THREE il USE Now Jeff Knows all About the Income Tax. By "Bad" Fisher. OP DUE If Interesting Report from State College Expert on now Ex plosive May Be Utilized on the Farm. THE EVENINO III It A LD, ALBUQUERQUE, IT. If., SATURDAY, AUGUST 13 1914. ACniCULTUK' Ew MEXGO rtate College. N. M.. An. 14. In Pre Bulletin No. 13 of this elation attention wn ca.Ied to the possibil ity of making use of dynamite In sev. etal fur in operation, enperlally Mumping. A general dlnctiMlon of the nature anil effectiveness of dyno null, was Riven. Thla paper deal wllh Irce planting. In heavy adobe anil, auch aa re iuli quite an excovutlon In order lu secure iroier development nf the iiiiik root ayatem. It haa been found iiilvniilnacoua to explode amull i hiiiKi of low grade. Mow acting iIi:iiiiIIp (20 jut rent ammonia), at a iliKtaure of from It Inrhea to 3" im-lie from the aurfuce, thua form- Iiim u hole for the tree and at Ih came time loosening the anil to rnt'r extent, both In eurtuce aren nnd depth, thnn la possible when holi'a tire apaded. Tin- i hnrgea muat nf neceaalty very with the rondllion of the aoll. There la no "ruin of thumb" to be applied III I ll In ease, The resistance offrrett by the aol ineaaurea the quantity of ilyiinnille hereneuryt aa doe the depth nt which It la placed. In gen eral, for the above mentioned deptha. the hn r tic vary from pound to I ' poiiiKla. A little experience and untlerxinndlnv of whnt rotiatltutea a dMiiitnlted tree) hole will aolve the prob'em. A few alnipla experiment always repay the alight additional An Ideal tree hole, atrange In aay, lent u hole, after all. phould the operator line n charge aufftclently hi i. .hk to blow the earth entirely out from about the dyniinilte, he might I emburrunnrtl by the (net that there would be little dirt left at con venient dtntance to replace about the true. Further, I hire would be de elded wate nf energy In mixing the eiirth to i acatterlng distance. One I tie nurfnre Rivea way. the expanding r iii-en allp from beneiith the soil pa tlclea and Join the atmoaphe where apace in lens ronteated. hole la produced by chsrgln in h a niHimer aa to raiae the eur fine aol tu w height of four feet or mull a mutter, and then let II fall buck In place. Thla anil, when fall lug bark, will become caught at the mirface of the hole, and hy giving It it few downward ptmhe with a apade a hot large enough for the tree will reeult and plenty of loooe earth for Parking hbout the roota will be at hnnd. In thla manner a lutge radiua nf disturbed or subaolled earth will be produced. The method In eome Instance can color aa many men In projxirUun to compete In roet with apnde holea, the population aa Hervla hua, It would with the advantage of much more mean an army of upward of eight eoil b-liig looaened. Aa far aa million men," aaya a atutemenl la known, no harm reaulta from the aued by the Natlonul Geographic ao fiimea remnlnlng In the aoll for aev- ciety at Wuahington, I). ., today. i'il hour after the hole I made and . "and th',a de not lake Into account the tree planted. . the fact that the recent ware In the In genernl. the roet will range Imle countiy have made nuch futal from rente to 17 rente per tree Inroada into the pentiiUKe of adult hole for dynnmlte. fuae and rap. ! mate population. 