Newspaper Page Text
The Republican party skeletons have been crowded back into the closet; but not until some ghosts walked. i Europe hat a job open for the boy who pulled off the Bcrna lillo compromise. we are not to have the Room 41 details - yet. MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS t-RflirNICCITUEN, Vol. . N. ft. ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 1911. TIIK EVEMNO lIRTlAI.n OI,. I. Ml. Ml. KM 1VMIM 11 ALL G DEUVERES CPMK BLOW TO ALLIES: .ilk Fngland and France in Guarded Official Statements Admit FIVE Of NA1UR FORTS FALL Supposedly Impregnable Bel gian Defenses Swept Away Before Savage Onslaught of Huge German Force. vJOFFRES GREAT ARMY WRECKED AND SCATTERED Ten Thousand French Prison t er Taken at Single Point of Contact. English Forces Unable to Stem the Tide. Jaitatlmi. u. U,V TIm- laMinlltfn In Itiiklum. ai a-iardlng to an anaiotim-anieiil llila I'triiliiK mr ndlinaiitl In nuiiilM-r 3.IMHI. aliii gioii. Ann. J."i. 11HI Ullllli' admire III Mil llif !. man annii'H nwai,l I'arla la iraili. mi Ifl llif Mhioh rli-r. l,iiiMy ml tin- un-au r Mtrl of lla-liiian-ln-mlt Imiitlrr laing In tit-iiiian IimioU. m in! MnK In u MlrifK iHSati li l IIm- I, ol ma i'IiiIki IruiH Itn loifiun ulln . nil li'il loilnj tin Sftilli, I.. I. It i)- " llif l.i'tninii i,M.n lui Iiik tin I Ifiii It Iiim ill Iran it II11111 In laiiM- limn Anan-I 17 In SI. Ni im rou i n-Ian-, inoro than i;,u kirns ami Iii.ihhj .riMi,iH tiai In i n ai4 111 fil. I.uiii't lilo ItM Imi ii lnki ii anil tin' ami) of .!- ral Jortri' Ih lnoki ii up ami mi mole iaililf i,r mi lion. 'I lia- i.i-r. titan rruMti irmv'a aimy im 1 IimmiI tli,' I n mil wit,! of l.iiu. llif a rm of tin- ttiikf I 111 it'll, Inn it. man liluu tliroiiuli lU'.aliim. Iimn iiomiI llif liter M'MI"I' , I I'llipli Pit itu-lllll.' llif ailtam inn I ri-iiiii aunt. iiitir. ua Kiiim, iii-iki, irl-Miiifin anil M','i Ki-iifruli nrrr lapiniiNl. I Ih- 4 .or ma 11 lriMiH. ail tain Imc uul nf thf litt-r Mi'iim' lottaul MdlllM'IIKr tllil'Mlltl Mil IjlKl'kll 1 at ah) lit Itimlf. 'llif iltir im-. 1110 i, l.iumM) ami IIh unttlir mii of iIm- IHii iii-1 rt if Ii frim mr nit In l.iriiiHii ItMinlf. A inn. 1 i-iilrlt- ailtaiH r o all llif l.frnutii Mil) liiManl I'aiU In irlialilf. UKMtW III I'l Ml I H t l it Kl: or 11 v .m 1 1 1. itiiiu iniiiii. Am tit V'iififM i" Aihoi l.tti'.l I 11M l. ttay of Naiifn imiili, ami nyt llif. I.. I t All 1. 1 11. i.i I 11 11 11 11 u in ciih lit miflti 1 . a l if hrif lnil.iy .iy Hint I hi' illy ul .i 11 1 ii r unit II t- of itn Ion lidtf Pt'i-n inpliilt'il li lilt Tlif liolll- lutriliiif in 01 thf lout otluT (nrt ion. 1 1 11 in-h iiiid Uiiir lull uiiiim Immi- iiint MMIU lulilil II THS Willi; 1 n 1 :Ti 1 1 i t J iioi'i: Auk (J k2 P. In I i otfli ill war informal Ion linrfan hh ' It ih nnnnuiu , .1 thut Nuiliur hull f.illrn " Till' uliiitt! illfpnti