Newspaper Page Text
jSPORTSj X j x X Baseball. Standing of the Clubs (Th average do nut Includa to day' reaulla.) mIiiiI l4nmi-. W mi. Loel. lVf New Y..rk t. at ni )i n n K .. , Ml 37 .MS ft Lout 4 40 J..', I lloston 40 41 .4i Cincinnati 39 47 Philadelphia 3? 43 .451 Plllshurith 4 .4.1SI limoklyn 34 48 .4311 American la-ague. W.m. Lent. P't Philadelphia, f.:t 32 fit lioxton 41 40 ,M5 Washington 4 4 Ihlrotl 4? 42 .!..( M I .in 4 4 4.' tl2 Chicago 44 43 .T.'lfi New Vork 3". 411 .4 17 Cleveland .. 'It 61 .333 Federal I. ihk nr. Won. Lost. I'.l cii i'"tK ru jr. .r. s Indinapoli ' 311 .f.f Hnllimorc 4 37 . t'4 Itror-klyn 42 S .fist Hullal,, 40 lt Kansas City 37 4t .43"i SI lamia 30 .'. 1 .414 Pittsburgh 13 4T .413 YESTERDAY'S RESULTS National hwrnii. Chicago, 15: Philadelphia. .. New York. 13; Cincinnati. 4. ft. lamia, 4: Prooklxn, ,2. Iioeton, 2; Pittsburgh, 4. Amcrlnin League. Philadelphia. ; Cleveland, t. Washington, .'; Chicago. 3. ' New York. 1; I-cimlt, 1. flopped In ti i ii It Inning: rain. rt. Louis-I'.oaton: ruin. I'cdcrnl lt-netic. Chicngo, i; rtrocklyn.- 1. Pittsburgh, r. ; I lid I II till poll, 3. Italtimorc, T; t. Louie, 4. Kiinaua City-lluffnlo, postponed. GAMES TOMORROW National l-eanoie. Pittsburgh at New York. Cincinnati lit Lrooklxn. Chicago Ht lloamn. hi. l.M!tM nt Philadelphia. American lcnjnie. WWhlnKton nt ft 1'iila. Philadelphia at New York at Chicago. I l..t on nt Cleveland. 50 Mens and Young Men's Suits I Formerly sold from $15.00 io $22.50 (Extra! psci3 1 i 171 I Mandell , '"".. l""k " J V , -ww 5 i i 2 TODAY'S GAMES I ltllV. Jl I.Y II. FEDERAL LEAGUE KaiiHH li), Itiifintu, a. First a. im; it. . F.. Kansas. City ,.100 1110 001 6 111 1 lltifTulu 2MU Kill uito 3 7 J llallcrlc: Adams, Plane and tin xinroth. Master ly; Mi hull, Ford nnl Allni, lllalr. lilnif, 4; llndJn, ft. 'rc: U. II. K I 4'hli'iiH Oli) 020 lull 4 1 I lirooklyn owl oon 3l It S llaiii.rlc: Kirk. Watson and Wll-! Don; 1jMUc, Sniniia nnl iimih. hU I'UK It; lliitliinm 4. It. II. Iv Ht. I.ouU ....OHO (IIMI 0IMI 0 6 1 Italtlmorn ... " H31 una 4 H 1 HiitliTit-a: Crnnilull uinl Chiilunun; I'olilfy anil Jmklnn. li. liullaiMlHilK 4; llliNlHirttli, 5. It. II. K. Imlln'ii'lla 111 Ihio inn 0110 4 10 1 llil-l.'Kh 000 121 000 '1 i 1U 2 1 Itnttnrira: .Mullen. Milliard anl Ti-stli-r; lluiaiT anil Itrrry. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION ASHi tCI.VTIOV- ImllntiulMillH, 2: MiluaukiT, 3. Fimt aiinir: It. H. E. InilHinnpoliit ...001 tiofl ino 3 4 1 Mllwiuikrp ....lot (HO OOX 1 R 1 Hiittiwli-: Willis and fioiwctt; Shai klffonl n ml lluullrii. i'olllllHlUO. O; 3lllllM4l)lllK I. 11. II. 1: Cohiiniitm . ..."o onn nun 1 0 1 MilllM-llMilH '..'""I 100 0"x- 1 4 2 HmtiTlfH: liiKcrMoli ami 8. Smith, ClIllKiin and YV. huilth. dovHamU 0; M. Paul, S. it. If. K. riovrland ....000 00 000 0 4 & St. I'llMl 012 000 (MIX 3 ( I liuitiTli'H: KuIiIit. H.Mjcrty anil IH-vuiM; JCururr ami Jnnifi. WESTERN LEAGUE. Ontalia, 1; I J noil 11, J. Ror: it. II. K. riinahu ....100 000 000 01 7 1 Unooln .