Newspaper Page Text
TIIE EVENING HERALD, ALBUQUERQUE, N. M.. TUESDAY. AUGUST 25. 1914. T1TREE S00 CANDIDATES OFFICER c po i n liollHl Iruge. prohibition ami woman auf- Primary Today Brings Out Record Breaking Number of Aspirants to Serve the Peo ple; Interest Centers in Fight on Johnson. Kan Frmrlri, Aur. sr.. Cillfor nlan nil- Voting at today' primnrv liti.ii in nominate nearly sun can didate i.,r mil, m mam nfth ca, rnli. d Hiute,, acnators and cnngrctiaiohnl i cpi encntatlv on. f'hlcf iiteret center in tin. neb-itlon of a iiiIhIiiipm in (ill mi i n hi Cniiriiiir lllrani V. .Inhnnon, tinnpponed I'rogreanive .imlldate In lii iikIh in dp returned ! nillee in the Rfiii'iiil 'l" ilniiK next N" ember. ;i'ii'nil IHnuiry in ll lilnmi. ilr..ii, Mich.. Aim. J. ptimnrv fh i-t iiiiih wi re In Id n tndav fur thi. iii Iitiiii of candidate fur governor. Hi inti i in governor, cnn gn 'iKin n n nil member nf tin- Mate ! KiKl.iliiriv Miiiili iiMintv elec tion were bUii held In never. il cllie niil i iiuiiIii k, im hiding letrolt. The t'mted ."ti,'c nniurhii wu nut Voted nil, T MlHsol III KI.M TION l.AWH MIK OVFH Jcn"eron Pity. Mn ug. ?li He vlni.ii of Hip election limn nf MiK aourl nml radical change in criminal iiihI elvil procedure IihiI rirong nd v oca ten among the delegate in the I XMIIM THIII' HI HIP convention g' lied- nliil In iiifpl heir Imliiy in ilnili m ilu1 fnrin fur I hi- I. ill election. Itr IM IU.IP Wil l, IWllIt IIIOTV UN'AI, OPTION HI. I.uiiIii. Aug. 'I'a. Thn proponed iiiiinlv nun local nlli(n law wu the nly iniiiiiipitiiin on which druftor nf tentative I lr u I ! I . u li alale plat fm in aald Ihpy f.uli'il In niiri'p thl itiornii;. l.fuiliTa predicted, how ever, thai Hip ttrnpnaed law, hii'li In ! l vnlptl nil nril November wimbl either lip li'll iirimetitloiied nr nnlv mihllv condemned al Ibp lie. public n niii ip convention here l" till v. ABKEMEflTSFOR BELGIAN PROTESTSlSTOCKli'S LABOR ri.XTI OltM UNVI 1KH I MUlt WW l i I ill Mill S nliinilniH. iihln. Auk JV Mcpub iirnn, iM-moernito ami rrmnwivo rlnlp ilnlfurin convention were Ih1 Iiik hi'lil in Him i li loilav The I'l i.Kl ei-nlve convention wan I hp nnly mil- prepared in iik- ( hi. iml favor able In the vi 1 1 1 1 1 1 put'rage nml . collMlllltlotull amend mi'iiiM uhlih will dp mhiiI mi in nhii 111 in fnll. I'emncriitlc leader Knlil Piohnhly no ini'nlinn nf auffrnge or prohibitum w , ii lil . ma. I.- in their i fiiv em inn, k riiTV iiciii hum; III l it IN TOI'I lopcka. inn , Aug :'"i. ratty oiiiirit nf !u' 1!. .iil. In iiik nml I'm Hi 'Mli'i rrf III III line Imlav. It villi thuuiilii likely limli iimild il I, up (nr m.t ii niiiiiati eutrraiie anil niimnil pmhiliii nn. The I ii'iiini i ul ii- mine i nninilltep ulno met herp Karlv tinln ul in Here Ihm Hie party wuiilil Inllim I lie leuileiKlnp of Covenmr llmiiieii. ihii- lllilule lur I e.elei I lull. Plillul HP nil Tailoring Of a High Grade MIoMllltl f-IMM.Itl ss :s Wil l Ki ll K A l I(M l.l:iNI Kiiiihiim "ilv. Ann. 2 V l.oi all v I" the parly wii In lp riiifllrnieil nt til"' I'l i.nri'KHH l' Klilte