Newspaper Page Text
four. THE EVENING HERALD, ALBUQUERQUE, K. II. t FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 11. 1914. TJie Evening Herald. I'Mnllshed lT TIIK KI.MU llrJttll), 1KC. fiKl.K H VA M.I A NT. MMtr H. n iii.NiN'J Mimr Publish)! vry Bftrnooa - rr'i HiiniUy, ( 124 North KmoihI tttreet, Albuquerque, N, M. Fnlned aerontl-rtssa tnattar I ho poMoftVa m Albii'iuerquo, N. J. . un.lor the Act ot March I, 1171. One month by mull or carrier. Ie On rpk by carrier Its On ymr hp mail or carrier In arlvanea lt.0 Telephone: Puslne OHIee, , , Editorial ltooma .If T tin: T Tr; i .m. ry UK Thiily-lotiilh n n nun I New I M l o fair will oixti Ihre mvkj fnmi Monduv.. with eviiv ,l..i..c. t that It will be firitT of the iimikI tf not tin- tnoMt suiiisstul on rii'TiI. t'ondilions I h r hi ik In m I .Vow Mexico tmvo lu i II -.t lomilly 'ri.n. ruu this year, tviii lull) mining livestock, grower and Imiiimih. mill this will bring to lio,,,i Unt iceuM to the t Xoslliort ; flint, hii unusually Imge utti niluni e . fid' r I hf imii huvc money lo swrnl noil arn glad of the oiM.riunlly for recretitlon and amiiscmrnt offered hy the fair; imd, second, It will rt-su't In a volutin) of exhibit which WW probably art a new record. Already addltioiiiil rihlhlt space hua been nuidc m i i jumry. Tlit dairy emtio di vision apiu'e hua been filled and mora tiiuit lip provided, and It ul I'fii i n that some really rxtinmve and Interesting t-xhtbils will ho made In n l the sections. Xo fair In the limtory of I be tnstl lntlon hua lnTn felven imh hearty and roth limnetic support by the niWHiairra of the state ai Iih thl one. Hardly an It ue of the weekly Plrs of the atale but contain some reference In the fair or aome enrour. ngement for It. Thla, beyond doubt, la due to the fai t that the fair ta no longer an Alhu'iuemua Institution but one In whlrh the whole atale nan a direct Intereat and in which every n i l Ion i part owner. More county and community full are being held thla year than ever before In Sow Moliii and from a majority of theso the pick of the exhibits will lie sent to .ltiu,iieriiie tilth thi-Hf t'licouruiotig toiullttons and the prospect of a record break ing attendance, II become AlbuiUer tie'a duty ua the hostess cliy to make every effort lo extend tho moat cor dial welcome to the visitors. Ilual iii wi hotmea and private homea can well iirfurd to be laviHh with their deeorationa. We should ke.-p In mind for the next three wceka that our city ia to be on dress parade and Inspection before representative of the iicuplH of every nook and corner of New Mexico, and that it behoove ua to put our bent foot foremost. Thu (ttate fair la valuable lo Albu Itieniue only lo the extent t hut the people who viail ua return to their hull satisfied and plcuacd. The fair c slung with II plan. Ita afiaira are well In hand. The amunernent program la one of the strongest in recent )ear and the exhiluta will tukc care ' themselves. , The only clement needed In coin pbte suivims umt h city lilled with ph-used Kin uti, ii the PI liualnslli pint of t o opcrallnn in decoration, in rin o'ji iiacmeiil In the fulr Uisplav fe.iturea and In welcoming our K ileum. Of II MIM ICAL PIHHHtTs. Till: value n( the mineral pro duction of the I'liiled Mate now reai he l.',ri'ii,ti(ni,liiiO u Though thl value fall fat below that of the country' farm product, the imiKiutude and scope iif i.Jr m'neril industry may be bent milium cd by comparing our own mineral pioduction with that of other coiintilea. no one of which cun com pel with in in abundunce and va riety of mineral resource The I'nit ed Hales mine pearly 40 per cent f the world a output of coal and produced til par rent nf the petrole um In 113. fif the more essential metal. 