Newspaper Page Text
JERRY ON THE JOB CAW VU. I - r Baseball Standing of the Clubs National l.cagup. Won. Loal. IM. lli.Mtnn. ...72 14 .571 Xcw Yrk :. .112 Chbng SI ,l:lu ut. i...ui i a .r.js Pittahuigh 13 .472 Philadelphia 1H fix .4u iiiooklyn 17 7n .4 4 fill' Iniiutl 1 71 .4 41 American league. Philadelphia 4". ,".7 I'naton ......77 tf4 .IhK W:i. lili.Klon SO 00 .1.'4 I l 7 til .'.I". Chi. 11 .4t w York 5 72 .4M Kt. t...uia IH 71 .4. Ml Cleveland 4'.' K .123 I'etieirnl Inline. Won. Ixiat. lmllannpi.ll 72 17 .Hi Chlcngi 17 MH Hroonlvn ... 1 .1-' lliiltiniorn (I .11$,, 4 3 K9 ,51 Ki'iiK in I'liy U .4 1 1 M. I.iiiiIh 17 7 1 .441 I'lilslnirnh II 7.1 .411 YESTERDAY'S RESULTS Xmlolinl I C?!!!". toxlon, 1; rinlujili.liia, 0. Firsi tami'. H,.Hl.ll. 7; riilliiilcll'hlu, i. HfK'iiil pa mi". Nt-w York, t; llrooklyn, 1. Kirai nir. Kruikin, t, N York. I. 8-on,l game. IMtMtillrKh, 4; i'hlniKo. I. M. I.oUIh, 2; Clliillin.ill, 2. AltH-rkKII ' lA-aKMl. I'hllnilf ll'luii, a; HoKton, I. NVw York. ; Wa.lil:iKtoii, 4. M. liutM, ; l'lrV4 limit, 1. IW lroltCllll ilgO ,4HlK,llll. I'lcral U-aiciit. ft. Iiula, 1; llrooklyn. 0. Knnn 'iiy, I'lllHloimh. 1. Imlhinapolix, 12; ll.iUiiiiu'if, Hallini.ire. S: InillannpollH, 3. Hiiffiilo, 1U; I'hitago, S. GAMES TOMORROW National Iagui". HriKjkljn at linatun Nw York at I'tillatlrlphla. 'lil,ao ut I'ittaliurith. M. I.uula at t'lni-lnnatl. Anw-H'-an l-aKuv, lM(rolt at ChlraKo. CI. vrl.illil at HI. I.oil In. l-hlloilflphln at Nw York. Iloalon at Waahlniton. Vrtirrnl latur. Knnaaa City at I'lltai.urgh. ft. at Krooklyn. ( hiidKo ut IlulTaio. lndlunatiolla at Ilaltlmor. I txtr rollrsr Tlajr tuM. lnrdin City. N. Y-, Hit. U Four wrr r-.r-Mintoil ly the i-licht aorvlvnr In Ihn Intcrna llonal lolf uwMKlallon'a annual tour, iniini.nt at th tiardon t'lty 1'I' cliili'a llnka today. hon lay wrt r autiK.I In the Individual rtiamplan alil eniiti'Ht. ST. VII CUNT ACABE iimuiuxi ami itAV fliASMCS W IIIXII'CN SPOT'S Maali. raliitlmz. lirantutlo Art, ltmaMwtln SclnmA a" 11 Atunitlim. I(r- ugnlaMi a Um I-ading- AivdViuy ol 1'rrliarat'M-jr auil A'-KiU-oih-. , till.U &U1-UIJUJI fcX. THE Oo m Si PvCTUM", 1 Vu"fctf U A,TVOi. CU30UD I Go "TO ! f TA1LV 1 vONfj TH, E OF BULL GAMES Old Town Browns Will Meet 0. R. E.'s Agiin and Red Sox Are to 06 Up Against Ean Marcial Sunday. To lively lnl Riimi-R mo hpd-. lili'd lo I pl.iyi'd h-ri' Humliiy i.ltir iioon. Tin- ii. It. K.'a aro to im-pl th I 'I.I Atlniiii"i'iiip ItriiwtiK, niul I"' Hi d Sox arc dui. to c nlcrl un I If Kim Mnrriiil (iriiyo. Tlu "rut liini" th Itrowtia mot the ii. It. I) h th..y wall"l'd tin- rail r'ni'lir It to U. Vlannn.r Moore nl tin' 1 1. II. K.'a ua hlx iiiCKri-Kution la out to niiiri Hrioiinin. ilanuiirr JiniiH (lupvara "f the Itrowna any hi' Ml I linn I