I I'll V . Ill H, II lo he In lil here lule tuilav, in nrillnil t" pally It'iiiler. It man enpei leil the I In 1 1 r til Hilnpteil hy the i iiiivenlinii Knulil he liimelv u reafllrinatliin ol he plalfuriliM of I'll.', nliite nllij mi til, Mill. ' We have just received 300 Imported Wool ens which are up-to-the- minute, and there are many exclusive patterns amonsr them. Core in and see for yourself. F.Tomei&Bro. Merchant Tailor. EXPECTEO VERDICT liJ COURT MARTIAL CASES RETURNED Twenty-Two Officers and Men of Colorado National Guard Found Not Guilty of the Charges Growing Out o Etrike War. Iienver, Coin., Auk 25. FlnilinK" nt the mutt martial wdt.h Hie lwetity-tii olllipri, anil iiipii nf the national icunrtl nf I'nlornilu tin iharKvn Kioulnii mil of the l.ilillinv lait!e April 20. 're nnnle rmhlle Inil.iy. All the ilifinilanin mere aii u 1 1 el. The in llilanien erp ihamed with murder, mannlnuiihtpr, arimn am: lareeiiy, in oinp (Mae ihi" numher ut ('until an, hum "tie In-Ins hieh. In nililltln-i. l.lputen.inl K h I.imlerfplt wan i Imrieil with an fiitili upon Kill Tikim, leailer of Ih 1 1 reek pinker. hn .ii killeil in thp Lmllnw huht. The rour martial fnuixl thul I.imlerfeli rin k Tikii on the head with a rifle, hut thai the provn ration wan mp h that the iiHiault waa Juki tiled. I lliforp the verrtlelii nf the rniir wprp mule puhlle they trf Hiiliiintleil hy Adjutant lleneral John ii'hase lo lii.Teiimr K. .M Kinmmi for 1 bin npprovul. The tlml n In eonm-etinn with the iikhjiuIi on 1. 1. ui Tikim liv l.lnder fell are an follow. "The roiirl find the aorilei, Karl K. l.lmlerfelt, i!ri lieutenant. Serond Infantry, national guard of Colorailo, II il lit v of the facta a rhariied that In, to nay. that pan nf ppe.illi atloiial thatire 6, rejilinu an follnwa: "'lliivinr then and there n rertrti deadly weapon, to nil, a fulled HIM tea KprillKtli Id rille, did then U'ld iln-re with edid wpapon commit nn iiHx.iult upon ami aKitinut mi,. Iiiili. Tlka 'ml ly renin. n of the Just Mira tion ua hhown in 'he evidence adduc ed lulore the court, iiitacho no critii?liaity therein.' " The rourt inartlal rmvetn'd at the rlllernime near lluldi n on Muy 1!. I' i climeil May 21. The nllli er tried In ; elude Major I'. J. Ilumroi k. I'aptuln F.dwin H. I". Armin Olid T. '. l.lnder fell and l.lenienanla K. K. I.lnderfelt, II. J. Underfill, IS. H. I-nwrenre. M. ('. IIKelow. Itay llenedld, il. II. Kl lintt utid I. A. 1'onnor. ELECTION OF A PDPE PROCEED Rigor of Ceremony will be Modified Because of Feeble ness of Several of the At tending Cardinals. Home, Au. i:. tiwiiiB. lo their fee lili ne an, peveial of the inidlnalM Who will intend I he colli live lo aeec pin i eaor to I'npp 1'iua X. will '' HUiti tonniH in the Milu, in the HlHline ih.ii'i'l, where the ballo' InR will In- held twhe iiaily. other tardi. no Im have liei i, niitllicd that thev may lit lend in.i. in their room. Hum avoiilltig the l.ii it in- of it., I'm ewiy morning to the 1'iniline ch.iiel. The ll!lli i mimi cal lull of w in held to. lav in I lie i niiinnral hall. The