40 per cent of th world output of iron lire la 'aired from American mine, and the ameltera of the I'nlled .-Hates furniah the world with M per cent of It upper and at leant SO per t ent of ita cupper and alnc. Theso are the raw material on which ha lw-en founded a great inetalluigical Induktry, and on which tan be built much more txtenalvr chciiiKttl ani melul working Indua iriea. Th tnlil of production publmhed ta.i h er by the geological luiifi, no ea than 72 llema. Kor pr- at puriMute only reUllvaly aniall numlx-r nf lhr Item DeeiJ to le mentioned, and for runt anient Ihene may be grouped under three Miernl hcadin mlueial fuel, metal and miarellaneoii mineral. Ih Inxt heading Including principal ly elruUur.l Mtattricla, ftrtibsvnt and crude hemleala. In each off her group tiere are aevrral min eral which already enter hugely Into the win Id a commerce and their onniileration ia therefor pertinent In Hie preacnt illi uaaion. Tha ciull try re"re of certain of theer min eral are itri-ut enough In atunuluia Inner cnil and the interference with the Importation of other en fori e the lit It Inn t Inn of truervea a ct iclaiiw-ly iinlouched. t if a few other mineral product unfortunately the domeM!!' reaourren are Inada liiale. or at least undiw in ered, and ihe proldein they preent la one of exploralioii and thorough Inteatiga- t Kill, A glance nt the taliti' of min eral import atforda a mean of nine preheudlng in a broad way h-iw gieal and romplei Hi,. ak of attaining national Indepeintenc in tha mining, iiictnltiirKlc and chemical indualrlra ImhI ycur the Import of mineral prndiiM. both crude and m a nil fa lured, exceeded 1 JTO.Onil.dnii. if thl total proliably I :ii0.ii(hi.iiim( repre cut raw materlnl and rude met a In. Hi,, value of I hem. Import liein only per cent of the dumexlle out put. In tin lint of Import the Iiiik er item n lied in the order of value uie unmanufactured lopp- r. prei iuu atonea, nitrate of amli. topper ore and matte, nickel, tin. Iron ore, pig Iron mid aleel, petroleum product, manKauee re and alloy, platinum, aliimiiiiim. pyrlte, graphllo, atone, potanh and mngneelte. The geologital aurvey report ahow that thla country hua an abun dant aupply of thee mineral prod uct that are now Imported In large amount, ard a to them it can be independent of foieign counrtle. The only eaaentlal mineral of the Ural rank of which the l'nited State hu no known aupply at nil r immrnnur rte with Ita needa are nitrate, potaah all, tin, nickel and platinum, the Hat thu roniprllna two eenllnl mineral fertilixer and three very uef;i metal. I'roliably no other nation in the world ao nearly a- proachea abaolute Independence In reaped to mineral reaourrea. The export of roal from the Tnlt ed X'ate were 20,000, onn ton In 1)12 and Zl,00,n nna In 113. A government expert entlmate over fifteen Ihouaand billion tone of roal In eight now, with much Tiore to b developed. The export of petroleum ior m mat nacui year were over lloo.OOO.noa. The importa of pe troleum from Mexico lant year were 77.1.nio,oot) gallorut. valued at $15. loo.ono. WHO AUK THEY? SOME difference of opinion ap peara to exlt among Ilerna iiii.. i,. ,,..r iumy f-iunill UM a I" the personnel or the llepirldlean leg lalalfc ticket. It wna announced fidlowlng the eiire patched up at the elate convention In Han la Fe that the Huliliell wing would retuln It nominee na the county ticket. Theae were Jud te K. A. M.inn, Neator Mon toyu and I- eianchex. After the contending and partly harmomied faction returned home It wae atated that Mr. anchex wa In be uncercmonloualy dumped off the ticket and that Modevto Orti waa i he aubatituted; thla to meet the demand of Klfcgo lluia, Sheriff Itomero and Mr. Ortl himaeif. Later it wa rumored Hint Judge Mann had expreaaed a dlHlnclination to run ahould ortix be on the ticket, but that Sheriff llomero threatened to ki k over the trace if the Old AI btiiueruo lawyer (lid not get the place. Since Ortlx'g nomination la the only thing Sheriff itomero wb to rec.