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One More Big Building Assured for the Albuquerque Government Indian School We Grow Right Along IHTEDPl lupubiican v-itn a proxy for iale had better hold for a ril ing market. ' MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS nunc n k-citizk?. Vl. IB. No. ft. AUUaUEEQUE, NEW MEXICO, FRIDAY, JULY 24, 1914. tub evemwo inruALo YOU 4. NO. t FA WW HFIHIK STUPEflDDUS HAD STRIK w mm mmm Hav w I OF MEXICAN FilClfJS . , AGREE Washington Government To day has Conciliatory State ments from Carranza, Car bajal, Zapata and Villa. TEMPORARYPEACE AT LEAST IS CERTAIN Definite Basis of Understand ing by Which Government will be Surrendered to Car ranza in Four Toned' Har mony. V -IiIiikI'iii, July IHrtxi sdiheo lo Ill,- 1'iiltiil Stale IimInjt from Pro Mount Itr-sldriit Ur. hajal. tit-nct-nl (nrrnin". IhihthI llla and I mlllnoo KiipHin list four Wili-f ehUM-iils In "' Mexl ian n4ilciii .renewed I lie ltsm .f irftMnU Itc-rei for larai-i. (wrliajal, through llu llrasil Inn nilnM.T In Ma-th-u City otll tell) il laird he Ma t IHIimc In transfer llie ixeviiHr power lit (Mrranui aiiil hail sent a Vles,nie, lt-ginaldo VWltl. to Mraiigc Willi IIm INHINlllUltOIMlliHl rlik-f, CBrtajMl relic-tatc-d Ih mro-ly wantsnl an arunrwly liir political oReuilee anil gnnraiiloew I or ties mMj of IIm fisjM-riy of Miile wlm hail HiiMirtl llni'Mu. fat-ran, through the nu-rt-tan iiimiiI. aii-nMii) hut liiin. iiiniiifitliYl IiIm icadinosM to h lenient Willi Ilii fsw of Hm iiw Mlliillniullt ami Rill' 1 1 If ilealr itl guarantee. ilia lit a im-wase iiliraml In IMO-4 iNirUHI IrSllls spoke lit desire to mw Matv i-pjaliiulit'il n a l.e-us of jtidh ami liberty ami avr niiiii that he Would oV liU unit ml to rc-torc normal romllllons. Commons: atom mllh 'Mtrntn lux Imi-ii dlUk ult. hut nM-tnl word lias hern otilaliuHl front lilm hi mIiMi Im maiilffH a ile. elrr to Join Willi I Ik innt IiuIIoii a list i-hh-f In relmMlliatiii tier goveroiiunla nuu lilmTy through out Motion. l.mlMiiira from Cai-ramm to y.pata Willi authority to rom He of agrarian reform arp ex Htrl to reach tin southern chief within a few ila. Tin irisinro of firatv In Mrs. h-o, ai online to one-lal ami other. i-onean Willi he Kilo ualkou. Im this: A declaration of a ongiH a must lor wllliln a fw ilajs lav lwu IrtHicrtl UrraiiM ami Pro ilwlonal 1're.hli-nl t aHialal. KliculiHt f an aKrrfUM'nt ! ti-ru llx twro r-rr for an anin rtjr ami unaraulf for IIm prli lltm of roMnv. IMMnohillon of Um prraont ran trvm ami rt-tilillii of I In nijmiUx ami ariiaiora fHttnl un lir 1ilililit Mail,.ro Ihw l-miw do not lrK until Krftom hrr. ltrNliinalion of rerlMlal In th Mailen, iiMir anil iMixIcnailon lr llm lallor of t arranna a ! Waahlimton, Julj' t 1'rrslde.iit V'llon hua di i lilvd to muke one tiur,--irrurt to simiiith out the dllll. ulllm lurrn the si-nulo und Paul M. Vr burK. hla nnminee fur the fiilral rf Br oon rcl, and if ha ilnda Ihul Im poMalblf, he will wltlulraw hii nomU iiHilon mi he withdrew thut i.t Tliomai 1 1. Juiit-a of t'hiraKo yeaierdny. lie h.ia been Infotnud by senate traders thut Mr. Warlnira'B noiiilimtliin ran l-e n.mirinid if ha will appear before the luinidiiK cummlltee. The president la eonrerned about Mr. Warburl Urauoe If his name U withdrawn only one banker will re niHln on ths board, while lh law re quires I w o. A sureeMor to Mr. Jonea, it was understood lodiiy will be ehoaen from ths t'lil. k dlMtibi and prolmbly will i a Kepubllran. liroator Lwia ol PnESIDEHTiLLMIEOIHE EFFORT Oil BEHALF