ut I v rrrt;iln I hut tin I'.rowiiH will ri o:it - Imsfliall nn umi'rt.iin k.hii Inn ho Ih hUhoIiiIoIv auro hla mi'il will he In tin- niiililln of tin lirnttl all Hi,. tiiiK'. Ictllim all tho I.iihi.U.iII In tin Ir ryfti'in out. ' Tilt km nn. lictwri'ii I ho Sot and Sun .Man in alKo uliould lo K'"l h ipuniH have hin ilaynm (a:t lall, and thi! i)ruy lire Kltixxira. HUGE FIELD ENTERED IN AMATEUR UNION TRACK MEET TODAY tlnlilmorv, M.I.. Si pt. II. Wish th,. tratk at the John 1 1 ik Itii unlvtr alty nihli'tti' field, Hoinewood, Hi Ni'lendld eondltion and moi of the I rumlnetit nthletea or the i oatv mi'eli -iir the annuil aninteur union track and flrlil ihiimiloiinlilia will ha(. an auKiiirea ik'hiii; Huh iifli-r-ni.on with the Junior evuitn. There are 2UI Jtmilor entriea. I The Markets 4)C " Chicago Grain t'hleoun, Sept. 1 1 I lM',inrai mi-Tt hy numrroua mm II holder of wheat niadu uluea Imliy loiitimie lo re- todo. After iiienln l-4' to 1 l-4e loHer, the market rallied a lillle imt then aakked further than hefoie. The cliiae waa nervoua at the an me an limt n lit lit to 3-4c off. Corn fell with wheal. Pr!? njinied 3-ke to I 1-4'' oiT and Inter n (Ti led nine additional aeilmtk. The u UIIK4 tiled at a (hade lo 1-4'' net dot line. Lj'iuidullnft aalea by at n tiered ruin-miii-i houaea pulled oala duwnwurd I mm the at art. Hood aupport turned the proviaion market u tirade. Wheat hpL, 11.11; lieo., f 1.14 1.4; May. 11.12 l-i. 'orn Lec 72 .Kr; May. 7S'-c. I la lie I lee. , 1(1 1.4c; May, 13 J-ii. I'ork Jan., 120. HO. Ijird Oct., $.12; Jan., tl0.H0. Ititia (Kt. 111. in; Jan., tlu.kl. . I4d ami Kpflier. ft. I.uula, Hept. 1. l-uil nominal. 11.72 apelter dull and lower. KaiiMM (lly l.lteM'x k. Kanaaa City. Hept. 1 1. ling lie retpt 2.0)10; weak. Hula. i a.Hl. heavy, IS.S4i .0: Parker and huti hi ra, JS.7Ui J (in; liKht, $ S li.fli; pla. 7.:4i H 21. Cattle Hecelpla 1 . out aleudy. I'rllllc MY, Albuquerque, N. M. m-iumh, ron c.iuiji hljlU MIlI U 11. 1U. ll fciaia. ONtiwa 4Juiili'tA lt l'artli-ular, aildrcaa) V1MCL.XT AU'AliKM ATTRACTIV CARDED ) 1 EVENING HERALD, ALBUQUERQUE, N. H., HIT DAY, SEPTEMBER 11. 1914. r m wmw-1 mmm PvyZ&r r.i.riiii iff r- v 'i. jv-.'- JL j -P I aof. SWcs a NOf?f fed et-ora, M.71i 1U.71; dronaod boof floora, H. ii II 4 'I; weatorn ale'-ra, l 71 i H.S1; aim kcra and fi-i ili-rn, f H 1)04)1 H.I1; rrilvi n, t.r.'i4r lD.lil. KlifH Hi'f'iM 7. mill; IiIkIiit. KiiDilia, I7.214I h.iiii; purliiia, 11.71 4i 4). tit; wthi iH, $1314i 1.71; rn, ILOUli 1.40. Money MarktH. Now York, ji-i't. 1 1. MohIiik : Mor. (anillf 1'iii'ir. 7 l'ir I'tit. Kti'rliiiK rxrhimifi aiiMiil)'; fur in !. 4HH.1H1I TiHO; or uVumn.l 4HH.Hi i 4!I9.. Itar alhor, Is J-ko. tliliaao l.lrntM'k. rhlnigo, Hi-I't. II. Ilinil'lH S.IMMi; r-ak. Itulk of anl, f i.71, 2; tK.114i .4i. rotiKli, S".31i H 1"; Unlit, I K. HI! II t in ht iivy, K :il i ! 