Newspaper Page Text
TIIE EVENING HERALD. ALBUQUERQUE, N. M., TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 1914. nvi SPORTS Baseball Standing of the Clubs National 1 4-mhim. Wiui. Lost. Pit New Tin it '! 41 .7.51 Huston . .. r. i: ,:tH Ht. Luuia c: 7.3 .:..t'i hi. MR 5 52 .r,:v Philadelphia 5i :.t .4i Cincinnati t, SO ,4 Pittsburgh ;.o :,u I'rooklyn ....Is 61 ,445 American l,eRiie-. Willi. 1.1. Hi. 'l Philadelphia ; a; ,s7i Hiif.n HI 4! .Mil WiihIiiiikiiii no 7,3 iirtriiii rs r, 7 .:, flm-uRu ah .4:i hi. i.ouii ;, i r,i .4T New York I K .1 ,47,9 Cleveland il .am M'llrrnl League. "iI1. Licit, pit 1 nl In it rt if l iM 4j 70 I'hlrimu 2 r, I ,549 Iiiilliiiii'i SH 52 ,6J7 Huir.ii : r.i .:.i4 KrouKlin 7,4 .4115 Kansaa Clly ;,: r. ,4K SI. I.olllH 7,J 03 .472 Pittsburgh 41 .4.11 GAMES TOMORROW Null' inn I I .mC nr. II. .men al i' lirookltn hi I'ltiMhitrRh. New Vurk l Hi. Ia,uie. iicrian league. 111' irfii Nt Philadelphia. SI I ."ii In Ni'W V"lk Ih-ln'il Hi II0M1.11. 1 I. i I. in. I at to-hingloii Federal l'nsnr. 1 'lii' iiKu Hi Si Loma. I ml 11 m, ...)ih hi Kim .ia City. Iliilliilu lit l!ruk lyn. YESTERDAY'S RESULTS National I.-m:ii. f "h H ago, 9; llnatun, 5. Philadelphia, 3; I'lllnhurKll. 2. I'un Iniuill. 4 . I'ruukly 11. 11. Now Yntk-Ht. I.nula, pnai poncd. Ami-rhaii League. 3; WuhIiiiikIii'i. 1. I t r II. Firs' R.I mo. iM-irml, 1 II 'I gallic II; Wahhlngtnn, S'i Chicago, 2. Now Vi.rk. 1. Iiiihlmi, 7; Cleveland, 3. Philadelphia. T; HI. lanile Railie. Philadelphia, Kt. ,',ttr, i' ml Rilinc. Flrat Hoe I 'in Icrn I league. Indianapolis, 7; :rm.kln, . FlrM Untile. Indttniapnlla, 5. pronklyn, 1. Hoe. cinil game. TIIrK MT IH' I.MICi la nllll Ruing ui. but Hr-ad la one if ht. Mini neceatdtlcs and remains In rrin'h'fif all. In spile i.f hither prices. Km It la quality that count In Itrcud umiininrc, the tiourlahlng property In II111 IiimT. Our llroad in known lu a tli most economical, fur I ho very nam .n Ilia! It goes farther than other breads Mini glvcg "Ailing'' satis faction to Ihnao Cattng It. FiOIIEER OAKERY 207 South First Street UaaM i i. mm .n... ' n ' iii. ri y". ' r .al I t ST. VINCENT ACADEMY, Albuquerque, N. IL iKMItlUVtl AM) lY M'llOOI. Mm tllllfJt CT.KSl:it WII.I. KMirax SKIU-MllKU IH. IRII. )lulc, lalnilna, lira math Art, Home at In Ki-iinr, Riwvlal Allrtitlrm. Urv oriiImnI aa Hie lttillnir Amilemy i llm Mat. (Wrac 'iiiilo4e . IreiaraiiH-y Sl Ai-ilinli 'or raHlintlara, adilrrRa) bJMl;il tstl'iatlOH T. VI-CET At'ADEJUV TODAY'S GAMES AMERICAN LEAGUE Cleveland, I; IVeqnn. I. Hcurc: It k. Chvcland ....001 O11O 00 1 1 IliiMun ....... HOI Olio oho 1 ( X llatlrrlrn: Mltihfll and o'NlIII; Hhtire, W11111I and I'ndy, iN'inHl. t; Washington. I. It. Ii. I' ll Hit roll 001 mio 00(1 2 R 1 WjintiiitKtiiii .. .loo ODH 11011 1 4 1 HattM-Ira: Kryiinliln and Htanam'; Jiihnann and AuiHinllh. M. ImiIm, 0; l'lillnili lilila. . It. If i: HI. I. oil In 01)0 OO'l lion II 4 4 rhll,nli..hl ,.00 330 12 13 2 Unlti'l Hi,: rrim, llnii hlry, MHrhi-11. and Amirw, Halo; liriiaalor and ri Iiiiiik. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION Milwaukee, ; 41-M-lanil. 