Newspaper Page Text
TWO THE EVENING HERALD, ALBUQUERQUE, N. M., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1914. BUY A Stewart Range r7i AND YOU WILL GET THE BEST YOUR MON EY CAN BUY. Stewart Ranges are made in many styles and dif ferent grades. You are sure ta find a "Stewart" at the price you can af ford to pay. Every "Stewart" is sold with a written guarantee. I PJIXTOIJ SAYS f DEMOCRATS X WILL II RAABE & MAUGER 115-117 North First St. mil niihjoct i-iiiit. lv to Mnin ' law. '1 i k m Hill l.p able l.i Increase or Inline Ill r ' itlllna duties without tin- i n m ii t of the powers. Aim tn aim iiml nt her fur-18 nor, wtin lnihcri-.n huve been txi mpt in. in i h (u mint of professional I. n in, can be required tu pay the im i. 'I In- n ucmim frecdnm of I'hiln-1,-ni, Mill not lie Inlet fi red with e ( 1. 1 Hi it tin- tux which Atohamme rile i.iipunes on nil who are not i-l that tJiih tuny rmw have to by i'hriiinn. If the Turkish K"V i mmi-iil en rtcsiroi. Mill. .nth ihe KtuluH or American niihMiMi.. anil Hi huuls arc niit i hiiiiKcd Iv 'luiki ' iii iinii, there was much liini lM-.i.i hl'tr 1IH (II I ho pUSSlblo I'l- 1. 1 1 on I In- iiii.-m'.niii I. a who Inn) i omo to look ttit ektra territorial iii-hiK an their chief fortification niTiiiiiHt ri-llKliiiiK oiiromuii. Whllo tin- nht of the mi.luna to cxlm Ii lint threatened. I. fill lulu wullld not niv J lint now how tar tholr security iii'.-ht In In Jiomrily. especially In view of a puanlhln outbreak of him- tllllll'S. .Many Amcrlcnnn, especially tho Ji' in I'nlcnllne, who have inhorlti'il linlltn of Amorli'lill citlaonshlp liV living ill what In know ii ua tho inmmunitica of Turkey, will mil ho Bill,, tu liestow tho righta i I Ann it. an cilixoniihli to tholr ihll In n Imrii In ihnMo cumiiiunltioa. 'I'lio in Hon of Turkey will not nf fo I Kglpt, l.ccorilillg In ofllrlllln, ua liini i nutnry, hIiioo Ih"1, has onjoyoil llio Iii:hl In inaki- separate cummcr i mi treaties with Ii.ri imi gnvtrn- llli'lllH. in I'lHin n nit i i. or oi n MIIV. tlMMl IHMI n W ihhihKlon, Kept. 1 1 . I'l-ofiili-iil Wilson imlav mm a iei muiiil Jotlor in Si i ri-t.i t y lli jan, iir-kiiii; tlint iho uiti-iiti..ii nl Ihi- Turkish ambassador, A. I;hM. in Hoy, tin ciilloil lit the in-sn, hi xi i-ni di.itomi nl u iho people i.i iho lulled Si.iio on the Mil. Jill of iii-ut i a I it . I'iiI.1iIii-iI re I'niiH that I ho recall of Ihi nmhneaii- 'lot hum lo lio Itl-kcd hcialiso of It it- to. oiii statements wi-ro reined at the W Into limine ii nil tho statu tit-purl-mi nl. IlltkIVS M I lltM.II Y NOT lUt mtl.i:, mYK IMItTK W'.mhlnKton, rapt. II. Tho Her man ciiiliiiaiy 1 1 id. iv roi'olvi-il I he fnl loii m mon.niKo from Ilorlln: "Tho ihr.K otilento poworii, Hpiro li- iiilltiif Turkoy'ii Inlot venllnti In fn i it nl Hei many uiiil Aiinrlu, ox-.-iei In Turkey ihoir reHilllioHi, to i i.iihoiiI in iho uliolltiiin ot tiiillula In iik In i iiho of Turkey j nouuulliy iIiii iiik I In- iirotont w-nr. "Turkoy loplien Unit her noiilrnl H wan mil in bo .ue,-iit-oil, Hml. H iwuiir iho I'oiimniuenioa from tho Iml il l.-ll lull of tho t-ntollln uimIi'Iihia I. i.'