Newspaper Page Text
' " it rouit THE EVENING HERALD, ALBUQUERQUE. N. M THURSDAY, AUGUST 0. 1014 The Evening Herald. rtl.illHhfrl .y TIIK MIMM' III.KAM. (IknItUK H. V'AIJ.IANT. Manaser II. B. HKNlNll .lltor rulilishnl every af'ernooa rc. Hunatiy, t 121 Nairth Seconal Mreet, Altau.Ueriuw, N. M Kntereat second-" Lira matter t Ilia jioUollW at Alliii'iirr(iio, N. M., under the Act of Varth 1, 117. One month lijr mm I or carrier. l"o One week liy carrier ISc One yenr hy mall or carrier In HJvun. 15.09 Telephones: Ituslnraa office 11 K.lltorlal Itnoms Ill Till: lIU'l I.Alt UI I IN .VK w iy iiml nnothcr u f.iirly ililiiillu laleu Ih La-Inn ulitiiiiK'il n ti h:it the ien.le of New Mex ico u n i In ilin ny r county nuliir li h I Una ufwiun if tha sulijca t lii'i utlip so in rnl hiiiI li finite In course of the I'tllimry c tiniuisn In I'liiivn i ..inily Hint the several i amliiliilcs fr the IckIhIhIIx c nninnulaiiiM (ell II m i saury tii m.ikc ill.-tlll. t ielKi-n to the .imi.c. Tliiw took the. form of a pliilKc to work fur 'reasonable aulurics. not to exi'ieil t l.mio. for any tic nfflcliil." It is unfurl unule that the i.rilica to when thla 13. Oil" rmix Imiiiii to ailiol wern not liull-ciiti-il. tcrtulnly there are not more than two counly offices, even In the f!mt i Iiik counties, which Hre worth $3, Mill yeur In service In the pen .n. Wo iloiilit l( a $3,000 innxl'iuin on nullity ofllci-i In itencriil will mit lnfy any considerable numiicr of the t.l.ll vitk. The hcurinira of tho Iianioi mile cnminltlic, the acconal of which ia for li.nli.-hl, already have brought mil aome vulunlilo expressions of mh Ih r eciil linen t ua In saliirlca. The iiionI Interesting of tht'Bo. next to the Hut ileclurutlon Hint nil salaries are too niRh. I that tha county m hool super, iutcmlcnt should receive more money. Tho laic of uyln a poilt leal bona In the office of sheriff IJ.OOu to $5,000 a eir for dolna utwolutcly not hum. when a trained expert I hi. hut $1,200 In fl.KOO iia achool Mipcrlntciiak-nt, plainly fctrlka-a the people Kenerully aa tho height of Wasteful folly. With the poHHllile exception of the counly clerk, the achool superintend ent In the only county illlcial who duel aystcnmtlc. iill-yenr-rouml work. f all county of II. am hia milk I" most Important. I'nilcr tho new wpiiit of education, now general in New Mexico, nothitiK out efficiency will l tolerutcd In thla cilice. The people would approve puyina; county echooi Btip rinlcmli nl up to $.'00 a inonthi uinl thla aulury could well he pulil In the thinly hell led .-Hid more Lack ward counties, where ex perl notk In most tianliil. Whut the people wunt In Una sul nry iinetl..n i Icm ly la pa mint for i.crvia c rendereil In ofliac and not In p. .Ill us n thla I.iihIs county acho" aiiperlnieiiileiila are worth doublo the money county treasurer are worth, who lone their work done l.y depu li. ul waluriea ranKitiR from $30 to $100 a month. The achu d men ure worth three time an mm h aa her ifTrt who cither do im work ut ull. ol urr the peace tWIIre for the dexelop incut of a iM-monal polito iil muclilne. In all Una It la well to keep In mind one thin: It la vital to a proper ailJuKtmcnt of thla aalary graft loca tion thul YOi: know how the candi date for the leKialnturc In yol lt dia tilit la golnn to iitand on It when It comeii to a tote. i.i:t iiim nun: n t-u RooSKVKLT la In be gnen per iiiimiIoii by the aenute foreign relation omii.itli c to come In ..rc that tomiTilttee and air hl well known on the Colombian treaty, when that document come before the