0. Klriit ilaini-: t. . K. MilwHiikec ,...0i onu 0112 3 K 0 li-vrlini ....OHO moo HOII-0 I I liatii rli-n;' ki and Miilraw; JanioK, J..iin and HllllnifK. Minni'iiiHiliii.hoiilMt II le i'iali(incil; wet griMiiidn. KanKiiN Clty-ColiimlniM hikI imned ; Met ari.undm NATIONAL LEAGUE II t mi k I y n-i 'Im innall .iisIm.ii, ii. rain. 1 Now Ynrk-Ht. IililK. 2 liunea, IHiiird; ruin. l'lillnili-liiiN. : I'lil-liiiruli, 3. It II. K 1'hilml. Iphi.i ..0011 0011 non n & riilNliuruli . "in 0o mix- 2 U I liaili iirn Ali'xandi'i', lim hcir and Iniuill. Miiin.iiia and liil'MUi. mordeTaTbYovn" quits baseball game for good HI Imin. Aur 27.. Murdroal ItroM r. iloin.od malinger of thn ML I-iiIm r't'ilcralM, iiiit liaHohall, ai' inning l.i inn Rlen nut lu ll" y I.) an nltli-lal i.f the St. 1 ,1 u 1 a Fed. er.ila. Iirnwn. II im mild, forla Ihe HI. Iiul, lull him tint arranged a luillafartnry lrunfer fur him and thnl III daya ai a tni leaiiiin .trher are niimlu-red. JULY FOREIGN TRADE SLIGHT INCREASE 1 OVER YEAR AGO WiuhiiiRtiin, Aim. 27i. Fnrelan trade i.f the I'nlti'.l states In July uiiiMiiiiii d in I :i 1 4.2iU.3.'ifi. a dei riane of .1 4 1.t3 Ir.ini June and an la rli'Jw "f 1 4 . 4 .' iivit July I. ml year. Iho 'li'iarliiH'iit nf iiiliiiiierre aii liiiiinred tmlay. July mi i-ort a wire I lio. 1 7s.o:U. an ln re.inr nf I2.!v3 ner Julie: e.x mria Mere 1 1 7i 4. N J. 22 i, a Ui-rreiiHe id l.'.yk,IJ friini June There wur an exii'HK nf f d.o in import" er iXri. HOUSE TO SUSPEND PAY OF ABSENT MEMBERS W.mhinK'iiii. Auk i in motion of i, iiiiii k- l.i I'liderwnod, the hntinir iitcd l.iilny In ili'duri from I ho 1'iiy i.f mom!" la fur all tune they ur alireul ixifit In i.ine nf UlnoiM. All li-.ivea uero laui'otlod. Fur lit,, hmiae hua noon fori oil to euiend .iiiini. at lime for lurk nf a quiirvm. Ileiiox a humlllns nf Ihrnwa In ai-e-mid la Mniiili'tful. t'larke la IhrnwIiiK .o"lly, nfti n hltUng the Kround In front nf the liait with the ball. Im' lli rroR a ooia every one up and Rita hla man. II'- la retty nejrl..' in Mani Wanner a i l ii-a w hen It cornea to Roll ui(t in.ii i iirnlo hurls and I'ul C if im the hall on the runner (.ill kly . The Ki'dii. from all that Wo ran li.irn. are now .rmoedin about the inialneaa of yralihliiR off the ktar rl era of the minora. They ana rod l.a Hue Klrby, one of th heat eluliJiera III the Hnuthiirn leaRiie, a few dnya iirii, and arc a-iid to ltav their Mne laid for the captu' . of at leaat a doio n mora of the heat looklnR minor liugucra. Il la a romrativrl' eaay mailer fur the Frda to the afar minor UaRiiera, herauae they denl dlrerlly with the player and gne him Ihn I'ur rhair .rli'r, Inatead of the purehaae prtra goina to the minor lean ue iluh that owna him. I NEW AMBASSADOR TO I FRANCE WILL SAIL I FOR rOST TOMORROW Wnalilnatiin, Au. IS Wllllnm t'. Hharp, nrly .i.nii'd Miiihiwad"r In Fratirv, Mr SrrrrlHiy Hryan day and annnunrpil him lni.mi..n in anil fur Parla t"iiii'rrn im Ihr Krrn h Una alpami-r Frame. Myrnn T. Ilrrrli k hm H-rn hold ing uvpr an ninlianaadiir a( I'm r la at iTmldonl lliinn a regurat durlnit lhi Kurupvim i rims. UNABLE TO GET CARS GRAIN COMPANY FAILS l-a Mnlnoa. la.. Auf. JV An InVol uniary u4itli,n In liankruntry waa (Hod aaalnat the 11. A. I .nik ..,! liraln inmiiany hore tmlay. AkoI are lvn nt 3r.o,00 and llalillliii-p al 'iinlriiiiliin of orrdlla, due to the Kiiropean war and Inability to urt inn, t handle their Rraln wera Riven aa the enua of Ihe ault. M laiiiRlilm iN retiila Tennla Title. Newport, It. I . Aur. 2.1. Muurli e K. Mi'Uiuiihlln of Hun Frani lai n and Thoinu. r. lumdy r i,. ,neloa eili i ea.fu ly dofended their lllle of lnn letuiia doiililoa i li.inipliina of the country today t,y dcfoallna iMiin Mnlhev of 1'nuiford. N J , and tJ. M.'lAiHT- imnn oi .ew Vork In Miulkht acta l ne arorea were: 0-4. -2, -4 Kxrept for hrlef in rioda In Ihe firm anil mini acta, M' l.onuhlln nn,i i,,n rty were maalera of the admit Inn throughout. t,,,h Mnthoy and i hnn h MhuKod fl ifhi a of hrllllnnry and ki id down the acorea by remarkable court l-nvrrlna. Tl, l... ,.. ...I - . . ... f . ...... l..-tl,V .111 their rcturna at llundy, but the little fallfornlan Wood the fire etmitlv und aent hack .linking hnta. M. l.oiiRh- .... w,, ,,.. ui oik aeii up, ii in niiriiirr on near v all oi . u.ion. in Ihe Ini'MiiHine ainaleH malrhca ere boliiR run oft" on a. I the enurta lth the conical between It. Nurrta WillUiniB of rhlladclihlii and J. M. Jnhnatnn aa the f.ainre WII-, liama wua forced to play hia hlRheat i Icnnla In the flrat three acta, for Johualoti tied Iho eeore lu the aee-j olid act. The fahfornian weakened in the liiat aet und Wlllliima ran out Ihe mutch three ret to one. tiro cinia announced Ihe default of Nor man K. Ilrooka. ihe Australian, whoa place In tho aecond round In Hlnalea had boon kepi open two days. I annua I'olo I layer Klrh ken. New York, Aur. 27i. John Arm at roln Itawlina. one of Ihe heat known polo playera In Anicilca. who w.ia Injured by a fall from hla horae In a printii e Ramc al Me. hoh brook. I.. I., lual Saiiirday. aaid to Im daiiRcroiiHly III today. Ihe phyai ciana at the Imapllal where Mr. Ilaw lllia 16 being treated wild I bat he hud only a hliuht hanre for recovery. I'orty-etalit 4ridfere Marl. Minnenpolui, Aur. 27. - K"i ly-eiglil players Iced off Ihla inoriiiiiR in Ihe 7 .'hole man tournuinrnl of Ihe Weatern linlf uaaiMlaliun al tho I it -lerlachen club. Flay will continue two daya Mr amain M-aria r b id. Mlnneupolia. Aur. 2i. Tom Mc Numara nf lloalon led the neld of arly atarlera in Ihe wvalcrn open Rolf tournament at Ihe Intorliuhen fountry club today with 73. Ijiler he waa tied by J. M liarnes. White inn rah club Philadelphia. Itoberl IVeblea. Tupeka, Km., had the next low .core of 7 4. n liirllla In I lib sun fiolf. fhlciiRu. Aur. 2i I'lay Imluy In the II i l mutch round of 4 be women a wealern Rolf rhamploiiHhip al Ihe liinadale club dctelupcd no aurprlwa alias Myra liiilmar of Midlothian, Ihe title holder, won her way Into the econd round by defeating Mrs. A. A. Ileunin of Wheal on. 3 up and 2 lo play, while Miaa Laurie Kaiser of Ht. I.ools and Floaamonr, elim:naled Mia Clixuheln Allen of l(ck Inlnml. i up. 4 Al l. mil III lis. Nonce ia hereby Rlen liiat sealed prupnsalH will he received for the puichaac of three Thousand 1 1130'JiihO) Pnllurs of the bom; U H, hool luaincl No. . It.inchua Attlaio. In Ihe county of Hcinallll New Mexico, to be laaued upon the authority of an ole linn duly culled und held In said M'honl luairlct on tho 2 1st day i.f February, A. I). 