Newspaper Page Text
THE EVENING HERALD, ALBUQUERQUE, N. M THURSDAY. AUGUST 6. 1914 THREE SPECIAL EXTRA SALE MENS TIES Big August Clearance Sale Men's Four-in-Hand Ties. 300 to pick from. Values to $1.00. On sale Saturday, choice See Window Display. Golden Rule Dry Goods Co. e GAMES TOMORROW Vitpinal l.-ag-Mc. Chicago at New York. Pittsburgh at liitn. .' i ti t n hm 1 1 at Philadelphia. M. Louis at UriHiklyn American la-agor. 'n game. riHlt-ral 1ragw. I hintn at llultlmore. HI 1 .011 is at Plttshurgh. Inriinnapolia at HufTuto. Hansa '.:ty at Krooklvn Vnu-rtmn AwihIniIihi. i 'olumtiua at Kanxas Ci'y (). Cleveland nt Milwaukee. Indianapolis ut M nineu.iolis. Louisville at M I'aul til. YESTERDAY'S RESULTS Xaii'Mal lmictu. on, 4. I'litnhnrgh, e HI I... iii. 4; Una. kit. i. 0. New Vuik. i: In. ago. 0 Philadelphia. 4, Cinciniu I., 0. .ma-tian I .csku". Philadelphia. 7. Chicago, 4. HoKton. HI. Louts, New York, 14! iM-troit. 4. Cleveland, J, Washington, 2. IVclrral liramir. Hrooklyn, 4, Kansas City. 1. M. I .on la, 3; Pittahurgh, 1. Indianapolis, &; liufluln. 4. , Chicago, 4; llaltimore, 0 Quality! Not Premium 2,Bc Baseball. Standing of the Clubs Tha averages do ot Include to ay 'a results) National 14-agiir Won. Lost. I'l l Nrw York hi 37 .5M Chicago bj a .514 HI. Louis M 47 .U5 Hoaton 41 4.'i .611 Phllndrliihla 45 4 .471 Cincinnati 4 1 .474 Iroklyii 4 il II .440 Pittsburgh 40 11 .415 Amrrlun 1manr. Won. Lost. IN I. Philadelphia l J4 .jn Koeton 6 44 60 Washington (4 44 .til Detroit ( 4 .MJ HI. Uiuia 4 4 60 ,4 Chicago 44 53 .40 New Turk 44 (4) .440 Cleveland 22 ( .234 IVcleral U-agtir. Won. Lost. Pet. Chicago ( 4 . Hnltlmore fll 4t .fS Brooklyn 4 41 .144 Indliinnpotlg so 41 .3 H u ft nl,. 4 47 .45 Pittsburgh 41 S3 .4 41 Kansas Clly 42 f .434 HI. Lou I, 4 6 .411 TODAY'S GAMES Till ltsY. Al'tJi'ST . NATIONAL LEAGUE (liMluitall. 4; Philadelphia, S. It. II. E. ritirlnnatl .,..101 200 000 4 10 3 Philadelphia, ..loo 000 001 2 4 1 lUtitrrlMi: llcnton, Mattlson and Clarke; Marnlinll, lllxey. tiuumgard ncr ami KUItfcr. I hH-aiC", 4; Sew Yrk. S. Bcore: It. II. E. Chicago 000 000 0224 7 1 Nrw Yurk oho 0112 10 1 latteries: Humphreys and Archer, Rreanuhan; Malhewen and McLean. M. UhiIb, T; IVrooklyn. 21. K. H. K St. Louis too 003 0007 10 It Hrooklyn 001 000 001 2 2 1 Hatterles: Perdue and hnyder; tkhinlU, Allrn and Plainer. FEDERAL LEAGUE lutlllniore, ft; flilingo, S. l-MW. H. II. E. Chicago 000 101 01102 2 llaltimore ....100 03 ItMx S 10 0 Hatterles Mclluire and CIcmons; Huggt and Jucklilsch. Hrooklyn, Si haimaa (lit. 0. kore: it. II. li Kinui City ..000 H00 0000 6 2 MriMiklyn 000 zoo noo 3 7 1 Hatterles: Johnson and Drown; Hluejucket and Land. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION lniltaiMMlia, I; Minneapolis, ft. It. II E Indianapolis ..200 On 001 a 15 2 Minneapolis ..401 000 000 & 11 1 llulUrlra: Mt'K and Mvlnnnton rattvrxMi. Hurna and timllh. ItltiNirirlS 4; IVimtiXI. ft. Kior: It. II. B PtUnliurm ,.0o3 010 000 04 t 2 HiHiliin 200 000 200 I 1 t 1 KHllerlpa: Ail.ima and (IHinon; Ty ler, Cruuher, tdrand and Whaling. . I.uuilK I; M. I'aul. 4. Kiri 1 lame: It. II. K Uulvllla 01S 100 0007 14 tit. I'aul 100 002 010 4 I lumrlea: Toney and Heverold; Oardner and Jxmea. CIGARETTES CamcU Sell Without Premiums NO premiums or cowponi go with Cimcl Qeftrcttos, be. Cause all the quftlitf into the lottxcoo choice Turkish nd domestic Urnd. With every whilf from a Camel Cigarette you notkc the ftboence of the ettarttty taste nd itung; tongue or parched throat, 20 for 10 cents and yaw Mnf omoked