Newspaper Page Text
It's Easy to Get Money for Entertaining the Democratic Convention; We Like to Entertain Democrats. $1 4& it no crime to save the BILL luirlMaa arima lo rc M-nt Itfiiiff railed Mtfiiul xii.ijr nwn fcq h I'. lt'"M-vl', . I I city $10,000. The II Mayor needn't apolo I gize. MEMBER ASSOCIATED TRESS rn tnr k K-cnnz en. Vol. It. No. . ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, THURSDAY, JULY 23, 1914. T1IK I M MNW IIFTflAl.n IH I, Mi. IIM. ?! WILL AM I ill! 5 Sill FOB LIBEL flBAIHST BflflfflLT New York, July 23. Chairman William Barnes of the republican state committee announced today that he had instructed his counsel to bring suit for libel "gainst Theodore Kcosevelt based on Col. Roosevelt's statement of last night attacking Mr. Barnes end en dorsing the candidity of Harvey D. Hinman for the nomination for governor at the republican primaries. Thn amount of tlitinaai,-H fur which Mr. Iitirna-a would mm apparently had mil Ix-eii al-tcrmincd tit the linn- he taaued IiIh alalrini'tit. It Wait i "I. however, that It w.iiil. I ho for n auhatuiittul num. Tim null wll In- iimught in I Mr n i i -ri 1 1- rutin, Mr. I!ume unnoiinc. pd, wlihin a lew day. "I hair nothing whatever to any In reply to Mr. 1 1 1 1 iMulrlhc rH'-rpi that It lii ka dluiilty, aelf-reat r.-ilnl iirnl In without foiiml:ii Ion,' rnulK Mr. Itiiriii-n' atutpmptit. "When nn Ihiip nf thlH kiml In ralaa-d hy a 1'i'ri'iin of auch iromltmtH' one hna Inn one of thro inuraca. Tu ulimlt to the uapcralon, to t-ntt-r lulu an imp, a-mly pa-iao-ml c .mm-rav or to n;i peul to tin- court. In order to , n.i !! thnt perium who utter thai It he I un riiirluiilty n produce . u.i I evhlancp. I "I deny the li in hfolniKi uf eva i y atilemcnt miiih' hy Mr. Itooacielt In hla nihl.-,iiliiii 'hla morning unl huvr Inatructed my ounrl (l hrlng h I'lion for llhpl without delay again! him." GARRANZA YIELDS TO AMNESTY Victorious Chieftain Advises Washington He will Agree to General Amnesty Reserv-in-? Right to Prosecute Criminally BRYAN HAS FAVORABLE NEWS FROM THE BORDER Report Says Carranza-Villa Estrangement not Serious. Yet Strict Embargo on Arms for Villa Goes into Effecct. WMnliriuti-n. July A l't, H I u'lroi i.. d o) I'rov lal-aial l'l anient Cirhajal to nagntlalp. lor trliiia ol pea' e Willi lieiuriil Cart. in. i waa tin' to last vp Vail t'lin today fur Tain luce. Within two or three dava mi a r mi I a t I c a- anapa-nding hoalilllia-a tliioukhout Mrxliu Ik c m-i tail. Cnr latiui alreudy lnot tiolltlcil tin alule ajep.irliurtn hp will Mgrce. MfaMisrH from I'rnv ra-at-rlpnt to Ihiil aflcit wi-ip hown loil.iy liy IiIn i r ti h 1,iti, Johu i'hhiiIIoI, i,. Ha-crplrfry l'l van. . Mr. f 'mita-llot unlit Hi. rc'oit from Mi XI' ci City to ihn t-ffect I hilt u n ar li'"Kiica iiln iuly lutil .a-i n rluimil wari uraj. Imt Willi tha- iirriMil of til a- inihujial ilalaguia-H i't r.iiriMi.i ti a .,). u,i rta-l a ui II a trio r, would lie lliailp. VVoiil waa rvrclvfl from lii-iiarnl Parr. una by In iiki iiIh ln-ta- lm Inla-mlcil to aiia nil tiui a fa w ilttya llf Tami'li'M, ra-tm ulna tha--i lo S.iliillo. I wira-d Heat he hail or livii .l lii iu r il loiiiila-H mill lu forii-a ill f in I.iiIh I'iiIobI lo I'TocunJ ut aiucu to (Jilcf taro to form a jun-;ion with I he fori an of li-ni nhra-uon. No tni-ii-tlon w in li 1. 