Newspaper Page Text
SIX TIIE EVENING HERALD. ALBUQUERQUE. N. M.. TUESDAY. AUGUST 25. 1914. Q) 1 Im - O JLL O Crescent Hardware Co. STOVES AND RANGES PRACTICAL PLUMBERS AND TINNERS AGENTS FOR Marsh Simplex and Advance Duplex Steam Tamil S18 WMt Central Avenue BOOKBINDERS RULING, SPECIAL FORMS OF ALL KIHDS. ALBRIGHT & ANDERSON PRINTERS, BINDERS, STATIONERS. Dili nin nr.-i. n-u A ......... UA OUR ANNUAL REDUCTION ON KODAK FINISHING Mr ilri-lni any n)f kiHlub lllm lr ih . ItllllK Him MlMt mi If 111 l'ni.i mill Printing, lank I l. iim iiI. nil Modern Mrl limit, I kn IMM-r lui-am. tin' !- l.iav i knur, a'llieil II dim. mi'licil hy ii i I i'i IumI iv nix ' In k. Mull ' i'ii.. In' Irilcil. TIIE GRAY STUDIO .lliiitiiii-ciii', rt Mi'tlin. ai rill ml An-. W, " ini Hoiiir I lu iiir'iu'' lady f ii . mt ii ff i Fi'ii'ulit ti M. It loci tuilhlllg lu HUggeM H n.nne A nice iircmnl fur Hie I H I h'WP fiixki Mimi We llil'il'l. MMII vr Grimshaw's Nil mill mill Oiilrnl. ti II -i I mil . nil il. iinht " 1 LUMRER A BUM J Wlioli-eak ami lu-tadl I Albuquerque Lumber Co. j i-iift i 1111 mnii EAT MATTHEW'S VELVET ICE i REAM Phone 420 No Advance On Any Goods for Six Months Everything in the house for that time at old prices Cash purchases in sured the usual reasonable prices to the patrons of this firm SUITS AT $15, $18 and $20 Better than in former years. Shoe leather and hats al ready advancing in manu facturers hands, but no advance with us. E,L. WASHBURN Company I Green Chili ti - 'k n rt'twin nli f niitixl nun Hiln I Hip InvI mi i ki'il. PHONE 31S 25 Reduction ON WALL PAPER During the month of August. I do painting and Paper hang ing. Get my prices. C. A. HUDSON, 4th and Copper Ave. Soap Saiel 5c Soap, per dozen. . 35c JOc Soap, per dozen. . 50c 15c Soap, per dozen . . 7 5c WILLIAMS DRUG CC. 307 West Central Phone 789 i. II. IliWI It. M. It. I. O. i-liilnilil' Smi lnll-1. I In .it : 1 1 i Willi Ir dine. men Ulllill hum I II I ) 1 1 1 W . I'llnUe ti.'.i mill 3.'i. School Books We carry a complete stcck of books, stationery and supplies for all public and paixhial schools. We arc prepared to take case of the trade promptly ami satisfactorily. 0. 1. MATSON & CO. I'liO -kC eulral. UNIONS IN FAVOR OF A BIO PARADE DURIG THE FAIR I , .m .Hi ali-"l ( I . iikii 1 1 I I i. v p.i 1 .11 I W I I k VI 111 11 i ix ( n.i. I I'.K l.i.l .it-l I I 'l '" I M I' I 1 ion Willi 1 In- 11 ' 1 1 ilia 1 I-1 -di 11 .11 nl l.ahor. D-inuliM Hu ll lll I la il I In hold u III 1 . ill n.'i I Hip .-lalP Id pipHt iita w ii 11 . IP 1 1 i 1 I li:lii- uiiintm iiii-i I.IIV Ti'lll lll'lklll " till 1 i. 1 1... i.n.1 tin. hi. and w 1 Imr iimvo 1,1 nil Ii'i- nl'l iiinm, tin 11 ,"llh. n tivniiiii: Will 1 11 1 1 "a 1 1'i'iiti pl.lMi'l 11 M It ii Wi Hi. plai n Thi hp 1. mi 'I it ilip i "n- in. iitH ki.i 1 pr. in' painteip. 