31 I'lita. 14.71 H..HI, Catlli- lln'rlpta lltlO; atroim. l.i-na, t.ii 1 1. oil; atf'ra. $31'. !i.31; aloi Ui r mid fii'lir". II 4u 6 21; row nnd hi-lfi-ra, 3.7Hi.31; I lll4B. 7.HI4I I I I". Shi'ii If' It.Odii; firm. Shri'i, tl.lli 8. mi; y.rliiiKa, fl.HUOr .61; laiiilm. I4.1U4I D.2M. THREE YEARS IN TRISON FOR ARMY OFFICER WHO EMBEZZLED $8,000 j Washington. Sept. 1 1 . Pri-aldi-iil WIIhoii hiia upproved the m-titence oil il' frnni the army nnd Ihreiv i "r' itniirlnonnient In the pennen-1 tiary at Kurt li'avenwrth, KuiiHaa. ' iln" wed by a geneial eoiirl martial at Kan Krnn, in n upon Captain loxeph II. (irlllltha of the iiuurtar-1 mauler tori, a of the army. Captain I Oi llllllia waa I'oiivlcied of inln rxlliig I ii, unit t,onn In goxeriimeni lunda ut Seattle, Wlifh. E MEN Ifl THE SAfl JUAN AFTER Taking Pictures Today at Az-j tec; Will Go to Farmington! and the Navajo Show at Shiprock. Axtec, N. M, Kept. 11. The Sail! Juan (i.uniy air tloae today with u I r'C"rd of eomiU-te auci'i-aa. From the j opening on VVeillu mlay the limn Una I en iniwili'il and everyutidy haa hud a good time. Yeaterday It. C Hit randex, the Itepulilkan tiuullilate for longreaa apoke hero and waa heard with eoui-tenu attention, although with a complete lack of eiithUHiiiam i.r niiprovul. The Han Juan county people are for Frrgunhon. J. Hell, motion picture operator for the Han IHego exposition tommiaxion und 1. II. ltra-tne, ja Ulant publicity man, are here taking lair picture, liolh atlll and motion for uae at the ixpoKltion and will go from hire to Furminxton and to lha Navajo fair at HhlptiM k next week. ESPANOLA TO BUILD $5,000 SCHOOL HOUSE Kama Fe. X. M. Hept. 11. I'.npa nnla la to have a ll.Oou punlic a ii"',l I, milling, aciording to Hantu Fc Ciiiinty fchmd Huperinti.nd4 nt Con way, who hn returned from attend ing the npi'nlng exerrlai-a there. A vote on a Imml lue will be held In Novemlier und the building will bo ererteil In th winter. Mra. Henry I.. 1'ollnrd la the Fapunolit prlnel pnl; Mlna X. Fuller aaaiatant. Mr. Coiiwiiy lulled I'lijompie, Kanta Crux und Cuyamuttgue ili.-trlita in thl county, where rl In are being built, the dliector hcvlng acrepted the one at Cnynniungue. Hthoul In lha north di.itricla atnru fictober 1. In the aouth all are tinder way. Mr. Coiiwuy gue to Madrid and Cerrilloa tomoirow. Dr. V. H. t'heyney tf Madrid haa been appointed Irunnl ofllcer In Iiiatrlet 17. 