Newspaper Page Text
SIX TTTE EVENING HERALD, ALBUQUERQUE. N. K., FRIDAY, JULY 24. 1914. GHaBLES DiVILBISS HABEAS CORPUS TO SHOT TO DEATH T Former Albuqucrquean Killed by His Son-in-Law, who Then Turns Gun on Himself. Wile.too, Dying;. Word Ii ih bun rcriwd In n iiir killmt: i.f tin i ! m I iv iImm., ii I ii 1 1 n I . I . r ho hIii, ill ti year ki. w " ii ri-Mili ill 'f ihi illy mill wt-ll known ti ii iiitniler if A 1 1 iij iit-r. ii-:i t ii. in 1 I.oh Ainttpx I.ihi k, Ai'i criliiiK In hi AiikTlift 1 1 r 1 1 I. Iitvilhls hii nlo'l fli-ml liy ll.K eotl In law. I I 1 ! k-i n. Ill llii' iiim ii 'i' .f hiK wife lliol hi ii,ii:hft-r l: tfiin'l: wife, lie- 1 mm linn lni',1 it I. nil. t inlo hi" own )i ml, Mccor'liin? to Hit ii'-coiim. ami Wan taken awiiy In il dylhK coml il loll. Tho xhootmK followed n hitter oril iorrii I'liwi'fii Im.IiI'fk hii'I IllH iill-lll-la , en tlio Herald ac count. ItcKan drew it revolver Ami tired. Mm I m Hiuns jumped lo h r hiinlutn.rit suit, whin Hie hot wire llird. Tw o n( lliu tm I Ii (k turn her lol hlng. Willi Mm. Iilvildls nubblna mer the hoily of In r fn. illy woiimlcil hu Iitiiul, Ittniin kmi-i'd hi wife u I- I'Ve lltl'l null ,,. hy Hhool illK IlilllKt If III I lip lll-ltd Itl'MHII. wii ii railroad ii in n . Ii IIMkm. wiih 4 5 years old 1 1 in wllp tiiiiiliii ii hoard I nit Iioiihp ut 4jS SoiiiIi Flower, Lou AiikpI". Mis IIpii.'iii, in Iho Iiiki at aires of roiiMinii.on, wa so affected hy Hip trm.'i ily that she. Inn, wim In u il Inn ri. inlii i,,n when tbo Herald account wim printed. DISCHARGED SOLDIER, CHASES EASTERN TRAIN Tlirpc special cars, carrying; inn iIimi humid soldier, nil from 'the I'hlllppliieH, were Hltm hrJ to fdiiila Fc Iniin No. 2 thin afternoon. Mont of Iho soldier piled off her lo buy frlut nml oilier comforts. Two of Hum nunc within ii n mo of golnit under thp wheel whin llipy scrniti hpl alioanl a the Iruln i n 1 1 1 mil. uml Mil' of them a Mark one--iniHiti il the train altogether. Tin- lii'l seen of him ho wus runnlnu ih.wn Iho track after tho cuntern ex press. COMPLETING DETAILS FOR CANAL OPENING WimhlnKtnt. July it. Wur depart ment olll. lulu today were I'll 't I lot l i mn for the opening of thp I'nnuma rntinl to rninmi :it p on AiikiiM 1 .V Thi vpiwl which woiilil hp given the honor of leading H Meet of merchant nu-ii Ihrmiuti- rhv (treat win it wot timl Hot been ilptprinlni'il upon, hut It fl prohalilo that thp Cristobal, a war rtrpartmini steamer, would ho lifted. - Weather is cooler. You will relish a square meal. Look over the list , tele phone your wants. , . , Fresh Fruits Iced Strawberries Native Blackberries Fancy Teaches, Apples and Bananas. Watermelons. Vegetables Fancy Sweet Corn j Green and Wax Beans , Bell Peppers Jt Okra m J;. Green Chili Cucumbers Beats j i ' " Turnips " Celery Young Radishes Green Onions Fancy Botavia Asparagus in cans Fresh Potato Chips Mixed. Sweet and Sour Pickles Green and Ripe, and Stuffed Olives Batavia Special Blend for Ice Tea. Corn Fed Beef, Pork nnd Mutton Bnileri Hens Boiled Ham and Minced Ham In the Meat Department W. L. IV 109-111 Korth Second St. Phones 41 and 521 " ITm'! GOAS lHilWltlNS'1 I S REUNITE FATHER DAUGHTER i ? Counsel for Artheur McKcnzie Prepares to File Fetition for Wiit in the District Court This Afternoon. An i minuet for Arthur Mi Krnxn WiukIou. Arm. Hritnlor Ihh.' Iluiih i Ii ih a fii't noon prrpuri il H prtil"1!! for a w I it o( h.ii'i'iii rorpim In tin I fT'llI lo ll-l pOKNl'MMOll 'f M' KPllxil"'!! Hi v i n vi-iir-ohl ilumvlitir l')a. who in now in Ihf i nftoiiy of M' Ki'iixir'n ili v or. ill will. iiii-i WiI-ioii Mi