. la a vlHltor in AHiuiiH'riu today. f. T. Kicii' h rrturni'd laai ?uuhl fioin iM-ntir whi-rc h h.ia lucn for ncvrral ilitya. J. J. lluike, hc wi'll knr.wn Ijiinur t'olorailo atock man la vIhUiiik i Al liiiiii.arnu unlay. P. A. l.iiifiiu of Kunl.i Pr li-rt for Ina hiinio Ihla morniiiM nmr a I. nil viHlt In AIIiiUiriii'. Horn tn Mr. and Mra. Pirt-tt Van Cli-ave. iJi Xi.nh Third mrn-i, a 7 V c 1 1 i tl d.iUKhtiT. Wfrtiu-i day July IM. Major J It. Waddrll. ploiit-rr 'lt I x.ii of iM-iiiuiK, waa In I lit- it v Ihia innrniiiH n hia way to K.nit.i r'c on liroU-xaliinal liuKlncaa. Mra. t Wfiakolif of Han Marla la in Ihu illy vialtlna; rHatlvrn. Mra. iki..i ta a Miner of Mik Mniiile Knhri and Mr. ilualav Knhn. Mr. and Mra. (i'uatav Kaiin nrritud in tin- city halurday from KuroiM- and at rnakina Ihflr lionm tor thi- prfa-i-iil ul Ihr H. Kahn rvaidrnrr. 70H W. liold iivi-iiuu. Diatrlit Attiirnry Kilwatil li Tilt mun of waa In Ihr t lly Ihlx inorniliK on li 1m way to Hanta P tthiTv hr hiia IiiiIiiiu ihr at. il- Imurd of iMiialualion A iiit-fium of th li. H. K. will he livid tonluhl at k o t loi In Knlalita of Pythuia hull. llUHtiit-aa of iinimrt iiihii will itiiiif lit-forr Ihr nii-fiuiB uml n lame attt-iid.inrf la iliaired. I 'rank Kllm. of Ihr Kllia ram h tn the KmiiiIiu haa rt-lurnt'd uftir a llirre inonlhf IiuiiIUik and aiKhtarpinK trip, murh of It ovt-rluiul. with II. and J. II. Prll of New Yolk, wealthy lirokt-r. Alvln N. White, alate auperlnle'iil- I nt of i-dui'utioii. wua In the nty laat niKht on hia way In filUer t'lly to 'it lend the tmnmt nrnni'lit eieriiaea oi the Kllver t'lly Normal erhool whl h t ike plure tomorrow niiilit. Col. Thnmaa P. l!ihB of llawnon Mieiil l.i a I lilKhl in AlbU(iii'lUt. leav ina Ihla nmrnlnii fur Hunla Ke whi-re he will apend the day. Colonel le will return I" AlliuiUeriiia lonUlit to look after property Intereata her. John W. Jtnlierla, war torteapoiiil till Willi the Heuiat newapupi'la who haa hee-i altui hed to Vill.t'a lamp tr many monllia, waa In Ihe illy laal nlht, leturnin tu Menhn a wait to Kant Ke. Sir. Itooeila who la returning lu Torreon ieii lu ea- DILL'S SHOP CIUMIIS AM I'llKKhKIt-t tKll VOl II i inrill H TO I H AXU UK. kVTIslim) SIS ft. Ind. M. Plmufl 4H0, spriuI FOR SAND AND GRAVEL i AHdome Tonight) 300 North Second Street HIIOWK KAI Olt MIINK. All llMi IVnJi Air Tin-re la. ltM'KTIXJ THK WOHMI He-lliil KHiial . "PHOT A" TIM-. we think I one of llif hrM 1 ti1urr ever alnmu lute at Irn- t ti-iil )lta. J Two Show. Tonight a :M al au. evaaVMWMaaaaNAMMM i At the crucial moment: KODAK There's such a thing as living a vacation over again, if you take a Kodak with you. Mail your films to us and we'll have the prints to you in short order. STRONG'S EOGK STORE Your niunrjr 4iack If yia want It talillah a gi-iieral Mi ili an war rrvlin In eonnertlon with hl correaimnd erne work. Mupcrlntendem lluhcn perry of the Alliuiiieniue Indian aihntil haa "e turned from an outing of ten day on the Pecoa river. Prealdent David Itoaa Iluyd of the t'niveralty -f New Mexh'o left laal nlnht for Silver City where he will ileliver the ronnneni'ement addreaa tomorrow nlaht nefore hc araduatlon i-laaa of Ihe Hlher t.'lty Normal a hool The regular meeting of Alhuiiier one Io'Iud No. HI n I'. O. K . will he held tonight nl whP-h time the lortB will mkt final ilei'laliin aa tn the plana for the remodeling of the the iter oullding Into a .nodi-rn iluli hnuae. Itegiilar iiiietliiK of the Modern