Newspaper Page Text
Franl W. Clancy Says the Principal Legislative Need of New Mexico Is a Legislature, in Which Sentiment We Concur. n I I frirndu Im lliiila)lce;nj I I I I El "prn io ihhI ,rf UUII A n '""" IliETy 1 ml Ml gz uuy tytylj I I n abroad dm nt f. I Ml ft U lM "f ,n" If If I 111 'inlrlc about Altm MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS r ri ur n K.crnzK!f . Vu 1. No. as. ALBUQUERQUE, N. M., THURSDAY, AUGUST 6, 19: THE EVrVINO nKHAIJl (IU 4. NO. mi. PPM MM n in UsM II 'Mi i . til Mil Wounded Sailors of Both Nationalities are Being Brought Into Harwich All Great Britain Turns Anxiously Toward Northern Ocean for News of Armada Which Sailed With Sealed Orders Several Days Ago and from Which Nothing Has Been Heard. mmrm nrr n rtTrnmrn tt 7T7BTHT7 tt n UmHm i jaiv u uvv i u r a li ii ii in x i -. ii.i .-. i - a i ii ii i . . ii K 11 IblLriiolllilL'ij) VV 11111111 v sea nn wmm U 11 IP IMS Drain FIT? l4inlin, Aug. . .cnc ral new a a tlio liaiajscnlnc f IIh Inst lay r mt lu III i-onitHI In which Ilea artiilc-s isf nearly Hip wind" of r-uisitse re itMtagcd la still lacking, and It l pointed nut licrr ilial when ll realises ! world H may Hft liar Tn-. Hie of tlx war iUtnw isxltmil by Hetglaa anil t-VrM-li art lata. Mot word has reached Im rtn from Itea-Un. while IIm l lalra ami ib-4uel mcasagim from Y senna throw ih Itght imi tlir inllliarir situation. I mm Kf. V4rrlsHrg word Itai mine I lull IIm iimMllralJnn of llu llu-a-lan, fiarcra la prugrcedng limce qnbk It llian liuil lawn riiwteil ami the aiiiniy of the Ituwlan tr.H.p on iIm Herman fniilli-r hww confirm I III". ItMly remains In an rxp1atil attitude ami from WmIs ilrofMil al Im llallau i-iiibey In ln hiii alter quite reauly tu main lain lirr ilea-lawl nsiilralliy ami rtm miim' aillve iHaxlllly If nra-t-aaarjr In ! of any nuiitfa-r of licrnian ulllmaiuma, of which lie Italian iihasy says II ha mi official ritnfirnialloii. Nuiuhrsm of iH-rmau ever mmimI U aaaln Imlay In lliilMi IMirla. I.omlfin, Au. . Kmclitml wattfl ImUy wlib anxlrty for r-V"tf of lhi iiiiivoiiirrilk of the lliihfh IIpi'I. hl'h virtually noihlng hud " hi-Hrd lnri It rtir(iira noma dny mo under krnli-d ord.rd. All ryp rr tffnrd townrd tin North lirr ! i-mriiUy Hmiinril thf war Vfnnfl. had 'irn In inrounlt-r I In- (li-rtiiun lia I tli li I ii tHiuuilrona. Hi-iinrta a.' flrltm nml thi- arrival or a nuinlr of wuundrd lrrinn and Hrllmh l.hi)n. krli at llarwl ll on tin- rant count koil rxi'ltruirnt at H night'! Milnl. an thia waa .- 1.1.-th thiit al IraM Ihrra had bron rontacl lifltn Vvaarla of the oiminiilC nuv p. Thu mot nine paaaed off. hnwavar. without any mr.- d.finii aiaim ut nn linrorlanl clrtnrt Iimwi nlha pow rrful a.iuudrona. Mrtwira from Tlrlglum appi-ard In Indlt-at that th rhi-.a of th tier mi. na oulKlila I. !' yratprdiiy had ln-rii a vrtf un, (.nil repona glv Ina Ilia numljrr of fauna It ira aa hinh aa n oon. From llnma coma a report that lha (irrman rrulKpra fWlten and Krvalau had a'niil the puraiilt Krrn. h and irlilh wamhipa after homliurdlnc lha Algerian roaat. and hud aufely reached a HI. lllun port. llerninn ar venae Ih are auld tn hava penetrated tha Otilf of Vinlan.' and bombarded Kveaborg, the "Northern 'llhraltar." Nn definite cotitlrmiitlon of the r Ported ulllnialum from Oerinany l Italy rama to hand here. Aa ainin al Frlnce l.l.hnoaaliy. the flermun anibiiaaadur. left lmdon to tluy lha Amerl. nil rmhnaav aaaumed lull rara of lha lierinan Intereala In ha Mriliah lalea. Irwin It. IjiuiIi I In. the American ae.ret.iry of em baary, devoted hlmaelf In Ihl bual lieen. It ana ot limited 'Y the em liaray thai there era una hundred thouaatid (li'ttiiana In Orenl Hrliuln but thera were no nienna of naier alnlng how many