(..001 1111O 000 1 2 8 Wlllla and Cronuy; Khiiinn and r.rhi.r. M BLUEJACKET IS SOLO TO THE I. I GlftllTS Indian Marvel Snapped up by the Big Fellows After He Won His Twelfth Straight Game in Three I League. Iiloiiinlnalnn. III.. July 24. Jim l:im Ju' kt't. thr ( lu roki'o Indlun .lli hi r nt the !ooinliiKtin Tlirrc-I li'uuiiii ii'um. who won hl twi'lfih Htraliiht gHiiif ) ulcnluy. waa Hold to thf Ni- York tiiunla lodny to rI""t AiiKiiKt 2 7. t'hurh'a Juiknon. left ll liter, waa alao oid to the .lama, to report nrxt m-naon, and Till lir Krrd Marka waa void In th.. t lcie lund Aiiieriean it ri port Auif L-at IS. SITE CHOSEN FOR START OF AMERICA ACROSS ATLANTIC Xf York, July 24. A ailo 13 mill- noulh of Ht. John. N. ha 1.0,1, ih.UhIviI uii ha aturtlnK pliwe lor Iho trana-Atluntlc night of th air boat AineiUa. Advlcea today from Itnmmondaport, X. Y., whero the Amerlra la under aoing her triula Indkated that fry ohatai'le had been overcome and that Lieutenant I'orte, who la to pilot the (lirr. wll atart for the Anti al'oul AUKuat II. MONEY IN HAND FOR ENTERTAINING DEMO DELEGATES Al the money f.r the entertain ment of the delegate to the lemo rratii; atnte convention on Aimuat 17 waa In hand when the Commercial club committee flntaheii lie cattvuaa tin morning-. The convention la M.Hund of a nieelina pluce and plen ty of entertainment free ofv coat, chairman . X. Marron haa culled nieettiia of the wlitdv ruiiiinittee at Hie Commerilal club tomorrow night. DOUBLEHEADER TO MARK THE COMING OF NEWTON TEAM A diiiibli'hender will niarke the p pe.iiuiii of tho atrotitf HantH Ke team from Xelin, Kan., here Sunday aaainat the ' . It. i:. nine. The win ner of the Nrwton-O. It. iC. Hanh will I plav the I'elen team. J The name will be played at Trae i Itnn park. The aeoond limn will 'atari Immediately after th firlt U J dit j Iced vt. THE EVENING nERALD, ALBUQUERQUE, N. M., FIIIDAY. ioMfaI'lIEllS CORPUS FOR MORE MONEY FOR liHli SALAZAR Hf FREE INDIAN SCHOOL 8 ntuiis t iimnir innv ip niriu Bananas Strawberries Blackberries Peaches Pears Plums Grapes Canteloupes Watermelons VEGETABLES Sweet Corn Green Pole Beans Wax Beans Celery Lettuce Okra, etc Don't forget that wc are headquarters for Teas and Coffees of all grades. Try a pound of our 23c blend of Coffee. You will find it equal to any 30c coffee you have been us ing outside of our regular 30c grade. JTry a pound of Seal brand Tea in your next order. It will please yon. We have a fresh ship ment of lunch cheeift, such as Pimentos. Pink Lady Olive Cream and Royal Luncheon. Try one for your picnic lunch. They go well with our Sunshine line of fancy crackers . A. J. MALOY Phone 172. AT REASON FOR Committeeman Close to Rome ro and Baca Declares Clause was Inserted in Call to Prevent "Buying Proxies" LIKELY ToltESULT IN ROW NEXT MONDAY rreilletlon that the meetina; of the luriiiilillo county Republican central commit toe In the county court houi-e next Monday afternoon will wum-aa the ataxlna' of a tlral claaa free-for-all row were numeroiia ainoiiK Alluiieriiie Uepulillcaiut to day! aeveral am h prediction heina VoUed by member of Iho committee from the tu city pre.