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THE EVENING HERALD, ALBUQUERQUE, N. M., FRIDAY. JULY 24, 1914. FIVE TODAY'S LIVE NEWS OF SUNSHINE STATE PROGRESSIVES ARE GOING TO TAKE TO MR PATH RGHT 1 Action of State Central Com mittee in Santa Fe Yester day Explodes all Hope for Bctublican Harmony. hesolutionTput ban on fusion Convention to be Held at Be lcn September 3rd Expected to Nominate Full State Ticket. to rivet the collar on this voters In ill. same olcl way, mill thr widespread talk of serious dissension In I ho Item. r.cratlc ranks, with the resurgence ol Theodore Roosevelt have combined In Inallll all kinds of vigorous optimism Inln thn Progressives of New Mexico; anil the central commttee merlin showed It. It wii a meeting thiit be spoke also businesslike determina tion on the part of the organisation throughout Dm anna. IYER AGAIII HEAD cf- OF THE WESTERFJ PI? HO II HHP PMIM MOM FEDERATIOfl iBllL UJ UJJ 11 liJ L U Uvllllll UUA11$ V, I i , - : ::::-:z:zzzl. J) On Sale for the Next 10 Davs v Elias Garcia Case Found Against Plaintiff KmIhI llsiatcli tn Ttie Herald.) rionta Ke, N. M-. July 24. ljie lllia Virginia, CHy, Ncv.: Joseph l. Cun afternoon the elate supreme court mm,, Aria.; Juinea fhco, handed dow n n decision In III" casn . Jlulte, Mont. of Klorence Mllian flurciu, n minor, I a motion tn elect a committee ol ly K. N. Wilson her next friend, . three ! go Ii Hutto and hold a new satirist Mrs, Pelrii C. Uiircla. tho fu- election In the Unite local union moiia tlarclit estate caae from Albu- put over until next Tuesday when the iieriiie. In favor of the defendant, I'utte controversy will lie made a Mra. (larclu. The opinion, which la special order of business. very lengthy, goes Into the iiueatlnn Beport of Referendum Com mittee Made Today to Con vention of Miners Union in Denver. !enver. July 2t. Tho committee whlih canvassed the referendum vote of olllcera today reported to the con-1 venllon of the Western Federation ol Mltiera the election of the following: President. Onirics II. Moycr: vice president, C, r. Muhnniy; secretary-l treasurer, r.rncsi Mill; executive hoard memliera, J. O. Towney, llutle; William Havldson, New Itinvcr, It. C; ' tiny Miller. Joidln, Mo.; o Tcr. h, Ansela t'anip. Calif. Fraternal delegates to Ihe lolled Mine Work ers of America convention were choxen n a f Hows: J. c. Williams, tlrasa Valley, Pal.; rharlc Tanner,' We are placing our entire line of NEW PANAMA HATS on sale, very newest shapes, at nearly I) of legitimacy of the tiarclH child. Ihe. CTRfVNfl VtV A.TT"RF1 Tfl plaintiff and aim. Into the ethical 5 " (Kprclal ItlatNiMi to T" Herald.) Kama Ke, N. M.. July It. Action taken hy the Progressiva parly's state committee at Ha meeting here tester day afternoon put the llnla quietus on Ilia bright hopes of the llepuhlicaii leadera lor a f union In which the llul", Muoscrs might be Induced to consent to at leant a temporary union of the once solid lie publican party In New Muxlco. The Kepuldlcuus have given Bp. Hope for a get together move ment hns been abanduned and with that hope goes all hope of Republican aii''ceiia In New Mexico In November. The Progressives declare again! fuaion In any form. They turn down all possible offers of compromise, nl whatever nature, and declare for bat tie, under tho tanner of the peerless rolonel, still standing at Armageddon The action taken yesterday, the strength shown In the attendance ut the committee meeting; the energetic form of tho rejection if nil otTera of corn-Illation from the stand pal wing of the party, and the gcncrul enlhua laam shown for the cause, Indicate dearly that the Progressives will make an aggressive and a mu ll more rucccosful campaign than that l 1 9 1 S. and that they will cut deep Into the