Newspaper Page Text
SEVEN And Poor Mutt Only Got Ten Days. By "Bud" Fisher. The Rlarkets "TALK. AftOVT KVS COJNT TTtl'j, i vuOR.16 "han . t T , TH'.Mfc wit. wei-. 1 tNT I Suite . I &a4c yoo uep in re. Ml Trie 4l0 AN Chicago Grain. DID YC0 5e Chicago, July 24. Wheat price luilged today mi buying due largely In reports from it lending crap ex pert I hut nlthntiRh the unusual for wardness i.f growth thin reason Would prevent complete disaster fruin black rust, tho attack of the iiI.iruo kih fully a virulent other wise, hi in lKi'4. Forclan demand nlso was aald tn hit unit atnd. AfUT THE EVENING nERALD, ALBUQUERQUE, II. M., TRIDAY, JULY 24, 1914. r f" : ill..:, brVt ? L 4 f I it f aTH.Ni, tu.T on f- -r au P ' I .' ri '11 opening off t' Sti tic up thn market scored a material advance, which, however, waa inn well main tained. Closing figure were unacltlcd, tanalug from 'c decline tn n rle if c compared W illi lust night. Shower weakened tne corn mar ket. The opening, which was un changed In c lower, WH followed liy fut I In r hawc price begun In react. Tho close waa ticrvoii nl Stotii1 In llilc under last night. OiiIx auKKrd wlih i urn. Trmlo w mini II. Imiwit price fur hug carried pro visions down grade. Musi of lh eelling i'iiiiiii from lonea. t'luHlim prices: W heal July, R2'f; Hcpt . le- 'urn July, 72c; Sept.. KX4r. lata July, S7r: Sept.. 15'i.r. pork July.; Kept., I.'il II, Iird Kept., Hil,il Sept., .i2; hi.. .. 111.70; ml 111.22. LIVESTOCK. (Iib-nlto IJvet-k. Chicago, July 24. Huge Iterclpla 1A. ; ViHikpt lower; hulk, r. f 9 011; light, .. ill. or,; mixed. EiO J!l.tl7fc; hravy, IS.S'i riii'k; rough. IS.S'.'h .t,r,; pig. J7.7Hi 9 u Cntlle Itcrclpl I. MOO. market pl.-ady; beeves. 7.70i 10 UO; mi'fri. $ 40i 8,:i:i; Mocker nti.l feeders, r, cnj x un; ,w Hint heifers, II. S Hi 2.'.; lulvm. f ;.7ri4i 1 1.S 1. Sheep - Kcceipta; market strong: shep.p. r..l54i i.HH; yearlings, V!.0i ..'.; iimiu. IO.00 4.ia. 05. Kaiian (lir livPMiM-k. Kansas t'lty, July 24. Hor He rclple l.fiou; market lower: hulk of sales, IS fillli heavy, ti K,ti 5n; inn ki-ra an, I htiti-hrra, 7 Mil; tiKht, f AUH H.HH; plxa. HHtt H.7S. ("nitlp Tlci-rlpta 2.0(o ; ninrkrt uli nily; irlmt fnj filrrn. S jr. 1i n.HC; Iii'khi1 bt-rf (! rii, J7.Otj2a; H-i'Ulprn alPfia, I r,ni r,0; ptni kera ami fnli-m, .00 SCO, lulven. Khfpp Hicpl.m, nn; market Inuls ; Inmha, I 7. T. f 7 HO: yriirllnn, IH.omi .7ri: wrlhera, t4.&U&.7& - c. 14.40 U 4. S. Th Metal M&rketa. Nfw Yurk, July 24. Cupper quiet; fl'iil and H"i'l-iuu r, 111 1 J r. li tmlyili', 1 13. fi'i; lake, numlnal; inlliikT-f 1 2.2"r T V " r w , t.iiiuliin iii, Milling: Iron, Cleveland iirriinta, 51 III. Lead and Spelter Xew York, July 24. !ad quiet, 13 H:.1( l.a; apeller qlllrl, fVOIItt (in. St. LiiuiB. July 24. I.i-hiI firm, II 7vr 1.77 3 : upeller firm, I4.K5 4 'JO. EEFUSE3 TO STAY ACTION IN CASE OP - PITCHER JOHNSON f'hlcnan, July 24. Judge Maker of I . ,. . i, . ... , j - .lot the itiipellnle eourl Imluy refiiBed a I petition nf the Cincinnati National thiil he urant a nlny nf diaaolulloti of Hie injunction pmhllduna' I'ilcher JohtiHon front plnying with the Kan fiih City Kedcriil. Judxe Koell haa illMmdved lhi Injunction and there I now no leual Impediment to nni .layin. WISCONSIN GETS GOOD HEVENUE FROM THE BOXING GAME Mtillmm, Wl July 24 Feea from Iioiimk mntchea held In Wlwonaln under the lleditln, law were 112. 