1914. said election hay Ing been culled and held for the pur pi we of voting uoon I tie queaUon of the laaue of aald bonds In piuauum e of und In con furmily with Section 1 7j 4 J of tha fumpllert liws of New Mexico of lk7 and Hot t ion II. Article IX. of the f oiiuliliitlon of New Mexico, and' ... at which election It waa decided that .AlbUqUSTqUe ne laaue oi tne lunula ulireauld lie' made. Haid lunula are to lie dated 4 Apul 1st. 1911, lo he of Ihe denomi nation of Five Hundred IJ"0UII) linllnra each, lo la-ar Interest at the rata of six per rent per annum, pay able, semi-annually, running fur a period nf weny years, and redeem able after ten years, loth principal and Interest payable at the olflce nf the f.ounty Treasurer of llernallltn county. In old Mexico. The i AlbU'iueriiue, New honl boa . I reserves the rlRht to rejwt any and all bids. 1 The propoeala should be addresavd lo M. Mundell. founly Treasurer,'"'''' Pfhea and haia gun suarlnf Old Alhuiiirriue. New Mexico. Iro posuls will be publicly opened Mep tcmbcr :cth. Iklt, at ten o'clock a. in. M MANDKI.t.. Treasurer and Fx-Ofllclo Collector, llcrtiallllii founty, New Mexico. 4)4)4)44tS4)4)444)4444 The Markets Chicago Grain. fhlcaRo. Aur. 25. other factor being aubtnciged under Ihe war In fluence, wheat opening Vc down to day Jomiied SlSi4l2e over ;-esler-day's close. It was spectilniion, pura and simple, oa preseni nnd pros pecllve Kuropeun demand. Tha close was buoyantly strong, ILvening' Three Lines a FIRE AND AUTO INSURANCE LOANS -RENTALS. Bargains Lots Houses-Business Properties. JOHN M. MOORE REALTY CO. Phone 10 HELP WANTED KM I'UlTM KNT '111' o. 210 W t Sil ver Ave.; !. O. It" 73: I'hona lit. Kaborera 11.75 to I.' 7.0 Hood paying buainea fur aale. WANTi:nFiei h iii ed aim waller or waltroM. on vim inn Rive Rood aervlce: If not at away, fall for chef. I'oinlia I afe. LOST. -Huneh of koyi Iteward lU'turn to thia office. I YOT Bale Muceiisneous I u,t fiAUli Old pnpera for putnn lo"n CRpeta. tc. Cull at lierald I mc- ,,.,, . , . . HAI.K llood 10-foot lot in I HlRt.landa oppoKiio HhoPa. Ham- mond, 02 South Waller. 3 I .Re to 3 3-xo higher for Ihe day. ( orn follow ed orn followed wheat ni.cnmg ' f He down nnd admin iiir iu u poal tlon Sil"4c hut the pievluua cliiac. The almngeal bulue waa'in May, which waa boum i.vered by one of the world'" biuueat men hull dla.ra of ihe The 1 1 oar waa firm. 5Mc to I 3-Nc net hlKher. lata at the opening Hero 'i down In Ike up unil on the early bulge made net (Ulna of ile, Ihe lat ter In lieooitilier luturea. There waa Utile ibdiiR In provlKiona and pi nea ni the "I'cnlnR were 2'i i i KgC down. Wheat Sept., 110.1; Her., 11.07; II. im. t'nrn Sept , I lata Sept., I'nrk Sept.. I .aril Sept., Jan., IIO.7i.7i. 111.18 Sept., ROc; I ee.. 7 7-4c. 4 I- Ic; lec. 4 7i-Hc. 121 .17.: Jan., t.'l 7.7.. II0H7.: Oct.. $10.22; 12.57: Jan. 11122. t'l iiaKO l.lvcMiak. I hi. ago. Aug. 37. . -Iloge Itecelpta I3.00H, maraet atnulv. bulk, $S.H4r :.'.. light. Hl.2ii SI.4H; mixed. $H.7 49J7,; heavy. 