1 itai of orilcrH to VIII. i. nut a IiiikhiIi- h iHiiipHil Aau.oa I'al lanlra. fHrrianxn'M ti-lrarn :iih npoka ol tha iH'fUi,alinn af thai illy ly tonall- 111 HOPE FOR SETTLEMENT OF EKGfNEERS STRIKE SAYS LEADER Sun liprnirdtno, 'u , July !3. No hope lor pal I lenient of the aliapute ha-tween railroad manatiera and in- ineim-n of woairrn rouda, now un til r pii illation in Chla uao, u held out In a li'laitraiii racclwd hart- today hy alialii-t ofllciala of the cngiiieiiien. "1'roapi-a'ta aaltleliiallt linfaer- hp," the It-lexram tea da. "V limy leavfc here any day. Medial.. ra ug (eat arhitratlon. ve Ui-.hiie." IAA(.KIIH pV (l I II Alio $.I.I.IMMI.IltH I'd 'ltll.l Chicago, July 13. Mpinht-ra of the la-deral board of mediation and coli a Illation now aatnalila-riiic the !' dirlt-incea between lh nglnueix WILL TRY TO FIND WHAT HAPPENED TO PRIVATE SAM PARKS Wnahlngtnn. July 13 1 hi- cflae Of I'tlviito H.I hum I I'urka. a Mho mvti'l loiihly iliauppenrcd at Vera t'rui In tha- early alaa of American oacuputlon of Hint city will again he hmiitfltt to a) tin- Htti-ntlon of tin. no eminent In Mexico t'lty wlih a ri-iuit for hii -x t-li :m 1 1 1 ri i.h to whit huppi-niil lo him Thin will lie V one of the heritage to the IwJhI mivi'i tum-nt from the lliorti rcalinc. I jliuiuiliHla but iliil t,n( ay ho w.i III roiiimiaml. I.ula t'alircra and I'rurii -laco lutinlua iihli ron, two inomliii'iit aot.Mtilution aiiHta who havaj lia-i'ti ha-ra; fr m-ii'rx! xvrcka lookniK nfta-r I hp Inti-ri-Mii liiiirral Currunxa, have koiu- to Hal t:llo tat mrct thi lr i hla-f. t'ttlnrra la a-n pii la-tl u liea-oinu mnilata-r of llnanca nml Mr. lula-yiaa C.ililaro-i will he mniiialer of fora-Utn ralutiona when ('iirriinaa oruanlxca a ctflilnr-t In Mil In, t'Hy. Itafael Ziihnran ha ha-in left hi rhnrue of (' lntert-tt hen-. (mIIcI.iIh here t h. if while t'urtniiiui w.ik willing o Hi' K' t unit Kiocljil amni'ty hi- woiilil IiimkI on ra-aa-rvliiK I ha- riKht to iro. a-cuio erlminallv thono ilira-cily ion- ri'ieil in llii- k ill In it ot M.olero nmi Hu.iri x i nth i.i. arxin i ta il to m-c t tie PKK .-tin lit ip fa" leil w llllln I he tll'Xt three or four il.iya. Cm niiin.1 g rrriiml to Tartipho It wa Maul toil ay w.i lo niljiint ililTer Mli i'ii hi I vvei il count Itmo. n iIiMh unit oil iiroilueaTK utiil nierch.'iiila ova-r tha loial nvxlrm. The i-niml H n- IllllMllialx. II WilB llecliirill. llhlMlP'l taxi-K on Imiiorta he palil In Kohl, while tha-y comirlliil mcrcliiitila to iiciept ra -voliitioiiary inonay in ! man ( for mi..ii . Tra-aaiiry axenla aloiiK the HI" ilramle hail orders today In InHe a-x-truoritlniiry irecnuli.n aalnat the fiiuikkUiik of war i.intiotm acroaa 'h .order. Ailiiii'UHlraliiin olti lain were di t r nined that thin- hp no ii i n n - itior i f D iinliiona thai I il tnt I o Uil-I lit any rolltlli I -ri-vailutloll. ( AI(ltV7. AltVIK'ATI'M n:vx i m ix h to 1'Kori.i-: Victoria. Ma-xiio, July 2i. (Vli Laredo, Tex.ia. July 'i'S. ) aleneial I urianxit li d i HdVoiatcil ill ' ir. almcllt nl Ihp eolni'.riel liy the vlcla iioua aunatilulliuuilii" i. " Tins aUlehietit w.ta made 'n -pee II nt a lain.uel la itdcreil in Victoria -it .