h. an liulii ulfil. aR I I. in l.oniioii at l.j o lioi k Momlay ufternoou Mini ifrflvfif In Nrw Vork wt t 10 u dm k tint (Tuva (l.i)l nioinliig. Hb 1 1 a nBlii -al 1 in a plolnllily tfutil hy thf i-t'iiNor. Thf torlifii'ullona of .Namur anil'Rf fiiinifil ttir flmat rkamplfa of thf Hoik of tliu lallloun III-1 Kin n mllituiy fiiiilnwi'r. it-lit .t t llfiiri A lii in Hiinlmoiit, whim- reputation Hi 01 lit- nli'. Thf tli'ffimitr oik .if Namur wi rr nut an nlmim aa I In mm- of I.H ki' hut thf liik.-1'nHl.ili nf llir illy linn h iM'ttrr or mllilaiy pm poM-a. The folia are nine In niim'ifr. the four niimi ImIhk Ht llirl Pi'll. Auilov. H 11 j ilr iinil I'oifiiflff ttlnlf the . ii'itii-rtlin fort of Iru trvniilh air I'avf. Malatrt-t, Mulon li, Marhfvulf llr uiul I inn lira. All arc protected by haiiluueil alucl S AMIES I OTCEOTRIC SEARCH KM PARIS doihra. licrii rnllv fight or tan In ru- h loii. and I lie nitillery, iiinxlHl iiik iniMli'in hfin y iliaappeaiinK I" vrry powfiful. I'HK.M'II I.IM I.I.IIMW l ; Is t MM Ki lt Pari. Auk- ' U .' . ni I The following ifll til unnouni a meni war made hero tud.ij ; "The (ii-rina'i nlti'n.Hlvc inovi mint in tliu north, k tilth waa atopped ' terday. uiiL'.irit lotlay to lime lii'uri ll'MUIIl'll. 'The iiiiin.., hnwr'.er, In helng held hut by u hifiuh aimy ailing hi ion. lumtlun Kill) an tiiKliHh army und a Utigiun uriny. "Tin annua f lh,' ullii'H aiirpr'-etl ihr titii-my a:iil drove l.i k Ih'ir ad vance tli't.n hnienl. Thf alllea hate gelie ueyohd M .ill urn. , "Tim lliiKiun uriny 1.11111: from Antwri I'." "In lairraine, alter the lounur '- III. kit of fHllllit. the IIKil, of till' I n-lit II tunc withdrew to tin: ritai Mitrtagne. whieh Ih 11 continuation of tin- Mui-thf, from l.utietllle In Namy. "In Altai a. Kreni h Irnopa repelled u number of tieliitail atlarka iliir t l a tta t nut I'olmur, "Thr repot, of tho rr apliir,- ol Muelhaukt-n thu tierniana la with out Inundation. Muri'iiin thf thr Her ot o-ration In Aliui'ii Ik littniii 1 11 K of mioti'lai y Important.!'." IM.I l-ll M HM'Mi lh Till.. , im r i.i iiiiw u aim 11 on i'iii, An -"i (7 Hi a. ni ---Iso- onil tin- lima ktatf mi lit mailf liitf yitsriiay nlti-rnoon thut I' ttR an iioumcil Namur hml fallfii, llif of fulal war liurt-au hua laauml iiothtna on thf null in it la not ri known ti'linilfly loii' li.lhil tin' lull ir- It 1 in thf town 01 thf Ion, or Imih 1 'otn im m ma on llif lont ol 'he lU lKiiin atroiiKholil the 1 lironi' li mit a Thf nt'ua loil.iy la iii fl- illy," iiiIiIiiih that if lln .illn "i,m.,,i iMt liffii lii.tvy" t- may yi-t mt IhIuit 1114 ttir itfrmuiii, mail ti .111 on I una. 