. at nnc e iMhuoit irudi-K revnkltiK" tllo i i.ll ulalli.Il." I'ho Iml hni nil miitM nf lion ami .... . L ... .... ..n- .i w ii ii v. imi vriin r..iti I. -I ko.'.hhI. Homo hoy, thiii i n.i.ii M u.invlllo. A. l iilirii.iiii. the lualiu tuner, In 1'i Iho oily. I' 3111. Just Received A new shipment of pil lows of a special down and pure feathers. They are perfectly sanitary nud made especially for Strong Bros. P j ices from $1.50 to $4.50. The lest in town for the money. THE WAR ATSEA Hi it. II 11)11 ii. in i , dieimli-h reielvoil hero from KIiikii tiui. Janialcii. nuyn thai tin- llainlnii k. Aineimin IHio Hiaiii,r 1,1 thiinla h.m lee ii towed Hiln Iho ln.rlmr Iheie n a .ili- l.y u IIiiIImIi i iuiki-i. .h.- ha" on liniild 4 Ho liorniaitH whn haw neon lakori prUmieiii. Tho lleihaiila lofi (lennn July ami Ti m i ill.- Aimimi 3 l..r iho ' 1 1. am .if .Xi.uih Amerli'a. She Ik ft nu-anii r nl 4.m; i hum CI IIMW l l,l:iT III lOI!TI II III -SV l TIIK HXl.Tir llorlill IVi.l (n.ellllJ(IO nut l.nll- oii, ii ii, ,. m., Sept. 11.) Tho Her man Hoot h ihIIvo In tJio llallii-. It In roporleil lo have Invaded even :h lulf of llntliliiH, whi-r i ittptuird uml hi nk a ItuMKian menhuiit nto .r.i. or, Ihn I'leahorx. Thin iMiel .m In Ftnnlnh wtitet In i-llier wnriin .lehiiul Hie hairier formed by tho Alan Inlamln. which hud hoen eiinnldorod Impimnulilv fnt the non fun-on of (lerniatiy. A Herman lorpedu boiil nliipped tnc I'lialmrx uii-l took oft tu,- now und pal M-llKem, Ill. luillliK 3j ellgllHhlll-M. fl-.c then opened lire on tin., ctealin-r mm Ii mink In live mlnulen. Tho I'.m- i.m-l" uml i-w won- lirmittln to I li Miian furl. In rr i lllxoun of Inn ill enlilili ion lire Ih-Iiik Inlorned an p rii lllllilk of 1l:l.l.K M't MIT OP HIM I K or ciikw or ot-i-:m I. .ill, Intl. Kept. i 1H n. Ill.-e ('a 1 1 ii Armour of the A lii-n.n iriiuhr illiimvll I. ild the fnllimin uli ry of IiIh roni iii- of the orow of the Wiiito liner Oi-eanie to the Anoi. ili-i-n eiirrt-Hpomlf nt of I lie Central Newn; . "Il wax mUly and Very dark Tinn lay iiinriiiiiK off tho -inrlh hi.ihI nl H ml, in, when our ntteiitlnn wan Rt roHted, on our hiimoriiiid way hy tin I x of dinirenn In the ilm- tmn of tho I'llUMt. "Il reiiiiroil nklliful noamun-hii whli h would have been Inipiiwuliie to ll laitier linnl Ilia n inirn In m in the 1' nriir enoiiKh to dimovt-r the Oi-eunlo o'l the rorka. "Klnally, after a Ionic anil hard ntruiiKln in the nanty ma, we otirnehon iiliiiiknldo. Unpen ami Ind ue ri. wer Inwirod over Iho mile the liner, Unwn whu-h tho erew ji'nirtililnl ami tumbled tu Iho dot k of our bout. "l-i a nlmrt time prin ili ally every Ii V :i I la III.. Ilu h ol our Hpai-e wan oe-iiipii-.l hy men from Iho Mm boat. W.. not 4 'Hi of thorn and '.lion nie nned nfl wo eiiuid hold mi more mill imptud them ii-. a lancer ntojiin-r wlmh wu:i ntan.llnit oft In Ini- l tu rn lire, ulialile In lii-t any nearer With iit liorelf lunniiiK on the rm Kn of Una laiii rnlin i iiiu.1. 