1 tun 1 ilia k 'l ki I n, I'lai knllill h A inimiiitlpp wan i p.'ii Hn pli.uilipri li l kn and tomt it wit! lp in- dp to Ill- l.l .Hit I'I' 11 I'pi Mil I... I la ir I. I I.. I I. Ill 1 1 ii la to I tn a'l aim i 1 u ill 11 1 iimi'ii 1. 11 n inn inii'i'iaU'd CONKLIN S TIME IN JAIL WON A SUSPENSION in Imir rim.- .1 nn. In hail alrpudy nprved n in jail, thi- aiiitpMie n' no ilil h. no'lil h lllipiini'd oil Hi'l'l'i'lt 1 .iiikI.ii win, pi' ,i'li it ir vi 1 1 1 ' liilnrp -linlup l!.i linliln V pnti l il.i lii a 1 halt i- nf .iNK.iultitiu Mm KvpIwi ipiiii. wan himppiiili-il Ci'iikliii mn uitjihiipiI In the nffl.e nl I'mlrnt Ail. niiii M I'. VSall. I . , Phona I, Red Barn, for flrat-c laaa haika W. La Trlmbl Ctv 111 W. rppr a.tnl Miruit and Supplies The Weather K'HlKiW.-T Toflmht and ttnl. m hiIiv in-net allv Imr Not iikii h Ii i i k in ti inner. iture. Al lil 'Jl l.liyl K I II, I ll.illl n I Illicit tin in im M .i x . inn hi - T , M in nun in-- .'I. I;hmk'' .. A I ti' I"- k I. '. .ii' h w i ft vi ind I leal 'Veathcr I III K ii'i In -Mini i h M"liM I land " Kipiu Ii " IPII.He Hllll Hepll. III I 111' I lilllil " . , ii r .tear fiith- "Mod .it nil ' M-'. Mill ill'- riati .In i. in- i,n ill Will! III. I'nlni ii I c dill tt il I I. I. -..I ,,( uc "i ;l iiur i nilit i in ' I Ami ll'Hii lln kpit nf e I "Ilii-H till' IlKlltiHK fli'K'lH -M l.i I. in I Scivia "V e i. in iu.c inn- i'f inn h.-Iv i-w ' i 1 1 in tit ii'imi I'i n"t l'l.i.ilii'iMiiiin. Philadelphia Xntth Atni'i i' mi. SPRINGER TRANSFER Our Service Costs no More Than the Other Kind i ABOUT PEOPLE j YOU KNOW TO Ht'liNI RIUKHS It you fall la get your vanlDl paper, call POSTAL TEI.Kri R APH COM Pi Nl, PHONIC II. Krt-'a randy ature haa nice fresh talTy evi-ry day. Kur Kamy Mrmrrlpa nml Mratc plimir IS. Mittlouil, PulUiilliui In I n. Jnhn l. Parkii hna ii'lurniil rnun u Ihrie mrikii' mil In I'imiikv Iwinn. J. I MhImjt. aiii'tliMii iT. hiiM ii'i urn vil irmii a tiUHlni'im trip to HhiUh Kr. .Mutt Sippi'l. ili'i'iity i-.iti m y tri'iin-uri-r. Ii'lt Initio fur t- Vii.iii I" HI'I'llll II IWO TI-ka" MUHllilll tli'- Klii'H of Iru-mlH U.'I'H CiitiniT. iliiimhtir '' I'1 Mini Mra. V. II. t'imni'r i.f Norih Ti'lfih atippt. will rnurn mailt fri.lli a Writ of two mi:ith In IiIi-iiiIm In llinmii. Tins. llnw aliuut I ho piiaravlnii yim inniii If.pd nurHrlf In huvp ilniii' while Imp ai'prnil prlrpa atp K"Uk on in the U'li-iiiwalil ir. Jpvi'liy rpi.ilr il-- I'HI tllll'llt ? MIm liutli Willi. uiiK h.iH iplnrni'il frnm iilifurriln hpr hIip hna in-pn uiii'iiillriii the fnivprnlty of rulifnr ni.i, uUu vimtiilK friciiilH Ml (.im A'l-gi'li-N, Pimtulpiia anil l."ii ! It. Mikk Stlrt iim nln c k. hn Im nn hi t I .iv tn Kl rami nln'ii'i It t hi' i HV j I.ihI nivlit l-1 w in tr.iiiin fur i vuth n ii-nrln. Mikn SiruiiKi-nlM' I Vinlt k for. , ini'lly livptl lulr ami la wll ktiuMii ! J A Itiirii'tt. i i ii hi r ii ' I inn fnri'iimn for tlir .