Newspaper Page Text
TIIE EVENING HERALD, ALBUQUERQUE. N. M.. FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 11. 1914. THREE ,. ir..--" i . i i Solitaire Quality Economy I " VI' THE MURCY Any ruovI rook know the bttt of fixxl it mad better by a littla seasoning. Hut proper euon ing it nmre of an art than mot houMrwive think. It require the hichrst quality of pice freshly ground and ex tracta with all their original full ,;th,a?e and flavor to pen- edaie the food. Analyst hat proven Moreyi Solitaire hiuh in quality, flavor and strength. 'I hey are economical and "77 le.rf th Crww Van ihtUvvr" ttrf art ftvt mtmhtri tf tht Stliiiiire family, L.lttf, Tta, l.miup, Ramm, Pratt! Hmitr, Hiii, Sta ..(, Guiff Juki, (Hun, Ohn (hi, Prfiintrt, AlufU Simp, III., tmit mil ftruliu iHH.t.l JruiU mnj 'fgrlitU.I. THE MURCY MERCANTILE CO. Prnver M0RJ5YS;:-; mimm L i: ' L 1 I - ' t , I lii DEPiOCRATS OPEII CAMPAIGN WITH ft WHOOP Horniillltli county l-emm-rul. will make tin lr convention on Thurluy iiIhM, September 1 7th. the opening lima meeting of l lie (nil campaign The convention la fur the nomination nt three c unriltlalca fur (lie slate li g islature. Iiut ll la (li"'H(l that the iniivt ntlun tut.I it.-na will !,. Unnttli eil with i-l'ilil n:nl I Mr i .:1k il the evening oiin c Utvuti'il '.n thr tn r hr ol a number ( l iii"i lo Ktiim li'mlem hi he tnUrct In VltiitUinn lu nt'etid. i t fn.r M pfinalil will make the oienll. B'ldn R tiluinK the rout en. (Inn pt'tH'eetllniC!'. The Kern"t lepted an t :iv it u t lori Imrn ('oiitity t'hiiirmnn l.ini! A. M Itue m vcrnl, iipn. fei relnry Anliiln l.u nlau will enk. ami Aih'ldi I'. Hill, the 1 leiiiiit-riil te tumlithite lr t he p'.ute inrpomtlipii mnniiKfion wilt he on the pri'iiraiu. Ml. Hill luhf nil- Urdu t liio I'"moiriitt' n I u t men- tuiii la hla only public iii'enrn e hero iinil hla ai .ir.uu e 1'r'nr. an Allui(ierftio iiuillent'v will he it eil with Intrreiil. The I leiniKitila have mule plana I for a viKruua campaign In every pre- iliut In tho fount) and with the ter- tiilmy fit in uwi helming tnujoiit fur I'liiigreFaman Kerguaaoti In Alhu iUeri' the prunpeita fT ur ena In the county with huth the atate ami lealaliitive in aeta ur? cunanlereU bright. Prlmiiriea fr the inu ity vnuventhifi will he held Monday evening, the 14ih at S oVIm a r-ir preruii t t S at the New Mexli tl Alhletlc I lull. Ill 1,1.1 old Maauiili temple, and for preinfl i In the Ontrnl achol hulhllng ut Third and I .end avenue WILL GEUEl BLISS HAS ORDERED TROOPS TO ALBUQUERQUE OCTOBER S ARGAM batoMI tj-r BWi-i-sir. w a xmt tV4.VAU,u Department Commander Ex wets to Visit City About Stptember 20th to Arrange for Visit of Cavalrymen. ASSURANCE OF TROOrS CHEERS FAIR MANAGERS Galusha Has Letter Advising of Orders for Practice March from Fort Wingate to Albuquerque. Owing to the fact that oar loans have been heavy, ard business unusually quiet during the past few months, we have a large amount of capital tied up in UN REDEEMED FLEDGES on which we want to realize. Our stocks consiits mainly of DIAMONDS. RINGS, STUDS. BROOCHES. LAVALIERE3, SCARF FINS, ETC., of all sizes and prices; WATCHES in all makes and grades, solid gold and gold filled; Gold Rings, Fins, Cuff Links, and all manner of thingj pertaining to a Jewelry stock. The goods in our window have always been VERY CONSERVATIVELY MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. Nearly all of our goods, especially watches and diamonds, have been left with us as SECURITY FOR LOANS and very conserva tive loans at that, so that we are AT ALL TIMES abl: to UNDERSELL ALL COMPETITORS; but just now we are going to OUTDO OURSELVES. FIRST ENTERTAINMENT IN NEW HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM TONIGHT The tlrt enlei laijiineiit lo he giv en in