Newspaper Page Text
TWO TIIE EVENING HERALD. ALBUQUERQUE. N. M.. THURSDAY, AUGUST G. 191f ! FOR ) SATURDAY AT I j u n. ivi. 100 NEW SAMPLE nccccc JJLJ Just received from New York a beautiful assort ment of Ladies' Dresses in white voile, plain and fan cy white neti and figured crcpjs; all newest models and all size3 to be had. Values to $15. On sale Saturday for See Window Display. Golden Rule Dry Goods Co. MARCUS P. SAWTELLE General Contractor Office & Carpenter Shop 211 West Gold Native Illicit fur Sale. till Oi l) tiVloUt IVrth Aiulmy, today N. J. tuiil made for I.l KM MltSSMU l.l.I.S I.OMHIN lilu.ltl TII I.I.V I ok. Ion, Aiib. fi. The Herman am I' I'rin.e 'll.ill Man l,li linn- y wuh the pumi and hln mum, h it l.oiidi.ii tni'.iy l.y tiwrM train for ii. 1 mill, in riiuii) tn the 1 iiiitiri. 111. i.iriie i-rowd vi hh iiHHemld'.J at t'to 'iiv-.n ni. it... 11 l.ut linn, uuh no ijtin ' 1 i n loll. ''Ii" lierniTi iiiiihn.iMadop and iH flood on tin. ili pa of the In. y iin.l nam till the rmhaNxy praff ..tut v. In 1 i.f pil "(Kid liermi.m had lieen Blvrtl Kpei ial piriuK- i.'ii to iii.-oiiipuiiy them wifely on m , n waiting otiiiill.iiHi hefiK'e lliey ti-Ii. They t heiusi'lven were the limt '. unit the I'MllKIMXy 1'iiioe I.l' hiiowiky, who known 1.1 liHve fell deep ihiiKrln Ht the turn 1 . . nil, looked a hrnken man n ha rtoi.d for .1 few momenta on tli Jm.ip , an. I L'uvr a 1 .1 0.1 look al 111 nl. !alf mi Pour l.i fore her departure, ITItu i M I. m tmowi-t-y, iiari heiidvd and unar. " Mil 'inii'il 1 1 -epi ly hep f-iv-i'ite o.- r. went f r ptroll n ihi neli-'li i ir- II. ...I of tn. Jutmn park. H'liiHliimtl from Vage Thrwj.) Sherbet or Ice Cream Dishe A very pretty assortment of plass Sherbet or Ice Cream Dishes at 00 cents and $1.00 a dozen. Anv number sold to ti person. A real summer bargain. Strong Bros. 2ND AND COPPER vol NEUTRALITY Wllllg BE ENFORCED BY it Dscretary Daniels Ordering Navnl Vessels from Tampico and Vera Cruz to Maintain Country's Stand. W" mhinrtnti. Ail (.- Mn, )i .nt ' i ! fnuiul hitiria "ni for Hr in tins ninety I... held. Thin annoiiti. r lllc-,1 A.4. IK. 111,. toillly ll V irv j t IbitilcU win. n, ii , ,i,p vi , I. h would, l.u kept on Mil Hili i.f the warring! n 1 1 mii in order in prevent i,i.iiihh ' nf ni'ui i ilii v. To protect 1 1n- neutrality nf Amcr 1 in purls ii ml prohibit nlilpmcnln of tiliilutinrin i.f it, Hci'tilaty iHiuSrlnl today nidi red t )i hiililcship riorlihi l.i tin. p. .it t New Vork, the M l llllillT III .l. - ll U 1 I 1 1 t I Itoii.l, ii number of desirnvers to K mi Ml poll Hi.. N. A I !:i w l:i nl oast Mini at t'Hix. I'l . to prevent vhihi.h.n of neutrality lit Philadelphia or In Unit lei iliniy. Any ntfiupiiiiK In r.ill for; liflliKfri iit poriM n-lthmit rlonr.'inrn . piiprr v.111 Iiimrili'i ly Annil'un i.m, iiii.. Tim nnil f iillnl:in lit Wr ! 'riif mil thi ul T.nnpli'i ! h.ive I.. n or,lrr i In i w York, nrt Hi i rMiu y liiinlcln nimunn-il lh:if in hip Aini-rnim vi'nln wnulil lio or IitimI nxrlh " n mum nn fn'mi rniild u : Ton ii1 for thi-m nt nnvy y.(t.l. Tlin l.iittlihip ri.iiiiln lin i nr.l.