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TWO THE EVENING HERALD, ALBUQUERQUE, N. M.t nilDAY. JULY 24. 1914. AT WATER SITUATION T P ! V S k n TOMORROW YOU CAN HAVE YOUR CHOICE OF THE LEONARD CLEANABLE REERIGERATORS WE HAVE ON HAND AT 20 DISCOUNT FROM REGULAR PRICES A "Leonard" is a bar-gain at our regular price when you consider you are getting the most sanitary and nvjst economical red iterator on the market. At the l educed price they will sell fast; so be early. a Raabe (Si Maimer 115-117 North 1st Street. i 1 Recent Rains Cause Supply Mains to Burst and City i Threatened with Serious Famine. , Trinidad, rolu., Jnlv 21. Thin rity It t hrem ened with :i norlnu iii r famine mill mi urii.r wai hmed today I')' Mayor iaiilay inn I hi t ( riK nit iilivenn In i I'll"' tin- IMU..UIM1I of I'm tin mill re- Hlllltl'lK tile III"! if 1 lit' Water fi.r ili'iiii'tii ' pin mi.i h niily. Heavy raiii nf I In a I'i'K have tnilM.'d lltl'llkH In 111' lltV'H vva- ter mi inn in i In- Nmih Lake emintrv, and nWillK In v :i "hollta nil tlx r" llt'i:lil nliil till lolldl- linn nf road repair may mil lm IIHIlll f'T tWn WeekP. The llatll- ami reaultiiiic Ii.nn HihiiI nf the pant three Hnyn imw Mi- in.iled nl If Mi. mm. TIiIm limn- ime Ik in l.ii'Ui'. pipe I'm' mill i liitii'iii- iiiul t'ivrih n MARCUS P. SAWTELLE General Contractor Office & Carpenter Shop 211 West Gold In llu )).iiiilr nf ili-fHioii the tlm mnent drawn iii I y Vli lur Knbre mineiilnn with th llnchette nw lu ll It. Whrn M. (rcnlill wnrlwleil for mer l'rinnT lliirthnu wan iilled nrnl li li'inli il hla Hftliiii In nnihiiiK puiill' Ihi Vli lur l-aloe ilin mm inn. M t'aillaux iilxo npnke Iirli'fly. Matire Ijil'irl nml Mniiri I'lien't then explained i licit hie. in fur iiiul (iiminl the piihlieatinn if Ihi letter j.I.h'i il In Ma It re laihnn'it i h.-MKi ly Madame luev da n. Iitiorl teiuriieil flit let'er In Mine, tlueydun imil nuki ii in-r w Hut Iiit A iHiu wi nv imd Mie replied: "I don't rare what ymi (In. I'uli lleh them .ill If ynu want In iln mi" Mrs.Newlan'sO 115 N. 4th n Street A I'll' UK 401 AUTO Delivery It wiih I her. itp"tt de. hied In pliiee I In nf th letter In evldeme but In read nhlv ime nf them. TIiIh vmiiiM ho done, II waa uiiniiuuci-d, lifter re-ei. The iiiifi Inn nf the rending nf the liltim inve iiHR in niiiitltur me no When lli mtirl rinienibled. .Indue Ain, mil, who lied talked over Iln iniitli r with tlx Inwvrrn fur Imth aidea during I 111) reie. railed .Mine. iSiK-yan In ill,. ,lnn, ami Mul iri' Lalmrl at unit mlilr. '( lur, MO'lnu . Thi liiifm will nnt lm ri-ml by tni. M iiiluiii', tin ynu hIhIi thiiii liBl U ? Nil" 'Will, thon nn nno fMiiII hnvp lllflll -xci.t mysi If. If ynu havi hi-iinl i.f itm limnK' lanuht in a trap ymi lire iDift : k it." Mnilri I.almri iiioari-il t rKaril Mini, i ini iI.iu'h in i ittc ri liirlaiii ' nf y'iiriluv nml lnr liniiilii run Cfnt that In nln.ul.1 have lliv Icllcrs nn n