A lliti'iueriiiie'a new l.atli settool auditorium will h. pnaeiiied lotiiKhl In the pretty iiperetti. iloldenhalr and the Three Hear," a children' pinna h ihililnii. tinder the ilt rrilii'ti of Mra. K. I.. Urndford. The dre n-heiirnjil lusi nllit i-liowid the entile 'Ut In peircit tl.iinllli! ter i k tv patt met Innnre an rntertiiln- DON CAKY SIGNS 115 S. Third i 21 mint :t the flrat merit. Mr. Hra2 find. hiae akill in hanillmg tblld mnaieliitia ha heen demiii rated aiveial orr.lona In aimilar enter tallllliellla, tlU lieen IIJllMllg the "I ioldetihulr" t aatv for kevrrnl iiioinh mid It ptoniim-n tu ha in every way thi1 nmal HtKeeanlul nf her ertorta. The entertiilnnient la a ht-n-ellt under the nuxphea ut the t'ureiit Teai hera' us"'" latu.n and the heal Juvenile talent In the illy will take pait. Muaie wilt h furnmhed l.y the high a. hoi. I on lu al ra and the c aale liuludea l.dwln Ludea, lionald Wilaon and I'hivter I'artw right aa the Three Learn; t.rui'o Mortg, llorteuau Mwlta- er un Urat e l.ougti llow 'n promi nent puna, and Mr. Hen 1'uryear. who will play the role i.f the child ilevotirlng ngro. The Operettl la II I led with hi IK lit luuale, Mtlriitttve itunee and with a thaimlag atag. aeiuug pioimxea a deliKhtful enteiialntneiil I. title Miaa llginia U llllameoii will aplx'ar In iet laity numlirra, add ing ni ili rlally lo lliu alreiiMlh of the plog ram. . 114 W. Central 0pp. Hotel Combs S Huf.if.ilflu III PREPARATION FOB JOSH During September ll 'C Reduction ON ALL FANCY VAIEHCIA SHERIFF COMES AFTER MAN The loral pullif; t"d.l; turneil over to Sheriff J.i riitnlllo, nf Va'encU rouni y, J. It. Hylveater, whn la aeiua i il er having f illed In pay a hoard hill hy Mra. J. V, Kuni ul llidrti. .Vvlveater lime tu town yeatelday. The polne had him under nnrveil lu:ie, hut mude no tu aiient nn'll it waa tataliliahed that a wai ruril wad out tor him. iittnef Kd I'onohue m. 'e lUn arriat laat nigiX. FILUNO HOLES IN GOLD AVENUE ALLEY The atrrei deiHrtment today hegim fit! inn In the ulley f i tinld llVeniP next In Albert Kaher'a place nf lilla ine. ( ouniil reiently put a iheK to a plan for permanent paving for the alley. 0. R. E. PLANNING DANCE TO BE HELD SEPT. 16TH I'lana ure heing laid by the i rder of It'idway Kniplnvt-ii for a di ne to be held al Woodmen a hall, t'enlial avenue. The event will lake plu e St plelll.ier ltth. V. V. Moore la i hail man of the enmmiitee in i harge. S T BUG In ireparution for the ru.di that i expeeled when the readjual men: ' enmmi'reiiil iondltiona iin.w.Med h he r la at eii'tipllahi d, the Santa Fa ahopa here ale wnirtina ateadtl.v. Thr lone puta In full tin huiir even on Salurduya. Keeenlly l.iere waa a aliii'kemng of work. While In ihe eity the other night. Manager K. t". Kng m.ide the atulement that Al.iiiiin liie waa lucky to have Ihe ahopH at thia lime. It waa fe lunate, he aaul, thai the Kniita Ke had the money eel aanle for exianaloi of the plant and for t.iu wotii that waa lulled for at lhi time. Keveral iveeka ago, alter a cuiiler- eiic a of funt a re heada In thia id llefore ihe Siith of the month tielieral Tnaker H. Unas, department mmmiimler, la exe t d In thia til X to miik final urtau wi ini nta for the. preai ni e of u lrai of cavalrymen in i Alliii'iiiergue during Ihe tittle fair.! iictoiier i lo lu. Ix puiy l ulled, Marahal J. II. fiulu.ihn.l through whoau effuila ileneral Hli'j Intereai In the atate fair waa arouaed, rcielved u litter from the general, iIiim morning, in whuli hu aanl hi hoped lo get here not later than the :iii. j lieiii rul riliaa will be met by a del- ra ition from the I oinmi ri lal rluh, ; w hoae gueat he will be while In the Mly. The e I ub iiflb lula hope that the general may have aoineibing en-1 loiiraging to aay about the poaalbll-j llv ol an ..rmy pot being eal.ibliahed near the illy. In hla letter t" Mr. liuluahu. lien- I . eial Ultai wrola that the commander j - . at Ko-t Wlngiito hail been told to, Patrick Wulah. head of the bag hold a iroop in reudineaa for nrdera gagemen of Ihe llakeralleld dlvlaion lor u practice mun h to Albuiurriue of the Kanta re. waa a paaaenger on which will bring them here al the' No. 3 thia afternoon on hla way eaat. beginiiliig of tne fuir. Only an entirely unexpected turn in eventa can now aerve to keep the c.nuli.vinen Irom taking part In thn fan. They will be one "I ihe moat apeciai ii l.i r addition to ihe program of enierlainnieur ."t oniy will the men drill and exhibit the feata of dareilc vlltrv that iltatiuguiali the cell taura of t'ncle fain a army, but the olllcera will ahow off their trick in. ,u ii i n. K troop, Twelfth cavalry, which la Ihe organisation to appear h"re, la one uf the crack command of the eriny. Oltlcer and men are noted for their hoiaemunahip and daring. No Reasonable Offer for a Diamond or a Watch will be Refused Look elsewhere, price the goods you want, tnen permit us to show you HOW MUCH WE CAN SAVE YOU. This is straight business. A Written Guarantee with each article purchased if desired H. YANOW 0pp. Hotel Combs i (Continued from rage One.) right bunk or the urci. "The lighting here baa lVn of a peculiarly deapernle character, writ- h la ahow n by the fact thai of lo ataniliirda captured, one. that of the Thltiy-Hixth Infantry regiment of Magdeburg, waa torn from the hands of ita bearer by a Krenih Inluntry i rcaervlat. Many .IIhiiIictcH leiile Have lleeit "The French, however, tailed m WltneaMK. I along the iurii. while Week after Week Ill's been hub- have croaaeil the Marne SI MMINti I I' TDK t VlDKNt IC the leallmony of Alouiiieriiie In i pie kidney aufferera backache Mttiuia people who have cridiireit and a general Inxpettlnn of ihe Horknmny forma of kidney, bladder or of aho exi.analon ua far a It b .d i u, irary diaordera. Theio witneaaea gone then, it waa announced ibat eon ilitiona brought about by the war would not affei-t the enlargement ol the abol'a In any degree. Aa a mat ter i f tact, the original plana were added o, notably In Ihe caae ol t ie new atcrchoiiae, which la In have im inenae plut forma of a nun ll greater alxe than ul hint diaigued. .ARROW ESCAPE FOR E ALBUQUERQUE S DOGCATCRER tucked hy our trimpf. We progreaaed allghlly. "The fort tlcmeourt In tho Meuae waa attacked by Ihe Hermann. 'HliglU progrcaa wua mud" on the road to Chateau Halloa in Lorraine, by the aixth let m.iiiy nrmy in the ton al of I 'hampenolx. I'm I nf I hut advance waa pad. "Aa for M.iubeuge we have no of ficial confirmation of Ita having been taken. The garriaon wua not hall what Herman agem iea aay." l.l inllW 4 I.AMIS TO HOI. II OWN lll.ltllli: I'Altls W. lablniitoll. Sept. II. The tier- man embaaay today received the wireleiw from Herlin: "lleuibtmirtcra on Thuradiiy In lt III at uflb'ial report auya that in a fol advunce of alrolig boat 1 1 eoliinina il repoited. The i liemy failed to nir aue. Hendiiuurtera alao reporta fight ing weal of Verdun and on the eual ern ai een of wur. "Vienna reporta that the Auatrinti have iiaauined the olfeiialve in Ihn region of I.emlMig Thia mnrka Ihe aeennd atage of a nlne-ciay battle In which tiii.lMMi inr.iniiv. t.oiiu caval ry, m. i bine gnua ami I'.uiiu Held guiiH were engaged on the Itua eiun aide. "on fun. lay night Ihe A Haitian unnihiluted the enure Servian Ttmok clivialoii near Mltrowilxa. The mili tary attachea of the netilial powera with the licrmun troopa utnilally aliile that the enemies of liiromby ure uaing diioi iluin biillela. "The vntiKiiurd of Ihe right wing or the irrniiin troopa advancing over GRAUSE SAGE TEA Here'a tiramlinotlM'a Itei lie let liHiken and lieaiitlly I'aik'cl llalr. 