-.mlM Ke ll I In- in w nhi'P ' luiililiiikii. wll Ki' to I.iiiIp It-.' k Ar I knii'i.iN fin Si'i'li'inlii r lm ln'ri- hp ' ll t.iki- h mniinin lih iIip Irnn 1 .Miiunt.iiti railrmiil. I I r tv'hupiuki'i'. with hih r.nnly. i li.ix i pi in n 'I (ruin n urn in iiiIIih' M il in l.i',, AMli'l nllil 'Unltx i.Iiiim , tin ri.HxI. Wlllli- III AliK-liK I'I 1 S liui ntki r iImI iiiii.upraiili' in ml nlk. Willi h Mill anl llllil ill III" l'la in p in AlliuiUi riiP. II. M K'HWii'i.l ami (iiiiin hnp iiiiinil tu Aliiii-i'iPiMUi' tn in ll'iii" Inn, TiX.ia, ami nrp nn mi r I r'l .it llii' AliKi-lua. Ml. I'.ilHi'inl 11 Hh Ihp H irnn 11 I'nUip 1 .iini.iiiy nf -: I'.imi ami Iiiih l'i'in llaimli'i nil li' dm limihp In ,VllmiiiPHiiP. wi.iip In' will Iuim ii'i'iiianiiit lip.iil'iiiai Ipi h. Tuple I. Ink ltplik.ih luiiki' will hnlit 1 niil il niPi tinu ! h ii'i Im k imiiKhl. Mm 1 W. t iiiti lu'll. 1 1 1 1 1 : 11 im ni I11 1 Inn-. Inn nn n( lull' 11, will pnM"it. Id tU'.-liiin His hip I'i he M'iM-il uinl a hi . i.i t hniir will InlNiW tun ini'ii .iig. Mi-inl'irti wh.i an- In H unit 'I 11 the ilPKn-P HlHfT are 111..1I In In- prmviil tu prui tu p 1I1UI111K MISS MARY COSGROVE HURT IN LOS ANGELES waa ri i-ii Hl.iy ihat nun', nf :ii ' pived l.v tl.i lamlly .Min Mary M inn Soul h mid nl ri i I. I.nn Ank' l. n tnr nt v . w hn ha lii-un 111 pi al li:i. had Iipi ii iiijiiipiI In a f.ill. The 1111-niMiap naid nip1 wan p.uu lullv I. til not! huit. and 1n.1t ihi-ip wan im n. i uHii.n l"r w.iriy. Mn-n I iiUKiiiir wan Inrmi'i ly a 1 lerk al tin- lini-piiw aid rloip. anil hn a whip iliili' nf frii'iiila and a ipiailil .1 111 pa. AVIATOR WILLINO TO RACE AUTOMOBILIST Aviiitni' Itny I in In in. who la In m.iki fliitliiH liiip d'liing lair wiek, in willing n la-i uk'iinnl a llnitnl Iji le nl lil l.illliililli' l.f ti'Uli a inn I. and iiinlni 1 lint .nlunteir Ihe nl'PP.t i-nhleM. Knnill will nn id thiin nn Mp.naie iI.ivk. Kit n.tiiy a in. up. Willie' rutn and liniln-n. mamma a ilirnat, Mranduia'a lanietienn Til. man" K' lei tii- Mil Ihv b u' lemed)'. ;ji- am! .'nn. dm Ik'I'I BILL'S SHOP tLKANhlt AMI PIll.hMrUS VOtll n.OTIII Ttl I II U liK M ITlNl'ltCU tltS. tnd. tU. PI tuna U, GETTING III THE RESULTS HEALTH II Covers Now Used on All Fruit Stands and Vegetable Wag ons and Only Garbage Wag ons Remain to Attend To. Af a ri'Nuli nf thf "inilillli p "f Inrlivi 1 iv i'.' in k.i i . itliitia pi (nut pli-pa hae beeii ki iii'tal aiiiiiliiry rami'. i 1 1 v 11 y uf the i tin fur the A lhuueriue, ukin In tlii iii 'i which the llHlil'K prii'lPll to I .i -1 vM'iK, anil whl M i ,.r KnntrlRhl i ll l lu- mayor ! pri' id. Miiiilir,- (itllrrr T"in .Mnrrin hue I'pi n .u 1 1 1 iik In aiimr m ry buay day .mil an a iiMilt of hie work en ry via. i t.ililp w 4nii in A :i'U'in' now fiiir is a invir. Willi niie or two ex ippilmiN Irnn Hi.inite i iiliir have Iippi pin Infi ll or I'lntcripil Hum lllrn anil I In. one or lo hoi rl' lf i xamplra re 1 1 111 1 11 1 11 arc ti lP 1 - 1 1 with millllnnr. Hi wu Inn Hip iipxI il or two, un pn lliii I 1 k the ii 11 a ill inn rp.inr pil liy the l.l 'I K B (or i in- pli'U'i Hull nl t h 1 pulili'- The wpiil luttinar iiiinp.ilRn ha ninile ni'iitp prngrpaa nn ihere la "till 1 pli lily in I"- ilme In Huh iIiipi IIoii iihil nl ilip priM nl rate ' Imrv l uting tue wnil imp. nun Ii of 1: will he permlt iril in iitt t" m'pil. 1 1 lip iPtnirii ilpinnii'li il l thp tail.i a In 1 hi' ov riiK of 1 hi- K ir lin up wukiiiih. hut I Inn in nin- Hpii( 111 hn h thp aan Hary iiihppi tor him imt yi t heen ahle to ki t ii kuII" The a nt'aae ana run. 1 1 'i 11,. to we ml then way ahnut h" ntii'i'li, ilinlrilnitinff ilui, wante papi'l ami niiHpi akalilo ami'lla with every nun! lilowa. Tin liiilipn ur 1I1' Ipiinini'il to enforrr 'hp Rnrliaa. wa Knii invpr rulu If linn la any way In lu It. Mlivnr Koalrlkhl l nl;ni, the IiiiIhh a nightly Minimi of thp pa veil elri'il.i. hut up to 1 tin" lime I lie e. eiutive hna iml hi'iii a I'll' to Kit iirnuml to It. GRUNSFELD BACK FROM SUMMER IN WAR TORN EUROPE linn. Alfrnil )rtinlclil. rhairinun of the ho'iiil nf county t'omtnlaeloli 1111 11ml hi'iul of thp turn nf liruna IpIiI liinthiiH. rptnimd on the i'hIi fmtila limitpil Ihle iiniriiing from Ni'W Yoik. alter aji aliepnrp of apv cial moiiiha. Mr Irunafelil ennt purl nl Ihp miinmcr with hla lamlly In lii'iinanv Hp . lt Kuiope h fori' thp war limkn out tiut Mia Mriin tclil unit daughter hip In Sw Itxpt land and Mr MruiiKleld in waiting n IoiihI.v f ir news ihni thpy have hreii aide in pnKatie Imur home. SANDOVAL COUNTY CASES ARE SET FOR TRIAL HERE The fnlliiwinic fanilir- al 1 nunty 1 IHSI'N tlllVP ht'Mi truni.ll-l I I'll I in Hit nr trial iitililln liy , -'hp Itayiiol.lK mi thp ilati ii ij : June lunar). ji-iajnut A. T. H K. hiptpiiiiiir Hi Ali'iaiidlii S.iiiiIiimiI h.. net Ker-n-iii'l'i A11111J". i t al . Si itptnin'r I". J 1111 11 J r' UKaiilHt r.iH.i'tn fi pli'iol'i r 4 Tpiiiti'iy aiiai list 1 ijn dp i:."plnt'i .i nl.. i'o. Si pt' inht r II. Tiriiinry iiKiiiiit-l J M. Anhulptu, Si pli liila-r I I Ti-itiinry aiuiiHt J J Snlaar Si-pti iiiin-r I Tpiiiiniv iiK'HtiHl unknown own- in or Aviii.i .-.i'iiiIu Drain, .pptpiii her I.-.. .Iuim Maiiiiip. axiuimi 1 1' mi r it nf inuntv i nii.iiiiT'xiniii'i n. Hpitpiiiiipr I'i SALTS FINE FOR Up al T.mi Mn. h Mnl Ulili li 1ni;n KldlH'ln. Hu n M. (ai k Hurin. SI.. nl folki. !.!. el tllat Ihp kidiio I kp Ihe ...I... :, Rt. nlintK -h mid I ' I"HK'-iI and 1 . . . . 