nvtei A. Iichilul igarftta, im odd what yvt ftti. Matca a dioM aloal 4 aadu tft tedarl If h 4mh tmm'f tmfetv m, m hHm W In mmclims t iOO lfar. pnmtm areW. Altmr t-mkuig I ritaa, U ym aWa'f tim4 LAMkLi mm rmrnmrn. mmm w mtu rara R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO Ca Vki .9afc,, N. C CRUISERS OF ALL BELLI G EREfiTS Fast Commerce Harriers Watch Forts of Eastern Coasts for Unwary Liners and Freighters of Enemies. FASSENGER SHIPS SCURRY FOR SHELTER New Yrk, Aug. i The irveni (') l the American imaat tf war- hlia 11 f the waring European natiutia prepared to dmcend on anil capture the merchant veaaela of their opium Ing belligerent ai evldrmed tod.ij tiy aewa of great Atlantic llnerg ar riving at llHllfax. N. 8., and by wire leaa reporta of the warahlpa' ac-llvl-Ilea. The faat Cunard liner Maurelania Ith 1.&00 puaaengnr from Mverpoul, and the While Xlar liner Cedrlo from Uuoenntown today raced into the Canadian port, presumably to ravape purault by two Herman cruiaem, be lieved to be hovering In the vklnliy of the Urand ilunka for Juat euch priiea. , - Theae two irulaere in ono report which ennie to the Uritlah consulate here from the captain o( an Incom ing liner, were sunk by Ilrlllnh war- hips, while pursuing the I.usUhiIs yelerday, out the report could not be tonllrmed. It was out of the con f union of many wlreleka mesaage that the rewort thut the Uermun rrulaers hud neen sunk was picked up by the wirelets operator of the steamer Cranium, whose captain it that made the report to the Hrilish consulate. In New York harbor lies the Ham-burg-Amerlcun liner Vaterland, ap parently provisioning fur aervlre, but today the Cnlted States batticahlp I'lorlda took position In the ler harbor and neither the Veterland nor any other ship of a belligerent nation can pass her guns until the Lnlted Ml a ICS authorities have aaUsfled them selves that their departure will not violate the neutrality laws. The I'annonut, which arrived in port during the night, left (liliraltur July 23 and until she approached thla coast the nfnrcre had no knowl edge of the situation In Europe Several hundred miles out she re ceived a message from a Hrltish rtirlmr warning her to lewarr ot capture. All lighta except those nee esaary to the navlgntlon of the ship were immediately extinguished. Early yesterday the rannonlu pawed the Lusltanin. The ship ' dark except for her running lights and was being driven along at high speed. Hmin after the I'annonia wits In communication with a llritlsh warship which informed her that she ml la ko ahead without fear, en ther Here several Krliiah ships within wireless cull. Later the I'an nonla'g wlreleiw operator licunl tier man cruisers in communication with each other. The Hamburg American line emphatically denied today re porta that the steamer Vaterland was being fitted nil! here as a cru.n r or that she would sail on any mis stun whatever. Confirmation that the bug liner hail Bought a haven at Halifax gave color to the many reporta of wire leaa mvssugca of articitlvtg of tier man war vessels off the American coast. iH'laili, of her renaons for en lering Halifux further than the Uriel statement that she had been ordered In do ao by the British cruiser Essex were lucking at the Cunard line of fices here. TWO MOHK I.KIIMAN CIM IsKltN A HE ItEIIMtTKI lr:MHOt Kit New York. Aug. 0. Captain leiig of the Cranium liner Cranium an nounced at the lirltlsh conulutv today thut lie had Intercepted yeMerduy wirelesa messages from the steamer I.uslunid. saying that