'Namur la a lortiiKs i-f . ..11I1I W'. I.i I. i-n I'll'illlilll III' h 1 1 H ill ll lull' 1 k M-Il ll'-lil tl'll'l.ll III. lilt In- 1I0 11.. I 1 11 1 a 1: 1 1 II' thut it Ullt liy .1 Mon- pn.lirtiily Pit in h III. llif 1-lM-Wlll-l'f IM tilt- llllf Ol tlif Hi hen ImpoMi-tl 011 Iht-m Ihi- 11 Iteriia 1 1 vt I li'.ivtnu a litttti lor-- to lit- tiivrnt- il in .Niiiiiiii 01 w 11 lull iw iiik liom It lilli.kf llif 1 "The limit lint that In it-ally liiNt 1 law haitlv the I it 11. li tiiiopa oi I'tipt iiik a ki-i--ittt'tl poaltton f riminlar atrei-r'ti wt - ililten out liy tin- i lei in.tliH .liter 110 1 mole than two iluya' likhtiuK. iln pfakn tol- uiinit lor the power of the 1 ill 11 1.1 ri alia, k "Knitlanit all. I ItUHKla iiuihI atuli- lioinlv ii-Moitf that roitii- what in-iy to hi 11 inf they will nmr auniiiUfi to lieruiiiny hut will flak to hit " tin t il.ii h to upoli-oii- 1. mil llif nil hrr ilt.wil. Ah Ihiik in f lloltl llif jtt-ii t taltlloi oumiivin Im- ital- ly atl 111 k." J I HIST HI I l:T tiMV w IMIIilAT. sh llli: TIMI.S I...H1I.111. Aug li I I;, jo p. m I Vtoifniay waa a la of I.111I new ami v e leur morr mimt follow, ' thf l.iinil'.n Tlnu-a aaya loilay In uii fil' lr la I 011 tin- tail nf Namur "In Ihi- IiimI l-hamr of I he lileal Imillf." the papt-r innlinufB, ilm liellli.. n appear tu tun won Krouliil lill Minna, llif line, mli- in the area helil ) tlif I ir 11 it- rt. We wen- pre pare'l lor thf t-lili un.l flow of ton Ma 1, hut not lor the fall of .Vainur. "We huf In fa. t- Una ailuati'-ll with iinnhaktn eonililt'iii VVt. Iimi- In te ineliiliel that the hat lie la hoi tt mil. Thf lieiiuiina fiatft not yet hural tlieir wuy IhioiiKh 1,1 h'luntf. W'f have to 1 emtio In r that thin l only the lirnl 11 lent in ounter ol it war Klltth plainly lit lit Hi ill. 'li In lie a I011R iitif. hor llif all.f" 11 a phaatt, for I lie lieiniiina it la tllal. Thi-y ale tlealing their liiowa with tiaor. hut the laaiif in llflKiuiii itl ill hanita In tht. lialalite. In apll of thf unloriunutf ttrnla at Namur. Wfiatfier I'a the upaliot. ilit-at lliiiaiii ami her allira will tine thr outlook with ilogafil 1ieie111111iHt11.11 ami eoiiiiiHif thf war unlit the aplrit of Piuaaian iinlilai 1111 la looted nut of Kuinpp. "Tlllif flKhla on the alile nf thf a 1 1 lea. With the lirriiiuna It la lift k or nnlhlntl. Im Ihv h rent h ami Ihr Knaltkh hmr pterything m aain hy nullum a ilelaylnii war. While the laaiif irmalnit iintfltaln mah ait 1 1 1 maintain Hit- atoiiltat hula-. hlioulil It in MgathHl ua. wc may remi-iiiia r that thf allira hat not. Ilk the tier. Iimna, atakeil all on thrir III at vt-n-tut. Our ulnnial miniH ia ter lain and w will never ahrath mn (Coflllnucai on rafa Two.) AOSTRI. A a" I ON ALL Fortifications at Cattari on the Adriatic Shattered and City Reduced to Ruins by Allied Fleet. SERVIANS WIN ANOTHER GREAT LAND BATTLE Forces of Nation Which Touched Match to Europe Driven from Serbian Soil. . War of Extermination. U. inf. Auti. ..'4 (via l.omlort. .1 to p m. A cliKputi h In the t'oim r d'lialia from Ant iuii. Moni nt'ur... milt thf toilih. ili.iiii, of ". 1 1 1 ; , . 