34t from Ha utiirt up In July I. 114. The t:lte Rnia tt per rent nf All Kate reculpla. Undertaker Supply Men We want one or two men now calling on the undertak ing trade of New Mexico to sell a manufacturer's line of casket hardware at a tide line on commission. Liberal Com mission. Address R. E. NOELKER, Sales Mgr. Palace Hotel, Cincinnati, Ohio.' Chicago Mill & Lumber Co General Planing Mill 3rd and Marquette Phone 8 W hav a com plot lln of Wall Taper and Palata. Caa do your work oa a mlnuto'a aottca. ts K. tad St rtuxaa til. V. If. tnoXXI.ll. M. II.. I. O. Oanaltifait KlMHHaUMt. 1 treat all curable diaeuae , Office Stern lilJg. .taraa lit aud IJa. ' LEGAL NOTICE. In the lHnlrlrl Court of the Feioml Judicial I urn r lit i.r I ho MHUe of New Mexico In and for the County uf Iteriialllln. N4h of hah-. Juan (lurrla and Frank lluhhell, as 'rllBlce illuler Ti Di-i-d f I fimt, 1C routed hy the I MIiiuIhium, AiikiIo de Tulllu ami IViealua ill- Tulllo. May lMh. mi. to auid Trunlce, l'lulnliff:i. va. Amnio de Tulllo and Tcn-nlnit de Tulllo, Ifefemlanta. Nuiue ia herehy nlven that under and hy vlriu i,f it di" lew of the l triit Cuurl of the Second Judlclul Idxlrli i i f Hie Htula or New Mexicn, in mid for the cuuniy of IlirnuliH". whl.ll mini decree waa entered in mild caurp In h.ild cuuit i Ihu Mh liny of June, ID 14, the liiiio-lniciicl lil on Tueaday, thu l.'lh dity 1 " , ... - h i . - lock In the forenoon of eald day, .... . . , alreel door) of the iotufllie at the city of Alltiliuerue. ti.uuly (,f Iter lialillo, New Mexico, olTer for anle and aell to the hlghi-at uud hexl bid der for niah the following real etule and premtaea, ai'uali-d In the city ol AlliuuuiT'iue. county of Iteriiulillo. New Mexico, and more mrlii ulm ly deturibed aa follow, lo-uit: I-ot numbered a even 7l In block numbered thirteen til) of the lluniliH HiflllHlid Addition ! the town, now city -A Alliuiiuei que, New Mexico, aa thu mine I known and ileeiauated un tho ump of auid addition made by into Iteickmann, In accordance with a aurvey made by M irinon Krothera and I'rudt, and filed In the office of the i'roliale Clerk and ex-o(flclu Hetonler of Iter nullllo county, New Mexico, Kcli ruury 11. th, 13. All of lot No. one ( 1 ) In bba k numliered thirteen (13) of the lluiiiiia llluhlund Addition to the cily of Albuquerque, New Mexico, ua ahown and diaiknulc un the map of aald addition, made by into leickmiinn In accoidance with a aurvey made by Mnrmoii Krothera' and I'radt, ami llled in the office of the I'rolmte Clerk and rx-oflU-lo Kecorder of licl nu llllo county on the l-'lh duy of Muy, A.'lJ. li. I Mil number un (I) and two (2) In block number thirty-two (12); elRht () In him k ttfty four (511. and acven (7) and elKlit () In block number fifty live (b& of tho Kuntern Addi tion to the city of Alliiniueniue, , I aa the name la know n and uea I lanateil on thn uniellileil and nun plemental map of aald addition made by Martin Kopp, C. K, llled in the of bee nf the I'rotiate Clerk and ex-otllclu lleeorder 'f aald Iternalillu county on the I llih day of October, A. 1). laaa. j Nut Ice la further Riven thut the