meitltiK w.m phorl, owiiik to I Im diplomatic lei i ,lli,n wlin h imiiieili- lllely followed. The illplom.itrt were headed t') rrlnce HchoenoiirB ll.irti imtim, the Austrian a tnhn ulor. who m the dean nl he culpa, littler cniintiien al prea enl I'liK iked in wurfiirp were n pre- TOVVORLD AGAINS T IflVASIOfl Terrible Indictment of many' War Methods in Of ficial Statement by Belgian Minister. TROUBLES ME GQMM SS D Ger- Stockton Employers Tell In dustrial Relations Board of Strikes and Boycotts Cooks and Waiters. London, Au, 1.1: 20 p. The folloWillH lillliniincemi nt Xlv en out today In the nlllcliil Infor mation bureau; "The llclKluti iniiimier In I.nniton has made thi follow ini; rlaleinent: "In pile of mil inn aiiirancen of I I will and 1 1 .it v i Ioiik alalldlllK. Oct many by San FranciPi o, Aue. 2a Mtm-k aa imri iroiiiiie lietecn union i'lior ' ii ml coiplocr-i wan i tin t vvhPh jthe federal relalioiiH I , inlat.lon look up today on the opemiiK j of Hp he lium here It i,nh wim il" lined 1 John I. lnh, Jr. u direc- I'llliiiUollK nf t"t , f Merchant"', M.uiiita' tin Ii.ih in ide it ' t'fH' Illnl KlllplovelH' lippoi In I Ion ol nl hank i mien, v a ii' h"l lel ! priHcni Inn, to haiidl.' the cotton and n'l the other i rill' in the i .iunirv. Ttie ne, ictai v of the tre.iur lian i iil ilii ret ,oii in the luc of thi i ii r - urn i. 1 Intend to pc,. that ill cur leu. v I-" o il In afc, toil I tcl y.'U. tctii Icnn n, that ymi i innof do .int. "HtH wofnp than to inllale the ui rein v to n point where ymi will wre k the credit of the country." Mcteinrv Mi-Adoo ndded t h if tin' valorization plnn Itnprio to alile and thai the valorntitlott of rotton wuiilil mean n demand for the valoi Iriitlon of pverv oth.-r irmluct afTected hy the Kurnpean war. mwiae and iltteilv uiiwarruliied at t.ii k mi IIi IkIuiii. However Hui" liiHHed We may la', llcluluni never, will fiuht iinfuirli Hlie never will Htonp to Hifriiilte ih.. law find cu t.iim of leKitlniiitc war tare. Hhe I" ptitunK up a hravi lluht anamit over. wheliniliK mill. Mie may be beaten, nlie in iv hp erUHhci ,,nt In inline the word of our noli:,, kin. he never w ill he elialuvrd. eiited by the miniptera in the Holy .. .......... .. - no,..,,. i,u..,.rill iiiiuui.. u ,i.i i ""it ii'iiimy, ine i,.iiinio h uii' i" nthir Kuropi fee from HelKium. The mil tountty repreeiiled w in Hp.iiii, the remainder or I III- dlplotllaln helnv from lilin-Amerii an eountnen. The Auxtilan amhiiixador delivered ah uditreH of coiidoti-nee on the ilenih of I'ope I'iuh. Iteply wan made I'N Cardinal Herallno Vanuilll. Mwai Stinifiliiiut. I. Ifp would bp perfect for u aenator If he didn't evcrv now and then have In explain nollirthlPK. TREK FREE, FREE A fine Gold or Nicxel finish Vanity Box with each 50c box of Madeline or Violet Dulce Face Powder. These Vanity Boxes would readily sell for 35c. Four differ, ent shades of each powder. The very best face powder possible to procure. Our premiums are always well worth the trouble to get them. "See Our Window." We are raising a monument to the best Drugs for the least Money. Register a purchase and become a cus tomer of a fast growing and dependable Drug Store. BUTT'S Inc. 110 West Central Ave. We Deliver Free and Freely. Phone C3. 