'After triinnlerrliirc our human Irelvhl e returned . j i i i k I v but mu in.iiiK u it .I i.n.k i, IT trir rema inner, who wore Himilarly I raimforreil jn the In the nltltlK. "The ren.'Uo Wan ntli nib-il wllh l.reat ra.k on uii i ant of lb., hmvy m i and ilaiknenn and the ilanKi-rnil-n i kn all ubi.ul. The . of lh. ' li-i anl- .m lb i- lam In leave the Hln . . Ho paid un h uml tli.nikoil ii x warmly." Stronrr Bro 227D A2ID C0PPE2 3. L BOMB FOR SWILL .New Vnrk. Kp. Il.-v I'. Ijil.i.n, a iuMM-itKer aboard the Kreni'h nieamer FTumlre, whh h reaehi d lrt tinlny frmn Havre, cald that the Klein h gendarme un whne beat in Turin the Hint livrmuii I omb wi thiuwn from un neruitlaim reported ' the lin iilont to pollre ho' ilipiai Ii rn in tho InlluwIiiK rmuuiije: "liuiiil unknown in-run llin v nwlll in tho nin-i-l ronti.iry tu the order uf the pollre." Chairman of State Campaign j Committee Declares Fergus i son's Majority Will Break ! Record. EXPECTS MAJORITY IN LOWER HOUSE Committee Headquarters Are j Thoroughly Organized and Campaign Will Be Carried Into Every Precinct in the State. m "If there la any virtue In nlxna Ihe t loinui r un will carry New .Mexico in November by inaji.rltioa lib h will nl new rei ordn for till rlate," an id i hull iiiun J. II, I'axinn if the ntalo lieini i ri.tlc i ninpdlun cuintiilttee, thU afti iiinnn. Mr. I'axton In here fur a day with local 1 M-miu rft.b- leadera and rolurim to ho,id.iiarioi at funtu Ko thin eveniiiK. "orduiiirlly," an id Mr. I'axton, "It In neither fair nor ante In beiiln t" draw comlunliiiiH thm e.iriy In a (iilDpiiiKn. Hut tho tblo k tu-lt HlK ao Mmiixly to the lirmucraln that we cannot help feellnK nut only cuiifl- dent but certain of a nnb iKlnl auc- cenn. Kmce openlna; heudiUartora In Santa He I hao ohiiih i.ilu cltieor coiitaet with the penplo uf all nei IIiii.b ,,f the ntalo than ever iM-fure and I have found a pining turn nonllliient aiMiittii me i of all purtiea lu I 'iiiiKreanman Kerxiimtnn. The tin-purulU-lod unanimity wblc.i haa hoen given to the pulb Ii a and acta uf I'ri nbli-tit WIIhiiii la an airnng In New Mexloii ua It la everywhere l.i the I tilled Xtaten. In Ihe crlnln the pen pie n-Kiirilloiui of party pi-lltb-a huve tuinod with nlMHilute ronfidence to the proHiil.-nl, in whoae winiluni and aiinoriiy and imwer they have rum plcte faith. Thla renlntloaa wave "t (Mipiilur upiiruval temuVea all doubt of tho return of a liemocratlc eon Ki oeni ua nl rutin lu ita imijurity ua 'Ini preacnt one, und piulMibiy airungor. "Thoughtful people all nver New Moxii-n have noon thla t-uiiilitlun ami have ciini'luiled that ovon If aa alilf a man were i.T.-nil fur cmiKreH on the Itepublii-an ticket. It would he foiilinh to replace an experienced member of the majnrity wllh un In- i ii i ii-iii ,.i 1 1 1 1 1 1 . r 1 1 v member. Ainu the fact Hint ,,lr. KergUHnun hnn re mained rtrictly 'un tho Jub- ut Wuah iiiiiluii, when our penal. inn have boon pinking nut for private intereain. that bo haa left bin wn pullllcul Interootn lu care fur 1 lii-inm-h en while he did bin duty In uplinldiug tho hiimln of the prenblont. ban hn.l a nullceable liilliioiiio tipun neniiitioiil tuwaril him In the elate. "I believe nuch Influence aa the rroirrenei.e tb kot haa will he fuvor uble tu the lioniucrata. I knuw thai the head of the rrugrraaive ticket hna an earnent, conw-ientioua Uealre to tiroak duwn