date of the rendition of the decree j In aald cauae waa the tth duy of June. 19lt. and that the amount the decree la Knur thouaand alx bun dred alxty-nlne and 2-Nu (H...H 211) Itollura, with IntereM at the rale of ( per cent per annum from aald Hth-day of June, IDI4, together with all th roaia of aale and roata of the court In addition. LAI'UKNCK I.KK, Kpwlal il.iMier. it. Hid. W. Moore, Attorney, Cromwell , ." IH4 ML fauna JljjeU. WlHrXTl ; j 11 si;K VI. 1 11 I II M6 SANi CON'T .'0RR. "'HETr CAN'T Cj'r voy M JAIL OR. THAT C21 ' I Notice, nf t--M-clal slaater'a Sali In the I'nlted Ptntea Court for the llntrict of New Mexico. No. 171. In Kqulty. I'nlted Ktutea if Atncrlu.i, riaintiff. va. rtrink- -A. Hit4neH, -4ha unknown heir of Jmu-fu I utea. and oil un known ownere or claimant of In-leriHt- In or In the tract of land known aa the rujurltu tlrnnt, Defendunta. Notice ia hereby given that In pttr piianre and by virtue of a decree in the above entitled cauae and In the nhove-c Milled court, II. n. Wlllliim II. I'ope, Judice, prealdinK duled J ' 1 1 V Mh, A. 1. ID 1 4, and un order of of thn real eetale Included In aald flnnl decree, and deat ribed therein, In anld cauae nod by auid court, t me directed aa epeciul InUHler to ell. by appointment of mi id court in auid final decree. I. the underalgned apecial maaler. In chancery, will aell at public aale, to the hlKhcNt and beat bidder for rnvh, at the front door of the court house of tho county of Keiiiulillo. In Albuquerque, In the rnu.ity of Her nullllo and In tho male and rid of New Mexico, on thn 201 h dny of AiikuM, A. I). 1914, at I lie hour of ,1! o'clock, noon, of that day. all and alnuiibir Ihn following real entitle. und all the right, title and liitereata of I he aald tlefemlanlH, and each of them, In and to I lie jld leal proper ty, ntoro particularly deacrlbcd a follow", In wit: A trait nf land known aa the 1'ajnrllo (irant. lying and being In Iho county i,r Iternnlil- o, In the atatn and dlntrlct of New Mexico, and hi f lofore confirmed by the court of ,r..ate land cluima. or ao much thereof i. muy be neceaanry to mnkn thn u.n of three hundred and Iwenly-one ili.llam and twenty eluht renla (1121 2). I'm. -trier with the roata Incurred, and to be Incurred In thia aull. Including the timta of making thia aale, under aald decree. The tcrma and ronditlona nf thia alii are aa follow, that in to any: Hold .io to bo conducted and made according to the rulea and practice of. and aubject to confirmation by Ihla court, and to aatlify the amount due and the cimla under aald decree, and aa apeclfied above In thia notice. The proceed, of the rale of auid property are to be paid Into the reg latry of aald court lo be lined In atl- fylng the aald aum of 1-1-1.2. and the coata aforeaald. JOHN ft. McFIR. PlM-clal rlei. Dated July 1. 1914. DR. CHAS. A. FRANK lt"om It and M. IUrm-(t llldg. Kiacll attention given to dieeaeei of tha Nae, Throat and l.ttnga. Dla- eauea of Wum-n, venereal Dlaeaaei, nd Nervnua Dlanrdera, Electricity, Hpondylo-thernpy and other modern methods employed. ()frii Hours! t ami ? to a p. to II a. m. S to , riKuie 10. General Auctioneer i Ilonaehoitl (ioua m Sraarially. 11ia 431. P. . lioi HI. ' . Mi' - J t ...I , I I sv CUT I'W I- ; r t i .... JJ V' J V A'i t T i. .'