of thea had le" ainre tha beKiniilng of aerloua trou ble Pel ween the Million". Many tlarmana real.le .n Kngland In order lo fwniw military aervlre, but a great niimlier of there are aald lu hxve aotdled In prrmltled to avrve In tha tlerman army ua cwti aa Kmpemr William offered pardon I ..r deaertrra. Ho lar lha PrltUh governinanl haa not laauad any order for tha aipul- Today in the Theatre of War Sveaborg, "Gibraltar of the Baltic," today was bom barded by a German fleet. British destroyers have been in action in the North sea and 22 German and six British wounded sailors have readied Harwich. Belgian reports of yesterday's battle between German nd Belgian troops at Liege give the German casualties as 8,000 and those of the Belgians as relatively small. British regiments at Tien Tsin, China, today were or dered south. More than twenty German merchant vessels have been taken by the British. A report from Paris says Germany has threatened Italy with war unless she supports the other members of the triple alliance. Austrians renewed the bombardment of Belgrade, Servia. The German ambassador left London today. The Bank of England reduced its discount rate from 10 to 6 per cent. Food supplies in Paris continue plentiful, with prices only slightly above normal. Only a slight skirmish with few casualities was re ported from the Franco-German troatier until noon today. German officers arrested today in Ostend as spies are are to be shot by the Belgians. London reports the capture of a German cruiser by the French. Rome announced the arrival in Sicily of the Goeben and Breslau. two Oerman cruisers formerly reported captured in the Mediterranean. The American embassy assumed charge of German in terests in the British isles. PRESIDENT'S WIFE SUCCUMBS LATE TODAY AFTER BRAVE FIGHT Stricken Woman Makes Great Effort to Encourage Hus band and Requests Continu ance of Philanthropic Work RESTORATIVES FAIL TO PRODUCE RALLY WunhiniMon, Ann. 6. Mrs. Wood row Wllnoll. wife of the prealdent of the ('lilted htntea, died at tha White limine to. I.. all p. m. of a t'liniplkiiUiin of dl aen .lea. Thi) end came infer two aor- Ion RinklMK apellh. The pii-e- un.l her I '.. duuitliti-i a. and Kruiirla Hayr.- were nt the ill the end. The prealdent compli f ly proHlruted when Iuh wife died un.l broke duwn e'itlrel. When Se.retury Tumulty entered the utlve nnVea tu tell aiiltlng newapaper men h.a cheeka were bullied III teiira. alnn of Germane and none la perted, K that lhoe now hei arc likely to remain. Hrumh I a in 1 1 lea. however, are ilia hurting nil Cermnn aervunla, gov erneaaea nnd i hutif r.-ura. a.i thut the tlermun benevnleiit ao. let lea hiof their full in aiipplylug the needa of the deatltute. Many Amerl.una toduy ankril for help tn ootuln food mid ludginH. There were inimy lntun'ea of pet aoiia with gd iertilUaiee In their put kela wulklng the atreeta all niulit hungry. Home of theae were relieved ly atnall unaecured liMina from II. Hoover, of t'alifnrtiln, who epcM in.wt of the duy working to ohiuin a r'H on .1,. r.tte of ex. lianue for Ameri can billa. The rule la now raorbilunt. Among lha rallera ut the Amrrlrnn .mutilate general waa Mra. J.imea T. Murey of iM'nver. who waa ordered out of her alric bed In a hoapllul nt Antwerp Mnduy with only two Imura' niHI.e. hi he waa mid Ihe hoHpilul waa needed for lha wounded. Mra. Mucey left her mother and child In tier. many. Tha a' reel In front of lha American conaiilule general toduy waa packed Willi flirinaiia, nioatly yimtha of the aervunt cluaa coining from all pnrla of the UnilHli l"lca to reiialer their numea an thut they might return to (Irrmunv t light If poaaible. The tlermuna were very iwa.