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i Guess who's on the 0. 0. P. leg islative ticket! rntnriK.rTrizE5r. Vol. I. No. . ' HIST! OHM Detailed Reports of English Authorities Today Show That Balkan HIES PUSH EAST OF PARIS German Forced to Retreat All Along the Line and Take Positions from 30 to 45 Miles from Forts. ENGLISH OFFICIAL REPORTS ENCOURAGING Belgian Army Reported Har assing German Relief Force Now Hurrying to the Western Battle Line. lmlon, M-t. II (l-iA p. m ) list' ufttclitl irrMi btinnu lotlay Kate out llw following ginuswnct-HH-nl : "'llm i'iirrl nt!ri-roiil l lilt ncniy 'I In- lltltirli lon-v pslelay aMUfsl l.5uu iirlMnwro, Im-tutl-tint hihiihIi'iI, miiiI M'tifal giin". Including Mnkliuxv, ami largo u,uaiMflt- ol iraiuixirt. "1lu rttrtnt Ik rftrcallng r hlly cant ul Soixsons lu aottM dlMMtlt r. "lu IMi-r telegram It la de lta ml llml from HirilMT Infor. 11 union iliv cartum uf rimif tiny am higher tliaii al llrl rr Mirli'iL owdilt rulilr Issue uf uilaniry art- bring louml lildlug In I lM" wismls, limine Isra-n left Im-IiihI owing C I In- raitlil retire UHiit uf llM-lr runv. 'I'lmao aur muter at ntglii. Thin ami ilw rlllltiai of tillage ami ii tuVncrai il drnnki'mies I'oinl l llm ili-U)MraJIdlMn or Hen rioniy. 11 iiiriMill nf Hit enemy fat In lull tlgomusljr m- ihI." I'urla, 8i.(. d in i. m l Acinrdlng to announce ment tli fighting the east of l'arl i apparently developing Inlo abandotitm nt uf their ad amrd position, by lim Herman vi ho urn announced lu ue rnir Ina alouii thn griniir part of Dm luiv. Thn Knmli unj ItrltlKh evi dently hat made a tronj ui--it wful uni'iin niovcmi'Ml. ruua liit ili licrin in h"Hi to fall hark m koine poiusa in u ill ua ii iiillca. Thn moat tuitium 011 kluUKhta lonici mr from lh l- ii'm li an.l oono tlni' rrom the tivriuan lil, ornirrcil alxiut lh ii'IMit of un rtli'iimiv Hup In the l Inn y of Vlti -U--Krni-ola. Turov gnul Orrman urihli'i loiiiiiiamli J r.upwllvrly hy il.i vial Vun hliu. tht- frown I'rima Krvilrriik U 11:1am. and lh Puke uf nr rinlaii n InrintJ a Jiiio lion ami rrpraU-Uly hurlud ihvlr liruiy iii;ii-i. uf iroopa forwurd In aanault ths Krrnrh poaltlona tlh tha Ii-Mriil lior but liny trll unable lu Hililria their oli Jihi of hri'uklni Ih ullira' ri-ll-Irr and Uiu Uivlding lha Annlo. Krrm.h Artnl. Tli Krnni n aid Krltlah onVrrd an cUall- tlaoroua rriuiu, rivnlually i'iiiiip.'lllii tha tUriuall aiiai-ktra lu ri'trvat. Thn flu lit Ina lantrd IhrouKhoUt IM mahl and thn allli'' poailioiia. II la un dnmlood, am oiiiiiiiiiy Improv tiif today. A rain ktoriu la lw.'uuiin THREE RESFQNSIBLE T3 Li Hsy States ITALIAN MILITARY ATTACHE AT BERLIN J' LEAVES HIS POST j! Furl, 2:1a p. m, Hcpi. II. ftomr i orreipondcttt of thn lluvua ancicy telegraph that 4 'it tit f'lildcrari Ul l'aluolo. Ili liiiliHti military attache hi Her- 1 1 li . him li'ft hm pot nni l re- turning to Inly. Thn cause of lila departure Ik