1EHT PROSECUTE THE .E CBOIIC San Francisco Newspaper Charted with Violation of Law in Publication of Pho tographs of Coast Defenss. Hun Kr.inclaen, Aug 2,'. Inloima lion lookmti In the proHi-. nt 1 on of the ."an Kralicinco I hlotili lc was prenetll id to tile 1'nlted n iitt.rnev'n o' llee hern today by the I'nited. Hiaten army, depariineiii of California, and will be laid lo lore the lederal ura'iJ Jury. In colilieilioll with an article oil the (mint artillery ioip, national KU.ird t'T. California, the chinni' le printed IiihI Sunday iwo pholoKra ph of the mortar halteriea Ulld dmappelll inK r til. k of Kurt W'l itlclil Hiott. I'niler the federal atatuti a, It In aHeerted, thin cotiHliltltea an ac. plIIIIHhllt'le bv t'lie 01 liupriHonment. A aimilar cum., hrouuht by the win" diattincnt In pcinlinn an.iln.-i the nl Horn of Hiinnel, a inonllilv iiianazlii". v hi, h punlinhed i!ulrat lona (.liu Imk Ih defeiiHcn of the Panama latial mii.I anaiiiH' the author of the article al o.ll .a II V 111 li the pill ill.', the pllo loura plicr who , the piciut.n and the aviator In wiioe ma, lunc thev cloHPeil thp Int bill tin. Htoi l.ton. whtch In f ii 1 1 li.-i in u a Hunt for open nhoi conilit Ion", that th' hodv In afflliuleil In no way with anv liiiltf.nal cin.'lnvi l- orKiiiiirationp A boycott on the Hotel Hto.kloll. in whlih n pn ket'n II m lie. i inn a yellow cloth rat oil a Llm k liai k ur.iiind plaved an important pint. wn ileeerilieil nt lenytti bv Mr. Irieh Another boviott on the Spetrv Flour company pliinl of Htoi kti.n wim n poienl f i tor in hrinuliiii iilnnit tip' formation of the eniplovem' niuocl- atloii, Mr. I r Ih Ii mild Thin boycott canned by the refunnl of th- COMMERCIAL CABLE OPEN TO JAPAN N'p V'-rk. Ahv TU Ci.iii- rtii-n nil it Mi i hiiiiru ii n nn tin ttn.HV thill )! iilili'KiilMH HW IM i I l (i . i i n, hi I li lii 1. 1 rell HMHhl- :ill Mt'llll I II ll-K. IF YOU AREA DRINKING MAN oil liml In tter tiii at nnep nr Ton II oe rmir job. livery nf bin-nc i. claiiiC itn doom lo " Itniikin " uieu. It inav ! vour turn nett. Hy thp m, if I lclt INF. t iieinoiinl of men have Uen re.l'.rnl to livi ef obrn'IT ami lleliltri. Ve are mi hiiip that HICIcIN K will bene lit Tim tluit wp f:iv to Tun t li ii I if after n triril vim fa I to yet niv lieiicflf frutii itn ie. viiur ill ncv w,ll U refunded. licit you ntop " Itritikin, ' ' tlonk of lite Titi.iiey Tun il -ave; U.i..-a. InU-r Itlen an not'h mule In tlie.r enipiovera Arid L'ct b'tlicr v ie. Cnnia nnlv I t") n boy. Wp line in Iliter.Nt.i.K l".ll.t nl. nt 'ilcHINK we are icuin ii"iiv tr n rc.pieat. Call It our atnre Mini 'ilk it over AI.VIIH I'll ltM CY 1rp nml I .old. Ihhiip.I a public Hi.ii, no. nl which waa I t.l. .