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EIGHT THE EVENING HERALD, ALBUQUERQUE, N. M ., FRIDAY, JULY 24, 1914 t c.4444 44 4444444444444444444-4"444444444444"444 Crescent Hardware Co. t STOVES AND RANGES PRACTICAL PLUMBERS AND TINNERS AGENTS FOR Marsh Simplex and Advance Duplex Steam Pumpi 318 West Central .renin 44444e4444444-444444444 4444-e -t - BOO RBI NDERS ' RULING, SPECIAL F0P.MS OF ALL KINDS. ALBRIGHT & ANDERSON PRINTERS, BINDERS, STATIONERS. 208-210 West Gold Avenue Phone 440 EAT MATTHEW'S VELVET ICE CREAM Phone 420 C. T. FRENCH I I M It W, IHHKfTOU I MIlU.MrK. jiilr A-nMant. Ilrili and Central, rhoim IMiy mill Mit"t, 5M, Expert Hair Work. Combing mailo Into gwlt'heg, transformation, p ufTn, curl, to.; tili hr fly (1. MUM. M. PI HKN MariiM'llo Kliop. Phone HI. 11 H. 4lh St. Special 100 SPUTUM CUP FILL ERS FOR 65c WILLIAMS DRUB CO. 307 Wet Central Phone 789 COAL AND WOOD Best Mountain Wood GALLUP COAL in pny quantity TROTTER Phone 012 DUKE CITY CLEANERS n i b ail liat, men' ami uK'ti'a I'M Mint. ruita, curtain, lraM-rlc. !'. 8HO Went ;dd. I'tioue 4 m. Promptness Our Mottx Welldrillin. Wclldrhiii and Irrigation Plants WIMiMII.I.S. TWKS. 'l MI'S l 1(1 I'MltlM. Ajji nt fur Wi'Imt . I iigliM' J. T. WlH klMi. 412 W. nt Ave. lira, l iHW. IIHliT ili.H 110 F. Crollotti FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER. Ill WIST I I Ml Plume liny or nlitlil, b?2. MM EBftY HftlH LOOKYOUriG.PRETTY 1-a ami ulliiir lrkfin ki Xanually 1 lull XiiIhhI) un Tell. Aiiik-hI fr:yonr kti' f.nto ii mill Mili.lnir, .r.-t 1 . .tt. i- .ti n.t -. 1 . r 1 1. r ri tuck llic nntural color nil 1i I in i rv the h.'ii' licn fii'li il il i'r ut iy; aUo tnlii 'luntlinfT. h Inii HCMlp in il ur. l.ill nu hn:t Vi O" i.t.i lli- o'lly way t . m i Uiih n. unite una to make it nt lioinc, wtc h In M..'ty and tru'-!'4..n!. V.iili'. l. KkkmK mi unv druii !or- for ' V.'xplh' F:' "lid Sn!hir ll incily." you Will act n lii'n l.i.Hlc .r It n fttniuuii old reci.i 1'T al'oiii in t run I'.iti'i m.iy uray' Tiy i' o one in tall I Ii;. I sou ilxrki-niii oiir hnir, an it io- il nuiiir.ily mid evenly. V..n .iniicn a m.nnite or Il Ltukh wilb It mirl draw lln llir .uuh i.vir hiilr. tkiTt one am:iH ir,md at n lime; hy rnornln the ry I'iiir diMMH'ruri, and nfter nnotlir nl' .i alum or two. your hmr iiecomea utllully d.irk thl- k and kIomv. l-t lha Harald want 4 do ytui work. 1 PHONE 31S i PASTIME THEATRE Admission 5c lODAY I rum I lo 10:30 i. ni. (f iHllllllllllla) "Tin: hum in mi or MK.M- OKI! H" I (cilia ti f 2 -l(i-l IVature, MWlll.'H HSV lV A Mol loli-reMing K'l'l 4 IIK')I. "TIIIKII t.H Till: KM l K oTi:s-' mii sn mY "Till: KMM K HIT" A 1-aui.liiiu keystone i-Kcel CamMtl). OUR JULY DISCOUNT SALE CONTINUES 20 to 50 per cent reduc tion on Diamonds, Jewel ry, Watches, Silverware, etc. Sec our windows for prices Out of town Customers Write CSTD I0ft3 iSLETft INDIANS TO MEET RED SOX NEXT SUNDAY Lively Redskins Will Perform Against Crack Naylon Team at Hopewell Field. Game Starts at 2 o'Clock. The lelcti Indian will l-e eoen In mt:oii lr. Hiiniluy altcrnooii. Tiny h.ive In i n hooked to meet Tom N.iy- Ih.n Son ut llopeHell Klcld. The K'unc will aluit al 2 oVIik k The I ml. iiim- lis) rrdkklna -are IuhI and in. i lie pliyera. There ta no , aiolcal i Hliii ahoiit I hi m They rani I'liKc. r im and iiuoit. and on prniu- ation will aiva an rkcelleiit linlta- i lion of n hunch of I'oiiiaiic heti In ri ul.c runt Hpirli. 