Newspaper Page Text
nva THE EVENING HERALD, ALBUQUERQUE, N. M.. THURSDAY, AUGUST 0, 1914 State Neics. FERGUSSOn D CIIRliES' CHOICE i Present Incumbents Endorsed nt Primaries for Congress man and District Judge; Election Quiet ltowell. X, M. Aug. I r.cturn from llu- lieinoeratle primaries held Tuci'.liv Indicate nn overwhelming rrlr.iion i.f Harvey H. Fcrgusmw and Judge tiranvlllc A. l!l hnrilon as ciimlidatPH In hiii ri c, lliciusclvc, nt leant kii far n a Chave county In ton P tM'il. Loth Fergiisimn Mill r ii far nhcnl of Hip aither ihikIiiImIpi for thp ufHrpii they now hold. Thp iii-i'iilli-il progressive wlnit of tin 1 i iiii.i r.iln un In thp ascendancy iilnnn the line. Iir. O. T. Veal. (I. T Lbnk. J. W. Millln. J. I. Cndy, C I.. Lullnrd nml C. ('. Taiiiu-hill rin ii 1 1 i n . x lin nt ly nn named fur ibc i .i 1 1 1 ntt I i Hi fur representative in Ihi- bgi-lnttirp, whilp T. I.. IV W.hh. A. V. K. Olllcsple. J. T. Kviiiih. J. L. Hlhbnny, J. . Imvls, M. It. lint tiff. ArWtpo Mnriiip, Harvey Hull. F. M. Avis, A. It. Flllntt and J. M. Hull Ip.-IiI fur delegate In the county convention. II. P. Saunders. V. O. Jetton. l. . Sisner... t. II. Ilr-mls, '1. H. Hit tort nml J. C. Leak rnn approximate. Iv n mi meal fur committeemen. !t l tint lh.uii.rit returns from irpi-in I will chnng. these alandm" r.rcatly. COLBERT C. ROOT MARRIED III LAS VEGAS Well Known Newspaper Man who Formerly Resided Here Takes Unto Himself a Wife in Meadow City. Kat Ijis Venn", X. M, An. . Ci.l.iert C. Hunt, city editor of I lie npiie anil well known In slat,, news paper circle. n mariied yesterday morning to Mi Marguerite ltvnn I'lHxtoii, ii popular Iji Vega girl. Mr. Hoot In a mil lo of V.'lttlh Id, Kan. Imt him iiihiIp tin hump In New Mex ico fur several years, holding respon sible positions on tiio i-l.l AliiUeriUa Cltlren, Ihp Tribune-Cltlxt-n, nml lh Optic. Ml first nrwpnper experience was under Will l.i in Allen White of llm i:miiorln Inptp. Thp mnsg una celebrated In Ihp Im maculate Conception ilturih liy Itev. inherit, hp having uli haptlxi d tho hrlilp. Among thp mnny present, imp of unusual Interest In n, chest of iillvrr, nn heirloom In tho fainlly of the groom's moihpr. Aftpr n hurt honeymoon the happy couple will return to Lu Vegas t nuke thplr homp. Any fkln lt hinrt l a temper tester. Thp innrp yuii scrntih thp worup It in In.. I iixi n'K rtintniPH In for IIph. pr?rni!i nny Kkln It. hlntt. 5no fit oil li nit Bl'irpi". EQUIPMENT ON HAND FOR RATON WATER PLANT Italon. X. M., Aim. . Two InrltP rotmignmpntii of grmlln murhln. ry nnil tpntim hnvp nrrlvpil within th pimt fpw liny from I'iipIiIh ami ln'n wnt hy t'uniractora Hmlth and Wln lium to the HtiimrltP whprp mi 1pm ami n lump fori'p of nnn nrp now pn KiikpiI on thp lnrp tpra-rvnlr for thp city wntnr plant. Thin linportnnt iinlt In thp iipw ayntpm will lip piiphpit t') nn parly rompli-tloii an ponlp In ordpr to avoiil fr-rln wp...hrr. cmoval Notice