-.I...1 in v.o l..u n ellli.WA Al.,1 ' Ma bau.l. l. warning all , v ,li.ii.p to . n-, ' "'M-'tt.v to r,.rce Ihelr enmnceri. Int ma n Hcrupulounlv from lioatile net , hp tentnled. an.iliint the iroopa of Hie etiemiea. The H.iman preaa hna iliiv published aim- TODAY IN CONGRESS. si: ti:. Mel at 1 1 a. III. Iienllte replllned on claytnn t ruet bill. iioisi:. Mel at noon. ti preaelilllliV P t ' n dc r w o,,.l III Iroduied rei,lni loll to withhold pay from abnent memb.r and cancel all leave of ' it". Heamana' I'll) up lor dcbaie. liar notice through the, land. , " 'N'ev erlhplena Hie Herman author itie have InHiieil niateineut lately ' i iiiitaiiutia grave linpuiniion niiHinrt , thn attitude of Hie lleliilan civilian population und thteate-unii uh nl I he name ilme with dir.. rept inula. Thi'W! niipuiiiilotia are mitrary to the real la. in. and a lo thieata of future yen- ! m ant e, no mcna, of odlua reprinula on the purl of (iciiiiiin troop will de. t. r the llelkian m riimenl Irom pro. t.nti-iu before the livillzed world at.iinii the fearful crime commuted wilfully and deliberately by thp In-1 va.lillK hopta ux.iiiihI lielplen noli-' coiiil.a.atii, old men, women and. hililten." '" '. i.onu I thp lir-i of oiitiaii.n rom initied by (lernii.n iroopn. The up-' p. .limit delalla of ihene iitroiilieH are uiiu tn'il for by a committee of in-1 ipnrv lecently formed by the MelRiaii iinniHter of JiiHtlcc and presided over by him. "ileriiinn cavnliv occupying the villaiie of were attacked by Home HelKian tnlantrv and two Ken-' itarnicH. The (leiuian oftber waa killed by our troop duilm the fiuht a ml autiM'iiiently burled. Al the re- iUchI of the lc1.ilan officer In com- ; m. mil unl one nf the civilian popula tion took pari In I Ii in fiuht lit I.iiim imiu. .N evert IipIi np the vllbiKV waa Invaded al dark of AtiKunl, 10. bv HtioriK force of Oermuny cavalry, ur till.iv. uiiu nl rv and iiiinliine uut". In Hpitp nf the formal n-mira ncp Klven by Ihe Imraomimlii of I.Iiih n in ii Hint no iieiiHaiit had taken part in Ihe n cv ion, flKhl. iwo fa HUM und Mix outlying hoime were dent roved ii) kuii lire and bullied. All the. male inhabiliini then were com pelled to come forward and hand over whatever arm they ponneiseil No fireiitm whnh had lecently been diHiharged wioe found Never! he lesn the invndein divided '. hee peaa . lit h Iritn i luce urmipH. The men of one nf Ihene irrmip. while bound mid placed In a dlKil, where thev wre Imind afterwanl with Nk ul Ih fractured by the butt of t-. ii rlflcH '" uther loiitrlbutlni! inuni to di aatlpfaition named bv Ihe II 1 1 - were the deiiiamlH of five nml a half dnva labor of union men In certain line ihai lotiipete with fix day labor in tiaklnnd and Hun FiiimiMio. Hie liiHintence thnl merchuni force their clerk Into union and nn el fort '' r, till ialn of ihe cook and waiter' un ion to ronipel employer lo hire more help than they could afford. STARS AND STRIPES STREETS OF PARIS HOG MARKET GOES RIGHT ON UP. STEERS ALSO ON THE CLIMB Chicago, Aug. 2.V In the hog mar ket today there Man an active demand for plillic linN nt iiff and Ihe lop touched ' WeHtern aleer wi re In demand while native cattle were ot plan oualliy und not much denlred. Hhecp und lamb wire puny to buy. Carried by 200 Volunteers Who March Out to Rouen to be Mustered into Active Ser vice. Fail. Aug. 2T. U M i. tii.l The alar und nt ripen were neen In the treet of I'. ri lodiiv abniKHide the French irl-color when Ihe rm p ol Aineriiiin volunleer. 