1'hcy piny em client hall, and the fiift Hut ahoiild tpurkla In lh dm I with Ike ttailora. ' Free Luncli every Saturday jniht at Summer Garden. a "TUP. XAVV AVIToir H TKWIJIXI I IlKviATCMMARtM & JEWEICRS G CRYSTAL TODAY 221 South Second Street Licensed Motion Pictures lll)MM I. T Hie PI I lli" lllaali, taken at laiguna, X. M. Man m-Io well known here arc In l M )i1iirr ami are coming ! nt tiemwtei, 'IIKiK' MII.I.IOXH" Tun-reei tagradi ft lilt Van lltkr llnatkr anal all-Mar . "M IVH lll ki: IHXX!:!!" ('itMily. Uatim-m at 'J:.Hl ami 11 Show a Xlglit lcln t:.V II VP.-TIM K OIK iii:stii SPRINGER FOR SAND AND ORAVEL The Weather Pi HI KCAHT Tonight and Hal uriluy generally fair. Xul much change In temperature. Ai.nrgrEiiQi'K wf.athp.ii fnr the i hiiiirj ended al 8 o'clock thl morning: Maximum S3. Minimum u. Itange 21. At It o'clock . Southwest wind. Tiirlly ilouily. Italndill, .1? Inch. THIXfiS TO WOHItT AIIOI T I'nllrd H(nte tuntnlrn out I'll t limt yrar wni wurth .'i2.1 r.x. Rikkntt hfv;in whnit crop "t 1 1 S.adn.lMlo bunhi'lK I valued al 71. 111)11, 000. Innnvlvanln'a coal production In a I moot na irrnt n that nf the ollii-r 2? producing utatrs. ABOUT PEOPLE YOU KNOW TO HUUHCRIUKHIi tr ott fall to fi your alal 4 papar, call 4) POHTAI. TKLKaRAPII CO MP 4 NT, PHONB 14. 4) Kee'a Candy Store. We aell a nice little holtle of grape Juice lor lUc. Mr. and Mra. Ciiin Welaa of Uniun.i urn In the city for n hnef vIhII. Krnnk K. Andrew of H.inU Fe I a iueMi at the C'nliilm hotel todiiy. Mra. A. P. Keith haa r. turned home from Kl rmui where Khe hH heen VinlliiiK frlenda. Mn. Jamil (I. Klt'h, wife of the well known 8ocorro lawyer, 1 in the city for n brief vinlt. Mra. J. O. (luuld and dauKhler. 2J South Fourth atreet, left iiIkIU for a vlall In 8an Kramd'c.. Mr. and Mra. Tom Keleher have re lumed from a Malt to the I''l'r i'ecoa where they hnve apent a month. Arthur I'ruger, avdltor of the Al- luiiieriue ilua, Klcdrlc t.iaht imil nwi'r company, hua lii.tie to Trlul- dail, hia former home for n Vuculion. I nltcd nlatea Attorney Summer fturkhiirt returned IiimI nlijht from fiiniii Ke where he haa been for aev erul d.iya. lion I'. Johnaon of Hanl.t Pe, uper- vinor of the I'eco nutional forem, la In the city for a hrlef Vlall al fureit heaihiuartera. A ri'KUlar ineetinc of Harmony I. oilce No. t I. II. P. will he hnld ti.nlxhl ut k o'clock. All memhera are miueeied to he preiw-nt. I". A. Ijih In. of the Pullman com pany. Attorney lloh Crewa and (irover lievine of I Minn A Co., left yenterduy for an outlna on the I'piier I'ecoa. Mr, ii. X' Marron returned hint nlaht from Iterkeley, California, v. here he ha been vinitina her father, It'ili'h llalloran, for aeteral Wceka. Caulk, a mnchln.Mt with the f-'iitiia Pe at Clovia ta in AlhuiuerUe lor a wait to hia parentii. Mr. and Mra. II. T. Caulk of 2M4 K.iiHt llaieldln uvrnue. Itev. Orover Knimona, an Alhu iieriUe boy and u graduate of the Cniveralty of New Mexico, now a I'leahy lerlo-i milliliter at fun Murclal, will occupy the pulpit of the Centrnl Avenue Method! t hurt h Hunday In