1 1 i .3o; rough, $ f.0i H.7M; plRa, li.UOti .!. faille lieceipta 7.000: market weak: bceeu. IK 111 M); alecri. $.27ii 11.30; atockciH und feedi ra. $7,.37i1l a ttii; cows i,nd hellers, $3.70 4I0.1H; calves, $..0Ul lu ,M). Sheep IteceipU 30.000; market alow; shoe p. ll.mkS.ii; yearllnRS, $j.;t)ti0; laniiis. $2ir.oo. Rauaaa 4'Hy l.liliM k. Kaiipaa flty. Aug. 25. lings Ho celpia H.OOO; market steady: bulk, $! ,5 ti 30: heavy. $ I i 4 ran; pin kers und hub hers. $ 1 7. I HI.'1,: light, i.ikii s.j": iiigs. tc:;,ii .;;. ' faille Kecelpta 10,000; market sleady; prime fed steers, JHfil'it 10; dlcruud beef aloer.. IKIo'ir R.Mi; "ostein steers, $tj 5oi ! . a .. : cows. $4.27i4i 7.J'.; belli rn. tIMi H.fiO; Mm kers and feeders, $7. 77. V k.27; cnlvea. $a 7.041 I H.7 7. Sheep ltoicl.l, 12.0110. market lower; hinilm. 1 1 '.7,0 i 7 fi.f . xeiirliiiur, $7i.714i .ii; wethers. 7. tll'.i 7, S J; rai l, $4 H.'i i 07.". j llur Silver iNa liiu s. lamdoii. Aug. 25. liar silver de- i lined -lfid In -'1 7-Kd per olltice ! Iday. The weakucsa wus due to New Vurk selling. RISE IH PRICE OF SHOES AND HUTS IS Merchants Re ceive Warning Letters from Manufacturers. War Boosts Cost of Medicines, Too. That the cost of living Is soon In bo eonalderably im leased on account of the war In F.umpe Is bacoinlng daily mora apparent. A'buuuoruiie mrr "hanta are rwi-nini loiters from job. urr and manura lurers advlalnK that advaneea may b expected. Homr have already responded lu the This Is imrticul.irly true of oturb. Many chemicals acids, ate., are either manufactured In ilermany, or tha raw material from ilermany. Home rhrmicala har already advanced one hundred per cent or mora, loiters hate leen received from aho manufacturers and hut concerns stating that cs may be expfM ted In their llnea before long. In both of these Oram hra i.: Industry a coiiald erabl part uf Ibc raw material come from Kuropean countries, and this supply has been cut off. Nearly all lines w.ll be afterted. Where tha guuds ar mauufa. lured In thia eoun. try some of the raw mu'erlat come from Kuropean oiiniriea, and if the Roods sr niiidc .broad their Importa tion will be curtailed or slopped en. tlrely. j Home manufacturers wcra fori una I in having stoiked up on ruw mater ial before the war began and are an- Jnuiincl'iR that present prices will pre. "vail whle Ihelr present supply of raw material urns. Herald Want Ads Three Times 214 W Gold for nt :n-iioom. Full It KNT en very dcliat.le auit nf outalde ofllce ruuma In N. T. Ar mljo hulldinR. Apply Uco. F. Al briRhl. I'll. mo 410. Folt It KNT 3 or 4 rooma furnlahed complete for hotiai keeping. with aleephiR porch. No alt k. 7ol Kuat t'enlrnl nvenue. ron RENT Imtko room with aleeping porch. 42f W. Marnuetta. Foil liKNT Nicely furtiiahed rooma cheap at 804 Smith Third at reel, with board or without. foil lti:.T- Two or throe-room furnlahed upartiiienl, with or wih nut aleeplng porch. I.lgbl'i, hot und cold water. 17 Kant Ccnlriil. No children. Foil HUNT Two nicely fmniahed room for light limine kccprig. Ap ply toi North Hooond Hi. PERSONAL Ft It N ITI "It K IlKI'AlltlNU, pin kliiK, upholaiorinR, cabinet and innttreaa making, niR aixinn. I'liono 624. 