WE ARE MOVING OUR DRUG STORE TO 119 WEST CENTRAL AVENUE. DURING THE NEXT FEW DAYS WE WILL BE HAN DICAPPED IN CARING FOR OUR CUSTO MERS. BUT BY THE MIDDLE OF NEXT WEEK WE WILL BE IN BETTER SHAPE THAN EVER TO SERVE THE PUBLIC WITH THE PUREST OF DRUGS. EVERYTHING IN THE DRUGGIST SUNDRIES LINE AND SOFT DRINKS. BUTTS', Inc. SYSTEM and SUCCESS Every successful business is built upon system. Is your business run along strictly systema.? lines. Do you know where every dollar of your money goest Keep Your Money in a Safe Bank and Pay by Check We are glad to give our customers the advan tage of our business experience. We are glad to consult and advise with them regarding the system they have adopted in running thier business. We extend accommodations that are consistent with good banking. United States Dcposilo q Depository A.T.& S.F.Rt,. State National Bank ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO. 1 -V S) E-venins' Herald Want Ads Three Lines Three Times Three Dimes $5.00 DOWN $5.00 per Month NO INTEREST - NO TAXES HERE IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY Beautiful 50-foot Lot in Highlands SPLENDID LOCATION John M. Moore Realty Co. Phone 10 214 W Gold PROFESSIONAL CARDS Physicians i - WANTED. WATl:l-W:l ! 8,'ic n aloxpn. .h In k to 'I" i.t homp at Rls South Ji.lin. Itni'iilty iion. a. c. .Mlllllll I Tnni;'. MlliH' I'T ft pitiiirro. S.norro, X. M., An. . A. Tor n n, for a tiumlirr of yer t'Jilur i'l i:i li fi im..r I'. l I'ueliiii, a Hiunlcli p-kly pulitixhi'il In Hot'oiro, with n thp Imaiil of ri'Kpntu of ihp Xpw Mp- I. o S. nool of Mlnp nml hp laUT i liM lcil prislilrnt of t ha- Im.iril. At i h . lli Htaip I i nn.. r .i I.- l onvpntion Mr. Tnrrp hail lpn nril upon by HELP WATfTKD S TKI --V outm . muii 14 to !' ypnr olil to work In Ump atom. Apply 21 4 W tVntral avp. Dunbar Bargains KMI'l.UVMKNT in.'P. lit W. Hilvar, V. . Ilok 7J. I'h.iiip S"4. Tnrppn leri, 4 day; Inliorpra. $1.75 to IJ.M) ave The Markets lnrKP unil itrow.nit clra-ulatinn. Ip now thp ai-npral nunmlip an thp luKUal hard at work liarnlnit thp routiiiP f I famlnlaie on Ihp ti ki-t for lli-ula nani ii.. K....,.rr.. ... h.n nm h... ii!"rt r""f- Howpvpr. hp wlthilr.-w In iippoliiti'd p.isUi;ilf r on .Inly f. hi" nomination ly rrp'lili nt Wllmn hnv in bi't-n rotiilrini'il without ol.jprtion l.y thp ni'nalp. Mr. Torrca lnkp ovrr Hip poHlllon art pontmimti r nfliT ai-r- vl.p for many yiat n a nn'mlur of the lipmorrail" party In Ni-w Mix H o. Horn In H.-orro on IVI.tiii.ry IMis, mm of C.iniito nml lx.i " liia I'll ililln Ip T..rn. Mr. Ih n railcil pelf inailf man. Inn inn puMinl din way to tin- front I'iioiikIi flor Kilt nml '. Hi rari rr m laor of K. '. 1p lla.