not known. dnliiRn and ha i-num-d uri.n iln tninlort to thv troop. It ha nol, howpvi-r. Inirrfrrrnd with thu upfrmioita, thouch It hua lainwd llirililf ilitll-iilt !. ouniM to lim marhy dlmrlrt. Lomliin. Hi' 'I. II (I 03 P- m.) In a dlnpttti'h from t'oppnham n thn rorrnnpondnnt uf thn llru- i Inr Trlt'iirum coniany auya that (ii'tmral Vnn IH-nnckniidorrf UII'I Vun HlndiTliura hua drlnalid thn li'ft flank ir th Kuulan army In Eita! I'ruaala alth lila auatcrn army and thnrnliy uiwiind thn way lor an ktiui'k on thr nnnniy a mir. Thn rtinwlnni arn wild to li.iv kl'Hiidnnnd Ihi lr ri und to un in full rrtrnat with thn tlnrtnan namnrn army purmnnn Ihiia in a northt-Hdi-rly dlmtion timard Mr mil. t.KUMIVs ( l.IM VHTOItV IMITII KVhT .M KT WuHhliiKlon. Si-pt. II. Thn tlrr mull rliiuimay toala ri'l'Uid till' fol lowiiiK wlrnlf-ma from tlvrlln: "iiflltlul hriidiiinilnri rrportii tliut thn Herman rrovrn prill' r army yvrtenlay took foriifii'ntiona noinh wral uf Verdun. The liirnian I'aila army la attArkina thn fortrean south of Verdun. The other forts mm- Weilnrd.iv have been runnonndi'd hy heuiy arlillery. "Cenernl IlindenliurR with the eastern urmv oiiilliinkid and ili-f it -e.l thn left win of thv Ituwonn iirmy mill In Kat I'ruaala. Thr Kuiwlana avn up IlKhtum and urn now rn treatlnn nverywhnr. Thn naxlern urmy I purauliiif thn KumIiiii In a out hniianrly dlrectlun toward the nvnr Nlemen." fir.HMWS n(K 4 Mil l s UK 11 .ltK I'arl. Hnpt. II 3:17 p. m l- New from thn 11 lit In linn lo thn taut of I'arl I to thn nffnii that lit aoina IMdnia thn llerimiii havn reilied from to a kilometer (from 37 to 4 mill'). .i.itvt tf-r ninvi:r. HI.Vle. . I It 4l MIKAItei l-oiid ' i' t:3U a. in.) A dinpuiih itni'i from llor- deaux dat ! ri-y aay: "lin' r- . when the enemy' wnep muitheHBt of I'arla W'a rherked on the (1 1. 1 tide Morln, thn liernmn war nun In' h bf en howliik IK" of wear am L freah day of bullln hu i loed with the ullle In m-'fe ftivoruble position. "i in rumtuy tnrre wa furioii nklilinti along tm- Uraiidj Morin. whlih rontlnue1 m lailtr'e (lauiher throiiKhout till. MjM. and on Mon day mortunu the enemy iM-sati a re Irent on their mxt liiw along the Petit Morin. t Tueadny thn (lernmn com mand la i' ume uppmhennlvn for the aafety of II rommuiiu atton. "North ol I'arU thn Krenrh found ample room for nxHenibllng a large army and while thn liiiimh were elipplna from the nottheaat of ran to the euat with the liermun, their place nf glory wa taken by a strong I Krrm h ton whli h move I up lu the river Oun-q and became a very rl- on menace to the enemy' retreating movement. "The urci formed the upper blade uf a pair of heara, of which a they were gradually cloned the (Ira- la Morln, the I'd It Morln and the river Marne formed the lover Made. Immediately thn tier man tn(T re allied tin lt nation It t-ndravorrd In eilllrul lliielf from lie i ween the blad. hy a rapid retreat and by