1 Ptedell The Live Clothier Thai beaut'iful, even allude of dark. Kloaay hair can only be had by brew ing a mixture nf rUge Tea and Hul Ibur. Your hair ia your charm. U uiukca or niara I lis face. When II f, i ilea, turna graj, at nuked and look dry, wlaiyy and a raggly, Juat an ap plication or two of rUne and Sulphur enhaiuea Itg appearance a hundred lol.l. lton't but hi r to prepare the lonli: you can ge Irom any drug a'oie a cent bottle of "Wyeth'a Huge and Mul pliur Hair Itelliedy," ready to Uae. Thia can alwaya he depended upon to tiring bucg the natural color, Ihn k neaa and luairo of your hair olid re mnvi ilandiuff, atop at-alu Itching and lulling hair. Kverybody uaii "Wyeth'a hiuge and Sulphur becaUae It darkriia ao tiidlly and evenly that no nod y call lell it haa heen applied. Yuu ainiply dampen u ponge or auft bi uah w itn it and draw Ihl thrnugh the hull, taking one amall atrand at a time, hy nmr'ilug the gray hair haa dtaap- I peun-d.- anil after another api'ltcallon 111 beiomea beautitiilly dark and ap pear Sloaay, luatroug and abundant. Mic waa a al iit. determined look ing woman, and ahe came into lily t'lerk Hughea' oltlce like a aiiniu Melle gienudler. "I want a dog licenae," ahe an- noiiueeil. "Thul filthy dogi n(ch r j went by my place yeaterday and he looked ul my clog. it waa u good i thing for him lit- didn t lake it. 1 waa watc lung him from Ihe aide ot the window with a ahotgun. If he'd laid a hand on that dog I'd have oht him. "1 want a licenae. I want every-; thing regular and legal. 1 certainly w ill shoot that d. il key If In- la v a W linger on my d"g " hc got her licenae and went away, j apparently convinced thul ahe had J purchased a lcj.,1 right to ahoot ihe ring, atelier whenever ahe latches hurt hanging around her houae ' hive uaed I loan 'a Kidney nils. All hive given their enthualnatic appro val It's thn su no every where 30. Oi ll American men anil women aro ; '.'iilicly recommeiullng Imati'i al vv.iva in the home papers lan't It a wivicii rful, convincing ma km of proof? If you are a eufterer your verdict :nuat he "Try I oan a flrat.' Here'a one more AlhuquerUe eaae. Mra. J. Hall. 40'.t W. Iron Ave., Al bui,ieriue, auya: "One of my fam ily waa subject to attack of baek athe for aeveral months, hometlmea he wua laid up for a itty or two. I loan's Kidney Tills quickly ended thia trouble, and ahe linsn't had a algn of it during the puat aeveral yeurs. I have publicly recommended Iioun's Kidney fills befote and I can sav that 1 have, since used a few dimes of Dunn's Kidney I ' tiles myself. They have helped mo, too." Trice r,Uc. at all dealer. Iion't al.-nply ak for a kidney remedy get 1 loans Kidney Tills tl.e same that Mrs. Hull recommences. Koator-Mil-burn Co., Tropa., Huffalo, N Y. itanil firm the HHHah and driven the enemy a clintance of 11 miles. "Krom Ihe center news la meiiger but the French are uiidciftood to be progressing. " KVUTATIOX OK I.H. I'. HY .I-:H.M I'ONTIM i:s London. Sept. 11 ILTiil p. in.) A Central News diapat h from Home eiaya thai ele:rama from lierlln suite that the evacuation of I'pper Alsace hy the ileimana conttnueH. They are withdrawing lo firiiaehiii g uiul .Mel. It la aitinilt"d thai tile lieiinan army In Kliince la extremely fatigued, whereas the e nemy Is continuully re icivlng freah troopa. t.UtMXNH ri: 1 1 it I : o wivr i i. in 'its ti Antwerp, held. II ivi.i Loudon, I U.I p. m.) It ia oltli intly an nounced here today that the town ot Wtiereghem. in the IbUiati prov ince of Weat Hiundeia, was bomlinrd ei by the liermana yealcrday for thirty minulea. There were no cas ttultlea and only a tew ho'iaea welt i dcatro.v ed by the Herman lire. battle eaat of I'm la Ihe- ilermuna held the M.irnu river iialwurd