1 17 M. Third Ht. ItOOF IAT. WANTED ICvery homo owner In uaa l'Jrl Carhon roof paint. Mtopa leaka, liiat t yaara. lievo ready paint, t Rul. rovera 00 aq. feet, Thoa. r. Kaleher, 40$ Weal t'enlraL FOR CAItt'ET ataanlnt. turoltur and atov repairing. W. A. Ooff phona l$l. FOUND rlil'M Small hunch of keya. i-r may have ram,, by paying for thia ad. WANTED-TO BUY. WAXTKIi To liry a 4 or 5-room modem houae; lowlands preferred. Hlate price and all particulars. Ad dicaa llnx lfi. tart- lloraid. SANTA FE S EXHIBIT WILL COST $300,000 A panoramic reproduction of th tirnnd fauyoii of Arlaonii , being built by Ihe Mn n in Fo railway at the ranama-I'aclflc International' exposi tion at a coal ,,r uver I.Iho.Iioh; over fifty thousand aiiuare yards ol linen tanvaa, imported rrom Scotland, are iielng used fur the set pieces, lfitor. In this collces)on will low the pan iihiii.ih irom observation purli'r cara, muted by electricity on an elevated trestle, aecmlnkly time the rim of the cony on. The obaerver w ill be en abled In aee eight of (ho must do-tin -I. Ive I'ointa of the canyon and t h ,. ride will Ihh. over hall an hour. Including apparently, a journey nf mure Ih ill one hundred milea of the gloat gorge. Kvery resource of modern aclence If employed In the work of lopruduc- tlllll. A Menu Man. "A woman's lioaty lour," t-he com. plained, "ia ter o.. reunite I bene 1ml day s." "It muHl he." said her mean hus band. "Why don't you get yourself snnin summer hair, m dear'.'" Albuquerque Foundary and Machine Works. Cngluses raendem Marhlnlvte Caatlngg ia I'ou. Hrsse. -nrense. Aluminum. S.mctural steel (or Bridge and Butldlnga Workg aawfl tyint'--Alaeoejeqe4k M M DUKE CnY CLEANERS We) clean liatn, men's and wis. Mn'a rlothlng, ruga, rjrtalne. (IraiarrleM, etc. 120 U'rsl Gold. I'liono 4 H. Promptness Our Motto Chicago Mill ft Lumber Co- Oeneral Planing Mill 3rd and Marquette Phone 8 C. T. FRENCH llMIHb IMHF.4T011 1 MHALMIr IC ldy Anla4ant. null and tvmiral, I'liorwi ay and Night. 60. HENRY'S AUTO DELIVERY Tito la-gal Tender TraiisrartM When You'r in a Hurry, PHONE 039. QUICK MESSENGERS 118 N. 3rd St. ALBUQUERQUE, N. M. SKuS' Three Dimes a a Dunbar Bargains rim iuttnt. 4-ruom modern uri.-k hoii. ,4 Fa at Central atomic. $2J.f-0. 4 4 room houae. corner Coal 4 avenue and Seventh street. 4 4 Btora room. Central Av., b- 4 tween Third and Fourth Sta. 4 t-ronm ir.ndern brlclt house, 4 11 N. 1. ave.. I $0. water 4 paid. 4 4 g-runm house. 111 No. Fifth St.; modem, 111 00. 4 4-room house, lllghlnnila. 110. 4-room house; east llaseldina 9 atenua; modern, lin.00. 4 Mill KAIiJC. (-room houae for sale or rent; 4) West Coal avenue; modern; lot 4 50x112; fins shade and lawn. 4) Itanch, Ma acres improved, 4 well Blocked, and for sale at a bargain; 7 miles out. 4 Kln eor. lots. West Coal Ave. 4 4-room house, West Iron Ava., 4 Trie. $1,500. 4) All kinds of terms s KlltK lHritA'"R MOM7V TO MKV lirMiAIt'M llr:Ab fchTATB OFFICIO. III flidd Aee (nrmr Third M. HOTELS OF S0UT2TWEST. DIRECTORY. 8T. JOHNS, ARIZONA rha Ameri can Motel, llaadiiuartera Oeean-l-Oceun Highway tourlsta Modern throughout. 1'lnlng room Bervlcs unequalled. Fine shsda and lawn. IIOTICI IirillNHWICK Unlbrook, Arlsonn. 