I aerie, of furioua but fruit lea on laught on the French holding the BUSINESS MEN FROM ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1914. iiyoMiiiiiui lilLjllalllLsll Unite to Make the Turk Be nrnttiiiiin LOST Associated Press Correspon dent Gets Through Cen sored Account of Kaiser's Rush Across Kingdom. FRENCH WOUNDED LEFT TO DIE ON THE FIELD sfl rd my t ft TAstvi lAti - t Tla 1 1 1 between Aeroplanej in wnicn uotn nnany were Destroyed. I.iiiidi.11. Sept. II (7 a. m.) A or retpotulatit of the Aanoriuti-d I'rinH hui been IhrouKh Kelnlum. aeud a long nieaeaK from Itolter dkm, which waa rather heavily iiii ond throughout but which appear lo be an account of lh- Inviiaiiui of Ih-IkIuiii obi. lined (rum u Herman point of view, lated ut the Something wa de- j Im Ki'iuinii. The atoiy follow: "From iruel the Her man army poured oxer kouthern lleluium I r 1 1 l-'rancn like a flood tide, apte uliui; like n fun in the direct ion of lleaii llioiit. MauliciiKc. Moiih and l.llle, joining In the xouth uf lieUium with other army corpa prmeediiiK limn tlnnibloux, Hiiiiuit und (liiet. "They went un-r 'lie Krnnch bor der without uny 'riiua rcHinlancc, the French catteting betore them In (( imiiIiiuciI un I'alte Two.) f- n ft f ft mrn III INVASION '- OF BELGIUM Summary of Today's War News tlDiiial licmuin aihbiM rioiivcd tt axlilngton ilcclam tluu ilie (rnuiiix luiil tlu-lr own In two da.ix of llgliling r. o lnrl, i-nptur-Ing llfty guiia and M'icral ilmuxiiml riiH4 hm ntinil llw rh'.bl Hunk "n I lie ailiamr of fining IhmiIIi' iidiiitniH. I'jiillcr dl-aii lie from IP-rlln n-U-cM-iiii'il the t.ciiuitn a lull ing liml lift) guiix ami m' lira I IIiiiiimiiiiI irtoint-i. Tln In-ncli 1'iiibaaoj at Wio-IiU'kIoii luii rmi-iuil nmrta from I'.lrdcwut of marked ndtnncnw agaliint I lip birmuii I'Uht wing. HWM' ax-ar to Im rwixil on xiatennaiix by tit I n-ncli nilmtcr of war, mail1' public lnl nUilii. TinIuv It Im aniiouiHiil In 1'nrU lli-u IIm t.ermuo liatn ri'liriil In miiih p.n- III or AO nillin. lniMxiaiit new a miuum front i:nt I'mmla, wlidc ibc ItiixxlaiiN ai-H-ar lu lia inailn little If am lirogrcMi xiucr I Ik- to. rw t .vilcn. l III. llH'y ali now report til to lw iMimluirdliiu the tronjily fiartl fliil capital of KociiIuhLiiiu. 1 lure am Inilicaiiou-. lioucver, liN the (.i iiiuiii an artlilnu In lont- anil moving toward kociie.lM-rg. A ilUwti'li flout ivtmitrad x ) a tli. t.crman- from tlm wei cou. icntrutnl on tin' bankx of tin rltcr Uc and an- man lung In an i-at-crlr lilt ix t Ion , while the i:u-lull alanc guaril l r Iniilliui. Tin' A I In Hvcr Hull north ami i-axt In a direction wnithcat fiom Km-u-Igxlatg. A general rctircniciii of the Ocrmana tal of I'arla contlnmsi, ac cording In a lalcnicnl llilx afli-rioHiii hy c lit. war IiiPm uiuimmi liunau III loitilon. It Ix xJild dial llrlllxli troom jcmIciiImv iiujMuittl I ."aid iHxonr and M'tcrnl guiw. A dlxHlcli fnmi