YVooilmi-n tolilKlu hi I. O. O. K. hall at 8 o'llnrk. A large attendante la tliaired na plana for n pltnie for the near fuuire ure helng talked of. Ho tome aid "IioonI" it along. Vialting Woodmen are wel'-ome. t' Alfred (irutiafeld f the hoard of rminly rominianlotiera, will all from llmutiurg today, eipectlng In iirrive l-i New York July Zlh. He will he h' me early In AngiiHl. Mr. Urunafi-ld. hia wife and daughter have heeii In Europe for aeverul moiitha. The ao'-ial afternoon :innminred the ladle or Hi. paul'a l.uthiran eh lire h In lake plate at the h:ne nt Mra. John Weidlnaer. 1"U North Rer. ind eireet. on Thuraday aflernoon, haa lii-en poat polled ln-i-nuae of the Sunday M Imol plrnli' to be held on that date. The aoelal will take place a week later. t tleorae Walker, who haa heen W'th the K.ilila H irliura Tie and Pole eoira pHtiy'a on! log drive down Ihe Itin Urunde rt-lurne'l home laat night from loiinii(o where the drive aa ii.mplelfd jealerday. The drive Ihla aeaaon '' upied three ino-rha nnd wna put llin.iiuh without a aingle aer lotia .in nl, ni and with pra' tl.iilly no loaa of Ilea. Arihltec t .1 1. Im firler yiale.d iy let the lotiirart for Ihe new Hlern Bpurtmi nta at Hevenlh and Hold ave nue, reirntu ilfM-rihed hy Ihe Hi'ralif. in Wallai i- II. -Mi-Men of Ihe Huperlor l.umher an. I Mill torniniiiv. Iiuihur and lle.iU' himp were awarded Ihe plumtilnK" nnd heating tonlrail The I. ita were aiirveyed jealerday hy Mr. I.r I iri.-re ami conatructlnn will begin at ome. V. I! ' ..imi lly. preaident of the He tail (Jr. .ii'i V .-laeoelattort of Ihe Pulled Ktatea. w.ia Ihe Ul "( Ihe Hetall Men hania' MH.oi lallnn laat niliht ue-lvn.-n iraina on hia way to Trinidad. Colo. II.- waa met nt the elation hy H t oiiiiiiiliei- Int'ludilig II. 1 ' Jaffa. II. f l.llhgow. J. t;. Iloyd. C. II. Aiker. man and W. I Hawkina. dined anif taken n,i an atltnmohlle ride. He ad-rirecai-d a m.-illng of retullera at the Commeri l.i! i luh. City Clerk Tom llughea la trying- to devlae a -.i.mprehenalve plan for the (. .Until. n of tin- dot tn. whlih be loniea due July 31. One of Ihw thiliga h-a la ,-onanli ri.ig !" have Ihe eoun ill order ileorge Waahlnglon Ward, the polindkeeprr. ! ehoot eiery dog without a l!i enae tag on eight. But Mr. Hugh, a la not iiarlii ulurly deatr una of l.rlnmng about a wholeaale alatighter of doge, and may gome other plan. devlae ( Wilt OP THANK. I wiah In thank my many frienda who ao kindly a'alated me during Ihe iilneee and death of my wife, Mra. Ilavmonil Kind, elan for Ihe many oeauliful rloritl offeringa. (fKnedl HAYU'lNIl FOUH. Herald want, dime. S Unea I llmag- S mmi BEST OF THE GUARD Col. Abbott and Staff, Santa Fe, Las Vegas and Albu querque Militia Companies Return Home Today in Special Train. Alliiioiier.iiie'a depot tilnitorm pre- aented the appearum-p of an armed imp for an hour or-more thlg morn ing, after a ape liil train arrtven from th aotith henrlng Coinpanlea I) and I. of Alhuiiieriiie, New Mex- leo national guard, and the company from l-aa Vegaa and two eompunlee from Hanta Ke. The K tompaiiy ! tnntit Ke proudly dleptirW d the gov- rnor'g trophy awarded It yeatenno at the t loeing of the annual enrump- liii-nl In lieiiimg. The Alhuiiieritie mlllllumvn hend- ed air-tight for the armory and then for their homca. having hud all the tamp life they wanted for J few tlaya at leaal. and even the enthuilaeiif Klret Infantry hand from Sunlit re wua too tired to play a tune. Tired