Ki'i . Mii. Mi K rii.ip I l ivimt wiih In r inoihi r. Mm. K. 1. ilmni, of W'ihI llaxhii'. iipiur. AK llit M K'liri,. Ko ii ilivorii' from his wllp in Nuwijn i on nt y . All X"iia, thin Miittiiiipr. uml wan nwiiritpil Hip i iii-lmly of Hip i hll'l. Hp ioihIp foriiml ill iiiiiml lor Hip Kill ymlrr- lay. hut wiii rifiiHpil nt the li.iini. of IiIk foiimr inothcr-ln-law . Thp piiiiion will hp fill, I thin .if tprmion. Hi ii'iior llnrlli Hlali il, uml torn.. now Jtulirn M. ('. Mi i hi m will hp nfhpil to nmkp thp writ rplurnahlr hi forp JiiiIup Itayiiolilii Auunt S Tlio I" lit il In Klali (I, will rr Hp Hi'' fm tM m I forth in the romi.laint ami the fiiiilinici: of fnvi, unil will ul.inlt that il.? mothir Is not (ompetent to have runtoi'y of Iho thllil I.piiiiihp nhp Ih nul'i.r n Imniornl linpulPti. Mrr. Mi Kenxle him rrtalni.l JmUo W. i". IHar.M'k. ARCHAEOLOGIST TO INSTITUTE Sylvanus G. Morley, one of Most Prominent of Santa Fe School Scientists to Leave for Guatamala. (SlMflHl DUpiii.l. i., i.i. olni llemlil.) Siinlii Kp. N M, July :t. It III ! I'linouiireil ti iln that yluuun 11. Morhy. oiip of thp iiiokI proiiiiuint (irii!! mi n tcil with Hip Amer' i.ui An h.n-. lom ill Innlitiite a'"! I'liiiiiiiii nt in thp work or the t honl llPU', hllH II HIKIll-ll til ai l Ppt U pl'bl- .ti"ii with the fariirRlp lin-i:iiitp. Mr. jMoli. U H expertnl, will bp im 1 Hixiipil at om p to take rhnme of i T ploriitli.'iiM now mull r way hy tho t'lirmale hiHiitution in Central Amur- I." --. . Itf III VI1llll1llj. Xi'W Hltlo 4 ompiiliy lnitiriirullii. . J.uiipg llo.ull. William lloyiill. nil. ninny in Huati'iiiulii. i " Uoyiiii unil Nlrm A. Itityuli, nil of Silver I'Hy. toilny fl,., Hrtn Iph of Im orporatlon for the X-V 1'utllo lolnpaiiy, with capital Bloi'k tit lluu.uuu. MILITIA MAY BE " CALLED OUT FOR THE TULSA SITUATION TihVi. ik In. July 21. The ImpuM over the ho, i. h of I nil,., I,.H Mur HoIiiiph I'., vl, Noii aliil I .1 I' a iletiny. who were nhot ami kilieil yeieril.iv l.y Win. Huh.-r. while ul li uipi hi; to i nt! r H,,l., r w ri Kiili tti e lo, Ii il lor all- K'-il i "iiii.i,..ui,l h'piora, was xt.irteil help loilay. M' mc wile reeeiyeil from uk. i. hoiini city ht.iiinu tha'. liovpruor I'm, c. h oi rcf.-iwil a irli rr.iin bikii"! by I Tiihui t it, . n, iihkitiK Klul,, lu ll rv tin ion, hut Hint th gnvi rnor hail taken ho in lloli. Aironliiij in Iho polirr. Iinvliliuiii hail in hi,, porket when kllh il, a war rant aui hoi ixliiR earrh of Haln r's home fur llnunra ami Iho fptlerMi nin eer vii forty feet from Huber when he abut down. f.ovomor Will liivcwllitm. 1 .'lly. I'kla., July floyprnor t'nien annoiimeil toilny he W'iuIiI hp ml Atljillniit lietieral htanti'l tu Tula In In v isi'fule rmiilil Ioiih urln Inir out of Hi,- killi'iit of t'nllp.l Hlalen M.,r-lnil IIoIiiipi l)uvi,on mill K,l I'lal nk. a ihi'iity. by William finder. AHhom-h lo. r.reiti1 rooueMtH frritn muiy Tiiikii eltixons lo rail out the tin ointl KH,ir, Hie n,.wiii"r ha not le u lieil a iIpi'IhIoii on Hint point. ALL DRIVERS MUST BE STRICTLY SOBER f'nlt, r. i, l,i SpriiiK. fol., July SI. Colorailn HprliiKu l pot In Hip "i!ry" eoluniii but Jnmo-ii wihlniiR to work hrr. im loiirini. riirrlano or mini ilrli era rnutt himi the plrilup before I'lry 4 "!erk Chapman will rnt Idem u lb -en If. At a meeliiis of the city rontieli toilMV mi onliii'inre was pnei1 re. ".Hiring npi'liiHnU for liinBen t die to what enirnt. If any, li,iior arn iiHeil nml lo mIt a plertife prom IxIiik to ul'Hiain from li'iuor wdUt ilrli !ng. BLUE-PENCIL FORGERS GET 30 DAYS APIECE J. A. Hirknian and Tom III, kmnn. Ihe bl'iiiloiis