Iho old Hepiibllinii machine lu thla aiato and that he eiinalilora that of mure Importance than any peraonvl allowing he may he able to miike. "I believe, fur theae and other per. feolly g..uil rennuiin, that Mr. Herglia will have the greatent majority ever given a candidate In thla atate. Tho cuiidlilal.. fur tho cnrpi.ralinti ( iiiiitiiiKsiiiii. Mr. Illll, will run i lcae With the head of Ihe ticket. "An fur the Ii Kialutiire, I ran only nay that we hope In win a miijurilv In Iho houno. We believe the people ot Ihe gtute realixe thai nothing In the wa of riluiin uml liiipruvel rondl tluiia can be expected frutii a Hepub lican loglHlature. The l:e,ul.llan platform und Kcpubh.nn cundiduloa Ihua far named certainly offer nolbing. The Iioinia rttl tiominaled Ihua far are alrunu. i-leun uitn who will put public welfare und duly be fore every pnrtlnuii and political ob ject. Thoae In bo named we now kiinvv will iit'imure up in the nUn lard. Wo are guiiig tu make u hard, turnout, peranual cumpuign in every precinci in every i utility i the atate ami bolltve w will win a inujorlty In the hniifco." H3: Ank l:nuiiloii of (iHliill. I Auilin. Tex, Kept. II. The lnwr huilMo of lh niatii leginlalure adupte I a ri Mr. I ii t luii anking ilovernur CI-1 iinit lu exempt Irmn laxatlnn all -niton under the "buy u bale niuvcine-il" ut len nls por pound. Itepurla In dicaie Ubnul l.uuii bulea already have been purchased In Ti-Xaa. PRESIDENT VETOES BANK LAW AMENDMENT Wanhlnatun, Hepl. n. JTealdont Wilai n luiluy vetoed the hill lu raiau the limit uf Individual tleptiniu in pualul aavlnga bunka lo ll.onu be- au It coiilailied a proviainn re tealing a section or the hew bank law which ptovldea that funila in unt iie dipimlted only Willi tin in l. in uf the ledeial jeacrve k-U-in. Hank lw -meuliMflt aNuil. N .iiilllllgtmi, tJepl. 1. All utiiellil- ment tu the hang law p. running alale bunka and trual cniniuiiien wllh lupilal of $:", una und Iwi-nly per lent nurplun or mure to lanue fi di cur re toy under the Vreelaii.l tiuii, waa I'uaaed today In the aenate. lndlcnt u MiniMicr rapllal. WaHhliigtnli, 1 1 . i'rraiilent Wllmm Will leave Wanhillgtun lain thla ui'teriuHin In na-inl the week end ut Ihe aummer White l,,ue at r, N. II. lie -..,i, t,, roluri lu Waehlugtun rarly Tuenduy moiullig. Wanlilngtrin. hi l-l. II. Pronldenf riiitnure of Hra'i- haa t abled to I tenulent V(lnun a foply lu the Piuioni or Kmpernr William which (hinged that the ullloa hud been lining iluiii duin luilletn. The Kreiuli ptonideut declared In Ilia nienaage that Klnpcri.r William a alleuipllng to ahlft tho renpulinl blliiy fur the line nv Hoiiiiany of dum .1 mil bulletn, fiiai ii. ally el'ice Ihe out break uf the war. I'ronldelit I'uln. lire lined ninal vl nruiia teriiia In referring in Kin pom r William a nlHtom. him, nceuklng of them ua a calumny. He barged, moreover, thai the ineanago pf Ihe emperor waa. In Inn opinion, an ex cuse far the committing uf further utn.