1 . tlif Aualrial) Mapoit in I i.i I111 1 1 1.1 on Ih. Ailitalif. have linn 1 ..iiipli-lt ly tp.-xtroyi-il aim that I In- A 11 -ill. .11 nun-mumli-r I now paiii tina lor l iii h of Hurri miiT. The lioiiil-arilnif nl ol 1 'altar. 1 wan i 1 mil il 1 t il l.y 11 fl.t-t of tin .1II1. . l M ill s HUM I N ol 1 or i ii 1 1 i.iiin 1011 v Niih. Ftriia ( t la I ... 11 I Auk 3u p m I- erxtint li'.io;ii. if. 11 ni - pte.l Sahai- l.wh ti.ilhl 111 ... ... k in the nil. 1 11. 1. 11 1 I M..iul.i. Aiuinl i'l, ai'i'oilnii( lo .111 ..fil nil . ti 11 1 hi 11 11. e nt in. nit toil ly . The A usi 1 n.iii- li.ive hei-n throttn Itai-k mi ill.- nihil I... ni. t. die iiti-r Mtr unit ri ' II till nf i-t IA I. ill It'l 1 1- BEATEN oiy him imw Iti-t-n leart-tl of tliu.l'trti t- nf m . Tho iiiiui'iiin i iiieni ailil). that rt tie. it mil AtlNtllaliH ilet aat.ite.l nan sill. ik. ft iimi 111,1 "mii I'.'.l tin the r-t t 111- hitliitaiil.t 1 Htiltilt- ih on tile liter .-vile. L' t mil Wl'l-l nf lleUlule. ,IB. Ht in p In. 111 Nl-Ii. gtiat I., .ii AilHlllall tni-pH Hlll't'f tll"l 111 Inltillk 'IH llllty Tallin- itfter In uty liclitinK all 1 thf line. M.iiviws ni u t.i: u it OI Ml JI Mill II ON UMIilt Pull". Ann. lilt I. 'ilul'. II. I l-t p. 111 i hat eivi.i ij. pi 1 pin in-j to wakf a war of litt tUaitt-r In her eti ftiliea la illttl. ill 11 Holt, nt-lit l.y Hrla l-t the I'ttn-h tt..v el iimtul prulritliiiK it k : 1 1 ii-1 thf ulli'Kfit oilier from tlit- ht a.l'iuai li r t ol tin- Ann llian army In hutn Hfrttaii i-rnpa unit m nr.- Slimn t iliaiii it ull uloiiK the AuMtnau lint, ol innl. h. ThiM nun- ..t ( 11 1 1 li.-1 that in lew of the AliHliiaii iltielliek to mm l.ill InmpH it wlij h,. very tliflii ult to re tialu tho S. i i lain, li.-in meatmen of IftfliKf, Hint that tin- .-..111,111 K-.i-riniiifiil lin.lx Until t niu.l t aitie il to lak ull nieanilea ni ii-pinal nun-l-atihlf with lull rji.uii' law ADEE REACHES IONDON FROM RELIEF WORK IN SCANDINAVIA London, Auk. (S lu p. m l Alley A, A. lee, m Amen, an aet-rt-laty of klatf. han atrlVftl In London fruin the H. timlaniii Ian pen litaiil. lit will Irate l.iierpnol In rnnirow mi the atc.imrr Nrwr York for New York. W'lnlr i 1.1 1 i-lin In Kra N.r. Adea waa oriL rt ! liy Sft it lur.. Ktyan In utieiul the Splulirrken eon-ffian-a al 1 in una 11. 1, will, h ia frain Iiik a ytiirrnment fur No Man liinl Prna In Chi li l.ii". Mr. Atl.e ail rd in the relief of Amerlt aim iin-l-rd in Ki-anilaiiiii ia ami w.i. Iiu.u u menial In kfiidmi more than "u ol hia tnuntrymrn hark home. lr ltaved I he le ate ahoiii I.TtOO Allien tana atill io Norway and Sweden. KAISER EyESpma'yaiiwNsllllBBLL mm Ili-Ilin. Auk. ITi ( 1,1 hatii-n ainl limloii, Auk. i. 111 1 Kiiipiror Will 1.1 1 ih,- ilit-nr .iimn Iron 1 'nuui of hi m-i ..inl .1 t 'ii.i'i. l -M III Ilia of tin :nl lit 1-'. 