pair atrenleil mterilaV for living lo en-h a rhrrk drawn wiih blue pen'-ll nnd rlgntd with tb risiee of a dead man, wero irlvtti thirty davs In Jail by Tribe Judge drome It. Craig today. JUDGE M EC HEM WILL , HOLD COURT TOMORROW ' Judse M. r. Meehein. silting for JncU II. F. tti nn,. will he at the court house tomorrow to consider any matters which attorneys wUli tu call up. JO GAREGE WES I Mascot I 3)y H. M. EGBERT fiuffoMMM h O. IRWIN MYEKS w.uprnlil IK1 1 by W. it. . bmumta) (CoiiIIihiinI from Yealenlny.) I heard a alirli k of horror from Ks tcllo C hrlatln; I aaw tho fucea of tho iportatora turned upon me, each, fringed with IU mop of hair, exarlly nmliiiacenl of aomn lurxe and very pnlo turnip. The atewarda ran toward me. "ImnoHlhle!" they cried. "We could ! not think or aurh a thing." "Then, Mr. Competitor No. S, 1 con gratulate you upon gulnlng the ptUe," I aald latlrlrally, pointing toward tho other aerop!ani a that roao In eplral clrclea and now hummed overhead llku ingry beois. "Rule XXV maken, I be lieve, no discrimination agulnat my leIfc.l rniUrwd. a.t a .venture. . ftly dear lady, ll i" lippoimlhlo. Rather would 1 forego the prlia," anid the unknown, much agitated. "Your courage thrllla me and overwhelm me with gratltudii. but no a tbotiaand llmoa no. I could i ver accept your offor." "81 monaleur ale peur " t hatarded. It waa not auch a lung phot, either, for the daring aeronaut looked more French than Italian, and, if ao, I knew the auggeatlon Hint ho waa afraid would touch him. It did. lie colored like a arhoolglrt. "Mademoiselle la aluo Frvuch?" he fried. "Come thi n, anu wo shall beat Mi cm all. Hut what am I Baying? No, o. It la Impossible. I cannot rink your life." "Monsleur'a niatlilne la not, then, absolutely under bis control?" I In quired coldly. He hed turned aw.iy, the picture of lejectiou, but aa thla new blow went home ho came forward again, kindled 10 new ardor. I looked from b! face !o those of tho stewards. And Just iben, aa matters bung In the balance, '.ho event waa turned decisively by a voice from a back eeai among the uviiclifu. ttorn!" It cried derisively. "W'y lon'tcher let the lldy ride outsiie?" 'iue whole of the grand otand wsa convulsed In luughtnr. The stewards :hrew up their band la dospair; then, hue toe aviator atlll hesitated. I took him by the arm and almost dragged him toward hla machine. "Courage, monsieur," I aald. "We ahall win the priie together." An answering glance of exultation waa shot back to me. "We shall," he cried, and with those words all hesitation and doubt dlnap peared. "You ahall bo safe aa a little bird. Etep up. mademoiselle. Care fully; do not let the oil-drip from the motor soil your dress. So. Now" and he flung a furry coat over my shoul ders. "It la cold up there. In the do minions of the sun god," he suld glee fully. "Hold fast to that stay, mademoi selle." He shouted an order to his at tendants and leaped In beside me. Tho motor thrilled; we moved and just then I hoard a second and more pl'-rc-Ini; shriek from the benchea, and turn ing my head ever ao alight ly, aaw that tutclle Christie had fainted away, Hut I bad little thought of her, for all my mierglee wer. bent upon the task of conquering my fear. We were rising; how far we had risen I did not know until, looking dizzily dow n. I saw the upturned faces of the spectators, mm -v 1 ! ,1 "We Havo Outsearsd Them All." I - apparently Llmost level with the floul,e ,fl" m' v.