-n out of the "aettlemanl" ut Hunt a Fe. and aince ha gave up about everything he had politically, except hi county Job, which waa called down, it apptar tl-.ut hi demand for t irl i ha nine jinli e In It. In the meantime, and lacking any authoritative atatement from who ever ia in authority In the local He puhllcan rank, the public rcmalna in doubt and aom mild Iniereat ha been exhibited to know Jiint who the Itepubllcan Icglnlutlv no-ninee arc tu be. A Quarter-Century Ago X Today in New Mexico. X 4 frrom the Imiiy fiiiiin, September 11. im ) Pntatoe $173 a hundred at Cle land'a. The clubrooma al the Metropolitan have been re-oenrd and are under the maiKiKcment of J. W, Akvra, lormerly of Santa Ke. Clllaeng living on the oulaklrt ol the city are complaining of the firing ol deadly weapon. The weapon law ought lo be atrictly enforced. Sceiioi Sandotal find that lhl martyr biiNinea la a glittering grncr al.ty and that in a cane of drunk and illaordcily th tine i ut the aam a though he waa not a reunited atale man. On the lt of November Al Cole man and hi wife expect to leak for a Jong tilt in relailvea and friend III ItriiMieln, Itelaluni. Herald want dim . Usee $ fjmte $ COLOQ kJ hf Iha k J rw RViiil llddlo. raaia TI'ltKKT nnni.unce.t nil exiatlng i onventlona abrogated. It It not tin- tlritt time Tut key ha vlnlHted them. TIIK ONLY 1I FFFIt KM'K I that aha ha nrrt l iken the troiuile to an nounce the fait, heretofore. TIIK KAI.i:n aent word to the I nited Slate. Ihroiigh hia Mexican iimU imadnl , liel inu'iy w ill take I aria or die. Kngland ha enl word tiermuny mtiat be whipped be fore there can be peace. Tho Itua aian eteam roller rolla right along. TIIK til' MinK. II may be aaid, I the worat in hwtorv. 'K liKFt.MTi: reciilt of Ihe war I In it A nutria no longrr haa a goat. SUMK f.WIilOATKS are finding Milliliter in In.. Itepuliili an plittlorm. - O - TIIK Il-MKMIIi:nMr;XT of Au- ii la-lluilary promlHe to rewmble the dinaection ,f a thicken for im mediate coiiMumption. O It.MIIIIT SlltiWS are popular In Cerinanv, nnya a delayed new llrm. At preenl all the rabbit are In their holea. O ritA.VCE in 11)13 had .'.." J.V60 don key a. The 114 veiiaus will ahow a heavy falling off. a TIIK S AM Kll If AN correxpondent who were lintiriaoiied with a bunch of high t'xploeivea probably are con vert lo the aafety first hauit. WK KKl.T K1I1K from the Aral that there waa methlni behind that if; nid eulogy of the tier man army. O ltl:i'Llil.ICAN!4 are an ungrateful bum h. They are now trying to keep Mode, Ortix out of hi Juat and merited place on tho ticket. MfiliKSTli S party aervlro ha been long and faithful and up to thla time unrvwardad. AI.Sn ModcMto'a large fol lowing In tiie county demand recog nition for him. BO DOES MOfiKSTO. JI IxiK MANN ahould not be arbi trary. IN I'oMTIfH our bedfellow ia a eeondary conlderation. TIIK OK.YKHAI com'lualon drawn from Field Marahal Krenrh'a report la that any KmtllHhmao whu got out alive wa lucky. O- WE ARE KSPECIALLY encourag ed by the peace treaty with China. Sudden attack from tho Chincae Would le diaitatroua. TIIE KAISElt'H heart rruet be pretty well aupidlcd with blood If it bleed oer every town deatroyed a he aaid it did over Louvrain. at that u look, uke hi heart . ift.kiil.l ..nil..