-init. It la all about the "no proxies' cluuae of the call for the comiiilltce lileetinK. trouble over which devel oped early In tho week, aa repotted by the Herald aeveral daya uo. The cluuae came at the end o( the call and read: "Come In piraon. aa no prone wilt lie allowed " The wording of I hi, and the rie lilHTale amiialiin of a lonit eatab I. abed Itepub!i-nn Inaillutloii, the useful proxy, aroiiw.l an-y coiiiinent ami.nii the membera and the rank and file wh reaent arbitrary aa aumptlon of aulhorlly to make taws for the committee by Itomero and by liaca, who la now accepted as the acknowledged boaa of the comity boaa. Hut yeaterdny a ineiiilier ol the committee close to Homer. and the candidate, for the coiigreaaloniil nomination la reported to huxe staled that the reaa.m for liiaertir.K the "no proxy" c)nua wu becaui-e It waa feared that "i-tTorta would be mude to buy proxies from member of the committee" In rut lb-lent i. ambers t permit control of the committee by opponent of linen for the conKtea sloiinl nomination; and that the' clause waa inserted lo rv'lit member of the committee from sell- j ii'g their prnxica." 1 The result of this hu been a roar from liiciiilx-r of the committee uinl I from Itepiibllciitia Kciicrn'l) which I aid to have ree.leiiited oxer the' whole breadth of the valley. It la. j Urtually, a charie thai the commit tee men are ni only aui.Je.-t lo Influ- , rme from lh cutalde, but vnlner-' able to offer of caah In exchui.Ke for xotc. and it ha mude u lot ol j the boys fiahilnx mad. 1 lluca and Itomeio are In the , mountains calling on the boy, anil no stuteiiieiit iituld be hinl from then a to the mcanlii; of Iho "no prox ies'" clause, ir their reason for interim- tliu prox laioii. Ke- 1 publican III streel corner conxeraa today were wide open In their t'Ttlu-iioiiB that thina iiikshl be ex-i pet ted to tianaplre when the i'oi - ' nilttee meet on Monday. REPUBLICANS OR NO PROXIES" Ij WIIULL Hni.ll IG LloLLI General's Status Since Acquit al on Neutrality Law Viola tion is Same as that of 4000 j rellow Prisoners. INTERNATIONAL CASE MAY FOLLOW EFFORT Xo kfiuvtli'duQ of any a tlon to turn tho rt-leit. of (Jtu. nil Jmu Vm Kulaxar (rout roae ntliielneiit nt Korl WliiKate ha In . n rci-clt td hy fulled Malea UtKtrUt Attorney tfiiin ineia liuikhnrt. Mr. laukhait nuld toil iiy that he hud re i nu wor.t of halie.m corpua or .n. uilu.r pro iceililma. Ho would lnt dim lira the lane front any auale. It la wild now that if hlfeito Haiu BimeeilH In ai'tllna ttal...uir nut of the KiinrdlioiiHO he may K' i i nly other .rloiiui', aa well aa tin federal gen rial, out of the I'nttpil M ilea" euatody alloaelhir. The CUr-li'.n i.f tho aov trtiment'a rlxht to "lolu ui.i Mvxieana al nil may be Involved in the pro ceedliiKa, and tho decision may poaal hly leavu tho army atnppid of power to detain the priaonern. Aa far aa la known no l.iw author-Iii-IB the detention h.i leen pxtah hahed. Th liiterntiieni .ia broiiahl u In. lit by presidential poll y. Tlio Mexieana Old lit onir Bi roa the border to attack or fracture In lerimlional reRululluna in any man-l-er. Th. worat that fan he i haraed tianlnat them off hand ia thai th- eamn mroaa without the formality of aloppina nt a euatom hue. and they huv, been held on enoiiah to iellle all the nh etleii of custom n aula tlona. -Military men and lawyer, realizing the point thai may be In volved, are