committee for flnul ac tion. Thla la a bit of new which the American people h a whole will rcielve with a me:.ure of Indiffer ence. The treaty may not com ul f..r aoine time, end If II doe the Colon, I vlewa upon It jre both o well known and of no little direct value In the preinlx-a that any repe tliicn of hia deuuuclMtion of tha ad iiiinltitration lll carry no great WelKht. Yet Hinitor Clone undoubtedly voiced the aentliiunt of a gitMl man)' lioiiuieily people when ha dec-lured recently that tha proper pluc for Colonel liooaevelt to ena' t hia rule of political atormy petrtl . In a hall of hu own hiring, or on the atep of the cupitol at Wunhiiigtuii, which may .e obtained for oratoilcal lur poae by tha aimpla pro.eM uf apply In for a permit. Tha scnutur'a U-llef that Colonel Kooaevelt luia recently been guilty of making apeecliea "unbe. (unli.g an tx-preaident" will alo be ahnred bv nn -at well dl.i.-d; ' and ' arc glad thi M-K'unrl enlor ha aie (wd to tha front lung enough tw $uMrt hl treat tuauy ptofl clearly lirlievr, hut wlil'h Is hot iiionilly put into worda. An for the l.i n of Kraulina t'oloml llo.iei'vi It pctmleMoii Ui nppeur he foie the forclun rcliitlona i ommiltee. to li.ake an ullai k upon the ndminla tralion a policy .u. hum the f'olom hliin con I ro . ray, the Vcl tanle of ! h it thliiK will tljlke ..lliirn beaide Selialor Stone iih meriting n relmke. It ia true tlmt a former piculilinl of Hie I'liiled KlalcB eiillllcl throuah the exerdae of upei inl tonr- li'ny to prlviliKeH whlili other lion mui.t nek wholly upon the ttierilx of their ciiiiHea; hut then the country hiiK ticM r hud n in. I hi r prexldi nt like i . i. .. ,t .i. ni'i lunmririi, w no iii.peara I'm hhkuiiic that he la Winer I hull :inv .(her aliiti-xman. uiid who liua mani- fealed il aorprlHlUR readinena to In come ilinniirecahle when .pioeed hy other i nn Iclioim or oplniona than hi i. own. Tha purpoee of the present iiiliiiin- iHirutlon to win the frli'iidlincp of -1 1 the I.alin-Aiini . .in repuullca hua l.ei n widely ci.inioeudeil im n poll" y Indlcntlng nr-alhte. atateitmiinHhiii. If It lie com eded that the atute de partment' nttltude toward C'oloml.'a I a .tetieroua one, iiml one not de manded hy the alrict l.ter of Juaiice, the fact may he cued that aeneroelty need not he rem. riled ux a weakncKX In n loverntiient, any in ire than It la In nn lndi lilual; and If Colonel lioonevell'a cuollHin la romewhat dl turheij by the Intention of the iid mlniMtrHtlon, ha might ptoperly he reminded that he la not t.ow rcxpon ailile for the courae of the ehtp of atnte, and that hln own rontrlhution to hiKlory, aa prenident. hua been written and will bo Judged mi lta own merita. and without reference to the ai tlona of a aubaeiiueiit prealdeut. Colonel Itui.Hcvelt ha a riaht to hla own opinion: hut a man h hua been highly honored hy the American people lie la Kmnew hut elr ruuiKcrlhed u to what he run do within the limit of K'od iiimIc, and Senator intone doea well to atatn thla fuct with tluiclinim und cmphaaia. l mhtx;(.l; i..8. DI.sClSSitIN of rural credit bank ami the poenil.llily of nrobuli Im ftnrlv feilt.rtil I,.1m. lallon altering the atutua and outlook of tho farmers of the I'nlled Htutc hove hud aa corollary aomewhat flunk und cu untie expoaurea of the ctiHtoma and practicea of gome of the person and coiporutlona thut have made a bunineaa of loun'ng money und taking furm mortR.iiiea In return. In order thul thla bualneua may be ainndiirdlxed, In order that the hoti ckI lender may not have to endure a loan of rcpulutlun