OE BUG RESTS III HIE Negotiationi on Which Hang Walkout of Fifty-Five Thous and Engincmen and Tie up for Ninety-Eight Western Railroads and 148,000 Miles of Track Expected to be Ter minated in Success or Railure Within Twelve Hours. Chicago, July 24. Continuance of npgotiaitom by the federal board of mediation and conciliation in the attempt to compose the wage differences between the engineers and firemen of ninety-eight western rail roads and the railroad managers' committee, hung in the balance today. The federal board is awaiting word from the engin eers and firemen, and on their message depends the continuance of the meetings of the board. The men seek changes in service rules and increases in pay, principally in the overtime schedule and de clare their requests are just and reasonable. The railroad managers insist that to comply with the requests would be to increase th? present pay rolh by $33,000,000. Arbitration of the differences has been repeatedly lefused by the heads of the unions on the contention that in previous cases the railroads have not held themselves bound by the arbitration awards. Nearly 55.000 men are directly concerned in the out come of the dispute and a much greater number would be affected should the differences lead to a strike of the employes. Negotiations between the employes and the mana gers' committee have extended since last October and were suspended last month during the taking of a strike vote. It. was announced by W. S. Stone, grand chief engin eer of the Brotherhood of Locomotivs Engineers ani W. S. Carter, chairman of the Brotherhood of Locomo tive Firemen and Enginemen, July 14, that the vote in favor of a strike if the requests were not complied with, was nearly unanimous. The railroad managers then appealed to the federal board of mediation and conciliation and the union offi cials accepted the proffer of the federal board's services. tMoiutl pnxiilriit unili-r llir i .lliutu.n. riiilinm- of flilff" In Mi Mo t'H. liHluilliMt ntirt,nlatl In ii .mtal ai l f. In- fomiatloii '' ri-fonn orocrani for te iwwr ailniliiMra llon. iioitimt patiioi. mi Hi.ri TO tTH Vll.l. NI'MTIONH Kl rami. Tr.. July ii Th li.r.lir patrol t-M-n mill im of thin point iloulilnl liiduy unl-r wtri-t orilir to provont Ihi. miiKHn of niuiiiilo'ia to Villa's troopu. Tho army. hf ever, allll la talu-rlnK uinler th (mtiiI lar rnKUlaliotiB whlrh prevrnt iirrwt or ilrlfiitlona from bring moilr- or the innnf'Blion of arnm or ammunition linli-aa actunlly hrlna r.iuwj ovrr !" internal lonul Un. fonalilulioniiliat biipiiIs hfrr h:iv" b.-n not .! that n..n of Ihi Mrxl ran Bolillcra will be rrniltlt lo ImII Kl T'owi. whlrh hB hri n a rort nnl Mhopplnv plnra for the nhVrra of Vlllu'B army. Ilnlrls hrra have many of the Mexlciin oftlrers. 80 fur no fi.rrrfnl di'Portnllnn have heen maili. t'.enriil Vlllu lornlly was reported as liu.lim lira II n tils trip Imrk to Clil hunhil.l flty after vlolllns hi forno-r home in wentrrn Chihuahua. Iteport ((XMillnutvi on Tig Two.) Illinois ia siipportintt William T. Ken ton of ('hlrimu. tleorge K. Uoherta, nlreitor .f the mini bIho Is b-lng sup. I ortcd. lKN(H't'l AI.:IMKTI!TH t IKMIItl. WltltU I tl. M Y WashlnKton, Ju:- 2t. OenounriiiM the iidmilleltalloirB nltliude toward Ceniral Amerba aa a "polity of sur rrn .r and national irruil.lion," KeprefM-niiitlvu li um Phrey, Itepiibli ean. of WushlnKton, toduy attarkeil the proposed treaty to pay Colombia lii.iiuu.OiiiJ fur 1 be portion of I'an ama. He delended b .nielhod by which ths I'nlled Hlutea