the aience of Itev. g. K. AllUoo. the I'ador. OMIceia for lh enduing year were IriMi 11 1 le.J at an vnluyuhla meeting ot the r Ilium iVutara luat niahl. at which tha icremonlea ware followed hy refreahmenta and a aoclul hour. The new ottlcera are iia followt: Moat excellent chief, Joarphine I'lielan; cellcnt aenlor, Ida Hlovall; exeellenl Junior. Hl.inche; manager, Kva Matthew; rnltrea of flnunce, Paniil BILL'S SHOP f I.K.AXKIt! AMI I'll KHS:H epxii Torn cTxyriim to I'M AMI UK tiTlslTKIt Sit H. tad. M. lifHeS 4M. iSSn nnrl Street II Airdomc 300 North Second Street Licensed Motion Pictures A l'll A AI'll 0IKI)V A TOO.IIKU, H. A. llrl M.ow al N o'clock; Mum IWttliK al i:4.V lat MloWft It A IN Oil KIIINK. All ll lYeeri Air TlMe la. BIG VALUE FINE GRADE OF BOX PAPERS White, Blue and Pink -AT- 25c STRONG'S BOOK STORE Your money lai'k If Jr wan' II l'.l ikemore; mlatre of record, Irene Johnaon: proctor, Ituby Karr; outer kuard, llllan 1'enrioti. Mr. and Mra. J. A. ilolimiulat, o? Milwaukee, Win., arrived In th- cltj limt nliht for a hort rlalt with the former'a mother. Mr. C. Ilolmiiuiat. J. P. McCnnnell, a mining man well known here la In the city for a few day frorit Klngucin. lie t.ow mining al Hold (ada, near Kingman. Htiperintendent ft. K. ftuiwer of the Kanta Pe reading rooma wag In the liy for ai-veral hour Inat nlRht, re luming to hi home In I-oa Angelef from an euatern trip. M. I.. Fox, who la In tag Vegna on a brief visit, delivered the commence ment addrea I a (it night before the: graduating cla ut tha Normal unl virnly auminer achool, Mr. Ken It. Cain of Ha Mai, Texan, well known In AlhuiUeriio mid a popular render and lmperonaior, I in the rlty for a abort alay, acrnm psnled by her aiD, Hen II. Cain, Jr. An examination by the civil aer vre department for foreat and field ilerk wll he held In AlluiUer.Ue !i Atiguat ;d. Pull Infonnation may be hud from i. A 'tlea"n. local acre t'iry at the AlhuiUeniue poal ofllce. Herthold Plenher, of Denver, for many year n rcnldent and aucceaful merchant In Albuquerque and now In the wholciutle tobacco trade In the Colorado city, 1 In the city for a vlatt In hia hrothc r-lu-luw and former bin ned aia.icl.ite, I), H. Ilo'enwntd. Dr. William A. Drown, who apnke at tha Lead Avenue Method!! church I.ibI night, will addrea a mnn'a meet ing In the Commercial club tonight to which Aluii'iuerque men are cor- riiully Invited Iir, llrnwn who la In ternational aerretnry of the Sunday Pchool Aaaociation of America, la on hi way to Moun.altialr in attend the Chautauqua huh open there next week. TRAVELING OVERLAND WITH BEAR AND RATTLER Traveling from. Kan Pr.inclero to New Yolk In a amall wagon drawn by burr". t'dward (3ilon of St I.011I and J. imp lurry lioran "I New York arrived here yexlerda). Their outfit include six burro, a cinnamon lour and all rattleanake. tine of the lattlera I ttilue and la the ln'iir The young men a.iy they Iniend fo preaent th) gnaka to I'realdcnt Wilson. MORTUARY funeral of W. K Jime. The funetal ..f the lute Walter K. Jone took place thla afternoon at 2 30 o'clock .it the Christian church, Itev. Her it I'. William officiating. iembi ra o the Knight of I'ythlas and the I'vibm iter attended the net vic e In a body and Knight acted a pall