-eabla and the ...Ilea on duly Were able eually to keeo them In lina. The clerka within tha conaulate enerul meanwhile regintere.1 tholr iiamea and addreaaea and alamprd ihMir iiiiliiurv book a lu protect them ' UKal it bring fluxtird aa dearrtera In i Ihev wera unable lu return to aa tn nuiat.' aenmcn arrived Ihe varlixia Belgians Repulse Germans at Liege With Heavy Loss to the Attaching Forces Resolute Defenders of City Execute Brilliant Counter Attacks, Pursuing Retreating Forces Beyond Pro tecting Range of Artillery in Fortress; Battle Was Planned in Maneuvers Last Year. (lermany. There wna no ahow .r feeling- agalnt the Kngllah tn the rowd of men returning to their lutherlund aa a putrlot'c duly. T'.idr uaual anewee to the iioation why they were going w.ia "we Heveral hundred tlermun eipellrd from Kranre have here and are boarded In Hllor'a homea. Thu f ir no cawa of Inault or III treatment of tlrrmuiie by the r.ngna'i hava been recorded. The Urillah admiralty announced toduy that the aleamera Iceland ami Ktder. frm ltreinerliaen, repon that the North llerninn l.loy.l liner Kalaer Wllheliu der Uroaae hue uecn . aimed black and converied Into an tirtne.t cruiser w ith gnna und a ecarch likht. Tl.ere wna a ruah of Oerimina PI all ehiaaea to the home olll.e tu aecure Hrltlah iinturulnulion pcra. About half of the American aatea In the chur n pea ... . . I...I.I en.'e wnicn wna lu ne -o ' ance, have rem hed The other half Were left WuHhington, Auit (. Mra. Wood- row, the plcaldelita Wife, hov- I belween lite und d.itli today. All bough pbyHli I.iiih auld Khe hud piiMN.d a fairly comfortable inch! und hud wiine rent, tiny were no mora ptiimallc I him la lr yealerd iy, w hen they pronounced her condition an Muse that rentoiutivea were n.c.a-amy. Mem helm of the family were cm- alanlly ut her lie.lHide. Tl preai dent, who haa been with her every liioin. lit he wan not absolutely .If luaiidcd by the Kuiopeuu itiaia and the recoiling a'luaii'Oi in the I'liPeil Htn lea, .an. . lied all in guKemelila toduy and remained with-; in cull of the au k room. M out tin of co:i-iunl lllm-a. which lo-Kull with a loivoua breii K.low n, i then a lull on th. with an lujuiy to her apliie, und to lowing thut KriKlil a dleuae, huve ao Weakened the ...( . hi that the White lloiia,. pli)icluti.., with whom were no. lie of the iiblcxt iei lullM.a called In coTiaiillution, l I ll.'tu lit I y udintte.l they had lit If hope und feared It wna but u iueallon of duye und proDuniy houru. Mra. Wilaoti waa cotiaclntia thia in. .ruing und h r condition wua net- ler than thai of laat night, e "I" I cured very brue. The prealdent we'll to lor room before going to thai eecu'le otll.-ea. Hhe greeted him with a emlle, puti.'.l him on thu unit nnd emd ahe hud puaavd a good night. Ir. (iruyaoti gave oul the lollownig, alutetiirnt on Mra. Wllaou'g condition al 10 a. 111. "The chief cauae of Mra. Wllion'a preaetil ciui lal condition la a chronic kidney trouble. Thia haa developed ua one of the rootlta of u ncioii bleakdown, liroiiglil on by overwork.. "In her aininii'ii lu pcrfonu her full duty In W ulniigtin. Mra. WHauii added lo her a. al obligutloaa u very greut uctivity In philanthropic woik i on nee led with lb redemption of aluma of Wuahlngioii cby, und In vai loua other lntaii' ea connected With the betterment ot coMtlltlona of life UrunHoln, Aug. . (Via Ixind.-n) The llar.elte publiahea today w tint. If aaH lire the facta ai fur ua known re gurdlng Ihe repulse of the tiirman tor.iH by Ihe I'.cIkI.iii In the I.I.K1' dlatrlct yeaterdity. The (iermali okho l re eallinale.l at K.ihmi men, while the llelgunia Kiirfoied far Ichh. ' The ulleged rout of the (ierinan Heventh at my cdrpa ia not conllrmcd In Ua entirety, however, auya the tluzette, which ad la: "Thn llelumn eleventh btiy.tde aT tee hu.h .UHlully rcalMlng Ihe liernian iiliuck piirinied the tleeing rriiaHluna with aiiclt energy thut Ilia generol 1 coininaiidliiK ! Kelgliina aa ob liged to order our lroo4 to turn buck, aa they were getting oiilHl.le the range of the guna of our folia. The eir.bua liiKlii of our iroopa waa iiKiitiilllc.