.4 tv.) a .k . j L. c v I- Ervening Three Lines INSURANCE Fire, Auto, Plate Glass, Liability, Burglary, Accident, Health, Life, Livestock. MONEY TO LOAN All kinds of Real Estate and Investments on Easy Terms John AJ. Moore Really Co. FOR ENI Hooms. Foil It i:.T Nicely furnlMlnd ioom for hniiht-keepliig, with or without deeping porch; nil modern coiim-ii-iencea. One blmk of car line; clone in. Call 3I North Anio. Foil HKNT Five larKe ronma for Unlit houaekeeplng lu otib perioti or in aulte. ft 1 7 H. Hr uud way. Foil m:T-Ijirgo room with board. 422 W. Marquette. Boarding Houses. tiik corrArP'T7C?'i2uui Hecuiid afreet; Iiullle Dooley, I'rop. Hume cooklntr a aie- ady. I'lriiaunt room with alueplng porchca, !:. cry thing modern and Iota of ahade. BUSINESS . OPPORTUNITY Stock of Dry Goods, Shoes anl Groceries in good agricultural town of 3,500 in Colorado. Merchandise invoice $9,000. Fixtures $3,000. Sales $7,000. a month, all cash. An excep tional opportunity. Good reasons for selling. Address "Opportunity" care Herald. R. ARCANO Plasterer and Contractor AM, Woiik (.l it Ti:i l Call W. Ila ldlii Ac. LUMBER & built):;;, ihjppliki Wliolaaalo and lUHalJ Albuquerque Lumber Co. 411 North rtrat hirer Lost anything? Lei ad find It for you. a Herald want we. SMCi'tiON'T (woRRf. A-i MAMfj VOU OUT OP' neae ifMiibe. op ate x7 '5 P !' W ..CD Herald Want Ads 1 hree Times HOTELS OF SOUTHWEST. DIRECTORY. HT. JOIIN.S. AKI.o.VA The Ameri can Hotel. Headquarter Ocean-lo-iiceiin lliRhway louriala. Modern fiinuitluiiit. I'lning room aervlce uiiequalli-d. Fine phailo und lawn. lloTKl. HUCNSWH K liolbrong, Arlxo.iu. 20 gueat rimms, modern; toutiNta' head UarterH; daily roud bui ld inn. ui.lcM furniihrd to polnla ol tnlereal; dining loom in connection. HA NT A FK Tha Monleauma Hotel, Amerlciin plan; eernce fimt clr, electric llghta, steam heat, telephone In every room. Ppeclal attention to auto part lea, LOST. l.t ist mmh II puin conlalnlng hunt ing license inude lo lib hard r-yy-mannkl. Finder please return to Herald office. For Sale Miscellaneous Foil SAI.K Commercial f. First Kt. 21 rooms. hotel, nli cly 1 1 1 fur- IllHt. nlshed; must In- sold i I m r W ill sell cheap. by the Foil HALF. Hinull bunch plReotiN und chli kens, cheap. Apply 31 N. Arno. Foil 'AI.K High )outh 1 1 ik h, ph grade piano, e 1711. ull) roll HALF old papera for putting down cupels, via. Cull at Herald fflc. Foil CALF.-Cheap for cash. M-i- Ik hoaany uprialu piano. Ask lor Mr rank. I.ync ilcatcr. Foil No. SAI.K KeinlllHton tyiewrller 6. Aiply I0U Norlh First el Foil HALF one five puasenger Ford toiirinif car in excellent shape. Call Coleman-IUunk (iaiage. Foil HALlCtlood driving horse harnesa and llahl wagon. Apply Helix LI v fry. North Hecond at. Milt lti:f? Furnlahed. one I-room apart- 4) menl. modern. IIS. One I-room apartment, mod- ern. til. One 1-room lent house, f I. J. ii. i-i:ak 511 V. .nlral. I'lione O r- o t c O u u i'M'i' Three Dimes Dunbar Bargains run iikxt. 3-rootn udobn house, good cation; price, mo. I it no. P. Hlore room. Central Ave. be- tween Third and Fouilh Mis. 6-rooin modern brick house, 1 N. Y. uve.. f 22 1.0; water paid. -room house, 321 No. Fifth ft.; modern. 