1'aient deak and tiiher furniture fur the new i honl will Birlve In Inn week. HENRY'S AUTO DELIVERY J "Tlw 14-gal Teiult-r TrauaiMirl'' When You'r in a Hurry, PHONE 833. QUICK MESSENGERS 118 N. 3rd St. ALBUQUERQUE, II. M. lyiov T Evening' Three Lines FIRE AND AUTO INSURANCE LOANS-RENTALS. Bargains Lots-Houses-Business Properties. JOHN M. MOORE REALTY CO. Phone 10 214 W Gold HELP WANTED WA.NTKK Kxiii rl'.m i-il wmtrr or unltriKx ut iiin I ..m Cufi. For Sde Miscellaneous Hilt AAl.t. Old paper for putting down cupcla, ate. Call at Herald offlc. Kilt fAi.K or tmde, nhoiit in ncre Iniproye'l tiropi-riv In I. unwell, N M., fur A loiniuei ,iie propiTly or Htmk. Aihlriyn it. M. KclwariK M2 W. Hlnte. F'llt S.M.K Lot ni'iir HiKhlainl park; good air mid view; roiiven p'lit lo hiKh at hoi, I or univeiMity. A In, i houw (or aale. J. A. llanimond, 24 I'.a, t Kilver. SITUATION WANTED. H'lM'J! WtiMA.N wanta Joli In lnall ttiilon. mpiing nnd rcrulililnif. Itefereme liiiiiihhrd. All ium It. C, II. mid oflle... BUSINESS' CHANCES WANTTIl I.wly l lake hall Inter eft In anil manage I,uk neaa: 12r,ii.0'l re,iiired; aalary. S 7 :..' to 1.IIU. Adilren I". II. Ilox 2U!, City. TEC0J.0TE Charles W.Bennett of Moriar ity, on Way Home from Kansas With Bunch of Horses Falls Among Thieves F.uat 1-ih Vegaa. X. M , Sept. 11. Cliarle W. Ileum It, n hoini'ati'Uder near Moriarity. In Torrance enmity, came here clir,l.iy to report thu l"aa of twrrnty-five heoij of huro which he waa ilriving through the country from Kamuw, white he hai apenl the annum I to hla home near Moriurlty. Ha raid he hi, I cuinpod near Tecolote ilunng the previous night and that Inn a thieve had run off hla tinnd. In puty horllt are on the trail. Thl ih one of u nuiuher of alock theflH which hav. in urrwl in the Tecolote In ighborhncd re, cul ly und a li ti rnuiied effort w ill be. mnde to up what la hellevud to be nn urKanixid gang. GRANT COUNTY CATTLE COMPANY SHIPPING Bilvor City, X. M.. Hel. 1 1 - Tin) Fleming Cattle ciaiipany, with riicli" ea nn the .V ingae and Hear creek " ahipping fioin Hie Iih'uI atiKkyanln aoine linn head i t cjitlle. Thia ion;, puny recently a'bl all It alock to Mr. riiilli,y. an aatei'ii buyer, and the preaent la one of the aeveial Hhipmenta that ill be made. lt the Herald vaat ad do your work. LEGAL NOTICES. Department nf the Interior, U. 8. Jyiad Oltlco at h.mta Fe, X. M. July 14, 1914. Notice la hereby given thnt Jnaa Trujilio y A run Jo of Clacltaa, X. M., whn, on July l(. ln, niada honnv trad entry Nu. 010(11, for Iai , Kection I, F. fr.4 HK V4 , Heothin . Kv and Kl, W, ot I.ola 1 and I, Bection I, T'wnshii l!X., Itange IK.. C. T. FRENCH H'VUHI, WltHTOIl Iiljr A-tWntant. Huh ami liiilral. lay ami Night, a 4)0. liUliSETHIEvES HOMESTEADER kTi'iirii""- Herald Want Ads Three Times PERSONAL Fl ll.NITl KB ltKl'AIUINd, iaeklnR, upholHerlng, cabinet und mattreaa making, rug aixtng. l'hone C24. '117 S. Third Ht. FlltsT CI.AH.