l.yi ,. In .larf lilm in I hi ihbI tmn pihr nf iiH.iri'SHiiH ihn li-iicm FOUR HEADS WTO iltlM DAY kM MY 25 AND 27 MONDAY (( niitliincil from lm! (hip.) , illffrrril :n tn what 'r-' Intm were I'l'liiK mailr fur t hi mm I'Dinit mittlh nf Iln Irni'ii i f I lie aimy nf Hit nurt'i HASTY IHhhii 4111 Liht Mavin' Messejigcx A Service list S .' r. T . . I WAMi Tllliol t.ll oi K IIAKI KY u mi rxnmlne tho way An Io lliniKK. hnw buy ciur ttntir, lc, tl:. klml li l. hnw we Mure It. hnnilU il, :nix tl. bako I;, unil ilnn you will bf n.n vimril thin lhr In no ninr ili-inly 1:aker tn b f. .uml. Vu will thm I Imw that ynu ran rrly nlm.,lii(..y nn Ihf purity inn w ImlcHiinicm-M i, rry Inn r nf briail ynu buy hi-rr, iilim i.I!r, rake, nml fam'y brciiilH. Onf lH will -i.u liu v y,,u. PIONEER BAKERY SATURDAY'S SPECIAL A nice line of Glass Wa ter Pitchers, regular 50o and 75c values, will be sold for 30c Saturday only .V SEE WINDOW DISPLAY Strong Bros. 2ND AND COPPEE I.IM M MZIII IX II MM til' IITXUtS I i.i rami, juiy t. iniiua, iiil'H'il nf thi Htalo nf thai nanii, ami Maiixiinllln, I in ,r t n lit wi-Kt mast I'. Hi, liayr f illi-n Intn tin hanilt nf Ilia ntiHiH in ImiallKt trnnpn umlr iiini'al t ibrr K "li, nalil a ri'imrl r--lvi! h ri 1'iilay (nun lii inral Al :ira..i. iii Cua) iiiTi.. fnliiim wan inkfn nfiir nrvrrnl ilavi' tluhluiK. MatixalilUn wax pyai -ualcil by tii'iwral Ti lli ., who hail lli il llnrn frmn iluaynia. The ri'lmrt ulaii'il that nml famlili nf thi nllV' the Rtoanibont Sallna (Tux. nopnrt from thn wont tlorlnre'l that thi Yaiiil liillann rc nain nn thn war ;mth In mail lum Hntnira, hav. In arkiil homt.iI vUl.icn. Tlx Hun nra tinnpn wiri nib'iiynrlng to iucll I ho urrlxliig with Hllli timcx. the trniii r nhlipiil Juarci to nr nf rfailintr llli-m In Ihn 1imi.iI vanlaKi nf Mailanio l alllnux. Me j """h iirKimI Iiit naln: "Mailami, ynu wih to take tho ltim?" Mailamp Ouoyilnn "No, ulr." Maliro hcnu "il( to me the Ult-4 to tnar them up." JuiIiii Alhalii'l illnpnseil nf the ilesllnn fur thp time helntf by nay- ln the letter, wi. iil.l b mn'iueil ! HI KIIT V AMI ' AHTY lirnyiHlnnally t Maiire f'henu u AltltlVK AT KINf;TX repreKenlitiK Mini., (in. y, Ian. nml t j Klnuslnn, Jumal. a. July 24. ien Malire l.nlmrl nn reprrtentallvo of eral lluetltt uml the pnrty of fuullivi M. Hint Mme. Calllunx. j from Mexb'n iicvoiiipnnylris him. nr- Tlie Ju.luo ln,,k nr,-.,,.n to nn- rlveil her nt n-mn tmlay m Imarii the imume thai In m rnn Sulh the Jur- . iTiiinn crulner lros1en from IH'ertn nix ami (h aUi.nvV". the arKiiim iiIh ' Mexico, - "jtltft wniibl imt be f inlxlii'il imniirriiw, nor wi.i.i.i in., .-niirt ,it Mnniiay. I PLACARDING THE STATE l..Vn;::.,,T;r..7n::;u;,p:..11!;;'rr"rL,i with fair invitations the Jon r ri I. ami liumave Viterbn. a . v i lti f. th. ti l. t i fi.-il in their . nnM.