1 liia on frown I'rln Kn-lf ri. k 1 1 1 1 it tit ami luikp Al'in- ai 1 .' Winn- 111.u1 u. nr h i l onrt-i n il alMn tlit- Iron 'roan ti ' oral nut of ihi- 11-1 1 litna kii In nun, Priii-f 1 lunar. Mm m.ijrntv haa mm Hi.- fol low iiik to 1 hi .inni priminH: "I thank tint- with all tnv lieui 1. ilt-iir 1 in 'I I icjoi. ,. wnh tin mt Hit- in mi t it .try . f W'llh.-lm. ti.ul li L I1.1 n on Inn milt' aliti hati iim.-i .11 illialilly FUPPoriii him. Ti him In HiaiiK mill honor. I nniit o W1II11 Ini ihi- Iron 1 iokh of thf itf. oml an. I flmt 1 1 "iinaar alio fouiilil tit 1 1 " lit lit 1 wnh Iiim L-rinuillf r lit- ro i i-lM'il Hie Iron i'rt ..f 'In- (tfe- ollil I'lan. lil'IMIlt that l 'ill ann laru-. tiotl proit . t an. I pii. my hoya. AImo hi thf future In- Willi ihi-f tin, I all nil.'). (KiHin-ill "PAPA ll.HKL.M THE WAR AT SEA MMi:H TltIP hTKAMI.II MtiPPI II Ol I MAV MHih New Am: I'tt'.l iiimIi l. ht It.- v .1 1 . w im In hi no t.ln.1 1 1- t.ttla v l.v a il I'l: el l'-llllhll. Jln-I mil -nit hor. at .1. Ill, Hi; I,, 0 I-I..II.I Alltl l.l-illi! to ! fit'. tiller pin. I t'.lt'il N. w ..ik II. r 111 2i. - A 11 an. I he i- II A ll-l I l.'t I' aftf 1 II 0 . I." I- H'lVp .t-- ti In nt New Yolk ll.l aervt-IH lit lilt i-r 1111 hour 'li on her way 1. illlf Hint li'itnili .IlKifineil In n't : 1 1 1 1 ' 1 nulii in. I I I nn el .lior, . ih, I II it i. Il t I 11 :mi I I ahttiii unit i.t'.iileil eat-t the htealinr panneil Atlanll' lllltlilamlH I 1 1 1 - rani tile, mailt lo r mil In he the l l.l nf (he All. lln Ameiliiin li-ie. Waa not la'Uiiiiiiulf ITie. M.ii.lit iil. Auk .. - Tin- Ma- mm m T j IfieaHI-tl llel f oil profUIHt- lit'lllU Kiit-n liy In-r 1 oiuiniinli-i- thai khi A'l-1 w .,i.. not 1 1 y 1.1 t .nlf t upliiie. ami hail I waa -illoWfil to le. tw yiu I,, 1 New lnl"Voik. The t 'ami. 1 1., 11 pri.- in nil 1I1 loliK 1 t itlt-.l tltui ni tin- Liu hail leii In i tl. title pott helole Ull- llt-tiii r.l 1 1. -Il ot war file iv 1.1. not a I. ultimate -1 1 -. THE WAR IN THE AIR I. onion. Ant:. dirliateh rei Iw-il a till man Zi ppe li 1 that til) ll.l 11., li I... 11O. .n. Auk. toll t'Mponilrui 1 : K etimif Nettk ti lell-i uitkhip. li wt-rp IuhI iimnt ,t -lii luian ui i. Il- 1 . '1 nf Ait, wel p. i'lie 1 I I ia a. in I A 111 Antwet p uii iimhni liew urn 1 1.30 p. m. I The .ntwerp of the i h (hat a .- .- :i llt-w iit.-r Ant- - iioUHlit il'iwn ity .- ink iiiilea oumltl : 1 v of III teen lilt 11 I N. were taken pi i- Th la Utapaii ti 1 the atttne aimhii. I he day from A nt w . ilenily let. la to porta tl eat lie in li ra having H-.w n nirr thf illy I.--; Anothtr iti...i ill. ht-f.iiu 11 w.i hi. n a thta Zi-li-f- 1.1. aiouahl to taiih. Hiletf etlrd in tl 1 . 1 I -i 4 afien or a -gut In.nilig Into Aiii 'irp. ne ol the hnuaea wrerk.