-. Klu ... , A HCIUNTIST announce that five drop of nicotine will kill u cat. Which ia one reaaon probably why cat do not i hew tobacco. IF THK O. o. I'. steam roller had been ua etllclent aa the HukmIhi nia- thlno thing might be diflerviil now. O I'NCI.E JOE CANNON haa come part of the way buck. Hut the dis tance still to go la a long ways lor u n old man. noOKft Sl'I.LI VAN may have been dlacrcUted among the better element of Illinois DemiM racy. Hut he aet-ma to hae atood ace high with the element that had the vote. WHAT wu the name of the party who wu going to get Murk Smith's Job? AND AIXl of the boy who Wa hunting Hunt? TIlKltK la no uae aaklng the land lord to fig over the front hall tnii fall. The European wall paper aup fly Is cut off. O IF IT'S MAItKED "mode in tier many" you know It's been In tock julte awhile. "IT wa a gloiiou.1 victory," The Ituiwlan cable aaid. "We rolled through Auetrai-Hungary And left them all stone dead." Rut plainly thla la error, for At least one has not died. He's the boy who sent the cable To advlae that Koasla lied. TRACTION COMPANY FILES REPORT WITH STATE COMMISSION Hants, Fe. N. M . Kept. II. The Al buiuertue Trattlon tomny' oitt clui report of its business aflalrs for the year Kll haa arrived at the of fice of the elate corporation tom mlNsluners in the rapitol and it i aid thai the commlaaioiiei are deep ly Interested In the figure given, li waa atated at the ohVe thla morning that the report would furniah "mue material for atudy." and that it would not be given to tha pre tud. Home time ago representative ot and tor th trai Hon company were ie. fore th atale hoard of r'ti.i:titlon which met In the aenaie t number at the capltol. They argued fur u gen eral reduction of the a.e-m, nt ot the traction company, alletmg tliat carrying paenger In A!buiieriiie waa a financial failure. It I Mid that the company haa maintained that It had no report available a lo its gen. eral buaiiiea affair m show eiacily tha loaa at which It hi llng operated, bill It app.-ar lb i there ar( report ow available allowing th exact roat of tue railway per mile, .down to CUIUS, TODAY'S LIVE NEWS OF SUNSHlfffi STATE VAUGHN 111 0 0 COURT GOOD ROADS Ut nnmnrn I Business Men Organize and Will Try Novel Scheme on First Wednesday of Each Month. VuiiKhn, N. M , ..pi lu The Vanillin i ' club re-nrg. mined on Septenibcr !th wil l one hundred memhfia, conltnig of the himlniH men and nearby tnnehmert. The i lull It, n. to be a permanent or, in ixatlnn. V. K. Jeflnea wu elected prealilent. I. M. Cin-au aecretary. and I. W. i l.u linaion imimirrr. October lid an deMitnati'd a good road day and I bere will be a large crowd m atieiiilanif, from all uruund thla sec tion of the country. 1). W. Totter, the flotorlul randi dnly for Oiindalun, Torrance atld Santa Fe roiintle, on the Democratic In ki t. wa called upon for a talk and reaponded In a very aide manner. He dtactiioifd at length Ihe neceiwlty ol grim) road and h'o praied the wo.'k row ;elng done In till linn under tfe prenent udminlvtratlon. The Com mercial club will at once alart work on tho roud from Vaiiaon to Anton Chico. ahull ) on the way to lis Veaa. All town in New Mexico are Invited In eenrf delegate and parll illuiie in the good runtia convention !o be held here on the llrl day of i n toher. IH 4lrbrle "VaiiKlin inr.M The bualncM men of Vaughn have agreed to ell nil good at cost price the flrt Wednesday In each month thl to be known a "Vauglin Day" and because of the abundant crop thla year In thla section of the coun try, the ranchmen and farmer all have plenty of money lo spend and large crowd arc expected here on that day from the surrounding coun try. FOR TEACHERS 'Keep Booming Convention at Albuquerque" Is Slogan I of President Hill of State ' Association. Himta Fe, N. M, Mcpt. II. "Keep booming the educational convention ut A!butif nine," la the slogan eiil Alvan N. White, elate ue. .ntetideiit of public limn uctioii, by C. '. Hill of KoHWelL. who a preaidtnt of the organlxiilion. Mr. Hill leuve funday for Atlantic (iiy. N. J., lo attend the national .invention of the aoverclgn urand lodge of the