-t lireHxmaklng. Price reiiNonalile; aat iNf.u t Ion giiainn teed. 4al Houlh llii'h. I'l one I22U. HM.' 1 AIN'T. WANTED Every home owner to ue . Krle Carbon roof paint Htupa leak, Inat b year. Devoe reudy paint. I gul. cover bdO a. feet. Thoa. F. Klher. 401 Weal Central. FUR CAkl'ET tMttanlng. turolturo and atova repalrlns. W. A. Ooff phona III. Vuleanizing Vuloanlilng and Tiro Hepalrlng. AH work guaranteed. Albuquerque Mubber Co.. 114 Weat Central. FOR RENT Houses. Foil It F.NT New bungalow, furnl' i ed; thri'e room nnd ali-eplng porch, all conveiieiicea; til. no. Apply 14U1 Weat llomii. N. M. I', meridian, haa tiled notice f intention to make five year proof, to HtabllHh claim to the :md above do nrlbrd, before Ahelino U l.ncero. county clerk, llernnlillo, X. 1!., on the li'th day of September 1914. Claimant tinnie a wltneaaea: David Trujilio. Flora n Trujilio, Teodoao Chovex, Franclaco Tr'ijlllo, till of I'lm Una, X. M. FftAXCIHCO DFt.ll ADO, ItegHler. Albuqtiernue Kvcnlng HcrMd. Department of tho Interior, IT. H. I.nnd OnVe nt Ktnti Fe, Xew Mexico, July 20, 1914. Notice I hereby given that T!lln Frnncl Ilaaxnn, of Heboyeta. X. M... who on Xovember 15, IS 10, mnde homeatead entry Nn, OI 443A, fnr i,i, section I, tnwnahlp 4X., range CW'., X. M. P. meridian, ha nled no tice of Intention to make 1-year' final prnof, to eatahllxh claim lo the land nbnve described, tefore Jean M. I.tina, rounty clerk, at I I.unaa, X. M.. on September !9th. 114. Claimant name a wltneaae: Wllllnm C. Kennedy, of Heboyeta, X. M. Tntrtro Jaramlllo, of Rebnyeta, N. M. Dealderlo Trujilio, of Bcboyeta, X. M. Hnturlno Romero, of Seboyeta, X. U. rnAXcisco deiiado. Heglater. "Evenlnf Herald." Alb(iiuenjue, N. M. Department of tho Interior. V. 8. Land (imca at Ha ma Fe, X. M.. July 14, 1(14. Notice I hereby given thnt Fmrnn Trujilio of I'laclia. X. M-. wtio, on July 1(1, ltiii, made hoin'Blend entry No. 0106111, for XEU SF.', Hectlnn , Townahlp 12V.. Itung IE . X. M. I meridian, ha filed police of Inten t'on to mak five year proof, to ritab. lUh claim to the land above dear fined, before Abullnn I I.uci ro, coiiniy clerk, at Hernallllo, x. M.. on the lath day of Heptember, 1814. Chiimunt nimn aa wllneaaea: David Tiujlll... Joe Trujllln y Arinijo, Teo doao Chavex, Franclaro Trujilio, all of riaclta. X. M. FIIANCISCO DEflADO, Iteglater. Albuquerque Evening Herald. XfrTH II Hilt M III.U ATIOV. V. H. I-in,l Olilce at faiita Fe, X. M. AugiMt ID, 1(11. Notice I hereby given that Fran rlaco lliuiloy.i, of Cuhexon, X. M., who, on February liith, 11, mu.le homeatead entry Xo. 0K3S1, f,r Bi:4, Kection 21, Townahlp IBS'. Range W. X. M. I'. m.riilinn, ha filed nollco of Intent inn to make five year proof, to tablih claim to the land above deacrlhot, before Charle W. llolman, l'nite-1 Hlutc rommi aioner at Cabexon, X. M , on October I, 1114. Claimant name aa wltiiraae: Tt. F. Heller, Clemenla ('maun, Felipe Mon ti. y, I'cdro Martini x, ail of Cabexon, X. M. KltA.NCl.SCO HKIiAlnl. Itrglatrr. "Evening Herald.' Albuquerque, N. M. WAIt AND LOVE LOVE AND "l OoKJ 1U.T0SV TVr ?nOW AG Aim- KAOST 1 VtAV TXiLS X GET OUT Three Dimes Dunbar Bargains rtiii moxT. 4-ronm modern iitlck hotrne , Knm Central avenue. 