-a, tho prrspnt lli-uti'mitit govprnor That Mr. Torre wan wpII'il to fonKrpiwinan KpfKiin'on I r nppolnimi-nt u p.iKtmaKifr la In illiainl l.y tha fart that hi- iir rpo-omnii'iuli-il l.y thp chairman, nP' ii-taiy ami a majority of ll'p Hmorro n.nnty M'niinl ii.minlttpp; l.y thi- rliy Imanl of i ilin adi.n. thP aity roiincil. itv rli ik. i liy atl irm-y ...ll. p mimlmratp, I . anient of tlln Ktale S. hool ol Minis. ininiHtprH of Hip un.l oiiip fli hiinilroil palroiiM of thp HOPES OF EXPORT SEND HEAT UP nilt Itr NT. 8 room IijIio liuuian, fnoil In ration; prl. p, mo. It! uo. Ktorp room. Central Ave, be tappu Thlril Jnil Kouith M. I-room motlrrn hrlrk hmina, ' i(l N. Y. avc. 122 IV; water .- piil.1. (-room hntiRp, SSI No. Fifth 4 fit.; mmlorn, 123 00. 4 -room ln.up. IllRhlnmla, 110. 4-room houae; ll.uplilln nue: modern. I'in.oo. X)ll SAI-K. l-room hnuae on a flue corner near In at a bargain; moilprn with flue ahado traH'K fin lawn, etc. li-rootn houae, iierferlly moil- ern, fine shade and lawn; near 4 In. A. barri.ln. Fine for, tola, WpM foal Ave. 4 room house. Went Iron Ave.. rn.e. Il.r.oo. All klnrlii of terma HIIK IXSI ItAXCR MOF.- T pX. DCNUAIO Itr A I. KMTATB 4) OtlKK. tS4 nolal A, Caimcr Trtl fM. W. M. SHERIDAN, IL D. I'milP Limited to liF.MUM KIN Alt V msKARIca And HISKA.sF.S )!' TIIF HII, llM W apprniail anal N(ai hr TeM Kalvareun '''' Adinmliaipred. C'lilxpna' Hank tnllilln. Albuqupriiue Iew Halloa A. 11. HIIOIM I.K M. It, rra'llw Minlird to Tiinmiatnata. utn.' Iloura, 10 to 11 a. m. Ilionp 1IT1. 124 H Went feptral. Alhuiiueruua Paliltarlum I'hone 141 .1. i)RS. TULL & BARES . PnaYtftlMa Fye, Kr. Noip'. Tlimaa, 8lai National llank lUdg. I'horwa . CHICAGO T. V. TXIT. M. I. Ppeolnliat In Fyei. I'r, NaiB anil Tlimal. At Coiiiim" Hotel, Alloi.iii'r.op flrrl threp day of every nionih. Dentists lilt. J. Kilt FT. iM'iitJil Hiirvery. Rnomi t and 1. Harnett HMi ti'ltlnlly'a lirujt Ptore. ( Appnlntmenia made by mall.) 1 tmne 114. Attorneys MM MM at KIM MS lwyPT". IT-IB I tar net t llliltc. AlliumKTqne. Architects. an Intercut in- one ami hp ha. Iippii j ml. .111. v. in all npproxiniaieiy :iw prr Hliireioitul at many i.rriip:ili..tifa, In- irm of Ihi- voteria nf the town, rlii. link l.irminK. p. hool ! hum. I It. , a nn.- or hla exp' rlem-e Mr. T..r-i-olirt Interpretinil and pi-ttapaper i re lc a xpaiied to m.ikr ve'V '" work. In ISIS ilovrrni r Mi I i.niald I neni. l ourH'oim nml ar.'otii:noilatlnK appointed Mr. Torrea o m-mbi-r ol popt tmiHti r. EROSIOII DAP.IAGED iARMED OFFIGETs SnflDOVA L IS SERIOUS RESENTED Forest Service Reports Forma tion of Many Largj Arroyos with Resultant Injury tD Agriculture and Grazing. The fnrert rrlrp np.iti fcra-at dainaae If I.i-Iok I.. a'i h "ill'iri-. forei-try, Biannit nml transportation In thp f'lil.a, San J'.hp an. I la Jara valb'yM 111 the northern portion of Sandoval i-nnnty liy ixti-io-Ui- w:ikIi itiK i f the M.ll ami the format i..n ot la rap arroyoH. KxIciikIvp iit'i-im on lopf' nrp uradiially liim; lli. lr f-.r ift l.y Hip uiikIiioh off of poll. In the unrlnillurnl allpy lalow per liui mi 111 and temp.