Newspaper Page Text
tix TOE EVENING IIERAID, ALBUQUERQUE, y, M., FUIDAY. SEPTEMBER 11. 1914. - 1 if 1 vw TEST OUR SCHOOL SHOES There it is School time again and the children must have some good School Shoes The growing romping feet are always an expensive prop osition at best. Parents know all about it. They know, too. the real value of GOOD 6CH00L SHOES. We have the satisfying kind with all the style features to jiIphsc the Boy or Girl, and back of it the solid, sub stantial wear that Parent always insist upon. Box Calf, Gun Metal. Kangaroo Calf, Vici Kid and Pat ent Colt uppers, medium or htvy soles, lace or button styles. FOR GIRLS. ny2 to 2 $1.50 to $2.25 FOR BOYS. 13 to 2 B2 to 11 $1.25 to $1.85 S to 13 $1.25 to $2.25 $1.35 to High Class No two words in " Webster's " express more truthfully and tritely the recognized position of Stein-Bloch Smart Clothes in the field of Men's Fashions. "Figuratively speak ing" the man who is STEIN-BLOCH dressed stands out from the crowd even as selected mahogany does from quartered oak. Don't misunderstand they are high class but not hign priced. Let our mirror photo graph you to yourself in a new STEIN BLCCII suit then you'll comprehend, and quickly. Suits $19, $20. $22.50, $25, $27.50 and $30. Overcoats $15, $1S, $20. $22.50 and up to $30. Mail orders delivered free. ok ; west Central AvtJ 22 to 0 $U5 to $3.00 2a to 5a $1.50 to $2.75 $2.50 MODESTO ORTIZ Of! THE REPUOLICA'J E TICKET Old Albuquerque Lawyer Is Given Place as Reward for Faithful Party Service; L. Sanchez Ditched. Although rnnaiderahl nf I hp At tnoaphcre of mvatery aorroiind the llcrnallllo county Itepiihlican, Jegl liillvr thket, whit h ha rcmumed In aume ili.nbt fver ini- the Hnnla Fe (invention, It waa learned definitely hy the Herald thla morning that MoilfMo c. unit. the well known Olil AlhuiUcriiie lunyer and Republican leader ha been given a place on thi ticket ami thai Mr. iirtla will be In mted on by liia friend even agaiuat considerable oppimiilon ani.l to mint iidmIiihi him in the party. Tlii- l!cpiihi an ranilldnlea for thi leciidalure noinlnaii-il liy Hit. uliue. Andrcwa-Joiii rial win i.r the party In the I r... -f . r-n II in Mil Alhiiiueriue wit which M. K. Illckoy prcaldcd. Were. Nl"r Muntoya, I.hui limit t'huvex, Judge F.dwnrd A. Mann. Follow inn the partial truce framed up ut the huntn Fp alatp convention It a acnil-ottli In lly announced that I hi ticket ii hi aland. Hut after n lew da it began to be notaed aliout MtcrifT Ji'hiih Humeri, tin. I been promlwil a mail on the Icgialatlve Hi hi t ax part of thf price of the peine ol Santa Fe. Tin- alterlfT illil not come out of the peace parley loaded down with gift anil apoll. In f.i.t ) emerged aomewhal denuded o to power u -ill pi riiulalica, havlnn been r Ii.uiiI uf cverythimi hut hi loutlly ottli e. l wu rrpurted tllal Hip i fT wan I iih iMt I ii lauiouly on lull um h:a candidate for the leg islature iin.l thai if the iiKniiniril mailt- ul Sunlii 'r waa noi i.iiru-u Mil. In. Itoinrro, would can' the piar.- of HiTiialillo county to ron-in-hli. I he put! f of Kuropr. II wim advanrptl hy hin utroii fol lowing of porMonal friinil. nlxo, that Iirili! ilierp the nomination h-- iiiiK.. of lila lurid and inlthtul p.itt; mtihp, and It U now atatpd 01, un ' auihoriiy that lha prra vurp h.ia hpi'oint- loo air on a on the new 'ounty Iiu.wii and that rtl hun l'.t-n Ki.'