1'robul ly If the The Inbor nut a Inn varlea with the U'plled ttalea called a inuny men to aoll from 1 cent per hole to & cento, tne color In propottion to the adult The holea for the rhurge ere put , mule population. It would mean an rtraight down, and are 1 1 Inchea or army of twelve million men. : ini lie in diameter. A bar may b ! "Theae flguree how what a heavy driven down and pulled. A pipe can be driven. II core of earth being re- ' In removed .ri rul tlmra before the ilolred depth la reached; or an eart" auger run be uned fur thla pur pone, ilenerally the latter method la tne Ix-kl. In aulolllnS for other purpoeea ve been la Indicated by the cen.ui the melbod la Identical, exoept that,"' conuuered territory taken by Itul the earth la not lifted ao high In the air. nnd the holea are ao aiutred that nil the noil of a given area la looaen ed. Thla apaclng varlea from for feet, algxag, to ten feet. The condi tion of the aoll drtermlnea thla, tha heuvier cluv eolla re-iulrlng the rloaer apaclng. The method la expenalve, and only to tie uned where cheeper mrlhoda full. JIOI.ANO HA11WEU.. Aaalntant In Agronomy. LEGAL NOTICES. In IIh ItMrl'i ronrt'wr I lie fVwntr if IM-maliiln, fciaU of Now Mrxlro. J. nun Romero, aa acting Kherlff fj tbr county of Hernallllu, New Mexico, and aa Truatee under deed of truat executed by Mahlnn K. Wllbtirn and Ida Wllburn, Hep lember U'lh, 1 1 1 . and lUllle llun aaker. J'lulmlffa. va. Mahlon R. Wllburn and Ida Wllburn. J. ti. Hchwentker, Alma Howell Hchwentker. and It. 1. Ixinoho, lrfendanta. No. II0. XotliK of rctnlcnii y of Kult. To Mahlon K. Wllburn and It. I. lionnho, whoae prenent location, place of reaidenre and poatofflce ad ilrenaea are tn the plaintiff uaknuwn. You and each of you are hereby no tified that on the (ih day of Auguat, A. IX 114. there waa filed In the office of the clerk of aald court romplulnt by the above named plain liffa agalnat you and the other de fendant above named, wherein and whereby the plaintiff aeek to fore clone a deed of truat made by the defendant. Mahlon K. Wllburn and Ida Wllburn, hie wife, to Otto liierkmann, Truatee, dated Heplem- ber 1 2lh, llll (aald Otto IMeckmann having elnce deceaeed, and haa been succeeded aa Truatee therein by Jeu llomero, acting Sheriff nf Iter' tiullllo county), and to have the aald Court aacertain and determine the amount due upon a certain promta aory note daud Poptember Ifth. Ull. for Mifc Hundred Pollara (ICUU00) with Interest front date at the rale of ten 1I0 percent per ft a mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtmmmmmmmm,mmamammHmmimmmmm .MBaa.a.jfjasasBta fSr I fwsi - - I ("ir"" i lrVfMc.tT tm vvtrriti-ncriT I sTtATw (mi - ' . P if il 7V -icuUm to5l f tCTf TMrV VCXA,XXVfx! f TcX,. - OaOdaLAtXTt tTKrV 1 t Tom NCD eXT - w n I L ? frW.XTA tS.2l k M-tfTrtlS I I 1 myf New Vju vts i-Abvffl IwLteA eyxo V-. f " ' "N TO fet": CPVCtjICMT f touUOttt.1 ,i' ? . ITo T stlf-Jr "L Whwwh vH V jW-3i jlrK i I I I am tTM tggam - am A tgg. 'i urn 1 1 il i1 1 r i r i1 l 1 1 1 1 1 1 n II II 11-11 llllll-S Mill II ! HAVE UOOIO SOLDIERS IF ON EURDPEAIJ U'anhlngton, t. C., Aug. 14. "If the l ulled Klfltea ahould mil tu the hand Auatrla-Huuiary laid upon tha little country whoae army gave auch a remarkable account of ltelf dur- Ing the two wara II hua Jut paed through before Iht third one tie avrnaeu upon u. now lerrioie m ravage of the wara In the Near Kut nau garla In the early month of the preaent year. That count (howed that where, prevloua to the wara, there had been a population of TVS,- uo there la now a population of only 101,000. or course riervla did ot Buffer that much, but theee ng urea are Indicative of the great ware It had to face "Military critlca everywhere admit that In matter of diaelpllne, lender' ship, adamantine aplrlt and elan. there la no army Ita lxe In the world that ran make a better ahow lug than the Hervlan army made during- Its were with Turkey and Hul gurla. It la a fighting force that la conceded to have every quality f atrength that a military loaihlne may poaaeao. "It plan of organization I dl num. due and payable six (4 month after dale, together wllh ten (10) per cent as atlorney'e feea, aald note made by the defend:inta, Muhlon K. Wllburn and Ida Wllburn. and en dorsed by