-rary pln-anna llow in deep niroyoa III. Il are rapidly lu ll rani UK In pine and are eX'-eeililiitl' o iiKririilt lire. The led of many utreanm ll.lle bee nine an low that murh of their water ihih beeome unavailable for Irrigation piirponei. Thin foiulltPm neea-aHllatpn thai ob tiiimiiK of Muter tr.nii higher eleva tn.nii by me. ma of expi-nKive dlteln-a of (treat liticth. Many ol the urroyo eroioiiiK pill. Iir r.wa.lx u la- bri-omliiH Bbmiliitaly lltipaiasaljle. While meth odii lor the r. of thin eropioti nio imkHlble. yet the axpeiim. Invoheil 1 very ureal. Il ia hoped that a ft inly ot tin- problem will i, ermine tho II nam ial dif lb nil leu Involv ed. Roswellites do not Favor Pres ence of Guards at Polling Places During Primany Yes terday. r.oawa II. X. M.. AUK. 6. -With aix nil.... ier- in their p.oketr neveral olti rer appeared at urn votlim plarc in i re. lin t No. - yesterday ooti nfler the m.lla win- oi ned for the Iiemo- , r..ii.- i.t iioai le. and it wan not until alter fli. ill man It. I). Itowa-r of the i nitial i oiiiiiiittee appeared and took a hand in the mailer than thint: took on u peari anpert. I'liairinan Hnwern Immediately not lib d ll.e mayor nd other reHionl!de for the pr.-.eiue of the ollber that the eleeiion 111 that prerlnrt would be llei lared Vol.1 llnlrn the aillb el ere remt.-va-tl at onre. The men wilh the lx-Kho..ter were Immediata-ly with drawn from the IhhUIp and from that on tblnit went on peno-aldy. The action of the utlmritlea In Umlintf ottber to the polllnic plae . i ... . ..U1.I..I.1. ill- a in.- nuujrri ! ....-....-.- UHninii III Ih,- any toiiay, n.u..jr r.- ri-ini the opinion that the lime ,..i loim inee lulled when the poll . . .. u-hi. were manneii e ...... Khootera In Ihela poraeta. Speculators Buying in Antici pation of Permitted Ship ment to Foreign Countries Despite War. Chb-nuo, All?. . Kea. linen with whbh offerlna Were iilmorbed hail Iiu'.IIhIi effi i t today on wheat. Ap- paiemly Hperulator roiil.l not be lurneil from tho -pro pert that hiine export from the 1'nited Htaiea would be eerlain before a great while. Alter opening Wc lower tr) '-a udvamo, the market overraiiie nil the lohe nml In the deferred options aoored net Kalna that amounted to I ViO. t'loHlniT prlres were weak, V4 lc above laet nii-bt. Kxpe.ted tiiliia in the ilioiiobt r Kion weakened eoru at the iiUtHi-t, but n de.iile.l rally anmod when wheat turned alronit. The opeiiinn whleh waa urn haiiaed to c lower, wa followe.l by u aubHtaiillul ad van, e all around. The ( l..e wa linnet tied, 1 't i 1 Tic net blhi r. Trad inn In oat was quite limited Value were governed mainly by the art ion of the ri.m market. rarker were credited with having taken to the buying nidi- of provl hIi.iik. FirKt tratiHartioii i.iime.l from 5 to 3 rem liiKher and there were ndditlonal gailm later. t oing pri. en; Wheat -Sept. 91i Hue, initio t'orn Sept.. 74 Hi-; Ib-c. tTic. at- Sept.. SHVue; 1 er. I'ork-Sept.. ll'MIO. l.urd Sept., .32; 4 tel. KlbH-Kepl., 112.4'.; o.t