I. O. U. F. Mr. White announced tnduy that ten or more chairmen of varluu aec lion to be repreaonted ut the forth coming convention of the educator of thl stale in Alhuiiieru.ue In No vember have prepared tentative pro gram. Mr. White ia thairtuan of the Institute Wi-rkcr' section. He will preaid at Ihe sesalon of thi demitn.cnt and make a statement concerning limtitute work. He ha called for siigKentions on Institute Improvement fr-iu Mr. Nora Urum hack, KUperiniendent of the Helen achoola and prim lp of the Valencia county high bool. Superintendent J. H. Holer of the Tucuirtcurl achool ha been anked to aeak on "What Is liest in the inntltule for the Third tlrado Teacher .' ' I'rof. J. H. Vuugh an, of the New Mexico College of Auric lulture and Mrchania Art, will peuk on "What Is Het In the In stitute for the Higher Grade Teach er?" The place and empruml thai should be given special subject In Institute will be discussed by Mi" Mar)orle Fuller, principal of the music depniiment of tho Collux t-ounty lnh s hool. There will be discussion after each paper and a general discuselon al the rloee of the meeting. All Insti tute worker nivl county hool tu perlnicnlent will be urged to attend thl cM.ion. Thnne $, Red Bar. $11 W. Cor per. for first-class hark goad tMrrlaga W. U Trimble Co. Try l-cnt IIrJd want t4. UUIUULI SECT ON BE N6 onninE.GiiiiES whiskey AEID DEER HABIT i ORRTVH it IliA IhHiUTiI rsmsilr anl rrryher reeoitniwd a Ids most niifsvf ill aail ri'liHliln bonia treat nieiit fur Hi "lrn, Habit. ", lt Is hiMy ,rsinei l,r thnuanml of women, l,ei sus it bas riKlnrrd their loved onil to live tif Mlirii anil aerfvilneaa, ami tha seokljr mtgm alorh at one I mi aero sn-ni fir "Iirink" si bow um1 tu iiunhaw Ilia ureemHriea and many romfort. for bonis. Aiit wif or mother liu waul to sava her I or bob from " Drink" Mill l )rlid lo gnnw that sl en a urcliase OKKINK at our More, and if DO liu fit oblamrd after a trial ti tuuurf will be refunded. (ia be gurn e crellv. a tiltlilVK I iri'iired la tvto r.rmsi o. 1, sn-nf treatment, a xi,ler, aH soliitclr lalce slid odorless, ,v,n strretly in fissl or drink IIIIIIINK No. 2, ia ('ill form, ia for liiosa abo il,-,re tu Inks volnniiirr I nut n, rut. C'vU HU'J fl.00 fT ts. Aai fof fv Irvoklt-t telUug all about OKliiM FliS 11 OF 1GH LIBEL IN FULL EFFECT Nothing in the Constitution Which Blocks Full Revival of Notorious Statute, Re vived Under Blind Title. Simla Fe. N. M.. intccrstiug dc lalon in the case of th couple were divorced several yeur suite viT.ii, Hoy Klder. under sn In- suo Oray wu Hven absolute coi.irol du tment for criminal libel front Curry , lh? l hl,,n u ond. rslnoil county, growing out of publication In J tnt It wna with Ihe Intention " ol 1 Hl Vr'"" Jourtml. Ihe su- i starting something that Mr. Auaus premo court ycnierday showed thlt)ne Bm, n.,r ,)ui,mll, Wt.lU , ,h0 law of ISVJ :, lliiel lo be In f"U : K.indy a week lirav became for. r und cfTect and In no wise ha in - W1, re lf ,p lnlcn, ))f ,,",.,,, , pered in It. operation by provision it , vall). om, WUl,d August, lie to of Ihe suite constitution. The court . ,., ,1lt , ,,.,, mllIt happen, decision w,, a revere., I of th. dec..- ( Auillls,lnp r,mi , K(KmMn ,', ,hp 'n of th wer court which had sus- .,... ,..,. . ,h. ,..u ,.. tallied demurrer to all count of Ilia indictment. The supreme court find nothing; the father of her children haa not rctrouctlve In the provision or the been learned, but It 1 known thai constitution prohibiting a "blind'' or(he fired five shots at him with un misleading title .a legislative act; automatic pistol at close range. The notorious libel law of waa Three of the hta struck (.ray In revived ny tn legialature under a "blind" title, which merely brought the old taiute. which hud been re - pealed buck Into effect under Ha statute number. Th court's decision follows: Iiemturcra containing eighteen grounds were filed to each of the m - du tment. Tho trial court In - us - lainliiK them did not stule the ground or grounds upon which they were up-, held. The demurrers being sustain-1 od, Ihe state appealed lo thla court. Judgment of the court below, re- ' versed, case remanded with Instruc tion to proceed In accordance with! opinion of this court. j Syllahoe by llie Cittirt. 