the defendant. J. . Hchwentker, Alma Howell Hchwent ker and It. I'- lonho, and payable to the order of llallia llunsaker, one of the plaintiff, and to have the Court aacertain and determine the amount of Insurance nnd tuxes paid by the plaintiff. Ilallle llunanker, upon that certain piece, tract and parcel of land described In and cov ered by said deed of trunt, and sit uate in the county of Hernallllo and state of New Mexico, to wit: All tf lit five (5) In lllock twen ty-nine ! of Huntng't Highland Addition to the City of Albuquerque, N. M.. aa ahown on the pint thereof made by Otto Dleckmunn and filed In the office of the Troliete Clerk and Kx-orrtvlo Itecurdcr of Hernallllo county. N M., on the l:th day of May. 1M7. And the plaintiff pray for a iudg ment forecloelng aald Urn on said property and premise, and the sale of said property and premise In eat lafurtlo.i thereof, and for a defi ciency Judgment again! the endur era of said note, to wit: The defend' ant. J. O. Hchweiitker.' Alma How ell akhwentker and ?t. l. lionoho. and agalnat the defendant. Mahlu fc. Wllburn, on of tha ntakere ' SYSTEM llnctive. ("ompulanry aervice I per annul for all able-bodied men mid pe cuninry for all who are Imup.ible of eronal aervice. Theae latter mum pay an Indirect tax nf an per cent additional. The military force ate divided Into a natlonul urmy nnd the landxirum, wtv-h form the lunt line of defence. Service in the mi tiotial army beglna at 21 and end after 45. In the landntrum it begin at 17, ends at 21, begin ugum at 4 nd enria at !0. "Yhe natlonul army cntte of three bane; the firt Vnin Including ull able-bodied men between 51 ;nd 11; the second ban ell between 11 and m, and the third thonv between 3 and 4u. "'The flrt ban hna Ita cadre, a achtMil through which every able- bodied man of 21 inuil pan. No one la allowed to change hia nationality while belonging to the II ret bun, nor can any member thereof receive an) outalde appointment or become even a monk until he haa aerved hia term In the army. "The term of service In the stand ing cadre la two year In the cav alry and artillery, and one and a hull yeara In the other brain he of the eatubliehment. There la a aix month' aervice for those In the school of the country who can pan un exam ination for lieutenant of reserves. There Is elan a lx month' enlistment for recruits from whose homes at leaat two others have aerved the full time. "All those who poaxe rattle and ultable curt are under obligation to turn them over to the army when needed. Tbone who do nut posses cuttle and carts huve & per cent ndd ed to their taxes for the remount fund." said note. Vou are further notified that un leas you enter your appearance in Bald caune on or before I he 21 h day of September, A. V. 1914. judgment Will ha rendered agnlnst you, or u n of you as full to enter auch appear - ance hy default. The name of the Plalntlfra attorney I Ueorge H Klin k. and hia poatofrtca and hul- nena addrena la Itooma I and . Htern inoi'H, Alnuquerqne, New Mexico. Wltneaa the Honorable Herbert F. Ttaynold. Judge nf said Couri. and the aeul of asul Court, till th day of August, A. D. 114. , (Peal) A. E. WALKER, County Clerk of Pernalillo County, New Mexico, and Clerk of the Die trict aforesaid. By THOH. K. U. MADD1HON. Deputy, For Sale X&acellfciiecTU roil 4ALE old papers for putting down capela, etc. CaH at Herald offlo. FOU SALE -flentle hore. new har nra and buggy, lj.0U; worth doubls. Address 714 Vk South Broad way. KOR BALK Good iO-foot lot In Hlgl.Unda oppuaite abupa. Hal round, ttl HeutB, Walter. . E-vening Three Lines e e e $5.00 DOWN $5.00 per Month NO INTEREST-NO TAXES HERE IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY Beautiful 5 0-foot Lot in Highlands SPLENDID LOCATION John M. Moore Realty