during 1'res Ident Itoosevelt'B run administration look poaseiwlnn of the I'anama soiie and declared there waa nothing In ths transaction which demanded an apol ogy tu Columbia. E BALANCE TODAY MUILjIw Investigation into Treasury Affairs Made by Carbajal Shows Shortage of Two Mil lion Pesos. v.i.. fuv. Jul 71. As the re sult of the Itivretlsiillon ordered by l'r "idi nt Ciirbiijul Into the nniim-es ol the country durlnit the tlon tif tlenerul Vlrloil.ino lluertn. It Is reported tht a wainuit was IfiO'd today for I he arreu of I'uceiipi l'iir edes. former IrniHiir. r of the 'KuMI. r redes la hiujed in the inilictment with iiiiani'proprliitlon of more than 2.i.oto peso of kovern meiit money. Hp Is reported to l low at I'uerto Mexloo. PEACE PACT WITH SOUTH AMERICAN POWERS COMPLETED MaaaaBi W'sshiiiKlon. July St. Hecre- 4 lary Hrans aee treaties with Arientine. Ilrunil nnd Chile were sinned today, liliiilms ln South American eountrlrs Individually and the I'nilcd Hiiites to submit to Invesiimition for s year all differences which cannot lie settled throtiKh iliploniucy. The W lne.lii;:i(i..n ia to be made by Inleriialloiial eommisr ui nl five members and during the period of liupilry hovt. lilies may not be 4 entered Into. Tlironuti Train to Vera, iu Vers t'rus. July H.TIib Hist throtmh train from Mexico fit y since the American occupation if Vera Cms arrived here early Ibis morn ing, the breach in tho railroad hav ing at lust been repaired. The pas sengers reported all iuitt In ths capital. TA CAS JUST CO no n ti A n 17 AIT J&b hot Roosevelt Reply to Barnes Suit for $50,000 for Libel is Wholesale Defiance to do His Worst. DECLARES HE WILL HELP SUIT ALONG Barnes' Attorneys Press for Speedy Trial of Case Which will be in Albany County Unless Change of Venue New York. July 24 The trial of tin libel suit of Willmm lljirni-5. rhulliimn of the Ki pub- lli'llll Ml. ('..milliter, UKullINt Tin oil. .ro llonnex ell. Ill w hlrh t .',11,111.11 d.imiii;rs 1110 nskr.l be- ran" of relet enreu iniuU to V r. 1 1.1 r lo-n In 11 pol.ti al eialemeiit I-.iici) ediieKdiiy iiixbt, will be held In Albany nullity, tile home uf Mr. HiirneH, unieHs Mr. ItooMfVelt Kets ('ImiiKe of venue. Chairman llarnes U anxious for tt speedy trial of the tail' and Ihrouith his lawyer, James . i.lns. he inilliulcd ho wlnhed to have the !ue stttled on iIh merits before iMIoher. ltK.i: Kl.T i'i:tvMifi:s to IM-.l.r e.T AI.OXfJ iiyster Vay.. X. Y-. July Zi. The reply of t'oloiH'l KooBvtelt to the fr.O.nai) libel suit of William llnrnes toiluy wits an uliurk on me Itepubll r.iil KlH'e rhairinan and a promise to help the stilt forward. Colonel liooM'Velt said he wi.uld not bo de terred from iittaekim; Mr. llnrnes by the mill, but oil the roil! la IV would iihxiiII him the harder. He cxpreuiei the hope that he would iiuve the o- porlunlly In take the stand 11 gut list Mr. llnrnes b,Xi.lo . lertl ill. To make rlear wlli.t he meant, th" ex-pre.tiiletit, who wan In 11 IlKlilinK m I today, dirtnle.l this stat.nieiil "I'll do nil I ran to help hurry forward the suit. "I reitard the nrtioii of Mr. Irarne as the most Ht r 1 k 1 iibt proof that i i.iil.l he given that the lionees ri'i ok nue In me pi rsoiially the one enemy Hint the inn. of mai hlne Roveriiineiit for whlrh they slit.d hua In and furtherinure rr 'i;nl- that tin' iiioni danKerou men, ire to the pres ent system of hl-pai limiti PkIiii. h In this plate Is eonlaliie.l In the moi nn-lit to rlrrl Mr. Ilinmuli us snv ernor 011 11 non-paiii-in lii ket, whe h I hope w ill nun ini the ihiiio b .' siuh iinli-ttiarhln, la-morrnls as Mr. Ilenno)', as well as I'roKressivea ami iiiiti'innehim- KrpubliruiiM. "I shall -oninu Willi lnrreased iiKUiesMlveness In ittark Mexurs. llarnes and Murpliv and the kind of Ilia, liino polities wbi.'h they tvp.fv. whlrh I hold 11111M be eliniiliati il from the stale." tIM.V M I:stio 1. OM: ill' TlilTII IIAIIM S New York, July 24. William I'.arnen, when shown the statement made today by Ci...