aland put vote In every Itepulili can county tn the slate. The state convention la to be held In Helen on eptcnihe? '3d.' aal nctah'.e feature of the meeting was the make up of 'be Helen committee which came up to ask for and which got the convention. Headed by M. P. tfplccr. an active candidate for the district attorneyship in the three counties over which .fudge Mcchein presides, Hplcer. a flepublicnn. has s large Hacking among Itcpuhllc-ina who are Incensed at the course of the Valencia nr.d Socorro county bTixse In handing the Republican nomlna tlon to Harry I". I wen of Albuiicr oue. with. .ol the l. rill.iMly of compil ing the rank and tile. The peroiimi of this d.lisnllon means only one thing It means a strong Progressive fight In Valencia and Kororro coun ties; with a possible fusion on the diatin I atornesh!p: and In at v event Il spells a huue cut In the Valencia county KepuMican majority, and cer tain defeat for that party In Socorro counly. The Progressive resolul Ions, adopt ed by Ihe committee are as follows; The ItewduihsTis. The ProgreseUe state central com mit lee today passed the following res olutions: Whereas, certain persona represent, ing themselves as members of the Progressive party have through the public press and otherwise, gone on record as sdvoisllng the principle l slate-wide luslon snd the nomination of varoiiv persons who are not con nected with the Progressive parly. Ho It resolved. That II Is the scnao of (his committee that no fusion ot any nature whal.iever should he con sidered with either of the old poin ds) organisations on candidates foi Slate congressional offices: And be It further resolved. That the members of Ihe committee are opix sed to the nomination or en. ment of any person for member nl Ihs house of representatives of the I'nlled mates congress or for the otllre of corporation commissioner ot the stale, who is not no recognised ns a loyal member of the Progres sic nartv snd who does not sun scribe f"Hy t' the frl'icli'les of the ,...k'. niri. na enun iutcl In I t.S 1 k- f'hlcami nlalform of 11J and in il.. Alhuoueniue Pliitfurm adoiled the sams year. nr. recommend a careful consider tin rv Ihe voters of the state snd ......ill. the members of the Pro gresslve party. f the proposed .mendment of article II of the ion- stilutlon of the stale of New Mexico relating to taxation and revenue oi h. .i.i. to b volec! on the next The Hanta Ks New Mexican, olflclal t,t .... of ihe Progressives, III lis In- I r mlu tln to a reprt of Ihe commit tee meeting, sounds Ihe spirit preoent in hs meeting when It says: Any doubts about the fact 'lint the rrrtf'ee party In Niw Mexico Is .I've Mid doing buslnees were d's iwlled 'by the meeting of the s:Me centr:il cotnmttee when It was ralltd to order by Ihe Plate Phalrman M. A. O'er.i at t o'clock this afternoon at pmun isive headquarters on .jh rrenclMco street. Twenty out of the ! counties of New Mexico were represented at the ..iherlna. which was larger than the Una of the Relillbllcan ceitrn status of the suit and In a severe ar raignment of lawyers purltiipiillnf In the plaintiff's side. SUPPRESS STRIKE RIOTS IN BUSSIA Price REPUBLICANS GROW Anxious i ft. Petersburg. July 21 Hlrong measures were taken by the authori ties today to suppress ihe strike riots which have heon In progress for sev , ersl days in the streets of the capital jdurlnif which a large number of cus ' n a lies have occurred In the conflict" .between the police und Cossacks and I the striking worklngmen. Pons.der i she leniency was shown during tho presence here of llaymond I'olnare. J president of the French republic, but Inimediniely after his departure four ' regiments of cavalry of the guard and jwo regiments of cuirassiers under the command of Ocneral asnakoff nr. With Democrats Presenting nved fr. m to ssmhi m C,i;j l,t Tli.w ir llnKI suppressing; disorders. They brought Solid Front Tney are unaoie wlth lhPm niimlWT nt (lli(k nr to See Anvthintr but Trouble machine guns. A Buauron oi mi- nt-w ly w.n..