-n the p'i'C- on h litkt-t from uhiih Mr. X..n-h,, who livra nrroaa thp river, lina tnn un'-ere- lllntltoiily removptl. It in ruinori't.' Hint JiiiIkp K. A Mann hia exprryiipil an -trenip dia tHi,. u rutinlng on thi ticket with Mr iirtia. althouch nn rramma in'. i nmpany ihr rumor. hu h la uni on IIuik iI. The In kct 11a It imw atulida, t heretorp, lonalata ol Niti.r Monloa, Mod'alo I'. (IrlU. juitue Kdward A. Minn. The Hi raid InformHiit, a man rer i niied aa one of the new It' puhlican ladeia, kaid that while the If.dera wer atill wranKlitiH over the matter that Ortn'a aironx pern.. n il fnllowtna and inltut-nie and lua pinotion at the hiir Inmle it reiiaoiiat'ly rerialn ttli' lie Mould retain hi position on the tn ki i. eapei hilly alnre he h.ia itie rem. I ule haikniK of HhenrT Komern wliu ItiKirla, It ia ataled, upon KettinK aoniethim out of I ho w Tel le of hi reanne rnunty lioaa. UNIVERSITY BULLETIN ON GEOLOGY OF THE GALLUP BASIN Vnlverxity of New Mexlrn ftulletln No. 7 haa Junt been laaurd under date of July, 114, and ia a ilix ti aion of Ilia ReoloKv of the OalluP l.i.aiu or .V w !. mro by I'rof. Chin lea T. Kirk, profeaaor of geology. The bullet In In Ihon.tinhly lllua- ruled with niapa. dhiKrama and ptio tokTHpha and ia valuable addition lo ti nui...uiral literature of the atate ' HaraU want I Una -I Um. El FOR SCHOOLS Well Known Real Estate Man Named This Morning by Board; Savings Bank Work Begins Again. "hnrle K. Mbhail, well known real eHtata man. ti.ilay naatimed otll. e aa truant olb. er lor the Albiniueriiie publli' pi hiiola iiuil rommeii' eil hia iIiiiIih thla in. . r ii i n v iiiuier appoint ment by .-in. ei mien. lent John Milne. uh authiiiiiy from the hoard of ed it, atioii. Mr. Ml hael haa every iiiatl In alien earryiiiK out the work in he in.. .it ettl. I. in .mala and Mr Milne aald thla nioiniliK that he wn well pleuaid with the Neleitlon. Superliiten U nt Milne alno anl thla nioiiium thai the work of ptwhi'iK . ahiinl aainaa hank plan, inaus utaiiil l.i Mt jmr w II beam na iin Monday. Ijiat year the anvlnaa hank Idea wna not ai...le, iiiiN the middle of the aihiml year. Hut even with the late al.irt the hunk eloaed the year with aevernl humlred u roiiata in the Atneii an Tru-i nnil Havlnaa bank. dealRiinted by the hoard of ed ucation aa the ilrpoaltoiv. I niler the ayatema ealabhahed and a repre aentutlve of the bank alH at ea.n achool hulldlna: oti'-e eai h week to rere,e depoaita from the atii.litita The Idea prmed very popular with the hova ntiil K'rla laat year a Mil will be puahed more vlKoroiialy than ever The ai honla, Superintendent Milne aald, him a'arted off the year a work with ratlfvln imiinl hneaa and he la more than ever annulled that the year will prove the moat aurreaiful In the hlatory of the a hoola. ALLEGED STABBER HELD FOR THE GRAND JURY Patroelno Chnvea. w ho ia harxeil with having atabbeil liahrlel I.o.ier of Knnihoa lie Alriaio. waa held In t'K0 hull yeaterd.iy for the annul Jury. He wna heard befoi,. Juatiee of the I'earp Cemce H. i una l.o pe hna reooverpd from nla wound Kor a few day a niter the alnhhlnK hia life waa In Uaner. t'havea fur niahed tin II. DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY IN PRECINCT TWELVE To Iiemoi ratlo Vutera of Trei lnei 12: A primary meetlna will ,ie held nt the New Mexico Athletlo rlub U lid M.iHi.nie Temple) Hi North Third at reel, on Monday, Meptemller