Itoiletibiiii a that ollp lul (.ermau coiiimunii a IUhi dcnlCB that llic forirCM at rracniyl la Mil louiiihil by liu-iuiu or lliat the Ituxnluu forcca an. advaiH'liig on Crai-ow . baa tai-ii rcirv aciiKsl al I'd rou rail aiul Iondoii. Itcnewe.1 aillvliv by III t.crman natjr In the llallic U linllcad-d lu riliorla mini llcrlln and rlM-wln-riN lli rcnn-t lliat HiivUn forcna lutve oc.uplc.1 Kiinllii. a town of Auxtiia-lliiuiinry In mi wlihu Ih' uMilaua iHigun their orluhial aiiack un M-rila. Servian ami Montiiiivrin inMNju Iium- cuVi-tcil a Jiimtun. ltd begun inanli on Oarajcto, ilie iall of IKxaniu. r'llit llcinli phyxltluna arriving at llmtcrdam alter alti tilling hoth I rein Ii and (.crinaii woumP-il. dci'larci li louml mi cil.lcnic of Ilia iim of d il III llo III bulliHx by clllier xblc. - Tim Tuikixh niinlxtnr of war l ini'r I'axlia. U icporK d rrom ihcna In liaic Ix-cn wouioIinI In a Iciolvcr duel with the t i"vtn I'rin.v of l urkn). i Jiillcr ailthva from f oolanllnople iai. il tluu I nu'r lualia waa iihiIIikiI o Id Iioiik. atillcrliig Iroiu IiIihmI 'inni:. A dlxtialcli from I Wxcl, Swilu-rlund. aa the l Ii liuw icap lured Muclliaimrii, BERXAULLO COUNTY 'i MEMBER ASSOCIATED TRESS ARM GRAPHIC TALE OF HOW QUftLITY OF 1V1ERCY IS HOT uerman unicer lens 01 ac i tion in Which He Caused! Death of Younz Belgian j at .! J It B Before Eyes of Parents. j S ENATOR CLARK TELLS j OF AWFUL OUTRAGE New York. Heft. 11 1'rlnie Nichola Kiigalid hefT, former Itiifoiian vice consul In Chicago, leliirning to America todav. public ii (.tatenii nt w hich he H.iid had been given him In I'arix iy William A. I'liirk. for mer I'niti'd Klatcs m ii ii 'r from Molltanil, with Hie r.iilext that it be given to I he American pri-nii. The Rlatement follow.: "Tell the Aim m an p npe of thi luxe, whiih I havn Un '.! Kated. It In that of u I 'ill! la 11 family, the father of whom wan xhot dead by the Herman ami the mother lashed to a chair while (he xoldl'M utlat keil lor HI y ea r-iod daiiKliicr beiore lo r -ex. The mother bei-aliu. a raving maniac. I h .vc the lauKhter nuclei my cun hele" IHV l.l'KMW VI I.ITV !' MI'IH Y IS MrT KHlll l (t'orrexpolldelice ol the Associated TreXH ) London. Sept. II. On rif the mo.t vl id accountx iff nn rplMtdc of war come Iroui the likal An.cmcr i'.iiil lixkar lloiclur, a llcrlln play- (('iiiiIiiuimI on I'aun Twit.) T THE LEGISLATURE! A CHANGE! WHAT? Neither Side Can Claim Material Advantage 10 LULL II GREATEST Huge Forces Before Paris Onntinne Ttplnnilpda irlue With Kev to Outcome W V I . in Hard Fought Center. RUSSIA MEETSSHARP REVERSE IN PRUSSIA Indications That Extent of Czar's Victories in Galiciu Has Been Exaggerated; German Armies Worn Out. London, .-'opt. II (l l"i p III. I The i ontlii linii i lamiH lu oll'n'i il i .iiii llillllii adolix .Hxiicil at the hc.ld.U.-ir-lela of the lone ea. h oilier ho llrcciy III the I ' I le oiich i llt'hanl.e plildc-l e of the voe v . - i ii i . : i -ered m the I ..est li, '"' in Ii ci. mini) ii at lull uv;.tiii.