-.l i heat- mi. lea una llu.tled only jmi 1 I a ftoiu the pal .1' of Klliu Al '. " (ia-leii pt'imui, were kille.l ami -.t aeilnUHlt injured '' thf i lllf filler holla, a were half ilenmi '' -J ' Uiv fallina homha. (Mia bomh puil, wre attl the hot. pllal of Hi. KI1...1I" 1 'i. hul'tuiia lely ihcra er no pautnti m .htj bu.IUm. Appalling Reverse in First General Engagement Namur, the Bel,iiui fortress. 1ms fallen into German handv according t3 the official press bureau in Londjn. Details of the fighting weir not giviMi. English newspa pers regard the fall as inexplicable. Berlin despatches say five of the forts of Namur and the city itself have fallen and the capture of the remain ing four forts is imminent. A reverse to the forces of the allies ii generally admit ted by the English and French newspapers, which say to day's news is "decidedly bad." Whil? plainly expressing disappointment at the failure of their forces, they declare the retrograde movement toward the line of strong defen sive works near the frontier has been carried out in good order. It is assumed that the allies are falling back on their first line of defensive work3 running from Maubcuge, in a southeasterly direction by way of Hirson, Meziercs. Montmcdy, Verdin. St. Mihiel. Toul and Epir. l. all of which are strong fortresses and are interbpersnd with smalled works such as Ayvelle, Genicom t. Troyon. Les Parodies. Lianville, Gironville. and Jovy-Sous-LesCotcs. Behind these lies another strong line of fortifications from St. Quentin in the north through Laon and Reims to the great entrenched camp at Calons. The English newspapers declare that both the English and Russians are determined to "fight to a finish." what ever the outlook may be at present. They say the posses sion of Namur wa3 vital for Germany and that it "was a fine stroke for the Germans to have rushed the place un der the eyes of the allied armies." In other parts of Belgium fighting is still in grognvss and a report from Ostend says 30.000 Germans have at tached Malines. thirteen miles from Antwerp. Charleroi has aho been the scene of hot fighting, this time between the French and German troops and a fresh encounter is believed to have begun there today. Brussels has been left by the main body of German troops, who have proceded on their way to the front. Russian reports relate the advance of the Russian army in eastern Prussia. Russian officials, however, caution against feeling too great elation over the preliminary suc cesses, pointing out that the German territory about ihe Vistula is strongly fortified along the line of the Russian forward march. Newspaper despatches as.