- The Male l to be plai anb-il fmm In. li limn thi-lr kimuleilKu nf the lain 'lai-inn I'alrmil. ihat he wmibl imt ltae iiui'ilclii J imrely prlvaio cur reH.iiiilem e. See What a Penny Will Buy in Our Store. Hundreds of items for your selection. See Our Front Window for Suggestions Women's House or Street Dresses in Ginghams, Cotton Voiles and Crepes, all daintily trimmed and worth $4.00 to $7.50, on sale SATURDAY AND MONDAY j ANOTHER PLAGUE INFECTED RAT IS Mil DOWN Infected Rodent Found Seven teen Blocks from Scene of Original Outbreak of Ba bonic Horror. nne etui to the other wilh tiillim "I the ftali fair. fVi-rrt.irv Tmii 1:1" kert. nf the talr iiiMni-lalhui. today wan luijiy nialliiiK hanueri of differ ent Hurl to every mrner nf the ruin nmnweiiltli. There won't be a ham let or net I lenient, eainp nr nth.r enl leilnm nf bibll.itii'im In the whole mate that w.oi'l dicplay n Hlate fair nhool nome.vhere nr nther within It1 riiiillni l. Ily the tine of Improved even whu h enlli i ted the bypiodurtM the i nke ln Uinory of the fulled f-M.ileH mvi'il 1 1 H.iiVd.iHin year, w heh would half I II warned by old iiietho.lN nl tn anu failure. New (IiIimiir. July 2 Klml- iiK of anolli.r planiie-lufiileil r.U - Uir mill II wax iinmiinir- id today by lr. W. C. Hurler. leibial h M,p.i ii ,i t mirKeon pen eral r'lper.iKinu the fix hi nuailixt biiliome plauue hurt. Tli ro- dent wiij. laptured In h"t. Ann Mi.-el. Iirte.-n bb. kK from the lirn e:iHe develnped June 17. All nftli er nf the triitiFpnrlallnn tb pariin. in ,,f the. railroad nnd Miiimdiip iniiipnnlen have In.en railed t.. n inetllnit today to net Innriirtli.nn from federal health hllltinrille-j lm tn what they nboubl do to aid In the pbnue rmin William KrneHt. employid In it mloon ii I iik.mI In Ihe i-enter .f Ihe billm lib plaKlle Infei ted dllrlit. wna I hit li mil permin to bm KM ii k. d bv the dUeaoe. m- eor.lii'n in nnnniiiieeineiit tnd.iy by ir V. C. Icu ker, .ili.-.,n ceneral Tim mi loon t nt Ihe Int. rM-i'i ton nf .yi ite and Kult'in fdrrvtu. KrneHl U f.0 yenra old. lie been me III July tl. SANTA EE'S OFFICIAL EDITOR HERE ON VISIT f I Vnndemirt of fhleBiro. ulltor .f Tu Karth. the Kniila "e rallroiid'ii eiai !' r-.r'hls d-v bimi tit nnd rnl i'Miit,i i' S'Orn'i Ik a i i..r In Al bimi e""!' I "lav, '' rompatiled bv J. ClleVer r-i f fl lli.ininr .f Ihe I'eenn vall. v ! to . lr. Vanderrift haw Junt enmpl.ii d a r i, ibrouuh the I'k oh .alb v -oi'ihern eni' m.iii hwe!! rn New ! ii, In i'nii iiv v.l'.h Santil r ofi'i .li. ilurl"- hb h lie tiai aatb.-r 1 ' i'aM of "it rial for n.e In Til' la.ri'i Vr. V" mt.-ui ift n he ,n i m-v .r t nr- e.