Co. Phone 10 LEQAL NOTICE' Pepartment of the Irterlor, I'. H. iJ.nd ortbe at tiiinta Fe, X. it.. July II, 1(!4. Notice la hereby given lhat Floran Trujlllo of Plurltu, N. M., who, on July 1C, 190, made homratend entry No. 0101,8, for NIC Section . Townahip 12V. Range t-K, X. M. P meridian, hna filed notice of Inten tion lo moke five year proof, to l!nh claim to the l.oid above dencrsned, before Abellno I. I.ucero, county clerk, at Iternullllo, N. M., on the 19lh day of rrpteinber, 1914. Claimant name as wltnce: nvld Trujlllo, Joe Trnjillo y Armljo, Tco doHO Chavex, Frum iaco Trujlllo, all of I'lailt, x. M. FnANCIUCO DEIXIADO, Iteglater. Albuquerque Evening Herald. Denartmeni of the Interior, U. M. Land Office ut Kanta Fe, X. M. July 14. 1(14. Nolle is hereby given that Joaa Trujlllo y Armljo of placitaa, X. M., who, on July 14, 109, made home atead entry No. OleSSt, for Lot I, Kectioji 1, E- h'E'i HRH, Heciion 4, EV of Lot 1 and 2. Hectlon 9. Town ahlp 12X. nange r,E, X. M. P. mer idian, haa filed notice of Intention to make five year proof, to ei.ibllh claim lo the land above deacrlbed, be. fore A'oellnn I. I.iii-ero, county clerk. Hernallllo, X. M , on the llth day of Heptember 114. Claimant name aa wltneases: David ; Triijillo, Floran Trujlllo, Teodonn 1 Chavex, Franelurn Trujlllo, all of riaclioa. X. M. i , FRANCISCO DELOADO. Iteglnter. , Albuquerque F.vrn'.iyg Herald Defrtment of the Interior. I'. H. I-and offl- e at Kanta Fe, New Mexico. July 20, 1114. Notice la hereby given that Kllsa Frnncla llnan, of Heboyeta. X. M who on November 13, itio. made homestead enuy No. 0144 34, for HK', aectlon I. townahlp 14X., rang W X. M. P. meridian, has filed no ties of Intention to make 1-year' final proof. In enlabluli cluim lo the land abort deacrlbed. before Jeaus M Luna, county rleik. at Los Lunaa, X, M, on Heptember ltlh. 1914. Claimant name as witnee: William C. Kennedy, of heboyeta, X. M. Pntrlco Jaramilto, of Bfboytta X. M. Dealderln Trujlllo, of Beboyetu, X. M. Faturlno Itomero, of Heboyeta X. XI. rnANcwco deloado. Heglater "Evening Herald," Albuquerque, K. Ma Herald Want Ads Three Times 214 W Gold HELP WANTED KMPLOTM1CXT (illlie. 110 Weat sil ver Ave.: I. i. Pox 73; I'hone 154. I- borer II.;.", to 12 SO. Uoi;J paying bunlneas for aule. t'TATE MANAUF.n wanted by Illi nois corporation. Fkt.iblinh oftlce, manage sulcmen. Every mcrchiiti'i a runiomt-r. Termunent connection. Monthly alnry and cotnmlmlon. Hank reference given. lnventment of 1400 to tl2i0 required to carry t.M k. Should eanllv net l7,iino an ually. Kudburtiv, tild Colony Illdg., Chicago. WILL. PAY reliable man or woman 112. 0 to dintrlhute 100 Fit EK packages Perfumed llorax ifoap owder among friend. No tnony required. Ward Horax Co., Ill Inati lute PI., Chicago. FOR RESTZ Aoomi. Foil KENT Very Ueairuble roouia for hoUM-keeptng In modern home only well adults need apply. Utter ance required. Phone ((. Koit HKXT nie very deairable auite of outvlile office rooms In ,N. T. Ar mi Jo building. Apply Geo, F. Al bright. Phune 440. Fort 11ENT S-room flat, lilft": liudaon, 4t!t cloae in. Apply C A, and Copper avenue. Foil ItENT Irge room with Bleeping porch. 4 21 W. Marquette. ron IlEXT Five large room for IJxht housekeeping to one person or in auite. 117 8. Uroadway. Full 11 EN'T Two or three-room furtilkhed apartment, with or with out sleeping porch. Light, hot and cold water. 11 East Ce.ltral. No children. PERSONAL! Fl'lt.MTl ltE ItKI'AIKINH, packing UphiiUterlng. cublnet and mattre making, rug klzlng. Phone 24. 117 8. Third Bt. FOR CAhPET eseanlng. furniture an4 stove repalrlns. W. A. Ooff phone III. HOOF PA1T. WANTED Every home owner to Erie Carbon roof paint. Stop Isaka, last I years. Devoe ready paint, 1 gat. cover tod q. feet Thea. r. Keleher. 