Mth d' H p. in. for t'1 purpoae of elei tina 2K ileleNulea to the rounty roli.eiulon '.o be held in the hlKh arhool builil intf, Thuraday, Hi ptember 1 Till, for tl.a nomination of three cundldalea for the hniiae of retirelientatliea, aa per call of the (ounty central inin liiittev. M. MAMiKI.U Preclncl I'liairinan. Ilermiinn Iiroeueinuller, auditor of the Klrat Naiioiuil bank In l'hliaa'. left for home thla iifternoon ufter 11 brief here with Mr. Iiroene iniiller. u ho ia a patient In Shoi'tle a aanaioiluin. Mr. Iiroea'pinuller ia n iloae friend of Krank W. lahuiii. u well known life Inxuranre mail. Mr. tiraham waa for many yiaia with the First National In t hlr.ill". We cun auppiy you with the beat weuiing children a etiH'kiuaa u well a with the atroiiKeat hi hool ahoea i r Ilia, k l at brand or hoalery ia uneiiualled in duiabilily, fit mid tuxt color. I.litht, medium or heavy weiKht; 1.' 'j o I'.'i celila a pair '. Maya r'hoe rflorr, lit Went fenlral u enue liip oi on a to Im ataatil In Im liluli hi ml auiliiorium loiilulit l re phf' Willi pa I hi NUMtl, nay iim tunica, liiaiioiil)' art and aiiarUlliw IlillOr. T Mia. II. pi. I(.mIi, mIiom- auM-rhir kiioMlctlice of iImiiim rufi aa it In iliip mm It iraia- for IIm line tonal fraiiiiiia of m.I.h. anil ilioruM. Mia. Itialcy ha Int-u a faithful co-worker with ilu illrii rc.H, Mra. I'.i ad lord, ilurlnii I lie m- oral w-i-ka' r-litrlM. I it lie ir. Uinta ll.lanivii, who liaa atiM-ai d In coiu .-ri noib In iH-piia t hrtml, Teuia, Kan Anloiilo, anil oilier i'ilii- liu atu waa three year old will luir liiliilitile am lalii-a. vi-rliatde "riMt carnival." enlivened I y cllin iImiicpm ami I'tiiuinlMiv amui. In 11m i iMoiutllon m cue wlii'n Um- I'alllilul Hard (Mr. I'uryer) a-acml. Ihc lli roup. TONY MICHELBACH'S AUTOMOBILE LINE Tukea pui-aengera anywhera In tht city for 25 CENTS riioitea: SimiiiI, I7t. Home, I302J. r. II. XFIt. M. !.. I. o. (Mi.atlik KHi1aJIM. I treat nil curahla dineaaea. Office Htern Hullilina I'hona iiO and 51i. IajIialoy 21C W. Central PHONE 177and 173 STAPLE AND FANCY Groceries Agents for 4 lltK HMUlt'N TK AS Att itinii:n I'lJJ.K KI'HIXt.N ItlTTUt MCH APPOINTED TRUANT OFFICER The Squanderer Is not only the man) who spends his money recklessly on pleasure, but he is also the man who spends hit money thoughtlessly on the necessities. If you pay $3 to $8 more for a suit of clothes than another suit equally as good, you are erecting an unnecessary barrier in the path of your own earning power. Why don't you let us tell how STYLEPLU5 CLOTHES will save you several dollars on each suit and overcoat ? There are big reasons behind the difference between these clothes and those made the old way; all the style, all the quality that any man needs to make him self correctly dressed. STYLEPLUS will teach you that great things can be accomplish ed by doing business on a big, economical scale. ! i( U Jf u) ii ii lvii iilv SS 8 I ii THEATRE ( llSIMON STERN, IncTH Today Only I FilUKrAiT: Toninht and Bat- 1 1 i-' 'Z' i j Iji" 81 (I iird.iy aenernlly fair. Not much j Ztr-: , "' ' r"w' , II b m g B R 1 B B B i i5sE--'' ! (( UJ t( AI.IHWTFHUIK jlV ' ; '' ' ih V?iTV ) if for the 24 houra ended ut II - -m. , J ' :)f i iMIl rT tiTirr TtrsTT) tTC"TTftT ftT ClPtmut TT.CAV o'clock thia iiioining: Maximum II i'. M Inimuin I. Itunae i'S. At a o'cloeh . Houth wiuda. I'artly cloudy. I Ymlcrt. k