-i llicn by the liormana. Itenldont I'nlii. are Bwtured I'renl driit Wilnull that Kriince waa obaerv Inu Ihe rulen of iu.llod waifare on I puintcd n liMmermin vlulntinnn of Ihe name which he haul had been cum milted by lierniHiiy. GRAPHfG TALE (CouUnaed frutn rase On. of August Jl. It ia a letter from wrlght tmw aervltik' "a oap.ain of the reserve. Hut i.lay. "A Nation In Anna." la being given at the Herlln opera limine. I!e doscribea a mianlun on which he waa dmpali hod u geurch for ariiig In lielalun vlllaioa in which ahota hud la-en" lired by clviliona on tier man imnpn. Hi iiiatrucilons were tu auinmon the viilagera lo deliver up their anna und those In whoae nonaoaninn ul inn were fniind, after they declared thai they had nolle, woor to be Inataiiiiy allot. Iiencrlbing a vlmi tu Juiigbum-h, he nuyn that ut une hniiao were found an old man. u woman and a girl A 13. "Then a terrible thing happened. A aergeant and u private dragged young lellow out of the h-iuae. They hud found him hiding among tha ntraw in the loft. He had In hta hand a llolgian nlle loaded lth five cartridges. From the opening of tho root he may huve aimed it many an honest ilermun. The youth had tu put hia ha nils up. stammering and deadly pale he atood there. "Who la this youth?'' I aaked the old man. Aa If 'truck by lightning they nil three foil un their kneea walling. "The woman gmaned: 'He la my aon. For Hod's sake y hi are nut going to kill him.' and tli- Utile, girl subbed aa If her heart would break The primmer tried lit escape, but waa put up ugainai the wall by the men. "I had to picture to myaelf hy force the Herman patrula riding I brunch tho night with tho bulletn of treacherous suiiwra whintling round their helmets, in order to niantor my norvon In face of thin amruu und 'ul. lill my i.rilern. " 'He haa tu bo ahot. " 'Three men. Heady!' "The three men commanded, wh" were fathom uf families, two from Iterlin und niie it furini r. did nut turn n hail. Thin ia a- Jul luminous. We hud got a rut flan whn merited no compassion. Tha volley rang out Tho trembling rnllupned to the grnund and did nut imive again. "Three lin huli-a were vlnlble In the blue hluiiHo. The buy's eyes are cloned. Hia lace haa not rliaiiged l expression. Iieuth by our r?flo I" pa l n lens. " 'We ought to burn ll.o old man'. house over hia head,' aaid one of my men. , " 'Quick march,' I ordered. "The throe peasants lire still kneeling on the grnund. the corpne Ilea up ngnlnat the wall." (10 LULL 1(1 (Continued from Pajre One.) aide im-mi u have oeen able In hold Its punit lunn. There la imssiblllly, however, that Huaalu la awaMIng the1 sd Villi ut winter, which will frees the marshes. In lure making a serioua Hack il thin direction, normally huk about f.mi.iimi men along the F.uat rTusaian r and will duitblloas make a atubbutn aland there to pre vent the iijii tui.g of the moat direct road to lieiiin, Nikh rei'iirta the capture of the Austrian simughuld of Si-mlln. If thla la cunllrined It means that Hei grade is relieved from investment af ter alubbutnl) renlsiing an Austrian hnmbui'diiiciit since the bvitliiiiing of the war. The suppose, 1 . retirement of tha Germans Iluiii a portion uf the terri tory they uicupied 111 lieigium haa apparently b-d t tt-iiluUve t-fTorta ol the purf uf llclalao troopa tu anilln an niToni-lve inovrment