-m to mili h tlii. di'i'iimn liner Vuti'rlanil i: nl II It I ili-lermliii-a whi-lhi-p tup lonil of rrm rviHtii or minltl.nm of nnr, If ii ty iilionril, vlolutc tho lnw. rrMliler.t Wllcnn tmlay illrerti-il nH iitn.'em of Ihe iiiiny iiml nnvy. wheth er ni tive or retired, tn refrain from din runiiiir pulilli ly i-ither the tiillitury or .ul:tlinl titiiatloii In Kiirope. A letter unit liy the preHiiletit to Hei retarieii ilarri-on nnil limilelH nalil; "It Hei nm to me hlxhly unmre i anil ItiiPrnper that nllli er of tjiv i lirmv iiml navy of the l'n.leil Stntn Hlmulit make any pul.lle utieram e lo ..i, w ,.f t.oti'li'al or Itnry other ..rlll. lm enn l, TlV. n W Ill-Pe ,.r.. tnniivw'." ! - I il'.UMV AVIItl'l STATION" j HH.I'I;h 'UIIII M'H tmiH.Il New York, Auk. A It hunch I'i Ident VIIon hnn Willed nil order priihihltlnB wlrel. h tn the rnili'd ui.i..a rr I r . 1 1 1 in tl ttipmolBea Pif 1 ....i ik. Ati-..ii. ' II 11 II II ll,-.. . . .. . ...-, .... -. rnmniunli'iitloi rompuny- pi.weifnl tower nt Knyvllle, I- I-. today nrnt evernl memaiKen In rode tu flerman war-lilpn lylnii off the muni. I 1 ho MianaBer nf the pompnny. B i member if the naval rewrveu of i liermatiy. wild he had In the tiewi.iiiiL.prii that rrenldent Wllmn '.ni i, tit,- of linl'VMiif4 'tin-tinier li V traliBiniKSlm Olid reepivliiK I - I,.. ..,, tl., oftifilll no .oil ... . ... I m:MMin ion it w m Hii; I'ltit I s Mill viri s! 'Vahlni'U.n( Auk. II. lm- provi'ineut In the ri.llilitl.ina nmmiK Amerleaiin nlu.ard wan hii n today In j i 111. Ial di-pat. hi! to the ut.ite depart- i jjnent. I'rci'iit appeals Lr traiiHpnrtn-j I lion, however, rontinued. I AmhaFcador llerriik repnrteil Ihej finiiln'lal panli" had heen o far nlle Mati'd tn I'lirin that he rerotnmeniled that the cold mi hiwird th,. cruleP Ti'niww he ( to otlnT rule tn RPeatep need, j I:. II. ilary, rhnlrman of ihe relief roinmlMee In .l'arin. nlated that nt IpiihI S-l.twO merl.anH were In need I of traimportntliin anil that with pre-, rnt Mi rotr..iiodatloiii) It would lake gix moiithn tn move them. I I From Vienna A iiiluiMMilnr Te'ifleld 1 teli-Kmphed under date nf Aiwtmt . Mint he wim maklKK every effort t pet Ainerlinna out of Aiintrla hefnre yenterdav al mldnlKhl. when nil transportation wan to he atuppnl f"P tk i,'l toil i i fiwnr Htr.iu'n nul l"i !. Kent, rep penentatlvea of the Hanker' Tnmt rnmpany. bnth members nf the relief !rnmmtt'ee In I.ndoi. rei-orteil that their work wan fully and n rompli te liKt of all Americana In Kn land will he tunned tomorrow. Need. I nf trnntportn capable of carrying- al - .1.. w r, leant twenty thniinatid people w nrKed nlioe the lark nf il'l han made It, I. for many to obtain even I.m 1 wi uv nothing ui ip-eifina Hecieti'y 'larrlnon enprennert ni rhiiKiin at the disponlllon of Amerl- enn nteainnhln eomimnien tu rharae h.,i be roiiHldern enorhitanl prlre for ves.-U to tran.ort Ann rlcnnn. vir : .rrl...n kuid preliminary in itulrlen hroimht rontlriiintinn mee could be obtained for about u 1.1 "tit1 tin np l UL flLLTO SORE, TIRED FEET CiMal nor feet, luimins fs4,nwnl- leu (eel, awi-aty fect, naclliinf fri t, lire.I I Jut. j tiuwi 'jye rorna, calluiiaen, bunion ami , raw Kpnta. So j more Mioe titft.t li e. tin ni.. re luiifiinif with pain or i'rwini up )oup In BLfony, "1 13 lai liiui'irnl, aeta rtnl.t off. -ll:' iiawnoiit all the Miiunoa eiuda tioiu wim Ii pull up tits flit. I'm -'117." anil iup. y.t youp foot ttiiaerr. AM bow etw loiuil.lii your f.t Iwl, (itrt a 25 eent U.i ( "'HZ" now ni any rfrutint or ib .m tau nt