Newspaper Page Text
FOUR THE EVENING HERALD. ALBUQUERQUE, N. M., FRIDAY. JULY 24. 1914. Th Evening Herald. Pii.iIIhIkiI by THK ll MX. Ill HM D, INC. UK-jlt'lK K VAI.I.lANT. Manager II. II. IIKMN'1 Kiiitor I'gldished every afternoon ex cept r'undy, ( I'H Nonh ratond rilrcct, Alhijucrue, N. M. Entered a eein,.el ta mnHr I tha posturrice ill Alliiiiiriii, N. M.. under ti. A I i f Match a. Il7. Oni month by i r arricr. r.t1- tin Wrrk liy r 1 " Una year by 01. esrrler to advan. ... t ' Ju Telephones: Huelness orilee Ill lull!.. rial Itootna HI AIT1HM ll l: AtTloV DOWN in M,,.(,ri.i muiity I new pn pet (hat i ll.pul.ll t.iti, nt n ml i 1 Hcp11l.ll' 1111 , Inlihful, tinduunli .1 mill chcciiul In lite teeth of (llMiu-ti r The Chieftain , always has l.i i n Hi putdi. .in. uml If poaaihlc it m standing 11 little palter Ihnn ever before; In which It atlniiis tlisltm t . iih being in n flux hy itself Ku Ihe t'hlcMain . "Th only wtty to be eure of wise affirmative action liy Ihe next atste legislature Ih In elc I , a house two-thirds Itcpuhlpail With mil it n houm- the opposl 1 titn oT u I 111 or 1 11 tir minority 11 ml iHinucratlc governor t i amh 1 legislation will come 10 nu tight." The above undoubtedly In it true forecast of what woti'd hnppen should Ihr people nf 111 if Male chat h two-third imijorilv of Hiaiidpul Hcpul.tlcim to the next ntwiiill.v. The iHninciatlc minority and the lrniorriillc governor opposition to III affirmative anion would he Just Incfrcctltc aa It him hern in the pnt when that romlitlon exuded In thr legislature. W could for Instance have strongly nfiirmutlve net ton n nur rxisUnx election law by which thr sheep may ho voted surely n remote districts ami In alphabetical c.rdor If desired We would huvr rtiualty afllririutlvp action "is the ex isting system it taxation by which these same t'seful sheep tsenpe tiixa tlon. We would have afllrmatlve action upon thr county salary hill proposed In the lust legislature hy llw two-thlnlx UiniMlraii inujoiliy. by whlrh irrtlrally thr onllrw In rnnw of rvary rounly In Ihr Htatr won 111 be (lumnvil tnlo the porketii of tho rnunty offlreholilrrn. We would have a fin rxnninl of Mfnriiiullve aetlon on our exlnilim llhel law. I'ortuv' miBht prcm-nt Hmlf i that w might have affirmative nitlon on th "lloniii 44" Irii lilenl. h, we would t arlmn. all rluli'. and It woulil he ofllrnuili e. From tha view point of the l.osm-H of the lHl.1 al Iteput'll'an iiihi hliie the iif nrtnatlvr ii'tlon inicht f in he run aiilerril wie. Thme men noiiirliuieai ha rurioua lrwioinm. If the people were not rntlrely familiar with tl kin I ..f .ifllimnlivr arlinn they wo . 1 from the re mit the f'hleft .,...neF they might tie Imliire.' ki- 11 aportliiK rhunie ami try the 1 pie of thlH tnte are I'tnl i.iIiiiik iiitniui'l a (Hire thing game. 'I In air U"lnK to try a new ili ah r uml 1 m w ileal. IteprrMenlMtUr Ktlulel if I 'olol alio aava lhat when l.-aihr I "oler oml anrt the prvililrnl were 1 rmlK upon him a 1 le. UHftlnmeiit I UK -tint of I 0I1. nil. 1a I lie il.iln'l wni ."ill he wan tntit ll IK a. i I'lit'ilu t w'hjM li-- It: rn many ilean 11!. Ii invim tlona In "lianipleti"." IiIh le. will Dial he hailn t oppln il for a 10e.1l In k) I si I I I III III Kl SIlMl: ;.ettv lilf -1 t K f Ion li en il-lurteil In lileti anil pew i.