because of the ahortcomliiga of the uaurlou rivul. und li, order that auch Internal re f'.iniB aa are neccaanry may l.o car ried out, farm mortKaco banker have Just effected a national organ isation. Much a fedcruti:! move 1" charucterltitx of tho American way of doing thing, uml It hua in It poa albilitiea of betterment for ull con cerned if the aociety la rightly direct ed at the alurt. Thu ItiHtinet of vocutional dclenae ia liaturul, und we aupHw It l Juntl lluble U to u ciiliiin point. The honeht lender chould not have to en dure hurdithipi, becuuau ' uny cu pidity or craft of thu unacr Jpulmm If there ia to bo competition from the Kovernmelit In the future, it can doubtleaa beat bo met cuticertedly. Of ci. nine, It aeema certain that bor rower are to gel lower rate In the future, which mean that Iciidera ale to have Kiniller recelpta. llelief to the farmer may tome from the gov ernment or It may come ii the form of dimlnlHhed demunda of the private banket. In uny ense, the rurul bor rower I to have a chance ut capital on term eomcthina; like I In me en joyed by hi clan lit Europe. Some thing like a parity between him and hi urban nsaodute In need ia to be eatablixhed. The farmer hua aplcndid eecutlty to offer, far more atuldn than many of the Inveiitment In which iuvImkh bank, Insurance compnniea and IniHi.T are by luw permitted to In dulge. Hitherto he hu bec-n called upon to pay too hUh a rule of liner eat, a rale only poxxllil o long aa condition were comparatively prim Hive and the country In a pioneering Hugo. Hut atago ia passing Capital la being forced to accept low. ered rate of Income on properties other than land. The tiller of the oil h.i found thla out. On occasion he at ill want a loan, but he knw better thun he ned to know how much he should have to pay for the accommodation; and knowing thla. he haa helped congreae to Include Mm a specially needing attention tinder whatever form of national bunking may be worked out. Now come the private bunker und lend er peclulu ing in farm loan ami Mtylug, in effect, "eiiiue reform mut romp, we fvdeiute to piocetl our in terest and yet inert the demand that cannot be denied." Ooan Kegulet are recommended by many who any Ihey operate ea 'y, withnut griping and without had alter rfieiia. Z'-v at a!! Jrt; etoree. The New York market lo a mll- ia fjik'i ft r iz wrcak.atri j B-U-L-L-E-T-l-N-S I-MH-, n. thut-t in i in red Ix-Imci-ii .,-rni;iii ami ri'tn-li rnoe imIm at Norroj -li-.Mv, In Mm t'thn-i-t-MoM-lh-, Th,. .,-rmaii hliniil a lew fihillli Iimi there! no la oil Hh- ITt-m li ulilc. fclinnuhnl. Aim. - Tho ItritMi ri-K Ini'iil4, tin- t.linn e-iit-Jiici-M ami tin rxilllh Wilier Holill-' rx-. clHlloneil at 'lien TkIii, Iimvc lat-ii oril.-nil mmiiIi. 'I hey air awaiting the arrival of rau. M.rt. An Indian regiment of ruiijutila will remain at l lii I -In. New tork. Aug. . Tln MmIx iiriu xnlate In I tilt til) today l--ul a cm II I to I.YIHMt MvIhk In llie I lllleil Kiii-i to tt irt lieie for i-mtiarkHlloii lo Join Hie Kwli army wlibli U inohltuiiig to eoli.rce In-r ih uiialli. Ilulllat. . s., Aug. 0. 