1 rtunhina in.aniiin. ,all, pine Wi- Ii,.,p htadarlu- and dull iniHiiy In iln kidney reali.ti, aevere lipada. hn 1 1. iiiai IwinKi-n. torpid llvi'r. a. 'al ,' i'i nl). el it p leaf n pun and all noria "I t , . . . i.-r iliaoider. ; You mini.1 iiiunt keep yulir kiilne. n aitlve and i-.m, and Ihe 111 "mint you lii-l all in mi pain in Ihe aldnpy rv. , k'oii. ait I'li-m four nuni'pa of Jad j .-'alia f 1 .iii .in k"i'd drag alore here, 'lake a I a LI -1 nl ul ill a alan of wa ter hrln 11- i.i..ikfuat for a few .la 'and ..iir k.iluea will then a I hue. , Thin fain. in ...11. I made from the I a. id oi K'"l" iitid lemon june, com-Iniii-d with liilii.i. and la harm linn to llui-rt i'li..i d k dneya and nUiiiulale , tin 111 I ! I UiiK. ' Imiaer CAMPAIGN ACHING KIDNEYS 1 tr im .11 acliwiy. It alao neu.iinp Hip a. nl4 In the urine a It 110 in. talis, lhu ending bladder I ll Hill 1I.1 I .I...I Halm m haimltaa; Ineipennlve. 1i1an.11 .1 d-likln tul effer '' ent lithla w.iii r dunk wiin li ever) bod. ahmild i m,- now and ihen to keep their kid ni'vn i lrali. thiin avoiding eriou mm. plu .itiotin A well-known local druiai aaya he kpIU l"ln of Jail alla to oik who ia-lipve Ii ovi-ri uniili kidney troll n'e while II m only truh!e. I'ianti tienken Mea Vina. r iialUli Mi-naa' .Vniiliil. New York. Aug. i'S The W emern I'nion Teleatapn -iini'any aniimiii " d today that me.a.igea lor Hwii. i laid may 11. .m lie wrlllen in well a a In r'tem h. Itch' Itch' tun ran h' Hcrai.h Herat. h! Th mure ou anai.h the . wiie tha meiit. Kor vOc bok. If h Try l turn- e ipi ya, any akir) Hi liiini. RETAIL MERCHANTS L TONIGHT Nearly Every Business House in City Expected to Be Rep resented; Topics of Great In terest to Be Discussed. NpiiiI.V cvprv tiimiiii'nn tmiiNe In the II y will hp ipprini'iilpil nl the I an- I iit-t to tip lii'lil tnliiKht at the Al- Mirniln Inill I h the lii'ttlll M 1 lliintn ai'H'ii lalioli. II him hi't-n 1 iiIIpiI a "ai't loaither" illtiiur. 11 ml hnl PIpii will hp rat rli"i nut up lioitnnity win iii icIvpii 'nl I'vpry imiiiliir piPKi'iit tn Join In dmi'iia alnn of the mil'pil inM-intpil. mii Ji" In nf ki pn Inlin nt to ivitv luinl np"H man In thp i-ltv. The fiilliiwinK In thp pnigrntii of aililri'HM , "l.rainliitinn " I".. J SimiiR. ihiilr 111. in li'Kinlai Inn ruiiimitti'e. 