-.i pi-l H iligiKi 1 In an at tempi In lielllllr anil itnloil the Wolk ot lhe WiIhoIi ii roil IH Iv. but iiowln-re hue we nen o'" mile (.0 ntimghi from '.he bIiiiiiI.Ii r ac Ihr inter Iri.lll it l'i nlo Hallin innuler to the l lillaili l.hl.i North Ameraun. one of the I. uteri. -I news paper ei'e 111 nu of the a.liiMtil'liatloa. Th North Amen, u 11 pi mtx the lel tr Mia loienl ixrur. It follow: To Hie tditnr of thu Amrrl- a n . Whv inn-t good men r lie one an 01 her when there lo no nun h iik-ednei-a Hhnh they need to ullu k uniteill.N ? I have olwit hinl the hlHhevt ailmiraiion for the Noiitt AmerM an l'i aiine ll m- ii.i it four kgeoii In ullaeklng eMl Tin ud nritiioit him turned lo nuMilelon of your aimeriiy an I w your utivW on the fffnrla of Woodn.w Witnon. For III IHI time I " vou arrayed on tin. mde of eirthurk and nar row neaa. For the flrat lime I aee you man whoa ihurat ter and ai hiete nient have lxn tha mnl wonderful that we have een In thia generation, and I tannot help LrlleNe that you know Wuodrow W llaon ba giMtd. (real and rlfli tent, aa wi ll aa I do. I belU-ta that if ha had been b any iImdh a Ktpuldnan or fro graaaiva you wuuld htsa applauded llie lofty Plr.ilipfll whii'h led him to ie. mil. lie II 11 ill and rHpoiiM' the 1 a uee You a I loll of 1. ni 11 utii. mi I g.ivet niiieni. 11!. I Inn 1 upplauile.l the mar I i..uiia y hIiii Ii he haa ex l.i'.ili il to .1.1 J 11 pan. Mhiiii nil .-nt 1 1 A11.111. .1 a 11 J Knt-latnl. Voti would have praifed euiran y Kfoiin and I ii 1 f tefiiiin anil unit lrui ton. Ymir paper "aoiild lime ..Ml Mowed Willi it .! of llilli ii U and I'ljati lain line of their h 1 11 I ol.. t iv inl li.pior. Voil would hue hailed Willi dellKltt the evten.iii i l I'.iei'l pohl mid ruri.l Vou kiioH In ).nir Imuil lhe Huh i.lialK lire Jour Idea In. it ..U .iiii niii'l with t hi- i. il aKat'Ut I In 111 lieiitiiHe they are done In the inline of I N'tin.1 rai y. Hail mi) other paper I.iki ti Ihi al titude uK.'lUH tlKhl I ahoulil have fi ll none 1 hat Hal. le We know by I whom thev me owned. U'hen the North A11.1111 in ip liotiiu t the hefl IdiiiliHin we er had In the hum or the Ameiii aii flag, 1 fi el the Haine wraih whi. ll I have toward the mul titude of by poitit.K who uie 111' ihnreh pew to eloiik their peifidy. Vou would pniHon the iii'tidN of your readera Willi am h rarlmuiH about our nlalli.ii with 1 'oloili'.la i have B. . eared In the few di. tliollKll you know thin to he I tit- lunlu -il and liol.le.t w.. ould take to-j ward it weaker and aupl 1..11 elUer Hut In Joining I lie HeaiHi anil Ivtiriwi-a In trln to ilentroy and iliKlorl blah ptirpoaea you are arrahing the ahell of anni'tliiiony mid proilueiiig In thoiimindH the dlngiint whieh ulwnya roniea for ihoae who Piix'liilm their own ilghleouneiui hut are found lo betray the cunf idem o we plnee In thrrn. There la n glgimtle alriiRuU- wag' n between the aeen nnd Jh unaeen governtiienta In thla eouniry. Wood tow WiIh'ui la nol on the aide or the nneen. I alwaya Impel you were not. Are you? HKV F Benton, la . July O. I.AI IIAril Of riiKiilenl WiIhoii, Mr. Hamuel 11. HlMhe aaya: "I; I th it nttlltule of mind Hint hag given him the pluee he hita and will hold, the tdaee if iiiiiilfliiiled Ic italertdilti of hi oi.riV uml inaxlery of eeiila." Mr. Wythe needn't try to l oni eal It; It I fnlrly . evident that lie ndtiiirea the presi- j lent : Mit. i:ihm oKi- his iti;.T. M H. KUIHMN appear to huvo het-n pretty thornughly rotit-( ed In hia poaltlon that paper UM-ll In the nianufiuture i f the tig-1 arette la Ill brief, widely a. rieillleil iiuthurU'ea nnnounee that ua a Judge of tlrarettra Mr. Kilmuii la th. evneat t leelrn Ian ill the world Not only h.l a triu iworthy firm of atialHI deehiied. lit rehpt-i t to 11 i-ample of eigaretle papei' i-iil.niitled lo Until, that they hale found no polr-on, but there ha been brought before the pill. lie again the. faiiioti lei duration of the Loudon La 111 el, thai of the Ihrre form m whuh to baei o In Miioked - cigarette. cli;ar 11O1I l.ll......l.. ...... u ll... I V ........ haimltil I In 11 way, Mr FdiHon muni bliime the children for Hie rebut e that hn been admiiilKiered to hi. 11 which la' ,l t pity, nine he h.l done much delight 1 hildien. l-'or vnrloii ren Moiin. Hie boy who hidcji behtnd the barti un. ym"ke iniiNt tie .becked; and In order that he may e . be. ki d be ban been lubl many alarming Hum; Children haven't any biml ii. w ith I'lgiueitu. J'Pey halt n't HIV lillVlllfrt with KWold.l or Silk. bat, either, but iIocb th.'.t aupply a u.iM.ii why n 11 an ln uld have u "mil or n e'lk oat? It i 1.1 be regn tied, however, thai 1 gnat man like Mr. Fdion ahould ii ni 1 1 In own mlnetit prnvin to gi.. in luirriicy to a biiM-Ira auper- t i 'on. Mr Ldi."n 1 a koo.I Amerlcuti whuh may .n ount for thii fact that be ha tiot I. hi eel wb'U i 'ally t vi v n.ilion ktioUH, and what Hie Loudon Lame! luut pni iiiio pii.;, naiiulv. Ibal a w relatite iut.ntii..n the clg- 1 r. l 1 len t by any mean ua I1l.1t k u the imir or 11 the pipe. President kludge, of Hi" l k InI 11 ml road .i that the al.v of the pieMiil l umi tr 1 r..i of wheal l due ' hlelly tu (be production of more buelit In per to re It wit not ao tery loiiK ago thai the fauiou ' Jim'- Hill, who aa muuy wine thinga and muD I hot he think w lee, explained to an i...rclu ni'.e puiipc Unit the pruilur I1..I1 ol our Hgrn ulturul In ml per aire am aleadily dimluiKhliig, ull'l he told whv thla 1 ol.ld not but he. Ihr rt'l He hid the ttalletica lo prove It Nuw I'.'ll tunia up tu din pi o a liim- ll.-iiry (Ti ailcid Ms Fourth "I July pee h at tirant'a tomb with peiaonul renmnai encei Thla wua "ii ul them. 'Hue very warm aum incr day tit ntrul tilierman poked hia head thruugh the back door of the euaionirrs' room of my ollkce. Then he atarted, and ran to the front door, where he pauaed Jimt long enough to thout: 'Hooray' 1 weld through broker's ollba and navel luat a. t entV " QOLOC Rotinil Fiddle. -- R nSK l- l.T. If we ti 1111 111 lie r .ioy Willi rollr led Ii-lit In Iti B lent fo- ilaiiiaue to bin leu- illation fiotn n iditor who he al leged had lila led linn. O - IF IIAIINKS make il nil. M, miiilia I'nif'TO will t.iae j whiii at the t'ol- I n u I. I AM) Til Lit K S Mtlipliy loo O Ti HA V M.ilelai l..r NiiTIIIN'tl of niiineri.ui 0 1 ureal Wealth. NAT1 UK FAKIItJ. -O AM 1.1 Alia. ! - o i 'AKIiAN. I ulllliiK lo Mr. Hit 'em I till the nut. it-fly lin y waul, ri-eer .ng llie null nt .tin. mil pi one ut ion. I j f . III! VNZA. 11111I1. nil ln wlils- kem. plainly 1 a liilinor int. I O- IT H I'lH ift i.-i:), now that II1111I11 him left the iiitililry, t llnd out whal beiatiie of I'nvalf Hainuel Turk. IN. f(,,M.. g!A.,XKIts tF,trH , 1,1,1 l.ilnid that Hani ala.. Ime the eoitntry. ara hit - O I MIKKIFF IfiMI-.ltii mid I loii mountain I hi a have gone I Ihe whele he lull timber I". H.Mil'.ri In the wooda? 