-cluresome night in ground, and the grand aland like a aeo- Jh0 "'""Oplane of the unknown avia tion of alnliN laid horizontally upon lor- nn ahe revived she began the turf Now we were circling the field with long, curving, undulating sweeps. Over our heads, at Intervals other aeroplanes bummed. "Five hundred feet, mademoiselle," said a voice In my ear. I turned toward him. There he sat, his bauds upon the levers, calm, Im perturbable, self possessed; and the machine obeyed beautifully each slight est pressure of bis fingers. "We shall win, mademoiselle," he announced calmly, "fcbe behaves bet ter than ever before. Ah, but It takes Frrnrti hearts to actoiiipl.nh such deeds as this. 1 am a Canadian." I answered cold- ly. "A Canadian !" he muttered. sn 1 saw a loot: of dejection pass over bis face. "But my father was a frenchman." I said, relenting. Ajulmce more hp- plliena lit 1111 J in his trr eyeii. " "I knew yon muni Im Kreiich," b nawered. "Then you ran have fear. No. matlemolaelle, I rhall takn her hUrlier." Ho preiat-d the lever mid I frit tho arrop'aiia rlun upon drift. In giiftt of air, up, up. till tho hum mliiR routided beneath un, and, tlnno Ipr down, I aaw that another aaro piano wia fluttering under ua like a bird with a broken wlim. desperately : and fniltlely endeivorlrig to win to tho hlrlier atratum which we had at ! tallied. 1 Aaaln h preened tha Jerer, and aln wo allot upward. Now weraj' abovo thom all. I'ntler ua. frnir tmlnt'j to point of tho field, our opiionenta i iruikled and flaprx'd, but never won ' to Uiat world of alienee In whleh woj moved to easily. We veemed to ride1 upon tho air aa a awan llonta on ttie i water. Far, ery far beneath. I could i I make out tho urand ctand at tiny,' I patch of irray npon a field of green, ! ; and the ht latora were entailer than tiny nntt In a hlllork. My companion looked at hla barometer. "Three thoiiHand feet," he Mid; and I mw hla teeth rhntter MVoii are cold!" I cried, and betan to divert myielf of tho fur cont. "Take thla, monaleur," I exrlnlmed. "You need your Rtrmigih for tho ancent. You rat not let your hands grow chilled "Bit tight, sit tight, mademoiselle," bo answered. "No, I do not need It. Well, then I will take otic cornereo." And he suffered 1110 to throw one edge of the voluminous wrap around hla sliouldera. "Wo have outaoared them all," he aid. "Wo shall descend now." "No. you have a record to make," I answered. "Hut we have already won, mademot seHo. Never before has my monoplane ridden bo lightly. Assuredly you must be a mascot." My heart was besting tumuttuously. It waa a dungerous proximity; and then, too, the unconventionally of the situation had removed the bars of re straint w hich a hundred generations of women have learned to fasten across their hearts. I am not usually con ildcred suFceptllile. There was that Mr. Bprott. whom I have mentioned who taught civil and International luw, md he had once presumed slightly when riding home with me from the theater. 1 think he pressed my hand. I'oor Mr. SprattI I had frozen dim with a look and he had had to make idject apologlie before he found for giveness. Hut here. I was conscious if a dangerous emotion which took possession of mo, and my companion's band Bought mine and waa not dis carded. We might have been primeval man and woman riding triumphantly 1 tone there through the ether. The sun, bursting from behind a tank of clonds. shone Into our faces. "These are tho realms of the sun god." aald my companion. "And you," he whispered, "are my sun-goddess." He bent toward me and looked into my eyes. And what -would have hap pened next I do not know. The morti fication, after ! reached terra flrma. overwhelmed me with romorse and thamo. But just