-t Uraivttit; in- luell. ex Horn phases nf the lliiKl" bi'loi,. n il i.-ovo icxult .s at I a i. tit. Tin kc,- to the nil. in. ilc out. ume of wiial i.cihaia will lie the BUJ'.'M tattle in hiMoiy Mill l mini on ilie plaliix of I 'I . a m pa it to , to the a-.( ol I'arix, lax hi the ci liter I'or live il.n.i Un of balile tlnrc li.m ebbed nr. I Honed l.ciii inn Hci in.inx ami Krcii. h aln i nati ly on the croxi. w ih Iciiilii- Ioxhch on l.iiili aiilex bul vv it In .ut peruia -o-nl ailaiitai;e on cii her xiile. The HeiiuariM Would xtill I" ie inaixiiiK hcidlomt efTortu to ili-ive tliclr W'ciike inlo (he 1'tcin.h line at a ioint to the xi.ulh of Verdun and the Hltei.ily bill!" Ullliy lllnlet' I ..ll rrince Freder!) k Willi, im hax bun lemtorceil ullb the object of jill-1: m home thia attack, Ihu r.--uit nt whiih Ix conceded to lie cl cxHenie imi 'irt .ill. e. i i the Hemi. in rivht witiK, wlu re the troop of Kmp.ior W. Ilium are oiioM-il lo (he C'-iilxli for1 ix. Uer in.. 1 1 - oil!. I illy Hihiiit.i retirement but not defeat, ii wax Urn: M purled Im illllan of l-li lilal'lllc crrot In (be Ir.ii.-mtMiion of mcx..i 'I be ot (!'. II y nn the pall i f the army a.enix to be Lu t. but up to the preaent time U liis nut gone hi.rrylng the -.mill lor. i a ef rcer ixl Icfl l.i h nd whi n the army of ik-ciip-iIio-i vv.ik M ill to Hie baltletlelilx lo the ea-t of r.ilix. Kl .in I'm n. Ii x.-ai i cl the " -true. 11 Ih extreme right of Mr i.inei a report I lint baiil,. Iliauxcii h.i fallen into in of France. If thin la be ibc tlfth or anili time M a i I that tin. hand), in ii!'.it,an town haa i ii.. nt. il the piexent war. On Lie i,i-iii:i held of bailie (hi lliixaiuiia a lie ii ( have iicnn ililven hack In f it- t'rii .xia. I. 'it ccoidiux to 1'etroKi.i.l a,n... - they continue to punlxll Ihe Aiixiriat:-,. Thn luteal inn ll.t, lo e from Merlin indlcufr thai H. m i il Von In m cacti florlf .und Vou ll ib tonir h i gained an Important sioc. -.. in I. ixt 1' According to Hii v. i.,n. the l:u nanaiiio III full l. 'i il i'i lae Hi r niaii In close pin.-,. I. The Uux.ia i verxiiin ia I hut their ilci o bmcn'x urn (allmg h. ck but holil.nj .hen own. ilermun nilval a-iv iiy tti t ie Haiti sen ix wulched with in ii h Iii'ci. mI hele, but Ihe report Hi". I It i b'X l.eeli all t-liKUifefiieiit lot Ween l.clioali a id lluxxlall aolladrona oil Hie l'!.in,i l-linila ix denied. Tina t . i . . 