45 WKI.I, IIAIIHI.Y. o rtiKKST l.t iVKIlS, maybe. UltYAN la eneouraged over the plopt-it fi" pt-aee bu'weeti I'arranxti and Villa that he hu de. Pled VI1I11 iloeiui t need any mure arum or am munition. j oflt CKCHKTA It Y j aoul. ia u tli'UIKhtful i WiiMiKII the railroad waul I retain rulea l-ii reased. The New Haven eiititrnlled the IiiiuIiiik ot f .l.iinii, ikiii. ntui worth "f buiiieH mi nuilly and allll cutildti't pay u dl- ,etid. ' ei.Aivt.v ilia. MuHMiiltuanH don't PLAINLY Intend to permit any Wleila to grow iit Alla-)iM. -0 J M. fAII.I.AFX probably real Ire ;new lhat It' h:d polli y to let Hie left I hand know what the right band I 1 willing. I --O- lNTUOlilVlXH Henalor I. I'artli. who h-m art thl iuuion'a verai'ioua r......t..l f..r lli.1i o- Monti- re lr:i l.iwky. ' t-Monloya lleliubllian J- 'I"-"'- ,, ,r i u'ik ranenei. hw im-u om ihe.Uer very li'.erally Ihi week by having three aiihaerlplioita enter, d up. ur lift . In addition lo hi own tiul.s'-nptioti he ordered the Uepuldi n.n Hint to hi fuller. J A. Spark III M' Lean. Texa nnd aim t" hi blither llenry Hpnrka nt Santa l!oi We i-ertatnly nppieilaie lbl liber. il it v n id hope to render Mr Sparki .iti-.fa.-lory a.rvbe and lo furnili mi. h u paper o prevent Ilia P grid- ting the deal. ft Ye. M.i tnl. In turning "Ul thia bunk; A eoliiiiin ever;.- li". We'le perfe' Hy awate H' Jtm. lif tn,. ,,11V . o ti,H silver lty HM.rtina llltaal Will lliil it. (Silver I'lly li-tterpriae t The ai . lllly Inclined ol miut i arc Indulging imir fun-y the day billing on whether III" 'II'J Hood . . t. i nclin e w ill it.inmen.'e ut :. 0 and In I are pbu ed every day o, :i: Willi early a miiigfroid thai l-.-peaka Ihe .lava when Jaer. Fleming wit'i" 0:1 a Imaa rate. We.ineaoay i. .hortlv alter o il o'cl.M-K when in.- matinee commenced nnd f"p I. . . 11 1 4 the alrerta Wide lined M.lid bank of hu.naiilt. wl hlna Ihe tinliiue perl'ir-tiati. Tbur-ilay atier- noon Ihe i . liini' in .-a late. It ... :t'3 before the rt tlo.ul down but ll in ol up I I fur It Water llline 1 . .... ..... -ic ii a'-keit 111 nun " ., . . Hood In a aa the lugge -t ' m"i .....r ol veal, ihr w iter even reaching over the id.wilk, ill Nhoe-i.iaker- earner. The pilL.iy w 1, ted l until I" " i H'liv and han dled Ihe waler nuel.. Tlte damage done to Ihe l reel, however will re unite aeveral day' '" "rk with the illy team mil at reel tin before Ihe. ale pl.t'-ed in good dllion. ' Two Peas in a Pod (Via York World ) N til.ft.u let eliould bM pliu'ed In the way of a political ulliun.r be tween Mr. KooteM'lt nd Mr. Iler! The, ate twin souls and It long to gether. There are no other two men in American polite s who have ao mtn It in coiiiiitu.i. Holh of ihein tleleat the V.'llaoii adiiilnolrallon. nf ih' in are Jil'.goest who me fund iint nlii I an tagonist to the preaidi lit a Mexican polity. Hoth of them are n f.nor of breaking fallh in the Ha Pau l, efole treaty If older g'e a tibtdy lo Ilia toMKtwIae nioaopol). Ib.tlt o. Ihein prof.-aa lo believe Iha. Hi. Wil son administration la re.tpuiixiide for hard tlmra. Hot It troth ul ihe mouth at every mention of the I oloiiiblan treaty. Jli.lll of them advocate leglllatel.' tnori. p.dy. I'oth of 1I1' 1.1 are agulnat an Impartial t-nfort emeiit of the Hhennaa aiill-trut law. Loth rl Ihtrn faior the initiative, reterendum and reiall. II. dh of them are vehem ent In denouncing all hwt except Ibrin. !ve. Jlolh t.f H.em were eilu tated at Ilia sum unheiaiiy and have An Unusual Sample Dresses "Just Received from New York The latest models, some with Russian Tunics. Fabrics are plain and figured Voiles, Ratines, Crepe Voiles and Crepes, both while and colors. This Will be a great Dress Sale; Values lo $17.50, on sale Saturday Your Choice SEE WINDOW DISPLAY