2U0 HlioiiK. lunri hed thrmikh I lie clly In the HI. I.amrre raiiiotid nation to take train lor Itolieil. Where thev will be drilled tiinler French oltlcer.1. Among Ihe American volunteer nr.. many young men who have been Htudylng In I'arin. American girl" waved their handker. InefH ami clapped their hard n I'te hlcnilct cohi'lin of v oliinlcerH entered the flulm 11, while U crowd Ahull filled the p'lllale nlUHdc cheered. Three troop nam will lake the Americana together with Hon ther loifigu volunteer to the north. their till- PUBLIC MARKETS TO 1EATGRII DEHOR M OPENED BE EVIDENCE 111 TRE JEW YORK N ELM S MURDER EAST SirE MOB STORMS WHITMAN'S OFFICE ON TRAIL OF VENGANCE New York, Aug. 2".. Police re aerve were culled mil I 'day when I Unl till Attorney Whitman oftlce wa alormed by 3il men and Women from Ihe eael aide, deponitor In the private bank of Adolf Mundel. re cently cloned by ihe banking depart ment. The crowd fought It "? through Ihe building lo Mr Whit man' nftl-e. demanding thai he bring criminal action again! the hunk proprietor. EX-UNITED STATES BATTLE SHIP IN 0REEK PORT TODAY A I run. Aug. 2 (via London. 12:01 p. m I The battleehip K'llkia haa arrived in C.reiian wuier. I hi pel waa luirchaeed from Hie Slate and wua formerly Ihe MimI al pl. 1 1 Being Taken to Texas in Ef fort to Prove Mr. and Mrs. Innes Used it to Dispose of Bodies of Victims. Kugene. I'rc, Aug. 2.1. Mr and Mr. Victor I ii "ik. charged Willi Ihe murder of Mi Flolne lienni ami Ml Kentrice N.lma, left here today lor Han Antmno. Tenia, In charge of N Tela depot v nherlff. Accompanyinii the irionera U n grewaome bit of evidence In he fi rm of a large meal urinder. fo'llid III Hie lure home 'I'm ia being In Won to Tenu in an e'loil to prove that it wa lined In ilinpnHliiB of the liodiea of the murdered women. Simultaneously C a m p a i gn Starts to Teach People How to Eat Beans in Place of . Meat. too iti.w.utn, sioo t PROCLAIMS OUR t NEUTRALITY IN 1 JAP-GERMAN WAR Wanhlngton. Au. !. Preal- dent Wilaon today laaued a pro- cUmntlnn declaring ihe I'nlied Hlalea neutral in Ihe war be- I ween ilertnany and Japan. The reader f thla paper will t pleaaed In learn that there la at leaM n dreaded iliscaae that aelenra haa been able In cure In all Ha atagea, and that la Catarrh. Ilall'a Cutarrh Cur la lh only pi.Hitlv cure now known to thn medical fraternity. Catarrh b Int rnntltutlnal dleue. renulrea ennatltutloniil treatment. Hall I'nited ' Catarrh Cure I taken Internally, act- Ing directly upon in blond and tnu ou aurface nf ihe ayatem, thereby deairoylng the foundation of Ihe die eaae. and living th patient atrength 'by building up th constitution and aaalatlnc nature In doing lta work.. Th proprietors hav an much faith In lta curative pew era that they