1 1 1 . i ai'ie-.' (loin (he sinking b u H' riu-ii. BATTLE OF HISTORY K llilU'Vll U Ill M ! J Germany and Austria In Joint Agreement I On Making Peace Copenhnitn, Mept. II (Vlu I don. 4:10 p. m.) T.le Vm- alxche eiliing of Merlin declare I hut prc lima lo the oiit .ircak of the war, Herman und Austria- llil-m iiv nurced, now have (ho partii- to (he triple entente, not to make pence eprately. torpedo boat of the U'lxxian merchant kleanter ricabori!. in (hlx region. The nltiiudn of Tnriiey, which haa iieeu a aubject of paramount anxiety to for'it;n oflb-ex of Rniope aceitia to nave l ice n dei l.lcl for her. If the Htnry ix Hue that Kumiinia, Hreecn und , liuli'aria have nil iced to prevenl iit louui'i inti rvention nn beiialf of tier- maiiv anc" Auxlrla. The ullle havn been working t lenui m-ly to (hi etui A niesx.iitc received here from CopcrihuKcu aya Dial thn condition' nine Joachim Aliment of lrn- ' ia. econd coiixln ot Imllct throiikh I inn. win. received the thUh ix till McrioiiK. A cireiul nciui'.ny of the new from i-r.inco am n.t many i;i.k- I il-h olixei'ver to the foitcluxlon thai , j but It n I . I ' - are xtill oictallug to tlic I e.ixt of I'arix on a huge acale, but (without that Intpc Itiiwlty which char-i i iictcrUed the llrxt mouth of the war. Kiuiut:h darnaue alr-!i'ly baa bi-en In- ' tln t. il to give Ilie untaipitilxtK li w Ii. id .i. mie icxpi" ( for the hitting, povvi r ol eai h other. t liconlc Hi.-iii I utiuoliiiiemeii ile- clarc lhat th. Herillanx h.'lVj been I iiiimii b.ok 3D lo 4 V nn b'-i from lin line tiev had nai In. I to the eaxt of' l'.inx, but no in. I., ii i. .ii la giv en of the brcaaillg of the powerful imtlle array whiih x"cil throiiith Hi li; lam I .,,! northern l-'ra-ice. i I. ei hn aiimila rcin.-.l In lore I Ha force have c it .ok of the al- lie out llo- in.uil.-i-i have loeli xl I enm .li tied by Hie allival of flexh ltoo.x Iroiu iteiiMiim und they may I. Millie the of. nsive. The allie al.-o are xaol to be i rciuiiltiu for Herman rciniorccmciiiK by .luinitmH tip re serves. A Fie-ich offer. Ik not unexpect ed bv military inner. h. a the French line oci upy Kfoiiiiil ha linen Hard tor inariv yea I for ina iieuv cr; t ColixciiUenlW . the I'ren. h The,., an repi rted I lor . 1-n in i Tin- i j 1 1 'i . , lllcil e h h.iti'iii.n or evciy im h ix known l" .Hi. -eta 1 nil . .1 1 ions I I. Il!l Of : .In l.i are al'l'iiii n:l ii lo r be. icc.iilsc the o re Ihnt Ilie lie Auxiriati ev.llluerateil. bave allereil aun' of el-Aiixtri.-in anil Governor on Way to San Juan County Fair Is Forced to Abandon Speaking Trip; Condition Not Alarming. Hin a Fe. V M . .--ept. II. Coventor . II. .im t". Mclmn. ild. en li.ulc lo AxU-c. N. M., to IIII U Ni'i'iikiiiK ilale. waa al'Kcil Willi a scvir-.. cold in liiiraiiKo, I'ol or.iil.i. und had to cancel hi en gagement. In lloxiilutl al Huruiigii. liaianx... I'olo, Mept. II. Hi.veriior Will lain ', M I'oiisbl of New .Mcxl.o, wIiowhs taken ill eHelll..v an. I foiled to a n'l'.iiiiii lour, waa rcpor ed lll.ptov.d loil.iy. llo waa taken to a al I'lir.iiu... Mr. and Mi,. M, I io,..iiil ,laii to l, nun home an aooti aa Ihe g.iveliiol is uole lo travel. oi in in I. ii were l.iuiol to lie un ' t xj.ei i .