two tlermiin cruisers which had been pursuing the l.usltanla had been chased and sunk by two Hritinh warshipa. The Cranium reached lrt yester day. Cranium lino otflriala who saw Captain Heaaig after his arrival here said today thut the captain hud not reported Intercepting such a meseage and that they were unable to tun firm It. The wirelesg alatlon at Hayville, to which the alleged message fmm the Iisitania was addressed, according to Captain Iteaalg, said today that It hud not received such a message. The message. Captain Itrssig said, contained the additional Information thut the Ijusllanta waa continuing Its trip to England. The Lusitanlu sailed from New York with darkened lights. shortl7 before 2 o'clock yesterday morning. IIHITIMI t Itt'lsl ttH KMDItT 1.1 N Kit lT IIALIPA HallfaH. Aug. The Cedrlo of the While Hiar line has put Into Halifax with passengers. 11 was reuni ted here, but not confirm ed, that the Mauretania while at sea hud sent a wireless ntessuee to the lirltlsh cruiser Essex, aaserting that a Herman cruiser was following her and ik.i ... Maurelania UKkrd assistance Th report was to th effect that the Essex came up Immediately and stood by the Maurelania until she came Into iKirt. It la believed her, the Essex and possibly o.tier HrUiah cruisers will enter the haroor today, on. arc tii-:it 11 AM NAttlWIW l-hCAI'E v-w West Kla.. Aug. . The Ktamlard Oil' steamer Sioux, flying the German flag, which left Tum pico July 10 with a cargo of oil for Kiiriineun noil, arrived here touay after having made a forced tun of several huura to esvapa Urtiiau HOVER NEAR SEABOARD warship patrolling the tlulf of Mex ico. AI,UN MVEIl Mil y.t, I. Ml AH rillE EM I- II H pflllt Liverpool. Aug. , 4 p. m The Al lan liner Mongolian on arriving here from Olaagow today, wns struck by a aunsho; at the entrance to the river Mersey, The shell went through fw bnwg, AM..W U.VEIt ItlTt ltf Til MTItKAI, TtMlAY Montreal, Aug. The Allan liner ulflltun Mtili-h aalleil frnm Mnnfrenl for lindon last ftuml.iy morning, has abandoned the attempt and I return ing to Quebec. Five liners aalltd from Montreal the day before the Hicillun left. Nom ina hiia been heard of them since. They are the Megintic to Liverpool, the Oraniplon and the Athenlu, to tllasaow, the Maneheaier Corporation to Manchester ana tne i.aae Man itoba to Liverpool. Explosion of Motor Car Tank Responsible for Many Dead Disaster on Kansas' City Southern. Joplln, Mo.. Aug. . The thirty eight killed and two more Injured In last night s wreck at Tipton Kurd, ten miles from here, when a Kansas Citv Koulhern pBBsenger train collid ed with a Mlaao-url A North Arkansas railroad gnsolino motcr car. were brought here early today. Many of the drad and Injured were badly burned by the explosion of the gaao line tank on the motor car. The huge gasoline supply tank for the car's big motor hurat, saturating the Imprisoned passengers. Then the gasoline caught fire. Hollies of many of the dead were almost ronuuTned by the fire and many persons pinioned beneath the wreckage received severe burns In addition to wounds. complete Identification of the dead will have to await a canvass of thcxne who emuped. aa a number of boilloa are unrecognixatle. Twenty bodies of the thirty-eiglit recovered from the wreck had been Identified toduy. The delay In lilen tlllrutlon la because many nf the bodies were charred almost beyond recognition. All of the dead bo far identified were rexldenta of Mlasourl, most of them from Joplln and No- oshu. VILLA LEVYING Oil IS li