10 guest rooms, modern; tourists headquarters; dally road bul Icllns; guides furnished to points ot Interest; dining raem In connection. SANTA re Tha Mnoteauma Hotel, American nlan: ar-rica first elaaa. electric lighle. ateam heat, telephone in every room. Special attention, to auto part lee. Vuleanlalng and lire Itepstrtng. All work guaranteed. Albuquerque Itublier Co., I Weat Ceatral. LEGAL NOTICES. I'epiirtmeni of the Interior. L M. Ivind Oftlco at KunU Fo, N. M July $4. 1914. Notice Is hereby given that Fluran Trujlllo or I'lucitua, N. M., wt n July HI, 1909, made homestead entry No. 0105H, fur NK"4 MK4, Mectlun i. Township. 1M.. ItunRe DE.. N. M. 1' meridian, has filed notice of Inteti t'nn to make flv year proof, to eatab. Itah claim to ihq land above desrrined, before Abellnn I I.uccro, county clerk, at llernnllllo. N. M.. on the li'th day of September, 1914. Claimant names us witnesses: lnvld TiuJIlio. Jobc Trujillo y Armljo, Teo doao Chnvex. Francisco Trujlllo, all of Flacittt, N. M. FRANCIHCO ni'MlADO. Ueglster. Albuitierque Kvenlng Herald. Pcpartmcni of ihe Interior, t". K. Ijmd Ofll.e at Santa Fc, N. M July 24. 1914 Notice la herchy Rltcn Jose Trujlllo y Armljo nf I'l.ioitiiH, N. M, t-hu, on July 1, moil, iiuul0 home "lead entry No. Ol0ii7.fl. for l.ui 5, Med ion 3, r.'i SK'i Hi:4, Section 4. K's and K',i W'4 of Lot, ,,n, 2, Hectlon , Townahlp I2N.. Itunge 7.K. N". M. I, meridian, has lllcd liolice of Intentlnn lo make lite year proof, to eatabliah claim In the )and nlmte de scribed, lieroro . In lino U I.uccro, cuunly cleik, Herualillo. N. M , on the 1'Jlh day of September 1914. Claimant mimoi as witnesses: Havld Trujlllo, Flora n Triilllln, Teodusn Chaves. Francisco Tr'ijllln, all of riacltaa, N. M. FRANCISCO liKMlAim. flcglster. Albuquerque Fvenlng Herald. Dcpnrtmetit of the Interior. 1'. H. l.aiul office at Han tit Fe, New Mexlin, July 20. 1S4. Notice la hereby Rtvr,, that FHas Francis Hassan, of pvhoyeta, N. M who on November 15, 0, made homestead entry No. 014 43$, for section S, tnwnshlp 1IN.. range W., N. XI. P. meridian, has filed im t:ee of Intention to make 1 years' final proof, to estahllsh ehilm to the land ahnvo described, before Jesus M, I. una, county rlerk. at Iy.s l.unaa, N. M. on Heptemher lth. 1114. Claimant ruiinc, aa wllneases: William C. Kennedy, of Mebojrela, N. M. I'atrlco Jiiramlllo, of Scboyeta. X. M Heslderlo Trujlllo, t,f Mehoyela, N. M. Huturtno Ilomero, of Kehnyeta, N. M. FHANCIHCO IKIlAIo, HeRlater "Kvenlng Hernld.M Albuquerque. ti. M. XOTM'I-: Mill Mill If TIOV. t. M Ijinil Office a SaiiLi Fe, N. M AiiRiiat IX, 114. Notice la hereoy Riven that Fran cIsco Mulituya. of Cabeson, N. M.. who, on February Huh, 11!. mudn homestead entry No. 0 1 8 If I , for MF.ti. Mectlun 21. Tuwuahlp l'. Itange N. M. P. meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make fiie year proof, to eatabliah claim to the land alone described, before Charles W, Dolman. 