1 he t'un uriler Miiiiii'iaulu arrived here at noon tHln, having l.i-ll -oooc o tin mouth of llie liailior hy t llrltisli iiul4-r Ijw which poked tier up miiiiIi of sal ih- Ixliiud. llie Miviiiclanla i ui led I. Inn Mw xciu-ctx. all ol whom piolmlily will Ih liiiulcd lu re. Aotvveip. lU-lmom. Aug. . lur log an Biili-t.omiuii ik-iiionxtriilloii liere tiMlay mvciuI t.iiniaiiK llrtil Into tlx- crowd. I our t.criimn xteam in. were w-lrnil tiMlay by tin Ibluluu autlHirlil-s I im Ion. Aug. Ir. Ilunn I'lelm. Uimloii coric-IHinilciit of Hit- Woirt-v IVIi-grapliU' hurt ail. Hie t ionium KttiH-iaTliclal ih-wm nueM, was ar-n-ftetl here liiiit moriiliig. aria, Aug. . via lomloii. IYi-wIi oiK-ilo i -raft from HIm-M lHhiy i ai. lured Hm- t.crioaii lank xH-amcr t'uir Mcholul III. Willi SI.IHNI lonx of oil. Mm' waa hound Irom lliitotiui to rt. litiuK imrhonc, I rnmiN V-ra Crns. Aug. A great niim Ih r of refugee arrived here liming Hat night. Mont are Mexican. Inn I lirre arc nl-o many liennau tinert IkIm on llu-lr way home. All Im Im telx art- ciiinditl ami nviliy were un able lo obi a I ii lixIglngH. There are mi Men inert avalluhit.- to take away tlH- n-xi-rvixta. Now York. Aug. 0. Sc mour II. Conger. corrcxaimlcnl of the A -.--claUNl I'tt-M In lli-rlln, rv-Mrt-l In t-4'lel llHau !- uh lieliig under ar ret at tlio .iTiiuin-ltux.luii ri-on-tk-r. la In llerlln. Mr. Conger liux la-en ordered lo M- I'ttt-rxlturg Inn waa ih-talm-il at the feonllcr ami with M-veral other Amcrlcoiui at-nl hack lo tin- iwpliut. Madrid, Aug. 0, 12:113 p. IM. A dl-ptcli from the an.iry leliimlx. hay a llrlllxli eiiulroii liaa xuiik one t.ermau rriilM-r, tin- iiume of wlibli Im not given, ami iMia cupliircd an other, which In la-log couvoel o l.ibruliar. Milan. Italy. Aug. .. 3:1.1 a. m n Ituhan liner tx-avlmr ;eoiHj olay Ix i row lel lo Mi raH-iiy, Many Aim-r. Ii-Mtia lien- are auullloic tin- opiHirtoii. Il y to Hod llteMHn of trunxHirtalioii lo .-w York. In the UH-uiiilino lliev an- unable to i-uxli lln-lr lent r of crttllt. Iondoit. Aiw. . Adv bin have Ikh-ii reai-iveri licix- xtatliitc that Mr Wllllai'i l ilHaril l.ix-li Urllili oin- l anxjulor in IW rlln. and lila xlall liuvc airlvel In iH-tuuurk. Iimlon. Aug. . I . in. A tiernmn trawh-r va -a.iurcl by a HrllKli warxliip near lite Oikm-y Ixluml-, lo ihc north of Scotland Imlay. Mie i Irellexil lo Imve la-eil i-iutageil In hPlou. nn mrrU-r iilg-iii a'tr louml on board. I.h-ue. lululum, Aug. . (Via lxn- don, 3:15 . iiv-l Y rrw of l.eriiuui I liluiia iiui.lo a brilliantly oiurau.-oo-but fatal alteiiiit lo i lur tin' 1 Wi tt inn Muff Imtiv durliig ll lilglil. IH'1' giau triHM HW'Mlxd down on IlKin ana untillilluleil ull Waxliliigton, Aug. . '" Inimi r-vl lotluy from any of 1 1"' l.uroM-aii oipltalx n l hIhUmt tin lender of goml orliciiv by l'r.-j.llitit WIIk.ui lied SM luull) IHVII I'iMVlvvil. I'arK Aug. 1 l. I"- Vh"i""'r MIIW-raniL foruu-r Iremli iiiIiiIkUT of war. oh --r-l Kxluy lo M-rve aa lliHiliiiuiil. lli' rank hit fortin-rl licld In the IY-vim Ii army. London. .Yi'g. . :" l- I" llie I'rtiu li emhaxey I" l'inloii wan ad-vIm-iI tonlglit that Hm Aiiatrlau aui liaoxador m l. IVlerxliurg liu axked for lila ixi--.iK.rt, Auxti ia-lluiiMr nitiirilliut ln-r-4-lf l atu! ' "r Willi Itutela. BOND ISSUE FOR THE ANTELOPE PROJECT llaton. X. M., Aug. . Ijite tin month, il w.i announced here, lh reeldetit of the Krein Ii d;xln t urti to vote on a bond Usuu of $tuo,0liu which i Mid to be assured of paioi age. The money will go tor the big new Antelope valley irrigation pro- Jei t. ft Oil ItlAVAIMI, I00 The reader of thla paper Will be pleased to learn that there la at leat one dreaded dineu.e thul di-nce ha been able to cure In all II atagea, and that la Catarrh Hall Catarrh Cure la tha only punitive i-um now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh be- Ing a ronxtltutlonul fliaeuae, requin Hull m. ronxtlt'JIlonui linmimi. Catarrh Cute I tuken l-iternally. ad lug directly upon tho blood und rc.'i eou aurfacea of the iem. thirel.y di-siruylng tho foundation of the d: ea.. and giving the paMetit atrcnglli i,y building up the eoii-titutloii and altlng iiulur In doing It work.. The proprietor havo o much f.ilth tn II curative powers that they olTer On Hundred Ix.llare for any caxe that It fail to cur. S. nd for llt ol testimonial. Addrexa: p. J. nirvrT CO., Toledo. O, Stold by all TVuggUti, Tie. T lUU'g Family Mil for con- MU'iiUva. .....