keenly Interested In the propoaed habea corpus aellon. iiiis4rft wr.ur. i n isi:i I'Aitoi.i: M in : i.i v I :i Kl Taao, Texas. July It. Helen ae of the pnaoiHT at Fort Winante. X ,M., w:l bellia aerloiialy colialdered prl ir to the leaianati f tieneral lliierta, Mexliun jederal olllciala de clare. They any that a letter waa received hy the officers lit F-rt YVIn triilo from Hecretary of War Harri son asking the officers and men If they would be willing to take Itieir parole, providing they aurecd not to Join the federal force and would re Itirn to Mexl'o in territory held by tho rebels. Thia the ofllceia and men declined to do, tho federals any. and the matter was dropped at the tlinu. ' When -lluerta rcslatied and the coiin ) ler revolution became formidable, no I further consideration waa given lh' I proposal and It la imw Well umler ; alood that the prisoner are not to bit turned loose urili-sa some hiKh court order It on a writ of nanena c orpua. tieneral Johc Ynex S,ilanr and Maximo Caatdlo are both beliie con lined In the prison camp suar.lli.niM, and are beinii iiuarded only by non commissioned oftbers of the army. When one of the lender c.f the fed erals attempted to buy hla w"' throuah rhe ttuard line he was ar rested and placed In the gunrdhouau This mini Is thought to have been Halasar and with him to the Km.r.l hoiisn went Caatilli and ItodriKo Uuevedo. The other officer are be- In- allowed the liberty of the prison camp, a none have made an effort to escape since going to Fort Win aatn from Fort Kilns. Money continue to he furnished the federal filibuster In western Chihuahua. The I'liHed Hates army oftl-l ils have Information that, :i:.'iii, Mexican currency, wa sent to Ito'tue iiom-a by a lead'ng federal sympa thise! i in Kl l'a ho and that sinulkr donallotia been made by other former land owner in that atate. The Iubuitie team of the Three-I league ha pb-ntv or battery In a single pair of performera. They are HlgKinhnlham and Hammers, hmldt. Skinner's Grocery Strawberries Blue Plums. Satsuma Plums White Grapes "Yellow Peaches Native Peaches Cantaloupes Watermelons Celery Mangoes Green Corn Okra Head Lettuce Tomatoes I; A. Skinner 203 S. Fmt St. Phones CO and CI. 1 P. I Vi4; JULY 24. 1914. Conference Committee proves Appropriation Ap- of $9S,C0O, Including $25,000 for New Assembly Hall. More money than List year, al though not itiite a much as was ask ed for. Is lo be appropriated for tho Indian school here. If the conference committee's report Is adopted by the two homes of congress. President f O. C ii sum nn of the Pommer'lal club, ha received worl from I'nUed State Senator Albert Itncon Fall that the conferencp committee, of the two house has approved an appropria tion of $m,r.nn f,,r the Alhuiurritic school. The Indian bill as reported out ol conference will prohnhrv be passed. K'.lch measures miiillv are passed as reported, a lialit nualtist any appro priation on the floor belim rae. In this case there la virtually no doubt of the hnnl paeaaae. The money voted to the Indian school I divided Into the follow 1-ik Items: For support and education, IM.ROii; repairs and hiilldina. tVOnO; assembly hall and gvmnisiuni. 