HOTELS OF SOUTHWEST. DIRECTORY. HT. JOHNS. AniZOXAThe Ameri can Hotel. llead.imrtera Orcan- tn-tieean Highway tourlata. Modern throuithout. l'lnlng room aervbe unequalled. Fine nhtido and lawn. IIOTF.b liHlTNSWICK HolbrooK. Arlxonn. SO guext ronme, modern; tourlRti' hendiiuarier; dally road bul letin: guide furnlnhed to point ol Intereat; dining room In connection. SANTA FK The jfonteauma Hotel, American plan; wink, flrnt clvaa, electric lights, ateam heat, telephone In every room. Special attention to aulo parties. Boarding Houses. T1IK tJOTTAoK INN, 1120 Norttl Second atrect; Pellle Dooley. I'rop, Hume cooking a aiiorlaliy. I'leaaant r.Kiin with alet-plng purrhea. Kvery- thing modern and lota ot ihuiie. FOR RENT Houses. I t'll IlKNT Klve-rooni IioUmc lmott new, with 1. eiilng porrh; nioiti-rn; corner Hiah and llaxi ldine, I wo block from Second ward hool. Will retint room and vnrnlah Interior for Komi tenant; 122. so monthly. In nnlra 4!eo. P. I.earii.ird. 114 South Salnr Ht. I'hone IM. 41 He. f n.r.o. 112. sr.. lit ItF.XT line very oe-lral.- uite of olilxlile tifti.-f room in X. T. Ar- mllu biiilditiK. Apply lien, F. Al l.l lu lit. I'll. .lie 44'l. Ffilt 1IEXT S-room lb. hp In. Apply t. A. a n.l Copper avenue. NINETY-EIGHT ARRESTS DURING MONTH OF JUL hall Re-elected as SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT It. .-ll. X. M., Aug. That there I on longer doubt but that Superin tendent V. . II. ill will remain it I the head of ItokWcll'i pulillr- m'h.ii.l. an other year win eelllid Momlny nlKht at the meeting of the board of edu taih.n. Huperititendent Hall rerently wrote from W Iw nii'in, where he I Kiiiiiiuerlim. that he had been offered a line pomtlon wUh a Wnaronidn nor mal, and aked If It would liieoiiseit leioe thai board to lit bun in. l ion receipt of the board miBWer that I hey roiimdered It bint for him tn alay owing in the latetiwMi or the time, Mr, Hall Bend word that he would eon tinuo here, renting that It wa really too lata, to be exeuaed. I leimrl mental work In the ' hool will be mu. h Improved next year. Mr Hall 1 now In t'hirago aiuiialliig In I'm of manual training eaiiiipmelit to tpt III thp neiglibor ..f i Mill. Anoih.-r ilrimilni. nl thai may be added I phybu cul lure, am lilo board a Implored Unt .. I..... i.u jI. I. mil ion In add thai - . ..... ... i uvw liku-rul lirunrn. ir. in. i.h.-r and Mr. II. V. t'ruig HP beared In the Inieieal of the tie d .a i.nil the board looked upon .. l..v..r but deferred lotion un til li. return of Hiiperinleiulint As thrt pollie buine In goe now, juiy "i month. The lint nggri gat.-u Tim. win. liefni .- triouie ir"ll. ui..l .i.Al ui.m Hlol.lia-n OV loe 11 lino - - .nil wave, woeii ' ....... .n..i...l a k nil or mi. inn i. ..-. .... bonier InoKt-a lor. rcpreciii a pretty good nionih UuHim-iw for a iluil numiner pa-i -, The arr. Pl dm in the rtionui n.- hered There were a .1........ . dgir. the m-mihiy account .o-...