122.10. 4 l-room houae, corner Coal avenue and Htv-nth atreet, 4 Ktore room, Central Am., be- tween Third and Fouith St. t-rooin nioih rn brlclt houaa, 111 N. Y. ave 2X.IiO; water iii Id. 4 l-room houae, in Xo. Fifth At.; modern, 11.1.00. 4 -room houae, Highlanda, 110. 4 -room hnuae; euat llarnldlne avenue; modern, 1 30.00. FtHt BI,K. 4 l-rnnni huue for gain t.r tent; Weat Coal avenue; modern; hit 4 udxl42; line ahudn and lawn. Jtanch, ISO acre Improved, well tucked, nnd for aale at a bargain; 7 mile nut. Fine cor. Iota, Weat Coal Ava. 4 -room' houaa, Weat Iron Ave., 4 Price. 11.500. 41 All kind or terma. HI!K lSt ltNCK 4) M'.IM.Y Kt lM. 4 IirMiAJt'H III-: Mi ENTATB t (UVIt'lC Sll fiotil Ave., 4'tatiir Third 84, 4 HOTELS OF SOUTHWEST. DIRECTORY. ST. JOHN, AHIZO.Va tha Ameri can Hotel. Hrud,uurterg cicean-to-Ucean Highway tourista. TMudern throughout. Dining room orvlc une'iualled. Fine ahada a .id lawn. JIOTKI. nillTN.SWlK Ilolbrook, Arlxona. 10 gueal rooms, modern; tourlat' headquartara; daily road bul letins: guide furnlahed lo points ol Intertill; dining room In connection. 8AXTA Fit Tha Montexuma Hotel, American plan; aerrtre flral elvaa, electric light, gttsam heat, telephone In every room. Hpcclal attention to auto parties. FOR R-Et-n Hooms. 'nil ItKNT line very desirable ultn of outalde otllce rno:nH In N. T. Ar mljn building. Apply (ion. P. Al bright. Phone 4 4i. FOIl UHXT 3 housekeeping ro"inH With . aleepln pmi Ii, f 12. Ti le phone 1124 J. FOR IIF.NT Ijirtre room with sleeping porch. 422 W. Jktnrquette. Foit llITNT Two nicely furnished room for light hou.. keeping. Ap ply SO 1 North He. mid Ht. Foil ItKNT 3 furnlahed mums tT housekeeping; .lectrlc lights wnter and u of teli-phnlic, 1 1 s.ntj. l North Flrat Ht. CUSTOM TAILORS. COMI-: IN and seo my new fall wool ens. I have received a largo stock of the tieweat pattern. 1.. C. (We ll' tx, X. T. Annljo building. Chicago Hill A Lumber Co General Planing Kill 3rd and Marquette Phone 8 DUKE CITY CLEANERS Ve clean lutia, uii'ii and so. K'n'g clotlilug, ruga, curtains, flraMTte, etc. J20 W-t (.idil. l'hone III, Promptness Our Motto Yel!drilling, Wclldrivinjj and Irrigation Plants WIMIMII.IX, TIVKS, ITMPS AMI lll.rAIKI V(i Agctn for Wcla-r 4. a I.nliH'a J. V. WfU.KIVC, Hi W. 4 pH Are. Urn. ilu.iie I12HW. tifflce plioim Expert Hair Work. Combing inailo Into awltchea. translormaiions, pufft, curia, etc.; saH.hea