The Golden Rule Dry Goods Company ntient their Uvea in political ugna.loti. Hoth ol Ihein weiu horn to fortune and relieved of Ihe ircelty of turn ing their dully Jbread which hua eu iil.led them to tl. vote thenim-lvts un remiitinglv .t "the xplolinelon ol their ambition.. Hoth are pepelui.l en ndidiite. Willi a vagrant party al b'Klauri. that titn lie held only by honor and olflce. ll. .lb or them believe in nillitarlm a;'d lni eriallmn. Hoth of them are nunt'iid independence for the I'llll IPlne.i. fiotii of them believe In o . cut rulizcd got eminent. Hoth ol ihein are on intimate terms with cer tain form of big; busino ami b of them favor the use of goveininelll il poer I" mine forlunes for favored individual. i if the two, Mr. loiirvi lt ha ability and I more voraatlle, hut Mr. Great Trials of History Till Hi OF II IT i;hh II WIS. ' - WIILN ihe civil war wag over and the Confederate arms h.i I met with il', reeent lueiil was l.ll i tile In.rlh again! toulhern b a. bra, and Ihe III it person I" leel Ho long arm of Ihe victors wan Hie .. - . nt of Ihe t'on'etlera ', .'t-rierhoU I ... ... Win . i I'i -:.l"lit Lincoln waa aaas K iiateil ami Andrew Jolin-o t aiwuincl Ins place, be ,t once laid plana to ap pttheiul li.iim Willi whom lie had never I.e. n n-conclled aim e an ugiy o . bate l.etw.iii Ihein ill ihe house m trprexrniafivi In I k I a. I'tirld. ul Jnhiw.n proclaimed I'avt an outlaw for anppoeed i ohhr Hon wilb Ho- ct.nspltucy to aMtal tyie Liii.olii and offered a reward ul ti an. 'nic .. tns capture. '.'.. in 1 1. M -ti.rlhwesl ot Irwlnaville, t.a.. ut t.n v u.iwn on May lu. Ikli.'.. Il.vl and l.i. i.srty were nuri tlmd hy it llo.., ut ii. led .Slates cavalry un der tin ' " ii . 1 1 in int of t'ol. Heiijamln 1' Int. Ii, ii. i. or s moment he thought of lUbtlnu lua way through the emtio iinloii r of IIMng up his lite III the i ttort. Ha i baiiaed hia nirul. boa, .r. and itbmllled to his capini. who cundutted him to Mn- on, ami i tor, i turned him over to Hen. Jain, i Ii Wilson, ihe highest I n. i. il m -ti.- olllcer la lhs region. The Join I., y to Macon was made unpleasant b, the Jeeta nf the captors and hv Hi. i tblbltlon to the party ol I'i i aid. -it Jobnnon'a nuiiiil. !.. Hut I'ltvi re. ottii.ed that It wits ihe hand ol an oil personal and pulitkal enemy. Fio:n Ma. uii Mr. Iuvle was gent t" AuuiiMa, ii.i. where Vice I'rcsldcMt Mepheti joined the pally as a cap tive. Mrs Hi vis and her children ao ii in pan led the prisoner. After aome daya Hpent on a ship ftcpheia ana rent lo Fort Warren, In Unarm liar bor. and I . via was placed ill a case ment in Forties Moiir.Mj In a fen days lien. Nelson A. Milea waa given charge of Ihe "state pris oner," and he ordered Irona In be rivlird to hi ankles. All the books except the llll.le wera denied him. and even letters from Mrs. Iiavla were nut allowed to he delivered until after they had been inspected. I'avia waa compelled lo lemal i In Ihia prison until autumn, when Hr see Oreelv. Henry J. lUymnnd. t'harltt ti'Connnr, nd oiSfr norihe'n Sale of 100 New $3.95 Hearst has more Independence and courage. Mr. I learnt itlwaya lltuince hia own campaign: Mr. Ilooaevelt get gentlemen In Wall street to Huan t hia campaigns; but this la a difference In method rather than of principle. If Mr. Ituonevelt were aa rich aa Mr lleart. he wntibl (.robatily do hi tin financing. too. Mr. Ilooaevelt I more popular than Mr. Hearst, but Mr. Hear gnea to pre nftener than Mr. Ilooaevelt and lias