at that moment tlio humming of the motor suddenly ceased. It had stopped and stopped ao suddenly that n.y companion was not prepared for It. Tho monoplane trembled and swayed dangerously. Instantly I was forgottpn. Afterward I remembered with a little sense of humiliation how wholly secondary I proved In his estimation to that ma-chin-. Uul I hud no thought then, save for our safety. With what con summate skill he righted her and guided her, never losing his head, gilding downward swift as a stone; then, with an upward movement of the planea, arresting that perilous rieneent; now holding the machine tremblingly, as It seemed, upon aome air-wave 1 crest! I saw the ground spring up to meet us; tho grand stand broadened and w idened Into Its original form and . ,nln . i "eaiurea cnangea into I "P-P one more. I closed my w- n viuuf, w uitv siay, vmpecting every moment to feel the deadly end to our tumultuous tieaceuL And then "She has fainted," said somebody. I opened my eyea languidly. I rest ed upon the ground, supported by the Intrepid aviator; and Dear at hand, wholly uninjured, rested the mono plane, i Then somebody led Estelle through the yelling crowd, and iho waa w cop ing upon my nwk. When at hist they suffered me to depart 1 looked round for my sun-god. He was not to be found. And It waa only after I reached home that I re membered that I was wholly ignorant Of bis name. It was not In tl.i news papers where be waa) entered simply aa "Aviator No. ." CHAPTER III. The Man In the Buff Boots. (t met oi l lr,T,i and enemies at tho corona lion ami f,,r,,i to look at tlio kins Estelle was half hysterical when she got borne to our Ixindon boarding "" Mercy, child!" she eiclulmed. when we were settled in her room that eve- Ding. "It made my blood run cold to see you up there, a tiny dot In the sky, circling round the grounds. What notoriety, too! And with an unknown man. Who was ho, I wonder? How handsome he wast If tho reporters bad got hold of your name " "I thought you told me that you wanted to be thrilled," I observed meekly. The fact was that a realiza tion of my own audacity had been growing upon me ever since the event, end 1 could not but admit that my col"l' "ore than Justified. 'l4llt Wtrh an iinVnnan tunti Hut with an unknown man." aald Agnes. "And a Frenchman, too. You kuow what sort of reputation French men have." I (Coiitliiued Toiooim'Mt Aficnioon.) Try a Herald Want Ad. I Mm 500 Pairs Red Cross" and "Queen Quality" SHOES On Sale Saturday 9 a. m., High Grade Shoes at Lowest Prices A large assortment of Bntton Loots of the famous Queen Quality Make. This lot includes black, brown and gray suedes. Dc-sy patent pony boots with pray, black and white tops. Practical black gun metal calf boots and also tan calf and bronze kid. These ahoes are in late, snappy styles and can be had in sizes from 2 to 7 Vi Values $4.00 to $6.00. Special for Saturday, 0 a. m. "Red Cross" and "Queen Quality" Women's Shoes In pumps ar.d Oxford., all styles, in patent and vici kid. gun metal, tan calf and suede. All sizes. This is a GENUINE SHOE VALUE. Highest class shoes in the greatest variety, $3.50 to $5.00 a pi : special for Saturday, D a. m., The Golden Rule Dry u OFFICERS ELECTED FOR THE TORRANCE COUNTY FALL FAIR nftlitTs of the Torranre County K.ur iiHKut nil i.,n, whl'h will hohl II' biiii'i.iI fall lair al Willanl In .-m p ti loin r. llillllt-itialely pled llilia till Klnlp fair, have hern ih-rlett an fol low!: I'. I.. K.ipkot h, pitMil.