1'nlted Mtatcg commla aloncr at Caheioit. N. M , on October D, 1911. Claimant namea as witnesses: ft. F, Heller, Clements Casaua. Felipe Moil luya, ledro M irtlnet, nil of Caheaon, X. M. FHANCIsfo ncMIAIm. neglstor Evening Herald," Albuquerque, N. M. PROFESSIONAL CARDS PbyUclani W. M. SHERIDAN, JL D. 1'iacties Limited to GluNITO-l IllMAKY 1H.SHARM And t MSF.AFJt or TIIK ft I ft. fml Uaatarrman anil Nngachr Tea(a Balvsrsan gog' Administered. Cltlxroa' Hank Wolldiag Albaquerqua . New ktaalca A. 41. MlOIU I.fC. M. II. tratie Uniit'd in Tu oeet vriasaa, UfBce Honrs, 10 to II a. m. I'lume I ITI. 114 H West Ceatral. Albuquerqua Sanitarium I'hnae ft DRS. TULL A BAKES Spnrtallaiae f re, fr, Noe", 1 hral fttal Naibinal IU.nk llldf. I'Imiim . T. I". T WM H. M. I. r5 1 . in I a I ill V.y. t'Jr. Niiti. and Tliriaat. Capital City I'.ank KuildinR. Santa Fe. V Mi x At Combs' Hotel, .lbii'iier.Ue, first three days of etety mouth. HUH. RVUIbX AND (I.AHHK Practice Limited to I ye. Far. Nose and Throat. Ilt, West (Vnlral. The Murphey Sanatorium Tuberculoma of the Throat nnd l.ungs. Cllv oillce, Went Central Ate. f Htli e 1 1 "lira: 9 In Ham; 3 to 4 p m. Phone f,25. H.inntorlum Phone 41. W. T Murphey, M. I.. Medical lurector. Dentists I'll. J. Kit A FT. iMmial Konrer. Itnom t and 3. Harnett llldg. Over O'Kielly'a Iru Ml ore. (Appointments made by n.alL) llmnn $14. Attorneys klMMS tt M.MMH latwyers). 17-lft Itamelt llldg. Albiiqncrqne. Blacksmiths. OKU IIUTCHlNHoN. Ill Weal Lead. Four Shoea, $1 00. Architects, lulJiON If. NOItUlS rrlilfst. rravllcal and I'p to Data Work. ilim I. I.yrlc T1ualer llullillng. Tvp -plume tug. MONEY TO LOAN! i.N E T TU LOAN Onaalarlea, household goods and livestock with out removal. Nr'es bought and sold, l.'nlon Loan Co., room 11. over Klrai National bank. Phone FOR SAL-rrtal fcstate. Folt AI.KT.,.k,l In hlKlilinds. Hlainm udilliioti, Silver avenue. Fin realdeiicc now being creeled In sumo block. Apply ut Walton Htudiu. TYPE WRITERS. ALL KINDS, both new and eecoad hand, bought, aold, rented and re t aired. Albuquerqua Typewriter F-a-ehange. Thone 144. Ill W. Uold. CUSTOM TAILORS. I'o.MK IN and see my new fall wool. ens. 1 luite received u bilge stuck nf mo newest paltcrim. L. C. lilc lictx, N. T. Armljo buildinc ENGINEERS. WII.I.IWI U HTl.i:V t'ltll and 4 Lilian iliiur tTJitfliMi-r I runiMcll llldg. Wclldrillinjf, Wclldrivinjr and Irrigation Plants UIMIMIMX. TWKH. I'lMIt AMD tir.PAIIIIl Arciii fi.r UelK-r f-.tiglite J. V. WOl.KIVfJ, 411 V. 4 opiare Ai. Ilea, idiinifi I52NW. 4ffl, phono II Expert Hair Work. Comliniga made Into awltchae, transfurmiillona, puffs, curia, etc.; switches dyed. Mux. m. ii:ni-:w Marlisi'lru Mlmp. Phone 111. u$ 8. 4th St. SANTA FE TIME TABLI r.ffertlve December T. 1111. UeellMiuntl No. Class. Arrlrea. Depart. I Cal. Limited ...,11:10a It ate 1 Csl. Kipresa .... 7 00p 7.IOp T Cal. F.xpress . ...10 lop 11 0$d I Cal. Fast Mall. .. .11. DOp lt:4D (Thursday only: If (He Li'ts :D0a : 17sl boll lid m IS 10 Overland Kxprea. T lla S OI I Kaatern Fxpres.. . I Up I 40 4 Chicago Limited.. :40p T:p 5 K. C. Cbl. Ki.. T::$p $ 4p (Wednesday only; 10 (De lAixe S lOp f $p Soul libwund $ E Peso 4k Meg E 11:10a $1$ F.I Paso Passenger $ Its $11 Peeos Valley la.. t.klp North bound S10 rrom alsx XI P 7:a 1 1$ From KI Psso $.! Sit rttoi Peeo Val ley aad rut-o(r 8:40p P. 7. JOBJSSOff. Lgttl t