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THE EVENING HERALD, ALBUQUERQUE, H. W., THURSDAY, AUGUST 0, 1914 : : t t Crescent Hardware Co. STOVES AND RANGES PRACTICAL PLUMBERS AND TINKERS AGENTS TOR Mtnh Simplex and Advance Duplex Steam ?umji 318 West Central .venue PBONI 318 BOOKBINDERS RULING, SPECIAL F0P.MS 07 ALL KINDS. ALBRIGHT & ANDERSON PRINTERS, BINDERS, STATIONERS. 208-210 West Gold Avenua PhoniUI EAT MATTHEW'S VELVET ICE CREAM Phone 420 NOTICE ELSON H. NORRIS THE AIIC'IIITMT. tm- moved hi officr from room SI mill 2.1 Wilding building. In nHni I, l rt Theater building. 25 Reduction ON WALL PAPER During the month of August. I do painting and Paper hang ing. Get my prices. C. A. HUDSON, 4th and Copper Ave. "OH Special 100 SPUTUM CUP FILL ERS FOR G5o WILLIAMS DRUG 307 West Central Phone 789 Now Open Where you get things just a little better at the same price Grimshaw's Chocolate Shop "Sanitation Our Special Ocllghl" Expert Hair Work. Comiunga made Inio switches, truntfiirmulion. puffs, curl, li'.: switches, MIIK. M. I'KOKM Msrlrnllo Shop. Phone til. l 8. 4th gt. Try a JU-rent Herald want ail. CO. I New Clothes WE ARE NOW RECEIVINO OUR FULL LINE OF CLOTHING, HATS AND SHOES DIRECT FROM NEW YORK AND BOSTON. STEIN BLOCK CLOTHES KUTPENIIEIMElt CLOTHES STETSON SHOES WALK-OVER SHOES MALL0RY HATS "WHO'S YOUR TAILOR?" WE REPRESENT ED. V. PRICE & CO. SUITS MADE TO YOUR ORDER AND GUARANTEED BY US S. iG. Itelflmht (Ha. GOAL AND WOOD Best Mountain Wood GALLUP COAL in any quantity TROTTER Phone 012 HENRY'S AUTO DELIVERY "Tin- Is-gal Tender TraiiaiMiri" When You'r in a Hurry, PHONE 939. QUICK MESSENGERS 118 N. 3rd St. ALBUQUERQUE, N. M. I TAKE SALTS TO . FLUSH KIDNEYS I'-at Im Meat If You I'rH Ha kadlf ir Have Madder Trouble. Meat forma uric arid which excites uml overwork the kidney In their ef fort to filter it from the ayntcm. HeguLir cuter of ineut mum flush the kidney occasionally. You must re lieve I ln-iii like you relieve your bow el; removing all the acid, wa-le uml poison, elm- tou feel a dull mlaeiy In Die kidney renlon, almrp paina In the back or Uk headache, dutxiiiexa, your Moinin h aoiira, tongue In ronf. d and when the weuther 1 lnd you lime rncum.itio twinge. The urine la i louily. full of sediment; the channel often Kit Irrituted. hIiIIkIiik you to net up two or lliri'e tunc during- the nlsht. To neutralize the-e irritating lu'lda unci Huab off the body' urinoua waste Set about four ounces of J ml Halts Irotn liny pharmacy; take u table rpoonfnl In a Klana of water before hrcukfJat fur a few da nnd your kidneys will then uct fine mill lil.nlder ilii'ordcr disappear. Thia famous aalta Ik made from the arid of uru-e-nml n Julie, combined with liihiii. mid hu lieen Used for general luna to lean and atimulate ahiHHiMli kidney ti ii-1 ui bliiilder Irrlallon. Jad SaliH ia Inettia-nnive: hirnil.-na nnd niiiki-a a ililmhl fill efferveorent lit hla-wni.-r drink whlrh niilllotia of men and uoin.n take now and then, tliua iivoidliiK aerioun kidney and bladder diM'fiMeH. P - n iUo UJo 21 CRYSTAL TODAY 221 South Second Street mmmummmmmmimmimiBmmamm Licensed Motion Pictures A YITOHPII A TAVO-HEEI. KIHhoN E. Tl HE. K. ii.l A. Itcgtiming Monilny, August loth, I lie CryMal will liae an entire twinge i f program rvrrjr ill), Matinee al J an anil S:SO; ImM Show at NlglM ll4iia t:l!l. i nvE-nw : oncin:sTK SPRINGER FOR SAND AND GRAVEL The Weather Foreran!: Tonight anil generally fnlr; not murh in lriiiierature. Frldnjr i hang Albuiiuerqus weather for the 24 houra endltiK at K o'cloi-k thia mortiini: Maximum, 1. Minimum, (0. Itomte, 11. At o'rliM'k, 70. Kat wind. I'artly cloudy. rrecipitiitlon. .11 lm h. THINGS TO WOHIIT AllOCT German rlenliata have found a way to terllte vaccine virua with ultraviolet ray. A the handle on top of u new annltary aiiaar bowl I turned a ringl lump of auttar ia ejected at a time. ABOUT PEOPLE YOU KNOW TO HUBHCRIUKKII If you fall to t four nlni paper, rail POSTAL Tfcl.KURAPH COM P NT, PHONU II. Pee' Candy Store now mnkliig that old-fiiHhloned molaaaea randy. Ir. i". E. Kelai-y hue returned from a motith'a vacation trip In the euxl. A. I J. Hei of laleta ha returned home after a buaineaa trip to I III city. iJr. C. E. Kelaey ha returned to the city