-nl . I'.toiKp !'"wrll. ir,. , nml, nl. nii'l I:. I.. Hill, rri-.ry-irruMiier. W M. A ni!pron. (ipoiue I'owell itiitl .1. A. M Kinlt y wi re eh-rte.l iliirt tori In fill vm nni'ii'i. anil with the fol Iowiiik make up the ilin i loratt; til III,, fair ukxih i.ilion. C. II. uttoKen, IV U itiipkoth. It. 1- Hilt. I'm Honlin nnd A. Stanton. Tho excrutlve rtun millee roiir'iHta if I'. 1 Itnl'koi h. IV H. Mt ohi n. A. Stanton, lieu lionliti and J. A. Mi Kinley. The ,i k of the pn.iluru etil!nt- 1. it is annoiiti,- t, will lie Mt lit to the Hate fair an a eompetiior for Hie dig rounty exhidit tHVh prixea. ilsw to Get Hid Of Skin Trcuh!3 A Handsome Skin Book Free That Will Guide You. i ninny people fma la ileplr over stnh. d-'irn kio slioil'in .mo riil-a Islil it n la foujui iii.o Willi Id ue uf rl H H. for ttie t,,.d will be of print value. Ttn-M are utilllii.,1 In s liand b-K-k. flir ly illut I rati d. il the Dinii)' ni,.in la tla Uu'il.l, . It irll how In iivi-rcinm Hum. It uii htr una fliilolug siiute liiuod r, ml,!!,, mum ,ka ilicaw, till It icK-ma, luptm, p..r.Rai, nislarla, er wtist yuu wiil. at any tin i t: a I t a kotitt' uf a. H M. and "U sre it., a oa fir rm'l I" la alili. Tin ai tlno uf tala r -niirlinl.le rena riy is )i,t as direct, J it as ',eltlve, Jul an lata In In liilhii-n.-e sa U,al the inn rine la II" l n.l. It la mi" of lh"e rnre uie.l hat fi'ri-pv wtiini a t Is Ihe wild lb .me U' s:ree of c ri ilnlj la fuiiiid In all Batumi I n,, u I, . "I tie uianurr la villi U It it m'l.a I j uul p-ait rola tin- yr a I r' r Ir o r.i,e it r', 'i. ft. pore ar iTial Lli , It Iuj divaard tiuuua lloud U tuarT' ii.. . Tucre u aiarieiy a cruiuiinliy surwttra b'il hav ita living etaniple tf tt W','U,li rrul rarnlle eff,',-la t.I H. h . S U.lile t.f tlila fnniiu remnlr t,tly. and If your hi.,1 tl'dlM.iB ur MTiili!ir. wrllt .' . hi tk,t., 'Il,i' Helft Kwii:c I',., I. " " . . . ' 'aula, lia. Im u..; i ...( auyms to talk Jul !utv S Kuaiiiuis fur a. B. s. ummei $2.95 WE DO WHAT WE ADVERTISE' LEGAL NOTICE Follow Inn i I he !' Xt of nniend nit nts proiohed to Hie lontitilutlon ut New MerK", whlrh urn t' be vntetl i.n ut the cumins; kiikmI tlcitlon In Nove:ii't'r: Joint ltNtiluoii ii, g. Joint ItiHoluiioii rroM'liiiit fur the Aim ii'lnii iit of Aliii le VIII. of Hie Coiihtiiuiinn or the ritate of New MeXl'-o, Kiililfril "Taxalioii nn.l ItevMiue." 8. Kud. H. J. Jt. No. 12; Filnl Mar. h Ii. 1 II 1 .1. I'e It Iti Holvetl hy llm I. RiKlature of the 't.ilu of New Mexl'o: That Artlrle VIII. tif the CotiM I lu ll. ,n of the Mate of New Mesleo, etitl tied "Taxntioir a nil Knvemie," de anil the a.inie herehy Is umemleil so as to rruil us follow x: Arid lo till. Taxation ami Iteteiiue. Sri t U,n 1. Taxes levied upon taiiu Idlo property slmll dn in pruportl'in lu lli, alue tdert'of, and taxes hll.ill he etijal ami uniform upon subjects of taxation of !h' mme liana. hoe. 2. Tax en Irviid upon real or peonul property for stale revenue xhull not e-reeil four iiiilli annually en enrti dolhir of H.e uiwieei'J valua tion Iht-reof exrept for tho support of iho eituentloiial. .enal and chsrtla hln inntituilu-is of the slate, payment of the stuln cl-hl nnd Interest there on: nml the totn iinnual tax levy up on suih properly for nil slnle pur pores exi -liislve of tiererMiry levies fol the state lie ut slmll hot eXrerd ten mills. Her. 1. The property of Hie t'nlied Htiitcn, the stale and all counties, low.. and lilies and action) Ul-tri' t. and oihir munirtpnl. roriiorntioiis, I'lihlli- lllirnrleH. rommiinlty illi lira n,l all laterals thereof, nil lair, h property, Jul prnprriy luted for eilu rnllonill or rlial ilndlo pur lions, nil et meierles hot UhpiI or held for pri vate or corporate