-" cavalry at once ca:ne Into eonlnct with the strikers, chnrglnit snd dis persing a crowd of them. The authorities estimate the num ber of strikers at 13'i,onn but II kr believed the total la greater. Men's Panamas, worlh $5 for . $3.45 Men's Panamas, worth $6 for . 3.95 Men's Panamas, worlh $7 for . $4.25 Men's Panamas, worth $8 for . $4,95 Men s Panamas, worth $ 1 0.00 for . . . $5.95 PARTY ROWS Come in and see these Genuine PanamaHats. Price is Right in Immediate Future. A well Informed political corre pondent wrllliig to the Kl Paso Herald has the following on the general pollt tcitl situation III New Mexico: Hania Ke, N. M . July Jl. Repub lican leaders do not understand tha harm that Is being done tho party as a result of factional rows existing In several counties tt controls, especially in liernallllo. and as the date for Ihe atkter ' tutivenllon In August ap proaches, steps for bringing about an CANANEA MINES FIRED BY STRIKERS iioukiss. Arm.. juiy ji. me , Oversight and Vela tlrsnde mines of TO curfVDTVfl Ih. I'smiiiw.u Polisolldated I'onlier t Llih Id OWIitflllU sgreement sullsfuctory Mall factions (l,lnlnny punanea. Konora. were I TTJDTANA CITY are being taken. found on fire early todav.. The Vela I . A Republican defeot this year Will 3 runl was burning in several seriously handicap the party ill the places, slving rise t o Ihe iH'llef that m slate campaign, when a governor the tire was ln cndi.rt y. Pompany and stale oltb ers will be elected, and llii lals said they hoped to get the this Is ivhy a victory Is desired In No- blare in thut mine under cmtirol to- M oilier when a congi essmaii. slate day but not much hope was held for corporation commissioner, und mem- ih,. Oversight mine, with whU It it Is bera of Ihe lower house of the legts- inline, ted by a tunnel. IMuro are elected. j The Popper (Jueeii helmet crew of tt-nicM ratM (.row Mronger. st asoned men is en route to the mine The iN-mocrala sre already patch- because of first reports that several Ing up the minor rows Ihey have In miners were eltlomlied, but it (level several counties and Imhcatloiia ore oped later that no one was en ibey will present a united oppositon trapped. to the Itepublcans and the "Progres- T. ... nlvca." Wilh the iMiiiocrals working &L1UA MAX PiLVtU hat mo and the Kepuhlu sns ! 1 (Golden We Pry Goods Co. N",iseSii.rfes-"Wa and "Progressives fighting um.n themselves slid opposing each other,' prospects for either of these parlies' to defeat the 1 icin.x ral I. candidates' appeurs extremely unlikely. Congressman II. H. Fergusson. who is assured of renominaiion oy ine BE TRIED FOR TRY AT ROOSEVELT'S LIFE Jasonvllle, Ind , July 2t. Klre, 4) which started shortly alter noon v today in the Kamlly theater, a motion piduro house berc had spread to a e ore of liualness houses, covering a ruillua of four Mock, ut 't o'clock and was unchecked. Thousands of do- lars' damage had been done but there was no way of estimating the prohablv loss. Jusonvllle la practically Willi- I out water supply liccousc 01 the drought. Help has been asaed ' troin Ihe Terr- Haute and I.111- ton Pre departments. IS E SUIT BLACKMAIL Milwaukee, Wis , July 21. John ' Si hralih. who attempted o, bale Colonel Itoosevelt in MilwauAee' In t" 1912, proloibly ncver will Democrats, will return in August to rlri, n t- ,.nltrBr f HWlHu wiih' ate:id the Ix.iioiallc slate conven tion. It Is said, though he w III be re nominated as a mailer of couise, with Utile or no SANTA FE US LOYALLY HIRE SUBSTITUTES