-n la. ru ral Carranxa ald it mind never h(, lorKotten that all Mem. ana arc tirolha-ra hut ala-citred he a ould not a-x-tend Ilia hand uf hrotlu i hood lo llioaa llireilly impllcntid In lh ilea I ha e KranclMu Maila ro and I'ui.i Suaica. No leniency, he an hi. totild he r I li led filr tlioaa who took un net Ha? part III oveltlirowum the aiitiatitu lloiuil gov a i nmi nl of Ma xu o and Xhv and firemen of thai nlnely-eiahl wealern rnilroada mid their employ era today aliaa in-acd the ailuath.n wlh I lie commitlep of general managera of tha- rallrouda two aaaaiona were ha-ld ha-luiial idoM-al doora. r-everal aeaaiona hup lieen he'd with the rppiraa-ulullv ii of the rngiiiemeii .end with thai railroad rxaii ulivpa. .N'oiiH of thai lioaral ntPinhpra wouhi dlaiiiaa the progra-aa af I he lonlel- eip aa nor liilimatp whi ther un aiiree input waa at hand. Thr vinployea contend their re- int-at for cluiiaca In waga a ami aet v lep hoiira la rtiuiouahle anil Juat, anil the rallload manaaera Inaiat that to t niiiply would add 13,U0t,WVO to thuir ia)rulla. murder uf Ma lirrslilent ami Ice I'ra-HliU-nt. The law would he oliHirved a I I 1 1 , '.; daa Id, and thoHo (himrd with I'lir IIcImii inn in the crime would ho Judged aicnrdliiK to law, I.HYW MKAHH IMIItlll II hill Alll Ml I II IM-I!lt l WnnliltiKlon, July 23 Siretaiy llryall, i icon 1. 1 Kid liy hlM la lent din patch from S cec in l Aitint ('iiioihera, today huiiied this iitateaieni "t 'urolher. Al'eciiil n rie-eiilal i VP of I lie Hlale tun lit, la leKiahha from l-.l I'iiso thai he i oimldcra a un foiim'cil nil ruuiorH of a ioilu r I-hhk had w (vii Villa nml Cm rnrra. Alan a'ai'i-i that holder aitua'.' ii in nun h Imi-nu in." sTitUT i:iiiitt.t .om AltMS Mill VII K I'iimo, Tex.. July :'3. Itilnnlcil reimrta that the Carranxa-Villa ra trani ineiit would It ml In nnother oht-n lircacli reunited today In u douhly rntorra-d a-iiiliaran on nitinl ttona ulona the Ta-xaa-New Mexican hordi-r. The a t" '"' Ho jin-i loualy hail hccti tut lux aa to allow Vllla'a trooi.i to amtiKKle hira0 cii.ititlliea of aliim iind ammunition. The i untoma olfl. I.ila iaced In ef fect Ihelr tii-w urilera from tha. atalai id IMillin ill to ae.i I.h a ara fully ui! fhliimcula of nny nature, (ictiiral (aeorito Hi II, Jr., at Korl llll.-n, laaue I a-rdera that no revolntlormi y olllia rii iiiuld croFH to thin aide of the Inlar- hiitionnl line. Thoae jilrendy on thin aula- will In. dc..,rcd l.y the mllliln. The horder uitrnl iilao mere reimrled n hinliia ri-'i-ivanl na-- oiilira re- xnniinff munition amiik'allna I're- vioualy no nrreat oe dcti roiild he made, ulihoiia-h the ainmiinlt inn I'oiild ha- coiillacnta-d. lienerul Villa, who la vlalflna; his former mountnlii home In weateru Chihuahua, hata rcinntlied ailent re xnrilliiR what inirt hla troopa will hi In the entry Into Mexico City. The near location to the capital of tha-fon-Pa of KhraKoi and liotiinlca. the otha-r diiMioiial laitiiinatiila-rM fore riiatrd Ihplr flrat entry. Vllla'a forca-a eoulil not movp amilh within three week a. It waa a atlmated. Annouii.e mi'Ht that Villa would viait the hor-aia-r horp ha-fore koiiik aoitth cniupla-t-pal dip hellrf that he would take rm part In thp priMerdniKa. Ciirratiia'a nm-nla here today anid that thp i oiiima-id.r lu chief would return frmn Tampun. vImIiiik Ka; llllo and eimtcrn Ta-xna horder polnta liefora- Roinit lo Mi'ilrii City. It wna aaht that Carrmixa had left niatlera perlnlnlna- to tha- mtuiiiio-t nl the inldiul In the h i iid nf ia-nt-r-i I Oore- Kon and 'ieniTal lonxnlit. L Holmes Davidson and Deputy Shot Down by William Bar ber in Tulsa While Hunting for Contraband Liquor. Tulan, nkli., July ii. llolmea Haviilaon, I'tiiii'd Muli-a marahal lor Una aliairlcl. nml William 11. 