-l.t. "A number of wounded (lermana fled to lim.h icrrltoiy und 1M K'e rlae to Ibe belief Hi.K the enemy had j been completely muled. They uiifTere.l , loaaea, however, which lire ealimuted. nt k.iiiiu. iur lorMCM were reluiively amall. j "At 4 o'clock In thn morning the rierman T. nlh nrmy corpa u Hacked Ibe t'hiiiidfoiitiilne and lunicelleg forli from the gniiiheiKt, wh'le their urtll , lii)l.oinoai.le.l the fort lit rieiiw.lle Ion the opposite bank or the river ' M. liae, five Inllea aoiilliAeat ol I.lege. Tb ll.'lniuna i .ip.ure.l aeven guns aun ........ i ,.;u..ium White IIouhc lloor, ...,'., ,r , .arrender of l.lcue have l.uuiH been lll'mly refllaed. Stoilia of the atrur.Klc oelween the Helgian Iroopa and Ihe !rnian ol dins .Hter.l.iy in the vicinity of I.lege tell of terrific al.-iiighter nniotik liel lnan fore. a. At iio.. the tlertntin infantry Hnr- sinall to bo efllcacloua againat th. heavy uiilllery of the llellan fori" Military aiiMioiniea were of the opinion thut ir the liclgiutia colli. I hold out at I.lege one of the decisive buttlea of the war might lie fought there hooii The i'hlnna had penetrated the city ni fur nn Ihe Hue Nulnte Kol, where the llelgian hen.Piunrtera had been w lulillhUi d. when lha lielglun aoldiera came on Ihe a'em. A renewal of Ihe (lerauin nltuek on the city wua expected lodiiy. The ruiir i.f i. mil. Ty wua Inceaannt ainca before llildllil'.llt till lirolllid I.IeK"'. 1 1.1 in in ahella wiecke.l nn.1 act fire to many Iioiihch in the eul.lirli of :rekoux. The governor haa lanued thlit pro I'lainution: "I .rent tiermuliy has invaded llel- giinn tiller an nil imal inn which wua in outran... licit: i n m haa proudly ik. 'ii iii the Kaiintlil un.l the army will do I!h duty." Knur thousand Herman reel.lenta huve been expelled from the city. the veaterduv I tempted I" carry by uaaiiuU KH ihoti, lo 'he northeaat of lege. The ntiai kl iK Infantry crept up un der cover of a heiivy uiilllery iho H'lglm ilefen.l.ra lire until the ' lose iiuarlet a, the llclgluns lite, bUI received their tier ma na hd come t" when at n Klven ansnal opened With n pel feet hail of bulleia front rifles jli.l inio nine .. .... i. ...,.u...l havoc niimiig the llerinutia. The atl.i' kcra aoon lay , in heupa of dead nnd woumien a...u.. tile ajlllle nine i ... - to. I. IV IIH- del..- con( l - at -olid. .Ii. behind Th.. k.i came through were taken under Ihe a pec la I protection of r.i" pemr William und given J aife ci.n duct lo Ihe frontier of Holland. ('...ant (lenernl Hk Inner l over whelmed with pergonal .rltera and dlcnatchea limulrlna tor Ainerloana hereabiiuta are unknown. Ii aya II la lmpoaihle for him lo Irs inri iieoiila r lu aiiawer I. II r und telearuma. Kxlra cl-.iks huve been at tha cowulute g' iC'uulluiaaa) o raa Two.) the fort. At rnuudionluinu. lo Ibu a.mtlicuil o. I.lege. kept up hot lire "II uiiothcr body of (lermana who hn.l aeued a neighboring castl. The llelgbui ur tillery reduced the building to a miiaa of ainoklng ruina. The f.ermiina Itn nllv retired nil ulong the line. nawapiiper niounte. to between I. while they ubunuom A of io.igia.1 according to u homer niplelely cut ofT niter iliTiniin I hluna. A force of IMi 0 tlctuiana puak. n i." - - Wein;'ou in " i IM loris-a r..iiuu men. machine luncera. w ua 0 t.i itM W ori K i its Aiuti vn i S M'll-: Til III". SIKIT I!riiKeli., Ilelgltlin. Aug. B Two illHKiii'ed i ci