tlte frcat. n the 11th of AuguM, 1 71. died one of the moat remark al.le aovetelana Kurope ever produced. KredPriek II of Prua- via, culled Frederick the Ureal. Thomaa t'nrlyle thua deacrllipa him: ' "The ntnn In not of godlike 4 lihyaioauomy any mole tlmli of Imiioainx rtaiure or roatume. t'loae-ahut inoutli. with thin III. prominent Juwa und noae. reced- I it k hrow, hy no nieana of ulyni- plan helaht; head, however, la 4 of Ionic form, and hua auperla 4 tive Kray eyea n it. Not what 4 ia called a heauiiful loan; nor 'Pt, hy all iM'I'earaii'ei. what la 4 tailed a ha..y. tin the con- traiy. the fare tieara evidence nf 4 many Korrowa. aa they are 4 termed: ol inu h hard Inhor 4 4 done In Una World, and ace ma v 4 to nntlcliiale hut more at ill i oiii 4 intf. (Juki atoii lam. capalile 4 enough of what Joy there were 4 nut not i't ling any worth 4 mention; uneonacloua and 4 noma coti nma pride, tempered 4 with n chcerv mockery of hu 4 iimr Are written In that old 4 face, w hh h . nrriea Ita t hin well 4 tot ward m m ite of the alight 4 Hoop the neck: unuffy 4 noae rutin i dung Into the air. 4 under lla old rocked hat Hkp 4 an old atiurtv Hon on the watch; 4 and am h a pair of eyea aa nn 4 4 man or Imn ..r lynx of that cen- 4 4 tury tiore .-New here, airordlng 4 4 to all the i. ..iitnnny wp havp. . . 4 4 . And nho among Hip common 4 4 people who much lined and 4 4 ealeemeil him waa Vttter Frill 4 4 Father Fred - name of famll- 4 4 i.irlty whi h had not bred run- 4 4 tempt In that Inatunee." 4 LOST hum , of key a, imn a trlanglo lug. Miuh-r ,peaa rriurn la N. K. i are Herald and ren lte reward. vArAaiaiMaepvaAaaeaaapp ABOUT PEOPLE YOU KNOW I 4 4 9 44444 4 444 TO MUHM'ltlUKHa 4 If yo fall to fat your ! 4 4 pa par. call 4 4 POJTA It TtLKURAPB 4 4 CUM Pi NT. HION II. 4 Her both, palming, papering. UJ tlat quality w ith right prh ea at Maltaui'il-l'aliaJmu Co. I'hona IS. F Candy tetora. NUa bogaa ut 4 4 4 4 wwwwvwa -aMaaapapaJ "-" in 6 Parts 11 The 1H(IMI la mvetr.1 hy . . l ' .u. n, r..h .mi , .i,k. )) SHOWING A VOLCANO IN ACTION The HMMilM) la rotetrd hy all. Tlio rich and xa.r alike riMirr i piaaePmdon. In huylng a MAMOVII )oti aae your money throutili wild ing it and It will Iwlng ou a aul.Maiiiial InHfi'at on Ilia In yeMOKiil. If you waul lo buy a DIIMliMl right hoy It of KVFKirr, ihr firm llh reft, lilntion of 311 year," aiuar ilcallnK. our windows for jirp'Pa ami lake note wo are offering a aiihwtaiiilal ritlu.-tlon fur the bnlantv of Hip montli. ( all and aak for our book on IManKHMla. candy nt 2.". ROe and Il.tO. Eil riertig, a well known contractor, returned lat night from a wait of a month or more in ihlo. Mra. II. II. Mann ha i gone t" ai.utliern ('aliloiiiia to ap.'i.d aevrrnl week. A reaular meeting of Hirmony lod.e No. I, I. II. It. F. will hp held toniKht at U o'clock. Work In the llrai decree. Mi, lioy M. Mlilan of t'lovla. N M , ia in the city viaiing her mother, Alra. W. II. A da ma. of Wcl Central avenue. t'hiiirnoin J. II. Faxton of the atate lieiiHKtatic committee allied in AI- luiueriU hi t night from Santa Fe to meet he al lienu- ratio leader. He ; will return lo Hanta Fe tnnlitht where he will remain during the campaign. I Announcement waa made yealer day that lh I lemin raik prlmariea for I re in. i N'o. it to he held Monday I night, will he held In tha I'entral hlah ai hool uiillding at the corner of Third I alrect