2r,- 000. Ijist year ony 115.000 wns Minted for new buildings. This year Huper Intendent erry of the school and the Commercial club, nsked the govern ment to give t'.oiio for repair ami Im. provementa. 130.000 for the construc tion of n new assembly hall nnd gym nasium and ( for ndilltlotinl farm binds. The committee ha held to the old figure of for repair and Improvement, clipped the as sembly hnll Hem by r,.ono and re lected the Item for new farm lands. That Item did not receive the en dorsement of the Indian bureau. Superintendent Perry wna Informed by the ntTlce that It would not rec ommend that appropriation. Superintendent Perrv and the Com. mer.-lnl club nre pleased with the ap propriation. Although not nil they hoped to ret. the ilem mean a big ger and better educational plant, bet ter able tn take care of the mora than 4 00 pnplln enrolled. Much of the credit for lhe Increas ed appropriation belongs to Penator Fall, although Congressman FerKiia son. too. has worked henrtlly In the school's Interest. Senator Fnll, how ever, fought hard In and out of the conference to put In nnd keep In all the Item the AP'U.Uertue school xxonled. He even went o far on one ocnalon na lo fracture legislative eti quette, which Insists that all appro prlatlnn for Indiana oilalnnte In tin' house. II AS HERE State of Business Alike all Along the Line Reports J. D. Eakin, After Long Trip. Jnme I). F.akln, president and manager of the Consolidated l.lM'mr company, ha returned from an in tereMllig trip In the northwest. He left here June H and arrived home Iho day br fore yesterday. 111m t r ' T waa a rombln,itlo:i of Imaltit-aa and pleasure, and carried him by xxuy ol Denver, through Spokane, up to SkaK way, Alaska. ttuaini-ha conditions all along the Ijne. Mr. Kakln reported, were pretty much the aame as here. Albiniuer que, for Ita Rise, wus about the moat prosperous looking town he s.ixv on tho trip. Mr. F.akui said. The only real live town he encountered was Juneau, Alaska. It la a cmmiinii: of about 7.H0II or x.nno souls, but It Is up and doing one of the bi at town he's seen. Mr. F.ukln aald. Xo town of Ita aire had a Ihnig on Albiniueriiue, however, and Mr. Fakln anld it wa mighty nice to be homo again. lirnnllaiid 111' e has a of lieoii:.. Kuril, the 1 outfielder Say Itice: hich opinion iiant i rack Want to do your "DO Ti ...:n . i 1 C OITIONS NORIIIEST ii win imy yuu vu uj inc iiuusc wdik vy ictnituy. ii ta tue cuty and convenient way, saves your time and labor, and is always safe and clean. House wiring is indeed a matter of sanitation much dirt and smoke is eliminated by the use of Electricity and the danger of accidental lire is r:duccd to a minimum. We will be glad to furnish free of cost estimates for house wiring. Call us up about it. Albuquerque Gas, Electric Light & Power Co. 502 West Central 'TARSOrr DROWN TURNS TURTLE Butler, on Wtfy to Rescne. Stuck in Canyon. Details not Obtainnble. One Report Says Driver Dead. (gpeelal DUpelrk tn Rrealna llerr'.) Hunt a Fe. X. M, .luiy 21. A leport reaching here Int.. this nflern I says Itrown nnd a woman passenger, name not knoxtn. were aexcrety but n"t fatally Injured when I'rown' car