1. There is nothing In the organic act of the territory of New Mexico, 1 not In the law of congrrs relating to' aid territory prior to Ita admission to ! statehood in 1912, prohibiting Uie re- I vivnl of a law which hud been re-! pealed by reference lo lis title In the' reviving net, not the reviving of m1 act which hud born repealed by re-) pealing the act which reealed the, original act. 2. Article 4 of section IS of the I'onatltullon of the alatu of New Met ro, providing that "no law a-iall be revised or amended, or the provision :nereof extended by reference to ita title only, but each section thereof as revised, amended or extended ahull be et out in full" ha no retroactive(ef- icct unit doe not apply to nor mane Invalid or unconstitutional acta of law pussed prior to the admlioiliin of New Mexico us a stutc, which prior act or law doe not comply with said section of the constitution. 3. Article i. section !f of tho con stitution of the atale of New Mexico providing "The subject of every bill x llit 1 1 lie clearly expressed in Us title, and no mil embracing more than one sllbjei t shall be paseed. . . . " has no retroactive effect and dues not up ply to nor make Invalid or u lie. insti tutional acta or law passed prior to the admleslon of New Mexico ua a atute, which uct or law so passed prior to the admission does not com ply with the requirement of said ec. lioii of the constitution. ' t'trtiMlitullon In t oiirll.t. 4. Ann ie J, section 17 of the con stitution of New Mexico providing that the truth may be given In evi dence to thu Jury aa a defense in all criminal libel suits, I In tonllut with section 22 of chapter 1 1 of Ihe law of ISSi, and repeals the latter law insofar aa the laws of 1SS llmlta the. pleading rnd giving In evidence of me irutn as a aeiense in criminal nuei u 1 1. S Where an Indictment for libel alleges that the defendant did publish cerium libelous matter, thla alienation U sufficient, on demurrer to the In dictment, ua the word "publish,'' pri marily, means to make known, und It need not, therefore, be alleged In the indictment that the libel waa circu lated nor that ,t wa. read or a'en by ( a third person. . Charging a person in a new- paper with being "an unprincipled on und one whom ull solf-reertl-ig persons ran out desplxe," and, again, charging him wi'h being "a moral toward" and "an Imbecile" and "one who hua ubout aa much regard forNhe truth aa an Infidel has for the ftihle," I llhtioii under ub-diviion t und S of ection 7 of th law of New Mexico of ia. 7. The atatutory definition of libel governs, where there I a atuiule on the subject, and it la Immaterial whether the word alleged to be li belou are libeloua per e or not. t. An Indictment In libel sum clent on demurrer If it set forth the part of the publication alleged to be libelous; ' the whole publication need not be ael nut In Ihe Indictment. , Where n n indictment in libel (harue that Ihe allesed ilefumalory mntter ia fulee. it la sufficient in law ott demurrer In Ihe Indictment, and Ihe indictment need not be alleaed tii.t It la Iruo the mutter were not pilhllohed with good Mini lien or Jii tillable ond, a uch negative alute ment la not necemnry in the Indict ment and l not such a pruvlan in tiie law aa need be negative In the Indict, ment, but la a matter of deletise on the