'hank. a deiiitv. were allot unit nlllio-t inataiitl.v killed here today hy William Itiaher, vv ha-n they allempied (o a nu t the l.illcl i.Hiilencc to aa-an h It for loiiitahaiid l.iior. MORE HOPEFUL VIEW OF ENGLISH OUTLOOK HELD BY OFFICIALS London. July V i.-- The tilling over of totliay'a Cit:c:tl aeaaion al the cor. f. ra in e ut Mil' ktnuh. un 1'al.o e on lo. t'lairr alluaiicii without, thu oc currence a-f u rupture ar-au-d a d cidertly more hopalul via-w auionn the gelia-rul pnhlic aa to Ihe outcome of the dla uaalona hi lwti n Ilia- atutea men reprepeitllng the iliflii.-nt pur Ilea. The lindiiiK of u ruluiloii att ill hingea rniirt-ly on the alia-overy of u a-nmproplaa na to whether the cnunliia of Tyrone mid Ki'iinaiinKh ahull '' included in the ureu vthcH Ihp ailheieiita of Sir l-dwanl Caraon, the I later I'lliolilat lender, ilcinulld ahull hp allowed to vole aa a whole on thai auhjict of accluamit from the colltlol ol the lluldill i I I III Ilia III. PRINCE BILL OF WIED MUST QUIT OR HIS FOES WILL WRECK CITY Puraxxa. Alhnuin. July J 1. A liolr threiilpniliK lo deatroy Ihp rapital of AP.anla unlaaa rnnce William id Wild tJ-ndeled hla nhdlciitlnn of the riileiahlp waa tin nihil today hy the Muaaulman liiaiiiitenta to the repre antailvaa nf lac l-uropeau mwera here. The Inaurgelila Hdih-d that If lhu WHtahipa tired nt theia tha y would apare neither the Knropr.ui nor the other lllhahilalita of the ally. Tha ahdicition of I'riiice William waa the only way to avail elvll war. they aald. in wliiah they were deter mined to hat a alitlrient form vf lovcriinit ut. KU I yo mi ENGLAND Government Today Files Suit to Force Breaking up of Huge Rail Monopoly Con trolling Vast Tonnage. WILL NOT INTERFERE WITH CRIMINAL SUITS Evidence Believed to Make Prima Facie Case Against Officers and Directors Ready f or the Grand Jury. New Yolk, July 23 -Civil null lo ,r. .. Hi.. i i. hi. it ion of thu -Ncvy I Yoik. New Haven a llnrtloid llail road loinpany from na tuliaidimy : ail, tiollcy mid Bta utilini linea un der tin- Mill mail ullll-lru. t ml, wiaa tiled III the ladcial molt In ic loilay Ii; Atloina) liciieial .Mi l.iynolda. The ami licmin todb In'.i no uclua i niuii'clioii with tha) ailiuinal iiidnl tnenta which lhu utloiney geliaiul will uk u leiliral gland jury lo re tain iiKainal Ne' lluven ollliula und liiitcloi'a cotieiriied In tile uphuihl Hit; of Hie alleged unlaw lul coliihl n.Hlon In real rn till id trade. The i iiioimil piocieduiKa will iio i-on-alncleil ind. oelidi -lit Iv of llie civil auit mid :hu lailuru or einceag ot Oliv ia not axpeili-d In affect ih oilier. T. V. liregory, H ial uaamiaiil to the attorney general, who wmiai "no tiled Hie l lia l. and . fwackel, all expa ri of tin- InierMali niiiima-n e i iitiuit laaion. who hiiK worked iiiuny lllolilha oil the auaa, ur expected to lay the evnlclica- In fore the grand jury here oil whhll iiidlctma nl will he naked. It Wua nulla lalood li' ie today that lluae olliclala leal liny liuva- kiilllt la-Ill evldcii. p to make out a iiruim facie caau msaiiiat many uw llawn oliiceia and nireclora. and il thia vii-w la lullivl inilicliiu-iila l any he reluniiil within u few wviKa. The hrnf written hy Mr. tira.oiy chalKCK (he New llaveu Willi la IIIH un unlawful monopoly, which coii tioia nn. ii than U" per vain of the lailroada and troll, trufllc id all New