Constitutionalists1 Actions Made Subject of Appeal to State Department by Inter ested Americans. El Paso. Tex. Aug. levies made upon Americana and other for elgnera In northern Mexico controlled by tleneral Francisco Villa have caused complaint to he filed with the slate ilepurtment at WiiNhlngton, waa the Information brought here to. day by arrivals from the outh. They report large quantities of timber ate being cut from the holdings of the Kansas Clly. Mcilco & Orient rail wav and the I'hihuahi'u Lumtn-r comHtny In Chihuahua and sold for the benefit of the constitutionalist war cheat. Uighty Mexican families of soldiers In Villa's army a re aald to be ouar lered on the ranch owned by William H. Kenton, widow of the Englishman whi met his death mysteriously lust February In Juarcx. STOMACH TROUBLES Cr. RizUfii Writes Iatere.lia, Letter 00 This SaVjecL Madison Heights, Vt-Mr. Chaa. A Raglind, ol tin place, writes: "I have been taking Thrdfoni'i Black-Drhughl lor indigestion, and other stomach troub les, also colds, and find it to be the very best medicine I have ever used. After taking Black-Draught tor a tew ttayt, I always tel like a new man." Nervousness, nausea, heartburn, pain tn pit ed stomach, and a feeling of full ness after eating, art sure symptoms ol stomach trouble, and should be given the proper treatment, as your strength and bfalth depend very largely upon yout food and Its digestion. To get quick and permanent reliet from these ailments, you should take a medicine of known curative merit. Its 73 years of splendid success, in the treatment of ust suctt troubles, proves the real merit ot -TnetSlord's Black Draught. Sate, pleasant, gentle In action, and without bad arter-etiects, it la sure to benefit both young and old. For sale ,verjr whtifc PiK4) ). KUU BURflluC GASOLIIE ADDS TO HORROR OF COLLISION OEGNERS COMPLAINT P I1.1TTLU ItElfHtTH orn IM.I.Y COMIItMEII IS V.MII4.T1 Washington, Aug. . American diplomatic dlapatchea from llclgium connrm 1 runnels reports of a heavy Herman defeat at Lit ge. Th0 Her mans were caught between two forts The annihilation of some llelgian troops In a furious charge on nver- helmlng Uerman force also was reported. London. Aug. . Chancellor nf the Exchenuer Lloyd lleore state. I today In the house of commons thai the government hud decided to pic claim a general moratorium f.n h month. Wages, salaries, tales and taxes, government payments and lit' tional Insurance transaction nri not to come within tho scope of the mor atorium. POIITI';L NTOiM s:x min or' t'EUKALM IMr l IMTKI V Lisbon. I'ortllsal. Add. A Th n..ri la crowded with Veaaela bclonama to the various European nations now at war. The government haa taken meaa. urea to assure food and fuel supplies for the nonuliitlon. in well aa tn as sure the monetary circulation. The export of cereals has been pro hibited. OLD TOWN BROWNS WILL PLAY RED SOX 6UNDAY AFTERNOON The Old Town Hrowns will piny the K. d Hox at Hopewell fleld Huroluy af ternoon If the Krnwna win they will go after the r. rt. K.'a and do buttle for the city championship. They look the title In the city league Inst year. The Prowns haven't been In action ss a team for seveisl months. "Rpeedlo" tluevara Is piloting the re awakened aggregation. NOTUm OK ADMIMNTIt Tt)lfK BALK Proposals for the purchase nf from : tn 3.".0 head of rows and this year'a ralves in either of the follow ing brands: Apple and Flying Dia mond, and stock rattle in said brands to the number of not to exceed too head, will he received by the under signed at the office of Marron and Wood, rooms S to S, Male National Hank building, up tn 10 o'clock a. m. of (he 17th day of August. 