'iri'dil Unman." A II la 1 'huiiilny I'hiMiia." .1 I". Ilovil. " li'iin Slrpptn and Alleya." t'. ('iinhin.ili. More than filty plalpn Iimvp hppn rr'"'' w'1 " WM ,"' " di llar din ner an tniit imp nioip nl expincp win mil nlnnd In the "in nf iittendnni'e liy eveiyonp Iniprpnipil Thp dinni'i will hp hpld tn the Taft diiiina rnoin of thr Alvnrado It will nt.llt lit R VK LEO RONAGUIDI IS HOI FROM TRIP TO ITALY Belongs to Reserve, but Clear ance Papers Enabled Him to j Get Away; Saw English and j French Warships. i la'o UnnaKuid'. ol tnu A . llaill- itihl x L'omiaii. ie;unicd lat night I mm u lour iininilia trip tu Italy. Mr. Honaaulill Pli Italy Jam aa thu u iiunicni over the Kumpinn war waa 1 In-Hiiiinna to nai h an acute ftlufte. He alartpd In. 111 licliua on Auyunt II. yolnii from there to I'almpru and thence tu .Vaplrn, li.nn where thu tiana-Atlantic Juunipy waa he nun In 1 anient. Ilia runli of lourim and nihil to i-avapc tu the new woild had hi-Run, and with oilura cauglu 111 the i 1 ainlile, Mr. linnaguidt had to pay a round .ieimum tu aecure ac cnniinnd. ill. ma ahoard thu 1 1 lie r. some Amrri. aim, he aaid, paid aa much aa flu for llii'ir 1'annau.' on a alow via ael. The boat on which he aailed waa Jammed to itn lapacll). .Sinnc of 1I1P panai UKpra alcpl 111 thp hold, in cluac proximity to the ma-Inn ;f). Iluly, Mr. 1 1.. 11.1 k ukI 1 sud, had Juat lallcd nn 1 to ihp mlma. Ilu of the 1 lan of isS'.i, whiih wan called 111. hut papeia with which he had had the liiritti.iUKh. In piovide InmneiC In-1 we koIhk a ir.'.i.l ena'il'd 111 111 tn apcure per llinitnnll tn continue Ilia J.iuinpy In Anipiua. At that time Italy wan imt pal in ulurly tcirlul ui being iliawn inl.i Hip liiailhll.'in of war, mid all :hnp rinurvinla with prnpi r 1 Iparatiie papi rn, like Mr I'nll.lliUllll, InUIld It poi-slnlu III he I I- cunpd. Thi' nhipn wi re apan lied from top to hull. .m hy iiuvi-1 :iiin 111 uiii'iila al Napii'm, howi-ver. and viry Italian ,il iikp lor HPivl.r 111 the hi my who did 11. il have the proper papcln waa In 11. .1.1 Idy hauleil a-ilmre Mr llntia KUiili a clialnn. .. taid, with hn h he had provided hiilinelf lictnre gnlim uhliiad, waa the only thini that naviil him Imin liriiiH ,1 nl to hla nxi'iipnt. lie h.m taken out hia llrnl cilixpiinhip pa pels hen. hut liny would have been of no effec-.. Twice 1111 the way out In ma. the (panel on which Mr. Iloiiagunii nailed wan'peil hy K.nulmh and liciih Wuiahipa. Al limiMltar, lit- raid. Ihpie wire man war venniln of the allieri. "I junt lint away In lime.'' nalil Mr. HoliaKUIdl, "I help la 110 doubt of that. I don't btllevi- thai I lould in om of Iho cnilliuy tuilay." GREAT BIBLE TEACHER TO LECTURE HERE ON INTERESTING SUBJECT lr. A. li.iel.elein -.f New York, 1. lie of the .. 11 nn. i-l IIIIiIk nl mle ill " and leaihi'ia 111 the woild. will at r've In Aliuiiip.ue I'll. lay eirl.unl In deliver a allien of Icetnica heiu ir. Miielieleln'H f 1 1 at lecture, to l. delivered In Ihe I'i enhy lei 1.1M .hutch Kllday nlxht at k n'i lo.'k. will bo on aubjerl. "Preaenl Kveuta III Hip l.lnht of the i..n k of liannl." a lec ture with h pri.miMn in lw of extraor dinary Intel eal. The regular aciim of I". 