alure. I.n t nutf. r. Hava p,l bvl, cln.l (eat, lent lirvep 11, li'vrr bu't. aavrr ant tired, A er'a loot rowfurt Kuanuilcil or MOCIIIDC nni 'iiMri.ty hail heel Intend to have nuiinc art ut of this Inn-miens." ml Hci rctary larrlnnn. "The mrninnhlp companion w'l find Ihev i.iiiiinl HM. i Him oernH,,.n i" mi'liori tiu.ncy out of the t'riilc.l Platen tLnnillv." For Unit reason Mr. f!;nil.n im.'l ll Vllllllil Ill pill pi"- prat In iii- .li.y .m,. of the ii'li. iirmy traii" .nri nl ilalvcntou iiImiiiIv being re fitted fur trnim-Al In nti ncrvlie. Il' ha made ln.iiiry nnil I hopeful that lli guvi rnnicnl run rclxc hIhi-h and nrtcrwnrd iiri ini",. for it fiilr cumpen iion for their ue. Withdrawal of roiiii. American wnrnhlpn from Mexican water l not the r nit of nnv development l Mexico, l.ul n desire l.i l.rinr them . . .. i.l. .i... .,!.. Ul III ll," I 11 llllllll-. II. 'II Ml.' rename of ncnli.iliiy. Thin wa an- iionni fit toily t.y rtcirrl.iiy li.itiiol' nfler report were i In ulnli il t tm il'IU rl I '.II THIIHH, tile I nllstil'ltinll- nlli't chief. Mini asked the I Inic-i Sin I t.i withdraw It land an. I ii.nal i.n c from Vera Crux. It huH t.i- n lf lili-il r-l:iln AinorlrHii fi.ri rx nl i-r.i I'nu until n MilmliilKtiatioii him l.iin I""' lip In Mcvli ii I'm win. h roiiii l.r rr'oirnii.., mill Cirratiita liim l.ron Hll lllf'll llll'll. ti:m.h. i: iti iv to sn. I to III l.n: i: Mi:iti-s ' New York. Auk. Ii Tin- iium.-i Ti.timiiMo with t ;.. '.on. mill in RoM, In. Iilinlinif $ i. r. on. don uppn.priiiKMl Ilii- ni i-rrnn"il for tin1 reliff ol Amirl.ann rirumliil In Knropo.m porif, mm rrmly m mart on ! r vny !'. ! 9 h'i l.x k thin timrnliit; from TnlllpklllHVllle. H. I.. WhlTP rhl- lro(l- pi (I iini lmr l'il nlsht niter IimvIiU Ihr N-w Vork Inn y.iri). Nunc of tlin olHi pin nf tho Ti nim in-n knrw ht-r ilfl Inm Ion. It mm thi lr niilcM, thiy mil'l. Ii lok Ai"- nnt Srrn tiiry of nr Urn kMirnii:i'. lin him loiiiplili" Hiithnriiy, tn nnv pliiio hln orilirn fruin reel linn. I Th Ti-nni-Mr-c H'I WiiKliineton i -not nm'.'r way at 0. HI., nnil II mm catil tint her ili.puruiri woulil t"iH"H'l.v li i" layeil until lnl loilny. Viuler plHim tho ilrMtlntillr.n of the p.. I.l hut. 'it rruixer TennifHep when (.hp nnllH from New York lute toiliiy will li KiilitMiu'-h. Ktnilnnil. The lirillnh lioveriimeni lum plven per miwilnn for llm w;irnhip tn put In there. Tho Hold pi omptly xhlppeil Uperle Will 'e tn Jimlon nnl rlFew here. i The iirmoreil rriiinf r North "' inU-lllrtA will leave, lt.mtnn tomorrow nt X 11 1(1. to lll tile K II H In the illf- iill.iiln.n of cold In Kurope The North t'nrolmii d.-Btiniuion mm n" l.een ilelennlm d hut rhe will tuke any kohl uhlppeil to her In time. r II H Mll KTr.AMl:itS I OT MU,I TO J.OVI HVMIAT I Vi.ii. York. Aub. . Jtillun -Krutt- 'hnitt. rhnirmnn of the Hotnnern raeilie r"mpany Ismieil n mntemeni today miyinn there wa im truth In the rrpurt thnt neliotliiilin were ui prin Pin between th I'.ilted Slnten . government nun ine jiuin. Ht.aliiHhlp rniiipnny f'ir the IrannfeP nf the aieaiiihhipii Munehupla. Mon .,u icn n. sliii rln nnrl fhlna of " "iV'iiv jp'v;. ! .v .'