KiiK'miil nml Here than . a r cent ol the Hlcaiinsliiii Iruiifpoi latioii ol I hat I. -ion. Tin- In icf aiiKKevts t hut If the cn'ii I ili ema li-al It iippoitiL il re. enci I lake over Die plopil!y mid PriliK l iii liurinoiiy Willi the law. The ina l curriea wuli It nn ixlulnt put i l n--c to he u a opy (if an uKrecmi nt he twacll tcpl caelllaltv en of thai .i w I In v all and lhu linatoli V Manic l.lii roiul. Iliado aill M.u h C, 1NU.I, h which thoiHi (wo toads divided New Kintlnuil hetwean Homxalvca. '1 he- aul t'elna llt pill porta lo :avo I, cell made at lhu home ol ihp late J, I'n i pont Moiiiun ill New York. At thai time the two rouilx c u ll rued were entitil) mi. urate. Lnaler (he iigia'cmi-nt lhu New llaveu wua to ui.l thn lioalon aV Maine t' tieiiiiia- ti.uiapai.'latioii linea m i I h ol u certain Inn , that li,kloii aV Maine lo laid I lie New Ituvcii to the uuiia- a hd aoulli of illal line. The hi linen Ii ol idiow niy Icriiillmtcn ot Una iigrca ina til. i-ul a-aia ultei waida the Naw liaviii ullcl 11 had aeciueil the lima a..ii;li uul uller tin lioatoti V Ma me had taken up llioi-t of tlioM- not Hi in i un took over "" liohton ax; Maim, cud aucanic the ,il tin. at undiai.olcd nce tcr of the Held Iioiii the court In., of t onne In nl lo i he XI. laiwrctiie river and the Canadian imlda-r. The Naw llavill. t.ic hill iliclalaa, raaolled to lliali.v a-ii.-MO ullil loillni- ahoiii mctlioilH ti r lla tracka m pilfcetiiiH lla t r mi n I'ltiiii It a . tint - ed plopet lie. got k inland, im liovcriahell collipi 111"! Uluk nought them in und iiaoiii l i'i many llia,a! pl.i'liciB to iitl.ii:. il and. New I. li I.iimI in.. I . . lhu hill Bi.i.c :i limit J.inm.icni.'i Mi ,Vortr ul prod uct a ulininilly und lit ixi la i"iiw- liieiiily a heavy tc cinclil lu and from that ai'ctioti. p, illation rnonopoiv t inta-ieat to i-veiy he Ii ed Mutea. Tha gova-rmneul e'i' llllt coilllllloll. ha, a- I' ul.le delay III alelivcii of Inferior und in ' ' that a ii.-ina-ero la of vaat il uf lhu Cine gea that ex'al .1 lo unraaaoii- t frelKllt: Uaa- rolling iiw k; the lack of proper m aala-ly devlca-a: tha- uuioiiniiiy nf Hi,, un i al ayatema a lid i ruction of the a lloW aomhllicd lu making nil, a; tin auppreaaioii of a out paiil ton mii.,iu tlnae unite, lhu ilivcrnion of fnlehl ttuftlo to tha1 New llavan coinpatn . an effort In tin ra-aae freight lati - and dilnlory and nrhltrary ineth -n In dealing wnh putrona. The htlef la one of hv luoat ntn parulivr tiled hy the gov ei nineiii in mi aunllar au.l. 1 !'i bill Baked that the New II. awn he alripppal of Ua ownrrahiii lit Un New- lliiglami railruail, which t,aiallula lit fumuua CHICAGO AND CENTRAL WEST AGAIN IN GRIP OF STIFLING HEAT I'hh .mi, .Inly i S 'hh into mid the wat pwcltcia-il imam lod.iv. the weather hii lean tin I moil, ada r reKlrla-t in I'll ilcKicea nt ' It waa pn ili li d that loilav'a temperature wanild aaiunl !oi, ya dcld.iy'M hluli mark. Italia f waa piom-n-eil. however, hy loniorrow-. Iliuh ta-mpernlurca pievailcd tn wealern M iaoiiri, Kan-':iH. iikl.ihoma, iiihI in niativ phi' i a Ihp iiiarcuiv would pi'ol. ai.iv rtMc l-i the I'm inalk dtlllim tin- dav. pvpvaaaavavpa apaiavaalaa" wvpaa ahore line lioin Hilton lo Na V rk. mill Ihat It la- made to Kite M lla a", called a iind alen niliif i lina a. tha ra--tetilion of whh II VMia inula r Un llgreemelll lett to I It" itltclalale coiu-ina-rcp