-.crt the Austrian fortified port of Cattaro, Dalinatia. has been destroyed by the allied fleets. Despatches from the Servian provisional capital. Nish, record the victorious offensive movement of the Servians and Montenegrins against the Austrians wh-j are said to have suffered severely. A Swiss business man report the ga-iison of Strassburg to have sustained an appalling total of casualties at Schirmeck where 5.5U0 Germans went into the engage ment and only 1800 returned. A German derigi'ole balbon which had flown over Ant werp yesterday was brought down by the Belgian artil lery today and fifteen of its occupants taken prisoners, according to a newspaper despatch. Another telegram says bombs dropped from the balloon caused several deaths and one of the missiles struck a hospit-il. which, however, was occupied only by th; medical and nursing staff. A wireless despatch from the foreign office in Berlin to the German embassy at Washington, records a severe de feat of the French hoops by the Germans in a battle which raged from August 17 to 22 and in the course of which more than 150 field guns and 10.000 prisoners were cap tured. It says Luneville was taken by the Germans and that the army of General Joffre. the French commander in chief, was bioken up making probable a concentric ad vance of all the German army towards Paris. A wireless despatch adds that the Duke of Wurtemburg3 army, marching tluough Belgium has completely crushed the advancing French army and captured many guns, flags and pri-)neis among them several generals, while an other German command defeated aii English cavalry brigade to the west of the river Meuse. Thf hollll'H i M i I W llll II I I .lie lor- f '..I .11 . .-I .iita-rp 'll puuii . i, i. ii.ui -ill-Hi I'l A III - on lln- Iio.-li.tal. and threw lln II I- nil. t a at. lie l- M- i There la itileii-t i wt-rp at til,- an. i i w hu h w aa li., im.- 1 1 I, . I , I IM. Man. IM-11-11 lUI'l.ltMM tiiMlliM I II VMM W KOI 4.111 ll .I l l'l I IS lainilon, Autt. J" I tl n in I - 'i ht nltitial iiil'ij-mutiiiu in. it.. . i,.i: m fl an .llllllMllll i im ul t.n I i in i d in i . i' una irooiik of the tit -ti i ."ii wi" Win In Antwerp hy Z. pp. im .il-hlp IhlnwmK Dnmlia in.', tile tnv The tiurvaua aunuuiu rment I'l 1-WH 'A It- it J I a 111 lla-i lieeil 1 1 1 -ir hi. -n i. Villi ih tin i.. ,-,if il - IiuiihIi i n niit mi- a.irliil I.I aln! lulu Hi' lln pa:- 'ljUl , t" (I l-iln i.i .t I a I- in in. w In- u i repot I I il -I b Zl ppellll Ihe . 'I'l A nl w t l . I. i-t I nt -ippt . ",t t-hl i .I.. -I l. ani t in. i im I i ml. ii 1 1-r in ai ... i In i ha,.il ii .ll.l Ho t l.f ;i it. iti-h. M i il,- l .. .1 "lie to I'l "P tilt ulul twiltf liiet. wtl'f lot-t Tile tlifii..i:i llolil ir l-ialnu lie il.ile.t tln.l Una a. t Pan llllt Ii stl ' led tin: I ml : u li.i t It'll Win- Il llif l.rilltilltV I'l (hu liilinahk Inn uIii'JmiJ." MID if m .Bernalillo County Factions Quieted for Convention Pur poses After all Night Strug ble in Which Sheriffs Fac tion Loses Out. COMPROMISE ON COUNTY SITUATION REPORTED Understood Romero will Name Two of Legislative Ticket and Get Half Committee with Gillenwater as Chair man. CONVENTION FINALLY GETS UNDER HEADWAY Catron Makes Keynot Speech Recalling Catron Speeches of Other Days. Hernandez Williams Slate to go Through. keetal lllapalrk ta h.Tralaa Herald Mania h'r. N. Al., Aui;. li.i.