1 11 lea whl" Il I'r iaelippn will deliver will Im Kill Hunday pienuid In the Pi eah) leiian church. FOUR CUPS OFFERED TO YOUNG POULTRY RAISERS Ptiperlntendenl John P.urh, nf the poultry ilepailnient of the Mala lair hna received Ihiee 1 ui.a offered to k tiunl ihildern ixhibitoi hy J J. I lean of Monila. t'al. Hlale ration! aupei iiKemleiii Alvnn N. V hile a Ian har ntieied a 1 lip for K il i hlldien. J T feel nironu. have gnod appi-llle, aleep a'.un.lly and en hie, uee lliirdni k hlood llll'i ra, family ayalin ionic. I'm 1 1.00. mil ! Ihv Harald want I lla I timal dltnaa. Ej UwUe Kr Van, II BANQUET j" Deeds Not Words Mighty words never make mighty deeds. In fact, mighty deeds make mighty words un necessary. , The mightiest deed that has been achieved in the clothing business in the last ten years is the perfection of a special line of clothing call ed STYLEPLUS CLOTHES $17. It is made by the largest makers of men's clothing and sold for only $17 because of the specialized methods and the money-saving plan enforced from the time the woolen cloth is bought until the fin ished garment is delivered to th: retail store. Scientific methods, stretched over a long line of action, produce big results when centered on a single article. The proof is the fact that you save $3 to $8 more when you buy stylish and serviceable STYLEPLU3 $17. If you wear one of these new suits or overcoats, you will realize that there are mighty deeds behind them. 1 SIMON STERN, Inc. U. fJ. fii. TERM IS THIS MORNING Dr. Boyd Addresses Earnest Words to the New Students; Townspeople Attend 1? cises; New Instructors. r'urmal npi-nlna i xcrriHea were hi'ld at thp I invpinity nf .Nrr Mex ico thin iiinimiiR tn li'.ilev hall. Thpy wup attended b u iiuinlaT nl nwn yei.ple. I.rfiiip th.- cxercinPa the faculty mill' hnl lu. vvcmiiiiu cup uinl gnwim, and laiiKeil n I. mil Ihe pienideul, I'I I in v id linna Hoyd on the platfnim.l The npeiipit with player by Itev. M 'li-e lli-ramaim I'rcviiiiin In Ina formal lr II. .yd iiilmiliu pd thp m w Inktructnrn. all nf whom npnkt' I. nelly Pi llnyd addipyned Iniiin. If parin ulai ly tu the llthl ), ir ntiideniK lie hpoke nf the toiindli-Ki Impp of youth. To Hip iihoiiiiiik ttud-nt, he naid. thi'l,. Feemv o be on llolilnll, no end to IbniKa ahead whin viewed In the 1 1 k tit ul Impp It win tin- func tion of the llt."l-y i ar worn tn awaken Ihe mind mill tall lull lit f. nil 1 1 lea I", to the end that i oiinl riu I iv e haluta iiiiuhl hp .n iiii .i and the lea iirin of i-niitinl, ilia' Iplnu mid run centiatmn learned. Whut waa bar In d In the way of coricri'lu knowleilKe In i M