.r-,n" -A,,"i,i;r H. rM.e :tn he opernle.l under ..tnrh- mmt priiieriion in nine ... n)J nlhep export,, tn KUPnpe aim i" hriii ha k Amerli ana now tranuei there. (C'iiiiliiu- fruin Taen On. I eral. hut even with thin help ail 1 1' ili in a mix ran.ii.t he met. Mr. klniirr added: "It U niu. W a matter of nrxuiiUutliin and 1 hope nil Americana will noon 'e eiileiel on a card Index and looked nfier." AMrnii roiiMti.i.v a-ks k nti hir or .-mi.immi.ihmi Premier Ampiltn today nikd the houne of I'ommonn to vol a war credit of :). Uiiii.iHHl. and Informed the member that Klebl Marshal Karl Kitchener wanted pnwer tu liicrcune the Hrltinh army to MHI.OOU men. ti the new war minlntepa behalf the premier asked the hoUHu of com mon to coiiM iit to thin. .oi:ni: i mtif. v MT hi AK AS lll.ll HTi:i Itn:ne, Aua. . (Via London ll:J7 r. m.l The Tribunu lubllnhin n rr port today that the ller:na i rruiner. Ooeben and Hrenluu which were re ported raptured by the French have arrived nl rum Salvatore. near Men- I Una. HUily. , tine or inn tirrmnn niuccm in .... Ir.terrlew nald that while the Itnsl-.u wan nhelllna the Fren h naval ntatloii t Hnn. Alueria, alnklnK ahipa In th'' hartior and detroylna the cim'.le inn Rome housea, the ;.Uen bombarded rhlllpl.evllle, further nlun the cniist. lie nd.led that the two cruiser were mibscipicntly purnued by u lirlllhii luadron. MOltlJ OF 1.INK.HS Wll l- TKi: AMI. HI AX Itl.lsTUV New York. Aur . Fourteen Inteamera belonkinn l.i the Interna tional Mercantile Marine company probably will be placed under the American fb'g when coniireae has paniM-d the a ndment to tha 1'un- mi euiinl act rel.iallna tne am montha ,.f i bullae and me live yearn oe limit o' eteaiiiHhlpn Th. iransfer of Ihene ahlpa will udd a tonnaae of more than tr.u.riuu tn .i.. i .....ri.-..n merchant murine with i.m ' a camion rnpuelty rounlily entiiual led nt U.'i'. The are nteniiu r that probably will be chaniied In-m the HelKian nnd Hrllish flaan next j week when the amendment becomes law: I Uipland. lte.l rlar; Zeeland. lted ' Biar: Vuderland. lied Htari Arublc, White Htar: fymrie. While Mir; Teiitonk', ; While Htnr; Amerlcnti: llerb.n. Amrrlian: H mlnlon, Itomlnlnii: fa nail a. Ii.iioln lon. Man.tou, Alluiilic Traiif ..i I ; Xlur.uete, Allnnllc Transport; Me nominee, Atlantic Transput; Me rabu, Atlantic TraiiMiorl. rltM.IK lAIKlllM VTi I OF ItltlTIMI l.l I lt!l NT WAR MEW FA w leading patterns for the coming season will be Plaids, Checks and Roman Stripes, set off by New Tapestry and Tinsel Vestings, which wc have in light or dark shades. In Silks wc have Printed Warp Taffetas as well as Bclding's yard wide Taffetas in all the leading colors; also the new French Silk called Panne Vlua, with a Crepe & highly Satin finish, suitable for evening gowns. A glance at these New Fall Fabrics will convince you that our dress goods dept. carries everything that's new. May wc have the pleasure of showing you these new materials? SHOE CLEARANCE SALE Shoes for Men, Women and Children at greatly reduced prices. Every pair of low shoes must go. ROSEN WAL " Where Quality Meets Price" iipkIp. one of til, wortd'e most ilin t iitKiiished pca"c ml ocale. approvi-.i nf KiiKland'M cnurnc In the prcneiit cplsln. In a ruble nieRsai'e from S. otlaml to the fv'rw York Kvcninx 1'i.Ft he sayn: "liermatiy hailni; declined llrll ain'M proponed peace i-onferciice, and I hen hailiiK ll' l- d I '.i ll .i In In miree to her in i n h throimh Hclnnini, w in bonipl tn decilnn nod lo declare that she W ould pl'ole. t !