hearer The aervbe at Pair Mew lemetery wn the Pythlnn ritual. rUTOKY, r'.UTOHY I can now sell you full load of Ih hem Kurd rv Wood ever gold In Alliu-, nu riUe. JOHN' f. HKAVP.X. Phone 4. &ul Ho. Plrl Hi. I You do not get the best value In stin king unle you buy our Him k Cat line of h.anery for men, women and children. They wear longer, they lit belter and they look nicer than any oilier brand on the market. I'rlcee run from JVc a pair up. V May'a Shoe Klore, 114 Weat Central avenue. Take a freexer of Ice cream or aher bet on your pienlu. We furnish either absolutely pure. Upei'lal attention given lo ordei fur Sunday diniiara and apeelal evtat. . ' HOT OH THE TMIL I OF If II lUISMU GUI DOLLARS Alderman Skinner Determined to Give the Orphan Saving, Officially Disowned hy the Mayor, Some Municipal Standing. Kiirneat effort I to be made I" run to It lair in iiu.uuu wiucn Mayor llnairighl would like to auvr In city expendilurea, but wlilcii ne doesn't want the people to think he I trying to ae, and which ho I Btrald he can't aave. It will be remembered lhat t oun- cilmnn Hkinm-r bmughl the Impre ie $ lo.lton-a-year Inlu view by atntlng at Ihla wc-k'a council meet ing that a hulnve man told him the 4iy could ue that aum. Mayor Hoiitrigbt proudly called attention l the fuel that the bum ne mun got hi Information from the city clcrk'a office. Then the mayor became diaturl.ed. The magnitude of the eum upeet him. He tremhled at the mention of ooii. and finally illnowned len-tliou- iunl-a-yenr entirely. lie aald l hadn't heen properly Introduced " 11. didn't know anything about II. and never expected to make It ac quaintance. Now Councilman Skinner I going to irv and get the llulnea Mun to give the poor little Ten Thounand mile Handing In municipal oiiety. The hiiNinena man made Mr. Pklnnor promlMe not to reveal hi name when he flri apoke of the Ten Thouaand, and didn't go Into detail about the mivlng at nil. Mr. Hklnner any he will try to induce the ltumnera Man to tell him Jimt whnt hia plan would e to aave Ihe city ten thnunand a yenr. If the Huincg Man dlcoe a plan thai promlae to red in e city ex penditure 1 1 i.(in) y early the mayor will be welcome to line It. Mr. 8km- I actuated by an earnem dealre to aee the city " luxe and II burden of expense reduced. If there I any way to do It, and the propecl of accompltxhing that glvea him plea tiriihle feeling and doean't affect the temperature of hia feet at ail. RIGHT OF WAY FOR ROAD THROUGH TRIMBLE RANCH The county road board at Ha meet ing yealerday afternoon in reptcd a grant of rmht of way through the Trimble ranch from Trimble Well, the owner, which will enable the board m run the new Tl)era canyon road in a atraighi line from the Jonea place to the eastern end of the Trimble lam h. Mr. Well get ITS fur removing; fence. The hoard will attend Ihe meeting of the New Mexico Hood itoad no clallon at Kant i Pe July in, 31 , ml Auguat I. ROADS FROM SANTA FE ARE ALMOST IMPASSABLE II. I,. iMmmink of Kingman. Arlx. who motored to ihe Klk' convention In henver. arrived here last night and reported that the road between Ha nla Pe and this Itv were almost impassable on account of the heavy rain. It look him nlmnet nine hour to get here from the capital. He de cided he had had enough of soft road, and shipped hi cur from here to Kingman, going on himself by train. t Alllt OP TH WKH. I wlh to thank my many friend for the kind antstunc given me dur ing the lllneaa and following the death i f my baby. I-aly Iniren; and thank them also for the many beautiful Moral offering. IHigned) MH. F.. D. rrflF.N nance at the Casino tonight. Music ly New Ktate onheslru. Kvcrybodv Invited. MEN'S Clothing Sale closes on SATUR DAY NIGHT. 