-ri. ri'l roll. II t'nnni'. Iii'.f to V. w ..xien ihnn thi . , i ! ... tiaider the nullonk for dei- V; m rt . ' rtlent. Best New I A0 Ccmb Honey III 1ib. IU-t l'i.alo. '. .U.ti- T Urn. nf nliv rlN I'ewi-tiei S.V' lailtv Im Sweet ItruiiKit lltlr 7 lb of lint. ) Oiilonu 2 3 rani nf li-4 TiiimiImn 9 eaiiH of siit Corn J5e Ijirve ittn of Hominy IUn Ijartn inn of Nmr Kruul It' l.anco -au ut ( "MliMi 1iii.ik. . . . KM' li rue i nil tit fum y rem ll . . . . . I"i' .li. inn Karo rrii I'' Kit I Ion Karo rii,i 'J.V- I KMlInn Karo Strop ' lre lull SI. (IiuiIck Mbk IU.' I.i.kI liialll I toil l Coftii !!' Wtildlutt llreakfii! t offet HOr Keil Wolf nifi' fanny I imll-li l:nnkUl Tea l.V' l IIi.m of mil SuiiHr I. nil IN Dm. of mt Siuar f .M I llorl Im-4 Jelly .ilnt't !' I ilom-ii Mitrxm dnl Jar I ikMin MnuMi iiMirt Jan. ?' I iIoih-ii Ma-in j-unlloii .Ian. . l.tMl I lm ami white I imnu-l IHi-r. . HU' M rnii liiwir Siwliiu A' t iu.ibb IM-inklinc ii "' S lurui Tin l'ti' ' 3 "l iiinlly t.lui Tiinibb rx. . , . the il lliilll. I. hllai-t. TatlEli-riMit V Min'i 35 I iidi iwiar S'h- Menu Ml.. I'lidi-rtteur I'M I adteV it. I'm to I Millie ! I'nkiii Snllt .Vie I aitlio I.2A IIoiim Un--x J.-.i Slliilxiiiimt Kb' Mt-u'a T." I ir- Kldrli Rn I It lb Ho' 3V SmIIh In' I.V liimm ami IbilMe. jnrtl ! 1 anl nf tk 4.lii4:liam S.'Ve ( u:itNci: or iniciN LadUV OkfonlM, T.V ami up. Miii'ii (I ihi Tan Oyfonl-i IJ .M1 Mi-n'a i..M Itn-Mi. sIumn a.'.liil Ml.' Itu-lir ItrowH tlvlord, at I ! Hsau f ai lory iit. Mn. Ht to M1, aiul I to A. DOLDE'S voi it imi r,it nrvH Miti: .m i, latoitH m i i in ii. tie-XIl Kflth Knutid KireeC fiioiio eei. 1 Dress for . 2 Dresses for . . $1.95 . . . $1.96 PENNY ITEMS FROM OUR DRUG DEPARTMENT 1 Box Dora Rice Powder 50c 2 BOXES DORA RICE POWDER 51c 1 iound Absorbent Cotton G5c 2 POUNDS ABSORBENT COTTON . . T.'. GGC 1 Bottle Peroxide 15c 2 BOTTLES PEROXIDE IGC 1 Bar Casiiie Soap 25c 2 BARS CASTILE SOAP 26C 1 Bottle Amonia 25c 2 BOTTLES AM0NIA 2GC 1 Bottle Witch Hazel 50c 2 BOTTLES WITCH HAZEL GtC 1 Fine Comb 15c 2 FINE COMBS IGC 1 Bar Curative Skin Soap 25c 2 BARS CURATIVE SKIN SOAP 2GC 1 Bottle Vaseline 15c 2 BOTTLES VASELINE I6C RIBBONS 1 yard Ribbon 50c 2 YARDS RIBBON 5lC WASH GOODS AT PENNY SALE PRICE 1 yard Wash Goods 15c 2 YARDS WASH GOODS Qc GLASS TOWELING 1 yard Toweling 12c 2 YARD3 TOWELING I3C 1 yard Ticking 20c 2 YARDS TICKING 2.8 , LADIES TAILORED WAISTS ALL SIZES AND STYLES 1 Waist 50c 2 WAISTS GIS PENNY SALE ON SHADOW FL0UNCING3 AND CAMISOLE LACES 1 yard Shadow Lace 40c 2 YARDS SHADOW LACE 4IC LADIES COLLARS 1 Collar at 35c 2 COLLARS AT 36C 1 package of 6 Initial Handkerchiefs C0c 2 PACKAGES OF 6 INITIAL HANDKERCHIEFS Qg LADIES' UNION SUIT3 AND VESTS 1 Union Suit or Vest G5c 2 UNION SUITS OR VESTS CGC CHILDREN'S SOX AND STOCKINGS 1 pair Stockings .25c 2 PAIRS STOCKINGS 26C LADIES' HOSIERY 1 pair Hose .v 25c 2 PAIR HOSE 26C 1 yard Embroidery 35c 2 YARDS EMBROIDERY 3GS GINGHAMS 1 yard Gingham 15c 2 YARDS GINGHAM 6S PENNY SALE ON MUSLIN GOWNS 1 Gown 73o 2 GOWNS 7GC ENAMEL CUPS AT FENNY SALE PRICE 1 Cup , 15c 2 cups .' Gc 1 Large Roll Toilet Paper 10c 2 LARGE ROLLS TOILET PAPER !s 1 Gingham Petticoat 50c 2 GINGHAM PETTICOATS GIC I 1 4 feOSENW ALUS 1 "WHERE QUALITY MEETS PRICE" ) 1 iii i i i i i 1 1 . i v . -. -k ., eN,. . ' .""'. .".'. -.-.....-', .-.. -..4i,. j.. ,- h. I