hut happy waa the gen ernl etpreaalon of both ofllrera and men. w ho unite In declaring the liemlng encampment Ihe moat aui" craeful In Ihe Malory of Ihe guard From Colonel Abbott of the Ktret In fantry down everyone wua enthna Inattc over the treatment accorded the men at 1 'ruling It waa the moat uaeful elate en campment we have ever hud. anl" a member of Colonel Al.lnHt a alaff Ihla morning. "The preatnio of Ihe large force of rrgulara and their Work with the giiartlamin waa aa good na a at html In military tactic and field work. The benefit to our troop waa Ineallmahle." A number of young ladle will give a dunce In Ihe armory tonight In honor of the member of Com pany I- KAIKPMAX S1VS TAMP IVAK MIIDI b INSTITITIOX According to Ir. II. II. Kauflmun. captain of the medical rorpa, and in charge of the aanllary detail of the encumpincnt, the camp wu the ;ioat sanitary and the moat orderly the guard haa ever hud. "A new a) ate in wa tried In thla camp," aald Dr. Kauffinan thi morn ing, "uml It Worked hue. There waa no guard Imuae, and no need for one; aomelhing unheard of before. Col onel A-hhntt put Ihe men on their honor, and even In the homecoming when uaually amne of the men alio a dmpoaitltin to break nut and cele orale a little; there wua not an in lance of dlaorderly or even hoater ou conduct. The encumpincnt wua a huge iucceaa. There were eleven hundred men In tump; the tump ground were good and aanilatiutt ex cellent and although w had irnini hard rulna the end i f pint week, con dition genera lly were moat ple.iatitit "I want to aav that the two Albu uertUe rompuniea made a aplendid bhowlng all tbroUKh the e-icampmenl and we cun afford to be very pimid of tln-lr conilui.'t und the truining I lie) diapluyed." IIN'Ali AWAHIHMi tK Pltl.KS AT W'.MIMi Iteming, N. M . July 1(2 Joint en cempment of the New Menli-o iw tl. mil I guard and n tlettti hment of Ihe Culled Slatea army ended here today. Arrangement were made l' a number of niarkmanxh!i ronleala Company I of liemlng won the allver cup trophy. In the company Mold ahooting Company M of Portale won Ural and Coin puny K of Clovla aeeond. The generul eflb lency tro phy went to Company K. of Hanta Ke The apei lul prime for rung' ehootinu waa awarded lu Cumpuny It of Carla bud Tly regular army troopg broke camp and aiurletl on an overland march to Port Hliit. MORTUARY Walter K. -lofiva. Waller K. June, .'.nr. Wtal Marble, died ul t ii thia mornliik. The tie teaaed had been an Inval d for aev eial year a and had ahown a remark nble vltullly und patience In reals! lug the eiicrouchmema of diai-aae. The end cume peacelully In leep. The bereaved family ctuiaoila of the wife. Mra. Viola Joliea, alt-nogruphT the of Ilea of Murron and VVo.mI; the mother, Mra- Kim-abet h Jonea, t.l Hoatou, Muaa, who haa been preaeiil at thu iM'.laide; a brother und two alHtera, Oakley I. Jonea. limtoii. Muaa.; Mr. Allen T. Culhoun, Mnl dlebury. VI . and Mr. John J. Pow ers. Plllallidd, Muaa. The fuuelul will lie held rrmn the Uold and liroudway Church uf Chriat at i-3V p. in. Kriduy. WIFE'S CHARGE MADE ILL SAYS RAFAEL RUBI Uafael It u b hag aued III wife, Petrag Chavti d Itubl, for divorce in the diati ict court, and lia i thai hur conalunt chargea of unfaithful nea have an worn upon hi n that hi health 1 impaired. He left hia wl July II, he aya In hi complul'il. The cou'.lc wtro married at laleta. Kill. I allege that hia wile began charging him wlih unfalilif ulnea al