-!-Kiiiiii liy-Unl ui.d scu." t 1IIX I'ltlH I.MMS III It JMI.MI'l.l-l i: M.l Til II.ITY Peking, Auk. e. China today pro claimed i her 'leutrnllty In connection With the Kllrnpeall Colllln t..Tlle Work of forllfylmi the l.erman ponhchiuoii of Tsinu Tau ii.iitiniied today and tile aiithorltie there ndded to their ac cumulation of pruvlxlonH. ForelKii enieri rise In t'hlnii In belnn lurulyx.-d. ninny Chinee, have been uffected nlreinly and are w I: hilra .1 Inn their money from the bank co-it rol led by nnanibrs reprenenl ina lluant-n, rrance, KiiKl.nid. ilrrmany and Japan, which hitherto had commanded every confidence. Kuiopetin and American tourlntn! ara experien.ini irreat dillicult), owlnif lo the closing of the triinn-HI-terimi rallroml und rentri.tion of the steamship aa-rvb e, lor which nome ot them held ticket, while nome of the bank re lune l.i rerun nl.e certain Kuropenn letiera of credit. Flfty thousand pornlble will) u pndlmk. romhlnutlon are new rnmblniition Greatest cf All The tnonl wonderful thlnaT In tha world la lave expressed In III ticipl l .fant. Arid nmofia tlms aid and mn furl fur eij-runi m,,ih,. iA tlij Wvll known "X.-iher' Kriend.- Tfi I, sn external applleatlnn ta ettftliia ttia abdominal iuu'Ua to t..-. om mora pliant. In expand n .turally without undue piin fruin liKt atriiiu Uioa ourua and liiiiaent. l:i iiim.iHl every aettlrd enmmunlly ara Wain, n who h'tve rrijuye.t Iho bi.iMHiiia- of thin funinun remedial and h-lTful ambro latlon. 1 hi Ir UVj;htera hnv prow a ua tu burn of ll npixndld aaelnlauca. Appll"d a dirt. Ivil upon IIiom. mu. i Invutvud It tha fin m l it ot l erv. wall wi.ii h ail Ilia mun i, in aupplli'd. 1'hu a rrent almra of the iin no much dri-nUiil inny ba"d and llw Is-ilud of ci-r.iMiujr msb4 Uuutli lu A4ta and comfort. Anylliiiia Hut add ao tnurh eomfurt xriLsl be r.uuntrd a M.-aninif In.l.d. la a iiitl bunk aent by mill much una fid Infi.riijHtiuii U alven la lnrxrerlerin'd tii.rther. It . Ilu ,u l l HM M. .tie r rlrnO ainl how to avoid caking breasts, fi.'t a Is .III,- pxbiy tUiX wriui b-r lu Iw iru, It.KbiMir -,( 4ot lienr pals. Ailaiii. tul Iva Ivn 'iivUtU ' E ARE receiving daily a new Goods; styles arc definitely fixed, even as to the coloring etc. The' PRESIDENT'S WIFE (Continued from Page One.) they are either or n route l.eino. 'i he president ?cijidc otiiy In i ial papers. He eft Mm. Wilion illil i:n...r':iHI i. Hi ll. d Hot nee eiell llielllbl r of th Ci abinet. Th- rimi- Ii'P Thurad.iy alteriioon onf.-ieii. e with the Wanliliiuion eorrespondeiit wa can. elb d. The pri nidi lit was sil.l by Iir. iirason In be biarln? Hell under his Kreat Krief. At I p. m. Mrs. Wilson wan beln'f RiiMt..iiied by oxuen and other nrtl Ib ial ntimulanln, but her condition w m about the mime. Ir. Ilraynon said Jtint nffr p. m. that Mm. Wilson had two iinkiiiK spell thi mornlns hut rallied under stimulation. She wa ronscioun but Kn.wInK weaker. e-ympnthy f..P Prenldent Wilson and hope for the recovery of Mr. Wilson wa expressed In a reiwilulion passed by the house Immediately lifter It convened. Tho resn'utlon mil prcsVhted hy lletireeiitativ Kinkead of Nebraska and wa panned In alienee. Throoithout the flay member nf the diplomatic corps railed In a nlendy prorelon lit the White House to leave