from Ihei kiinng l.aae at Antwerp. GERLUnS LOST (CMIiuaiod trooa Ve One.) great dlaurder, leuvlng behind much war muteilul and all aorta of per sonal euulpmenia, their i trout ex; teinliiig us fur aa the fureat of Mor nia in northern France. "rieverul reur guard actluita oc- aiilled in roiiklderable loanoa to both aides and blinding up the lisnea of Ihe ilermnnn In lieigium to about bii.nnn. "From ihe llim-he rnuniry south ward In Ihe dire tb.n of Miiulietige inmiineruble nklrii'I'hi-s occurred from August 21 lu Augimt 29. At Hrny. Juat west of llinche, the French and F.nglmh wore repuleed by ihe Hermnna. The French rotrented to lionno I fpi-rntii, where after un nl her skirmish they fell 'Link thruiigh Mor bos, ialnt Mario and Merbea I.e. iiaioau, HI. an. I K.nglih retiring to Jeumolit nt the same time. "KliguKcmeiils in Iho vicinity of ttulsnlorre and Thuln constltuled (he moM determined reniatuiice uffored by the iilllea. After two tlaya' con tinuous aitlllery duel, -lieh swept the niirroiimliiig country and demol ished uiniunt every ntruiluie, the en Hre right wing of the itlltea with drew far lo the southward. Thla gave the Hermann an opportunity to nweop throiigh Itoauinuiil nud ap proach Maubeugo frmn the a.uilh. "Moanwhllo the other corpa had Rpprcnched .Maiiboiige from the, nurth, entirely Invent i,g ihe fnrtrenn ' Tho Kngllnh and French were, on Aiimmt KJ, driven acruaa Ihe Sombre river where, on ihe south bank of, ihe river on a thirty-mile front, fighting fimtimiod fur three days'' j The correnpnndent fits! aaw actual firing In the illrectlun of Maubeugo un August lift, when while pilfTa of, the Herman shrapnel cluudud the hnrlwin. Inn the frn ward movement ' of the Herman column was no fust thai when Ihe t-nrrerpiindont reached tho stone of the recent engagement th firing line had advanced fully Ion miles southward. An exienmve inm h aystom laid out by the French n runtry marked the French retreat. j "The Herman wounded, In nil rases, were Immediately cared 'nr. ( the ileml buried aa fuat aa the army cuntlniieil on the march, while the French dead were h ft unbiirled nml Ihe wotinded In aume rmpi remained on the battlefield fur three .tiny a be fore receiving attention. Large n -in bora of the French wuitndod were brought In to Moire aur 8a in bro fruiti th- Mil rounding woods, whither many had drugged themselves In escape, F.very con ceivable kind of boil. ling, nuch r ' Ihe chateau, s huolhoune and Inn. was uni-d aa R hnnpital and here the French w nun led were n, ,ii,-il tho aume tare us Hie (".oriiini wuumleil. "A largo pmpurtiun of the French wounded died from lack of prompt und lung expnatirc Hi the open without fund or drink. No cases were observed whore French medical men were left behind to take care of tholr wnundd. The Herman medical corps waa fully occitplrl wllh the treatment or Ita own wound ed and waa hastened onward by H e forced man lies ir extraordinary apeed and duration made by the Her mann "The French dead In u!'