- 1 1 xir.iuit. i i in I to :.isi rriixHia front neither i ( onllniira on rugc Two.) j :aginnataln ill in! 1,1 UUiiALU ILL Ifj HOSPITAL UT HUGO trcop of Uncle Sam'i cavalry will be right Uf-.c-nm trt AlhunuprnUft i during the fair. j THE KVF.xmn Timt,! Vol.. I. Ml. Ml. Good TURK MUST TAKE NO PART IN WAR Rumania, Greece and Bul garia in Alliance to Make Ottoman Empire Keep Hands Off. att TTffATV TJVT ATTfilvT! SMASHED AT A STROKE n . . . . . Rustem Bey Explains to Sec- retary Bryan Mecning of Drastic Diplomatic Surgi cal Operation. Washington. Mil. 11 lrrd dent Wllxon liHlay at-ktil Mti-rt-Inry lu-yaii lo call the llitillon of tin' Turk Ml iiilittxeador A. Itu-lcm icj, in rc'cnt -siatcmciitx atirlbiiicd l.i lilni In tlH ncia-IH'i-. und to linpilrn If llicy wnro uuiIhi! IjciI. Ijtiidon, Mpl. II (-.'It a. m.) Tclcgrtipliiiig I com llotni', a 1 1 rri-poiidcut of llM' llully Tidc grapli il.i lani. lie liu kurixil Iroiu dlpbuiuitlc wiiim no tlMt Itu inniiiii, and Itnlguria liatt. signed an aun cmcnt wlilcli timy Ih- a a rcol alliance, under I he Icrni of which the-"" llin-c imtlon-, engage to InU'rlcn MliciH'ier iiix-i-xxury In order to pievenl Turkcy'a aiding ticr nuiiiyaud Auxtna In Hm- inwut nr. If Turkey rcninina iwiiiral. l.iiHiur, Hmim Ihni' ainii tslll do tlic -nun-. It l n-HiHiil In Itotnc, Uh' iairn".oiidcii coiillu iich. thai lUrlin Iiuh Ihmxium' m- Klgned lo tin- Idea of Italia M- Iralll v. hill sIm la. diti-riniiM-il llml Italy kIiiiII at Icaxl nniaiii neutral until lha' end. Tt KkIMI Will Yhsm lit I X. IM.YINS MKIMM. Ill' AtTIO W axhmuton, Ccpl. 11. - The Turk lh ambassador. A. ltualein lley. n" plained in detail lo Secretary Hryail todav the m.'iinlng of TurktV sbro- gation of nl convention an. I iaillu I.iIioiih restricting the oteieigllly of i ihe porte. ; Thn iimbuaxuilor m ide i (hat j Aliu r i. an mixnlons and school would continue to hn protected by tt. .man law. ullhoi'gh American clt. Iran would loan then extra territor ial right In civil and Judicml i uses. The c.i iiiilatioli which ha been uh- rogii ih,- K.i.l Turk. In ti t u Aa 1. he said. Would not urtect lelice of the mission will' h en i ec on Mined revloiialy bv law. The ambassador said i ixi-iic a slateineiu Int.-r In a Tut kev ' ucllon I'm key notlfballon wa of n general char u ter without peclfi.nK palli, u'ar trealle. official!, had Hot been sure of lha extent of Die ac tion They were Inclined to belieie. however, lhat Ma the pn. ittl privi Icgca gtamed by Turkey w-rn woven In uioxt all of her imri'HiiK nt Ha nf fei I would be lo break off Turkey' Ircaly r Inlloii with the nnlirn world. That vlnw waa confirmed In Turkey' notllbniloiv that the otto man government had ndoptetl "a the haaia of It relation with other power (h generul pt inclplcs uf ln terinitii'liiil law." ofiiclula here believe that the ef fect of Turkey', action Will b a follow: American and other fornignnra who have had thn right of trial In civil und criminal can by their own ili.oiuulc und consular court nutr (CiauUuaml oa fag lltrvd.)