- that 3 meal ' re Pfriru i" ent guetK nt the Cllllllio.we. gelhl-r 41 me.iH were e o"i the month. Tro v ' 1 rt-nta BPiete. Hill ie f..r removing fruit aa-edia, .u,.i,mI to aid their work, ha bea n laitclited. The I. meat hlmolid ahelbHK plant i a 1.. 1'i.iie.l Sllea la Planned l"r tiaviaiuento, Cat six- town I dull fit''. Xortn e refine such t- IHMOI NT It I i : HI 111 ( l l IIY It INK tf i:I.I All London, Aug. S. The Hank of Fnglatnl today reduced it illioount rate to per cent. Tile reduction of the bank rate to day I regarded here a an 1. til. In I In timation that the financial situation in the llrltieh lidc In now under control. Ilualncx circle are making ready fop tho re-openlng of th,. bank to morrow when paper currency In final! denomination I to be put in circulation. The statement of the Hank of land I to be iniieil on Ha.urday In Hlead of today. LIVESTOCK. DR. CHAS. A. FRANK Itooms It and -n. IVanit-ll IUdj. . . Bpcclal attention glvsrt 10 aiaeasra 01 th. Noee. Throat ana 1-unge. uia-. .. I a,lMnP. . eases of wom -n, . - and Nervous PiHordera. Electricity. Bpondylo-tharnpy and other moduro method employed. cin.. Hours! I to II a. m-t a to a and t Ut I, nt. I'Ihmmi iuis. - r (llhagai l,lctmli. Chicago, Aug. Ho Receipt g.iuiU: market Uroiill. 25 to J cent higher; hulk of Ile. . H 41.'. light. Il.miti U.K.; mixed. 17 '-rt S.M0; heuvy. I7.f, 4i 7.n; rough. '.' 4i k . 0 r. : pig. 7.nn4i K.r.n. fattlel! ipt 1.5'lti: market Ktroiig; beeve. 1 7. 10 ii tl liTi ; rows nn heifer. 1,1 fiir.i lu; mm kera and feeder. I J. 10 ' 7 . : teer, IH.!"" H . 7 " ; r ilvea. 7.j4r I l.a. Sheep - ltecelpt , i; mark) I hea-p. 41 nil: yearling, i:. T.'.'n "S: lamb. .54i .:;.. Kan-aa 4'lly l.lvoaalm k. Kanca I'llv. Aug. 41 . lloga relpl 1 .iiitn ; market higher. Cattle-- IteretptS l.otio; strong. Sheep Urreipl J. ilutl; eteady. He New York Mi.iM-y. New Yoik. Aug. Mercantile paper, per cent. WclSdriHinjr, Welldrivinjr and Irrigation Plants WIM.MII.IX TtMtH. ITMI-S AMI III l-AIIUNtl Agatit tut Vclior Uslns I'ctaT 1 rcury NohiIiico. WaHhlngton. Aug. . 1'residenl WIImoii today iiomi-iated lleprienta live Andrew J. l'i ler of l!olon, be HHHlMant serre'.ary of the trea ury.'X II. 41HHI8 .r1ilet. Praitlral anil I'p to Iat4t Work. lKx.m I. l yric Tlienter lliiildlng. Tclcpliornj I0WJ. PHOTOGRAPHERS IVH WHJy develop any KOIUK FILM for inc. Tost Card Studio, 111 So. Second. TYrEWRlTERS. ALL KIXUM. both new snd second hand, bought, aold, rentajd and re paired. Albuqueriu Typewriter Km change. Fhone 144. Ill W. Uold. Vulcanizing Vulcsnixlng end lire llepairlng. Alt work Ruaranteeil. Albuiierque Itubber Co.. tl West Central. Blacksmiths. GKD IHTTC'IMNSilN. Vour Shop, li.eo. Ill West Lead. MONEY TO LOAN. MUXKY Tt LOAN n" aalaries, household Bond nml livestock wllh. out removal. Nc'es bought and sold. 1'nlon Inn Co., room II, over First National bank. Phone 1111. FOR REiaHooms. flat, 11! fill; II a. In. hi, 4th Foil HKXT Large room with sleeping porrh. 