. nut In of conveyances were a cummun sight, and siuures and cemeteries, with un. fttilnhed graves, gave mute evidence of a hurried French rot real. "Dove-shaped noroplaiio whirled cotiMiu.tly uver the cuunlty and tsr-! cunlunnlly one saw French uvlalura far enough aloft to be nut of range of the special Herman guns ill-signed fur the destruction uf ulr craft. "I e' a duel bet veon Flench nml Herman machines, built uf which wore tllnablod In a hard buttle. Alter careening dnwnward In giant rln lea the two machines plunMi-il tn the earth almost aide by side and were completely shattered, and Ihe uvl alura were instantly killed. Whllo aloft both and their annintantn kept up a lively exchange of rcvnlvi-r shuts which at first were Ineffectual and then simiiltaneounly. Judging by tho dlntiirbed equilibrium of the ma chinos, they reached their marks After vain effnrtu by the irn tn regain cmitrnl, both mai hluea fell tu Ihe earth like iin ti nrn." A WARTBWE 1 I 5 lbs all sound Tomatoes . . Jv II Ihe. uf all Mtninil IVactic t.- IU list, fum-y oloradu IVMniinrw. . .3.V 3 lbs, iib c slat' HMtt lsalH's , . . J.V IU lbs. of all miuhiI ('nuking Aiiples iac glMNl S4J41 ( UlllultHIIM-S Il' lloiiMt llumii f-:gUM 4im kail IXVIi f-gs .itk' l' ('rfanu-ry IIiiIIit am- ISt-s4 (iiutli llnncy th- Nov 4 Ml Mcul fui' rw llio kwlioat IliNgr, t for . . . ,r lot rf (Hstii Kani hvrnp, small t an iim- karo hirup, t, gallon can ..sat- krn Sriii, 1 galloii can 5nc ' iet Our l"rlcri on I1ir. II list, fslie Hllgar SI.4MI IS ll. Itett Kiigar tl lni Iknstti aluMin I ruit Jars, pluis...Oc I hist ll Mumiii fruit Jura, quurl. . 7ilc loii n .Maaoii I run Jar. I, gu. .un I iltHK'n iMtnt Jetly 4.latcs Hoc II bars of White Soap g.v N Istr. ur .mMtur'a I JglillioUMt. . g.v I M'wi'il 'iiH' ItrtHinis 4iM' Heavy Tie um- with Knaps. ... JiH1 liuggy lil. . lite. t.v . 2i ami ,mh' lion's al .VI kahkl I'anin SI.IMI MtHi'a JMar Work hiiirta Hh- Mill's Tat' lire Klilri Mm- alt'n'a $1.7.1 Hats $1.2. Mrn'a nictlliuii weight t'micrwear 2.V Men's $211 All W in4 Hulls $I..MI IKiyn' IM All Wiacal Hulls $1.50 llos' (ms-mI KtliiMd Kuils. ti.otl ami up oV fr ektml Khttrw IM ami SJ.lHi We aie cUsJiig out all lluslrr HrouB, (aU-ln Oxfords at i, iriv. 4 .it our irb-o-t in t'omftsrts ami lUankcta; MiiMi'kitl tills wrvk. -at- DOLDE'S "Yoar Dollar Bays More" IHwsjmi !. f I0-3U South Sctiiul f. Ai.ii inHtun uixivtmj). Ufla.ll ILIIIlll-t I f , f "j;L .. . ! ts.-t.sil i 3 r i V rnl d ViUlU UUI J "LOf ilk.i'Lrj 311 Jin 3 1 An Exceptional Op portunity Beginning Saturday, Sept. 12th In spite of the talk ft bout higher prices, etc., we are offering our customers begin ing Saturday a substantial reduction on six different lots of ' i)w Wool Dre Goods Remember our newest Patterns in Fall Eres: Goods, are included in this sale -You will find Serge3, Broadcloth, Gaba dines. Poplins, Roman Stripes, Plaids, Eponges, Checks and many other mater iah " - - Values to $1.00, J t Special at, yard I wlLf i Values 1 3 $2.00, (Tf 4f at, yard 3 Values to $3.50, f at. yard $L,mOj Values to $1.50, jA at, yard 0 jt Values to $2.50, C ftfl at. yard 1.0" Values to $1.50, C) flQ at, ya.d ."(J SEE WINDOWS Saturday Only Ladies hose told regularly for G5c, our price 50c. Special Saturday only, Septem ber 12, pair n ifKZfhnilM til Where Quality Heels Price