114. Maid cattle being the rattle owned by the late H. K. Adams and are now ranging at Runnee, New Mexico. Itiddcr will please stale the price they will give for each class of cattle delivered at Buanee. II. ft. HF.rtNnn.V. Administrator of the Estate of JI. E. Adams, deceased. CALL FOR DEMOCRATIC COUNTY CONVENTION Pursuant to the Instructions ot the Democratic county central committee of Kernallllo county; a convention of the Democratic party la hereby called to meet at the court house, did Albu tueniue on the 13th day of August at lo o'clock a. in., for the purpose of selecting IS (Iclcilulcs to represent llerniillllo county In the Democratic stute convention which will be held In the city of All.uiiieriue, N M , on the 17th day of August A. D. 114. for the purpose of nominating a candidate for thn house of representatives of the Cnlted states for the state of New Mexico, and of nominating a candi date for member of the state corpor ation commission; and for the trans action of ail' h olher business that may come before tho convention. Precinct primaries shall be. held on the inth day of August A. P. 1314. In precincts 1 2 and 2. at k o'clock p. m . at such place aa shall he designated by the chairman of the precinct, and at nil other preein.-ts at such place and such hour as shall he designated by the respective chairman, the chair man shall post In several public places notices of said meeting, at least three das prior to the date of holding the primary. The chairmen of the precincta ahull certify to the secretary of the county central committee as soon a poaalole after the primaries a list of cue del egates selected at aald primaries. The precinct chairmen and number of deli gtltca to b selected are aa fol lows: Precinct 1, Han Jose; Itafael Can delaria, chairman; 4 delegates. Precinct t, Del Hln; I delegate. Precinct 3, Alameda; Itoman 1. 11 -cero y Ourule, chairman: 2 delegates Precinct 4. Itanchos "Is Albiuiurr iue; Ambroaio A. itamoru, chairman. 2 delegutea. Precinrt t, llareliia: Cesarlo Ito mem, chairman; 3 delegates. Precinct S. lacs Pailillaa. lll.ia Men toys, chuirmun; 1 delegate. Precinct 7. Kan Antonio; JeaU4lar. ci.i, chairman; 1 delegate. Precinct l, Los lirlcuos; E. W. Yount, chairman; I delegate. Precinct . Itanchna de A true o; Don.n luno Ourule, chairman; 1 del egate. Precinct 1". Escoboaa: 1 delegate. Precinct II. Pajarlto; P. II. MeUgar, chairman; I delegate. PrecinU I.', Alhuyurnpie, north of Central avenue: A. Fleischer, chair man; :R dele galea. Precinct 11, Old Albuquerque: Feliclatio amors, chairman; 7 del egates. Precinc t II. Han Ignacio; I delegate. Precinct li, Hants Harbara; 1 del egate. Precinct Im Tijira: Daniel Her arra, chairman; I delegate. Precinct 2 a, Han Antonio; rrco. Monies, chairman ; I delegate, Precinct SS. Albuquerque, aouth of Central ae:-'i; M. 17. Vigil, chair man; II deleiates. Precinct 3. Alrisco; Edunrdo Apn da. a, rhalrnun; Z delrgaira. Precinct i. Chlllll: Jose I. Mat donudo. chalmsn: I delegate. Preclnc 5, Duranes: Francisco I'a bedra. chairman; S delegates. Total, 14 delegates. I.OI 'IS A. McRAR. W. W. McCLELLAN, Chairman. Secretary. ' Albuquerque. N. II., Aug. I. lilt. WA PERSONALS Prof li Mauru returned last niHht from Jemex Kpriiiaa. Leo Murphv. bookkeeper for E. I. VV.inhhui n Co.. retiiriied last nMhi fiom a nialioii f three weeks, spent witnessing bin league gum. s In Clil cHgo