-ir Jtooarvrlt In nyHter Hay. said: '"The question Imolved In this mutter Is only whither ho tells lb. truth." At that point Mr Ilnrnea was re minded that the ci.lmiel hail lr rlared he could everytnuiK h' had said. "Well, that's what we Bre here for." replied Hie U' publican Hliilc rbulrmnn: "but we ne not going to dux una It hf ie. W e will dlecus it in the courts and under oinhs." I'liohkl ntM llllllMIt. WiiHhlnglnn. July :,l Allegations of I lie I'uel.lo, Cob. I'niiinii'i, 1 rlub thut sen. nil, third, t. urth unit flfth- rliiu rates lo liurunwo over nn in tiTetute route were discriminatory Hll.l prelmllrlal wel.. .Ilamlwed tollav by Iho lniernlute ...11 n.crro commis- Hlon. todTngress. ki:n mi; Me tit II u. in. Conferees asr i on promlHe with futures bill. tin hops cotton llltl '(.I'. Met at noon. Tile M...I bill lit federal sil-IM-rvlslon of grain liiKperlioiis was foiinally rcp..iid favorubly. ItepreaentHtl. e lU.rlholdt of Missouri prrwiil..! five thou sand reinoiiHlrun. ch OKiiinat the proptis,-.! roustttuiioiiul um. nd-loent. I Iff AMAZING HELL HOLE UNCOVERED III CHICAGO'S VICE DISTRICT Maze of Tunnels, Secret Passages Leading Under Streets, Trap Doors, Disappearing Walls and Dcors discovered by To lice as Result of Clf-an up Following Battle of a Week Ago in Which "Morals Squad" was Worsted. Chicago, July 21. A mushroomed bullet taken last night from the hip of Joseph C. Merrill, the moral. squad detective, shot during the vice district battle of a week nc;o in which Stanley Dimes a detective was killed, was in the handi of State's Attorney Hoyne to day. The bullet conclusively proves, it was said by Hoyne. that levee gunmen begin the shooting with tli2 intention of killing the morals squad men. Police re volver bullets are of an entirely different size and char acter. Merrill, who probably will be crippled for life, told Hoyne that he was struck by the third shot fired. M :r rill reiterated hi? declaration that he was shot by a man in a light gray suit who sheltered himself behind a woman while he shot at the morals squad men. The state's attorney expected to have in custody eight levee saloon and resort keepers for whom hs caused warrants charging murder to be sworn out yesterday. A maze of tunnels, secret passages and hiding places was uncovered by the police in a raid on a notorious levee resort. Dressers with no drawers in them, the vacant space furnishing a hiding place, a wall safe that in reality was the entrance to n tunnel under the street, and hiding places in caves built under closets were among the devices. A notorious all night dance hall called the Oibralter of th; red light district, which was threatened with closing by the new police captain of the district re mained upon until after daylight today as usual. EUROPE FACES WAR Austrian Note Demanding Suppression of Pan-Servian Movement Virtually an Ul timatum. rterlln. July 2 1 AUn'rlan reserv ists rcMidinK here Were IiimI rtii'i,-.! to day to hold themselves In readlliesN to return to AtlKtiia ami Join tin Ir rKliiH'tit at the shortest e. Thai grave possibilities