Good Roads Day in the Capi tal Witness Enthusiastic Turn out of Bosses. Excel lent Besults Accomplished. feeetal ltae'rh eveealwa MepalSI Santa Ke, N. M.. July 24 Al though the percentage of bosses on Ihe Job today wus somewhat high, ha 11 la Ke's good road and ch-sn-up day proved a huge success from the standpoint of results accomplished. More than seventy-live men were hired by citUens, and wlih strong force from Ihe penitentiary the whole city was swept clean in whirlwind campaign. Not a weed remains standing; not a hole remains unllllud. Justice llauna. of the su preme court headed one of the bri gades of workers, getting up Al day break to do It, after having been up nil night In an adventurous automo bile Journey from Peirlllos MolorlMa Mu k In Mud. The iwrsleteut heavy tains have made ail roads leading Into facta Ke ilifllcull of navigation. With the heavy rain here last night over four Inches have fallen during July and the total will reach six Inches at the present rate. The parly of Masons who went to CciTilloa last night to attend ceremonies of the Cerrlllo bulge were Stuck In the mud com Ing home and didn't get In until day break. The I;. .swell delegation to Intent lo kill, according to Judge A. ' C. line k tis of the linilil' I.mI court who ' today received word from physicians In the irlminal Insane department ol the slate prison ut Waupnn that i hrank Is dally growing worse rrom a mental standpoint. HAVERSTRAW SHOCKED BY BRUTAL KILLING llavcrstraw. X. V., Jul v -Wil- CRIMINAL CASE3 TO WAIT UNTIL CIVIL SUIT WELL STARTED New York. July H.:iv.: until the civi suit filed yeslcrduy o dissolve Ihe New York, New Haven and Hart ford railroad Is further advanced will criminal action iik illist certain direct, ore and olllcera bo begun, according to an aniounement today by T. W. Oregory, special assistant to the nltor. l.ey general. The answer of the New Haven ccmpuny o the si.'t In equity brotiKht yeslcrduy must he tiled on or before Ihe h.. ..... Willi...,, V n,u,j August u, ine on - town clerk and political leader, kill criminal action is cxj.cciod lo start. Kugene It. Newman, hlaoung son-lT-j homo AllioqiM-ripio peh Hate Ishuim'U Tlial c1i la Han gemua. Ihe allghtcst miliums of kidney troublo la far too serloua to be over looked. It's the small, in slo t' 11 taw. In Cleary's olll. es cMi r.i.iy les- ! tilled at the coroner's lniuest today that Cleary fired four shots at New- J man before the boy had said s word.' Plenry will bo arraigned Mnua morning. An autopsy was performed today on young Newman's hodv. New man Is ald to have aroused Piearv's nger by eloping With Ma daughter. r(,nlilea that so often lewd to serious .kidney ulliiients. Thai pain In the RAINFALL RECORDS smaU" of y. ur ba. ki that urinary Ir. BEING SMASHED IN i ZX' -. SOUTHERN NEW MEXICO feeling, may ba nature's warning of kidney weakness Why risk your lite llurl..v V. XI.. Julv 51. It Is be- by neglecting be, symptoms? Iteacti lieved that all records for rainfall In the cause of the troublo while there any one month have been broken yet Is time begin treating your kid- here. Mince Hi. first of July a totul tuya at once wnn tneu ami ioo .. of &.7S Inchea of rain has fallen. Kat- I idney remedy. No need to expert- urdaif a wall of water II feet high ment I loan s Kinney nils nave nccn swept down Ihe canyon at the rhino successfully used Conner compuny'e power station, on lli Progressiva slsts committee ro eei 1 io . . - - - - ........111.. ...M in lr. ss enthusiastic. I meeting yesterdav Were stalled ' Th. hnoeless si. Ill In the Ttepuhllcan 1 the Pankey tanrh. where thejr werelreail !n FtoHert Horns' cottage L-sriy. the giUmpt of the old bo.sf. lorctd to spend th Bight. Ayr. lie was lined UtS lu thousands of cases of Kidney trouble