eominiaaion- If the aoiirt lakea the view of the1 ma,, ptcaciileil in the 'hill, the New Haven Hilly find ilaelf ilivesleil ol nlmoat a-v a-r v t Ii I ll it hut I'a main I me along the Coliiiei ticlit und Khnde Isl and couat hetwa-a-n Na-w Vork and lloatoi wlih ahort pioe. Hone into the interior ol lhea(. Btuli-a. No mention la inndc In the hill of the lighta whhh ll-.c alatc of Maaaii chuaclta hna In rei;ard to the llo loll V Maim- a-ompany. filing of the auit iiaainat New Haven was followed hy mioiher a-ll-Ing movcma-iit In the Mm k nun kit While Naw- Haven ah.irea were not lltTieted, ollur laallea hlli'll na lilie and S.nilhcrn Itadway fill ,,n inoik-r. ate oflerinxa. SEEK RELEASE OF HERBERT S. HOCKIN FROM LEAVENWORTH WiiaMngloii, J n I 23 Appcala to l'la-Milelit W'ilaoll for the fl II IU-a ol llel l. i ll 8. Ilia-kin. aa rvlni; u ai n-ti-nco lu veil wot t h penlletit for hia part m the celihrated ilytia InHe a-iiM-n, mid who wua hy the urn ei iiment ua "lhu laxo of tile compu n y." lire la-lng pra-aenled at the While ll.niac a lul to Attiunev 'iciia-ral Mclti-ynolila. Thai auaa- will coin heforc lilt: preaideiit In u few W ecka. Ariomi I jnl in Wltal I'oliil. -Anions run- Waalliumoll. July L'i ilhlatea for inlmiaHlon military .n oh-my in to Wa-at l-olnt I'll,", u Ire,. -I y uppoinied lit,- war ah parlmeiit uu- flounced today, ute: A t ioini - llnuh M ullarnala. riioi'lllX. Wcalharford. INTERVENTION Ifl Official Washington Sees no Prospect of Restoring Peace in Islands Without Sending in Troops. AVuahuigtnti, July Poaai- Inliiy -f Anieiicaii it. Ici v ci. lion in Ham und Sain,, lioiiiiniio to 4 ra-atore pa a. - today o a ha an uhaorntim topic ol iih ua- 4 atoii ill udlllllliallulioll ,11 lea lile i. III. lal illapulelu a reganl- iik the aitiiHlioo In llo- leioln- 4 lion lorn i , . ii I ! i , m g.ive hut IllHa. hope that the e . . 1 1 1 e lid 1 11 4 foicea in Hie two counii'ica Would 1,,. i, '.e lo leal, He older. With lour hundred inarm, a who ale l,i a. Hi Icmii Xolf.ilK. Va , for ' iiiatit aiiamo .-'alarday. 4 Ilia mi im Ik r of marine ii, .w there or on A un-t nnu vvarahuia in Halllclt mid I , -ai 1 1 ll Ii till via- I, la Mould ho in. lei.aa d lo licie I ha II tunc Mole ilci laive flhl.tin ut I'u, rl,. '. iti on Un- north, i n ,, ,ul a.f llu- lioftitnuan lejiuh- lie ICIa toleca:-le,l III a ,ie,,ltl 11 today from I'.ptiiii I'hiile ol Hi.- aiitiMf Wai-hiuutoii, paying a thai Hi,- liih i i kciiI, .at liolc- li. h li, :n had niu lulled a.v itnli'a anal of the town Coll- a r il ,.!ie .iln., had ni iivid Willi .1 -l.i.ill l.ody of f I a r ! fed- tl.., ,- I ail-al I Ira- rVitiv v ..--ii . reported tod is il aou and K.t- , hut anil-- am ill dolla.. The l i, -oir an,l uioi li.iv . In mihwa-ai. July l'leB urn Kiiii!. I'laliam. Mm '.-nit o a. VV aaliiuai oil, ilaui.iui- Il a hecii o u m.u. .1 H oKgc'l e apli ad The Hut" lire luiili'ti und Hi p'tutp I'on l I tia- : uhoiit Cut men tn the W ii hlic. toii i-aoi I it ,.i have held 'I he l,H - t 'a en alt. ii l.i d. tin mil forcaia all ll. V I s . Ml I IIh II III: I I. (II s kl w AMI 111 l,a New airleaea. J.ilv .'il 1' anakea. 111 t.n.iut ulaa. ".a lulr, u'li rom hea to Ulmoat till a I urn I and "heel huga" gilloip f. .lined pait of the lurgo ,,f a freight Veaa, I aailmu It-pi, ill aa-ua and whi' h waa Hum Hand hcia ya-alenl-y III i unci-, tu-n with the fight ug.ilnat I,,, ' . 