25 Off ona 11 Suits -nothing reserped. Economical buyers are taking advantage of this sale. NEW FALL GOODS ARE ARRIVIN0 DAILY I E. L Washburn I I Company j g V WHY WHY WHY Why! Go elesewhere to buy when you can come to ns and buy your wants at your own price. We are jroing to sell everything in our store, except our new line of Ladies' Shoes at prices never heard of before. Cost will have nothing to do with the price. We are going out of the Dry Goods Line and every item can be bought at prices a good deal less than actual factory cost price to us. We have got to move this stock if we have to stll it at less than half cost price to us. There has never been a Bankrupt or Fire Damage Stock that has been offered as low as our pricings will be on this Close Out Sale. All of this stock is new, fresh, seasonable merchandise, and it is yours at practically your own price. We mean business. Come and let ut convince you that what we say is an absolute fact. You need our goods because you get $3.00 worth of merchandise for $1.00 Cash; and we need you to buy, because we have got to close out this stock. The time to buy is now; the place to buy is our store. We have the girls to wait on you in a courteous manner. So don't miss this opportunity of a lifetime. THE MODEL Co. A. D. CAMPBELL, Sales Manager. LYRIC LOOK The Trey Tie gnat I.OI.II KI.AI, Sl!ltl U .10 Uci-Im. In J -reel liuiall RMtitn, running fnf 13 tore. Marling al lte l.rlc islm-ula y ami T'ltirwlay, Awgu-t Mil and nth. A nn-nn-r h itirr limit eMii'lm lnc." Marl nllli Hie llrs tb (ore, iuiu-H Mil ami ihhi'I iiiIwi of I hem. Unit guilt lnut)oiin hdm. T,:o MHI.I. will nlar. COME AND HEAR OUR WONDERFUL ONE MAN ORCHESTRA r WE WANT YOU TO WEAR 0URSH0ES THIS SUMMER We are sure we can fit you and to your entire sati&fac tion if you only will give us the chance. Our Shoes have proven their superiority to hundreds and hundreds of folks. We want you to know it. We want you to wear our shoes. Try them. Test them. Compare them with any you have ever seen or worn. Our Summer Shoes are snappy. They are neat. They look good to the eye and th:y feel just as good to the feet. Full of style and char acter, yet exceptionally easy fitting. Built of materials that wear and made to keep their shape. Our prices are very low compared with the high standard of quality. May we ask you for a visit of inspection t Snappy Summer Shoes for Men $2.50 to $5.00 Snappy Summer Shoes for Women. . .$1.50 to $4.50 Snappy Summer Shoes for Children. .$1.00 to $3.00 CALIFORNIA IT M JT.VLt yy Mouff 3 Company aurwmA Alabasiine Sherisin-VilUams Paints BUILDERS' J. C. BALDRIDGE LBR. CO. I The HERALD Want Ads get WHY WHY WHY OUT FOR o Hearts EST CENTPAL..A,-- tfiMWUIIlA L3 SUPPLIES 423 S. 1st St. Phone 402 the best results. II 92 I