for over it) years, fiosn's Kidney Pills ure usjd rnd recommendi d throughout the civ. Ilised world. Kn.b.rsed at home. Ilca-l AlbuUerun tesiliuoiiy. Mrs. J. t. Cole 119 fl, tlroailwuv, Albuuueioue, sa); "Kor some lime Is the best In cars. Ilange grass Is one of our family suffered from his Whisky creek, while st the II ranch six feet of water was registered. The Mlmbres river Is full of water, Ihe first lime In three years. Kur.n era along the river report bountiful supply of water snd the crop outlook knee high. At aeveral points the re cent hlsh water did considerable dam age, washing away corn ami alfalia. The wheat has sll been harvested and tucked. back aa the result of kidney disorders. Hearing of Moan's Kidney Pills and seeing that Ihey were recommended for such trouoix. he tried them. I loan's Kidney Pills gave relief I rm the achea and pains, and drove away the lameness over Ihe kidneys." Price 10c. ul nil dealers. Iioni simply ask for a kidney remedy get City, today l'..ll'a Kidney Tills the same thai the county Mra. Pole recommends. Fosler-Mtl- KtiaV Hunts lb-lb'. Iiuinfrles, tcotlaiid, July St !' vld (Irsham Cnrmichael. a silk In spector of New York Plesded gulMy before court Judge at Ayr to the theft of a burn Co., Props.. M1IT.1I0, N. Y brass handle from an antl'iue bu- ... ...... in lt the Hers Id wsnt ad do your ' work Las Cruccs Man Issues State ent Regarding Action for $30,000 by Fair Defendant in Hot Springs. Cruccs, V M . July -'!. O. C II.. Kir. luinker of Ibis 1 in. nualirHi whom a brea.-h of proiotbe action was Hied In Hanl.i Ke this week by Mrs. Itose Kishb.ii k of Hot springs. Alk., In wlicii the fair plalntifl seeks to recover I'.n.riClii for lilleged ilaimtHcM lo her nfftcllonii, di-clarcs Ihe null Is 1111 attempt at blackmail In a statement puhlmhcd In the Iji 1 in. cm II. pulili. an Mr. Il mcr savs Hint hli ac.iiainiauce with Mrs. Klsb hack covered bsa than m nionthH. and while nmler other ilicumsiaiuee she iiuulit have become Ills wile, he had ihe. best of reasons for tl.o ter miiialioii of hia n.'..iainlnn. e with h.-r. aci'oiduiK to bis stal. lneiil After his mat Nunc, on June ttth. lull, to a most lady, the woman known as Mrs. Kh-hhuck began to an noy him Willi 101 uce anil in other ways, ami the suit for breach of promise Is the result of his con tinued refiioal to tnut with her or pay trilMitc. A ompromi-.. has tecn s. null 1 f,,r Mrs Klehloiek which Mr. Hagei' refuses to eolertain, prefer ring to have the mutter come Into the courts, slid tn sclllc It In the open where till Interested may know the unfairness of the suit ugulnsl him. Mr. Hager Is well known here and his standing Ima always been that of an lone. ruble, upright gentleman. He Is respected tiv nil who know him and has Hit .null years of bard win k and fine inn 11. menu lit 11. cumulated eoiisideralbe woulih. and Is now vice president of the Klrst State bank und a. lively engaged In Ihe benks' business. W. II. HAIR 00, rsT th Ilea In PxmiI ul All Hindu. PHONE II. CEI.niM.O8 LIT at p OAI.I.UP IAIMP (IAM.UP f..i ANTrlTlAriTK. A 1,1. SI,B.l RINOI.INO AND Ml 1.1. WO l DRK.'K ANU PLAHTKUINd I.I MS gANTA r BKICK IMKU M-AV M AN' t.l- MHVT WHITE ELEPHANT BAR OM.Y OSV. HKI It t)M HHAI t.lir Mere-ra. V. . f .nines g. t.' bl Crow Ulihtkc ami llermllsge Hye regularly scrvrl. All oiler hwdlng bra oils on tail, t-pei la I server no all liigli clnoa drink. J. V. TAWsllt. Manager her company 11,711 43, Craig A- Na tion of tbii citv t.Jl t''-'. und I. H. ClulK of this ill I :. I 4.'