greater ttlenl for appearing ' dlNlnlereted when ''putting something over." 1'robaiily a man who han lied a tiring around u finger an a rctnl id' r Ih Ihe Invenlor of a ring fo nhe pitr pone with am h a large selling that when It la turned around the weartl can li'. close hia hand. men lock up his case, and he was given new and more comfortable (-nailer. Finally. In ihe summer ol Inn. I lav la and his fnmll were re- united, and were allowed rooms In I Carroll hall I Finally the charge of connect Ion in j the aawiltiat Ion of l.i teoln fell tu J Ihe ground, and thel the policy ol pro. cfiing oil the charge "f ireueoii j was taken up. Hoth the president and tieneral Irani opposed the plan of a trial on Ihia charge, f On May 4, 1 k 7, Pavis waa conduct -. ed to Hlchmiild, where hia ae waa tn he heard. Tha following day he way set free on a bond slgnutl hy Horace (ireely. (ierrit Hitnth and oilier former opponent of the south. The released prisoner al time went lo Ciinuda tn meet hia family and others, whom the fortunes of war hud driven I tin exile. In October Dnvis waa aital t sum moned o appear In the Fulled Hlaira cnurt at lili-hmond. The Indictment lhat wag drawn up against him was briefly aa follows: "Jefferann Da via, Inie nf th city ef Kk htm.iid, yeoman, being an Inhabitant and residing within the Fitted Ftaleg of A met I a. With force nf arms levied and carried on war. Insurrection and rebellion against tha I'nlled Higles. nd with a great niiillltu.ln of persons, whose names are t.i the turora unknown, a Ihe number of Hid person and up T aril. arraed in a war-like manner lhat la In aay with cannon, munkets, etc. levied and carried mi Ihe con flict contrary in the duly and alleg iance and fidelity nf the said Datls against Ihe ennsllliillon." etc. When Davis reached Richmond he expressed his rend I tie tn be tried, hut the council of the government aa not prepared and the trial waa again udpuned, The Canadian wri ter having prnved too vigorous for Davis, he Journeyed to Cuba, and from there ha went lo New Orleans and Jotirneved north through Ihe sec Hon with whi.h he was so thoroughly familiar. He returned to Canada and embarked with I. Is family for Europe. The rase nf Mr. Da via waa dropped 1 F-bruary 11, ltd, and after hia dlncharge he became president rf a life Insurance company at Memphia. Tenn. He eventually grilled at Hesu. voir. Mls. where he died nu Novem ber 10, 1171. . ir'A.vii. - ",.1-1 ym T "a i V vJ it 'six- i w I i ; a vvw twtMiti wwe'i Figure with us Mouldings and MILL Superior Lumber t:?Z7 i :G5i,'WWrtr WW 'XXI 4., ChecKin Accounts Those persons who receive and disburse money in large or small sums khould have a checking ac count: for the check is as good as a receipt as an evidence of payment and many firms would rather receive checks than currency in payment of bills. Deposits subject to check are accepted by this bank in any amount and every courtesy is ex tended to our patrons without regard to the ize of their accounts. NOW IS THE TIME TO METAL FREEZER. COLD. REFRESHING AND HEALTHFUL. DESSERTS FROZEN IN ONLY FOUR MINUTES. car u .1 ALBERT FABER 2'ito215W. Gold Ave. Furniture, Carpets, and Draperies, Stores. it i 1 i i i.i j ,'i".' T VI X I I t-,A I " 7, X J r-" I 111 I i on Sash Doors, Everything in WORK & Mil) Company BUY A NORTH POLE ALL- Thoroughly Well Made Practical and Serviceable Low Priced. Easily Operated. GUARANTEED TO GIVE SATISFACTION One Quart Size. . ....$1.50 Two Quart Size . ....$1.75 E3S2 V