123. I'll. 4 -room house, II iKbb.nda, 110. (Mum house; II ieliline avenue; modern, l:'0 0o. nut haij:. I-room house on u fine corner near In at a bargain: modern with fine ahade trees, flio lawn, elu. 12-rnom house, perfectly mod ern, fine ahade arid lawn; near In. A bargain. Fine cor. lots, West Coal Ave. 4 room house, West Iron Air., 11 Ice. ti.r.oo. All kinds of terms I'liu: ixm-h wvk M'.)NI-:V TO IAW. PCSHAU'M HFAIj KXTATR DFI1CK IS4 flolil At.. Tlilrd fit. KIMMS SIMUg r, n r n n n nj!, n -.j, IT-IB llnmelt lllllif. Alh)lqlPrIM, WANTr.lJ Man lo lake ituerest In ' Rood paying business with IOO.O'I TYPEWRITERS. . ALL KINOH. both new and eecoed- FM i'Lo V M KNT oifi e. 210 W. Sihor, hand, bought, aold. rented and ra !. o. Hox 73. I' 314. Cirpen- paired. Albuquerque Typewriter Ex tort. 14 day; laboret. fl 7.7 to f.'.j"). change. 1'hone 144. Ill W. Oold. BUSINESS FhANCES Vulcanizing VATi:i -Man with .M.t.iiu to Vuhanlglng and Tire Itepairlng. All lake interest and asM-st in coiisol- work guaranteed. Albuqilorqua libtiing sin ci a I small, will pay Him: Itul.ber Co.. Ill Weat Central, biisineasea. Addtitia C-llinild. I'.O WILL Ht'Y well eatub!p led bus . T eiii:, in.-., paying i7j o u $i2.-. .... Fenton J. Spauldmg nioulhly: easy work, both ,,nice and open uir. I nvri lnule fill y before NeW York LllC buying. Address "A meru i Fv n- IIimhii II, V T. rmtji HIilB- ing Herald. Plume 73. . AI.IK Jl Fligt'F- PERSONAL 1 roR CAkl'iST aieanma. furniture Architects. and itove rep.lrlns. W. A. Qoff phone III. I IXIN II. .VOKIUS . Arc!ilict. CKOWN FI'HNITVUK liepalrltij pra.ilcal ami I p to laie Work. and packing, cabinet making, up- Itmiiut gl ami US. lilting llulldlng. bolstering, ri linli-hln. mailresa mak. Tcfiliotte 10U3, Ing, rug alxlug. Aii wmk gtiaran- . teed. A. It. Can la and H. K. ollks, TTTDTHPT! A PTTTT? d lU South Third. Phone !4. -jJsZCT. . u ItoOFT'tlNT Po.'T CAItl'8 l 00 per dmen. Firal- WANTEO Kvery home owner to Ue rl.. work guaranteed Kodak Erl. Carbon roof plt. Ko. nniahmg. Ivventh and tentl.l. leak, lust I yeara. Pevoe ready WH WILL develop any KlUiAK paint, 1 gal. cover 0S a. feet Tho. KiLM lr 10c. poat Cafd t'iudlo, K. Keleher, 401 Weat Central. nj So. Second. -w . 3SIa-cic8?ii-th?-, . r . t y.pyjjT.TP. qan. u rrTn r wisia m,;n-K y Tr, loan-. I-our Hhooa. 11-1.0. bousi hold gooda ami livestock with- out re". L Nt'ea boURbt and eold. A 10 ,ent Herald Want Ad will I'nion l-oun Co., room It. oyei FiraS gel what you want- Natwnul bank, t'buoa llil. TWO VslEEKS Cj jrr. Jff SSNjAIiCARDS Physicians W. M. SHERIDAN, 1L D. I'ractiee Limited to GKMTO-l Itl.NAHV I1HEA8US And niKRAfiKrl OF TUB SKIN. ITie) Waaanntan ami Nnguclu Teg4a Ualvaraan "SOg" Adminiatered. Citlsena' Dank Uullding. Albuquerque - flew Ilex lea -1 A- (1. Sllor.TIJw M. I. Pra4ti Limited lo 1 unennrtoela. Offtca Hour, 10 to II a, m, I'Iioiio fill. 114 H West Central. Albuquerque Sanitarium Pnona 141. jJRS. TULL & BAKES Kpmlslbna l ye, Kr, Nj. Throa, Blal National IMnk lllibj. I'Uwno ft. V. TVNMtT, M. D. ripe-iallat In I Fye, lr. Niaas anil Ttimat. Caidtnl City Hunk llullillng. Phone D2-J Kanla Fa, N. H, ite I xm l-irinso. Dentists till. J. KHMT, lutilal Knnrery. Itnom 3 and 3. Harnett llldg, Ovar o'ltlclly'c lrug Hlore. (Appointment made by mall.) Mmian 711. Attorneys