- IfANNE IVES Mascot H. M. EGb51t 7wfftem tf O. UVw'lN MYEK3 iLimrngla lnu by W. U. Uuuxnao) ( onlliiiied fnun Sa. unlay ) Me C.. .4 7 . -"I . . out noioro lit eye wo i n lu my meciieai ioiib. , Nl.w Ylllk A11, fi.TI, .illiinu '"" Chortles. n hour later 1 r delved ltt from . ,,,1U(,0 w. ,.,IC, ,.i ,y F,.nt this Then let u proceed to the vault,", A major In uniform, who courteously ,,, IM,.m.1( r ihrouKhout the said Magnlff, and we all roe and fol-! rwitieMed my presence before thn c-ts-1 i nlu-.i state: lowed him. The functionaries closed amlnlng uiaglstrate. He seemed toi Cull H nuctinn to conrbbr the In around ua In a algiilflrant manner,! regard me a ome rrv and yaliiab!-t ( price of f .ocptuf! in .nr cltv. in almnst as though we were prisoner. I, wild animal, and my youthful appear- vet tigtite fr.mi every nol... lloni-xl iiioiiKiii. anil aa tnouan tin vnu la were destined to be our dungeon. o proceedd by a ubterronoan tone Btalrway into the depth of the earth, emerging through an Iron door way Into a huge room, lighted by elec tric light, around which Innumerable efety compartment were arranged. Nobody fib wa there, except a Janl tor who tood at a door at the far end, which communicated by a flight ol tep. with the treet outalde. Mag tilu led us to the ggfo and handed thr key to ino. "It haa not boon opened for thirty year." be said. "You may find the hlngo stiffened. Xevrrtuele thr Code Napoleon prescribe that you yourself shall open it. If It la beyond your power, doubtless, the chevalier will hold your fingers. IJtit he must iio t unlock the safe." I made no answer, but atepped for ward and fitted the key Into tho lock, turning it until I obtulmvi the combl nation Tho functionaries, apparently Inspired by intense interest, drew cloee, on on each eldn of me. The heavy door swung open easily. luside tho safe I saw a buudlo of papers. My hand shook so, from excitement, that I could barely lay bold or them. "Observe! Her band trembles, Gas ton ?" I heard one of the officials say to the other in a stage whisper. I drew the pa Dors from their reel! n J place and banded them to MtifntfT. 'Tray examine these, and. If you find that tlioy are made out correctly, complete the contract," 1 said. "You again claim, before these gen tlemen," said the banker, "that these are your own t'auirr.a bonds?" "Indubitably," I answered. Magnlff signaled to the officials, and Ihey emo up to me. lie glanced at the paper and began to shuttle them rapidly. One sheet became detached and fluttered to thn ground. It was a doubled pieco of notcpaper, such A used anywhere for correspondence, and It was covered with minute writ ing. Suddenly Cuarlea dartrd tor ward. "The treaty I " be exclaimed, and trapped for It. One of tho officials stooped: his hands mot thoao of my fiance. As they rose I heard something click. Tho chevalier was handcuffed! The second man stepped up to him and touched htm on the shoulder. "Charles Victor Sebastian, Chevalier d'Yve," be said. "I arrest you for tl It lit i I 1 i , v,v. The Chtvalier Was Handcuffed. Mplonage and theft of a secret gov ernment document." Charles waa too stupefied to