4 21 W. Marquette. Foil UF.XT Five large rooms for light housekeeping to one person or In suite. 117 H. Ilroadway. DltS. HAI.MoV AMI f'LHKF. rraitice Limited to Fye, F.ur, Nma) nml Throat. 31 1 'i i. t'cnlrol. c. ii. nisxni, m. n.. n. o. 4Hta-a.alliic hM-a1aliMl. t treat all curable diseases OMIfe tern Itldg. 4114-ats lil aod 12a. DUKE CITY CLEANERS Wt) clean hats, men's and wo. mcn'e clothing, rug, mrialiia, For Sale Mi.cehaneous Full WALK cheap, a good sound work horse. Apply liexemck't llalry, 19U2 North Fourth St. Filt HALF. A range, refrigerator and and. lie. nlmi rag riigp for sale; Fridays oily, at 1414 South F.dlth St. Filt SALK 1400.00 mnrtguge on good ren estate, paying- per cent. Address A. J . cure Herald. Ftrt BA LK Old papers for putting down capcts, etc. Call at lleraid office. lrMrli-. -ta-, l'hoiie 416. S20 Went (;ol.l. Promptness Our Motto I LUMBER A BUILDER'' SUPPLIES Wliolcaualo and lOiall Albuquerque Lumber Co. 42i Nurtb rinst Birec 4V4V4V4V4Vaaa)4VO Ft IK H.M.I-: liond OO-foot lot in HlgLlanda oppoiiitp nhops- Ham mond, o 2 South Walter. PERSONAL Chicago Mill & Lumber Ct General Planing Mill 3rd and Marquette Fhone 8 FlIlMTritK It I-: PA I Itl N 1. pa. king. uphulMeriiiff. ra lii net and mattress making, rug sixing. l b. lie 124 117 S. Third St. FOR CAltPKT aieanlns. furniture and stove repairing. W. A. Ooff phone III. ltHF I'AINT. WAXTED Kvery home owner to use Erie Carbon roof pslnt. Slop leak, last t yesrs. Iieyoe ready paint, 1 gsl. covers COO sr. feet. Tho. F. Keleher, 401 West Central. SANTA TIME TABLS FE T. BUSINESS CHANCES Iceland is soon to have Us first railroad, a line aixty miles lung. FOR REI1T Closa' J. r. WOLKIN4.. li W. f isrr A. lira. )iMka IS2SW. Ulfltw lion 1 141 Modern houses, 4 to room; In; some I urnmheil. W. IL Mi'MILLlOX, III W, CiOl U. Foil HM.i: lea cream parlor and fruit sl.ind on Central avenue. H-il In the city wt sarrill. e pi b o. iiamr going away. Cull at lis So. li St. A SI'I.KMHIl ci'l'ol'TI'MTV m make some mlglily good money and ralabllHli permanent biisliirss. Write I'ealih ft ,1. . I. li nt liihinaiire and be independent snd oill-of iloom, imine iliate rash reluri and future too. All or part nine. Addre .National Cas ually Co., Iietrolt, Midi. R. I.. Moore, Attorney. Cromwell Uld.. Ill lad ML I'fcoaa IIS. F.fTecttve December W rMtlMiuu.l- No. Class. I Cul Limited . t Cal. Kiprs ,, T Cal. K i press ., Cel. Fast Mali. (Thursday only II tl Luge l-MtlMinil- II Overland Express S Fsatern Klprena.. 4 Chicago Limited.. I K. C. hi. Kx.. (Wednesday only: II (De I-uie tSalhhoUDt 101 Fl Fsso a Meg Ks III Fl i'aao Fsssenger 111 Feeos Vslley F-g.. NortlilMiun.t III From Meg El P til From :l I'aao.... Ill JTr;m IVm Val ley sad Cut-off llll. Arrives. epar(a. ,.ll:IUn . 7:00p .l:IOp .U:0p 1:3l)p 11 o.p l:4la Ila UP 40p I:lla I 40p 700" l:4ip :tp l:lp Una l.isa 1;aa Ca IIP l:4lp ?. 7. jonnsoir, Art. i