from a month' vi anon in Indiana and Ohio. Ir. David It Ilnyd la to be one of the principal apeukera at the Moun toinulr Chuutauquu today. Mr. O. 8. Plllabury. who ha been in Colorado Hliniiii Malting her aia-t-r for the paat month, hua returned. Mr. nnd Mr. Hurry O. Htwng and Mr. und Mra. C. II. Conner have re turned from an automobile nip to Denver. Mr. and Mr. Hugh Trotter nnd Mr. und Mr. K. E. l'curth ure ramp ing for ten Uum at the grove near Alameda. Tim ti'I.eary, chief of the Kama Fe police for thl dlviHioii, la here Irnm i'uvldo fur a few tlaya' aiav on ofll clul bualne. Klre cuuaed no net loa to Albu UeriU In July. There were (even alarm, according to Klre Chief J. Klein report, but the 13,431 of Inaur ume tarried covered all the damuga done. Owen A. Kane, a former reddenl hi,. In lha . 111.. v..l..;lit. ..n kila way iron. Phoenix. Ati.ona. to Lima. I "i.ienl between primary op,..m Ohi... hi old home. He 1. .a.hler ol J l"'v" '" "I'en to a th. Occidental Life In.utan. e i om-"n,M hy deleted candidate, pany otllce In Phoenix. - l etTni'n k r . kwi if a v watti The Hector Aid of St John church will hold a pecial meeting tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock in the veatry room for the purp.ui nf repairing veatmenta. A f.i.l ailend anc dealred and everyone naked to come prepured to aew. Dr Hagrr, eve peclaltat of lha K.mlu Fa railroud. la In tha city for the purpoa of examining lb eye of employe who need tha service of an ocullat All employe her1 mora than CO yeara of nga ara re quired to aubinil to examination by tha doctor. I'rof J. E. ftoth and hi bride re turned trom a month's trip in Col orado yealerday. Professor Itoth 1 to be principal of tha Mania Ke high a hied when lha new term begins J !l BILL'S SHOP f-IOCANElO ASU PIUSHEHH bkxd ru rivriiEM txt I'M AMI UK. aiiTlbrllCli tlk . Bad. Hi. IImnm IM. Green Chili ThctV reason why thl et O roniMsl flilll pkel. Airdomc Tonight 300 North Second Street Licensed Motion Pictures "IIKtltNT KEI.KJ PICTon .1. it" UiMl-Wiik Kmii. A TWO-ltEM. VITCiltlll KKATl'HK A EHSMAY MEIY Mn.1 NIhiw at n'l-fcH'k; KlHw Ik-trlne al t:45. I JIM MIOWH KAIM OH KII1NE. All 0 Frtli Air Tlif la. The Book of the Year n Saturday, Aimunt lit, wa will lme on aale llan.lil lu ll YYrlKlH'a New Itook "THE EYES OF THE WORLD" Thia work nf Action ha been teceived with ven greater fa tor than "Th Wlnnlna nf liar br Worth." Iiialer have already order ed f.OO.wafl rnpie of thia book. o. . mm & co. In Our Xew Quarter. JO (rntral. Profeaanr and Mra. Roth were tearh era In th city achonla at the time ol Ihtlr marrluie. Perfect llarcla of Canon de Jeme and Adelu Hala of Ilarelua took out a marriage license at the office of County Clerk A. E. Walker lat eve ning. Hull ng.ilnat thnae who hava fulled to pay their road tax will be atarted by Hugh Water, the collertor. Au guat 10. Another butch nf an It will tie atarted Auguat 1. Conatderahlc money ha been collected without proleat from the taxpayer. Mr. Wa ter report. All taxpayer are invited to attend a hearing to be held at A. Elelacher'a office in the Htern building thl eve ning. The hearing la lha econd one culled hy the aub-cominlttee of the Democratic county orgunixatton for the purpose of getting the view a f the people on the luxation and aalary qucHtloli. The ileal re of the people will be embodied In th Democratic county convention platform. TOO LATE TO EXTEND TIME FOR VOTING AT THE PRIMARIES neca of legal dlfflcultle In the way of the plan, a proffer from the Itomero-Itaca force of the county Itepublicnn nrgnnlxaf Ion to extend the time for voting at the primarle tomorrow night wa rejected hy the Oillenwater-Andrewa men laat night. Klfego hura ia auid to have aent one of hi aupporlera to lha Oillenwaler Andrew headquarter, where the of fer to agree to an extenalnn wa made. The city neptlbllcana enllated in aupport of Mr Andrewa' candidacy lor t-ongreaa have been . angry over the time limit of two houra aet for voting tomorrow night. They ay It doeau t afford tune enough to get the vole out. ' The proffer nf an agreement to ex ten the time by mutual conaent wa received with Internal, but It pointed out that th law required the county committee In make any auch change, and that an rxtcnaion