II t hp loal, he Haul, hut the clfecU of Iralinlig. the Im uliy of directing the mind, would be retained. Iln pointed to I'len dent WiIm.ii t l.irily of view and II lumluativp com Ineneaa of epr. Bliili In IJ I ill ii Knot ., wera of onulynia and i lear expomtmn an .Hiiining ex ample of what the tra.mtia of pl.'p erly ill reeled n'lnlv meant in Ihe way of iiivnta) ilpvc'lupment. In thai ciintiiictinn hp naid. 'It ia mil whut you atudy, but now nu atudy ." laioklng uliea.l, I'r. Imyd inunapled FORMALLY OPENED lyric theatre: WEDNESDAY t The Trey No Raise in Price. I Fit or,i When purchasing Olive Oil why not buy the purest ana best. The LUCCA ITALY trade mark, Gradi and Dom enici is positively the brand you will always want if once tried. Ask your dealer for Gradi and Domenici br?.nd. the niu.lenu to tuny lulu llu-ii lilu tieviind the achool ia.ra a waimly hiiimm Interent In their mm nuii'linn" and Hip spirit of lelli.wnhip I'r ll'.yd ann. .lim ed lli .i Hu rn wniiid lie unncintity leaul.irly pveiv Tueaday, and he iiivlled Hip ihiI'Iip to viait the univermty on that iliv lip i rxed AlliuiUi I'lUP iiia in In nig their KUinln and ! ili'nii i.iki- vinil.ii.i In call on annpinbly davn New lacully Mi'mlN-ra. TIip following new mi inbern of tha family wprp 'n.ruduied: William KddliiKloii, anno'lale pro fennur of muthematli n. Minn Margaret ileanon. director of i m ilepa r' input of home ciiiiinmi'i id mation of wnnirir. dm llnti.l JoM'ph Nelnon, h-d of ik-e depati. merit nf modern lankuanca and pin. fennnr of Klein h and Merman. I lean A. Wnrcpnler, awn' I. lie plo-li-nnor ol pnycholniiy and piiiloMvphv. I'riKMir K. Sherwin, aaa.n lalp pm lc..r of hlnlory. A. W. W alld. I'lofctaiiir of cv l l 11 giueering Arnold K l-upold. head nf kln.p W ol K. J. I. Ilri'iiiiem.i ii. ann.. i tale profe "t ol phyMiB and ele. mini engineer, in K. ttanlpv r. direi tnr of tha departlllPIlt nf muni''. ''lip i.f Ihe maikvdly pleaning lei turea of the exeri laea w.u a n.'ln l Huliert Hewell. Tim audieme a.inx in chorua at 111 clone of it,, prnxiain. Key. Mr. liei'gmaiin prom.uii. ed Hi" benediction SANDOVAL GRAND JURY BEGINS DELIBERATIONS .Winlnnt I'latricl Allormv II II. J n mini. n venu rdny bekan I.MiiK a hp a before the Handuvai county gtauil July al Hei iiiilillo The jury In in ppi IpiI to ippml within a wppk In llle miaul line Judge Ituwmld wll hear neveral Ivll i aaea. Ilnlh Hm Kl a lid and pit it Jurica, were einp. lu lled within an lunir yenierday. I4MM0 lirokini r Vann. A liny liver leada In ehroiiir dv peiaiU and ronatilialloli, weaken Ihe whola ayntrm linan'a H.-miiela ('.Tie per bull art mildly nn the liver and bowela. Al all drug aluiea. I'-je iniuhhv eioaj Vano. and THURSDAY o' Hearts" Admission 5 cents LUCCA, ITALY