offer On Hundred Hollar tor any raa that It fall In cure. Send (or Hat ol teailmnnlal. Addrrai: r. J. CHENRT CH , Toledo, O. Hold by all Prugglata. TBe. Take Hall's Family Fill (or run-tlpatlon. New York. Aug 2.". Four piHill'' llllirkel for Ihe nale of fo'ul HUpplieH direc. from pioducern In coiihuiiiii will be opened in Mu n hu t la n borough on September I. In uiilimiitciiig lite locuiloa of the mat ki t today llm -ouill I'leaideul M.uka plilted thai lllllll fllltllel notice there Wo'llll ia' no illume for epii'e and that f.uio el and dealer are re.iieHlei to ot ter their hui pile nt wholiHiile or n tall. lii it light on high pi n e if fnodHiiirf the mayor' committee to day began Ihe lllHtllliUtn.ll of lull ll"U ianiphieia In many line to which vegetable can tie put ua auhntiltilc for meat. 1'he committee nluo ha joined In Ihe campaign mailed yeaierday liv Mm J iliail Heath, prenl.lenl of the National HiiiiHewive' lenrfne, for return to market banket day. Home nifiTttict" i f the enmniltli e lielieve that if hmiHewlvr nml hotel buver rultivate the hulnl nf going lo tiuir ket il will ic.nlt In the cninhliahlng of open maikci plana throughout the city- M'ADOO ASKS COTTON GROWERS TO GET DOWN TO PRACTICAL BASIS Wanhlngton, Aug 2" Secretary McAdoo emphatically d, .approved propoaal for alortut mn of crop lie iaue nf the Kuropean war at iml.iy'a conference of tottoii a-ul gmw era. He appealed lo the conference to "get down to a prai tii'al buna '' "Any Innue o( eurreiicy by atale bank aurely unnecen.ii v ," aald Hec. r.laly McAdoo, "and II ie a w ile of lime to talk about It. F.nuuh nation. A Bank Account ifcoi gives you a better standing :n tne community, especially aii.jug the busi ness mjn, to be known as having "money in th; bank." It strengthens one's credit. Be sides, it is much more convenient to pay by check rather than in cash. Be wise, be provi dent, and open a bank account today. We of fer you absolute security and the most conveni ent system of handling money. United States Depository Depository A.T.& S.F.Rt,. State National Bank ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO. Under Canvas, Sixth and Central Saturday, August 29 C. L. ERICKSON PRESENTS THE FAMOUS ALABAMA MINSTRELS LARGEST AND BEST COLORED SHOW ON EARTH 40 PEOPLE, BIG NOON DAY STREET PARADE THE SHOW THAT RESPECTS PUBLIC OPINION. A THOUSAND LAUGHS WITHOUT ONE SINGLE BLUSH TEN BIG NOVELTY ACTS CALIFORNIA Km 4 t' iii BUIlDlWo- INbTAKI'S VVtOlOUICt0?!lLtLCS Vk 1 1 T f I utt ..... . WKITK U. tVJl Dt W FREl o o 0 J 0 0 V 0 0 0 o o o n r V it O SUMMER TOUXS Atlantic NovYorl; j or.ion V .... an J At'Jcnj if Atlantic Coast arvi Nc. Encland iJiret I or via V.'a.l.oiglon toSra.lmtc lUoiti awl New Vuik. Ihverta Kutile to IV w Y.k.U itw w i llircugh ( naU il d..ral; All .':il anil Ka.l uoj !te,uier Grf Cue Kuut - Heturn Another, liberal Stopover Long Melura lam.t. A.' I'l l I It I tA A,n IK ... i o.Mir 1 v. t.rf .'.i .1 I Pennsylvania LlNE3 S.U Daily Until SpUmtr 30th, Uwlualv I ' -tte" Clt f O U V Q O O J Q O Q 0 V u u ) o .) o Q 0 0 u c o