attempt resistance, tvtm f tha thought bad entered his bead. I stared from one to tha other of the croup, still mysti fied. I bad not yet fully comprehend ed. MnynilT whinnered to the second tuan and be came, to my aide. "Mademoiselle Anna Ivs," be said. "I arreat you for complicity In the theft of a government document, and also for attempting to obtain money by the saJu of worthies forged bond." Magnlff nodded bla bead. "A very clumsy forgery," be said. Ha turned to ma. "It grieves mo, mademoiselle, to have to place you under arrest," be continued. "I hoped that at die last moment you would not bsve the au dacity to carry out this scheme. He member, p ay, that I warned you upon the occasion of our former inter view, what would be tha Inevitable eouaequencea should you persist In lids attempt of yours to extort money from me. Had I alone beon con cerue.I." be concluded. I should have permitted you to go unscatbiu). Hut I have my duty a renchn,an. 'r-i J" your wr rrt of a wider rliema to . . .I... ..... oeiraua ana oeiray r ruucu, iu i bad actually cunrealod the ato'.en doe-1 timent In tills) afe of your, thinking i to bid it wbco you remored th; forged bonds, then tnf patrlotlau arogq rn1 f irrej m j"'" action " L h Ti- w Vf "oh, spare your patrlotlam," I r turnej, cold with humiliation and an rrr. "No, let him dd 111 ort." 1 continued, aeelng that ( liarle upon tha point of aprlnglng to my ld. "It I thn last ffled cliem of a desperato trickster." "HrgT, Anne." Mid Chrlc. clap plug hi manacled tin ml. At thn hol low chink of tho ateel, tha rd of tiger died on my llpa. For tha first time I reallied that Leopold MnsnlrT net had closed round us. lie bad ful filled hi threat. ! A cab wn drawn op t th door ' for '.hey bad aranped thoir plan down to the last detail and Charlci and I entered, together with the officer. ' whlla Masniff betook himself eleo 1 her. A long rldo through the Tnrla street lorniinatea at tno pnticipm ! fortresses of tliei capital. There w ! ero spparaled: C'harle wan taken In one direction and I In another, lnn. . !.,.,.;,. .Ion. rl,l,,P nod "" - - - , Into small but fairly well furnished room, clearly no prison cell, where I ....., ..... M h "I anen evlilnntlv aalon ilied him. anee ev dent v aaton shed him. "Monsieur I'lchon ha the reputation' of a brute, mademoiselle." a brute, mademoiselle." he naid. Hut have no fear. You need confess nothing, and be Is merely an adjunct to tno military taw unuer wmcu you will be tried. You will have amploj time In which to prepare your a tense." "For mvself, I need none." I replied "Hut where Is the chevalier? Shall I aee him?" I The major shook his head. "He has already been examined," he , answered, smiling faintly. "1 four It will go hard with him. France has i bad too many betrayals of luto. Hut have no, fear for yourself," be con-' tlnued. s'crutlnlilng my face. "Th utmost penalty for treachery In time of peace Is exile upon the lele du Ul- able." The Devil's Island! nemenibrauces of all that 1 had read about that fear ful place rushed through my mind. For the moment I thought that I would faint The walls reeled round me and I saw the face of the ofilcer through a wavering mist. Then I collected aur wli resolutely and. Indicating that I was ready, followed hlta out of the room and down a long corridor, un til we entered a small ofllce contain ing a high desk and a number of chairs. Ilehlnd the desk, on a bench, sat a stern-looking, black-bearded mag istrate, wenrlng tho gown and cap of his professional olDca. Seated In thn room were