401 Weet Central. Tliat ltuinel It. Uhe had a lovely lialblng suit Computed of gauxe and net. And really It looked tery cute I'ntil sbe gut It wet. Three Dimes Dunbar Bargains FDH nSXT. e Btore room. Central Ave., be- tween Third and Fourth ets. t-room modern brick house, 11 N. r. ave., 121 water paid. 4 -room houae. 111 No. Fifth 4 St.; modern, 111 00. 4 -room house. Highlands, tit. 4-room houe; eat Ilaxeldine avenue; modern, 120.00. Foil BAJJS. 6-room hoime for aule or rent; Went Coal avenue; modern; lot 50x142; fine n tunic and l.iwn. Itanch, 10 acre improved, well stocked, and for t.ile ut a burguln; 7 mile nut. Fine cor. lot. West Coal Ave. 4 -room house, West Iron Ave., Price. 11.100. 4 All kinds of terms. 4 HUE IXSI H WCK MOVICY TO UAN. DUNUAiril HKAL EttTATB OITrlCB. tl4 Gold Ave.. Corwer Third BL HOTELS OP SOUTHWEST. DIRECTORY. 8T. JOHXri. ARI.ONA The Ameri can Hotel. Headquarters Ocean- to-Ocesn Highway tourists. Mod. throughout. Dining roam service unequalled. Fine shade and lawn. HOTEL BRUNSWICK Holbrook. Arlmia. 20 guest rooms, modern; tcurlsts' headquarters; dally road bul letin; guldr furnlihed to points ol Interest; dining room in connection. BANT A FE The Moateiuma Hotel. American plan; serrlce first class. electric lights, steam heat, telephone in every room. Special attention lo auto parties. T I PL WRITERS. ALL KINDS, both new and second hand, bought, sold, rented and re paired. Albuquerque Typewriter El change. Phono 144. Ill W. Gold. Vulcanizing Vulcanising and lire Itepairtng. All work guaranteed. Albuquerque Tlubber Com 114 Weet Central. LV??-?.-P-.-?.??.?v Lojcr Fox terrier, white with llik head ami tail; two toes off one front foot. Pnd r return to Tony Johnaon, k'apital bar, for reward. WANTED. A MII'l'I.K Aiii:i XI A N want, a comfortable room on the Highland with a quiet LiptilV. refvrably a Ciianlnh-peaklng fumlly. Addrr' Nelaon, ln. lu.t Elackimithi. OKU HUTtJMIXItoN. Ill West Lead. Four Bhoea. 11.01, FOR RENT Tlotuet. Koit ItKNT Eurnlnlied tent hoi. with sleeping porch. 101 fo. Wn! ur at. PROFESSIONAL CAHD3 Phytlclana W. M. SHERIDAN. IL D. ; Practice Limited to , GENrro-lIU.XAKY DLSEAEH I And ; DISEASES OF TUB ULI. Tb Wawsee niaii and Nocch Teatg Salvaraan 4M" Admlnlatered. Cltlsena' Bank Building. Albuquerque .'lew afeilee A. a SUORTLE, M. D. Pratl-J llmfled to TuDerrarosU. OIBce Hour. 10 to 11 a, m. llione 1171. tills Weet Central. Albuquerque Sanitarium Phono III. SRS. TULL t BARX3 BpertslUta Kyo, Ear, Mos, Throat. But) National Hank Bld Pnoae T. r. TATrs. M. D. Bpeclallat In Eye, Ear, Xoao and Tbroat, At Comb' Hotel, Albuquerque first three day of every month. IHS. Hl.IO AM) ILAIIKF. Prsctlce Limited to Eye. Ear, Nose and Throat. Sll'j West Central. The Murphey Sanatorium Tuberculonla of the Throat and LutigM. City omre. 311 Went Central Ave. (Mice Hour: to 11 a. m.; S to 4 p. m. I'hone fi2S. Hunatorium I'hone 41. W. T. Murphey, M. I)., Medical Klrecto. Dentists ikli ex. swismamas, m as s I It. J, KltrT, Dental Kurgwry. Rooms I and S. Burnett Bldg. Over O RIelly'g Drug Store. (Appointments msde by mall.) ptiona T44. Attorneys tilMM.t SIMMS lawyers. IT-HI Harnett lllilx- Albuquerqea, Architecta, EUSflX H. NORRI Arotiltot. FrwotJcal and I'p to Dale) Work. ltih.iu I, l.yrlo Theater lliiilillog. TcI1Ihhu) lUfS. MONEY TO LOAN. MONET TO LOAN on salaries, hounehobl good and llveitork with out removal. Nile bought and sold. Colon Loan Co., room 11, over First National bank. Phone llll. DUKE CITY CLEANERS e ctcn lists, men's nnd wo men' clothing, ru. curtains, draperies, etc. 13(1 Weat i.olO. Hume 411. Promptness Our Uotto Welldrilling, Welldmin and Irrigation Plants WIMiMII.IA TKS. PVMPS AIU HIPAIIU.NU Adr for W cta'e (iaa 1-Jiginee J. V. WOl.RlVri, 4li W. Ciiim Ave. Ilea, plMtue) lolnW. Offi iUott lltt