turned turtle at I'land Inst nigh', Xo details were obtainable. That "Parson" Itrown. a colored chauffeur, nell known In Alhiniticr- 3 Big Bargains in Den Furniture Ve have for several years Ktso-lalliNl In fiirtililii( Itappy Ihhikh. ami ilurlng Ilils time) wo have innilo nmny hundri'iU ol friends Win will caniewtly recitinnienil us when In ih-iI of housa. hold ummK Niahe Iho weekly specials! In our He'"iiil strn't win dows. c offer joti llilsi rr-k Tliretx I Mir ItMrgaliw In ll'. II It-MTMtK. hl'l:tlj NO, 1 lnveiiHrt tlm-e ItiN-ker of fuincil iwk.,., Rolilril Mlk , HI'l-X'l l M). 3. INUeliMr1, llirtv I;ih kcrs ami IJIerar) Table of iitdihii oak .,.4 TERMS Sollie-Peters 223 South .WATCH THIS LOW k ,-M .a W i I VACATION' HI.F. Huy you ko. In thi, list yc.j will IV, havo many other specials We ib nH charge Cnsli I mix KMaN Just and . lule received SO0 lb. Kxciyduy Choco- l'ennut Uutter Crisps 3bV M '.lasses Chips, hoc- ceiled 311c Johnhloii . . .7.V to l.iggeit H.-M- i.i g Oil tiuihs Hlle to SI.IHI Kxcry I'oiiiul on lif. I'lione Us to Ihllxer lull a I'iMiiinV 7.-.C Toilet Water. Vio let, Hose. Lilly odors . :ti 11.00 T'dlel Water. 1 Haa' iHc ri.milnl Violet Wa ter CoUate Tal cum 13s fixlxan Talcum Powder. He .hi. 3 tor lac. BUTTS, Inc., The REXALL Store -itw-k oujise Wired? house work the easiest .way? the most economical? ( IT ELECTRICALLY" - t. t i t... T"t.i::i Tk - . If THREE one uriii sinn re, win xniei m I'd Hid y at rday afternoon when hi i ir t imed turtle, wna thi- report t xx bi. h ren'hid - Alt.uitiei'Ue tins morirlntr The report could h"t bo ell her a' Cert lllo or t-"an- i ln Fe. K. C, liulbr of the ItntbT Ant. .mi. .iiv, responding t'i a call f..r help troiii Hl.iii.l, one this morning In Stanley steamer. 1le lhe innvon near Kan exer, and at the Inst P-rt Alini'i'ier hla powi-rful wn eialie, in Antonio, (ww report thi af- ternoon had nd h'-en able to get out. Iletvy ruins of last nUht have mndn the roads almost Impaacabln again. The Itiitler compnnv giirso nld Mil afternoon that their report wio. that Urnwn wn severely Injured, but hot killed. Thev knew no other taila further thin that Mr. Itutpr had responded lo an urgent rail for sn automobile at the mining camp. Tiros, n I known a a daring and tunny automobile rnc. He made hla home In Hunt a Ke. IVtall of the accident arc expected to ho avail able tonight. In Ttcrlln there nn been construct ed a skating rink with all the proper, ties of Ice. but made, of anlt, the in vention of a OerniO'i scientist. ami $47.00 $83.50 0128.50 TO SUIT Furniture Co. Second Street BOTTLE 1 PRICES your vacation need befora .nl many things you need. not list.-d on tb's page. to anjom. at cut lirhva. I'VriAT MI.IHCINI-34 ltalliird s "tiiiw Lini ment. 2.1c and 50 0- anil SUP. II. (10 Celery Compound. A good tonic tllci MIc Laxative Tonic X.Ui 2ic lieWitt W'tth huxel Halve. .Vj 2 for 35o $ 1 tut Mcl-an'a Tar, Wino Lung Halm. . . ll.oo Truax llhtu-tiiiiil.- ltemedy. gunrin tced cure 0t" 2,'.c l.itllu Iaxer 1111. lite. ; Java HI".' Pow- d. 14 II r,n V n r k e r' a i.Uiity CJrvc rrtr.ta'.u s l,, J y 1 VA pens for. xxx rja Phone 83 I 5 each 0'ar I 1 ssss.ial v 4 eiural. I I i I'Iioim- I I ;. a