by ' OUi i HAUISIS JO. A X STATE MEETING HERE Ml W. E. I.indaey nf Porlale and other leudera la th auffrag ram puign in New Mexico are talking of railing a meeting hers during fair week for the purpoaa of organlxing a tute suffrage association. No plana have been forme.1 for the tropoed meeting yet but th fair cnnimisainn has announced thai If It la railed every assistance posalbls will be glv en to make It a auccess. Card of Thank. We wlnh to sincerely thank tha many friends for their sympathy and neluhboriy ad of kindnea and help in our recent bereavement In the laat Wm I- Hlaley and la now on al llr ahop. Illnea. deulh and burial of our son t Mton'a book store and the of nee The traffic department of the Man and husband, l.oy W. Inacho. j of Mr. Htuley. The map gives tha t Fa Issued a report today allowing MK. and Mli.-t A M AA INrtCIIO- ' population, aire of army and navy thut 10. .1.7 freight curs have been MHH. l.oy IN.-ifllO. , and air navy of all European roun- loaded on the Panta F system and ' 'trie. i received from other tine during the WATEH TAX IH'K AND PAT - AM.K AT OFFIPB OK WATER CO j Aura-tlva Klmw MlndW. ' 111 B. PlCfo.NU. Much favorable comment haa been passed upon th ribbon window di Pnoa , Red bsra. Ill W. Onppar play made by the Economist, the for firs' -r las hsika a4 aarrlagsa work having been dona by Mr. Pur W. 1 TrUubla A Co, . yr. the decorator. PUDLIC RECEPTION' TO LAWYERS IS Everybody Invited to Join Lo cal Barristers in Welcoming Visitors During Bar Conven tion. Code of Ethics. Arrannementa recommended by the rommillee in rharaa were adopted by the iiernallllo County Har ) elation aat nlaht for the atata con vention to be held here Auguat l nnd lit. The meeting waa held at the t'ommerclal club, where the aeaaion of I ha convention are to take place. Lawyer from all over the atate are expected at the convention. The ; Incoming barrlater will h met at' the trulna by commttteea from the, local bar. and the welcome-lo-our- ily atnumphere will vtrlk the vlalt- or from the minute they aet foot on i the atntlnn plntform. I On th evening of the ISth a pub-1 He reception to the viaitina luwyera and their fa ml I lea will be held at the t'nmtnerrlnl flub. There will be i enrda, dnnclng and ronverantion. and 1 the public In ft.-neral I Invited to drop In and Join In welriimliiK the vlaltor to town. The buainia aeaaion nn the 19th will he adjourned at 1 o'clock, and i the delegate and their famillea will he taken on an automobile ride. They will return to town in time for th banquet In be held by Ibe atata aaao elation at the Alvarndo at ":S0 o'clock. Convention arrangement were not the only aubject conaldered laat night by the aaanclallon The coda of eth ic of the American Har naaoclntion wa adopted a the code of the Her nalillo county bar The national aa anclallon rode I the accepted model j for rulo on legal ethic all over thai country. Judge Tt. . riodey rne to remark that he wlahed to imulnm the code, of athlc were applied to politic, lie I thought It would help politica rn ' county and ktute. I IS ENTITLED TO KILL II CALF UNDER LM Until Animal Establishes Rep utation as a Killer Owner isn't Liable, According to Court Ruling. If you have a calf, and the calf In killed by a dog. invealigate the dg be fa re alartlng ult again! hi owner. If he has a wel.etublahd reputa tion aa a calf. hound, you stand a chance to recover damages. If he ha nn standing In th romuiunlly aa a calf-killer, don't bolhi-r to sue. Th law I not with you. Thl wa eatabliNheJ yesterday when Judge Ruynohla in the district court decided an appeal In the caaa of (leorgr Make againat J. C. Hinith. Several month ago Hntlth'a bulldog killed Hlake a calf. Illake aued and Juatice Tartuglia of fan Jose gave him a verdict for 1100. Hmilh ap pealed the case. It wasn't nereaaary lor Hmlth to present hi aid at the appeal hearing yealerday. Judge Itaynold ruled that Hlak had no ground on which to recover, because he fulled to show, first, that the bull dog wa In the habit of killing calve, und aeinnd, that Smith knew It Hlni Hmlth hud a right to keep a dog, nnd only dog known to be virion or dan. geroua are required to be kept lied, Hluke wasn't, on the face of thinga. entitled to a