1 1 : ' plauue. Two of thp anakea w-l- noii eonait I, tola mora than five fea t long. The olhera Wpra of a liullu leaa (Antral Alnerlcail variety. HAITI CERTAIN WORKMEN IDLE 111 Strike in the Czar's Assumes Gigantic Empire Propor- tions. with Constant Clashes in City otitets. MANY STRIKERS SAID TO HAVE BEEN KILLED Red Flair Waves at Head of Armies of Strikers March intr Throutrh Streets of Every Large City in Natioa St. IVta-rahiiru, July 13. At Icaal live htrlking workmen wera- killed und a lulu ai -rimialy vvoiinucd during tin- ItghiiiiK In the flrceta a,f SI ra-teralniri; hetween ririkeia mi, I i'oa a icka. w hi, h c the nUhl and tine liii'l tiiliK iiImi arc known oiitinucil thmiiKliout l i nn d only ul. daw ti Thlci police of!iL;iil to have la-civ aeva-re ly Injured. The lliturcH iiioe, are ofll'lnl it la gi-ncr.illv unileiMtood that hul the cnatiulllea miioiig the alrlkcia were much heavier, aa It la thoiitiht they lionea-ali il a niiniha r of tin ir dead and woiindcil. I Mil' lul reluina of the niimher of men who have miiII work give the lolill nf K II te. I in thai ul) llaclf. Tha-ai- iio lud,- i tie .direct ear a-mpl V,H hut tin tiol cmpiua. a laie of iinakllhil lihoteia in Hu iiiitiiiicr )iiuhim-( mid other tr.nlea. Men I'arr.wiiK led fl.uia apant niKlit man hunt nml .aingliig n v ti.ili.liv M,liu III the illllvlllg I the the ki.ic ea or Hie cnini., I, while in Vlhnrg iliHirh t tlx - cut low it tcle liillliher of oiiai rucled eta, from atoned the graph pol, a und npacl a vie.- with which they I hatrieadea -icroaa t lla- ptr i inc ahelti't- ol vi lu. li tha ' pici' l- Ullil CoHM.ICha, The la ul". i :.i. if., of liavtlig Iin d aome ra v ova r Mo.ia. Tile atllkarH, hoWeVCI. eVcllllllllly iln-pcra d and Hie h.ll I I' a,,- wen- d, et roved. I. ill only iilt-r tin pole c und h'.lilu ia had hi i n Mlojc led I" lud alt o ka with n.lli u of ctoii. a m lour al 1 1 1' ra-n I parts ,.f the iitv and hid tiled volli a f,,in th,. nllea in ret il I'll. At an catly hour ilu mornuii: Ihe atrikcra atii-oipled l. set lire to Ilia l-.i ll y'.oii titid::,.. le.oillu: acrona llu fiVer lo hc ihotil ili-tiicl, and lliey alao lria-il I a ,i-hlr..v the neii,,hl.or liu; waiirworka, hut ii att, -in; d ia''h In, nl of poll, e lul led in titio . All DEATH FROM BUBONIC PLAGUE Grandmother of Helen Socll. the Third Victim. Dies To day. Saiiling Vessel Yields Barrel of Snakes and Dugs. Ni ,v i ii I. mi,. July I ul..acc I'hiKuc l.i in. il it- loiulll 1. 1 . I'll ,1 - I tin Ii, r, ,.d.,v '1 In il. .ilii urn d ut Hi,- i.-iliic .idlii,-, from win. Il II. I, I, - " II. -l.-a-d 1". alev. l-;.a I the (luc.i. c l.i S nurd. ii and llu u 'nn III- , lul. I a L: a u I lie 'I lo I K-lu.l f, ' i. EH 0F GOVERNOR BUM sit b inn suit i 'duin'oa. S. . juiv in. .; I i haa riri i it ,1 ill a With I 1 o . I 'olo i,,,l,, hy an u ii - . Tile MoU'ld la not ' II. Mcli polilt, al li-li lu a , ha I'e W.l flfl Hhaac, wa k n-w II aaa.i dulll. d.itia., oiia. HI,..