trial of the raae. NORTHERN ARIZONA WOMAN USES FORMER HUSBAND AS TARGET Klngmiiii, Aria., Hept. . Mr. 1.11 Auguntlne wna brought in from the Hig Handy c'uinlrv last ulght und lodged In the county Jail, and on the sums automobile It. 1- tlrny. a ranch owner of the lug fundy, and former husband of the woman, win brouaht In town for aurxlcnl treatment for three danger in pistol wounds in the shoulder und neck. It Would appear that Ihe shooting resulted from the failure 'of Mrs. Augustine to get pnsciion of two Kept. 11. In an!,,p three minor children. Wi.i.n ihe I how the woman got worked up t" laltemtit the life of the man who wu the right shoulder and net k. the , shot bring all In n radium of three j niche, showing thut she wa some shooter and that .be was shooting to ' kill. Although hndly wounded Cray did not want to come to town, stnt- lug that he waa not badly hurt. It 1 ' - ' r . v.JY. - ': '-'-tri:;: j r H HlWlill IWIIWIfil! i - Government Supervision The properly managed modern bank is an insti tution in which nothing is left undone to provide every safeguard for the customer. Especially is this true of such a bank as the First National Bank which, in addition to the usual protection afforded, is organized under the strict banking laws of the United States government and is subject ts periodical examinations at the hands of the National Bank Examiners. I P "" r,-aT-. - ..V WIND SHIELD GLAxSvS PLASTER, CEMENT, SASH, DOORS, LUMBER J. C. BALDRLDGE LBR. CO. 423 S. 1st St. Phone 402 ' S" tBaBBmaaagBwBBfal W HO 7, II, IIAISII GO. ror (he Bej In TwtA of AO aUoaa, PIIONI 91, j - Figure with us Mouldings and MILL Superior Lumber NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY A NORTH POLE ALL MF .AL FREEZER, COLD, REFRESHING AND HEALTHFUL. DESSERTS FROZEN IN ONLY FOUR MINUTES. ALBERT FABER 213 to 215 V. Gold Ave. Furniture, Carpets, Draperies and Stoves. teMWbl L4 Cit3 fcr Ec!p Nature's Willing Workers are Always at Your Service. If It I eeeema, plmplr, hnil or Wnre r"ur Mfemiard li N. H. , t'-. fanioii blood purhVr. It I alwly l.n.d up to attack dlei4 blimd. And It alwira dora the work. li .!, the work rier dlp e In t nun I, after alli'it.'d perlallsla, mer cury. Iodide, airyrl.iilne, srncnlr and nther di-sl rtirl I ve dnixs tint liv rerir-d a br tot tf lii Mn lie and left a l"t uf Invalid giirmlng a lu what I to nvn. H. it. It. I nut iiicn a ik-ug tlie ri pidity ur Is eiirane of man w.ail.l be abb ta pMdiir". It la Nature wunilerful runtrlbut 'm ta our neieiWn,.a. t j weuiliTflll l-eiiss It ran But l' Initialed: ru nut be tinile any other w? tbsa la assciubii N.-itur"' pr.l. ueia snd finable what a bust ,f men hnnar ss It. 8. H., Hi" world greaient mi-db ins. There are p,tplr every n l.'.re i:mt i. aa old re i.r ulcer Hint drllcd all the salfe. knnwB. Aad yet S. 8. K. tnt'.rn In v. Ill, hlnnd piat nolnrtilly put luln Hist .1,1 sirs the elements Hint nis.le aew tlMc. ner Besti, aad uiwrui It with a new coating of bentihy skin, (let a bottle of H. l. today ef any dmget aud t in the war to perfect bleod beslth. Ittit bewee nf ibstlttite. Knr spi-rlal a.1vir-e ronuit fb" medieal dentrtrarnt. 1h Hsrlfl ftperinc r .,. Cwlft lililu, Atlsni, 0. It It free aad ba helped niultlt'ido. Is the liii.rrasln of Or Hm her who dresse-l the wounds, thu. nothing serloii will come of Ihe Injuries un less Infection nets In. Let the Herald want w do yout work. it, -. , ,- . .. . , if a a mmjjyjj. CHRlIJ.O LUMP OALI.UP LUMP OALLUP Riltl AVTTtRACITkX AIJU BIZIM KINDUNt) AND WOOD BRICK AND PLAHTKH1NO L.IUB ANTA ra BKICit on' Sash Doors, Everything in WORK & Mill Company Thoroughly Well Hade Practical und Serviceable Low Fricel y Easily Operated. GUARANTEED TO GIVE SATISFACTION One Quart Size.. ....$1.50 Two Quart Size CL75 ( . - . luc, . US Wch UuuM At,