are conned .! wlti. tin. Ktrotig ..;itlr:..:: iotc P Servln whiih virtually took the form of an ultimatum .lem..ndnig 111" '.ti- preyni. ni of the pan-Ren l.m m iw ment nnd the puiii-hin tit of tlione eotieprilrd III the nws.lS-illl llb.'l of the lute Ar. b.liike Franc: Friuniand are re-'opuised in eli-ea bell. II Is realise- further serious dc elopments In Aunt t o-Servian rela tions .ire lne il'ibl.. linn m Hrrua oit plies with the Austrian rtemu-ida. l.lti. i .l Inn- ate today turned les toward lleUrade than to rl. I'eteraUurg whi r,. he council of mln- iNleia Ik expected to settle the flli6- tloii oi pe.i.-e or war. Il uia I" .1 III .-.I out that should It'll--si. i take pelt ai:aint Austria, tier many wan latlv p replied to dt.iw the sword on 1" -hii'f of her a'ly in ac cordance with the terms id th,. Irlide alliance hctwc.u Hcrminy. Austria and lit). Ci.uim. it In the tierman I rcs to day slronuly supports Ausirl.i. fV,H li Comment giiln-.t ui-lii. Purls. July il - The prevailllis tot of lhe French pi rns In cm. tie. Hon with the Austrian' note lo fervui Is expressed by the Tenuis today. That newsiiapcr snva the iloi ume it Is without precedent for Its nrtog.mcs and unllmlled demands nnd onslilers that If Kervla allows Austrian peace activities In Hen lun territories the In. ilept ndeiice of erv lii la lost. All ItCM-ryea Calbsl In. Vienna. July St. All Austrian mil Hungarian reservists thing abroad were warned by the army authorities to.l.y to b" in readiness to Join their reftlmeiils at II hours' notice. BOTH LABOR AND CAPITAL SHOULD BE ORGANIZED ChicnBo. July St. In the opinion of Charles W C.tndelie. piesldeiit ' the liuildtng Construction r.inpioy ussociiilloiu who testified today ers' hi-for,. the fd-ral commission on In dustrial relations, both lab r und cm.i crs should be organised. I know of tin better urr ingemen-. for Industrial pe n e. said Mr. ilelle. "Ihaii to have tioth labor and employers organised nnd t" have agreements made nnd abided by on both sales. It gives the rank Bin r.t.. i.wMiirniic.i or their iinv'1 w'rU- Tlm i..,n.i'ii. i.t tons oat lies on h.itlt sides b:ie been anxious for this" TROOPS RUSHED TO NEW BRUNSWICK TO QUELL STRIKE RIOT llalitax. X. S.. July - Troops from Hie i it nl. I uarlson wi re sent today to Hi John. N. It., where riots In conti.M lion wilh lhe strike ol street car men o.ititrr.l last lilKhl 'I lie .l. l.i. linn lit iiniiii.i red I I O men n..-d a rushed to -i John by H i la 1 train. RAIN RELIEVES THE CITIES ON THE LAKES Chi. no. Inly SI. Moderate tern per It. lie which s.lrrer.led yesterday's I. .iii.I throughout the reiuril wist continued today and was far ther Ir.ohrticd by showers. In thi i it v Ibn nn rrury stood ai 7 dr nl noon, il. 1:1.1 s lower lhan lhe huh mat I; yesterday. PUCE COIIFLIIE CALLED BY KING CEO GE A! UTTLR London, July i't The fact that Hie 1 nii. rein at I'.ui kil.l.h.i 111 plllaip br-Iwi-eu the leaders of the various p.. ptl.'il p ari u t hud tieen rendered a.M.iir.t liv P.-i failure to nuri'f on ttie area of l ister 10 be rx. hl.l.'.l from the ii.ntrol r.f the parliament Ana continued hy I'lelni. r A . 11 it h in the hoii-e of ' today. The premier's statement on the subject of Initio's meeting of lhe con-ferr.