.. The stills were filed to .oltecl these Mllns. The Title, liiiaiaiitee and Kurely compniy of fcrant'.n. Pa., represents Ihe ooodsmcn l(( the cooltaclois. TORRANCE COUNTY DEMOCRATS HOLD CONVENTION AUG. 1 August 1st has been chosen us the date lor liol.linu the Torrance county In nun nith' onvc mien, lo be held " la The preiiiu t plimailcs will be held tomorrow. FEDERAL BUILDING CONTRACTORS AT ROSWELL SUED It. .swell, N. M.. July il. Attorney A. J. Nibbet In In half of clients has tiled lour suits agai ist J. K. und A. U Pennock and the Tnie i.uaiautee and ninety company of t-. raulon to 'oi led sums aKrerfatlug j,U.i. The suits ale tlcd Ihe I'tiltcd (taleg against J. K. snd A. I. Pen- nock and their bondsmen in hehalk of Mr, Nlsbet's clients and were tiled In the rolled Males district court. J. kC. and A. I. penuoiK Hie the contractors who constructed the big federal tiuihlmir lu Ibis ill. and ac cording to the complui-iis Hied by Mr Nisbet Ihey went away owing the lUllol at Howard Lumber company vf Jjcnver I2.UUU. Hie lloswcU Lutu- LADIES ASKED TO BE DELEGATES TO GO vE T O Managers of Big Santa Fe Meeting Hold Ladies as Much Interested as Men in Boad Improvement. Simla Ke, N. M. July it In re sponse to several re.uesls I lie loc .1 good roads as. . hi today made snnouiicc mcitl that the ladies are I-hie to net us delegates to the good roads meeting III this tit. licit week with e.iial ability and lighls us ths men. The ladles re also lliv lied to attend all sessions of the oiiveiit.on. as guests, if they do not care tu do so as delegates. Thia announcement. It la expected, will result In a number f the dele gates bringing their wives with them to the met 1 1 na and In Ihe Iik lease of Ihe association rtuiiihershp through the ladies paying their memhershll' fee a id registering a delegates. Many of those who make the Irip overland will bring their wives with ihcm In any i.veiil snd this ptateme n is ' peeled lo Increase that nil nher. President Kram la K. laiter of th" lale b.Khway i.tll ials', discussed Ihe mailer as follows: ''This good roads question is one in which the iv. men of our slat are in terested as lino II Ihev nt in lb school i in .I i. hi They travel Hie toads: many of them own property l... tses help pay for and n.iin taln Ihe r..a Im. ami they an- geiieiallr ;n line with al! progressive move ments in the v.,1.1. Why slmuM to""' nol be Invilcd to attend the mc ; mi: if thise conventio..s which are to ! held for the purpose of dlsiuasin Subjects III which th 'y are ' Unity in terest -il ' 'ltt- Will Work Slreeti. To aid In getting Ihe streets of R.llta Ke Into proper cmlit mn f..r Ihe Inspection of the vImiiuk go."t roads d.'lesali" the .iiire.m. nt the re.Uesl of the tliatn'.ei' or .111 merce. will turn out in a 10 pot in a day's Work as common .li.r rs. side hy side vvlth a ilclcitati'.n of pris. oners from the ia'c penltenltarv whose labor for 1 .1 iv h.. lieen do nated I. .- Ihe war i. 11 ot Dial mm it 11 ll..n. The local hoy scouts, will carry water and art as me (.seiners. The 1 ha.'iber ltif has gone on re" .rd as favi ring th,. representation of each of lis tnem.iers on the streeM that day. either 111 person or by ptov The lolleiiloti i f Inn. la for the en tertainment of th delemilev at ILs meeting has been commence.) nnd considerable prgicng his l.een los.le Th finance commute., is hard t work so. I enpecis to have the f inds raised In tonight. Promises of nt len. lance continue to in and It looks low like H meeting would he a lousing sftiie whl. h will place -anta I'V on ihe good r .ids map tor many vears lo coins. To give concrete columns f..r huild Iro wide found. .lions a lierman en gineer has Invented a method for hlastlmr away the earth Willi ilvna mlte. making a hole which the soft concrete iUlckl fills. lirowers of the r'renrh Itlvera. wh ship si". nl 2. 'mo. ens lo-xes of rut flow ers to distant cllica every year. hav found thai they keep fresh mu.'h longer If kepi in co,d storage for n day or tu before shipping.