prof. I, and all don't of the slate of New Mexico, and ot the muntlea, miinhlpallllea nnd illn trii'ls thereof shall be exempt from luxation. Hee. 4. Any pudile nfflrer muktns any profit out 'of public ninnies or uhIiib the same for any purpose, not authorised hy nw, adall lie deemed siilltv of a frlony, and siiall ha pun lehed as provided by law and Khali 1e dlMioialirteil to hold ptiti lln offi'-e. All pudlie monies n' t Invested In Interest bearinsj ae I'uritles slmll de di-ptmltrd In natlonnt t'onli" In Hi! state or In hxnxii nr truat companies Incorporate ,1 umlei the Iiiwm of the state nnd thn tnlrreitl ilerlNed therefrom shall he applird In Ihr nmlinrr pren illiiit hy law. ec:. R. The leslalaiure may exempt from taxation property of e.ti h head of u family to tdw amount of two hundred dollars Heo. . Lands held In Inrce Irnela fhall not be awMed for tnxitlon at any lower vain? per acre then (I Man) I. null of the fiiiiic rhnrurter or tiiial il) u l"l amillurli slluulvd, held In July 25th Goods Co. smaller tracts. The plow in of l.iiut shall is) t he Commit red aa ndd!ns value thereto for the ptirpone uf tux ai,n. See. 7. No execuiion shall hwuo upon any Juiuxment rrmlerttl unaiiist tin, ti,ird of eointy '"mniiniiiiiiir of any rounty, or aKHiinl any Iti'or poraled lily, town or viIIh". school district or hoard of rilueaitoii, nr aunliiM any officer of i, ny rounty. In rorpoMitetl city. town or villa Re. nchool tliHlrii-t or hoard of etlii'-iiiion. upon any Jinlmilt nt recovpred .iKamat lillu III his official cn incit y and f ir wdh'h the roUHy,, d t il, town or villaae, hool dlittru't of boiird i f ediicallon. Is lialde, toil thn same ad. ill be paid out of the pro renin of a tax leVy iih other lla Wi llie of count un. Inrorporaled cIIkh, towns or vilttiKrs, school districts or hoard of education, ami when so col lected sdall be paid by the ton my trtiinirer to the JinlKiiicnt creditor. rropoalna an amendment of eectloti two of arlirli ten of lha entia 'lulloii of the stale of New Mexico. (M. Culi. H. J. K. No. 10; tiled Marrh 15, 11UI; He II Hesvilved hy Hie f .rKlnlnl ure of th Plat of New Mexico: Th.-U Bertton Two of Article Ten of the CoiiHtllUtlon of the Hlnle ol New Mexico he amended so aa to read as follows: Art Pie X. Section t. All counlf officers ahnll he elected for a term of two years, and after hnvlna; served two consecutive terns, shall hi- im duihlo. to r"M nev eounly office for twu years ihereufler. i rrepo:nf an amendment of (lu) serilon one, of article five, of the constitution of She slate of New Mex ico. B. J. It. No. It; filed March 17. 1313: Da It rtesolved dy the TXlslature of the state of New Mexico: Thilt Hertlnn 'me of Artl lo Flvo ot the Ct'nstltiilton of tha ritate of New Mexico, be amended so aa to read as follows: Article V. flection 1. The executive depart ment shall cnnnlet of a Kovernor, lieutenant governor, secretary ut stnte, state auditor, slate treasurer, attorney general, superintendent oft pudlie Institution and rnmmliutloncr or (of) public lands, who ahull on elected for thn term of two years oca sinning- on the first day of January next after their eleeilon. Hueh officers eha'i, after hnvlnoj served two conaecutlve terms, he ln eliuidle to hold any state office tut two esr Ihrrenfter. The officers of the eaerutlve de pnrtinrnl, except the lieutenant gov ernor, sliall during their terms i-f or fice, reside and keep the puldie ree ant a. hooks, patters and sen la of uf fife at the sent of government. I Fhono I. Red lUrn. Ill W. rnppef, for ftrst-claas harks and carriages W. L, Trimble Co. 4