-n was brief He said: "The possibility of finding an srel to be ix. luded from the i.peratlon of the Irish home rule bill was 10ns.1l ..r. .1 Inn Hih conferences, unnbl.' t lagiee la priiiciplp or in ibt .il on sU b an urea, biouitht Us Hurt l.g to a lose." Mr. As'iulth then announced that the second reading of Hie bill In Miirnd tile Irish home rule bill would 1ST S LETTERS REMAIN Labori Refuses to Walk into Trap He Says was Set for Him by Former Wife of M. Caillaux. DEFENDANT SITS IN STATE OF TERROR Incident Follows Dramatic In cident in Bewildering Suc cession in Greatest Parisian Sensation Since Dreyfus. Paris, July St. "Cull Mm, fltiey- dan," wob the command of Jiius Louis Albancl. when the court open ed today for the fifth dny's Session in the trial of Mme. Henrietta C'all Inu for the wilful murder on March 111 ol Huston Calmette, editor of lh FUn m. Mme. Oueydan, former wilo of th priHoin-r s nusniinii. jiau'pn iii". un ex-premler of France, had, how ever, not arrived and rascal I ec- cnhll. lhe most intimate prlvatB and political friend of CnlllauX. waa called to tho stand. The Interest eenlered around th two Intimate letters referred to in yesterday's testimony and handed by Mme. Hueydan to Mattre Ijitiort 1" deul with as he chose, (treat eurlos- lly has been awakened us to whether, they would he read In court or com municated privately to Iho Jurors. Ma it re Liiborl. bfor M. Csceaiui began hla testimony, said ha would defer until the arrival of Mine, tluey dun u communication be desired to make to the court. M. Ceccnhil then addressed the Jury In an impuasloned defense of the Caillaux family. Me described Mine. Caillaux'B efforts to restrain her hus band from nssumlng political power, as she was of the opinion that hla keeping out i.j the government wus lhe only way In which they could expei t to have pence In their U.S. M. Cuilbinx, seated In the crowded court among wltneasea and Journal ials, followed attentively hla friends panegyric, nodding his head In ap pro, al und occasionally rusting a clatue about the ' courtroom as lli.iiiw.-li iiicusill ing the effect of the witness' words. .Mine, f'allliiiix In the prisoners' en ibsuie presented a soirowful fig ure. In her iii'ii wsji a look of be wilderment und seeming; terror. Hhe did not speak to kilione but she had had a long talk with her husband in the prison before the hearing began. It was understood thit former Premier Harthuu was Ska In to be confronted with M. Cnlllaux today- M . Ccrcaldi amused (hose In court by eivtng his testimony In the form of n speech in which he levlewed the political nnd newspaper nt'urks on I lie former premier. The uuilitors meanwhile kept up B com nun. 11.1 murmur of protest or ap proval. The protests vaulted Cec ial.ll to shout, "If I (li-rwnl M Cail laux it Is because he is an honest man." Those In the courtroom soon began t.i tire of M. Ceccalill's speech and tin. Interruptions Increased, which broiiubi from Hie witness the healed rX'lMiiiatlon: have the right t la;k, bcruuse they se.'k to keep B. woman In prison." lie then pro ceeded wltn a criticism of former I I'n inter Itarthou's course In reading FAILURE .,. tak.n on July in. The premier Was invited to inform the house as to the ei't dltti-reiiccs of opinion whl. h had prevented the uuiiiunenl of a sett!.. merit by the conference and In re.y said: I rsn mae no statement 1.11 the subject a. :hr present moment.' Ntt.lll.l-: M'li-'IC WilfTK AltltrsTH IIHt llTfr:illNi Till: KIMJ London, July It. Two sufTraKeltes belonging to the llrltlsh nobility. Lady ll.irelay and the Hun. Misa Kdlih Fllsserald, were arrested today al Um klushain palace, where they inailo perals'ent and unsucretwlul at tempis to present King tleorge a loi ter written to his tuaje-ay by Mrs. I'immellue i'ankhurgl, Hie inlllui.t sufTrugelte leader.