-,, hid nniioiiiced licit when hp apokv In l oliiinlua t he Would a. .11 In ,l Into-h to the platform t" aotifroiii lu in with eailu.u g'.alc lin nix. 0 QGA1LLAUX' WHES MEET COURT Mine Gueydan, Discarded Wife, Draws Shouts of Sym- pathy from Crowd as She Appears on Witness Stand. "MOUNTAIN OF LIES" HAVE BEEN TOLD" One More Sensational Scene in French Drama When Wit ness Flings Defiance 1 3 Mine Caillaux. l'.irla, J .ily L'S Judgp l.oula Al hmiet'a court ill the palace of Jualh aa' v. here .Mine. Ciilllmix, wifp nf thp for iner iiremler, la iimliTgoiiiK trial for the murder on March I nt liauioi Calimttai. eilltor i-T .he Figaro wua aa irowileil ua ,-vcr when the fourth day of the hearing at.irled today. .Mine. Culllatix look her place in th ptiaotiera' a-ncoaiirn puitaltiiilly at noon. Hho esirrted in her rlKhi haliil a little vial aif amelltug nulla und a l.olehook. Tim leallitiony nf the Ural threa " witncaaca toduy concerned (ho two prlvaiii leltera which the ala-fnaa aiaka to show Uaalon Culmetlu lu , tided . puhliah. (latlon Prejfim. a hntikcr and .1 friend ol thn murdered idi'ol. laimi 10 the aland and pxplalna-d that Hip acii'ininl, I'iiiiI I'lillilevp, who had yea larday teatltlcd Ihat M lireyllia hail t -1,1 li lilt I ha, Klg To waa olug to pt hllah il tnniilier uf prlvuti; h-tlera, iniiat liuvn mlnunderatoiid him. II" I. .ul ri-fi-riPil In th Victor I'uhrp rp I oil on the lioclipltp, awlnille affair and nut to private let til a ulioilt which ho k lie iv nolhlng. an oir.clul of thp tra-aaiiry alcpurl I ia-iit. Andre ICa-taata-r, tealilied lo he ll, i! preach! iluriiiK a a on v hoi of a group of Jotirnallala In tha- lot. hy of the cliaiuhir of ala'piilictt nln ti it w la aiuieii thai lett.. im fhorlly would no puldiahed. l-'ruuc,,) lieacl.iuit, a-hia-f prtv ila, nctetary nf M. Caillaux wlii-tt min ister or finance, de laic I thai Andie eiiuort. edilor of the I'aria .loiirnal. amp to ti I in and told hlin Mltlc Unci -dan Iiiih i-ropoaad to him to imliliah two leltera which ahe proil'iccl. II" hud. h aanl, liiformed M Caillaux of iIiik and he a "Hul those are h tlera which wa n- atola n limn me I hopp no lipwaiiapl-r linn I II II he loiind to puhliah thi-m.'' Tin- rapid aueea-aalon of wlllla-ai wua Inn it iiteil hy the ami fr. nil it loll ot Ua-ioii lu)fiia aii'l I'liul I'un lave. hoth of whom tn unl nued ' he !i. i III. lev of thill- di poatitolla Willi 1 1 iiMih-rahle heal. I A in nl nun 1 1 1 1 1 1 ; 'i k iiinoni; llu ai nl I' . Jinlaie Aihatut a-nded Un- Inn- -til he aivinii ihe Jurora lllllat he lett I i decide for thetuaeivea aa lo 111" ..i. i-lil. it, o( h v ulcllce. ' .Mm, iue'dui. a aletider Woman of ' no ilium 1 1 i --1 I . then came into oiiri 'r'ln wa .'reaai'd almply in hla. k nml , c. i,. I, am. ill t.liie hal with nine ti-alli. ' r. Sin. looked to he ,V. or caM , ' I. H, r la. c waa drawn In tragi ' , !u-,s. her tiia k ivea iiioi i iu --m aockela In In r Wa-lail , lo', i ... -lie beamed ill, I'tlt alio Wliai l Vv III i aim ili.-inty I'.iat lor t.ri.i, r leu I.. ml. aland In front ! Hi,- l'i-lge e 11,1 I I , J il l The V I n. - a. lo d it lie ini-hi nt'.r to lot ic.u,.. Id Ihe Ini-.'i pi ua i. filled I he Julie. "Tin r,. h 'i i " m i"V lo a t.1,1 '' .id Mai- i:u. v.lin. 'tint mv t. ..t, .-, me a- a. lut-di i -aiv if o-il t i 'i ila'i. W l- n, M l - I ' I il U X il- I, .1 . ,1 t., , . I "111 I'll I - ' I ,OI oult.uiled Wlih i 111" . ml, in of I" a niu, It I in is' i Inn i ai.d hrcak to III'. M-lptorh r.iya c rtcr i-liovlinu. mad, i Ilia of I .11 ,nt utni. ah, "Now ou wont hi.ther i llhiod hounila have latl up u mail und (lip my I lo pick mid am- rounding coiiuii'y have into a a'oioiuoi i-in ova r llccll thrown the aff air. At the capital u atatctociu wua I a-iaviiig llla-aaa ragreUcd (lie at fair and ihat Ihp governor' of c Would lend all pcawlulaj aid for the lupiure uf tha aaaullanl,. Tf