Magnlff and thn crflcluls who bad arrested ua, with two of three officers In uniform. The maelstrato beckoned Insolently to me to approach bl desk, rd, when I stood before blin, fixed his pene trating black eyes full on my face for some half minute. Tben, seeing that my own gaze did not falter, be cried In savage tone: "You will confess everylhlng Imme diately, to the last lota. Your fellow conspirator has done so already. You will tell me the entire story of your Infamous treachery and what power induced your lover to steal tho docu ment." I am not hot tempered. For a mo ment I was dazed at his brutality. Hut at this Insolent assumption of my guilt, combined, es it was, with tha utrnoet Insolence of bearing, I lost all self-control. I took a alnglai step fur ward and did a thing that I have never done before or sluce. I boxed bis ear twice! (Continued Tomorrow Aftrrnooo.) The Camgai ha 5,ln5 white Inhab itants. An entirely new ami apparently I Ich oil flcbl hus been illmovered In Itiirnia WOMAN If BAD CONDITION Restored To Health by Lydia E. PinLham's Vegeta ble Compound Montpelier, Vt " We have preat faith In your remedies. 1 wa very lr- refrular and wn tirafj and sleepy all the time, would hava colJ chills, am my hands and feet would blunt. My stomach bothered mi I had pain In my sulo and a had heailacha mort of the time. 1 ydia K. l'inkham's Veo;o tahle Compound ha done me bit nf rood and I now feel fine. I am regular, my stomach Is better and my pains hava all left me. You can ue my name if you like. I am proud of what your reme dies have done for mo." Mrs. MaltV UAUTMtK, U JUdge St.. Mor.tpclier, VU An lloncmt DriM-ndaMoMedii ine It must be admitted by every fair- minded, intelligent person, that a medi cine could not live and grow In popularit y fr nearly forty years, and to-day bold a reeorai for thousand urmn thouaands of actuxl cures, as haa Lydi E. 1'inlt hatn's Vegetal, lo Compound, without IHiMia-hiauiK grmt virtue and actual worth, buch medicines must be looked j Uxm and Uqmd both standard and dcpunduolu by every Uiiiikin' person. ,f yml iav tUfl UsUt(,Ht Aouttt . that I. ydia 1 I'lnkluiui' Veirptav- mi, . lle:niiMiuiulilllM'lnyoti.Mrlto IloC'ontiontia will help ymi,Ml-lto tol.ydlulllMulwIiuuiMedlclueCo. (lonllilentlnl) Lynn, Muaafor ad vice). Your loiter will be ojM-ned, rml and ativ-r5l by a vv ouiaii, aul Lwld la strict cvulidcucc v v v ' i ' Agreement Reached by Carranza and Carbajal, Rumor Washington, Aug. II J me Cimlel l.'t. rcpresi ulalive of I'rov inioiuil l'r Hi.icnt ( . )')!! J.i I of Mexico, nf !-r it coiifeteiH T rtiih r'ecn tary liryun today, olllilally confirmed the xt.ilc ment Unit nn iiicrmcnt between tieiieral Carmtix.i und the Curluijal dcleitate had bei n re ached and IX prixfi il the opinion that the Muni tion hud now I loured ami the peace ful occupation of Mi xu o C ly by t lie coitxl il ut iouuliHl wan uuMired. Ciiilmiul li:ix waived nil condition except the ie.inxt for nn nninexly mid K'UirnnleiH to life n mi .i..citv. I It Id (onxldered plolmlile III r II, III I rlrclea thut the nirrctnler of tho I I'm I.m IuI Kovcrntneiit Would be lie- I CO ! iiiipl.xheil In n few day Hoil-ulVI-a l lgllt lllull C.X.I. ,"""""" ,oii-imoix nni not i.ihr iiiimiiiiiiki "f ' i"ccnt war ciixw to ,,,hun. .