- -Thf poll ami (he litmh are repitM- Itltl pea- I f illy toKellli'l III thf Kepu :illi a n loiil Una afternmiii Wli.tli.i lln- la in It In to he ent.-ll l...ll.i ihri the 1 1 ut f ifiinilii-, P. hu r-h. Inn it tu a I.n I thai tin. Alulif wa- Jout li. il llihl.ell l.uiioii and the lln-mei-i lla. a tui tion from llif .1. n nil of Ih rm. IHI., are in tliu t oiiM-iitinn liila, tlit, llelt Katloll., hat iiik half u lull- IM II. Tile l!i lll.tllllo enulity row W.ik t . mpi .tini.'i'il, for eolivetilloti pnrjtoM r. at It-ant. nfirr an J 1 1 -lilklil HtlUMkleH laiole Ihe matt . tnniiiiltee. ailarllk A. .sple Ik kanl to hue I'fi-ii Ihe diplomat It ho tliti ttie Jolt hplt Hf. it ia I.i., .11.. I I. .Ill lll-vt tile H. llll. tit trowii that lie it .ik Kontk to Heat the II, n a llelt kale. II., lin n toul tin- M.i. a itfleualt-k the II .11 .1. it 4, tit a would he m-.h-eil, .in. I ill i-oiii-r of a few hnuia of inlinil a.reatillla u ol k t.l t-oili i ihwiIh into u ataii- of I. ir u In. li it ulted in williiiK' iii- mi l oth m.Ii-h to t--i ept a m 1 1 U nit nt and a cornpriiuiii.e. Pi a-. a'i.1 haiini.tiy pretalla ,.! i., i i- tin ( 111 i hht iltert II. A I "a it, imiiiti an m i). -i l.'t pn tl. It.l II. nil llel mi lill. i ei.llli i whit- i he d.laili. of (lie i ..-I n hilo toiiu'y itdJuHl inent ait k.iul io pit, ill njiiirrtuii. l.n it' fill ahtuil. the hoyn ate a-i happv to hae the oli-tlni,-,. ..t.l of tlit way for li.ililitta the i n;i -til I'-u til. I tin al- l.J.-i ill;- l.lnl .i-r-uiiltn.ii the fal ire t- taitt- tart- of It.", If. .-'t-ti tenit-l.t t '' the llfliHilllto io Itn- low i am.- rJd'Ifnl, link in a; in iik u I..-U t r.. . it i. 1 1 1 -ii it. tl.t-.l h. .!. !.' f--r ant ...I..1 of ull .lnr.i nil 1:1 .1 It.ft'C Will il lite on flit ,o I. .Ilhl po,'fi-il Then w a it i-.. .1114 v ht. li rnntinueft III. lit Hit- "Hi tt, n n wan tHlled to ot'.l. I at l'i o't o. k W tit II the teiiij'.nai. -I 4 a ti i loll w a a loi iii. tl a pt r a' In date, wuh l-n,l.-i I atinil Ilk .haillll.tll Ml t". -it. -ii.. kt-tnote kprt.i h waa tin event nf the miiltllllK ii'l-l-loii. o1'- . .pi IH4 aii h"Ui ai-d u half and l.t i:ig nlftui" al wuti t.ihir ke lii.le kiteih. tit-lit , ni hy III" tt n 1 1 or iii , a ra pa.t . Ml I 'ul I til il. i the W ll-uill i lit lit uii.. i it ti- t tr Ii .tW It ftrn e ol wool, tltit I he . atuil It-ll l epf h! a.l ill I II 1" 1 1 a I ,t II ...ll. , t he .nii.titt l.iii a ml lial-k.-il lilt- Jt.ltlllllljilr.itl.iii Willi pi. i.'li. '.illy aii t' lining wi"Iih of iii.inkiiut eneepl iiteotioif l;ookfvr!t and thr war in I'.uiope Mont of the people i.f New .Mexit u hair heard i-enai'.r i'alron ileliter a krynoia per. h at one time ayr anmlier, and it i theit'I'-ire utiiiaKt atvit lu quota H Ti