and la-ad avenue. ' Principal J. W. Oiltner waa tha' principal apeakrr at the flr.t high ai'hool rhetorlcula held thla afternoon' at I o'clock anil attended lint only by the atudeiila but a fonalderahlr , numher of tha pareiita and othera In-, tereaied. The high achuol orihcalra fumlahed munlc. , Mra. J. 8. Kaaterdny will enttrtaln BILL'S SHOP ci.i'.am:i8 am l'lirFitH HESiD voni riyriiF.i rtt I AXU UK 8AT!SFItU is a. sjml h. rtmtvti iu. i a & I IManKHMla. I l myJJUiiEUABLr ynlJpATCHMAKEM & jtwtieRS 4 i f 107 W CfNTR A L ANr :i , -J P TQ) O T . Crescent Hardware Co. IT0VES AND RANGES PRACTICAL PLUMBERS AND TINNERS AGENTS FOS Ifarsl. Simplex and Advance Duplex Steam ? amy ' SIS West Central .Team BOOKBINDERS ii RULING, SPECIAL FORMS OF ALL KINDS. ALBRIGHT & ANDERSON j PRINTERS, BINDERS, STATIONERS. 208-210 West Gold Avenut ,Phom4i3 i; nil it v' - ii ii i I us ii SPECIAL ADMISSION 10c Children 5c the Klng'a Iiaughtera of the preahy lirian church tomorrow evening ut her home. 330 North Fourth aired, for Mra. liodda. wife of lir lioddn, of Kummervllle, Kan. Mra. liodda waa prealderfl o ,l'c King a la'ht'j hare laat year, fhu la how Mailing trialul here. ! The Kiher ( Ity Independent re felved in Alhunuernue todny auya: Prealdent F.nloe and the k.udeuta of the New Men ho Normal m hool are o he congratulated oh having ae vured for the head of the commer cial department of the achool one of the moat promlalng teacher In thla Una In the aouthweat in the peraun nf Mia. Lillian Kleke. Mlaa Kick la a Hat heh. r of Art from the I'niver aiiy of NVw M xh o, u gruduate of the commercial department of the I'nlveralty anil of the teacher' train ing comae In the AlhuiUcriU llusi Ilea I'olleKo. Hie ha nlao had con nidcruhle ai'tunl huaineaa experience. Mtea Kieke arrived In Hllver i'lly yea tentay nail will enter upon her iipw duttp at iinep and I e.pi led lo turn out graduate from the huaineaa de partment capalile of filling all the het poaliion of that kind In thla p- J 1 tlon of the rountry. j , Lot anvthingT Lat a Harald want ' ad find It for you. 44444444444444444444444444 I 4 i Careful people have their J, I clothes cleaned and pressed Z at Grimmer Ideal Clean- $ t ery. Phone 504; 415 W. J! X Copper avenue. J 44444444444444444444444444 Wt want tnmt Alhmiuer'iua lady to name our rhocolutra. It roKla nothing lo auggeat a name. A nice preaenl lor tha lady whoaa auggeatiott we adopt. tiltMlslI AW'H li"ll.AU l'ltlt l l MM II Grimshaw's 8oond and Antral. "Sanitation nur gpeclal delight." l-r-e- . , LUMBER & BUILDERS' IIIPPLIEI Wbolraal and lleiaJI Albuquerque Lumber Co. 411 Kurt a) rtnat ktrc4 I w 4 J VAAAAAAAAAAA.A AA.AA.A VA A Av .aw Green Chili Thpre'i rraaon why llda la Ilia beat f'aniHNl (lilll itaifcnl. PHONE 311 i 9 A EAT MATTHEW'S VELVET ICE CREAM Phone 420 BOYS AND GIRLS DBINKING CUPS FEEE With Writing Tablets 5c and up. WILLIAMS ORUG CO. 307 Wot Central tt Tin: m:iTY i om akk la that It n i tat tnata induce another every hllp Invitea )ou to rat more. We make the br.t of plain and fumy caki-a every day, apecia!!y to order If ao required. Vou can have chm ol He, itron, aponge, walnut or miy .ind of fake that you prefer, and lla. n.uL j Ity never full o give romplela Italia I faction. v mnk fine bread. I the kind you amuck your dpi after, and we charge very moderately f.,r all our pure Koducta. PIOilEER OAKERY 207 South First Street 1 ... ' "... . '