- , 7 ,' ' ' .,.. .' , .. . ......I t... TI1V..I .nill-tl lxe. ,.ll II I plica a unit repa.rt any advance to the national exei iitle comtnittci-." l.alHtr ili-Hting on hi ItiKtc. I'.lllle. .'lout, Ann. 6. Ijilior trou ble oa curring ha te on and after Juno IH, win u rioting broke out. w ill not be etila ra-.: into by the fi ili rial lu-ilil-alilnl ra-lat.ains cntnml.iou. Thi Miilniom aMiicnt made at the out -Kit of the heiuiiiis which opened to day. C. F. Kally, munaKlng dire-tor of the An.icoudii Mining company, wus the firxt wttncMM. About twenty olh- i rx. Iiuiiiilliig (iova-ruor Ma wart. ,.re t,i be a ailed before the tioae of the henrir Suturdav. WIND SHIELD GLAvS PLASTER, CEMENT, SASH, DOORS, LUMBER J. C. BALDRIDCE LBR. CO. 423 S. 1st St. Phone 402 II. IIAIIU CO, I'or Dw Ilnat In fowl of Ul KilKlA. PHONE II. Figure with us Mouldings and MILL Superior Lumber I -i - liefest' Our Service The strictest attention to each individual acconut is the principle governing the management of this lank in respect to the service which it ren ders for its patrons. Our complete equipment, moreover, affords every convenience for the prompt and accurate transaction of any financial business. ( Make the First National Bank your banking home and enjoy real service. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY A NORTH POLE AIL METAL FREEZER, COLD, REFRESHING AND HEALTHFUL. DESSERTS FROZEN IN ONLY FOUR MINUTES. v. 45 ALBERT FABER 213 to 215 W. Gold Ave. Furniture, Carpets, and Draperies, Stoves. Until mixiiry HH n Mil Ileum h. Ch ii .mo, Aug. . The l ulled .''late sub-t re.ixilly hire toil ty open ed a ih partition! for Hie rea-iii of money for tha- benefit of Amerpiiii Ktrn-nli'il In Kurope. Depositor were rea.iira.i to glvo thu belrht. ait", wcluht und otl-. r diet Iiiki Ixlntnt l llal'lli tl-rixtli K of henefieiiiries. To Save Eyes Im Iii Olijiit or Thla Tree I'rci lion Try It If Vnr l.j'-a t.lvo Vul Trouhle. I'- Thi.UH.inilH of people auflcr fioin rye trouble heiauxo they do not know what to lo. Tiny know imn" g I haainn remedy lor eaa-iy other minor ullioent, but none for tin ir CVe trailllibx. fllay lieuleal llliif i ye, bea aiixo thi Iroiibli- la lint xuf fli b-nt to drive them to im a c ipe ciullxt, who Waiutd, nnyway,'o lliilii a heavy li-. A n luxl rexorl tiny go to mi oi'tlciull or to the live uml len-eent store, nnd olleiilimiM get gbiMie that Ihey do ni t nea-d. or which, utter being uxi-al twai or thta-e monthx.. do their eye more injury than uoaial. Ila-re in u ra'iupta' pre scription that every one shotil'l una-. 5 grain iiptona (1 tablet . I onniea water, t'se thra-o or four time n day lo bathe the i ye . This pn xi rtpt l"" uml the simple ionn v.iti in keapa the eve ili-nn. xhurpeii the xIhIi.ii nnd aiiilt kly ovi ri i.ine luflaiiimut'oii mid Irril.'.tion: weak, watery, over worked, tired eyei- ami other xlmil ir trouble am gn-atly bem-fltail and oftentimes Ciira d by Hm to Many report dhow Dial wearer of kIiishi-h have tlixa-araled tbciu after a few Weeks' ue. It la t,ood for the eya-a and contain no Inureiliaul which would Injur,' the timxl a' WMltve eye" of an Infant or the aio-il. Kuppe' drug store or any druati.-i.xt inn till thla preKa-riplion promptly. Try It and know for once what real cyo comfort la. For dyxpcpxla, our national .l-tna-nt, uxa- Itnnlock Klioal llittaix. Ileaa.mmi-nala-d for xtrenut henlnn, imrlfytiiK the blood. At all ilrua stores. Il.'.u a howle. CKERUJ.OH U'MP GALLUP LUMP OALLLT r,.IO ANTrTRACITK. ALL SIZIT.I KINDLINO AND MILL WOOD DRICK AND I'LAKTRHINf t I.I MB BANT A FB BRICK on Sash Doors, Everything in WORK & Mill Company 1 SSk ' -til ... 1 f' i1iiliiliM;ti a j " -1 ; . t h i , - 1 1 4 Thoroughly Well Made Practical and Serviceable j Low Priced. Easily Operated. GUARANTEED TO GIVE SATISFACTION One Quart Size Si. 50 Two Quart Size $L75