in n ii otll.era .itreated lo ilay at Hal. ml hud In tlie.r iioaceaHlon cleiinive iiillilury notea und IiIiiiih of Value. Tiny are to he allot. The iintl-i jet man f.eiii.g thioiinh oiil llelitiuui haa beco'iie Intense and many ticrmun reslii.iits wre arrest id today un.l cliurK'.l vvlili eaplonagc. Kvery lorin.ui iIikcov erc.l anywhere In Ihe city la broiiuht before the po lice who have coiiHlderubli) trouble lb protecting the pricoitcr Iroin utt.u k by the excited cltlxena. The palrlollc cnlhusliism here la exlruor. Hilary. Nearly nil the cltlxena wear hadgea with Ihe colore of Bel glum. Klati.e, and Ki.uhin.l combined. TlioiiMi.nda or women of all clasae hove enrolled ua H"d I'roaa nurses and are nwultlng the arrival ot the wounded from Iho but llellcbla mi. Mini l.tcite. King Albert haa hand- id our his pulai'e to the Hud roaa v. i iy und the ipieen will act ua u nurse. Many holcla nlan have been trans fornied Into Ued t'roaa atatlotia "' the citixen of Itrusacla have given up cnrriiigea mid automobiles for the tr ineporialioti of the wounded. I'UbllP Bllbscrlptlolia have been one I for the relief of the l.imill".. i.f thoe who have fallen In Hie- ItKht-t lug. Itclglnn boy aci.tila, T. hilo patrolling ycKtcnluy, inptuted a (ierinan c.iv- Hliymuli and mreited two I'.eiinan in :llleetv believed In be eplca. education In the aoutnern niouniuin itisiriiia. The II rat evidence that ahe Waa doing loo line ll e Cl-e-i ' Kebruaty und ain and biuva und on illle. Hclgium. wax one (Ierinan army cor,... f..r.e coiiclHieu aui.p.irud by the Ulan a intxe.t ona.iiie artillery of the torta- The tattle wua lought along a wide front und puitially In the -''11; tioopa en i cornier attacks. The acverul llelgian furl. ms here I a. th. aame t me aha wua very ' . in. i.. uiii.oii.i m tn urina aooui ... ... ... i i.v..ii.liiiru ci, lairu. live action in iuu ...... v.,.iile nclaium. re. lion , .. m, alia. U on I.lege yesterday luat ' executed by hen .1.- hua uuf-i while the I' lered u gnat deal, i ufninating in mi chronic trouble w line tier conoiu..,. in alarming, it elmwa today a alight lini.rovement over icalerday and the hrsi iiart of last cieiiing. Hhe la Very Weak, but ens. I""a cheerful " ...... ..r ... n.ii,n lull- mi ini.iii ill. X'"".V' . .. .. to arrive llln be Ihe l.rrmuna dutii.g aen. ,r ;....,... I V"-. L,, ... aulletcl M tiiy "elerrnma of eymputhy. In-' ,., ,.,, wa watted with greut na cludng one from Theodore ll .o- elf. ' ,llril,.r Dy the llelgian wno began urrlvlng ui I ha While ll.mae P- hn.l been almngly reinforced, day he.' r.-l .ii us Hrya:i. and, Kurth.r Uerinun Hoop, were up -ii v...- Ii.sident Marshall and ..-j i be cm the wuy Ii rclnlone other ofllclula " r,y rullera l , rcglmenla which auff. ri.d ao v inpalliy. i nsucce-s- vrr,.y in yesterday a " he n made In ream , IUlixllt here loua y ni'" i .v.....i ihe tierniana buck and pur. I .... . k .... to their original po wua the acvcie Be lli 1.4. I ii:iti: I'l.W V. M K At'l l ll l M M I I HS Kl Tuso, Tex., Aug. a. Tha le ' X l.i ll army In play warfare practiced almost exactly the earnc defense win. h Ihey ui . otnplished ut l.leee I"' ncni'il IlKhniix. foloinl John K. Tar-, of Ihe Twentieth infunliy aa'd to.l.iJ'. fobmel I'aike Just returned 'f"H ii, .....1m where lo served ua all i' ( r.ot.i the r nited Slutea nrmy ...... i. 1.1.1111.1101 nt eon lllias t'olollel I'aike W.ia pleaelll last si Ihe nialleuvela of the It whi... Ihe bailie of I. lege was He nld that the Ihv army llelltina today began en with I'lerr Mall, (he consul of llelgiom In New York. Consul Mall mild he expected In be able to send a large number of reservlata ! Antwerp aboard the Vuderlnnd. which la under ordera tn gull at 10 o'clock Huturduy morning. The