and other eiiNtern cities. Judmnent f..r ;;j as entered In the dislrlct court today in favor of Learned A Llmlcmann against Al bert II. Armljo. The suit whs for money due on a piano, lie Ktla June Itay was granted n divorce from John Hay mi the ground of non-support. Montana lucnk 4 1r,l. Untie, Mont., Aug. . in the or der of Uoerior ts.wart and Attor ney tleneral Kelly the Ntale Havings bank of Untie wns cIobimI here today i'V rlale llnok,ii....r 11 u Ir.iw. It was reported KiiHlclixl,n was only tempurary ami had ten rallied ,y t1(. failure of the Institu tion to obtain money from i(riTfl4:virntft. A household remedy In America for 25 years Dr. Thointm' Kcleclii- ml. For cuts, sprains. Iiurns, scildn, orulsea. 2oc und 6t)c. At all drug stores. I Introductory I Befrinning Friday we inaugurate a sale that will provide unusual attraction tc people of this vicinity. Twice yearly, it is the policy of "SELZ ROYAL BLUE" Stores to convert into cash what is left of a seasons stock. They never carry over a s'.ock from one season to another. They con sider it good business to take the loss and thus tsUblish itself as the "Store of new things.'" This store will always have nothing but new footwear to sell. The following prices will move this stock quickly: LOT 1. Men's Shoes and Oxford. Patent Gun Metal and Low; values up to $5.00. Special Sale Price $3.85 LOT 2. -Men's Shoes and Oxfords in all leath ers; values up to $1.50. Special Sah Price $3.45 LOT 3 Men's Shoes and Oxfords in all leathers; values up to $4.00. Special Sale P"ce $2.85 LOT 4.-Men's Shoes and Oxfords in all leathers; values up to $3.50. Special Sale Price $2.45 LOT 5.- Men's Sho;s $3.50 value. A god work shoe. Special Sale price $2.65 LOT 1. Ladies' Shoes and Oxfords in all leath er; values up to $4.50. Special Sale ricc $3.45 LOT 2. Ladies' Shoes and Oxfords in all leathers; values up to $4.00. Special Sale Price $2.85 LOT 3. Ladies' Shoes and Oxfords in all leathers; values up to $3.50. Special Sals Price $2.45 LOT 4.- Ladies' Shoes and Oxfords in all leathers; values up to $3.00. Special Sale Price $,95 LOT 5.- 30 pairs Ladies' Vici Comfort Shoes, Rubber Heels; $2.50 and $3.00 values. Special Sale Price $1.95 Stateson's . ' , - . " . ' : ' : ST. VINCENT ACADEMY. Albuquerque. N. M. ItOAHDINti AMI IIAV N lliMil, Hill 4.IUIJ 1T.AH.M M WIU, llMl'i:M hl.11'1 MUCH Hilt S. Muati'. Paiotlika Dranuttlo AH, lmarl.- ealcixr. Km la tteoliou. He. , ogulaecl aa tlMt Leading Academy ot IIm? Mtr. t'cMursfa t uplcte prcqntrsHwy and Aca.lo.uli'. 1'or Pwrilrulara, ailitrc-se Bid 1 Lit bl PtJllOK HT. VLNCU.NT ACADLMV , Ile ltIM tor HidlaiMl. W.iNhingt.,n, Ann. g From The I la line has come the flmi ni.lane or aid from the Am. man i;,.,) ''riral A ineKMige haa been returned saving 1 i,t. W ,e il Km,I he. I as qui. kly as iriinNpori 'iion 1 .m ,P found A null coninia of Ibrea . I , r,,,a phslclans and I nurses with a fui: equipment. a rwa nf giuu 1.; a m rriwvn Dr. T. FELIX COURAUD'S ORIENTAL CREAM OS MA&ICXI. BUUTIHER Si Jar4Na. SmiwnTun etie a a -- Al ana hliin iir-. ' sn.l r.rrv Mrmiitc ial 'I - on cie.i.n . . aiel Or f""x If ! rt-.f. l.on II I sf . ii.fl !""""i'".'"iv " trti . aitt'l m v h.HMtlr . vr tat Il l I)" lie tt it) ttirtlv nuitr A f,l w rfrtl fa( "nmt In 1 nam tr I,, k fi-T ffMM TO A l.i'tv rvf the. t4.nt f im fastttrnO " li v. i.-ltf-. aiM ur liirrn 1 ir mmtiieiKl Bisjuiigt sCr-aanj n f Kr hi.) Mmm... I ft 'l Itii- nlgiit ftri.Mtliaja4.' At d'uiajl't( nt tt trtmrtil tsiuiri. r.f sMiMAfrie,JZ-ti:w U iff; ILs rf I IE A , ! -as