from I'arla their own In h heavy two days' fight I were attacked hy auperlor f ori ea. bill nKiilnat auerior foreea a. tacking he- the attack Waa stoppeil. the Herman Iwi'en Mi'.iux. Moiilnuriff and from the illlcetlon of Talis. We iiliilured lllty Suiih nnd aeveral Ihoiiannd ptia oners. but retired the Hank when the vanguard hcinit taken back, Ihe eue mlea, however, not fullowlng. The Hermans cupiureit titty guna and ' eral thousand men." mm I ESQUIQEL TO MAKE! FOB BURNS SENATE SEAT Manta Ke. N'. M.. Kept. 1 1. lie-, pons from Itlo Arriba county tiaday tell of lively interest In thai, county la the tilling of the vacancy In the alula senate caused hy the reamna Hon of Senator Thomas I'. Hums. Telfeelu l:'Ull,i'l la ild lo be the probable ltepubllian nominee unci It Is understood that 1. II. C'ltst is being urged to make the race againai him. on the I'emoeiallc ticket. Ileneral belief here la that a strong liniio I'lalm caiiilidaie will be aole lo curry Ilia county and thua reduce the alainlpel inajonly In Ihe senate by one. Skinner's Grocery Colorado Elberta Peaches the best Peach this sea son, $1.00 a box. Michigan Concord grapes 40c a basket. Well bleached Celery. Eastern Sweet Potatoes, g Belleflower Apples, 1 pounds for 25c. The HERALD Want Adi get the best results. Crabapples, 4c a pound. J. A. Skinner 205 S. First St. Phones CO and 61. t.l ltMW MII.ITAItV l ltMtlt M I KS TMtl.l Y WITH WTWUtT I '.or ilea n x, riept. 1 tl:Sj p. m ) Advices received here from an au thoritative amine In Antwerp declare, that Field Marahal von eler Hollx. the Herman military governor of the I occupied portion of llelgtttm. ut- templed yesterday lo npen negotta I lions ul Antwerp. To this end he I Iniiile use of a member of Ihe He I i giun cabinet who hud ri'inained be hind at llruaaela. No Importance ' attached to Ihla effort and tho llel glan government ignored It t,l inil HOW TIIIM i: i i n vitni t i iibi , London, Sept. 11 I : 1 p. ml j Telegraphing from Copenhagen, the. correspondent of lleuler'a aava dis patches received there from lleHlll! announce that the general lieud'iuar- j ten or the Herman crown prince have been eatubliahed In u fortified p., anion lo the westward of Verdun, j T.irta of the crown prniee'a army ;have attacked foils south of Verdun I vvlii' h aince yealclduy haa been bnin j harried by heavy artillery by the (icrututiH. HtWII. Itr.TOItT M.K.IIT liIM LA-r Ml.llT Washington, Sept. II. Tim Kri'in ll embuaav today rcielved from llor deaui lh' following dtspali h dated September 11. but presumably writ ten laat nirbt "Today t o'i bii k let p. m. from Indlcaliona give n l.y the war depart ment) marked ndvanes against thu Herman right wins have been gained by our troops. To the tiotih of t ferte Sous Jouurie the Herman army was obliged to re. !" the Marnu and yeaterday night below a line formed by lh river I aid bin, and Mvay and Fire en TartUnuia Hie .Maine valley wua free from Herman t loops, ai -cot ding to reports by the Iniiah avi ation ecu pa. our troops at cham paign were forced hy the thud Her man army to retire to Houigai n and Salons, but part of what wu butt was regained. "The firth Herman army befoie Vuiui.ouil la lh Aijuung was at- 0) A Ml M km A 1 e, We are showing the best line of the best Blankets made, whether cotton, cotton and wool or all wool, our assortments are complete, our prices right. Camping Blankets from $3.50 to $7.00 Auto Robes from - $3.50 to $10.00 Crib Blankets from - 45c lo $1.50 Bath Robe Blankets from $2.50 to $3.50 Regular Bed Blankets Cotton from Cotton and Wool All Wool - - 1 90c lo $3.50 $4.00 to $7.50 $4.50 to $16.50 We will be pleased to show you the splendid line of Comforters and Pillows we carry Our windows give you an idea of the dependable line of merchandise we carry 1