Vuderlund files the Belgian flag and haa acvoinmodatlona for be tween it.uuu and i.uuv reservlata. It Is expected aha will have ihe protec tion of French und Hrltlah warahipa across the Atlantic. With the calling nut of Ihe He! giana the reaervea of all lha warring nations except Kngland are under ordera lo return Immediately tu l hair native lands. JOI I iti: IX ( OMMIMI OP AM, ll(i:t 11 TIU sol's NOW I'urla. Aug. . The French army has been pluced under Ihe supreme command of lleneral Joseph Joffis. who enjoys great popularity with lha men. ua he does with the French na tion generally. He la known us a man ot stioiig will, and It is a colu mn:! i.ijinu lii Ibe army that when Ceiicial Jotfiu haa made up his mind will force him to change It. French iiiilitury men express full confidence lu hla skill. I lenernl JofTl e Is Z years olu. lis haa been married ten y.ura but la ehlldleaa. He la of medium height and clout, with a massive head, very lair hair and thick, drooping mous tache. He la noted fur hla excellent hoiscmunr.hlp. He Was trained us un engineer, and while on duty In Madiiguscur constructed the harbor of Ihcgu Huurex, the principal one In Ihe Island. The mobilixullon plana for the French uriny were drawn up by tlen eral JofTie luat April and the result of their execution hits exceeded all cxpin ttilioua. Food remulns plentiful In Paris und prices have Increurvd only very sllgbily since the outbreak ut lha wur. Meat und vegetables are Ihe principal commodities affected, aa r.'iuil.-ra find difficulty tu bringing them from Ihe celilrul depots be cause all delivery wagons have been requisitioned for military purposes. In the great central markets there were large .iiislilllleS of vegetable loday and push curt dealers reaped a rich hiirvest, aa they had the udvan luges over storekeepers wh.Mie vehl cea hud been tuk.iti by the milllury. (len.rsl VP-tor Mlcheul, military governor of I'aris, while appreciating Ihe good will of au.'h foreigners Hi Frame us lire offering their services In the Flench aiiuy und wish to or ganise u special corps, wiva he does mt believe the urmy run at preaeitt linlue ruch volunteer Iroopa. expteaa their fill eft oris have Mr. and Mis. Joseph It. Wilson 'ul f Crmans would have to begin the rcg- iCkMaOiUMMl m I'sje Two.) ......... ..f I 1. e end II WUS point 1 ..i i but their huwiUera were t " II. T.-x .' " ir Uiun -ir i lacleil roasinif of the le.'- inans over Ihe river M. use. un.i a . feuturea of Ibe ii.tuul bnl'le aa lt- r,i....l in i, rcss reporia. I'i" l"u. e wurfare ut thai ...r witnessed by Hie larv obaervera. ml Talks received cableurain from tnemhcie of hla fam ily who allll are at tune aid foreign miii- l.uluy III M.I Itl HUUITl STIIT ton iivrn.r i u 1 1" Hvrini New Vork. Aug. tl - In response to a call reservpts here lo P'e piue t leluin liuiiiedial. ly and elder Mi:i K.N I III lsl ll t1l.vF.S KX.I.lNll I.IM:il l. SITAXIA , New Voik. Aug. . Further word of the big Kngliah liner l.iisilanU dodging tieriiinn cruiaera In a lace f..r Kngland wua brought tu New Vork today by the nil tank aleuiner from Ijndon and Am werp, l upttiln Hart said that yea'er dsy h" heard the I.uaitania In wire leas coiiiiiiunicailon with lha Krltiah cri.iacr Fescx, aaying that a foremu ciuair was following her and askln.' the Fssex to et'ind by. Later ibe l-.ssex went lit aeat.'h uf the foreiga er. Imring' three days pa si. aal.l Cup tuin Hurl, thu wileleaa hroukl 1 news of the presence of Hrlllan. French and (ierinan cruiaera. None wat aiithted. however. The Kren. h linnt l.ul.orriane. bearing nearly a thou sand reservists bound for Fiance, waa seen seventy miles east of Fire Island. Ibe UritWih gtesmrr Kansas City, which sailed yesleiduy l.r F.rislol.