dyed, tills. M. ri iu alartia llo Miou. Phone 111. Ill H. 4th Ht nva WAR. UP V ' f I CauT Set PROFESSIONAL CARDS Pbysl clans W. M. SHERIDAN, K. D. , I'racuee I.lnilte.1 to CEMTtM IUNAHY ISKSU And DISF.ASF.a. tF TUB RK IN, Hie n tNHTSixii anil Nogui lu Teaggk Daivaraan '( Administered. Cltlxeng' Hank Hulldlng. Albuquerque .New lfaglegi A. U. Kllor.TI.K, M. I. Prat-th-a Unutrd in iHivemrMata. OlUce Hour. 10 t- 11 a. in. Pbonc 1171. 124 V West Central. Albuquerque Fsnltarlum I'hnaa III. MilliM'lV I.. Id IITON. M. I. l'li)J. Ian and l:e!den,e, r.lo Houth Walter HtreeU l'llo: e 121'i-W. Ofll e, Harnelt HIiIk., l'hone I IT. DRS. TULL & BAKES Kpertnlbiia 1-ye, Kjr. NiNje, Throat, Elate National Dank lUda. I'booo 14k T. I". TX'CH. M. 1. HpeclxllMt in l.yo, lr, Num- ami Throat. Cnpii.'il City Hmk lluilding, Hanla Fe, N. Mix. At CoinliH' Hotel, Alb'.HiicriUe, first three days nf every month. lilts, KM MOV AMI 'I.AKKR Practice Limited to Ky. Far, Nose niul Thront. fill ! it Vt Centre." The Murphey Sanatorium Tuberciiloal of the Thront and tunga. cily otllcn, 313 V4 West Central Ave. Olllcn Hours: I to 11a.m.; 1 lo 4 p. m. l'hone r,21. Hanntorliim Phnne 411. W. T. Murphey, M. D., Medical Director. Statists. ... ... fill. J, KKAFT, iH-flUtl KtirgWy. Room t and 1. rturnett Hldg. OTtM O'ltleliy Drug Hi or. (Appointment made by mall.) Itione 744. Attorneys HI MM A SIMMS lawyer. 17-IH Harnett I'.IiIk. Albuqiierqa. Architects. m.sox ii. nouuis Areliliert, Prattlral and l p to Data Work. K'hini I. I.jrl,. lliwil.-r Itiillilhur, Tt'ieplioiM 1003. ENGINEERS. WII.I.IM U KT.Ll:V (Ivll and CoiiBiiltlng l.iiglitrer Cromwell Hldg. MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN On salaries, household good and livestock with, nut removal. Xcfea bought and sold. I'tilon ling Co, room It, ever First National bank. Phone 1111. TYPEWRITERS. ALL, KINDS, both new and cond hand, bought, sold, rented and re paired. Albuqurriu Typewriter Eg change. Phone 144. Ill W. Oold. F. Crollott FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER. til wkst I i:n Photic Day or Muht ."i7H. SANTA FE TIME TABU Effective DecoaiiM.." T, 1111. trMtbiuiiti Class. Arrives. Duparta. Cat. Limited ....11:10a Il ls Cel. Kxpraas .... 7 OOp t:30p Cal. F.xpresa ....10:10p 11 0p Cal. Faat Wall....ll;IOp 11:41 (Thursilay ouly: (lie Lug ....... f:ll S.lla iAmt bound Overland Li press. T:lla l:ll Faatert) Llpreaa.. l lbp I 40g Chicago Limited.. I:40p T:0p K. C. A Cbl. Eg.. 7:Up I 4tp (Wednesday only: ( l4ii I llp ak hi t Ii bwu ml t l Paso A Meg Kg ll lla El I'aao I'aaeunger Pecos Valley Ex.. 1.l North htmiMt From Mex A El P 7:a From El I'aao !.! , 1 Fr-m Pee.Hi Val No. I 1 t II II I I I II III 111 111 III Jill i HI ley gad Cut-off. t:4a