their card and expres their ympHthy. Mr. Wllnon' pet mentors before CotiKrena, a lull for tho reclamation of pent spot In the slum of Wnsli liiKtoti, wua hurriedly reported out favorably today by the houne trlct of Columbia commltlen. Kvery effort will be made lo have It paused im oi.n an possible. Last night while; tha prenldent nltllmr at Mr. Wllnnn'a bedside aho recalled her Interent In the slumn and mentioned It would udd much to her hupplncna If the pciidmif bill ronld b pusfed. The presldeni mentioned the matter to r'ei retary Tumulty and today ocMon by the committee result, ed. IIIIOTIIFH OF Kl.tlCKI A WOV III itiui.H to in it I'.i iiNiin. Porlland, ore.. Auk. . lr. eiliM k lon Axnon, brother of Mr. Wnodrow Wilson, punned tbrounh I'ortliind to. day on hi way to W 'anhlnatoii. lr. Axnon ald ha had not known of thn nerloua nature of Mr. W.lsi.n con dition until h received a telegram lat nlKht from President Wilson. He In Mnltlii liintructor at the l-nivernlty of oreiion oummer m hool at Kui ne, I i;i ..n. I IN'Ali l Pl.ACI'l T 1II.F M HT AT o F Flan nil over the rlty, nt lh f-r-rnt service. pontofllca und other place wheie they ara hnblluiilly shown, were dropped to half mnnt immediately upon receipt nf the neWn that Mm. WllNi.n'a biave iKht had been ended at hint. Several local men. government of ftdala nnil friend of the prenldent. dispatched leli-arama of rondulen.a- The debt i.f tha rlty ul Inindoti I now IH2.ISK.II47. A revolving plow hag ed In which 11 guanliiie been patent motor drive. shipment of Wool and Silk Dress TODAY IN CONGRESS. m: ti Petition pouied in for the passu of the l.'U to relllovp re. nirli iioii aK.iibst ahiim H. , Ameriiau revisier. llolsF. Met at noon. The railway bill wan debnteil. A rcolulioii of nympalliy l.r I'r.Miib nt Wilnoii in In.-, wife'n ill tli sn w a pa.' sed. 0. R. E.'S WILL INVADE LAS VEGAS SUNDAY The O. It. K. nine will Ru tn Vena rliiinlay to i lash !th the Mar of that city. The Mar., "lis are a well ornanlKeil mijnt, and the rail roader will have to play tu hold them In nubje. tlon. Ilallline will be on the mound for the ll. It. K.'a ami I'have will rati h. Ijirraxoln In scheduled In pitt h for the I.a Venaim. I lfa.-ajma. fHi HWprf 1 rJm . 4rffin . - ' OUR LINE OF WETTER STOVES AND RANGES IS NOW COMPLETE AND WE INVITE YOU TO CALL AND LET US DEMONSTRATE TIIE FINE POINTS OF THIS EXCELLENT LINE Geo.CScheer FurnitureCo. 314-31G SOUTH SECOND ST. D'S THIEF CUTS FENCE ANDTAITESHORSET"" TWO DEPUTIES OUT A hornelhlef tut a fence in tha Huninit piiHiure aomii lime Hun, lay nl .111 and stole a horse belonKiiiK t" Curd a Adaitin. For nome rrusnn a report i.f the i heft wa md made I.. Ilu. Miri',!V.M oiilie until yestenlay. today I ml. n In i iff Hick lwis nu ll. .11.11 ed a levwird of litt had I n offered for (he capture of the thief and the lecovery of the In. ma. Tw.i ib-puiirn hum been cnt nut 011 the 1 a a-, one lib. UK the river und Ilia othi-r acii.jin the mountain. .-.(Ml Mlmt- Art lithl off. lloiiKlan, Am., Au. 6. deduction of ten per cent In the waite of ihn men employed by the Copper Queen and Calumet und Aria. .101 ainelter hi re wan put Into efiei t today. At Urn n.inie liiue .'.'nl i;n n. to n iiuarier of the Working force, were laid off. laoae reCuaiW. i New York. Am. Andrew car- 4.a4' I tha rutting wheel-