rent. II. H. Jamlann. nf VlgH Jamison, appeared for fmlth. SANTA FE SHOPS SHUT DOWN FOR REST OF WEEK Tha Santa Fe shops hU down to- HnV tr raarrtM i n ftmt-A ttttfil na-vt day. Notice, of the hutdown wer. poNted throughout the (hops yealer day afternoon jut before quitting time. It waa stated at the office thl' morning that there wa no question about resuming opeiation Monday. Aliou' 7011 men are employed In all departments of th plant G DO A variety of reason are laid to , bur a normal content 1 returning be have made It expedient to rinse the cutis an Increasing percentage of lu- hop for a few day, preparation ar going on for th continued wn. truction of the new aliop building, and rea'sation or work will help facil itate the evolution 'of tha old shop group Into the new. Hut fa Irug War Moving. Tha work nf moving th Hutt'a drug store from the Harnett building to 111 West Central, th room re cently occupied by tha Co ml rafa. waa begun thia morning. It la be lieved that lha drug ator will be comfortably housed In It new quar ter by tha middle of next week. Oct War Map. A new war map of all the Euro- pean countries haa been prepared -by , THE HOUSE OF GOOD SHOES Our NEW SHOES Are In The Store of Good Shoes ISNOW READY To supply its patrons with the best LADIES' SHOES from makers who have WON A REPUTATION FOR MAKING THE BEST SHOES We could not impress you with figures here fcr this reason, that all shoe prices sound very much alike. We depend upon all our shoes to speak for themselves, and they do it wonderfully well. You are invited to our store, and we trust that every friend of this store will make us a call some time during the week. Our dis play of FALL FOOTWEAR is now at its best and our Shoes are so very good and the NEW MODELS so very attractive that we want everybody to see the good things we have. We want to welcome you to our store and have you see the FIRST showing of the new FALL MODELS. We cordially invite you to favor us with a call. WE HAVE THE RIGHT SHOE AT THE RIGHT PRIC3 THE MODEL CO. A. D. CAMPBELL, &ln Manager. j LYRIC THEATER TODAY THE TREYO'MTS'' Don't Mifs It No Raise in Price FROM LUCCA, ITALY When purchasing Olive Oil why not buy the purest ana best. The LUCCA ITALY trade mark, Gradi and Dom enici is positively the brand you will always want it once tried. Ask your dealer for Gradi and Domenici brand. INDUSTRY HUMS THROUGHOUT WEST Chicago, ill., Aug. I Prosperity, brought about mainly by th great j rr"P nJ ,h" Promise ol an Im.nense corn crop, Is being passed LroUI1j in th. middla usai. Hull ' m"""' "f-r-progreaaiv. and Inde pendent organ acknowledged the fact lodny. Evldem'ea of expanding Industry come from many aourcea Factory renter, alee I plant and ruil. road ahopa especially are enlarging their activities. There I a distinctly , better feeling In financial circle. I .a bor I finding employment In the Chicago manufacturing dia trlil, which include the great Indus trial renter of Mouth Chicago and Oary, Ind , thousand of men are go ing to work. In some fartorlr in aqiiada of a score or more, nml In other In group of between two and three hundred. The Hlundurd Steel Car company at Hammond hired 3tp men lust week, and la negotiating for addition, al help, lta working force ia now 1,000. The Pullman company la em ploying men by the hundred. The working force I now m.ouo, and l.uoO more men are wanted. Thousand of rullroad car fill the aiding and yard In and about Chl- rnao awaiting their turn at the re I last month. In the an me month laat year l".,Tt car were loaded, nn Increase of 1.71 per cent. Hurling Ion ofttcUala reported that general merchandise and Ibe miscellaneous freight buMlneaa ahuwa an Increase of ftoiu I l I per cent uver lust year. Try Herald Want AJ. C. T. FRENCH ItXHtAI, HlltM-TOIl I.MBAIJMEII. Idy Asalatant. nni auu Omu-al. Phone lay and MgKt, Ka. K TtsDTIISOME TOIIC I that of good rake, lha pure, whi.le aome, mouth-watering kind thut wa fumoua for making. Here you will find every Variety of plain nnd fumy Cuke and Hread and you may rely up on It poalllv purity In Ingredient and In the making and handling. YA make special rake to order for chil dren' parties, birthday anniversaries and other occa-lons. PIONEER OAKERY 207 South First Street