nioat from the glart. OER0NIM0 IB A BAD COON AND GOOD SCRAPPER A (win haa been added lu the ina cotg of ih Central ftr company. Hi name la lleronlino, beeuuae he la a bad Indian and fogy. favorila aport i going through Ihe I'otkela of thoae he know In aearch of nut. He can llrk eviral lime hi weito1 in dog. County Clerk A. C Walker today taeutd ,e marriage hcMiaa tu Herman Johnaon nt thi elty, and Maude Phil lip of tcming. WHY WHY - WHY - Go elesewhere to buy when you can come to us and buy your wants at your own price. We are going to sell everything in our store, except our new line of Ladies' Shoes at prices never heard of before. Cost will have nothing to do with the price. We are going out of the Dry Goods Line and every item can be bought at prices a good deal less than actual factory cost price to us. We have got to move this stock if we have to sell it at less than half cost price to us. There ha never been a Bankrupt or Firs Damage Stock that has been offered as low as our pricings will be on this Close Out Sale. All of this tock is new, fresh, seasonable merchandise, and it is yours at practically your own price. Wc mean business. Come And let us convince you that what we say is an absolute fact. You need our goodi because you get $3.00 worth of merchandise for $1.00 Cash; and wc need you to buy, because we have got to close out this stock. The time to buy is now; the place to buy is our store. We have the girls to wait on you in a courteous manner. So don't miss this opportunity of a lifetime. THE MODEL Co. A. D. CAMPBELL, Sales Manager. LYRIC LOOK The Trey TW great t.OI.II k-KAI. hKltl l.. SO Iteelt, In 3-rw-t tn-iaM-ntetilH, running lor 15 wii'ka. Starling at the l,)iii- Wednoilay ami Tlmraauiy, AugaM Mil anil fllh. A grittier It lore limit "Mii lle live" Narl Willi Hie itml picture, AnguNt Mil and ikml na) mm of Until. That growl I liiolloual nn. I'l.l'O MtlHsuV wi'll alar. COME AND HEAR OUR WONDERFUL ONE MAN ORCHESTRA Men9s Soils 1 This is our last week of the big CLEARANCE SALE of DEPENDABLE CLOTHING. Palm Beach Suits $000 Palm Beach Suiti $750 Palm Beach Odd Trousers $200 Two-Piecc All Wool Suits $11.25 ALL STRAW HATS ONE-HALF PRICE. HOLEPROOF HOSIERY for Men, Women nnd Children. SIX PAIR3 GUARANTEED FOR SIX MONTHS. MAIL ORDERS DELIVERED FREE 1 1 J E iG. Ulaalflmrn (!!. 3 , , i- RECONCILIATION SAVES HUBBY FROM JAIL TRIP Judge M.inuuar.i. a potter, wua ar I.. lulled In police court ttnluy on coin-l-laliil of hi Wife, who charged him with dlaoidt-rly nnuluct. He waa flven 10 rUya, but Judge Craig ' pended eenlente on conilillo'i that Ihu pair become reconciled, and try lu get along together. LAYING FOUNDATION FOR THE CLUBHOUSE Work on the eoiiatrucilon of thu Country club la prugreaaing. Thu foundation la being laid. The tnein iirr ar roiinliog upon lieing lu Hie cogy wlubhoue liy Nuveiubcr 1. WHY - WHY WHY OUT FOR o Hearts 99 i M0VIE3 COMPANY MAY WORK HERE IN WINTER The All'U'iueriue Kiltn coiiipuny ( Log AnKt-lea, which w.ia i.rg.nue.1 here In whl h aevcral local pco U- am alockbolder, will proliubly lend II moving picture i-ompany to Ihla city nekl witter, cvetal ei'tnurtoa ami able ''r alugllig In thia part of the country have been prepared. The move la fonlempiuted In order tu ea cum Ihe heavy lain on Iho p.icilic coaal. The tliaagreeul'le wualher III Houlberu CulllornU made l practic ally linpoaelble fur Ihu votupuny to do any work laal winter. lt the Herald want ad do your urk.